Alcoholic Partner

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    • #4845

      Hi all, have been in a relationship with an alcohol dependent lady for just over 3 years. During this time there have been a series of events to do with drinking including narrowly avoiding a prison sentence, lost two jobs and a home. There’s been time spent in rehab and numerous counselling sessions, all to no avail. Her drinking has never stopped and when she did try to stop she ended up in A&E. Now I’ve walked out as I cannot see a way out of this for her. I’ve no idea what this will do to her but didn’t know what to do next. Still care about her but feel I’ve lost the war against the bottle. No idea if I’ve done the right thing by walking out?

    • #10083

      That’s not easy thing to do so don’t beat yourself up some times u have no choice. I wish I was strong enough to walk from my son a mothers love is so strong but I’m not strong enough at the moment to let him get on with it u feel guilty but we deserve some happiness and they have to sort their lives out for them self’s. If it’s the right way we just don’t know. It’s so hard isn’t it I hope she sorts herself out and u move on

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