Reply To: Theresa


Hi there.

Interested to read your post. My son has had a very late adhd diagnosis age 19 this year. Unfortunately, no matter how hard I try, he refuses the medication. It’s hard to distinguish how much of his vile behaviour is unmedicayed adhd and how much of it is cannabis addiction. (He says he only uses cannabis, daily, but I’m not sure I believe him). Can I ask how receptive your son was to taking the adhd medicine? I am desperately trying to get my son to try it, at least, but he flat refuses, and he’s nasty about it too. My son does the opposite, diliberately, of what I’d like him to.

I’ve had some councilling and a most excellent book was recommended to me. I’d strongly recommend it to anyone with an adhd child. It’s called scattered minds by gabor mate. It changed my life, and understanding of his behaviour. You should read it, for sure. It helps you to help them.

Anyway, I’m off to London for the night on a theatre break. However my son has just rang to say he’s vomiting blood so I might end up having to get train home!

Love to you all. Stay strong x