Reply To: Day 18 cold turkey from codeine and starting to feel like myself


Hello all

Well here I am again. Stopped in November but relapsed again after 31 days. So angry that I caved, that was my longest period of abstinence in years.

Realised last week that I was only getting an hour or so respite after taking codeine and it was mainly to prevent withdrawals (I tried tapering but just didn’t have the will power to stick to it). Was incredibly depressed in between doses so decided enough was enough.

It’s now 72 hours since my last dose and although it’s been grim I think the physical withdrawals are subsiding… I just feel completely exhausted right now and can’t think straight. That said I’m very aware that they could come back with a vengeance at any time – In previous attempts I’ve often relapsed on Day 5 so I need to vigilant.

Trying to remain positive and take it a day at a time. Hoping to feel well enough to stand in the garden and get some fresh air tomorrow or even later today… My current anxiety levels make it incredibly difficult to leave the house.

I got up reasonably early today and managed to get a few bits done but as much as I hate to admit it I’m going back to bed now! Shattered but unlikely to sleep – thankfully I’m able to lose myself by reading.

Hope everyone is doing okay ????