Reply To: cocaine destroyed my relationship


Hi, I feel exactly what you are saying I have been with my partner 10 years have 2 kids and my situation appears like yours. It’s getting worse not better. He won’t get help. All the money goes on alcohol, drugs and gambling. I really want out now. I have had a year out with my youngest and just come off antidepressants as I was so low. I can’t say it will get better to you but I have been attending a local Adfam support group and it really helps to talk. I have stopped feeling guilty now as I know it is not my fault but I’m angry and resentful that I have let it go on so long, will he get help? Does he think he has a problem? Why does he do it? I have just given a time line and think I need to stick to it this time. The group offers info sessions as well. Check out if there is one near you. Honestly they are really helping me. Xx