Reply To: Theresa


Hello ladies. Some very heartfelt points of view being raised. All equally valid, we are all doing our best. Sometimes we get it wrong, we are human. I find it valuable to hear from others who have perpaps walked in my shoes, to learn from their experiences.

The reason I’m on here now is my son has been so vile today. He has made me most awful comments about me treating him like an animal and swearing at me via text because I don’t immediately answer phone when at work. To give context, I work in a school so I can’t have my mobile out. He was so furious with me, he scares me when he’s like that. My mum (his nan age 83) has been helping him, feeding him until his place is ready. She too took the brunt of his abuse. She rang me in tears saying she couldn’t cope with him anymore.

He’s back again wanting food, being more polite now. When I say you owe nan an apology for being so nasty to her he says ‘that’s how I am, I get angry at everything’ shut up talking about it, he says. I went on to say ‘you can’t be horrible to people, you can’t speak to people like that if you get a job’ he replied, I will.

I’m just wondering if others have their heart broken by their loved ones being verbally nasty – then act like nothing has happened next time you see them?

I don’t mean to blow my own trumpet but I am frequently complimented by school parents at how kind I am. I do try and help others and I do my best. So how come I can have a monster for a son who tells me to f##k off and speaks to me like absolute dirt? It’s so hurtful. It feels like I’m talking to a brick wall. What’s the point in him even looking for a job if he can’t even be civil to colleagues? He is so nasty even when people show him kindness (my mum and I particularly, we are big softies and he abuses that I think).

Sorry to vent!! X