Morning :-)… so the girls are still soundo but the dog (I should say the not so better halves dog) insisted on standing by my head barking until i got up. There is a story with the dog to (there are always stories with our men arnt there). Artur is a seven month old shar pei puppy. TNSBH (new abbriviation for not so better half) insisted we get a dog i said no way what with the baby and that. Anyway he begged and pleaded swore he would walk it feed it train it blah blah blah. So we get a dog. Now i dont know if you are familier with the breed but i swear he is no normal dog he is like 1/4 dog, 1/4 walrus, 1/4 hippo and 1/4 pig hes awful and very ill mannered. All joking aside he is hard work chews everything, snaps, knocks everything over. Plus once september hits he will home alone for 12 hours a day between work school and childminders. So i decided to rehome him (sounds simple) five families have taken him and returned him because well hes horrible. So now i am stuck with his dog who is more hard work to look after than the kids. He publically messaged me on fb asking me not to put the dog down just so everyone would think bad of me and feel sorry for him !!
I agree they are probabley twins i get what you mean with the faces. When the baby cries he actually makes this face like a mixture of irratation and pain. Its quite sad really the amount of times my 8 year old goes to give him a cuddle and hes like sienna i cant see the telly. Moments like that i would like to punch him in the face. Hard.
His boss doesnt know the reason hes there he thinks its because of his one night stand which i will add is also my fault because i didnt give him enough attention, dress up and do my make up enough, always tired and didnt show him enough love. Im also not allowed to dwell or discuss his infedelity because the guilt HE feels makes him want to use TNSBH’s exact words.
Im not seeing him again until Friday. I have decided i cannot force him to come home. I dont want him crawling back tail between his legs i want him to come home because he loves and misses me. Although i wonder sometimes if there capable of real love. Sometimes i think the years of abuse have damaged there brains beyond repair that they no longer feel any real emotion. He never seems happy or sad or excited just well miserable to be honest. When there clean i think we expect them to suddenly change but there still the same idiots as before.
I did laugh at the tea and biscuits i wonder if she gives them to him on a saucer. I hope he gets crumbs in the bed and cant sleep for the itcyness of a digestive.
TNSBH also stole out my bank account back at the beginning of our relationship. I can only take 250 a day out on my card. He stole the card and took 250 out just before midnight and another 250 out just after leaving me with nothing.Were not allowed to discuss that either yep youve guessed it the guilt makes him want to use. Maybe i should try that line. I can imagine it now. Him: whats for dinner ? Me: i havent done dinner… Him: Why not ? Im hungry.. Me: well the thought of dinner makes me want to drink 20 bottles of wine !!!! They really are ridiculous specimens.
I hope his courtersy car breaks down. And i hope he has to push it, prefrebley up hill at great speed. Let me know how is appoitment goes. As much as we moan we love them and its all very heartbreaking but like you say laughing is better than crying and you have definitley saved a few of my tears and for that i am grateful xxx