Hi my ex partner has been a drinker for many years now. We have four teenage kids together we spilt up 10 years ago he’s always been in the back ground even tho he was in another relationship but last year that ended I personally think its through drink he tells me lies. Now over the last 6 months me and him have rekindled in a way he was OK at first but then after a few weeks he went back to normal he gets verbally abuse to. Back in December last year 2019 I helped with a court case he got banned from driving and nearly was facing jail but hes got suspended sentence but a few months ago he borrowed a car to go work away he does outages throughout the year well paid job and he got stopped by the police and now court again in August this year don’t know what’s gonna happen he lost his jobd this year through drink and tells me different it’s getting worse he won’t get help he’s losing weight etc….. The list is endless he’s horrible to me at times and I won’t allow him at my house as well over the last few months I’ve had a trauma I lost my mum in April my brother got really ill I’ve been ill to the point I’m not at work still. I’ve asked to get help he just doesn’t care I just don’t know what to say.