Reply To: Theresa


How is your son februarymarie?

I feel bad saying this because of course I cant say for definite if I caught covid off my son but he did come back from being on the streets arrested etc after his mnth long bender with a slight cough…

Hes actually been fairly kind and asking me alot if im ok..but is also saying “my covid is fine just feels like a cough whereas I’m already feeling breathless… and that he doesnt know what the fuss us about…and i sometimes think this is what erks me the most…the selfishness.

And just maybe if addicts thought of others it wld help..sorry a very simplistic and maybe unsympathetic thing to say but when I was 17 I saved to go travelling g and did voluntary work in a very poor part of south america and I do beleive I learnt alot from that.

Sorry just spurting off how I’m thinking right now ,probably in a bad mood as covid has bedridden me pretty much again and im scared and fed up that it’s quite probable that addiction has inadvertently put me there!

Everyone stay safe get your booster jabs!