Reply To: Theresa


Hello to all I’ve been reading your posts and mostly mums with adult sons. I’m in need of some advice about a month ago I snapped and told my husband that he’s an addict and needs to sort himself out of course he denied it I’ve helped in the past but he broke and told me then he lasted 6 months about5 year back he’s more deceitful I never see him doing it but hear him but his moods are so nasty now vile name calling I’ve ignored it over last 3 weeks his p away and live next to us but his mum told me before going away that he snapped at her.after got back last Sunday my husband left I don’t know what was said ? Think I’m to blame as usual as there not spoke to me. I really want to tell all.I can’t forgive him this time and I’m hurt 26 Years together and he’s left me and my teen sons for coke