Advice please

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    • #6307

      I’m new to all of this – a mum of a 21 year old who has just told me he is addicted to cocaine. I have a question. I know the road my son’s dealer lives in and I know his name (though it might not necessarily be his real name). I so want to contact the anonymous crimestoppers website and give that information over. Has anyone done that? I don’t want to put my son in any more danger than he is in already, but I feel so passionately that these people need to be caught.

    • #19924

      Hi Deborah

      I’m in the same position as you a 21 year old son with a cocaine addiction, we have just kicked out after 2 years of lying, stealing and running up huge amounts of debts to scumbag dealers. I like you know the names of a lot of the dealers mostly the same age as my son and through looking at his bank account the same names on transfers for cocaine, makes me feel sick!

      I like you feel like reporting them all but worry if the comebacks would be on my son. I would imagine they need to build up a lot of evidence to do anything to catch them as it costs a lot of money and resources to convict them unless they are big time dealers.


    • #19925

      Hi Sarah

      I reported a dealer my son used to crimestoppers – its totally anonymous and you dont have to give any personal details.

      However – there are plenty of other dealers out there and they always find one if they need one.

    • #19926

      Its good to do the right thing even if you just put one dealer out of action it could save a life.

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