Reply To: Theresa


I’d like to thank Theresa, Penny M, Bump 22 and February Marie. You’ve all taken time to write in support and it is really useful.

Where else could you possibly get anyone to understand the madness?! Thank you all.

Some real gems of advice. I’m going to have to read it all again. Penny M, your personality disorder thought is spot on. My son has the traits of a narc assist or oppositional defiance disorder. Bump 22, I know absolutely nothing about the supported living scheme. I’ve sorted it all in a rush. Did it help your son? If so how? The charity are not great at replying to me, I guess they are speaking to him direct. I really hope they can help him.

I saw my son yesterday and I was actually frightened. He was in a rage as he got in the car. (all because he’d lost his bank card). He said he felt like killing someone to go to prison or killing himself. He was in a rage. He smashed his TV up in frustration. I was scared.

I haven’t heard from him today which is good. I’m hoping the supported accommodation will help him today.

Love to everyone xx