Reply To: Day 18 cold turkey from codeine and starting to feel like myself


Thanks for the reply Maggie. She’s been addicted to 500/30 cocodamol for around 7 seven years, maybe more, but just lately something has been added because she’s barely functioning. Her family are so dysfunctional that I’m not able to get any help there.

I can cope with the problems they throw up but this is just too much. I have my own place and i stay at hers a few nights a week for reasons I won’t go into but every evening I sit with someone who isn’t able to even hold a conversation.

I’ve told her best friend and showed her photos and videos i’ve taken and she was really shocked because she didn’t realise it was so bad. I’m thinking of the get help or I’m gone route because talking to her and telling her how I feel and everything else I can think of just hasn’t worked.