Hello everyone. I have read that you’re all working hard with your opiate recovery!
As you have probably noticed, I have not been on here for a week or so – this is because life gets back to normal and gets much easier after the pills. Anyone who is in that first week and thinking ‘they can’t do it’ – you can! Days 1-5 are the worst then it gets easier. I’m on day 22 and the cravings are not really that bad now.
When I see that ‘black and white’ backing of pill strips (my wife takes cocodamol for a bulging disk in her back) it does make me think for a moment, however just stay strong and keep going. I forgot how much energy you can have without the tablets.
Sleep is still a bit hit and miss because I’m not constantly sedated – Phenegran is really good. It’s an antihistamine I believe – ask your doctor for them. I take them most nights and they help keep me asleep. It’s not like ‘knock you out’ – you could fight it if you needed to get up for your kid or whatever, but it certainly helps and I don’t see why you can’t use them long term as they’ve worked for me for years. Anyway, I will stop rambling – you were happy before and will be happier again once you get past that first week. Every day gets a bit easier. Much love 🙂