Hi guys!
I’m not from Britain, but found your posts while searching for codein withdrawal symptoms. I read all the posts and got quite a lot strenght to start my journey towards better codein free life. I’ve been addicted 7 years and can’t tell anybody close to me about this. I’ve been together with my husband for 7,5 years and can’t bare to tell him that i’ve been myself only six months and rest of the time an addict. I took my last pills yesterday and we can’t by codein over the counter here, so it surely helps. I love London and been there at least ten times, last three times I’ve been also doing pharmacy shopping and refilled my stock with Nurofen Plus. Thank you for the strenght you’ve given me to cope with the next few weeks. Looking forward finding my true self and joy towarsds life. I’m sorry for any spelling errors, English is not my native language. And good luck to all of you, I hope I can get as far as you guys. XX