Reply To: Day 18 cold turkey from codeine and starting to feel like myself


Hi all

Huskylee,just a thought,have you tried asking your Dr to change you onto Oramorph? That way you will be more in control of your taper.Only a thought.

The mental side of things is very hard,am not going to lie.Alot of us suffer like it. You just have to keep battling i am afraid.It WILL get better! Honestly it will.Stay strong my friend,you are doing so well!! You really are,morphine is another level unfortunately.

Bels is right,exersise does help as does the music,but be prepared for the music “tears”.I think we just get emotional during the withdrawal. Music used to set me off. In a good way,it’s just normal feelings returning.

I hope you are ok too Bels,you sound well on your way!

Beauman,i hope this finds you ok too! Stay strong man! Just holla anyone if need to rant/get off your chest ect.

Stay Strong all ????????????????????????????????????????????????