Reply To: Day 18 cold turkey from codeine and starting to feel like myself


Thanks so much for your kind and supportive words Wynter and Marky.

At this moment in time I’m feeling  more optimistic about my ability to abstain on Christmas Day. Life threw an enormous bucket load of stress at me on Friday leading to a completely sleepless night. I was so wired and shaken up yesterday I had every intention of using but I think sheer anger drove me to push through. I slept well last night and have spent today negotiating tricky legal documents without too much brain fog. Had this happened a few weeks ago I’d have easily got through 3 packets of Nurofen Plus over the weekend… So against all odds I’m on Day 26!

No I can’t drink either. I’m exactly the same access – the only part of Christmas I was excited about was taking codeine! I’m hoping that my current resolve will last…

Thanks again everyone for all the support and encouraging words here.

