I hope everyone had a good christmas yesterday or at least as good as it can be.
My son who we ended call police on last week when he relapsed as we refused him enter to the house. We tried to stand firm but he then threatened to kick the door down when we then gave in he came in and was kicking off…i called the police but wish i hadnt as my son then said that it was me!!! Although they removed him from the house he has told me that apparently they said they a doing a referral to social services…I dont know if I’ve actually done anything thing wrong not allowing a 22 year old grown man who is an addict into the house? We were trying to stand firm.
I hope that they see we are just trying to stand up and stop enabling his behaviour and protect my youngest.
Anyway after a horrific week we did let him home after a couple of days I hoped he wld see what he was doing but he came back very angry and continues to drink.
We had no alcohol in the house for christmas but smuggled some and hid it in the garden to have a glass when he went to his room!!
I have to say though we had a lovely day in the end my son engaged with the family and was lovely..I wish he was like it everyday.
He said though he has decided hes not going to do AA until the new year and has plans to go drinking etc with friends..sadly we know where this ends.
I have to take the positives and that yesterday which is the day i was dreading him ruining actually turned out well.
And for that I’m grateful. My youngest had a fab day and even my husband and I put our differences to one side.
So I hope that all you have some positives from yesterday even with this awful addiction of these hanging over us.
Kate I know how hard your first Christmas would have been, I thought of you. I hope you managed to have some nice time with the rest of ypur family.