Crack or something else?

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    • #6682

      My partner spent many years on all sorts of drugs before I met him. Just after we met he went into an inpatient rehab after a three week stay on a psych ward for drug induced psychosis. We didn’t see each other for a while after he came out. I was led to believe he was totally clean when he was out, but recently I’ve found out he has been smoking weed the whole time. Anyway he relapsed on crack just after Christmas, he eventually told me when I started becoming suspecious of his behaviours. He seemingly went cold turkey to get off it, lost his job etc while doing this. He was off it withing a week to 10 days or so he says. Then he started his own business and I have never seen his energy levels so high, he was so enthusiastic. I thought he finally found a job he loved. He was working 12+ hours a day 7 days for a month straight. Yet he had very little money to show at the end of this. His start up cost didn’t add up to the same amount he was earning. His moods were very up and down, he was very aggressive with me and my children, he was doing irrational things, he came off his anti depressants cold turkey from quite a high dose. He was smoking weed and having a few drinks most nights. Even more weed than before. Hes finished our relationship and came back several times like he doesn’t no what he wants, he tells me one day he wants us then the next he can’t commit, bare in mind we are engaged. Basically what I’m thinking, has the crack given him this euphoria to work the long hours and this false sense of happiness to come off his anti depressants and the weed was to chill him out at the end of the day? Would it have changed his mind and his personality or am I just over thinking?

    • #22715

      Hi Evie,

      I’m sorry to read your post and see how difficult it has been for you to manage with your boyfriend’s addictions. If you would like some help for yourself please contact us at Icarus Trust. We are a charity that supports people dealing with addiction in their life, like yourself. we have trained and experienced family Friends who you could talk with and maybe that would help you answer some of your questions.

      You can contact Icarus Trust on or visit our website

      Best wishes to you.

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