About 4 months ago I found out my boyfriend was addicted to cocaine. I did have a gut feeling that he had an addiction but it never crossed my mind. He has join the CA and been attending meetings and got a sponsor. He has had a couple of relapses and every one I react different I either accept it or it gets me so mad. I love him and love the guy he is. I want to be with him and watch him get over this addiction so we can really start a life together. He doesn’t go out using or disappear it’s just him using in his room every so often.
He relapsed early this week and I feel couldn’t take it. We have decided to take a break so he can fully do the 12 steps but we still talk and I support him.
My main problem is my mum and sister do not understand and it causes such problems for me. My dad was an alcoholic and never got help or treatment which meant he left my family. My mum is addiment all addicts will never get clean. She hates my boyfriend and doesn’t want me to go near him. It’s caused some really bad situations. I’m finding it hard mentally. I can’t let him go he is a good guy who just now wants the get rid of his addiction. I sometimes feel am I normal to want to help and be with someone with such an issue.
I’m not ready to give up on our relationship because he is trying and wanting to get clean. But the pressure from my mum is getting quite hard to deal with.