I am looking for advice.
I have been with my partner 10 years.
Since I’ve known him I’ve always known he’s liked a drink however since we have lived together his alcohol consumption has massively increased. It got to the point where he was drinking every night. I discussed this with him and he would make promises about cutting down. At the minute he can commit to maybe 1 or 2 days without alcohol. He gets verbally hostile when he’s had too much and blames this on me saying I get on at him. I’ve tried to explain that I just want him to look after himself. Some days he will say I’ll have a drink tonight and then not tomorrow then tomorrow comes and he will have a drink. I approach this with him and he says it doesn’t affect me so why should it matter. Thing is it does affect me because he can become bloody nasty but again he says this is my fault. We have a baby on the way and I’ve told him there is no way he will look after our baby if he’s had too much to drink but he says he will cut down when the baby arrives but I know it’s not that’s simple.
Basically I am clueless. I’m getting increasingly stressed and don’t know what to do.