Codeine addiction help!!!

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    • #37666

      Hi all,

      Its taken me alot to write this. I went onto Codeine about 5 years ago and I got the help to come off from support group and went onto methadone, I was on 30x 30mg a day which was awful, I then came off. Then 2 years ago I relapsed and was on 30x 30mg a day again and been taking nurofen plus when I haven’t had the Codeine and paracetamol and Codeine. I have bought off websites aswell when I haven’t been able to get it, the doctor now gives me 5 x30mg a day but I have extra and gone down for 30x 30mg a day to 14 x 30mg 7 in morning and 7 at night, I need to come off, I feel so ill and so depressed and I just want to come off,  I have 3 children so I cannot go cold turkey,  I’m so ashamed and I want to feel normal again ????


    • #37667

      Hi Skye, tears in my eyes writing this. I’ve been on Codeine 9 years and I’m approaching day 3 cold turkey. I’m a single Mam to my 11 yr old and it’s Mother’s Day today and I feel the worst one in the world.

    • #37668

      Both, you have taken a magnificent step by sharing here. The journey ahead will be tough so reach out for encouragement as often as you need. Mother’s Day is every day so every step closer to kicking your addiction should be celebrated and your prize will be seeing your children and possibly grandchildren grow up. Sending hugs and hope to you both. I have two adult sons with addictions and never give up hope for them. X

    • #37815

      <!–td {border: 1px solid #cccccc;}br {mso-data-placement:same-cell;}–>I know how it takes a lot of courage to open up about struggles like these. It sounds like you’ve been through a tough time with Codeine addiction, but it’s great that you’re looking for help to come off it.

    • #37824

      It’s important to seek professional help for detoxing from Codeine, especially since you have children to take care of. Going cold turkey can be dangerous, so it’s best to consult with a healthcare professional who can provide you with a safe detox plan. They can also offer support for the depression you’re experiencing.I recently discovered a medical detox program that might be helpful for anyone looking to safely come off Codeine.

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