Reply To: Day 18 cold turkey from codeine and starting to feel like myself


We were nearly on the exact same timeline. I’m on day 30 and I was doing the exact same thing as you! This forum honestly got me through I don’t think I would have survived without it! ????

I’m going to stick around too, I don’t want anyone to have to go through this journey alone!

I’m still battling with my anxiety at the minute, but I’ve been suffering with it since I was 10, I’m nearly 32 now… I will say that despite this i am better than I’ve been in a long time, I’m getting out more and my relationships are so much better with everyone. I’m a much better mum and person! Codeine definitely makes you a shell of a person. My medication got upped 12 days ago so at the minute I’m going through a rough time with heightened anxiety and some bad side effects but even now I feel like a different person, which is strange considering how much I’ve suffered ????

Hope everyone is doing as well as they can be ????