Reply To: Day 18 cold turkey from codeine and starting to feel like myself


Hello all,

I am Stevie! I have tried to post on here before but it just disappeared.

I am currently on day 16 and this thread has kept me going almost every single day. It’s a relief to know that it isn’t just me who is struggling with this.

I was prescribe codeine by my doctor for a chronic pain issue that I have. I noticed about a year ago that it had become more of a routine than a need and I was reaching for them as part of my schedule throughout the day rather than to manage symptoms. This frightened me and I eventually made the decision to cold turkey.

I absolutely do not advocate cold turkey – it is definitely not for the faint hearted but so far the best thing I’ve ever done.

Day 16 and my body is starting to feel “normal” again. I still get an urge every now and again, especially when in pain but I echo other people’s sentiments in managing with other OTC’s that can be really effective.

The energy is slowly returning and I’m feeling more like myself now. The anxiety and heaviness I felt was definitely the worst part for me as I was always so full of beans before.

It does get better and I am so proud of you all!
