You havent acted like a dickhead 🙂 youve acted out of love, but well done you for telling him how it is. My partner finally came to see the children yesterday and asked to do a test he of course failed. He told me sunday he was three days clean he told me yesterday he was three days clean he will probabley be three days clean forever you know how this goes. He told me yesterday hed been to the doctors and been prescribed tablets for seziures (hes never had a fit i know off) of course i googled them and they to can be abused i asked how he managed to get into the doctors so quick (normally you have to wait weeks for an appoitment) i asked to see the box with his name and address on it, he said he put it in the bin. You see thats the trouble with an addict isnt it he could be telling the truth and thats what we hope but as you learn and move forward i can tell myself that he most probably isnt telling the truth. I let that empower me now that his lies will no longer get under my skin yes it still hurts like mad but they wont destroy me. Its funny how our stories are so similer day by day, its funny how addicts all do and say the same things. My friend has asked me out for dinner thursday as my mum is having the girls over night. My partner begged me not to go saying the thought of me going out will make him want to use. You know what that is his choice i shall go out to dinner and turn my phone off. But you know how this is i shall spend friday rapt in guilt and picking up the pieces because i love him xx