Cocaine every time I drink

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    • #5606

      Hi all, before I start I would classify myself as a social cocaine user, however I’m at the point where no matter when I drink the first thing I do/want is cocaine (if I’m out three time a week I will take C) – also go on binges where I’ll stay up into the next morning and sometimes even skip work etc.

      I want to stop however it’s around me all the time, especially with my friends. I suppose the cocaine use isn’t too bad itself it’s more so the inability to stop which really annoys me. This has been a constant habit since university so I would say the past 7-8 years – not sure what the best way to control it/ stop it is?

      Thanks for reading

    • #15705

      Hi Mate,

      Im going to post what I posted to another user so here goes:

      I wasted so many years and so much money on the drug it pains me still to think about it! Guessing from you username your born in 91 so not that much younger than me! Im also guessing you grew up in similar environment where cocaine was just the norm and everyone was using! After a while the two go hand in hand and thats when it got really dangerous from my experience, it can quickly escalate. I assume 90% of addicts start as social users and cocaine has the ability though to take a hold of you where you feel like you absolutely must have it (sounds like you are getting there!) Simply going for beers is pointless if there isn’t a bit of powder around. My work required me to attend events and functions quite often where having a drink was normal and as a result I always had drugs on me, I didn’t feel this transition coming on from social users to addict so do not be disillusioned how dangerous and quickly you can go down this slippery slope. I am by all rights a very succesfull and level headed individual and fortunately I still am so this can happen to anyone, please dont think you are immune to becoming totally dependent on the stuff, if you dont realise the severity of how badly this can go you wont get off it and you will continue down the same road – I know this because I classed myself as a social users until my bank accounts were drained and I started missing payments on rent and bills.

      Here are a few things I try to do:

      1. Come here and talk to people (just like this) speaking about it and sharing your story/feelings is a great way to help yourself and others.

      2. Get rid of the phone numbers, not sure where you get your stuff from but if its a local dealer call your provider and block that number or delete it or do what you need to do.

      3. Hard one – but necessary cut out the mates who use it, some people can take drugs casually and have a great time, some dont want help and that also fine, but if you think you have a problem you probably do and therefore you need to make some tough decisions! You dont need to tel everyone about your problem and thats why you are cutting them off, suggest other activities away from the bars/pubs. Take a road trip or do something else, plan for a holiday with money you will save coming of the coke you will be able to afford it.

      4. Make a schedule and stay busy! Idle hands are the devil’s workshop! Keep yourself busy, go to the gym, plan ahead activities ahead of time.

      5. Lastly I remind myself of what im actually like when im on it! You think your gods gift, funny, chatty, life and soul but the reality is usually stark contrast you just cant see it as your off you face! We have all seen mates on it and beg them to slow down or knock it on the head (yeah thats also you, you just dont realise it)

      Wont be easy mate but you can do this! You are not the first person to get carried away with cocaine and you will not be the last, the UK right now is flooded with the stuff and its becoming normalised which is one of the hardest parts! Just remember blowing all your spare cash on coke is not normal mate no matter how many of your mates are doing it.

      All the best

    • #15706

      Your a cocaine addict mate. Its simple as that. And james said need to get rid of everyone out of your life to do with coke. And never drink at all. And also take up new hobbies. Believe me its hard

    • #15708


      This is the first time I have been on here. I didn’t touch anything drink drugs for 2weeks then had a beer yesterday and ended up getting one. I didn’t even enjoy it I have been using for years pretty much the same as other people on here say this is the last one or I will treat myself. I was in a very bad relationship where I was emotionally abused and pretty much felt worthless. All my so called friends which I use friends in the loosest of terms are on it. I have cut them off but now feel pretty lonely. To be fair I have been out the shit relationship for 4 months and really want to turn my life round. That’s why I have deleted dealers numbers and cut people out my life. But I just feel alone. I was going to go to a meeting to stay off it and to meet new people but I don’t feel confident what if they don’t like me or don’t talk to me Does anyone have any tips or could you tell me how or what I need to do if I want to go to a meeting please ? Thanks

    • #15724

      If you want to go to a meeting you have nothing to lose.. whats 1 hour of meeting new people , when your off your head for hours then going on a downer.

      Just try and stay positive and believe in your self. Try and go out with people that dont use or family that dont.

      I wouldnt worry about not being liked. Your there for help, and there is always someone else who has a worse story than yours, and your there to help people aswell. Thats part of recovery, to help each other. Dont worry about confidence. Majority of people there wont have confidence, i havent. Id go to one. But its hard working it around work and that.

      If you feel lonely because you now have cut people off. Try new things now. Whether you are confident or not, and good things will eventually come to you. Just believe in yourself. Just get past that 1st hurdle.

    • #15726

      Hi thanks for replying guess I’m nervous as I don’t know what to expect or what I am meant to do but thanks for answering

    • #15727

      You can just go and listen from what ive been told. You dont get forced into speaking if you dont want to. But i guess its better to let things out than in. They are all in the same boat as you. I wouldnt worry.

    • #15732

      My son used to say I only use it when I go out, tried to make it sound like it was as normal as having a pint …everyone does forward 10 years. He does it every day . It’s ruined his relationship. It’s ruined his mental health and physical health . It’s got to the stage we don’t know this person . We have supported him to attend groups. I moved in to help him get clean but the reality is he can’t do it the addiction is beating him. He’s lost everything and maybe even now deep down he doesn’t really want to . He would trade family for this drug in a heartbeat. Don’t underestimate it and think you can control it because before you know it your under its control .

    • #15733

      Please attend a meeting if you can . I wish my son had continued because they welcomed him , they don’t judge and it’s a valuable support. I wish you well and I hope you get the support . Best wishes

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