Thanks Navy xx he will openly admit to me he has a problem but not to many others. We’ve tried various things over the last couple of years, he’s seen a GP, been put on anti depressants, had counselling, started doing the wild swimming to try and improve his mental health and everything seems to work and I get a glimmer of hope but then it’s only for a short while and then he’s back plunging us further into debt and lying to me day in day out. We have a business together so I feel completely trapped as if I ask him to leave I lose my job too. Last night was particularly bad, I was adamant I needed to bite the bullet and ask him to leave and then this morning he came to me and said he’s found a local NA meeting that he’s going to try and now I feel hopeful again but also very aware that I’ve felt this so many times before and why would this work when nothing else has…..