Thank you so much for taking the time to reply. You hit the nail on the head when you said its hard to know they love something more than you. People who havent been through it dont understand. Its like the person we love is having an affair only with a substance not a person and the hold it has over them is no match for us. He finally got in touch with me yesterday to say he had bought some more and that will be it then he will stop. He always promises it will be the next day… it is hard to know the truth anymore where were currently not living together. I told him to get on a programme but he refuses claiming he can do it himself. It is our daughters birthday in 12 days i have told him i do not want to be around him on drugs and that i will purchase a drugs test and test him the day before if hes clean he can spend the day with us if not he cant. The problem is its always us that suffers isnt it. Heroin makes a person so selfish. I wish your partner the very best of luck. Please keep in touch as to how he is doing x