Hey I made it to day 18 ! A milestone for me given this forum. It’s been tough mentally, much harder than I expected. First week, a lot of physical stuff, headaches, bathroom etc but as many point out here the psychological aspect is rough, low moods, listlessness etc & sneaky thoughts about using codeine but where will that get me? Nowhere, back in the endless loop of putting that into my body & then slowly coming down off that & wanting to take more all through the day, my life revolving around that habit, enslaved ! I’m taking it one day at a time & realise my brain is rebalancing in terms of dopamine etc. Crazy thing is I’m a competitive swimmer, masters level now of course so have other outlets such as training etc & used to use pre & post competition & training so am learning to let go of these rituals I’ve baked into my system over the years. Tbh I need to learn my triggers for using & avoid or adapt/find a new healthier way other than using codeine. Too much screen time, family stuff, work, caffeine, a good day, a bad day, so many triggers but I know the longer I keep codeine out of my body the clearer things will become & I will reach that moment of epiphany when deep down I will realise I DON’T NEED TO DO THIS ANYMORE. This thread has been a great help during my low moments & thanks for support Marky. So day 18 today but it’s just another day & I will remain vigilant & do my best to make it to day 19. Thanks people for all your honest shares & best wishes to all.