Reply To: Day 18 cold turkey from codeine and starting to feel like myself


Thanks for the continued support Maggie. It is crazy we feel ashamed about all this. There is a sense of people bring it on themselves but, in reality, It creeps up on you and before you know it, you’re in too deep to simply stop. You do wonder if GPs were more helpful when told you’ve a problem with meds, would more people get off them? There are so many medications that help with withdrawal symptoms and make it more bearable but must doctors don’t seem to know much about it. The advice is taper off but for most people they haven’t the strength to stick to that. I certainly didn’t!

I’m so glad your friend was so supportive. It’s good to know who your true friends are. I haven’t told any friends yet but my husband is amazing. So understanding and has been incredible to me the last 3 weeks. I feel very grateful to have him.

And yes, we all should be so proud of ourselves for breaking the cycle ❤️