Reply To: Theresa


Penny. Thank you so much for your message. I don’t mind you being blunt. Your words were so insightful. I’m sorry to hear about your experiences. That sounds very traumatic and hurtful. That sounds heartbreaking.

I can see he’s ill, but it could just be a virus. (He now said this is what the doctor said) . I did sit in the waiting room so I know he went in.

This morning he’s sweating and clearly ill but also being verbally aggressive. The fact he’s still got the energy to swear at me tells me he’s not ill enough for hospital.

Your advice is right, I would never tolerate such abuse from a friend. I’m finding it hard to disassociate myself from him when he’s ill and asking for help. He’s getting a house on Friday so I see that as a relief knowing he’s got somewhere safe to sleep. I keep remembering what a lovely boy he used to be.

It sounds like you have somewhat got your life back. You deserve happiness, we all do. Thank you. I will be reading your post frequently to remind me.