Hi Imagine Dragon where do I start … first of all vomiting blood could just be that he has torn the lining in his stomach if he has vomited a lot and if he is vomiting a lot his vision will become blurry, I know this through experience, I suffered from migraines for years and would be very sick with them, which often led to blood in my vomit and dizziness through not having any food in me.
Did you witness the blood in his vomit? The reason I ask this is because my son told everyone he had found a lump in his stomach, had gone to hospital and been diagnosed with cancer … It was a pack of lies, lies to garner sympathy because everyone had switched him off. He did this during a period of time in which my father in law was dying of cancer and after I had lost my own father to liver cancer. It’s probably the one thing I will never forgive him for it was a lie too far. It caused immense harm to his siblings.
If he has been to the doctors as he states and he has not been sent straight to hospital chances are he is either being sick because of his lifestyle or he’s lying.
Of course they are going to get ill if anyone of us overindulged in anything it would make us sick too. The fact he was well enough to go and get his drugs says it all really, not that sick.
Again apologies for being brutal about this, but addicts lie, they lie about everything, so unless I witness something for myself I don’t believe a word that comes out of his mouth.
My advice is to be very circumspect about what you are told and look after yourself first now. They are addicted to the drama that goes with addiction as well as their chosen poison. Any small event can then be used as the excuse to indulge. They seem to thrive on chaos.
The softly softly approach to addiction that has been the norm for so many years is slowly being replaced by a far more rigid tough love in the USA because they have finally worked out that the former doesn’t work. In Greece, where my mother lives, they do not pander to addicts and the hard approach they take actually has a much higher success rate than the methods currently used here.
I am going to reiterate something that I was asked by a psychiatrist friend of mine who specialises in personality disorders (he is adamant that most addicts have that) He asked me would I tolerate the behaviours of my son if it was a very good lifelong friend and of course the answer was no. He said I needed to give myself permission not to be used and abused just because I gave birth to my son. Motherhood does not equal emotional or physical punchbag. He was right, the minute I disassociated myself from the mother label and took a more pragmatic approach, I was able to breathe again. I don’t feel guilty about it either, I did not create the situation, it’s not my job to fix it, he is an adult it’s his job to change.