Day 18 cold turkey from codeine and starting to feel like myself

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    • #5121

      Just thought I’d put up a post for anyone who’d like to comment or discuss their opiate withdrawal/addiction.

      As the title says I’m currently on day 18 and starting to feel more like my normal self. I won’t lie it has been fairly difficult but just so people know there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

      The early physical withdrawals are the easiest part believe it or not as it’s nothing compared to the lack of motivation and energy you feel thru out so basically a mild depression. In the first week I thought I’d never get better I couldn’t do anything at all, I couldn’t tend to my 2 children, I couldn’t do any housework, I couldn’t do my job properly, I basically couldn’t get off the settee to do anything and I just thought this sad no motivation low mood was never gunna end but it does guys ! For the last few days I’ve been slowly getting better, I can tend to my kids I can do the housework altho it does tire me out and my thoughts are much happier now i can see myself slowly becoming my normal self again.

      Don’t get me wrong it is only day 18 and I’m still not sleeping 100% and I do still lack motivation but compared to 1 week ago I am so much better and so could you be.

      All the best guys and I hope this post helps just 1 person battle thru.

      I visit this forum daily so I will reply to anyone that wants to chat or swap stories or ask questions etc.


    • #11797

      Well done keep going and remember take each day at a time I watched my brother go throu addiction and rehab the person he become was an amazing thing to watch keep going : ))

      • #27119

        Well done my husband is currently trying to quit cocaine I am a non user it’s been like hell but hopefully he will get there keep going and good luck

        • #32370

          I have just discovered this site and i,m also on day 18 oddly enough have been hooked on cocodomol 30/500 for about 14-15 yrs taking about 8 a day prescribed  for a severe leg injury and about 12 pharmacy bought a day dont need to tell yiu all about the shame and sneakiness ive felt you,ll probably have done similar but i have to say i am definately in the right frame of mind tobeat this and have started to see things clearly  good luck to everyone battling this n thanx for this site .x

          • #35067

            hi ive just found this site earlier.

            I’ve been on Co Codamol 30/500 for over 17yrs. I had back pain then was diagnosed with fibromyalgia. I managed to get off the tablets for one year about ten years ago but slowly back on them

            I’m taking 4 to 6 tablets a day and since retiring feel I’m taking more and I want to come off them. What is the safest way of doing this? Before I just went cold turkey but I was only taking  two at night. I was thinking of cutting down to 4 a day for 2 weeks then two a day for 2 weeks. Amy advice ?

            • #35649

              Hi Jackmac,i hope you had the support to get clean.If you go to the bottom of the thread it will give more support ????

      • #36764

        Hi im on day 6 first time stopping codeine after 11 half years i haven’t eaten in 4 days im feeling so low, so ill and really whats the point as im doing this on my own thought i had someone but they arnt there to b honest. My hair is falling out i look a mess, Im also in recovery from coke and grass i thought that was difficult but was i so wrong i know i need to reach out but im finding it really hard. Im glad ive read some off ur posts give me that bit off light as ive lost hope

        • #36871

          Hi SB

          Sorry i never saw this,i hope you are ok and still continuing your journey. If you hold on the last person to reply to the thread, it should take you down to the bottom where you will find more up to date information.

          Good luck and stay strong! ????????????????????????????????????????????????

    • #11798

      Hi Mary, thank you

      I’m approaching 4 weeks on Friday and already feeling 100% better than day 18. I’m glad your brother came out the other side it is certainly worth the weeks of hell as for the rest of our lives we are better and healthier people 🙂

    • #19918

      I Have been a slave to Opiates now for many years, I’ve quit and relapsed so many times now over the last decade that I’ve lost count, a very emotional issue that occured in my life nearly 3 years ago now, got me back onto this drug. I was taking 480mg codeine a day, and on top of that towards the end I was taking the 480mg codeine plus 300mg dihydrocodeine a day.This was costing me upwards of £500 per month, and my usage has started showing signs in my job as a medical professional. They’ve noticed how tired and pale I always look, and are now concerned about my wellbeing. I fobbed it off as for the last 2 years I’ve been working 2 jobs and it’s just the tiredness etc.

      I have however seen this as a sign that i need to sort this out because I’ve been taking it for so long now I’ve been spending all my spare time in bed, i no longer see my son, and I’ve blocked all contact with all my family, and just spend all day taking these pills, before long if I don’t do something I’m gunna end up on heroin and to that is somewhere I dont want to be.

      I’ve tried to taper down I think. On day 4 now and I’m down to just 240mg codeine a day but I feel I’m tapering too fast as I feel absolutely awful, shivering, burning up and with absoloutely no energy or motivation to do anything. I’ve still got 2 jobs to work, and don’t feel like I can pull thru it. I’ve also started taking an anti depressant, a week in now too, and I do take slow release multi vits, and 1000mg vit c slow release supplement. I’m not really sure if they are helping. I’m just waiting on the terrible loose bowels to pop there head through the door as I know from previous quit attempts this is to be expected.

      I’m determined to quit again but just wanted to tell my story, and believe me when you are past the worst of it you will feel like you are full of life and energy. Unfortunately as with my story I last lasted 5 weeks b4 relapsing and as mentioned this is mostly to do with a break up with my partner , they felt like the longest 5 weeks of my life, but with help and support you can surpass that and go on to live a much improved life. I’ve waffled on a bit here but it’s probably because i don’t really feel like there is any1 else to talk to about this atm. But best of luck to all those that are trying to rid themselves of this horrible drug and to better there lives.

      Those interested in tapering plans my Dr once told me that a 30mg decrease per week is best, and ofc drinking plenty of water to.stay hydrated etc.

    • #19929

      Hi Wine

      Best of luck with your tapering the best thing I ever did was stop using codeine. I’m not about 20 months clean about 3 stone heavier, a better husband, father, work colleague and all round better human. I’d say from my experience of cold turkey it took me about 6 weeks to feel 95% right. I too tried anti depressants buy didn’t finish the course, personally I thought they made things worse. Keep us updated !

    • #20928

      Thanx for the reply, as luck would have it, I got down to 120mg a day, and I came down with the dreaded covid 19. Because of that I decided to stick at that amount until I overcome the disease. I still have bad cough and chesty lungs, but I am pleased to say that as of today I am almost 4 days completely clean.

      It’s been a rollercoaster of a month and the last few days have been hard, I’ve been so tempted to just take one more bump, for old times sake etc etc. But I’m strong minded and determine d this time to not fall victim to the drug anymore. Mentally I’m feeling a bit more positive, still lethargic, and still a little upset in the stomach dept.but that could just be remnants of the Covid 19 virus still in my system. Either way, 4 days and counting,

      and getting stronger and healthier every day, wish me luck.

    • #20929

      Oh and as for the anti depressants, I too haven’t finished the course, I know they do help, but I want my body to be completely clean of all drugs, so I decided to take the longer route. I will no doubtedly take a lot longer to heal, as I think the mental part is going to be more difficult than the physical. But in terms of being completely non-drug reliant, this I believe to be the best course of action for myself. Every 1 is different tho. I hope that one day I too can make it to 20 months, and I hope to spend or try and spend a lot more time and money on my 2 kids, instead of drugs.

    • #20931

      Well done!!! Keep going!!!

    • #22497

      I’m on day 8 after 20 years of codeine , I took 30g/ 500everssant with fizzy water about 15 times a day … prescribed from doctor … you can buy 8g/500 in UK so I dropped to them for 2 weeks then stopped they 2 weeks were torture , I’m 8 days without any but so tired no motivation … how long it last ?

    • #22787

      Hi what you wrote gives me hope thank you & glad your doing so well.

      Iv been weaning my self of for five months now & I still feel really bad like you said unmotivated & drained of Enagey. But I’m taking 80% less now & every hour of every day I still want more but I’m staying strong & resisting. Do you have any advise on how to stop completely? I just can’t seem to get there.

      • #31311

        How we all doing guys anyone who fancies subscribing to my new addictions etc channel please do with love Glasgow

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        From Glasgow With Love

    • #22793

      Hi Danny

      You’ve already done 5 month of hard work if I was in your shoes I would pick a date, make sure you’ve got some time to go thru the withdrawals after this date tho and just commit to it, you could go on tapering and feeling the way you are or in 4-6 weeks you could be completely clean and pretty much back to a fully functioning adult. It is hard but it will also be the best thing you’ve ever done for yourself and your friends and family. I’m over 2 years now and a completely changed man. Get yourself a hobby to take your mind from it and do some light excercise, walking for me was really good. I’d be happy to answer and specific questions. All the best mate and good luck

      • #22860

        Thanks your the first person Iv spoken to who seems to understand.

      • #24444

        Hi Dadict

        My name is Linda and I think I’m addicted to codeine . I took ill with a benign brain tumour in 2016 and had a full craniotomy in 2017 , since then they put me on 8/500 and I was taking 6 a day and neurofen plus at night for the pain 7 days a week , 52 weeks for the last 4 years . I had to have gamma knife surgery in October last year and when I came home I continued to take them as I was so unwell . In the last 6 months I have increased the strength to 15/500 which I continued to take as I was going through family trauma at the time and I just felt I needed something to relax my head , as I couldn’t take the pressure . Lately though I’ve been feeling really unwell and I’ve found out codeine can make headaches worse and I was convinced the tumour is still growing or something . I’ve been trying to wean of them now the past few days , due to a nurse telling me they can make headaches worse . I’m feeling really tired and my stomach is yuck and thinking off going cold turkey , would it get worse before it gets better . I really could do with a bit of advice , I just want it over and done with . Then when I go for my MRI scan I will no more . Thanks

    • #22794

      Hello im eva , im new here im day 2 of stopping codeine that i was taking after a 8 week stay in hospital , i was on oxycodne , gabapentin and codeine . I bust my pelvis . I have the shakes the cold extremities , anxiety , stomach problems , loss of appetite , does anyone know the timeline ? Is it 72 hours … i cant continue with these anxiety attacks and headfog, i cant tolerate noise and its not fair on my children .

    • #22807

      Hi Eva

      From my experience the physical withdrawals are about 1-2 weeks and the headfog and anxiety gets a lot easier from about 4 weeks I know that seems a long time but it’s 4 weeks vs the rest of your life. It isn’t fair on your kids but neither is you been dependant on this drug, fight thru it for the next few weeks and you will be a whole better person. I hope you manage it, good luck

    • #22808

      Hi Eva

      From my experience the physical withdrawals are about 1-2 weeks and the headfog and anxiety gets a lot easier from about 4 weeks I know that seems a long time but it’s 4 weeks vs the rest of your life. It isn’t fair on your kids but neither is you been dependant on this drug, fight thru it for the next few weeks and you will be a whole better person. I hope you manage it, good luck

    • #22809

      Hi Eva

      From my experience the physical withdrawals are about 1-2 weeks and the headfog and anxiety gets a lot easier from about 4 weeks I know that seems a long time but it’s 4 weeks vs the rest of your life. It isn’t fair on your kids but neither is you been dependant on this drug, fight thru it for the next few weeks and you will be a whole better person. I hope you manage it, good luck

      • #22810

        If you only took it for 8 weeks maybe your withdrawals won’t be as severe or long lasting, I was taking it for 10 years

    • #22852

      Im just scared i wont lie … i feel like a monster to my kids and the headfog is doing me in .. x

    • #22859

      The headfog and the fear is due to the lack of dopamine (feel good chemical) in your brain at the moment, you brain has conditioned itself to release dopamine when you take codeine and now you’ve stopped taking them your brain is trying to figure out how to release it again naturally. Try to get out of the house with the kids even if you don’t feel like it, exercise releases dopamine and it will take your mins off it and your kids will enjoy themselves spending time with Mammy. Don’t give up

    • #22898

      Can I ask a question i have been taking solphadine max for about 3 4 months I usually take about 20×12.5mg a day it dont seem alot but in 1 go I want to get off them everytime I try my belly hurts so much and have a yellow runny stool sorry for the detail and then my body hurts so much feel like I can’t carry on what can I do to help me get off these horrible things. Would it be good to try just take 2 when I start feeling the pain in my body and toilet troubles. Im tired of going out with my family knowing if I havnt had them then I am going start needing toilet then there is the chronic pains. I want to stop so much will lower dosage help me conqure these feelings

    • #22899

      Thank you dadict, im feeling a lot healthier today , sunshine is the best mood stabiliser . I will continue to go out with kids and enjoy them . Dopomine is possibly stabilising now i think as my mind a bit clearer . I will never take several opiate painkillers again i hope .. my bust pelvis is ok without any . C

      • #31178

        It’s been 10 years addicted to Codiene tried cold turkey last for a month and again relapse. I use to take 3 bottles of cough syrup. I want your support regarding tapering Codiene and the Success ##no one to share

    • #22900

      Hi everyone, So I have a strange one, basically i’m in the military and when I went out on tour my back went on me. So MRI scan, I found out that I ruptured a disc due to rapid weight loss in a foriegn country along with the heat, running and doing the job I was given.

      So rehab course for movement to get back at it blah,blah. Anyway, for the pain I was given naproxen, that messed my inside up and ended up with fissure and piles to which after 2 and a half years are now finally sorted recently (had proceedure 5 weeks ago). After the naproxen I was given codeine and it took the pain away. Made it painful to go toilet because of the dosage but it was better than the back pain I had. So been taking it on and off for over 3 years here and there when i’ve had a back problems or bad abdomen pain (all perscribed constantly by a military doctor).

      So I believe my body has become addicted to it, without me realising mentally in the slightest. I just thought i’ve been feeling like crap all the time and depressed when i’ve not had pain because i’m still stuck in a rutt and couldn’t work out due to my fissures getting worse when I exercised.

      I’ve recently been reading and all the symptoms add up to codeine addiction on the body. Now it’s strange, I think i’ve been that mentally aware to how addictive the drug is, i’ve never gotten mentally addicted to it. In fact I can’t stand it, I don’t like the feeling of it and never really have done. So i’m in it at sqaure one because I took some recently because i thought i wonder if its the codeine, if i take some now and feel better tomorrow then I know its that and I can knock it on the head.

      Highest I’ve gone, which to be honest isn’t as much as you guys/ladies at 30/500mg in with paracetamol 12 times a day for about 2-4 weeks (3 years ago at peak back pain). I had recently been thinking I always feel like crap and looked online because I had a thought that codeine is addictive for a reason, so I wonder if my body is having withdrawal symptoms on the drug. I will keep people updated on my cold turkey as of today if people ask 🙂 and if and when this damn depression and anxiety dies out.

      I don’t feel I can perform my job to a high standard that I should be doing even though i’m been told my work (non physical at the moment) is brilliant. I just don’t want to leave the accommodation or even interact with my partner or much to the kids, which I love to bits but I can’t bring myself around to be a good dad at the moment.

      I’m just constantly thinking about myself not sleeping and how bad I feel all the time. Having no mental addiction to it but a phsyical addiction i’m finding very strange to deal with. But I find it easy not to take them now I have my mind set that its them causing all this negativity in and around my life. The side effects are very real on the body though.

      Anyway, heres to day one and thanks for reading my story, apologise for the length.

      • #25806

        Hi MattEdwards how did you get on? Couldn’t see any other posts from you in the thread?

    • #23021

      Well I was doing quite well in coming off codeine around 2 months ago then i relapsed. Im now on day 6 of second attempt of being off codeine and the withdrawl seems to be worse than the first.

      Chronic headache. Lack of energy. Extreme tiredness. Nightmares and restless nights, fear when waking up in the morning, fear of the day ahead, aches and pains in joints, like a crazy heat feeling inside lower stomach and into back, anxiety through the roof. Im so annoyed with myself that im having to do this again. I feel so desperate and lost and cant face the day. I managed to get out yesterday on bicycle and keep positive but last night my blood pressure went through the roof and i think i was having a panic attack.

      Im assuming that im going to have these physical symptoms for a couple of weeks, can anybody reassure me that this is all normal. I had been doing cocodomol 30mg on and off for her a year, prescribed for nerve pain. I think im going to have a long haul getting off this devil drug. Thanks all.

      • #23022

        Hi fluffycat. I registered here to ask for reassurance too as I’m 13 days off and in bed wondering when it’ll all end. I stopped benzos 64 days ago and codeine 13. Currently in bed with aches and pains and no will to get anything done.

        One thing I can personally recommend – especially considering your high blood pressure/panic is propranolol. I was put on it a couple of weeks ago and it’s been an absolute godsend for anxiety. When it comes to the physical manifestations of panic (shortness of breath, racing heart etc) it’s been amazing.

        Suffering from anxiety and then going through withdrawals on top of that really messed me up – i kept briefly losing sight in one eye, had a psychogenic seizure, stopped breathing etc. Propranolol has taken that all away.

        If you’re in a position to contact your GP i really recommend it. It’s not abusable or addictive, it’s just a beta blocker, and it basically prevents adrenalin from being released into your bloodstream. It’s really helped me manage panic.

    • #23024

      I’m coming of cocodamole Iv been on it for ten years. I’m still taking a third of what I used to take but like you I have lots of aches & pains witch are very concerneing. It is hard & I think a long proses but you’ll get there your doing better than me so your strong keep being strong. Good luck it’s hard to fined people who understand.

      • #23030

        You’re strong too Danny, a third of what you used to take is a huge achievement, you should be really proud. Rome wasn’t built in a day and you’re making big progress. Remember to be kind to yourself, always.

    • #23119

      Hi, I’m glad i seen this post because i need some courage. Long story short i started with a codeine addiction when i was around 17 years old due to some bad things that happened in my life anyway i battled through it with the help of drug and alcohol service and took bupanorphine. A few years down the line i relapsed again and came off with help from the gp and came off really quick because i found out i was pregnant anyway i sailed through pregnancy and 10 months of breastfeeding without any cravings i think it was down to the fact that i knew i needed to protect my baby. Anyway the beginning of this year I’d had another baby 6 days before Christmas and it ended up a emergency c-section i was ok while i was in hospital for 4 days and then i got the Christmas day and boxing day rush out the way and then the pain hit so i started taking nurofen plus this was one of my issues i had before when the gp wouldn’t give me anything for pain I’d buy these… the first few weeks i stuck to 2 4 time a day then i escalated quickly to the point i was taking 6 at each time and could go through 32 a day it was costing me £10 a day so like £300 a month sometimes more because I’d buy them online and pay for next day delivery, we are getting married this coming august so I’ve been spending all my wedding fund too! I tried tapering with the gp but they only did 4 15mg codeine phosphate a day for a week then 3 then 2 weeks and well is wasn’t working i was withdrawing badly so i started buying more nurofen to top myself up. I’m on day 2 of going cold turkey and i had to tell my partner everything last night because i needed his support and to help with our children because the way i feel I can’t do much let alone get them all ready in the morning to take my eldest to school so he’s taken a few days off. My problem is that i have a physiological problem more than a addiction it always comes down to my mental health when my mental healths great I don’t even think about it then when my mental health gets bad it’s the my coping method. Lockdown hasn’t helped my mental health, then having a baby the day we went back into another lockdown so I’ve had no supporting network, my mums dying of cancer so I’m really struggling this time round and unsure how I’m going to cope. I’m trying to pretend to my children that I’m ok but they are noticing that I’m not because I’m not interacting with them like i did it was weird because it was like the codeine was giving me this massive burst of energy so i could get most things done. It’s just all a mess ????. I don’t remember well how long it will take for the symptoms to die down can someone give me some sort of rough idea? Well done to all of you who’s completed it and done so well and the ones who haven’t got there yet hang in there! you are never alone

    • #23159
    • #23170

      Hey, im looking to get of co codamol 30/500. I started taking these 7 years ago when i had my son and damaged my back. My lower back disc is wearing away and suffer from chronic migraines. I only take 6 tablets a day im not sure if this is an addiction but i feel as im used to them it would be worrying to stop. My gp isnt helpful. Any suggestions?

      • #35643

        Hi , I used to take 6 as you and thats the reason why you have a migraine. I used to have terrible headaches and with co co codamol just would get worse . You will see a huge change after a few weeks of withdrawal.don’t give up

    • #23259

      So glad to see this post is helping a lot of you guys out, keep strong this is going to be the hardest 4-6 weeks of your life but the best at the same time. I’m over 2 years sober now and doing great, best thing I ever done

    • #23260

      Hi, the anxiety and depression for me just went away without me realising too much it’s just your brain recovering really but been able to sleep will be helping loads just don’t keep taking those, excercise too.

    • #23284

      Hi LMA10

      I can’t relate to codeine making my anxiety worse while i was on it but it definitely stopped “fixing” all my problems, like anxiety and depression. I can only imagine how bad your anxiety is now after 5 days no codeine too.

      I mentioned in an earlier post that i was prescribed propranolol and it’s been helpful for exactly what you’re describing – overwhelming fear and anxiety, shaking, palpitations, shortness of breath etc. It’s not perfect and won’t magic you back to health but it’s put a limit on how much my body can go through (no freezing or panic attacks since i started it).

      Please be kind to yourself, you’re doing so well. Keep posting here. I found 5 days the hardest. They say 3 days but i gave in at 5 days twice. Try and get as much rest as you can and stay hydrated.

    • #23353

      Hi, I’ve never done anything like this either..

      I’m addicted to codeine, which took me a long time to admit. Even now I debate it with myself. I’ve dabbled in and out of NA but with COVID that’s been a no go.

      I can go a really long time without it even months but I somehow always fall back into it. The only problem is, you can’t buy codeine over the counter. Only cocodamol and I know with the paracetamol it will eventually do some damage.

      I can’t speak to anyone about it because the look of disappointment on their faces makes me want to do it even more!

      I’m pleased to hear your feeling better.

      It just seems like a never ending cycle

    • #23682

      Hi. I wonder how people are getting on here. I’ve been inadvertently been taking codeine for about 6 years regularly. Upto 360mg daily. I have only taken a week or so off by accident when I have been on holidays et and have felt awful. It didn’t occur to me at first that it was due to the codeine. I’ve currently reduced to 60mg daily for last few days and had been tapering down. its is difficult.

      I’ve been very impressed by people on here that have done cold turkey for weeks.

      • #23687

        I have been on Codeine now for about 5 years, recently at my worst taking Co-Codomal 25 x 30/500mg Paracetamol. I am now on day 4 clean, I thought I would be feeling worse than I am. Trying to stay positive eating well and drinking lots of water to flush the Toxins out. My Partner is having a baby in a couple of weeks, so it is a wake up call.

        I know that is it for me now, relying on these stupid pills that are damaging our insides. We can all fight through this!

    • #24380

      Hi ,firstly – well done !! I have been addicted to codeine for about 7 -8 years .Managed to come off it once ( cold Turkey ) but only lasted 2 months .I have decided to try again ,this time for good .I have been taking massive amounts ,a month’s worth would be gone within a week and then going different chemists to buy more . I can’t live like this anymore . I have taken the last dose 24 hrs ago and withdrawals are bad already ???? Unfortunately my mental health is not the best at the moment ,suffer depression and anxiety and am a bit worried that I won’t make it this time . I have to though !! It’s ruining my life . Just need someone to know what I’m going through as there are only 2 people in my life who know about it. I hope in few weeks time I’ll be able to post similar message as you to people out there who struggle with addictions . These meds should not be prescribed this easily . All the best for you and everyone else who’s trying to come off drugs xx

    • #24400

      Hi Maggie

      I hear you and hope you’re doing well. Your mental health will improve once you’re clean from these tablets just bare that in mind and stay strong. Funnily enough I went to the chemist the other day for my daughter and caught a glimpse of the nurophen plus and it made me think that how I am now mentally is better than how I was then and that I never needed them to feel good etc and neither will you soon. Keep us updated I’m happy to chat back and forth.

      Good luck

      • #24401

        Thank you for replying . Means a lot .the withdrawals are horrible ,my stomach is in bits and I have no energy to do anything . I think the first time I did cold Turkey felt easier ..I hope I can do it .I have booked whole week off work for this. You should be proud of yourself !!! I wish I could fast forward and wake up in a year’s time .please keep everything crossed for me .

      • #24621

        Hello ☺️ Today is 18th day for me ???? Still have runny nose and restless legs sometimes but I feel sooo much better !! I feel happier ???? i did it ! My brain is still learning how to cope without it but it’s heavens better to what it was in the first week .I never want to see those pills again .Thank you for the support and good word xx

    • #24403

      I’d say 6 weeks roughly I know it seems a lifetime away but what’s 6 weeks compared to the rest of your life ? About 2 weeks for the physical withdrawals abs then at about 4 weeks the mental side of it gets easier too just don’t give in. Warm baths for the aches and pains and go for walks, the sunshine helps boost your kids too so you’re doing this at the best time. If you need advice on anything specific just ask away

    • #24448

      Hi Linda.

      It will 100% get worse before it gets better but it is 100% worth the discomfort. The feeling from the tablets probably I imagine is making your anxiety towards the tumour worse aswell. It does get better it gets a whole lot better, I am living proof of that. I hope your MRI brings good news. I’m here if you need more advice. Good luck

    • #24622

      Brilliant Maggie well done !! ???? it will just keep getting better and better. Glad you messaged back I’m over the moon for you

      • #24623

        Thank you so much ☺️ It means a lot to know someone out there understands . Thanks to your original post i decided to go through with it and fight for better life . Xxx

    • #24624

      That’s great well done hope I can get there one day your so strong ????

      • #24626

        Of course you can ! And you will ! I never thought i could be where i am now and here I am ???? if you get to the point where you realize it’s either this addiction or the rest of your life you can do anything you set your mind at. The first week is the worse but you have to take one day at a time and don’t be afraid to ask for help ???? keeping everything crossed for you ????

    • #24680


      I’ve just joined this evening my husband has after a lot of lies he has a codeine addiction taking 10tablets a day for over 2yrs after alot of tears and talking he says he wants to quit cold turkey without and help from gp I’m petrified for him and our young family I suspected for a long time as he always tired uninterested in anything How can I help him?

    • #24731

      I asked my GP for stronger pain killers and he has put me on Tramadol.The Dihydrocodeine I was taking has been removed from my repeat meds order list,so I am withdrawing by default.

      I have no idea how things will go as I have had no tapering of the dihydrocodeine,I have tried to give it up countless times but the awful withdrawal symptoms drive me back.Hopefully the Tramadol will get me through.I know its addictive,but everything I have read says its not as addictive as codeine.

      I am shit scared of how this is going to go.This is day one and so far so good,Has anyone else used Tramadol to get off codeine ?

      I need all the help I can get, and you seem to be a very supportive bunch !

      • #24734

        Hi Dotty . Replacing one opioid with another is not the best idea . It will help you get through codeine withdrawals but it’s also addictive and side effects are a lot worse (that’s only my experience) .cold turkey is the hardest way but also the quickest. Once I’ve passed the forth or fifth day and had a good night sleep i was like a different person .it’s now just over a month since I’ve come off it and feeling stronger every day .My partner takes codeine so Its around me all the time but it doesn’t bother me at all . If cold turkey is too much for you ,ask the doctors to help you with tapering maybe ? I hope you can also come off them and wish you the best of luck .any questions or doubts we are here for you xx

      • #30143

        the tramadol wre just as bad trust em!! i could never get enough codine pills but could get tramadol easy

        when i ran out of cocodamol or dihydracodeine id use the tramadol

        just as addictive alot stronger and withdrawals just as bad

        • #30145

          I’m sure I’m lucky my doc originally went for codeine for my back pain – tramadol is so much stronger! I’ve only tried it after my wife got some for a different reason and left the remainder in the cupboard…I know I would have been worse if that was readily available to me!

          44 years and I’ve finally learned that I simply have the capacity to get addicted to anything. I’m going for running and vegetables as my next addictions…

          • #30147

            the tramadol are wild at first they make u feel sick and the after a few you get a mad high thats more powerful than codine – i think coming off thems just as bad but rhe withdrawals arent as long or maybe thats just because i had only been using them about a year, id been on codine for 3 years – im on day 12 now and most symptoms passed just absolutely shattered and really low energy, get agitated at bedtime aswel- its a warm day today and im sunbathing – comtemplating a beer – still have 40 odd dihydracidine tabs in my cupboard and im leaving them there – i want to probe ro myself even if there there i can resist tenptation as a few pals still dabble –

    • #24732

      I asked my GP for stronger pain killers and he has put me on Tramadol.The Dihydrocodeine I was taking has been removed from my repeat meds order list,so I am withdrawing by default.

      I have no idea how things will go as I have had no tapering of the dihydrocodeine,I have tried to give it up countless times but the awful withdrawal symptoms drive me back.Hopefully the Tramadol will get me through.I know its addictive,but everything I have read says its not as addictive as codeine.

      I am shit scared of how this is going to go.This is day one and so far so good,Has anyone else used Tramadol to get off codeine ?

      I need all the help I can get, and you seem to be a very supportive bunch !

    • #24735

      I do agree with you,and I have found myself in this position by default.I asked my GP for stronger pain relief(Just had a knee replacement) and he gave me Tramadol in place of the Dihydrocodeine I had been using.I have had no tapering of the codeine. I am just hoping with all my might that the Tramadol will take care of the withdrawal from the codeine.If/when I am over this enforced cold turkey I shall then be tapering the Tramadol.

      I have tried to quit the Dihydrocodeine many times and have failed miserably so hopefully the Tramadol will help me manage the dreadful withdrawal from the codeine.I must admit I am terrified right now,as past exoerience tells me that the withdrwal is dreadful.

      Thankyou for your kind words of support.

      • #24736

        Don’t be scared Dotty .At the moment you need the painkillers as you’ve had a major op. Few months ago my partner has asked to change codeine to tramadol (he’s awaiting knee replacement and currently in a lot of pain) .He only got 70 tablets which lasted him couple of weeks . The only withdrawals he had was a bit of runny nose and diarrhoea..but it was nowhere near what you’d get coming off cold turkey .You will be absolutely fine .it won’t affect you mentally and you shouldn’t have any cravings because you’re still taking other opioid. When you are ready to reduce tramadol just do it slowly .I’m here if you need to chat .Stay strong .Wishing you speedy recovery ????

    • #24777

      Hi ,

      My son is addicted to lean & he’s been taking high amounts , he now told me he’s weaning himself of it without any medical advice, I’m terrified don’t know how to get him help as it’s very difficult as he won’t ask for medical help . He’s very depressed and suicidal at times . Any advice would be appreciated

    • #24785

      Hi, I’m a mum of three n this is my second relapse…. I’m determined to do it this time because I don’t want to waste money anymore n I was taking two bottles of rikodeine a day since they took tablets off the counter, I’m on day 5 but I feel so useless I don’t want to do anything but sit on the couch but now that’s annoying me so I’m just chain smoking and sulking n my house is a mess. I haven’t spoken to anyone I’ve just done it on my own but I need some energy!!! Is there anything to possibly do to boost motivation? Every time I go back to it it’s cuz I can’t stand being a lazy lump n I just want to feel full of beans again, I can’t work out or do anything because I feel totally weak. I need some advice please it’s pay day tomorrow I don’t want to be tempted!!!

      • #24799

        Hi . You have already done great ! 5 days – the worst should be behind you .What has helped me in terms of energy was loud music in my earphones .I started listening to what i never used to before . And ever since i have been listening to it every morning while having my coffee .It helps a lot .but i understand the laziness as I’m the same ,could move mountains when I was on pills . All i can say , just hang in there and take one day at the time . It is going to get a lot better xx

    • #24791

      Thanks for your kind words Maggie 37.The weekend was horrendous for me.The Tramadol made me very ill, I felt so sick (Even with my usual cyclizine) and pretty ill.Today I have spoken with my GP,and he agreed that the codeine is my best option right now.However my dose has been reduced by 2 tablets a day .I am trying to see this as a good thing as ultimately I do not want to take it for ever.

      How long does it take for your body to adjust to Tramadol ? I am thinking that maybe I did not stick with it long enough.My prescription was for 2 capsule (50mg) and when.I took 2 for my first dose…huge mistake ! Next day I tried taking just 1 capsule but I still felt rough.Maybe I would have been better taking it before bed ? Any advice ? I still have almost a full pack of the Tramadol and am in 2 minds as to whether to give it another go.

      Best wishes to you.

    • #24792

      Thanks for your kind words Maggie 37.The weekend was horrendous for me.The Tramadol made me very ill, I felt so sick (Even with my usual cyclizine) and pretty ill.Today I have spoken with my GP,and he agreed that the codeine is my best option right now.However my dose has been reduced by 2 tablets a day .I am trying to see this as a good thing as ultimately I do not want to take it for ever.

      How long does it take for your body to adjust to Tramadol ? I am thinking that maybe I did not stick with it long enough.My prescription was for 2 capsule (50mg) and when.I took 2 for my first dose…huge mistake ! Next day I tried taking just 1 capsule but I still felt rough.Maybe I would have been better taking it before bed ? Any advice ? I still have almost a full pack of the Tramadol and am in 2 minds as to whether to give it another go.

      Best wishes to you.

      • #24800

        Hi Dotty . Unfortunately tramadol has bad side effects and not everyone can take it . My partner tried taking two in love be go for couple of days but he was absolutely out of it ,could barely speak ,so i told him to take one .it made a big difference .if you could try for one or two days taking just one at the time maybe you’ d feel better .. difficult to say .the most important thing is to get on top of the pain at the moment . If it makes you feel sick than maybe best to carry on with codeine and then reduce gradually ???? GP has already reduced it for you so it’s a good start .All the best Dotty xx

    • #25048


      How is everyone getting on?

      I am 5 days clean now, physical withdrawals have eased, just waiting for the depression and anxiety to start which I’m hoping they don’t,

      I have been taking zapains for about 5 years, but the last 12 months I have been taking around 30 a day. I was waking up and taking 9 of them to kick start of the day. constantly trying to hide everything from my partner, i don’t have the courage to tell her as we have just had a baby and i don’t think she needs the stress. I did finally manage to get some sleep last night for the first time in 4 days. just powering on, reading some of the comments have helped. due to the fact people are over coming this devil drug

      • #25050

        Hello Dodo and well done .!! 4 days is amazing . You should be proud of yourself . I was taking between 20-30 codeines a day for a long time and finally managed to stop . 2 months clean and to be honest,after the first week I felt so much better ,both physically and mentally . Am a different person now . I understand you don’t want to stress your partner but trust me ,it’s a lot easier to get through this with a support of our loved ones . I do t think I could do it without that support. If you don’t want to tell your partner than maybe a good friend ? Councillor ? Wishing you all the best ,keep us updated and if you need to talk ,we are here for you .

        • #25084

          Hi Maggie,

          well done to you 🙂 this will be day 7 now for me.

          feeling like I have got a bit more energy, and my concentration levels have risen.

          I don’t think I have what it takes to tell anyone about it yet, I do feel like I can battle this demon alone. The cravings are still there and the fact it is so easy to get from the doctor or even over the counter in a chemist.

          I watched a video of a guy on Youtube last night think he is called Dan Wheeler, which helped put things in to perspective. he was taking 25 tablets in the morning then another 25 in the evening and as a result he has now got really bad stomach problems and health conditions. Do you still get Cravings Maggie?

    • #25085

      7 days ,wow .you have gone through the worst I think .it’ll only get easier now . My partner takes codeine for his knees and it’s always within my eyesight but surprisingly it doesn’t bother me at all . I do crave the feeling I was getting from them but I don’t miss the person I was when I was taking them .I even dreamt few times about finding some in my purse and taking the lot for old times sake. Was glad when I woke up to realising it was just a dream . Once your brain learns how to feel and function without them ,you will never want to get back on them .I’ve been a grumpy and sad person for 8 years and it’s time to get my life back . And you’re right ,it’s too easy to get them nowadays .All the best to you ,keep going .It’ll be easier every day

      • #25086

        Thanks Maggie, I have just read some of your previous posts months ago…. I admire your strength.

        Far too easy, I know in Australia there completely banned over the counter, which they should be here. it’s to easy to fall in to the Codeine Trap. Yes, the 2nd day I was looking in pockets etc to see if I left any behind, it sounds pathetic but that’s just the reality of the addiction.

        Thanks for listening Maggie and I hope to message again in a week or 2 with good news…. Take care

        • #25089

          Thank you Dodo ,trust me ,if I could do it so can anybody ????

          Keep us updated on your progress ,please . Sending positive vibes your way ????

          • #25121

            Hi Maggie,

            How is your Tuesday :)?

            still going strong now, day 8, today I seem to be getting some Urges. As you have been through this, what is the best way to fight them?

            Hope you’re good 🙂

            • #25122

              Hello Dodo,

              My Tuesday is ok ish ????,thanks .

              I must say , music was my saviour .I would get up in the morning ,coffee and loud music in my earphones .I started listening to Tomorrowland mix ( never liked it before ) .it gave me so much energy,made me a lot happier . Everyone is different ,but it’s best to find something that you enjoy doing .On a bad days I would read other people’s stories of how they got through this and it would also help to stay motivated .You have gone so far ,think how it would make you feel if you relapsed now …Crap,right ? Stay strong my friend ????

              • #25125

                Hi Maggie,

                same :). just trying not to give in to the temptation.

                Yes, I have been drinking black coffees all day (I work in sales so I need them anyway). I didn’t have the best sleep in all honesty, my 3 month old daughter was tossing and turning all night, so i have been up since 3am now stuck in work 🙁

                I will need to have a listen to the tomorrowland Mixes when I am home or at the gym,

                Thanks Maggie.

              • #25126

                It’s horrible when you can’t sleep and then work all day ,I get that a lot . During the first week of detox I asked gp for some sleeping tablets and they helped . After the first good night sleep I felt like a newborn ???? Do you get restless legs at night ? I found this the worst and had it for couple of weeks .Make sure you eat regularly and drink plenty of water so you don’t get dehydrated . I’ve lost 4kilos in a week because I couldn’t force any food in me plus having upset stomach did not help . Hope you get a good night sleep tonight and have a better tomorrow ????

              • #25127

                Yes, that’s what I can’t stand is the lack of sleep, I have had 3 months of it to be fair though Maggie, so I am getting used to it :). Yes, the RLS has gone now for me thank god, I couldn’t of handled that for 2 weeks. I ordered some Valerian Root Extract yesterday of amazon which i heard helps, so I am going to try some of that tonight.

                The mornings are the worst for me, I have been so used to getting out of bed and taking 10 tablets to kick start the day. I would get up around 6am just so my partner wouldn’t catch me.

                how is your stomach now Maggie?

                This site is really helping me, and especially speaking to somebody like you who is caring and who has been through it and came out of the other side.

              • #25128

                Hi Dodo,

                I’m glad to hear you’re finding this site helpful ☺️ We are in this together ,and unfortunately only those who have gone be through this will understand what a horrible addiction this is. I was too embarrassed to admit I had a problem but now I just want to help as many people as I can to get their lives back .There’s so much more to life than popping pills just to feel normal .You have no idea how many people are in this situation ???? Whenever you feel like going back to pills, think about your family – that should keep you motivated ????

                I agree, mornings are the worst ,trying to get up and do things seems impossible at times but it gets easier every day ????

              • #25136

                Hi Maggie,

                Yes, it really is helpful, reading some of things on here as made me feel like my situation isn’t half as bad.

                It seems like this addiction is far too common though. Dr’s aren’t any help, as they just throw prescription after prescription at you.

                I feel so much better today though 🙂 I had a great night sleep. Day 9 now, i feel like I am about 90% of my old self. so we’re getting there 🙂

              • #25273

                Hi Maggie,

                Just thought I would give you a quick update 🙂

                Now on day 17 without anything, I feel completely healed, even the thought of taking a codeine makes me feel physically sick.

                I hope you’re doing well.


              • #25276

                Wow ,well done ???? It actually feels amazing to be free again ,doesn’t it ? I was going to message yesterday to see how you’re getting on but I forgot in the end ???? I am so happy for you ! You should be proud of yourself .

              • #25277

                Maggie words can’t even describe how nice it feels. I am so happy it’s all over. I feel like a completely new person 🙂

                Thanks for your support as well, I don’t think I could of done it without coming on this site,

              • #25278

                I am very happy I could help ???? If you ever feel like going back just think of how much you’ve gone through to get off them ???? All the best Dodo ????

              • #25279

                And you Maggie 🙂 Thanks for listening, really appreciate it,

                All the best x

    • #25280

      Hey guys wanted to say well done. So glad this post is alive and well it saved my life a year and a bit ago

      • #25281

        Thank you BT1978 ???? this forum has definitely helped quite a few of us and we all should be proud of ourselves ???? Well done to you too . Here’s hoping more people will join in ????

      • #25290

        Well done mate. Its definitely got me through the rough times. Fingers cross more people join

    • #25318

      Hi , I just wanted to introduce myself as Sophia . I am sorry to intrude on your privacy .I am trying to build an app that would hopefully support those suffering from any addiction and/or homelessness to find support from others going through the same thing , without stigma and judgement .

      A platform with videos and articles on : health and wellbeing, lifestyles tips ( diet, sleep & exercise) , money management and drug treatment advice, mental health tips, etc to help you when trying to transition back into normal life.

      A platform where you can access a LiveChat similar to FB messenger to safely discuss sensitive topics with other members/ health assistants/ advisors instantly

      A platform to share and compare experiences with others along the sobriety journey, and read and prepare for hat to expect at different stages.

      As well as many more features .

      I would love if any of you , would join in assisting me to gain insight in what is truly needed by those trying to recover, if this is something you would be comfortable with , please let me know and I will drop the link to confidential and quick survey. I hope you are not offended by this post and will be happy to delete if so . Thank you in advance x

      • #25321

        Hi ,I would be happy to help

        • #25354

          Hi Maggie , thank you so much for your response . So basically I have a few questions I would like to ask . When would you be available to do so ?

    • #25381

      Hi everyone. Ive been addicted to Paramol which is dihydracodiene and paracetamol bought over the counter for 8yrs now. Tried many times to stop but the withdrawals are bad. So i took the plunge once again 4 days ago, taking ibuprofen for the pain religiously every 4hrs, sleepless nights, sweats, body aches are extreme but already i have more energy and aches have subsided, determined to do this for my kids and myself. Im hoping for light at the end of the tunnel very soon!

      • #25385

        Hi cherron.

        Well done, that’s great. Keep fighting it. You’ve done the hard part. Im on day 25 now of cold turkey. Feel 100% my oldself again. If i can do it you can too. This site helps a lot, you’re not the only one going through this. Hope it all works out for you.

    • #25387

      Thanks dodo, joined yesterday and just reading through people’s posts is giving me some hope. No one close to me knows about my addiction and it feels good to get it out there even if it is just over the internet. Ive had a hard day today, stomach cramps are back and head fog not to mention blocked nose, luckily the body aches are gone. Determined to keep going, even walked past a pharmacy today and felt good not stopping for some paramol, had a little smile to myself, little things to some are huge to us x

      • #25404

        Hi Cherron,

        How are you getting on? Really hope you made it through 🙂

        Yes, I was the same, nobody knew about my addiction and coming on here really helped me let it all out.

        I am on day 28 now, still battling away.

        • #25418

          28 days Dodo !! Do you still get cravings ? I still get dreams at night where I’m a user ..wonder if they’ll ever pass ..The struggle is real sometimes ,especially when I’ve had a stressful day .Let’s keep going guys . It’s 3 months for me ,never thought I could get this far ????

          • #25436

            Hi Maggie,

            3 months – that’s amazing 🙂

            mmmmm I keep getting the odd ones, I have started to forget what the feeling is like on them though…which is good I suppose.

      • #25417

        Hi Cherron .Well done ???? I hope you’re feeling better now ,physical withdrawals should be easing now ☺️ Keep going ????

        • #25419

          Yes i feel great, onto day 9 now and no withdrawals at all and sleeping much better too however the mental side is really hard!

    • #25459

      Hi, I hope it’s ok to come on here and get some encouragement and advice. Ye are all so amazing! I’m off codeine 4 days( taking it for 6 years) and the restless legs are driving me crazy. Is there anything that helps with this? I have no urge to take any codeine. I’m adamant I’m done with it. But the restless legs are making sleep impossible!

      • #25466

        I bought a weighted blanket it cost around £30 on that well known online shop

        I had the restless legs after nerve damage from a major op and it was the surgeon who put me onto it.It works so wellt that I even take it on holiday ! Good luck .

        • #25467

          Hi, thanks so much for the advice! I will try one of those. It’s definitely my worst symptom! Thanks for the good luck wishes x

      • #35258

        I think it’s great that someone as well known as yourself can come on and admit it.

        and for anyone who doesn’t know Adam Ant  has not lived.

        I am a big fan.
        Keep up the good work.
        Stand & Deliver !

    • #25460

      Hi RachBN. Well done for getting this far, first week is the hardest! Im not sure what others have been doing but on the day i decided to stop codeine i started to take ibuprofen every 4 hours religiously, not good for the stomach but my god it helped alot with aches, headaches etc. I done this for a week and I can honestly say its been the easiest attempt to get clean from it, im now on day 11. x

    • #25461

      Hi guys, so glad to see my post has helped people beat the addiction I’m 2 years 7 month now and never looked back. Keep up the good work you’re all doing great !

    • #25462

      Thanks for the support to ye both.Dadict 2 years 7 months is amazing!! Cherron22 wow day 11 seems so far away when your on day 4. Well done!! Do you feel better on day 11? Have you any physical symptoms left? Thanks for replying. Knowing other people are doing the same is such a comfort x

      • #25463

        Hi Rach . Restless legs were my biggest nightmare so I called the doctors and asked to give me something to help me sleep .They literally gave me 5 sleeping tablets to help me get through the worst and they helped so much . After the first good night sleep I woke up feeling happy again ☺️ I know taking other meds isn’t ideal but after a few sleepless nights it was either that or going back to codeine . The first week is the worst I must admit but take one day at the time ,it gets easier xx good luck

    • #25465

      Hi Maggie, I was reading your previous posts and you’ve done so well. I hope I can say the same down the road. It just feels never ending at the moment. You want to feel ‘normal’ again but I know that feeling isn’t normal. The time is right for me. But god it’s hard. Thanks for the advice and well wishes. Xx

    • #25468

      When you first pick it up it will feel REALLY heavy and you will not believe you can bear the weight of it,Just remember that the weight of the blanket is distributed over a large area.I would not dare put it in the washing machine as I reckon it would put paid to the machine.I have put mine in a quilt cover in an efoort to keep it clean.

      Stay strong.

      • #25469

        Thank you DottyLotty. I’m going to invest in one! I’m determined to stay strong. It’s just hard at the moment. Trying to focus on the long term goal. My family deserve a better version of me! Thank you so much for your help 🙂

    • #25477

      RachBN I honestly feel like a new person, stood ironing at 19.45 with loads of energy, usually id be laid up on the settee waiting for bed time! You can do this, give it a few more days and it will get better. Xx

      • #25479

        Thank you! It is nice to hear it’s only a few more days of feeling like this. It’s day 5 today so hopefully nearly there. I’m delighted to hear you feel so well! xxx

        • #25480

          Hi Rach,

          well done, keep it up. I am day 32 now, Feel 100% myself again. Not even getting any cravings anymore.

          stay strong,

          • #25481

            Hi DODO,

            Thanks for the support. I hope I can get to day 32! That’s amazing. Well done!

            • #25482

              Well done everyone ???? Talking to people who have or are going through the same thing helps a lot .Stay strong and take one day at the time ☺️ I feel like I have lost 8 years of my life .I was time to wake up and fight for healthier future

              • #25484

                Thanks Maggie. Day 5 today and I think it’s a little better than yesterday? It kinda all moulds into the 1 day if that makes sense like you’re in a fog! Like you, I feel I’ve lost 6 years of my life to this. It’s the right time for me to fight this. Thanks for your support. It makes all the difference chatting with people who understand. My husband knows and is supportive but I don’t think he understands how horrible it feels. Anyway, thanks for listening x

              • #25488

                I completely understand how you’re feeling at the moment .And just like we said before ,it gets easier . I feel like a different person now ,I smile a lot more where before I was depressed all the time .I don’t even want to think how much money I’ve wasted on those pills over the years ..Music in my earphones has definitely helped me through the worst ,gave me happiness and energy especially in the mornings. Keep going as you’re doing great !

              • #25527

                Hi Maggie,

                On day 7 today and woke up this morning starting to feel human again as I got a nights sleep! Thank you again for all your support!

              • #25528

                Hi Rach . This is brilliant news ???? it’ll only get better now ,the worst is behind you .Well done ,you should be proud of yourself ????

              • #25529

                Thanks Maggie. You truly were a life saver on day 4 and 5. Things felt so desperate those days and only for here I think I’d have given up. What an amazing group of people on here x

              • #25531

                Hi Rach .You have no idea how much it means to hear that ,thank you . I can’t remember what day it was for me but I literally sat down and burst in tears .I didn’t thing I could get through another day like that so I do know how difficult it can get .

              • #25533

                That was day 4 for me Maggie. I sobbed on the floor in pure desperation. I simply didn’t think I could go any further. The support here makes you realise it is worth all the pain and it does end. It is only a temporary feeling. It feels never ending in the moment! I’m determined never to be in this position again! I’m so annoyed I’ve spent 6 years of my life on these tabs!

            • #25483

              Hi Rach,

              I am sure you can do it, Mind over Matter, just don’t give in to the temptation, things will get so much easier I promise.

              speak with Maggie she gives great advice and helped me through it.

              • #25485

                Thanks DODO. I think today is slightly better than yesterday so I’m hoping it only gets easier from here. Thank you 🙂

    • #25486

      Hi all, I’ve been reading through your thread and just wanted to congratulate you all . I realise every day is a battle for you guys and I admire you for your strength and determination ????

      My son is in early recovery from alcohol and cocaine addictions so I know how hard it is for you.

      Keep on doin what you’re doin!

      Stay strong ????

      Lx ❤

      • #25487

        Thanks Lindyloo. Best of luck to your son. He’s very lucky to have you ❤️

    • #25489

      Thanks Maggie. I read in one of your previous posts to listen to music and it’s been a life saver thank you. It definitely gives you a bit more energy. My energy is probably the worst thing today so I need it! Everything else has started to wane thankfully for the moment. Again, thank you for checking back into this forum to help other people. It’s so helpful to hear from someone who just ‘gets it’!

      • #37660

        This is my first post but have been reading all your experiences over and over and over for last month and trying to tell myself I can do this like all you have. I’ve been taking Codeine 30mg for  9 years, 8 tabs a day, so 240mg. I want to be free, I don’t want this drug to dictate every day and part of my life but my biggest worry is how I will function without it.

        I’ve just entered Day 2 of being codeine free and I feel awful. It’s Mother’s day tomorrow and I feel I’m the worst one in the world.

    • #25520

      Hi, i have been taking codein for 4 years now. I was taking around 120 pills a week of codein phosphate and solpadein once i ran out. Iv cut down to around 50 over the last couple months and i have now selected the day to quit cold turkey. Having booked 2 weeks off work to help with the first 2 weeks along with the support of my family i feel i am ready. After searching for a long time for help seeing this post this evening has put a smile on my face.! I am looking forward to having my life back and not having my whole life controlled by the drug. Its been a part of me for years now and i am sick of it. It wont be easy but thinking about the light at the end of the tunnell makes it worth it. I have a beautiful life with my future wife and 4 children so its time to say goodbye to this nasty addiction/habit as i like to call it.

      Well done to you and i hope your are doing well. Hope you get to read this.


      • #25525

        Hi Mac . Really happy to hear you’ll be joining in ☺️ That is the best decision you could make . It will be hard to start with but you will get through it .we are all here for you if you need to talk .When are you starting ? Good luck ???? Keep us updated

        • #25532

          Thankyou for your reply. I feel like stumbling across this forum last night was amazing and i was meant to find it especially as im about to start my new life drug free. I have chosen the 15th November as around that time there isn’t much going on so i can really conquer this in the comfort of my own home. Feeling grateful for your reply. I have bought a journal to write in each day how im feeling psychically and mentally plus getting together all my detox ingredients to help towards the healing of my body.

          I will keep you updated ????????

      • #25526

        Hi Mac,

        Well done you for deciding it’s time to give them up. They really do take over your life. I’m on day 7 today and I’ve woken up feeling so much better than the last few days. The first week is hard, just focus on the end goal and you’ll make it through! Chat on here those really hard days! This chat got me through day 4 and 5 when I was just so tired as everyone is so supportive. Anyway, best of luck 🙂

        • #25534

          Well done. So grateful finding this forum. Wish i found it sooner. Im really looking forward to it as sick as that sounds. I want to feel the discomfort and the withdrawals to show myself what i have been doing to my body. I dont know how i ended up here but 4 years down the line here i am. Embarking on a new life not controlled by codein. Thankyou for your reply, it’s hugely appreciated ????

          • #25535

            I’m the same. I can’t believe I ended up on these tabs for 6 years! What started out as me taking pain relief for back pain just spiralled out of control. You don’t see it happening. It starts off small and builds until you see no way out and keep taking more. But there seems to be a ‘lightbulb’ moment everyone gets and that determination gets you through! I wish you so much luck. Please let us know how you get on. I’m rooting for you 🙂

          • #25537

            Hello again ???? I have tried to contact me off them few times but it wasn’t the right time for me then . This time I also booked a week off work because I knew I wouldn’t be able to do anything .I was counting days pretty much like you are at the moment .Was looking forward to it .Make sure you drink and eat as it’s easy to get dehydrated .I am really happy to see so many people trying to quit and are successful .Good luck ???? I can see you’re determined and preparing well for it ????

            • #25542

              Hi Maggie, on day 8 but since I’ve woken up I’ve just been crying. I’m not sure why? Symptoms are definitely lessening. Maybe it’s the lack of sleep? I just feel really overwhelmed for some reason.

              • #25543

                Hi Rach . I think it absolutely normal ,your brain has to learn how to work on its own again and unfortunately psychological symptoms can last a lot longer than physical .I suffer anxiety and depression so my meds have probably made it a bit easier for me .Just hang in there and try to get through today .if you need to cry ,just cry – it helps sometimes to get it all out of your system .I still have days when I’m very low in mood but I know it’s only temporary .you can do this ????????????

              • #25544

                Hi Maggie, thanks for making me feel I’m not losing my mind! I must say today is the closest I’ve come to taking some tabs. You kinda convince yourself that you’ll just take 2 to take the edge off but sure that’s not how it works! Mind over matter now. I’ll keep going! Thank you Maggie ❤️

              • #25545

                Every time I feel like I could just take a couple and feel better I think of how difficult it’s been to get this far .Also ,I didn’t like the person those pills made me ,my life was making circles around that addiction . Could never go back to it .Stay strong

              • #25546

                Yeah I keep repeating 8 days you’ve done Rach! Don’t ruin all that now. Thanks Maggie, you truly are an angel x

              • #25556

                Hi Rach . I am just checking up on you ????Hope you’re feeling better today xx

        • #25707

          Hello rachbn

          Today is the 3rd day in and i feel surprisingly good. It was a hard first 2 days feeling ill and a really bad stomach and waking up with hot sweats and feeling sick but i feel a bit normal today. Sticking to my healthy eating is definitely seeing me through. Still feeling tired though and stomach is still cramping ect but taking each day as it comes..

          • #25708

            Hi Mac,

            That’s amazing! Healthy eating and plenty of water really does help. I think once you’ve decided it’s time to give these up, you find this strength from somewhere and you sound determined to do this. As you said, taking one day at a time is the best way. Each day is one closer to being free of that drug! I’m on day 17 and feeling really good. My sleeping is still a bit off but getting better daily also. I just feel happy to feel free for the first time in years! Wishing you all the best Mac and let us know how you’re doing ????

    • #25557

      Hi Maggie, thank you so much. Yes I feel a lot better today. Yesterday was tough, I’m so grateful to you for getting me through it. I feel more myself today as I had a better night sleep. I have a little more energy this morning too so that’s positive! On day 9 today and determined to keep going. The restless legs is still there but not as bad. Thanks for checking in. It makes all the difference. xx

      • #25560

        Hi, that’s good news ???? Just think how strong you are – you didn’t give up even though it was very hard ????

        • #25561

          Thanks Maggie. I’m hoping it can only get better from here. I’ll check back in tomorrow xx

    • #25563

      Hi everyone, I’ve been getting a few emails to say people are posting on this thread. I hope everyone’s ok and well done to everyone ????. Unfortunately for me I’ve relapsed ???? my gp stupidly prescribed me Zapains for pain due to me genuinely being in pain due to endometriosis flare up but it escalated quickly where I’ve been mixing zapains with nurofen plus so I’ve been taking like 100mg at one time, I’m so annoyed with myself but also really struggling mentally, my mum is near to end of life due to cancer so that’s causing my mental health huge issues at the moment and my OH isn’t being very supportive so i have nowhere to turn too so I thought I’d post here again, I’m not sure if I’m ready mentally just yet to go cold turkey again but i know I can’t carry on like this anymore I’ve become a really shit person and really unhappy one too, I’ve been on and off for years and a few years ago someone from the mental health team said it was down to PTSD and that i find something to help me cope when my MH is bad but I’ve just never found a replacement coping method, and the other problem i have is i am actually in pain and because my bodys been use to strong things nothing really works so then i have to suffer , i have called my health visitor and asked her to make me a referral to the mental health team though so i do feel like I’ve done the first step.

      • #25564

        Hello User . Firstly I am sorry to hear about your mum ,I lost mine due to cancer and I dont wish it on the worst enemy . If you’re in pain then it might be a good idea to ask your doctor for an alternative pain relief ? You are clearly not ready to come off it cold turkey ,so maybe tapering down would work for you ? I wish there was an easy way out but I’m afraid there isn’t one especially when you struggle mentally . If it wasn’t for my antidepressants ,I don’t think I could have done it myself . See what the mental health team can do or advise .Please don’t be too hard on yourself . When you’re ready you will come off these pills .I relapsed couple of times before but it just wasn’t my time and I wasn’t ready . Wishing you all the best . We are here for you if you need us xx

      • #25567

        Hi User95, I’m so sorry to hear about your mum. You’re having a really tough time at the moment so please don’t be hard on yourself. It sounds like cold turkey might not be the right thing for your mental health at the moment so perhaps start by cutting down how many your taking and gradually taper them off in a way your comfortable with. I know coming off these tabs takes so much energy and determination. You need to be ready to do it and believe me you’ll get there. The mental health team might have more suggestions to help you and it’s brave of you to take that first step. Be kind to yourself. If you ever need to talk, chat to us. The people on here are amazing. Maggie honestly saved me this last week as she’s so helpful so please don’t feel alone. Wishing you the very best xx

        • #25568

          Thank you Rach ???? Hearing this makes me really happy and fulfilled in a way .☺️ We can all do this !

          • #25576

            Hi Maggie, Day 10 and woke up feeling like me again if that makes sense. I feel 90% better and just so happy I’ve got this far! Everything I’ve said about you is true, you’re a special person to come back on here after your own journey to continue helping others. I truly appreciate it and I hope I can help people on here, like you have, in time. Thanks Maggie❤️

            • #25577

              Hi Rach . Thank you ???? I’m pleased to hear you feel yourself again ???? Now it can only get better and better ???? Well done ????

    • #25605

      Hi Steph, you’ve done amazing with tapering down. That takes so much self control! I think if you continue tapering the way you are, you shouldn’t get withdrawals to be honest. It’s hard when no one knows about what your going through but I get it’s hard to tell people. Anytime you want to chat, talk to us. We’ll help you along xx

    • #25606

      Hi, brilliant to read everybody’s strength. Day 1 here after a long taper. Family have to come first so sorting myself out. Thanks for previous messages.

    • #25620

      Hello everyone! I’ve been reading through all your messages and it’s given me some motivation, just what I needed today. Ive been a slave to codeine for 5 or 6 years. Every time I told myself I would come off them I would always start tomorrow and tomorrow never came. For most of the time I stuck to the prescribed amount until the last year where I was taking 24 per day. I was never strong enough to come off them, I’d always choose them until a couple of weeks ago when I found out I was pregnant with my 3rd child (not planned). I feel like this baby was sent to save me. I would of never of had the strength to start day 1 if it wasn’t for this little growing baby of mine. I’m currently on day 5 and I feel awful. Restless legs, headache, body aches, feeling sick and no energy at all. The first 3 days I spent on the sofa. On the 4th day I managed to walk to my mums and lay on her sofa. Today which is day 5 I’ve managed to watch my kids at swimming and do a bit of cleaning, also managed to do my hair ???? I’ve noticed the days get slightly better after day 3. The restless legs are the worst, csnt wait till they go!! Anyone who’s been pregnant on here will know how bloody hard your first trimester is so I feel like ive been hit with both sides of the stick, i don’t know what’s withdrawal n what’s pregnancy. Anyway your posts gave me that bit of get up and go today so thank you all. I wish I could just sleep for the next month and wake up feeling myself but were got to go through it dont we. X

      • #25621

        Hello Betterlife . Congratulations on your pregnancy ???????? unfortunately I never had the privilege of becoming a mother so don’t know what it’s like . Restless legs were the worst for me too and lasted about a week I think .Once you have a good night sleep you will feel a lot better . Good luck and stay strong for the little one ☺️

      • #25622

        Hey Betterlife, well done for getting to day 5! Congratulations on baby number 3. It’s tough having withdrawal and first trimester symptoms combined! I know that feeling of wishing you could just wake up a month down the road and feel normal again. I’m on day 13 myself and the last few days have been so much easier. Once I past day 8, I felt a lot better and am feeling more myself daily. Your not far off that! As for the restless legs, they’re awful. My worst symptom without a doubt. Again, after day 8 they eased also. I did find a hot water bottle on the backs of my legs helped a little. I also made sure my legs were touching something so I could stretch my legs against it and it eased them for awhile! A proper night sleep will really help! Anyway, chat away if you ever need to. People on here are so supportive x

    • #25624

      Hi Better life and Rach, well done! Keep going! Thanks for posting your experiences, day 2 here and hanging but keeping occupied. I tapered from 600 to 60mg before quitting so I’m hoping I can go to work tomorrow. It will be the first day I’ve been outside without a pill strip in my handbag for 6 years! Love and hugs and positive vibes to everyone on this journey.

      • #25626

        Hi Steph, Well done! It’s hard going but so worth it. I know what you mean about leaving the house without those tablets in your bag. I was taking them 6 years also and it’s liberating to be honest not to have to think about it the last couple of weeks. Hopefully since you tapered down so much the withdrawal symptoms won’t be as bad. I’m on day 14 here cold turkey and I honestly feel so much better! Hope work goes ok tomorrow for you! Best of luck with everything. We’ve got this! xxxx

        • #25647

          Seems we’ve been taken the same amount for roughly the same amount of time. Let’s hope my body’s been as kind to me as yours has to you. ❤


          • #25648

            I’ll keep my fingers crossed. ❤️

    • #25628

      Hello Betterlife . It’s normal you are feeling this way ,we have all had that one day where we thought we could not carry on .It will get easier ,I promise xx Just hang in there a bit longer and you will start feeling yourself again .

    • #25632

      Yeah Betterlife, I was taking codeine with paracetamol and codeine with ibuprofen the whole 6 years so try not to worry. Easier said than done I know! I’m glad your feeling a bit better. It’s important to take one day at a time and celebrate each victory I think. Another day codeine free! Life is so hard and it’s difficult to keep going when things are feeling never ending but we will get there and ultimately, emerge stronger I’m sure x

    • #25639

      Hey Linds, this forum is just so inspiring! When you hear other peoples stories you just feel you can do it too and you can! I truly think once you get to that point where you just don’t want to live that life anymore you gain a strength from somewhere and get through it. I tried to give up in the past but I simply didn’t really want to. I liked the feeling those tablets gave me. However, this time I’d had enough of that life and I was ready. It really helped to keep going on the hard days knowing that life wasn’t for me anymore. Best of luck with it x

    • #25640

      You can do it linds.

      I’m on day 7 now and I’ve not had a good night but pain is part of recovery. I know at some point soon I will feel better, we all just have to keep going.

    • #25642

      Anyone else lose weight in withdrawal?

    • #25643

      I have been following your posts and I have nothing but admiration for .

      • #25665

        Hello Dotty ????

      • #25666

        Hi Dotty ???? How have you been ? Hope you’re doing alright ☺️

    • #25644

      I was so anxious Betterlife. To make matters worse, I work in a hospital laboratory so my colleagues were testing my bloods. I was convinced I was about to get caught out hence why I stopped taking tablets. I felt so blessed that my body was still ok and I wasn’t about to lose my job I knew it was time to stop for the sake of my family. It was just the wake up call I needed. I couldn’t live that life anymore. Everyone on here that gave them up has gone on to just feel amazing in themselves. No irreversible damage as you said. You’re going to be ok❤️

    • #25645

      I too work in a hospital. I’ve no idea how they’ve not caught on yet but you hide things well being an addict don’t you. Were you taking over the amount of paracetamol for a substantial amount of time like me? I read your liver only needs 2 weeks to fix harmful damage. I honestly won’t ever touch the stuff again, it’s robbed me of 5 years and i won’t let it Rob me of any more time.

    • #25646

      Yep same! First year stuck to it and then it spiralled. Seems we have been taking the same amount for roughly the same time. Let’s hope my body has been kind to me like yours has too you.

      Posative mental attitude… is what I keep telling myself today. Good bye co codomol and hello the rest or my life ❤

    • #25652

      I don’t know why but recently about 3-4 of my comments on here have been removed ???? The best of luck to you all

      • #25658

        Same here Maggie. Not sure why either as they’re no different to previous messages. Thanks again Maggie. I’m genuinely so grateful for your support as I know I would never have made it through that first week without you! Day 15 today and I’m feeling good. Still got bit of insomnia but hoping that goes soon too❤️

        • #25660

          Hi Rach .I had a look at the forum guidelines and it says it’s for people who are affected by someone else’s addiction . I didn’t know that ..that’s probably why they keep getting deleted ..I am so glad you have made it this far xx There is no way back now ,we did it ????

          • #25662

            Hi Maggie welcome to the forum. Don’t be put off for support here, as there are many people in recovery offering advice and support.

            My son has alcohol and cocaine addictions and I’ve had some good advice from them.

            Good luck and stay strong


            • #25678

              Thankyou. I should have looked for help a lot sooner. Good luck to you too x

          • #25663

            Oh I didn’t know that either! That explains the messages being deleted so. Yes we did it. I’m just so happy to be rid of them ❤️

            • #25664

              You guys won’t leave me will you. Your the only people that know what’s going on and the only people in the whole world I can talk too. My recovery seems to have taken a back step today. Ive felt sick to my stomach all day, diarrhoea and disabling anexity. Just as I thought I had turned a corner

              • #25667

                I’m going nowhere Betterlife. I’m here anytime you need to talk. That happened to me, I thought I was starting to get better around day 7 and then I just started crying on day 8. I was so anxious and overwhelmed. To be honest, my stomach wasn’t right until around day 10, I think the anxiety contributes to that though. So please don’t get disheartened. You’re just around the corner from feeling so much better I promise x

              • #25676

                I’m not going anywhere either ???? Just can’t guarantee my posts won’t get deleted ???? .you can do this ! Please stay strong and keep thinking a better future you are fighting for at the moment . It’ll get easier very soon I promise .sending virtual hugs your way

              • #25687

                Hey Betterlife, how are you feeling today? Hope things are a bit better x

    • #25655

      Can any of you guys help? I put a post up but I don’t think anyone’s seen it yet? Is it normal to deny that you’ve taken stuff even though it’s blatantly obvious to your partner? And what motivated you to want to stop. I don’t know what to do as I feel i’ve tried everything x

      • #25659

        Hey Sleeping Beauty, I can’t see another message belong to you so maybe it was deleted? It appears a lot do deny their addiction as to be honest they’re probably lying to themselves as much as anyone else. I know I was. Ultimately, I had to want to stop myself. I had got to the point where I knew if I kept going the way I was, I was risking my health and my job. Also, the addiction wasn’t fulfilling its purpose anymore. I hated the way I felt on them in the end. I wanted to feel me again. It’s a hard road. The first week of withdrawal is tough going and if you don’t really want to do it, you can lack the motivation necessary to keep going. X

        • #25679

          Thanks for the reply. I hope that she is as strong as you and can find her way out of this. She denies it so vehemently that I end up doubting myself but I know what I’m seeing. Well done to you and be proud of yourself x

          • #25681

            We become so good at lying to ourselves that we don’t really realise we’re lying to others so please don’t get disheartened by her denying things. I was totally able to justify every pill I took. I’m not sure how long she’s being doing this but I really didn’t know I had a problem until years into this as crazy as that sounds! Then, once I did realise, I tried to give up numerous times and just never lasted past the first couple of days as the withdrawal effects are tough. Hence, you really need to want to do it as it’s the only thing that can motivate you to keep going. The only advice I can give you is keep being there for her. I’m not sure how you’re approaching the subject with her but I know any form of confrontation on the matter and I got so defensive! The best way really is to tell her you are there for her when she’s ready to do something about this in a non judgmental understanding way. The hope being she’ll feel safe enough to talk to you about it eventually because I will say without my husband ( only real person who knew about this) and the people on here I would never have got to this point. She’s going to need you at some point I promise x

            • #25683

              Thankyou so much RachBN – this has helped a lot. Her son is an addict and her whole family is dysfunctional so I understand why she feels the need. I told her this morning that I will help in any way I can when she wants to stop taking it but I have to walk away each time I see her floating because I have to protect my mental health. Hopefully she’ll realise what she’s doing to herself. x

              • #25686

                That’s an amazing first step. She’ll realise at some stage and when she does she’s very lucky to have you support her through it. You’re right to protect your own mental health throughout it all. It’s tough watching someone you love do this. Best of luck Sleeping Beauty x

      • #25661

        Hi sleeping beauty . Sorry but haven’t seen your previous message. Just as Rach said , you really need to find that time when you’re ready to get your life back .I tried before but only lasted two months and went back to the pills . Have lied to myself and everyone around me about how big my problem was . I hope you can join us soon and feel yourself again.

        • #25677

          Hi and thanks for the reply. It’s a confusing forum lol I can’t find my original post. It’s my partner who’s addicted. I guess it’s just a waiting game until she realises what she’s doing. Not sure how much more I can take of the lies if I’m honest.

    • #25684

      Hi Sleeping Beauty, is she interested in any support groups, online or face to face? I don’t want to sound negative but until she’s ready she’s not going to quit. That doesn’t mean she doesn’t love you / family any less, she doesn’t see reality properly until she wants off/reality wakes her up.

      You are 100% right in protecting your own mental health. I wish you the best of luck. Steph.xx

      • #25685

        Hi StephTom, I don’t think that support group would be her thing, when she’s ready I think she will prefer to go it alone or at least with just my support. She has come off cocodamol before, many years ago, and wanted to do it her way but things with her family have overwhelmed her and she started up again and then some. We had words this morning and I think I saw a chink of light so fingers crossed.

        Thanks for caring enough to reply x

    • #25688

      Sleeping beauty I really hope your partner gets better soon, like the others have said it will only happen when she truly wants it. It took me 5 years.

      Thanks rach / Maggie for being there for me. I’m in bed still. No energy, diarrhoea even thought I’ve not been able to eat and feeling sick. Can’t wait to feel like I have some energy again.

      I just wana wake up and feel like my old self

    • #25689

      Sleeping beauty I really hope your partner gets better soon, like the others have said it will only happen when she truly wants it. It took me 5 years.

      Thanks rach / Maggie for being there for me. I’m in bed still. No energy, diarrhoea even thought I’ve not been able to eat and feeling sick. Can’t wait to feel like I have some energy again.

      I just wana wake up and feel like my old self

      • #25690

        I totally get wanting to wake up and feel like you again. After a week, you’re just ready for it all to be over. You are about to turn that corner and things will get easier. The lack of energy is hard and the fact you’re in your first trimester also makes it even worse on you. I kept telling myself it’s a couple weeks feeling awful for the rest of my life off these stupid pills! X

    • #25692

      I really can’t wait to turn that corner. Today is slightly better than yesterday. After this morning the sickness got a little better. Also listened to some music with gave me a little energy which was bloody lovley! Not much mind but I had enough to sing along to all the songs! Which is good as I’ve not been able to talk much due to the sickness ???? I’ve just been and had my bloods done (pray for me) now I’m waiting for the kids to come out of school, first time I’ve had enough energy to pick them up. I’ve also managed to drink a slimfast shake and eat half a protein yogurt which is more than I’ve had in a day in the last few days. The music improved my anexity and depression too.

      What day did you start to feel a lot better rach / Maggie.

      Thanks again for always being there for me through this. It means the world to me and i always look forward to your replies, keeps me going.

      • #25693

        Hello Betterlife . Always happy to help xx I’m glad you feel a bit better today . Music in my earphones was my saviour to be honest .I started cold turkey on Friday and I think on Wednesday/ Thursday after having a good night sleep I woke up feeling euphoric .it was ever so strange because the physical withdrawals were still there .I couldn’t remember the last time I felt this happy .I had a few low in mood days after that but they were nothing compare to miserable 8 years I had .I was given some sleeping tablets and all I needed was that one good night . You’re very close to feeling well and happy ,I promise xx

      • #25694

        Hey Betterlife, I thought I’d turned a corner on day 7, i’d slept better than I had been on the previous night and felt I had a bit more energy. On day 8, I bawled crying the whole day. I was so overwhelmed and done not feeling ‘normal’. Maggie reminded me to keep going it was going to get better. The next day, I felt so much better and I’ve only got better each day since. I’m on day 16 today and I feel the best I have in years!

        On Maggies advice, I listened to music pretty much all day. I focused on the words, singing along and it really got me through the tougher days. I promise you are so close to feeling better. And you’ll be elated you made it through x

    • #25711

      Well done for getting to day 3 mac! Amazing!! Im on day 9 and slowing feeling better.

      Insomnia is taking the absolute mic now, I just want to sleep! Tummy problems are improving very slightly, still feel sick and no energy but I managed to eat more yesterday and going to try and do the same today.

      I feel my worst in the night and morning. Im not leaving my bed till 11am due to sickness and anxiety, thank god for my mum taking the kids to school in a morning.

      I’m having my ups and downs. Trying to think posative then I somewhere go back to the dark side.

      I’m proud of me and us all though and this journey will only make us stronger.

      • #25713

        Hey Betterlife, day 9 is fantastic! Well done! It’s not an easy journey but You’re definitely through the worst now. The morning and nights are tough. It does get better shortly I promise. Also since you’re in the first trimester, you’re probably feeling a bit off from that too.

        Oh the insomnia is headwrecking! All you want to do is sleep and wake up feeling ok! I’m on day 17 and, although I still have trouble getting to sleep and seem to wake at 5.30am now, I can get 6/7 hours sleep so I can’t complain!

        I’m so proud of us all that we’ve managed to do this. ❤️

    • #25720

      Hi gang, it’s so good to hear your strength! Well done everyone, as hard as it is it’s worth the fight. I keep getting posts removed so sorry it looks like I’m not posting! Day 5 here, it’s getting a bit easier daily but I’ve got to remind myself that there will be harder days now and then as we all get them chucked in.

      Anybody that’s struggling to leave the bathroom plz keep drinking water, it’s far easier with water inside you. Take care folks, we can do this!

      • #25722

        Hey Steph, Well done! There is definitely ups and downs on this journey. I think it just gets overwhelming as the days go on and it feels never ending. But things do get easier daily. Really glad you’re doing well. Xx

    • #25721

      6 to 7 hours ???? can’t wait for that day to come for me. Before stopping the codeine ( I Don even like saying the word anymore) I was sleeping 9 hours a night and not im sleeping about 3 hours in small intervals during the night. It’s hard being awake all that time alone with your thoughts isn’t it.

      Today I managed to take some Xmas stuff down to my mums and pick the kids up from school again. Ive again managed to eat more, I was actually hungry too!! That was a nice feeling that I’d not felt in 9 days.

      • #25723

        Oh being awake on your own by night is awful. I was so angry at myself for getting myself into this position. The reality is codeine lures you in and before you know it, you’re in trouble and it’s hard to get out of it. But we’re doing it! I genuinely believe talking with people who understand helps massively.

        Glad you managed to eat a bit more. That’s a positive sign. I find I’m hungry in the mornings now when I wake. I never ate breakfast before this,I just popped some pills and was all set for the day. When I think what I’ve put my body through!

        I’m glad to have ye all to chat to x

        • #25752

          Hello ???? how is everyone doing ? I hope you all feel better now xx I went to London for a girls day out and you have no idea what a lovely feeling it was passing by all those chemists and not trying to stock up on pills . I realize how bad it sounds though ???? .I hope you’re all having a nice weekend ☺️

          • #25754

            Hey Maggie, Oh I love London! Glad you had a lovely weekend. I know that feeling of stockpiling! Think we’ve all been there!

            I’m feeling great thank you for checking in. It’s 3 weeks for me today. I can’t believe I’ve gotten here. On week 1, I never thought this day would come! I feel free for the first time in years! I can honestly say I don’t even crave them. I never again want to be doing this again!

            Thank you Maggie for being there. The reassurance from you got me through my hardest day. ❤️

            • #25771

              Hello ☺️ Im so glad to hear you’re doing better ladies xx Now , do you remember how hard it was in the first week ? You did this and should be mega proud of yourselves ???? I have actually opened up to one of my friends and told her about my addiction . Her reaction was nothing I expected tbh. She thinks people like us shouldn’t be ashamed and should speak out and raise awareness .My councillor told me the same . I don’t think I’d be able to tell the world about it but I start to believe there’s nothing to be ashamed of .we didn’t start those pills for a laugh ,we all needed them to start with ???? I do hope at some point you will find the strength to share your journey with someone close to you as it really feels amazing ???? All the best guys ,keep going ????

              • #25778

                Thanks for the continued support Maggie. It is crazy we feel ashamed about all this. There is a sense of people bring it on themselves but, in reality, It creeps up on you and before you know it, you’re in too deep to simply stop. You do wonder if GPs were more helpful when told you’ve a problem with meds, would more people get off them? There are so many medications that help with withdrawal symptoms and make it more bearable but must doctors don’t seem to know much about it. The advice is taper off but for most people they haven’t the strength to stick to that. I certainly didn’t!

                I’m so glad your friend was so supportive. It’s good to know who your true friends are. I haven’t told any friends yet but my husband is amazing. So understanding and has been incredible to me the last 3 weeks. I feel very grateful to have him.

                And yes, we all should be so proud of ourselves for breaking the cycle ❤️

              • #25787

                Hi RachBN

                I hope you don’t mind me asking, but was there any point at which your husband felt like walking away. I feel like I’m letting my partner down because I don’t think I can watch her destroy herself and listen to her lies and denials for much longer. I sit beside a zombie every evening and it’s wearing me down.

              • #25788

                Hi sleeping beauty . It is very difficult to watch your partner poison themselves. My partner was an alcoholic, I cried and begged him to stop for months and months . In the end I gave him an ultimatum, it’s me or the alcohol.he went to rehab and is now 5 years clean .I know it’s not the same ,but understand how you feel . He was very supportive about my addiction but he didn’t know how many I was taking every day .just like your wife I lied to him and myself for a long long time . I told him the truth in the first week of my cold turkey. I really don’t know what to suggest in this situation ..if she’s not ready she won’t stop but she needs to be aware of what it’s doing to your relationship and your feelings .

              • #25789

                Thanks for the reply Maggie. She’s been addicted to 500/30 cocodamol for around 7 seven years, maybe more, but just lately something has been added because she’s barely functioning. Her family are so dysfunctional that I’m not able to get any help there.

                I can cope with the problems they throw up but this is just too much. I have my own place and i stay at hers a few nights a week for reasons I won’t go into but every evening I sit with someone who isn’t able to even hold a conversation.

                I’ve told her best friend and showed her photos and videos i’ve taken and she was really shocked because she didn’t realise it was so bad. I’m thinking of the get help or I’m gone route because talking to her and telling her how I feel and everything else I can think of just hasn’t worked.

              • #25790

                Hi Sleeping Beauty, believe me you are not letting her down. It’s tough to watch the person you love do this to themselves. My mother was an alcoholic and I felt like walking away many a time! There is only so much you can cope with.

                My husband always knew I took them as it started with a serious back injury. Before I knew it, I was taking more than recommended and couldn’t stop. That part he didn’t know for awhile. However, he has known for the last few years and tried his best to help me. The only thing he asked of me was to be honest about how many I was taking which I was from then on. For the last couple of years, I was taking codeine to feel ‘normal’, I wasn’t getting any euphoric feeling really anymore. Have you any idea how many she’s taking to get into that zombie state every evening?

                As for my husband, we’ve been together since we were 17 and married for 10 years. I’m 39 now. We’ve 2 kids and I suppose it wasn’t easy to simply walk away. I’m absolutely certain though he struggled with it all at times. The thing with addiction is it’s all consuming. From the moment you wake, you’re thinking about pills. It can lead you to be irritable and frustrated with yourself and the person closest to you bares the brunt of it.

                You mentioned she has family issues which she struggles with. That’s a huge trigger and realistically she needs a coping mechanism for that or she’ll continue to use even if you get her to stop for awhile. Codeine dulls your feelings and it’s an escape from it all.

                If you could get her to go to GP and maybe talk through how she’s struggling emotionally and come up with a plan for that first? I know she probably won’t though if she’s in that much denial still.

                Finally, if she’s in too deep to go cold turkey there are many replacement therapies to substitute opioids that will prevent the withdrawal effects. This gives a person time to deal with their emotional need for the drug before eventually weaning off the replacement therapy in a controlled way. She wouldn’t be like a zombie or get any high feeling from replacement therapy but it sits in your opioid receptor so withdrawal doesn’t happen.

                Sorry for the long reply. I’m not really sure what you can do until she’s ready but these are options for you to try and talk to her about when she lets you. Please don’t be hard on yourself and mind your own mental health. x

              • #25791

                No, thankyou for the long reply.

                I know she takes (at least) 4 x2 doses of cocodamol but I suspect that she is either supplementing that with over the counter Neurofen which I believe has 12.5mg of codeine, I don’t know how many but I know in the past she has taken 32 in a day but I believe she is getting diazepam from somewhere and it’s this which is knocking her out.

                I can cope and support her with all the family problems but seeing her slowly kill herself is just too much. I know though, if I walk away she’ll totally collapse as a person because I’m her only real support.

                She has tried the doctor but they’ve just referred her to well woman clinic which hasn’t even got back to her. She came off cocodamol years ago but wouldn’t go to the doctor because then he wouldn’t prescribe them for her if she needed them so she was never prepared to close the door completely back then and certainly wouldn’t need.

                She’s a lot younger than me, I’m 63 and she’s 49. I don’t know how many good years I have left and selfishly I don’t want to live my last years crying every day and dealing with this. I feel like I’m running out of time to live and can’t wait for her to come to her senses.

                It’s all so so hard.

              • #25794

                My heart actually breaks reading this. We are just so unaware of the pain we cause to loved ones while we are in the midst of it all. However, you are not selfish to want to live your life!

                I’m sorry the GP wasn’t more helpful. Yes it’s the diazepam is what’s making her zombie like especially if she’s combining it with her codeine pills. They both have a sedation property which will conk her out.

                I think you have to be honest and put it to her that if she wants to tell the truth and get help you’ll support her all the way but you can’t stay and watch her destroy her life and ultimately yours too. You deserve to be happy so please don’t feel guilty for this. The fear of you leaving might just give her the motivation she needs. Just remember she has to want to do it herself or she won’t be able to get through it.

                You really have tried everything but the ultimatum. Addiction is so hard and it really impacts on everyone around the person. I really hope you can get through to her. And please, anytime you need to vent or have a question, message me. You need support too.

    • #25755

      Evening guys.

      Maggie glad you had an amazing time, I love London too. I’ve only been a few times for work but I’d love to go socially. I bet thay felt amazing not having to think about where to get tablets from, we’re free!!! It’s day 13 here for me and I’ve not had any cravings, I think that’s because I was just so done with the things! I’m still not feeling 100% but I have to put some of it down to pregnancy. Anexity and depression isn’t great but it’s not the worst its ever been. Tomorrow I’m challenging myself to get out of the house at least once a day. I cant hide here forever, there’s a life to be lived!

      Rach 3 weeks! Wow that’s amazing! We’re chuffing warriors arnt we! How long did it take for your bloods to come back? Had mine done Tuesday and not heard anything. I’m carrying that worry around with me which I think is fueling my anexity and depression.

      • #25756

        Hey Betterlife, day 13! That is amazing. Well done. It’s a hard road but we’re doing it! I actually think it was only around day 16/17 I started to feel really myself and as you said, pregnancy is contributing also which makes it so much harder! Like you, I think my lack of cravings stem from I was so done with it all! Leaving the house does help. It keeps your mind busy!

        As I worked in the lab, I had my results pretty much straight away but from experience it takes upto a week. And in general, if they’re is anything serious shows up, we contact the GP so I think it’s a good sign you’ve heard nothing. I totally get the anxiety about it but you’re going to be ok! ❤️

        • #25757

          Hello, I recently joined here as I am fighting my addiction to codeine and tramadol. I am on day 14 and still not sleeping well but I have hope. Unfortunately my anxiety has been flaring up a lot since withdrawing but I am telling myself that is due to withdrawal. Xx

          • #25759

            Hi! Well done on getting to day 14! It’s a tough few weeks.

            I’m 3 weeks in and my sleep is still probably the only thing affected at all. But it’s gotten easier to drift off last few days. And I’m sleeping 6/7 hours, I just wake earlier. I feel refreshed though in the mornings now!

            Anxiety definitely seems to be an issue for awhile with withdrawal. Your brain is trying to cope again but it will get there. Mine has eased massively now. So glad you’ve done this for yourself. Be proud. xx

    • #25766

      Hi guys!

      I’m not from Britain, but found your posts while searching for codein withdrawal symptoms. I read all the posts and got quite a lot strenght to start my journey towards better codein free life. I’ve been addicted 7 years and can’t tell anybody close to me about this. I’ve been together with my husband for 7,5 years and can’t bare to tell him that i’ve been myself only six months and rest of the time an addict. I took my last pills yesterday and we can’t by codein over the counter here, so it surely helps. I love London and been there at least ten times, last three times I’ve been also doing pharmacy shopping and refilled my stock with Nurofen Plus. Thank you for the strenght you’ve given me to cope with the next few weeks. Looking forward finding my true self and joy towarsds life. I’m sorry for any spelling errors, English is not my native language. And good luck to all of you, I hope I can get as far as you guys. XX

      • #25767

        Hi Terry,

        I’m so glad you’ve found our chats helpful. It really gives so much hope and strength to go for it yourself hearing other people talk about their journey. I’m certain you can do this, take one day at a time and focus on the end goal, freedom! The freedom you get from not needing them anymore is liberating. The not having to worry do you have enough pills, where can you get them is draining.

        I’m 3 weeks in now and I feel amazing. The first week was hard but you find the strength when you’ve had enough of pills controlling your life.

        Best of luck with it Terry and please come back to chat and support if you need it. It’s not easy doing it alone. I’m always happy to chat. People on this forum got me through the tough days ❤️

    • #25769

      Hi Terry.

      Keep going, it will be the best thing you’ll ever do. It’s hard (it’s still hard for me at the minute) but it’s so worth it!

      Pianoislife it’s day 14 for me today too. Same as you I’m not sleeping great but a lot better than previous days. I think I get about 6 or 7 hours now.

      It’s a week tomorrow since my bloods rach. I dont think my Dr calls if there all fine, I think they just put a note on them so possibly there all fine but do I dare call the drs to find out? Absolutely not ????

      • #25770

        Hey Betterlife, yeah most GPs don’t ring if results are clear. I think they must be fine at this stage but I get the being afraid to find out though. Glad to hear the sleep is at least improving. It helps so much to even get 6/7 hours especially being pregnant. Let me know if you hear anything back about your bloods. I’ve my fingers crossed all is good for you x

      • #25785

        Thank you so much Rach and Betterlife for your messages. I’m now in day 2. Yesterday was okay, worst symptoms are excessive sweating from my chest during night (have you had that?) and runny nose. I took some pseudoephedrine for the nose, which helped.

        Gravings are also present all the time. I’m a pharmacist and it doesn’t help that you are around the pills all the time.

        I never took more than 8 tablets (30mg/500mg paracetamol) per day, but I’m also nervous about blood work. I was thinking that after a month of not taking any pills I could check the blood works.

        Good luck to all of you! And Betterlife, I’m sute your blood results are okay. They should have called by now if something was wrong. But call them anyways so you get the results and you have less to stress about.

        • #25786

          Hey Terry, that must be hard to be around pills all the time. That takes some self control and strength so well done!

          The excessive sweating I had in general for the first week and then it went away. I was having a couple of baths a day to help with the aches and to stop feeling so clammy all the time.

          Best of luck Terry. We can only go one day at a time but we’re all getting there! x

        • #25849

          Hi Terry, just checking in to see how you’re feeling? X

          • #25975

            Hi Rach!

            Thank you for asking! This is day 11, it’s been hard. Sweating, runny nose, sneezing and sore throat and lack of motivation. Today I woke up with a bit more energy, so hopefully things start to go better now. Gravings are the worst, and seeing the medicines constantly in my work is awful. But hopefully soon I don’t give a thought to them at all.

            • #25977

              Hi Terry

              You sound similar to me. Streaming nose, sore throat and sneezing over and over. Not a good night couldn’t sleep. I’m day 5

            • #25978

              Hi Terry,

              Day 11! That’s amazing! You’re definitely over the worst now. It gets better gradually each day from here. I’m 4 weeks in now and honestly don’t give pills a second thought anymore since the first fortnight but being around them all day is tough Terry. You are so strong to resist that temptation. I hope you’re proud of yourself! X

    • #25772

      Hey Maggie that’s amazing that you’ve been able to open up and share with your friend. I have have thoughts about the same thing but I don’t think I have a friend that I’m confident won’t tell anyone else and I really don’t want to be spoken about. I wish I did have that kind of friend.

      Your friend is so right in the fact that we should be raising awareness. We all took these pills for genuine reasons and it’s spiralled. It really can happen to absolutely anyone which is scary. I really feel like codeine in any strength should be prescribed and not avaliable over the counter. What do you guys think?

      Rach I feel so annoyed with myself as most of my anexity and depression is due to not knowing if my bloods are OK but at the same time I’m scared to death to actually call them. My husband had some bloods done last month with the dr and the dr had his results the next day so I’m sure mine will be back, I’m such chicken shit!! I’ve I’ve myself I have to call on Thursday no matter what, I have to face the music.

      • #25773

        Hello Betterlife . I agree with you , these should not be available without prescription and when prescribed it should only be short term . I was getting them for headaches after a push bike accident ,no questions asked ,224 pills a month ???? . I got to the point where I don’t really care as much as I used to about what people will say or think about me…

        You need to stop worrying about those blood tests xx if something was wrong they would have called you by now . Can you check your results on the NHS app / doctor’s surgery website ? Unless the doctors request a drug test I don’t think it would show anything in your bloods ( I get mine twice a year and never had anything wrong) .stay positive lovely ,I’m sure it’s all fine xx

      • #25776

        I 100% agree with you Betterlife. They should be prescription only! They ruin lives and it’s well known by medics people can fall into a codeine trap so easily!

        Honestly, try working up to just calling and getting them! I genuinely think they’re ok. And then you can focus on you and baby with less stress and anxiety. I get the fear though but try and remain positive. ❤️

    • #25774

      My Dr gave me them for 6 months no questions asked then stopped. I then got them online, my mums prescription which like yours just went on and on for years and OTC. I wish they would review medication a lot more frequently than half a year.

      I know I’m obsessing over these bloods but I know what I’ve put my body through and it really scares me, did you tablets contain paracetamol Maggie xx

      • #25777

        Hi. Yes they did , my prescription would finish in a week or two and then I would be buying Nurofen plus and solpadeine max and take them at the same time . I took so many it scares me thinking about it . I’m sure your bloods are fine xx

    • #25792

      Sleeping beauty your are not selfish one bit so please please don’t ever think that. This is your life too! We all get one life and we have to put ourselves first. So many people spend their whole life putting people before them self’s and its got to stop. Your no 1 I your life and you have to do what’s right for you.

      Your partner has to want this and unfortunately if she’s not ready then it won’t Happen. That’s the hard truth. I would have a chat with her, tell her how you feel and your thoughts. Let her know you can’t go on like this and she want her response is.

      I really feel for you! It’s a very difficult and sad situation to be in ❤

      • #25793

        Thankyou. I’ll give it another go when I see a glimmer of the person I know.

        Thank you all for your help and support x

    • #25798

      Hi Ruby,

      It’s amazing that you’ve managed to cut down to just one tablet. You’ve done so much hard work already. I would cut that one tablet out, you will feel crap for a week but your so close already that I would just go for it. Maybe pick a time where you don’t have much on and go for it. You can do it.

      My tips would be drink loads and loads of water, have a hot water bottle for the restless legs, take vitamins and keep coming on here as talking helps loads. Theses guys have got me through it

    • #25799

      Thanks so much Betterlife

      I was thinking the same just cut it out

      It’s quite scary!

      Will definitely up the water intake

      Thank you for replying

    • #25800

      I shall hold that thought. My quality of life is rubbish so I’m determined to do this ????????

    • #25801

      Thank you so much RachBN

      I’m going to take your advice. And cut it out completely from Thursday. I did think I was dragging it out so nice to have confirmation. I will try the salt baths. Been lucky not to have the restless legs. I haven’t told my partner as tbh I’m embarrassed and been hiding it. So glad to find this chat Thanks for your support x

      • #25802

        You can do this! Once you decide that you really want to stop, you find the strength to keep going even when it’s the harder days. You are obviously very determined to have cut down by that much already.

        If you don’t want to tell your partner, I understand. It’s hard if the person has no idea at all what’s been going on but don’t be embarrassed. We find ourselves stuck in a cycle that’s so hard to get out of. Codeine lures you in and it can happen to anyone. Think of it more how strong you are to now overcome it despite how tough it is! We’re all here for support so chat anytime you need to x

        • #25803

          It sure is a cycle I’ve been stuck in for 30 years!

          Thank you for your encouragement and support x

    • #25805

      Hi Terry

      Thanks for the tips. Yes I use a Triptan. And I’ve started aimovig injections.

      I’m going to walk around with my migraine hat on hopefully that will help!

    • #25807

      Hi overlt123,

      Good luck on your journey, you’ve done it once and you can do it again. Amazing that you’ve managed managed get out. I’m on day 16 and it’s only been the last few days where I’ve been able to get up in a morning. Were all here to support you.

      Rach it’s day 8 with still no results, the anexity it’s blowing my mind ????

      • #25809

        Hi Betterlife,

        They must be ok honestly. Work up the courage and try and ring for them. It’s the last piece of your journey to know you’re ok. The anxiety will ease once you know everything is fine. I know it’s hard. We put our bodies through hell but someone would have contacted you if anything showed up. You can move on with your journey once this is sorted ❤️

        • #25810

          I’m going in today around half 12 to ask for the results. I cant let this go on another day longer. Wish me luck!

          • #25812

            Good luck! Sending you all the positive vibes and keeping my fingers crossed all is good! Let us know, I’ll be thinking of you x

            • #25814

              All clear!!!! Im shaking, I can’t quite believe it. There all fine! I can finally fully move on from the hell of the last 6 years. I’m so overwhelmed.

              • #25815

                Hi Betterlife . That’s great news but I knew you had nothing to worry about ???? Now you can focus on your future ,better life xx

              • #25816

                Ah that’s amazing!! That’s just the best news. You can now move on knowing you’re ok from all of this and get on with your life. I’m so happy for you x

              • #25825

                I’m glad your results were good 🙂

                I’m having a wobble today as I am very anxious about my partner who isn’t well, but I know that codeine is not the answer and never will be. We got this for a brighter future xx

              • #25827

                Sorry to hear your partner isn’t well. That makes this extremely tough. However as you know, Codeine only makes things seem better for a very short time. Staying strong is for your future and by being out the other side of all this you will be able to help your partner more. X

              • #25830

                Great news

              • #25832

                Hey I’m glad your tests are clear.

                You’re all doing fantastic. Be proud of yourselves for what you’re doing and also for giving people like me hope that things can be ok one day.

    • #25808

      Hi trouble,

      Your currently going through a really tough part but believe me you can do it. A tough couple of weeks is well worth a new, happier and healthier life! Drink loads and be kind to yourself. We are here to support you.

    • #25811

      Hi Trouble, we’ve all been where you are right now and if we can do this, I promise you can too! You deserve a better life. Life is much brighter without these tablets in your life. It’s honestly liberating!

      The first week is hard. It feels relentless and never ending. But it does! Take one day at a time and be proud for everyday you are fighting through the struggle!

      As Betterlife said, stay hydrated. Try eat if you can. Take magnesium salt baths for the legs it helps for some reprieve. And hot water bottle for backs of your legs when trying to sleep can really help too.

      You’ll do this and we’re all here to support you❤️

    • #25813

      Hi Trouble, it appears your message was deleted. As was my response. But the main point was it’s a hard couple of days for a better life. It’s liberating to be free of those pills. If we could do this, you can too. You’ve got your motivation! We’re all here for support ❤️

      • #25820

        Thank you both so much rach and Maggie for being there for me through this whole thing. Because of you two I’ve made it this far and il be forever grateful ❤

        • #25823

          I’m the same, forever grateful to the people on this forum( Maggie you were my saviour that first week). I’m really so happy for you Betterlife. The future is bright! We’ve done it ❤️

          • #25826

            Than you ladies for your kind words ❤️ you are doing exactly same thing now- helping and supporting others while you’re still going through withdrawals .so many people have opened up on here ❤️

    • #25838

      Afternoon gang! Hope everybody’s well. Great about the test results Better Life! I don’t know how many days it is for me now but today I feel good, I woke up(got 9 hours sleep) and walked the puppy smiling in the sun! It’s so worth it. I’ve finally thrown remaining pills. I know I don’t need the crutch anymore.

      Thanks for being here, I’m so grateful. My family have me back. Don’t give in; it’s robbed us of too much.xx

      • #25839

        Hey Steph, Glad to hear you’re feeling good! As you say, it’s hard but so worth it when you’re out the other side and finally free of those pills. I’m 3 weeks in now and feel great! We’ve done it and we have our lives back! xx

    • #25840

      That’s fabulous StephTom

      Hope for us all

      I’m feeling pretty rubbish today so have not bitten the bullet yet and gone from my one a day to none. Sore throat and sneezing I guess withdrawal? My plan is tomorrow with nothing planned for the weekend

    • #25841

      That’s fabulous StephTom

      Hope for us all

      I’m feeling pretty rubbish today so have not bitten the bullet yet and gone from my one a day to none. Sore throat and sneezing I guess withdrawal? My plan is tomorrow with nothing planned for the weekend

    • #25842

      Well done Rachel BN

      Gives us all hope you’ve both done it

      I’ve got to just go for it tomorrow

      With my migraines it worries me I will end up in a&e which has happened before

      I’ve got migraine meds so going to have to rely on them alone

      • #25843

        Hi Ruby, it’s hard to take the final step of stopping completely especially when you’ve ongoing issues with migraines. They’re awful things so I feel for you. I hope the meds you have work. I will say once you get over those initial few days you’ll be so happy to be free of it all. We’re here to chat to and support you through the harder moments. You can do this xx

        • #25844

          Thanks RachBN

          Totally agree I don’t want to be slave to this anymore

          I have got to kick it once and for all

          I will let you know how it’s going x

          • #25846

            Best of luck Ruby x

            • #25850

              Thank you ????

    • #25845

      You can do it ruby. Were all here for you!

    • #25847

      Good luck Ruby ????

      • #25851

        Thank you ????

    • #25848

      Hi Ruby, keep going, you’re doing great. It took me about 2 months to stop taking that one pill a day, I was terrified to let go. I’d reduced to 1 pill a day before but I didn’t dare quit and then I started to take more. It was a big yo-yo journey.

      Now I wish I’d quit before and not been so scared.

      Good luck.x

      • #25852

        I’m so glad to read your post. As that is what I’ve done About 3 weeks of 1 pill and scared to drop it. I could easily start taking more again if I get a migraine. Today is the day! Thanks for your good wishes x

    • #25860

      Hi guys, how’s everyone’s weekend going? I’m spent the day indoors due to the weather. Day 19 here for me. Feeling so so so much bigger than previous weeks. Hope everyone is doing OK.

      • #25863

        Hi Betterlife, delighted to hear you’re feeling so much better! Day 19, that’s amazing! It’s so freeing not to be worried about pills all the time! I’ll be 4 weeks tomorrow and am feeling pretty much back to my normal self now. Hope everyone is doing is ok x

      • #25864

        Hello ???? brilliant news Betterlife. So happy you have gone through the worst and feeling better now ????it’s going to be 4 months for me in a few days ???? I think about them still but not as often as I did before .and it’s going to be first Christmas in years when I don’t have to stock up ????

        • #25865

          Wow 4 months Maggie! That’s amazing! Yes I’m looking forward to a Christmas too where I’m not worrying about how many I need in the house to get me by! Everything just feels so brighter without those pills in your life????

          • #25868

            So inspiring reading your posts Rach Maggie Betterlife

            My stopping yesterday didn’t happen. Went all day with none and then a migraine in the night so had to take a tablet. Disappointing but I’m not going to beat myself up.

            Keep thinking I’ve come so far…

            Actually feel ok today. So no tablets so far This in itself is a miracle! The Plan is none today or tonight ????

            Rach you’re so right going round loads of different chemists for Christmas/holidays adding up how many packets I will need

            I want to be like you guys counting how many days I’ve been without You really are an inspiration Thank you x

            • #25869

              Hi Ruby .Thank you for you kind words ☺️

              You have already cut the pills down massively ,i was never able to cut them down . For me the only way was cold turkey. Don’t beat yourself up ,you will stop that last pill when ready . Maybe even today ☺️ Good luck ????

            • #25873

              Hi Ruby, glad you find our chats helpful. Hearing other people have gone through this and come out the other side is so motivating. It really got me through it.

              I think cutting down to 1 tablet is amazing! Don’t be hard on yourself. That in itself is a huge achievement! I just couldn’t taper. I wasn’t disciplined enough so be proud of yourself!

              Hopefully today will be day 1 for you since you’re feeling ok but if it’s not today, it will be soon when you’re ready. I really do wish you the best of luck. You’ve got this and we’re all here for you x

    • #25870

      I hope so Maggie x

    • #25874

      Yes it’s so helpful Rach I’ve never actually chatted with anyone who has been in the same situation x

    • #25875

      Your day will come ruby! Fingers crossed you don’t have a migraine tonight and you’ll be able to wake up in the morning on day 2! Keeping coming back to the site for support it was the only thing that kept me going at one point.

    • #25876

      Thanks Betterlife ❤️

    • #25881

      Hi everyone I’m so glad I stumbled across this post. I was researching codeine withdrawal and stumbled across this. I’ve been taking codeine for years. I’ve taken morphine tablets but not for years, codeine is what I always fall back too. Someone’s tramadol if I can’t get codeine as it stops the withdrawals. I have a strip of codeine left, that would usually last a day if that. I want to quit for good this time, I’m just scared. Reading all your posts is really helping me to feel stronger about it though. Thanks for sharing x

      • #25882

        Hi havehope,

        Please don’t be scared. You can do it, it will be a crap couple of weeks but as soon as you’ve got through them 2 weeks things will be so much better. You’ll get your life back. It’s hard but it’s so worth it. Im on day 20 now and I feel so so so much better, I’m living again for the first time in 5 years. Were here to support you.

      • #25884

        Hi Havehope,

        Everyone here has felt like you. It’s feels scary to take the step of quitting these pills but honestly it’s the most liberating feeling to be free of codeine. Yes it’s hard but it’s so worth it. It’s a crappy 2 weeks for a better life which you deserve! I’m a month in and feeling great. I feel like me for the first time in 6 years. You can do this and we’re here to support you x

        • #25888

          Thanks RachBN it feels good not feeling alone in this. It’s been a hard 2 years and I’ve used codeine as a crutch, it sounds like a lot of us have reading peoples stories. Thanks for the support, I hope I feel like you do soon x

    • #25889

      Good luck HaveHope

      I am day 2 of no pills

      Listening to Rach Maggie and Betterlife has really helped me x

      • #25892

        Well done Ruby! Day 2, that’s amazing! X

      • #25896

        Well done and good luck to you too. I have tapered down a lot these past couple of days, the sweats through the night were unreal. I’m just trying to taper down as much as I can and hope that will help before I quit completely. I’m already feeling emotional and irritable, I feel so quilty being like this, I’m trying to stay upbeat so I don’t take it out in my family. I wish I could fast forward the rough bit. It’s so inspiring hearing people say how good they are feeling now though. One day x

    • #25890

      Iine free am on day five codeine free.The nights are still horrendous as I am having restless leg in my entire body !! Even my mouth joined in.I phoned my GP who has given me a months worth of treatment to relax my muscles and to get some sleep.You are doing amazing .

      • #25894

        Oh Dotty, the restless legs are awful. I found those the worst. I can’t even imagine it in your whole body. It’s so ironic we need sleep to recover and it’s nearly impossible to get any when in withdrawals! I’m glad you’ve gotten something to help. Day 5 is amazing! You’re doing so well! x

    • #25891

      Well done Dotty

      Day 5 amazing!

    • #25893

      Thanks Rach! Super happy about it. Not feeling too bad x

      • #25895

        You’ve got this ❤️

    • #25897

      HaveHope That’s what I did tapered down. Take your time doing it and don’t beat yourself up if on some days you go backwards. I cut down by half a tablet every 1-2 weeks depending on how I was feeling. It’s normal to feel emotional and irritable From what I’ve been reading on the posts it takes about 2 weeks to start feeling better. I’m day 3 no tablets! I feel like I’ve a stinking cold but I’m not sure if it’s a cold or withdrawal? Anyone else keep sneezing over and over and snotty nose? Have a good day everyone x

      • #25898

        Hi Ruby, day 3! Well done! Yes, I was sneezing and had a runny nose for the first week too. The first week is definitely physically the hardest and you do start to improve after that little by little but as you get to the end of week 2, things just start to get better and better! I kept telling myself 2 weeks for the rest of my life to be free.

        Havehope, don’t feel guilty! It’s a hard process tapering and you’re bound to feel irritable. Take your time with it. Do it slow and steady and you’ll get there x

        • #25905

          Thanks Rach

          I did wonder if that’s what all the sneezing was about!

    • #25899

      Morning all, hope your all doing OK.

      I’m am unfortunately not ???? I’m having a miscarriage ???? I’m devastated and I feel like it’s karma. I’ve not felt pain like this, I’m absolutely broken.

      • #25900

        Oh no Betterlife ???? I am so so sorry .Don’t even know what to say ???? my heart breaks for you .Wish there was something I could do or say to make it better Sending warm hugs xxx

      • #25906


        I’m so so sorry. The worst pain imaginable. I have been there so I do know how you feel. Just cry and hug those dearest to you. Nothing will take the pain away apart from time. And it does get easier I promise. Sending hugs and love ❤️

      • #25908

        Oh Betterlife, I am so so sorry. You fought this battle with pills because of how much you wanted this baby so please don’t feel that this is karma. Nothing I can say will make you feel any better I know that but please know this is not your fault. We’re here for you. Sending so much love❤️

    • #25902

      Oh you poor poor ,this virtual hug is all I have.Of course its not Karma,its biology doing its thing .Time is the only thing of help as is being with those who love and care for you.

      I have been where you are now and I know how dark a place it is but eventually the sun will come out again .I promise.

    • #25903

      Oh you poor poor ,this virtual hug is all I have.Of course its not Karma,its biology doing its thing .Time is the only thing of help as is being with those who love and care for you.

      I have been where you are now and I know how dark a place it is but eventually the sun will come out again .I promise.

    • #25904

      Today is day 6 for me,and thanks to a little help from my GP I did manage to sleep some.

      This day is soooo hard and the Codeine is a calling.Today is the day I order my repeat meds,so the Codeine is literally there for the taking.

      Oh dear……

      • #25907

        Well done Dotty

        How are you feeling day 6?

      • #25909

        Hi Dotty . Day 6 ,well done ???? The next day or two might be very difficult but keep thinking about a better tablet free future and you will get through this . This chat has helped a few of us on our hardest days so please feel free to message us and we will support you xx

      • #25910

        Hi Dotty, well done on day 6. The cravings can intensify around now. Day 8 for me I struggled and so nearly took some except for Maggie giving such good support. By then, I was just done with being tired and I was so overwhelmed. But the following day, I felt so much brighter! Keep chatting to us. x

    • #25911

      Hi all.

      I’ve been taking codeine for almost a year.

      I started with just a couple to make me feel more relaxed and in the past few months it’s snowballed and I was taking 5 30mg and three solpadine 8/500mg three times a day.

      I’ve no 30mg left and not due my prescription yet. My two eldest kids are away and work isn’t that busy this week so I’ve decided I need to stop. I feel so depressed as I’m hooked on them. Everything revolves around when I can chill and take my codeine, but I’m finding I need more and more and it’s a slippery slope.

      I’ve stopped the 30mg completely yesterday morning. Instead I’ve had the 8mg x2 last night and then first thing. Just to ease off the heavy symptoms.

      Am I correct doing this? I’m scared of doing cold Turkey completely and my plan is to stay on 8mg x2 morning then night just to help, then the drop one 8mg every few days until none left.

      I feel very agitated and I’ve done nothing but sleep. I’ve zero motivation to do anything at all.

      So essentially I’m down from around 522mg a day to 32mg.

      I’m praying I can get off this horrible horrible drug. I want my life back. How has it come to this at all. It’s mental how they are just giving them out to people like sweets. I have no problem getting my prescription each month without question.

      • #25912

        Hi, well done on deciding you want to break the cycle. The thing with codeine is you’ll always need to up the dose to get the same effect that you’re looking for so it spirals as you say. Good for you realising this in the first year, it took me 6! The best way to give up is down to you and how you feel. Some taper, some go cold turkey. I went cold turkey as I simply wasn’t disciplined enough to taper honestly. However, you obviously do if you’ve cut down to 32mg! That’s a huge achievement!

        It’s normal to have no motivation and feel out of sorts when you’ve reduced your amount but I promise it gets easier. Take each day as it comes and be proud of yourself! This isn’t an easy journey but so worth it for a better life. You can do this!

        I agree there are too many of us left in this position. I was never even told at the beginning I could become dependant on these pills. None of us wanted to be in this position. But we can get out of it together. Best of luck with it. Keep chatting to us, it helps x

        • #25913

          Thanks for replying.

          I found this forum a few weeks ago. But I guess I wasn’t ready to admit defeat then.

          Well I am now. I can’t go on like this. I’ve been reading about people who are taking up to 60 a day! That just seems insane but I guess I’m realising more and more that it’s not that difficult to get there.

          Any idea how long this agitated feeling lasts for?

          I definitely don’t think I could do a complete cold Turkey. It’s making me feel better that I’ve got the safety blanket of 2 8mg morning and night. A measly amount that won’t do much but it’s better than absolutely nothing.

          God how have I got myself here at all.

          • #25914

            Hello and welcome to this forum . Most of us have taken years to admit we had a problem. And trust me ,none of us wanted to be in this situation …I was taking up to 30 a day (30mg ones) and when I run out I would take a box of Nurofen plus and solpadeine max in a day …shocking now when I think about it .If it’s easier for you to taper then do it as it’s definitely a safer and less painful way . We are here to support you .best of luck xx

          • #25915

            Hi Me12You12

            I think you are doing really well. You’ve cut right down and you’ve given yourself a plan. I’ve tapered my withdrawal as I suffer with migraine and couldn’t have done cold turkey. Everyone is different how they’ve gone about it. From the thread 2 weeks clean of tablets seems to be when you start feeling a bit more normal. I would say don’t reduce too quickly if you’re going to taper. Good luck sounds like you are well on the way. Let’s hope we will all be off codeine for a good Christmas!

          • #25916

            It spirals so quickly. It can happen to anyone so don’t think bad of yourself. I started taking codeine for a serious back injury 6 years ago. I stuck to the recommended amounts for awhile but to get that original feeling I had to keep taking more and more. That feeling lures you in and before you know it you just can’t stop. And honestly you don’t want to! Then something clicks and you realise the codeine is controlling your life.Getting your life back is a huge motivation.

            I’m not too sure about tapering as I went cold turkey but the fact you went from 522 to 32 so quickly you’re going to experience withdrawals even with the 8mg pills. To avoid withdrawals you’d need to taper really slowly. There are people here who tapered that might advise you better on that.

            Physical withdrawals last around a week and that agitated/overwhelmed feeling lasts around 2 weeks cold turkey. Once you pass the 2 week mark you start to feel so much better. Anxiety and insomnia can linger longer but nowhere like the initial couple of weeks.

            I promise it gets easier and it’s so worth it.

    • #25917

      Thank you all for replying so quickly. It’s definitely making me feel less alone.

      It’s like my insides are full of ants. I feel so out of sorts. It’s horrible.

      I can cope with the 4 8mg a day as opposed to 500 odd mg for nothing. I’m just praying these next couple of weeks away. I know I won’t give in. I’ve come too far already to get to the stage admitting I’ve got a problem.

      They were initially prescribed for headaches I was getting after covid. They were the only thing that worked. So that has been stressing me slightly that I might start with them again. I’m not bothered though. I’ll find something else.

      Thanks for the support you will never know what it means speaking to normal people who are in this cycle. I’ve just been speaking to my mum about it and it’s shocking how easily available they are for people.

      30, 30mg plus nurofen and solpadine. Jeez that is a lot. I’m glad you have managed to get off them. I bet you are too.

      Seems mental that many but I can totally understand how it can creep up and you’re there before you know it. Well done you for stopping.

      Once I’ve got off these I will never ever touch even the 8mg again. It’s not worth it. Life has been so shit these last twelve months. I feel so detached from life and everyone. I can’t wait to have my life back.

    • #25918

      Thank you all for replying so quickly. It’s definitely making me feel less alone.

      It’s like my insides are full of ants. I feel so out of sorts. It’s horrible.

      I can cope with the 4 8mg a day as opposed to 500 odd mg for nothing. I’m just praying these next couple of weeks away. I know I won’t give in. I’ve come too far already to get to the stage admitting I’ve got a problem.

      They were initially prescribed for headaches I was getting after covid. They were the only thing that worked. So that has been stressing me slightly that I might start with them again. I’m not bothered though. I’ll find something else.

      Thanks for the support you will never know what it means speaking to normal people who are in this cycle. I’ve just been speaking to my mum about it and it’s shocking how easily available they are for people.

      30, 30mg plus nurofen and solpadine. Jeez that is a lot. I’m glad you have managed to get off them. I bet you are too.

      Seems mental that many but I can totally understand how it can creep up and you’re there before you know it. Well done you for stopping.

      Once I’ve got off these I will never ever touch even the 8mg again. It’s not worth it. Life has been so rubbish these last twelve months. I feel so detached from life and everyone. I can’t wait to have my life back.

    • #25920

      Totally agree with you. I’m never taking them again I’ve been taking them for 30 years. I can’t wait to be free x

      • #25921

        Have you stopped yet? Where are you up too?

        I’ve just had the two 8mg ones but they’re doing nothing. I can’t tell you what my insides feel like. I can’t keep still it’s like my insides are crawling.

        • #25929

          This is my 3rd day no tablets

          I tapered mine over a few months so I haven’t had the symptoms you are describing. Some of the others on the forum can probably advise better

          I’ve got a really snotty nose and sneezing continually

        • #25931

          That crawling feeling is awful. It’s common for restless legs to happen during withdrawal. Some get it all over their body. Hot baths can help. Some people get prescribed meds from their GP to help. The quick drop in codeine is going to cause withdrawals nearly as severe as cold turkey. A slow taper like Ruby did can prevent the severe withdrawal symptoms from happening but it sounds like you’re determined to keep going now. I promise it gets easier. That feeling will go away. Take one day at a time x

    • #25933

      I’ve got the restless legs. Horrible. Two brufen have helped.

      Day three tomorrow. I’ve got to go to work in the afternoon and my mum knows I’m coming off them and she works for me so that is going to help surely.

      I’m actually glad I’m feeling the withdrawals in a weird way because I know for a fact I never want to feel this again.

      I don’t think the 8mg are doing anything but more a comfort thing. I’m going to ring my GP first thing in the morning and tell them that I’m addicted and I don’t want anymore ever again!

      I’m assuming that what I’m going through now is the worst and cutting the 8mg down should hopefully not have as much of an effect as it’s having now going from 500 odd mg to 32mg.

      I gave up alcohol last year due to using it daily to cope with lockdowns and my business being closed. I’ve done that so I’ve got to do this.

      Thanks so much, it’s definitely helping me reading all your stories. I’ve just read back from the beginning each persons story. You’re all so brave.

      Better life I’m so sorry you’re going through this. It’s very unfair. Sending you huge hugs. ????

    • #25943

      First bad night last night.

      The restless legs was just a complete restless body. It was awful. I ended up caving and having two 8mg because I needed to sleep and take that edge off that awful awful feeling.

      I’m not even sure they did much. I finally went off to sleep about 3am.

      I’m not beating myself up about taking the extra two. I’m still down a hell of a lot from the 30’s I was taking.

      I’m going to try and hold off taking the 8mg this morning. I’ll see how I get on with just paracetamol and ibuprofen as the restless feeling isn’t there at the moment.

      Day three today.

      • #25944

        You’ve achieved so much in such a short time so well done! The restless feeling is definitely worse by night. And it’s hard when you can’t sleep then. Nothing worse than being awake by night feeling like that. You start to get so annoyed with yourself. Taking each day as it comes is the best approach so you’re doing great! Hope work goes ok for you today!

    • #25946

      Thank you. ????

      Never again. I can’t wait for this to be over. I will never ever ever succumb to them again. They are truly horrible.

      Hope everyone else is ok ????

    • #25951

      I’ve managed to sleep a bit this morning.

      I felt very very restless.

      I’m dreaming of the day I no longer feel like this and I can have a normal life instead of being a prisoner in my own home, counting down the next hours to my dose.

      I’ve read loads of the timelines online and they say up to day five is the worst from a physical symptom aspect. So by Saturday I’m praying I feel better as I have a family meal to attend.

      I’m so glad I’ve decided to do this now. My original plan was january but I’m relieved I’ve chosen now as it will be over by jan.

    • #25952

      The crawling restlessness is hideous, I have fallen by the wayside so many times because I could not deal with the restlessness that going cold turkey lead to.This time I have a script for a low dose of Amitriptyline which hlps me get some sort of sleep.Yesterday was a tough one as my script for the codeine was due.The sensible part of me knew I should not have filled it,but I got it anyway.Its sat there unopened but knowing its there is some twisted weird way comforting.I guess we all get through the days in the best way we can.Don`t beat yourself up if you slip .

    • #25953

      Hi Me12you21,

      Well done! Keep going, it gets a lot better very quickly. I found activity helped a lot. Raising my heart rate even for short bursts got rid of the anxious voice in my head and stomach. Sleep deprivation makes everything harder so take naps whenever you can and kick the guilt out the door.

      Don’t give up!

      BettlerLife, I’m so sorry to read this. Nature serves us a rough hand sometimes but it isn’t because of anything you’ve done. You need to be kinder to yourself now than you’ve ever been before. Sending hugs, plz keep checking in.

    • #25956

      Thanks for the replies.

      My prescription is due Monday but I know 100% I will not get it.

      I need to ring my GP to tell them to knock it off and put a note on that I’m not to be prescribed it.

      I had two 8mg this morning to take that awful restless away. I’ve been out, just got home and feel ok. But I know as the night creeps in what’s coming. I’m dreading it ????

      The beauty of the 8mg is that they are mixed with paracetamol and I’m frightened to death of them. I’m so scared I’ll overdose so I would never abuse them. I suppose they are giving me a safety blanket somewhat.

      I cannot tell you how strong I feel about never ever being in this position again. Crazy how it’s crept up.

      I feel so guilty on my kids how much of a rubbish parent I am at the moment but I’m trying to remind myself that doing this now will make Christmas special for them as ill hopefully be more motivated and the same physical side of things will be over with.

      How many days are you now Dotty? It’s so hard isn’t it.

    • #25972

      Hi everyone. Just thought I’d post again with my experience. The restlessness is horrible but the restless legs do go away around day 10. For me the anxiety never went away which led to be slipping on day 40, but I’m back on track and on day 2 again now. I have anxious avoidant personality disorder which means I have constant “free floating anxiety” (psychologist words not mine!!), so I know that stopping the opiates won’t magically cure my anxiety but at least I’ll know I’m not an addict. One of my motivations is so I am of sound mind to progress as a pianist (aka name). I don’t want any children so don’t have that as motivation.

      Keep going x

      Keep going x

    • #25973

      Hi everyone. Just thought I’d post again with my experience. The restlessness is horrible but the restless legs do go away around day 10. For me the anxiety never went away which led to be slipping on day 40, but I’m back on track and on day 2 again now. I have anxious avoidant personality disorder which means I have constant “free floating anxiety” (psychologist words not mine!!), so I know that stopping the opiates won’t magically cure my anxiety but at least I’ll know I’m not an addict. One of my motivations is so I am of sound mind to progress as a pianist (aka name). I don’t want any children so don’t have that as motivation.

      Keep going x

      Keep going x

    • #25976


      Last night wasn’t too bad. Night three. I managed to get out yesterday for a bit. My stomach is so off though, I’ve got the runs.

      I only had the restless body feeling for about an hour or so as I tried to go to sleep last night. I had been waiting for it which is an awful feeling.

      Woke up and feel so unmotivated and down this morning but I suppose my brain still doesn’t know what to do with itself yet.

      Full day of work today. Day four and a step closer to being rid of these horror pills forever.

      Also, a friend of mine pointed me in the direction of the gabapentin threads online. Now that is an eye opener of a horrible drug people are struggling to get off.

      It’s actually made me appreciate that we are on a much less horrific drug to get off. I’ll take the small things right now ????

      Good luck today everyone. ????

      • #25980

        Hello Me12 ,you are doing great ????It does get better ,I promise . Music has helped me and I have been recommending it to everyone ???? It’s 4 months for me and tbh I still have the runs most of the days .Starting to think there’s something wrong with my stomach or bowel because it’s not normal …

        Sending positive vibes to all of you going through difficult time xx

        • #25981

          Thank you for all your positive vibes

          It’s much appreciated ????

    • #25979

      Hi Me12you21,

      You’re doing so well! Around Day 3 is usually when the stomach upset starts. Make sure and stay well hydrated!

      That lack of motivation takes awhile to go. Your brain is used to codeine triggering the release of endorphins so it’s learning how to do this again for itself. Light exercise etc can really help get those going and give you a little energy.

      Ruby, day 5. Well done!! The sleep takes awhile to settle but you’ll get there x

    • #25991

      Hi guys I’ve noticed posts are removed randomly for breaking guidelines saying this forum is for the families not the person. Has anyone else have there’s removed? Wondered if there’s another group/forum we could connect on. I’m so enjoying having someone else who understands and listening to each persons story and positivity x

      • #25992

        Hi Ruby. It’s happened to me a few times …I was wondering the same .it would be good to be able to chat somewhere else

        • #25993

          Maggie How do we find the right place?

    • #25995

      Hey guys, yes I’ve had posts removed a few times. Generally they only remove messages that give specific medical advice regarding withdrawal but My response to you Ruby was removed earlier and I was only saying how well you were doing? It would be great to chat somewhere freely? Any suggestions?

    • #25996

      What about a WhatsApp group?

      • #25997

        Hey Betterlife, how are you doing? You’ve been in my thoughts the last few days. ❤️ A what’s app group is a good idea!

      • #25998

        Hello Betterlife .How are you dear ? I have also been thinking about you xx

        WhatsApp group would be great and easy but don’t know how will be get away with sharing our numbers on here ????

        • #25999

          Yeah I was thinking the same Maggie. It would be hard to share our numbers on this? It’s a pity you can’t private message people on this forum.

          • #26004

            WhatsApp would have been great

    • #26000

      Hi Rach. I’m not great but times a healer and I know il be ok eventually. I’m grieving for my little one so bad and I wish things were different ????

      How are you? X

      • #26002

        Oh Betterlife, my heart breaks for you. It’s so unfair you must go through this. Just know we’re all here for you ❤️

        I’m doing good. I’m a month in now and feel pretty much normal. X

      • #26006

        It’s nice to hear from you. We are all thinking of you Sending love and hugs ????

    • #26001

      Yeah thats a point Maggie. Would of been loads better wouldn’t it. X

    • #26011

      Me too

    • #26022

      Oh I’ll send mine over now.

      I’ve literally just finished work and come on to see how everyone was getting on.

    • #26023

      I’ve just sent it over to you. ????

      I’ve had the best day at work that I’ve had in months. I keep thinking about how I feel, if that makes sense and that awful doom feeling is definitely lifting. It’s been so so worth doing this.

      Last night I had two 8mg when the restless legs kicked in, thinking it might take the edge off but it didn’t.

      So I’m not having any today. It doesn’t work for what I want which was just to ease any of the symptoms and 8mg is too low for me to feel anything from so it was never for that. But now I know it’s not working for the symptoms I may as well stop.

      It’s mad that having those there as a safety blanket have helped. I rang my dr today and said I’d been abusing them and to knock me off ever being prescribed them again. So they’ve made a large note on the system.

      I feel really fortunate to be coming away from this relatively unscathed.

      I’ve been heavily researching prescription drug epidemic and it’s so so bad. In America it is awful! Always the same story, back injury, sports injury, headaches. Then the abuse starts. It’s awful.

      I hope you’ve all had a good day. It’s the weekend. Fingers crossed we can all try and enjoy some normality and be getting ready to have a lovely Christmas ????

    • #26026

      Hi Me12you21, I’m glad you had a good day at work! It’s an amazing feeling once the doom starts to lift and you can see the way out of this cycle finally.

      Well done on telling the GP not to prescribe them anymore. They give them out so easy!

      I know there is such a huge prescription drug problem in America! The programme dopesick that’s been shown at the moment is all about how Oxycontin became widespread prescribed during the 90s. It’s a really good watch!

      Glad you’ll be joining us on what’s app. It’s great to have a support network ❤️

    • #26169

      Hi Clab well done for taking the steps to give up. I did it reducing weekly. 1/2 a tablet per week or 2 weeks. (Depending how I was feeling) Just don’t rush it I’m 3 weeks no tablets ???? Good luck

    • #26172

      Hi guys!

      Wow seeing all these comments has made me feel so much better.

      I’ve been taking zapain 30/500mg now for 7 months. Basically in a bad relationship with a narcissist. I was taking the odd one here and there and I’ll be honest I loved the warm and boost of energy feel it gave me, blocked everything out. I gradually started taking more & more to the point I was on 15 a day, 3 at a time. They wasn’t giving me that feeling anymore so I was taking more & more. Instead of that warm feeling it became a not with it feeling, they had taken over me. Wasn’t living my normal life. Im now 15 days cold turkey. The withdrawals have been horrendous for me. Which led me to open up to my family about this as I couldn’t go through the withdrawals on my own and take care of my toddler. so

      Opening to get help was my only option and the support from family has been amazing. Regret opening up to the narcissist partner as now he’s using it against me that the relationship is bad cause I’ve been a secret junkie for 7 months, chucking it in my face constantly, anyway!!! ???? I’m over the worst. Currently still got loose bowels, restless legs & anxiety but each day I feel stronger. I’ve booked to start having therapy working on making myself happy again & get my strength back to do what I need to do.

      • #26173

        Hello Alicia . Firstly, well done on coming off the pills .15 days is amazing and you are through the worst now xx you should be very proud of yourself. It took you only 7 months where some of us have lived in denial for years and years . It is bad that your partner is not supportive but using it against you .it shouldn’t be this way and I really feel for you ???? You have to focus on getting better and stronger and I’m afraid he will not let you get there .If you ever need to chat I am here to support you xx keep going ,you’ve got this ????

    • #26174

      Well done Alicia you’ve done it and hopefully over the worst! I too was with a partner who was unsupportive Get your therapy in the new year and your self esteem will be so much better x

    • #26183

      Hi Alicia, well done for recognising you needed to get off these pills. 15 days is amazing and you are definitely through the worst if it now. It only gets better from here on in. You should be so proud of yourself for doing this! I’m glad you are getting therapy to work on yourself and gaining your strength back. You deserve to be happy and with someone who supports you through life. I’m here if you ever need to chat. ❤️

    • #26184

      Hi Clab, well done on deciding it’s time to stop! That’s the main first step, Tapering or cold turkey really comes down to how much self discipline you have. I never stuck to the taper plan I made so I just had to go cold turkey. Tapering will definitely reduce the severity of the withdrawals once done gradually and it sounds like you are motivated enough to do it. If you need support, we’re all here❤️

    • #26194

      Thanks for the support x

    • #26222

      Hey all first want to say well done ???? now im taking 20 a day I keep saying I don’t want this no more but. I hate the cramps and sleepless nights not to say always needing the toilet. Sorry to say its not nice getting up 4 to 5 tines a night to go to toilet has anyone had this problem and how long does it last for. Hope to hear from someone but I need off this horrible stuff but scared of the side effects.

      • #26224

        Hi Change9693, well done for recognising you don’t want to be on these tablets anymore. So the intense withdrawals you’re talking about last about a week. After that it gets a little better every day. Once you hit the 2 week mark it gets so much easier! Stomach issues are common with withdrawal but you can take Imodium to help. Toilet issues are worse that first few days but after the first 5/6 days it eases off. You’ll still have slight stomach upset for awhile but not as bad. I’m 2 months into this journey and honestly, every withdrawal was worth it. Yes, it was hard at the time but my life is so much better now. I’m genuinely happy. I’m not living my life worrying about pills anymore. I promise you can do this. Focus on the end goal of the life you want. You deserve that life! I’m here if you want to chat ❤️

    • #26301

      Hi all, it’s so enlightening to hear all of your stories. It’s given me the courage to do what i have to do. I am on my last 25 30mg tabs and I am tapering off. Ive been taking them for the last 4 years. I didnt realise how detached from life i am until I started reading these comments and it got me thinking about my life before pills. I have to do this. I have to for my little one. I will probably be coming here quite a bit in the next week or so. Its amazing to know there are people here who understand.

      • #26305

        Hello Shazza .Very happy to hear another person is joining us ???? The most important thing is ,you understand what these pills do to you and your loved ones. It will be difficult for the first 10 days or so but it’s doable and once you’re free from them you will feel like there’s nothing you can’t do . Wishing you the best of luck .I’m here for support if you need it xx

      • #26311

        Hi Shazza, well done for taking the first step on recognising it’s time to get these pills out of your life! Honestly, it’s a tough couple of weeks but you can do this. I think once you get to the point where you really want these pills out of your life, you find a strength from within and get through it. Please keep chatting to us. Talking really helps especially with people who get what you’re feeling xx

    • #26306

      Hi everyone, I’ve had an opioid addiction on and off for a couple of years. The reason I got stuck in the first place is the feeling of euphoria and excitment that I felt when I first took codeine and it is not a feeling that comes easily to me. I am generally a very mellow and stable person so it was nice to have something that excited me. I had to quit them due to not finding ways to buy them but after being off them for about a year and suffering a mild depression I got stuck again, this time on oxycodone. It’s harder to stop now since I know that I will have nothing to look forward to when I don’t have the pills. But I am at a low point when it comes to feeling like a horrible human being and lying to my wife and family who I cannot bear to tell of my relapse (which has gone on for 8 months now). Sorry for this long essay but I just would like to hear if any of you are similar to me but have found other meaning in your lives after the detox.

      • #26308

        Hello ???? it is very difficult to replace that feeling of euphoria that opioid gives you .the thing is ,the longer you are taking them for ,the more you need as your body gets used to them .in the end you get to the point where you take 20+ a day just to feel normal .The constant worry about where to get tomorrow’s pills from is not worth it . I’ve been there for 8 years and I hope I will never find myself in that dark place again. You just need to find those little things that make you feel happy and take one day at a time . I suffer anxiety and depression and i know that antidepressants have helped me a lot in the last few months . I hope you find strength to come off them again ????

        • #26316

          Hi guys. Just thought I’d check in and say I’m on day 31 today. I’m still struggling with stomach issues like diaherr, I guess I would have thought that would have passed by now. I eat quite healthily, don’t have fried or high fat foods. I think it’s because the opiates were slowing my system down for so long- I had chronic constipation and now it has gone the opposite. I’m not going to give up, just wondering whether this is normal at this point.

          Thank you,


          • #26321

            Hi Emma, I’m so happy to hear from you. Day 31 is just amazing. Sorry to hear you still have some stomach issues. I think that symptom can linger a bit due to the chronic constipation opiates cause as you say. My stomach probably wasn’t 100% right until 6 weeks in. Well done for getting through it, the end result is so worth it! X

          • #26323

            Hello Emma ,well done ???? a whole month already !! To be honest ,my stomach has only settled in the last few days .Up until now I was hardly keeping any food in (since first week of August) . It will get better xx

      • #26310

        Hey, don’t beat yourself up so much! You’ve had a blip, and that’s ok. The main thing is that u want to get back on track and plan on doing so. Next step is to make it happen. I’ll be honest I’m planning to cut down and eventually come off but seem to be putting it off…… waiting til New Year’s Day, or my birthday a few days after. It’s taking that step!

      • #26312

        Hi anderaugust, it’s hard isn’t it? The struggle of liking the euphoric feeling versus knowing the destruction these pills can cause. We’ve all been there so don’t be hard on yourself! It’s so easy to get caught in the trap again. I find the longer you’re off the pills, the happier you become and the less you think of that euphoric feeling. Depression is quite common after coming off opioids and maybe it’s worth looking into anti depressants to help with that? I’ve been off them over 2 months now and I’m the happiest I’ve ever been. I had gotten to the point where I despised those pills and how they made me feel. I hated the constant having to try and source enough tablets to keep me going and the way it made me behave. Now i just feel free if that makes sense. You’ve done this once and you can do it again when you’re ready x

    • #26314

      Thank you everyone for the encouraging words. It does help even if it’s a just a little help. I’m currently not able to get enough pills as I’m used to so having pretty bad restless legs along with the usual bad stomach etc. Anyone have any advice on how to deal with restless legs? Sharing a bed with my wife and a dog doesn’t make it easy at the moment. Again, thank you all for taking the time to answer, it’s good to know that people care. Dealing with it alone is definitely worse than me telling my friends and family the first time around.

      • #26315

        Dealing with it alone must be difficult. I had the support of my husband who was amazing but I told no one else. That’s why I found this forum so helpful. The support of people who understand what I was feeling really encouraged me to keep going on the harder days. And believe me, we do care! The restless legs are a nightmare. By far, my worst symptom of withdrawal. Warm baths, light exercise, a hot water bottle on the backs of your legs, magnesium spray or a weighted blanket are all options to try and ease it. My restless legs lasted for 2 weeks and then eased off with cold turkey. Also, Your wife would prob want to help you if you told her what’s going on. I know I’d want to know. I totally get you don’t want to do this to her again but her support might really help. You know the situation best though x

    • #26318

      Hi everyone I spoke not so long ago and was trying to taper off, that didn’t work so well. I’m too greedy. I fluttered with stopping by switching to tramadol but I was replacing one with the other and then using both together. I knew I had to stop which is what I’ve admitted and I’m on day 3. I feel awful, I have no energy and the sweats and shivers are awful. I feel down and I keep getting these weird brain zaps as I call them. Little electric currents almost in my brain. I’m fighting on though, these posts give me a little lift today, thanks x

      • #26324

        Hi Havehope ,

        The withdrawals will get worse over the next few days but you have to stay strong and take one day at a time .Try to eat and drink well so you have energy to beat this . We are here for you xx you can do this . Those brain zaps will pass .I had them when I stopped taking sertraline and it’s a horrible feeling . Sending hugs and positive thoughts your way

    • #26319

      Hi everyone I spoke not so long ago and was trying to taper off, that didn’t work so well. I’m too greedy. I fluttered with stopping by switching to tramadol but I was replacing one with the other and then using both together. I knew I had to stop which is what I’ve admitted and I’m on day 3. I feel awful, I have no energy and the sweats and shivers are awful. I feel down and I keep getting these weird brain zaps as I call them. Like electric jolts. Roll on day 365! X

      • #26322

        Hi Havehope, great to hear from you. This is the reason I had to go cold turkey also. I simply couldn’t taper as I didn’t have the discipline to do it. Day 3 is amazing! I know how you’re feeling right now and it’s hard. However, I promise it’s all worth it once you’re out the other side. If you want to talk, I’m here for support. Talking csn really help. You’ve got this ❤️

      • #26334

        Hey, your doing really well. You have made it this far. Take each moment at a time. You won’t feel like this forever. Keep going x

    • #26320

      Sorry for the repeated posts I thought there was a reason it wasn’t submitting so tried to shorten the post and submit again!

    • #26325

      Thanks everyone I just keep reading your messages urging myself to keep going. I keep reasoning with myself saying that maybe the taper was the right thing to do and I should try again. I know I’m kidding myself but I hate feeling like this. I feel not too bad one minute then my skin starts burning again and I feel like my insides are itchy. I’m so tired, I really hate this. I hope there’s not too many days of this left. I don’t want to give up x

      • #26326

        Hey Havehope, I really know how you’re feeling. I was you 8 weeks ago reading other peoples posts trying to get through it all. I thought I’d never manage as I felt horrendous. I just wanted to be the person who was 4 or 6 weeks in feeling normal again! I nearly gave up so many times but this forum saved me. Reading how other people did it made me realise I could do it too and so can you! The most important thing is take one day at a time. Focus on your present and deal with that. And remember this is temporary! The feeling of freedom from not being on pills will last a lot longer than those withdrawals. Keep talking to us ❤️

    • #26327

      Thank you, I’m in tears reading this, I’m so grateful for all of your support. My partner and kids think I have flu, only my sister knows what’s going on. It’s just horrible feeling like a crap human being as well as all the physical symptoms. I’m off work until Monday so I’m praying I can manage a little by then. But like you are saying a day at a time. I hope I can help others and look back at this in 8 weeks time, I really do. I am never, ever going through this again x

    • #26328

      Thank you, I’m in tears reading this, I’m so grateful for all of your support. My partner and kids think I have flu, only my sister knows what’s going on. It’s just horrible feeling like a crap human being as well as all the physical symptoms. I’m off work until Monday so I’m praying I can manage a little by then. But like you are saying a day at a time. I hope I can help others and look back at this in 8 weeks time, I really do. I am never, ever going through this again x

      • #26329

        Havehope dear ,you can do this . Only few more days .If I could do it I think anyone can ! I know it’s overwhelming and you feel like you can’t carry on but i promise you ,it gets better xx stay strong

      • #26330

        I know that feeling of thinking I’m a crappy person who can’t do anything with my children or husband because I’m too tired and feel horrendous. But this will end and you’ll be the best version of you without those pills in your life. Your family deserve that but more importantly, you do! I’m a different person now even in 8 weeks. Im happy and I laugh more. I’m finally free and it’s liberating honestly.

        It’s good you’re off work until Monday. You need that first week off. It’s a hard week but you can do this. None of us are any different to you. You are obviously determined to do this and that’s the main thing you need. That’s the strength that gets you through xx

    • #26331

      Thank you xx

    • #26340

      Thank you Maggie and RachBN. You are so supportive of everyone here. Bless you. And everyone else here sharing their experiences. I am currently in a London hotel with my 4 year old having a girlie spa day. I wanted to have some quality time with her before the pills run out and the crap begins. My hubbs is aware of the issue but isn’t too supportive but as long as he takes care of little one im not too concerned with chores and other stuff. Luckily i have been told to work from home again today as I work in a London hospital and covid is rife. Its a weight off my mind knowing i wont have to face people at my worst. I will deffo be checking in with you guys. I havent actually started yet, still tapering a little. But when the 30mg tabs run out, all i’ll have left is the nurofen plus. They wont touch the withdrawals. So glad to know i can talk here xxx

      • #26345

        That’s such a lovely thing to do with your daughter for some quality time! I think other people find it hard to understand why we can’t just stop taking these pills. Unless you’ve been in this position, you’ve no idea how hard it all is. I’m glad your husband will help out with minding your daughter though so you can focus on yourself for those few days. It’s a tough time but so worth it! The tapering will hopefully make things a bit easier for you once you stop. This space is such a great place to talk cause you know we all understand. We’ve all been where you are now so just want to help. X

    • #26346

      Hi to everyone starting their journey. Its going to be a real tough couple of weeks but believe me it’s worth every moment. The freedom you feel after is overwhelming! We’re finally free. I have better connections with my while family now, I finally feel present and I love it. Before I was just existing but now I’m living, I living gor the first time in 5 years.

      I too didn’t have the support from my husband or family as no one knew about my secret addiction. I blamed my awful two weeks on being poorly, none of my family still to this day don’t know what I’ve been doing for the last 5 years and they never will. Everyone on here got me through the hardest time of my life and I see them all as true friends now. Please keep coming back to this site and talking, we are here to see you through the hardest of times.

    • #26347

      Hi to everyone starting their journey. Its going to be a real tough couple of weeks but believe me it’s worth every moment. The freedom you feel after is overwhelming! We’re finally free. I have better connections with my whole family now, I finally feel present and I love it. Before I was just existing but now I’m living, I living for the first time in 5 years.

      I too didn’t have the support from my husband or family as no one knew about my secret addiction. I blamed my awful two weeks on being poorly, none of my family still to this day don’t know what I’ve been doing for the last 5 years and they never will. Everyone on here got me through the hardest time of my life and I see them all as true friends now. Please keep coming back to this site and talking, we are here to see you through the hardest of times.

    • #26348

      Morning everyone, I’ve woke feeling a little better this morning. I know it’s a rollercoaster, but I’m glad I don’t feel as horrible right now. I’m proud I didn’t cave because I was so close to throwing in the towel yesterday. Your messages got me through, thanks. I’m here fighting today. No alcohol for me today as that’s a trigger for me. Hope you all have a happy new year x

      • #26349

        So glad to hear you’re feeling a little better this morning. Well done for not taking pills yesterday. This isn’t an easy journey but so worth it! Happy New Year to you also. You’re going into 2022 pill free so you should be so proud of yourself x

      • #26350

        So glad your feeling better x

    • #26353

      Thank you, definitely would not say better but not quite as horrendous as yesterday. My tummy is upset, still going hot and cold and feel tired. Can’t wait to get through to the other side though x

      • #26375

        How are you feeling today? Even if it’s slightly better it’s something. X

    • #26364

      As I sit here at home watching the new years eve celebrations start off the new year, all i can think of is how exciting it all used to be to me. I dont feel anything right now, I just wanna crawl back into bed and watch TV. I really hope after i quit this thing I can start to feel the things i used to feel again. I wish everyone here a healthy, happier new year. Bless you all for your continued support. xx

      • #26369

        Hi Shazza, That’s the thing with codeine, you feel numb and get no joy out of anything but pills in the end. Once you’re off them and your brain recalibrates without the codeine, you’ll find you get happy from the little things again. You’ll enjoy things that you did before and want to do them. Happy New Year and I really hope 2022 is good to you xx

        • #26418

          Thank you Rach! Can i ask a question to all here? Most people refer to their use of codeine. My tablets are dihydracodeine, is there any difference? Will my withdrawal be any easier/harder with dihydracodeine? I do notice a difference in the tabs themselves as 60mg of codeine doesn’t tend to give me the same effect as 60mg of dihydracodeine. Just want to know before i go cold turkey. I start day 1 tomorrow after a rushed taper….

          • #26423

            Hi Shazza ,

            I was on cocodamols for couple of years and then on dihydrocodeine ,it’s just pure codeine . i was overdosing on paracetamol as well while on cocodamol ,that’s why I asked to get it changed .If it’s 30mg I would say the withdrawals will be the same for both .I’m sure you can do this .Just stay focused and keep talking to us xx Best of luck

          • #26428

            Hi Shazza,dihydrocodeine is just pure codeine so the withdrawals will be the same. Those pills just have no paracetamol or ibuprofen with the codeine. Best of luck starting day 1 tomorrow. I know you can do this. Just focus on one day at a time. We’re all here to chat x

            • #27945

              Hello, I suppose you guessed it didn’t work out for me. I was planning on checking in everyday to help me through but without the support of my husband and the strongest willpower, I found myself back to square one but it’s worse now. I’m getting my monthly script every two weeks. Thats 120 x 30mg dihydracodeine in 12 days because I find myself out of them even before two weeks. Im down to 6 x 30mg now and once these are gone I’m not getting anymore. Ive had 4 x 30mg today and I plan on having 3 tomorrow, 2 the next day etc. Im going to call the doc on Tuesday. He may suggest tapering as its been discussed before but we’ll see. Ive just had enough of this crap. All I want to do is sleep, and when I’m not sleeping I’m pacing up and down and jerking about like a mad patient. I cant bare it but it has to be done. Im at my wits end. Should I kick it after the tabs run out or taper on my next script? I dunno what to do for the best.

              • #27946

                Hi Shazza, it can take numerous attempts to give up before it all works out so I totally understand. It’s extremely hard to do with no support at home also but well done for wanting to try again!

                You’re tapering quite fast so you’re going to experience some withdrawals straight away which is what you’re experiencing with the restlessness. Once you completely stop after the next days, you’ll be feeling physically rough for a week and without support, this might be hard on you. A taper would allow the withdrawals to be less severe. With a taper, you have to be committed to the plan and I just couldn’t ever stick to it so I went cold turkey. A taper is definitely a less harsh way of stopping though, it may take slightly longer but that doesn’t matter as the end result is still you’re pill free.

                You sound like you’ve reached the point where you really don’t want these pills anymore and that’s where you need to be when you start the process of stopping. You can do this I promise. It’s crap and it all seems unbeatable but it’s so worth it on the other end. Every withdrawal is temporary and what you gain once you’re pill free is just amazing. You deserve your life back.

                Only you can decide which way is best for you but I’ll be here rooting for you either way! And as always for anyone reading this, there is a WhatsApp group for anyone that wants additional support.

                Best of luck Shazza xxx

              • #27956

                Hi RachBN,

                Feeling awful today and I’m still taking the tablets (only got 4 x 30mg for the day) so I just cant imagine how it will be without any. I’m climbing the walls. I feel for my little girl as all she wants to do is play. Cant even take her to the Easter egg hunt today. Feeling like a proper failure. I cant even tell my husband I’m stopping. He uses words like junkie and pathetic and says how could I not have known what was happening as I’ve had family members in trouble with other drugs in the past. He seems to think I should have known better, I guess I should have but he doesn’t understand how it creeps up on you. I’m at my lowest ebb with no one to talk to about it and arguments in the house are regular. I doubt our relationship could handle me stopping these tabs right now but if not now, when? I think tapering is the best way forward. I have to be disciplined. Its my relationship and my health on the line. I have to push through. Once again thank you for your help. I will join the whatsapp group. xx

              • #27957

                My very bad perspective as far as you’re relationship goes is that spite can be a great motivator. I’m almost certain any relationship expert would not advise that mentality! I however am very childish and stubborn on the inside! Shazza, I’m quite ok with you using it as a motivator ????????. I’m also of the opinion that behind a lot of inconsiderate narrow minded attitudes like that of your husband is fear. You can do this. I used diahorrea tablets, maximum dose, dropping one tablet a day for the first 8 days in divided doses. It definately helped me. I’m not there yet but I’m so motivated by the ladies on this thread I’m determined this time to stick it out. Luckily my oldest child planned and did all the work for my other 3 for Easter or they wouldn’t have had much fun ????. Magnesium helps heaps for that climbing the walls feeling and restless legs. Apparently it’s a common deficiency in modern society. High doses of vitamin C are helpful too. Meanwhile I’m still reaching out here at day 15 because it’s not easy but trust me you can do it. I found a song called Burn the Ships on you. tube. by for King and Country and I’ve played it multiple times a day. (Kids think I’ve gone mad). It’s actually written by one of the guys about his wife who was…just like us. Hang on tight Shazza, you’ve got this, stay calm and don’t argue with hubby (even if you’re right and he’s wrong just know that in your head and keep the peace for your own sake for now), we can work that part out once you get thru this bit.

              • #27970

                Hi SoWeary, just checking in to see how you’re feeling today? X

              • #27972

                Hi Rach, thanks so much for checking on me! I am still holding on and haven’t given in. I drove my kids to school this morning for the first time in over 2 weeks! It felt weird like I’ve been away but I did it! I still struggled with the fatigue but I also did half the dishes and cleaned the toilet. I am still so unmotivated and weak but I’m starting to think more about things I’d like to do…still putting off things I really should be doing but it’s a start. I’ve had my codeine issue for over a decade so I’m thinking it will take more time maybe? I’m actually still sneezing quite frequently. I’m still reading all through the pages of this thread every day to keep me on track and playing music all day which I never do normally but I do feel it is awakening something. Thankyou again ☺️

              • #27973

                You’re doing so well!! Well done! That’s a major victory taking the kids to school!

                I was on them 6 years and it definitely varies from person to person as there are so many factors in play with withdrawals such as how many you were taking, duration of use etc as you say. I felt like you at this point and although I got so much better from day 18 on, I struggled with motivation for awhile longer. I just accepted it and went with it. Music can honestly help so much with energy levels.

                Those glimpses of normality you’re seeing is the starting point to feeling like you again. Cling to those moments when you feel overwhelmed by it all and repeat to yourself, this is temporary! The house will be here to clean in a few weeks. I’m doing this for a better life that I deserve and so do my family. At this point, it really is a mental battle more than anything else but you’ve got this!!

                Here if you need to chat xx

              • #27974

                xoxo ????????

              • #27977

                Hi SoWeary, you are doing great ! I couldn’t motivate myself to do anything for a while .I said it before and I’ll say again- I don’t know how you guys with kids do it …it’s just my partner ,dog and I and it was hard enough to get through . I stopped in August last year ( sounds so good saying the words last year ????) and I still sneeze quite often .I have good and bad days and motivation still low …I’m even wondering if my old hard working self will ever come back ? Well done to you and everyone else coming off these evil pills ,you’ve got this ????

                P.s The music is still a big part of my life ,listen to it pretty much every day as it makes me feel good ????

              • #27981

                OMG MAGGIE! You’re there too!!?? I feel so privileged to hear from you! ???????????? All you ladies are my heros (even the ones who’ve recently joined in getting ready to leap). I’m day 17 and compared to yesterday I’m better again!!!!! I do see a light at the end of this tunnel…yesterday I thought it was my imagination but it’s real I see a faint glow and a pinprick of light! I drove my kids to school again! And I’ve been out with my husband to run errands and felt almost kinda normal ????. The thing is I was taking around 300mg of codeine a day for over a decade. At first it was for serious head pain but pretty quickly every tiny niggle became worthy of codeine… It gave me energy and motivation but pretty soon, now that I look back I wasn’t much more effective on it than before I started on it. I lapsed back into good days and bad days just like life before codeine but I had to take it to feel normal and to prompt the motivation I could no longer manufacture within myself. Except now I had the problem of constantly having to justify and continue getting prescriptions just to function. The guilt of justifying it all is a terrible burden to bear. The fear of withdrawal has held me back for soooo long! I haven’t liked withdrawal, not one little bit but your journey and honesty inspired me! I worship you ????.

              • #27982

                Thank you so much for your kind words xx ❤️ Day 17 is a massive achievement!! Well done ???? it can only get better and easier every day . You should be proud of yourself . Take one day at a time and keep us updated on your journey ????

              • #27984

                Glad to hear you’re feeling a little better again today SoWeary! Day 17 is such an achievement! You should be so proud xxx

              • #28005

                I’m DAY 18!!!! I drove the kids to school. I helped wrangle our 5 year old having a tantrum about school. I’ve put more laundry in to wash. It’s true. It does seem to be that at this point there’s a ‘click’ up to the next level towards normality in this whole withdrawing thing! I’m far from cured but I see and feel progress! I even called my mum which is serious test of endurance if you knew my mum ????. I do still think about codeine every day. I have this weird hollow feeling quite inside like something’s missing at all times and brain fog is still an issue but I’m having moments of clarity. I have a feeling almost like I’m a bit detached from reality and observing life from afar? I must see this through.

              • #28006

                Day 18! Oh well done SoWeary! That is just fantastic to hear. So glad you’re beginning to see progress, It definitely takes another while to feel perfect again but from here on in, it just gets better and better.

                Thinking about pills is quite normal. Your brain is still craving them. People dream about pills even! Your brain is used to codeine for such a long time it just takes time for everything to go back into place but it does.

                Well done SoWeary! You’ve got this now!


              • #27959

                Hi Shazza, oh I feel for you! It’s so hard. Tapering definitely seems the best option for you. Without your husbands full support, a full withdrawal is going to be too much to handle and sustain. To avoid withdrawals, you can taper a little slower than you are doing. It may take longer but that doesn’t matter. It’s the end goal that counts. Please do join the group and you can get better support as you taper. It will help you stay on track talking to us.

                I’m so sorry your husband doesn’t understand. I’m glad he’s been fortunate enough not to find himself in the position we have. My own parents were alcoholics. I watched addiction destroy lives and it happened to me. I saw them as pain meds for my back. I never thought I’d end up addicted. They lure you in and it’s too late once you realise.

                Please don’t feel like a failure. You are trying your best and you will succeed. You just need time and support xx

              • #27962

                Hello RachBN,

                Thank you so much. And thank you to you all. And FLO1981, I will take you up on that offer. Everyone here are amazing. And we’ll done to all who have achieved their goal Xx

              • #27960

                Hi Shazza

                I am new here myself and do not have the pearls of wisdom that Rach, Maggie, Ruby and the others do, but I do know I would not have the strength mentally or physically to attempt cutting the pills out of my life without the support of this group as confiding in someone is not something I can do. That isolation has been awful but i have been so comforted by the people on here who have taken the time to reply to me with encouragement, advice and everything in between. I know there are not that many people that chose the tapering method but that is what i am about to do starting in the next few days once i am back to myself, I currently have covid and am up and down physically so one battle at a time. Ruby did this and managed it successfully in 8 weeks after 30 years taking them! How amazing is that! We CAN do it. I personally would not be in a position to do cold turkey, my job would not allow me the down time i would need. If you want a tapering buddy I am here for you. The OG’s on here obviously have the best advice but when starting out its nice to have someone at that point also. Like starting school haha! I am sorry you cannot confide in your partner but keeping the end goal im sight imagine how proud he will be when you get there.

                Wishing you all the luck in the world xx

              • #28068

                Hi Flo1981,

                I tapered from 600 to 60mg and jumped off from there. I didn’t suffer through the taper which was odd as I only had 3 weeks to reduce. Tapering will help you with less effects when you stop but you have to be very disciplined through the process.

                Good luck.


              • #28087

                Hi Steph

                Thanks so much for the reply. I am so psyched to get started, I had planned to start this week but unfortunately covid and its effects have been lingering and i still feel rough. Today though i feel brighter and a little more energised so i plan to start on Monday with a 10% taper per week on the advice of the lovely posters here. You tapered very quickly though so this gives me hope i might be able to speed it up! Everybody is different though so i eill see how i feel. U must feel amazing to have made it. Well done to you. I can’t wait for the day this is my story too. Now that i know i CAN do it. Thank you xx

      • #26372

        Hi Shazza . It will get better once you’re codeine free . I was the same before I came off them …Was talking to my partner about this last night and he said I’m a different person now . he’s not scared to talk to me anymore ( I was always angry or sad before ) . He’s right ,I feel calmer now ,not on the edge like before and little things make me happy . You can do this too xx Happy new year to you too xx

        • #26419

          Hello Maggie. Happy New year! Yes your absolutely right! My husband says the same thing. He cant talk to me anymore cos im just rotten all the time. I used to blame him but now I know its me. I start day 1 tomorrow. I cant wait until its over. Thank you for your kind words x

    • #26368

      Hello all I’ve stumbled across this forum as I’m worried about my increasing addiction I have to solpodol 30mg/500mg codeine/para it started last year when I had a disc removed from my spine but I’m fine now and I’ve been continuously taking these tablets for around 7 month now and I’m taking roughly 15 -20 a day and I’m worrying about how hard the withdrawal will be from al 7 month period

      • #26370

        Hi Stem12, well done for recognising you need to get off these pills now. 7 months is a relatively short time to be taking codeine. Your withdrawal is usually based on how much codeine you were taking and for how long. However, Your body will be dependant on this drug so it will still be an uncomfortable process but hopefully it won’t take as long for your brain to recalibrate from it all. If you want to try and make the withdrawal easier, maybe try tapering down first if you think you can do that? I was taking codeine 6 years and I just had to do it cold turkey. I lost so many years of my life to codeine and I regret not giving them up sooner. I promise you can do this and you’ll be glad once you’ve done it! Every withdrawal is worth it to be free! Best of luck with it and we’re all here if you need support x

    • #26376

      Todays the first day of tapering for me. I did for a moment think, I’ll just take my usual 3/4 to get me started for the day but I haven’t.I’m reducing 25% at a time. I think it’s going to be the most successful way for me to come off. It will be interesting to see how my life improves over the next few months. Some how I had convinced myself that they actually made my day to day life better, suppose everything feels better when your floating through life! However I can’t wait to wake up and not feel like death, or to not have that “clucking” feeling after a few hours because I need my next fix! Any advice on time frames with tapering? I was planning on doing 25% less each week……I also suffer with an and depression and have found that they help with my anxiety. I think that’s what I’m most worried about how I’m going to cope with the anxiety.

      • #26379

        Hi Clab, well done on taking that first step! So advice varies on tapering. Some medics say to reduce by 10% a week, others 25% but in general, do whatever you feel comfortable with.And if you’re struggling with the reduction by the end of the week, keep at that dose until your feeling ok to move onto the next reduction. This will avoid the worst of the withdrawals and help limit the anxiety for you hopefully. I’m not sure if you’re already taking antidepressants but they can help too.

        The thing about codeine is you feel it’s helping you cope but in reality it’s not. Once you’re off it for a couple of months, you feel so much brighter and happier in yourself. You realise how the codeine wasn’t helping you at all. It just lures you into that way of thinking because if you don’t take it, you feel awful so you keep on going. You can do this and your life will be so much better without codeine. Best of luck xx

    • #26381

      Thank you for taking the time to reply rach after reading how some of you have came through the other side after such hard times I’m feeling more than confident about I start back at work on the 4th and I’m going to begin tapering of then as I think it will help keep my mind occupied

      • #26382

        That’s great you have a plan of action! Taper at a pace you’re comfortable with and it will make the process a lot easier on you. Best of luck x

    • #26420

      Hi shazza25, them tablets are pretty much the same but a little stronger. I imagine the withdrawal will be pretty much the same though. Good luck, you can do it!!

    • #26494

      Hi everyone. Day 2 and I’m lying in bed shivering one minute and hot sweats the next. Watering eyes and runny nose. Can’t get up….zero motivation. Last night was horrendous! The feelings from the restless legs are indescribable, never felt anything like it. Running to the toilet every 5 minutes didn’t help either. I am currently prescribed 4x30mg of codeine daily as part of a tapering regime. I was taking 8x30mg daily for over a year after suffering a shoulder injury. The tapering regime is not working, I’m still looking for that euphoria that I used to feel so end up taking the full weeks prescription in a few days.

      So have decided to go cold turkey. Sick of being a slave to the drug and worrying about getting my next hit. I want to feel normal again.

      I was just about to go to the local chemist to get a box of cocodamol and give up until I came across this forum.

      What an inspiration you guys are. It is great to know that there are people out there that are going through exactly what you are.

      I’m going to try and be strong and have enough will power to make it to day 3.

      Take care guys and we can do it! Xx

      • #26501

        Hi Tjools, well done on deciding to get your life back. It’s hard to taper if you still want that euphoric feeling. I could never taper either so I had to go cold turkey. I’m now over 2 months codeine free and honestly it’s a revelation! Life is so much brighter without codeine. The RLS is awful. As Dotty suggested a weighted blanket can help. I bought one on her suggestion also and it definitely provides relief. Warm baths, light exercise, a hot water bottle on the back of your legs can all really provide relief also. Remember all these feelings are temporary. It will get easier. Take one day at a time. Talk to us if you’re struggling! You can do this xx

    • #26495

      Have you tried a weighted blanket for the restless legs ? I got mine from that well known online shop,it cost around £30 and it did the job brilliantly.I even take it on holiday with me now.

      You can do this but in order to do it,you need to be kind to yourself.I realise that this is much easier said than done.

      Best wishes to you.

    • #26497

      Thanks for the advice. The weighted blanket definitely sounds like the way forward. Suffered from RLS for years but never as bad as this.

      Thanks again x

      • #26505

        Hello Tjools,

        Tapering wasn’t for me either ,tried but didn’t work for me and I knew cold turkey would be the only way .it sounds like you’re ready and determined to stop .Just stay focused ,it’ll be difficult for a few days but you can do it . The feeling of freedom once you’re off them is amazing and well worth the withdrawals .I had some Kemadrin tablets for restless legs and couple of sleeping tablets from gp . Once I had a good night sleep I felt so much better .people also recommend hot baths ,it’s worth a try . Keep us updated .wishing you best of luck xx

    • #26499

      I’m so chuffed for you guys who have made it through the withdrawals and “keep going” to you who are in the midst of it. Your brave and strong don’t ever ever forget that! X

      • #26502

        Hey Clab, how are you feeling? X

        • #26522

          Hey, I’m actually doing ok. I’m still craving them but the tapering technique seems to be keeping the edge off the symptoms. I have told my partner, who iv only been seeing for a short smog time, luckily he’s really understanding and supportive. The key for me was definitely telling someone. If I mess up I’ll feel bad that iv disappointed them…… and I can’t lie. Thanks for asking. How are you doing?

          • #26525

            Glad to hear you’re doing ok. I’m so happy your partner is supportive. It really makes such a difference if they’re understanding about it all. I’m 9 weeks in now and feel like a new person. I’m so much happier and just nicer to be around to be honest! It has been life changing. x

      • #26527

        Thank you Clab ???? Means so much to hear that from someone who understands xx

    • #26518

      Hi all so today was my first day of tapering down i was taking upto 20xco codomol 30/500 a day and I’ve decided to take 2 on arriving at work at 8am and then 8pm on a night before bed so I dont suffer from restless legs ect which has happened in the past and put me off I’ve felt ok all day but that’s mainly down to me being busy at work and keeping my mind off the only issue I’m finding is round about the 7pm my stomach begins to play up a bit but I’ll hold off until 8pm and hopefully get myself in a routine before tapering further x

      • #26520

        Hi Stem12, well done! That’s an amazing start! Getting yourself to a point where you’re comfortable taking just those 4 a day and then tapering further is definitely the best way to go to minimise the withdrawal symptoms. Take one day at a time. Let’s me know how it goes. Best of luck x

    • #26654

      Hi, can anyone recommend any rehabs that is good to help with this? I don’t think my family member is able to cope to do it on his own.

    • #26674

      Hi, is anyone still out there on this thread?

      I have been addicted to codeine for 5 years, and I am on day 2 cold Turkey and the lack of energy is such a struggle. At my worst I was taking 4 packs of Nurofen Plus a day (by rights I shouldn’t even be alive). My health is in the toilet because of this addiction, but the withdrawal is so hard.

      Reading all of your stories got me through the worst of yesterdays cravings so just wanted to see if anyone was still out there.

      • #26675

        Hi ,yes we are still here ????. 4 packs of Nurofen plus a day ???? Your stomach must have been in bits ???? well done on your day 2 ! You can get through this and get your life back ,just take one day at a time. We are here if you need to talk xx Best of luck

        • #26692

          Thank you so much to everyone that replied with their support. I think I am only replying to one of you but didn’t want to spam the post.

          Unfortunately I had a set back on day 2, it always seems to be day 2 or 3 that trips me up. It sounds like an excuse, but I work in a very high-powered, busy job and have just been given our biggest client (household name) and I simply didn’t have the space for the lack of energy to happen.

          HOWEVER yesterday was day 1 again, and I got called in to interview new candidates ALL DAY, and I didn’t have time to think about codeine once. Any time I try this days 3 and 4 are usually quite bad so I am determined not to be set back today, so I can get days 3 and 4 out of the way of a weekend when I have nothing to do. Thank you again for all of your replies. I’ve never told another soul about this is my entire life.

          • #26699

            Take a couple of days off. Thats what I did. My first day going cold turkey was right before I had a 4 day weekend, but I had been tappering for a few days so i was in withdrawal on that day.

            Kratom really helped for these few days in terms of the physical symptoms. For me days 2 and 3 tend to be the worst. And yeah day 4 aint not picknick at all, but once I am over that 4 day hump, I think the actute withdrawal symptoms are over.

            • #26707

              Thank you, it’s actually not going too badly. I get prescribed AD’s and sleeping tablets in general, and I think I have been ever so lucky that I haven’t had to deal with lack of sleep through withdrawal. The issue is, I can do weeks here and there and then I fall off the wagon again. But I am very determined this time. I worked out yesterday when I was having cravings I have spent around £12k on codeine in the last 5 years. £12k! Good luck to everyone else going through this, having this forum has helped so much and I’m always here if anyone needs to chat.

      • #26678

        Hi5yrsofhell, well done on day 2! That’s amazing! Withdrawal is tough but once you have the motivation to want to be free of this drug, you find a strength to keep going. Take one day at a time and it gradually gets easier I promise. It’s all worth it as Your health and your life will be so much better once you get through it. The lack of motivation is hard. Your brain is trying to figure out what’s happening and needs to recalibrate but it’s all temporary. Keep talking to us as it really does help. You can do this ❤️

      • #26786

        How are things going with you now ?

        • #26806

          I’m not doing great to be honest. The physical withdrawals aren’t too bad, it’s the psychological side of things. I just can’t seem to concentrate or get on with my day until I have got codeine. Even if I don’t necessarily take it straight away, I feel like I just cannot start my day or start work until I have it. Does anyone have any tips please? I am going for a huge promotion at work and I really want to beat this so I am well and motivated. I just seem to get to day 3/4 and fail. I’ve managed weeks here and there where I have done a full 7 days, being away places etc, but in the back of my mind I am always planning my next buy. I’ve been referred to a consultant because I am anaemic and I am pretty sure it is the pills, and I do feel so physically well off of them when I manage long stretches, but as soon as I get money or see a new pharmacy I am triggered. I don’t drink alcohol either so I really don’t have a lot to use to “relax”. It’s so hard.

          • #26807

            Hi 5yearsofhell, be proud of yourself for knowing you need to get off these pills. It can take multiple attempts to actually get off them for good. I don’t drink alcohol either so I found this really hard. I had no way of unwinding without codeine in my life.

            The physical part is definitely easier in the sense after the first 4-7 days they’ve eased off. What’s left is this psychological yearning for something to fulfill the calming effect codeine gave you. The thing is your brain is used to codeine. So you feel awful and cannot kickstart your day without it. You feel you need it to be productive. I felt the exact same. I can promise you once you are off codeine a couple weeks you realise you don’t need the pills to do that. The pills make you feel crap to get you into a never ending cycle of having to take more to feel good. Once your brain recalibrates, you feel good all the time so you don’t need pills to get you started. You have your own natural motivation back.

            This can take a good few weeks, if not a month, to fully happen so it’s a tough road. It’s hard if you must function for your job as your doing this too. Just know these are all temporary feelings and you do overcome them in time.

            Maybe try a different habit in the morning to start your day like exercise? Something to break the usual taking pills routine. Your GP might be able to prescribe something if you have no motivation/depressed without the pills also?

            The anemia is most likely due to the pills but you can overcome all this I promise. We’ve all been where you are and felt we couldn’t do it. You find the strength to keep going once you have the end goal in sight. Take it one day at a time x

          • #26809

            Just keep trying…… I’m still wobbling here at Day 15…..

            Struggling emotionally and still no settled sleep and muscle aches…..

            and last night when I finally got an couple of hrs kip….. I actually dreamt about going into a certain chemist for Nurofen Plus…..

            The mind is a strange thing especially when messed up…..

            Keep going….

            • #26810

              Hi Retro , unfortunately I know the feeling .in the first couple of months I was dreaming of finding pills in my bag and popping them for old times sake ???? I was glad when I woke up and realized it was just a dream . Now these tablets are on the table all the time as my partner takes them for his knees and they really don’t by bother me at all . What I’m trying to say is that it does get a lot easier and at some point you just stop thinking about it . Stay focused on seeing a bigger picture and getting your life back. When I thought I couldn’t do it I kept thinking of how bad the physical withdrawals were and I wouldn’t put myself through it ever again. We are all stronger than we think .You’ve got this ????

              • #26811

                Yep….. here’s hoping….

                Trying to fill my time up as much as I can…. creeping up to my longest abstinance of 18 Days…… 1 day at a time…. xx

            • #26815

              Hey Retroaddic, You’ve done so well to get to day 15. You should be proud you’ve kept resisting the pills cause it is tough. I was still really struggling with sleep at that point too which feeds into the emotional struggles also. You’re tired and you’re fed up of not feeling “normal” so it’s a constant battle fighting the urge to just take some pills. Day 18 will be a huge milestone for you as your conscious of your previous relapse at that time. Take each day as it comes and slowly you’ll see the light at the end of the tunnel and be so glad you stuck with it x

              • #26822


                Day 16 and counting…… last night was terrible though….

                I’m sitting at my desk in work after getting about 1,maybe 2 hours sleep last night.

                Ended up on the couch….

                Brain going into overdrive, over everything, workload, stuff needing done to the house, my whole last 10 years of addiction….. you name it, I thought about it…

                So, I have phoned GP this morning to try and get something organised to help me get over to sleep……

                Here’s hoping……. Big test will be picking up script at Chemist later……xx

              • #26824

                Quick question, I’ve been doing a bit of ‘google’ research…..

                Specifically on the sleeping issues with codeine withdrawal…

                I’ve seen a few posts about a short quick course of either Ziplocone or Tamazepam to counteract the ‘insomnia’….. up to 7 days

                I’m with GP later today and will likely bring this up… anybody have any experience of this… xx

              • #26826

                Hi Retroaddic, at your point I was sleeping maybe 5/6 hours a night but I would have trouble falling asleep and would wake at 5am. That was bearable but the fact you’re still only getting a hour sleep I agree with getting some help for the insomnia. Your body needs rest to recover. After a good night sleep, you’ll honestly feel so much better mentally.

                Lack of sleep is tough on the body. I’ve heard Ziplocone is good and works really well if that’s any help but I’ve no personal experience with it. I’m really glad you’re going to the GP cause without sleep it’s hard to stay motivated as you’re just too tired to deal with it all.

                My mind also went into overdrive I must admit. I think any issues we were using codeine to ‘deal’ or ‘cope’ with come to the surface. Sleep helps with that as does time honestly.

                I hope things go well with the GP. Best of luck and I’m rooting for you! You’ve got this x

              • #26827

                Thanks RachBN.

                I thought I had to back this attempt up with a few third parties.

                Hard as it was , I told my parents and later today the GP…..

                More failsafes ‘in my mind’ in order to make this attempt count….

                Thanks again xx

              • #26828

                Honestly, having support is really beneficial so I’m glad you spoke with them. I’m so proud of you for taking that step cause I know how hard it can be. You’re doing everything you can to make this work for you. That takes strength! I hope you get some sleep tonight. And remember I’m here if you ever want to chat. X

              • #26829

                Thanks Rach,

                You’ve been a great help xx.

                Truth be told, I’ve had a very lazy day in work, because I’m knackered :).

                Been a bit of bluffing done on the laptop today……


              • #26831

                I think you’re amazing for going to work in the first place with hardly no sleep! A good nights sleep will really benefit you so hopefully you will sleep better tonight! X

              • #26830

                Hi Retro. I think talking to your family will help you get through this . The more people I told ,the more determined I was to quit . You should be proud of yourself ! You keep going even though it’s very difficult . Once you have a good night sleep you will notice a big difference in the way you feel so fingers crossed tonight is the night ????

              • #26835

                Thanks Maggie and Rach,

                Not long up, went to GP after work and had a fairly frank discussion with him…

                He told me I should have went earlier but that now that the physical symptons seemed to had lessened we could hope that I’d get through the next few weeks.

                He gave me a fairly strong sleeping tablet which I tried last night for the first time….. (short dose of two weeks and only to take for a few days and then maybe every other day until the sleeping regulates itself).

                Boom….. slept from 10 right through to 5 and then got up to let the dog out!!

                Went back and had another 2 hours….. so really happy with that. A few nights of better sleep should hopefully make a big difference…

                Anyways, Day 17 awaits…… thanks again xx

              • #26836

                One thing I’m noticing a lot is motivation…. especially in work.

                I’m a Financial Para Planner, so most of my work involves putting together paperwork for various ‘financial’ thingys…. and as soon as I get into work my levels of motivation plummet…….

                I guess ‘work’ has been a huge trigger for me as normally when I got into the office I would take a sneaky hit of codeine to push me through the morning, then again at lunchtime using the high to push through a busy day. (not unknown for me to use again in the afternoon before leaving office).

                My workload can be a nightmare at times…. (unfortunately as it is now because over the last few weeks I’ve let it slide big time).

                I’m hoping that this again will get better with time, I’m very fortunate that I’ve worked for my employer for 25-26 years and classed as ‘part of the furniture’ now and unlikely to lose my position. (thank goodness).

                Right, I may go and actually try and do some work….. speak soon xx

              • #26843

                and here we are Day 18…….

                Another night of fairly good sleep…. bit groggy this morning but nothing to worry about…..

                Getting past today is a biggy……

                speak later xx

              • #26844

                I know day 18 is important to you. You can do this. I’ll be thinking of you x

              • #26845

                I hope your day is going ok x Glad to hear you’ve started getting some more sleep

              • #26848

                Hi Maggie / Rach,

                Yep , Day 18 coming to an end. Still in work ,but no issues today, other than a heavy workload.

                Coming up to 5pm and it looks like I’m going to be here for another couple of hours so looks like today is gonna be a good day in the sense that I’ve passed my last re-lapse.

                Sleep definitely helping, and today for the first, real time , felt good periods of clarity.

                Hopefully sleep tonight, and on from that will only help……

                Really pleased with myself by getting to Day 18…….

                Speak soon… xx

                p.s. forgot to mention how weird it felt, picking up my script from the GP for the sleeping aid and finding my eyes immediately drawn to the Nurofen Plus on the shelf….. 🙂

              • #26850

                Hi Retroaddic, I’m so happy you are getting moments where you feel good. It helps to keep you focused when you see glimpses of normality. Sleep definitely helps. It’s hard to be motivated etc when your exhausted especially when you work long hours!

                Seeing Nurofen plus is so strange at first. Your instincts are to start thinking of an excuse in your head as to why you need it for when your questioned! Now I just feel liberated that I can walk into a chemist and not even think about those pills. It’s life changing!

                You should be so proud of yourself for doing this! You’ve made it to day 18 which is amazing! Tomorrow is day 19 and you can put your previous relapse behind you and look to the future!

                Hope you get another good night sleep x

              • #26853

                You did it ! You’ve come this far ,it will only get easier now xx I work in aerospace company as a quality inspector and busy all the time as I am the only one there .Have struggled massively without the pills with both doing long hours as well as trying to stay focused at all times . I have recently tried a new coffee skull crusher nootropic at work .I’ve never experienced this much euphoria and energy before ( high caffeine content ) .it was the most productive day for me since I’ve been off the pills .it’s expensive but if it helps me get through the bad days I’ll invest ????

              • #26855

                Oh Maggie, that sounds amazing! Must try that myself! Thank you!

              • #26837

                Hi Retroaddic, your GP sounds nice and helpful! Im so glad that the sleeping tablets worked last night. A few nights sleep will really help you.

                Motivation is a big issue I must admit. Like you, I was taking pills in the morning to kickstart my work day( work in busy lab). I then took more at my 11am coffee break, my lunch break and to be honest in the afternoon too! Those pills were getting me through the day. So when I stopped I struggled with no energy or motivation in work too.

                This lack of motivation lasted a few weeks and it’s tough to battle through. I think we expect the physical symptoms that first week but the emotional aspect continues way past that. Sleep will definitely help with this. Unfortunately, it just takes time and I understand how frustrating that can be. I promise you though once it all clicks back into place, you’ll be more productive than you ever were. It’s only when you stop codeine and get back to your normal self that you realise the codeine was making you slump in the first place during the day to need more codeine. It wasn’t motivating you as such. You just needed it to function. It was just a neverending cycle. Once this cycle is broken and your brain recovers, you don’t get those slumps anymore.

                Best of luck for day 17. I know you can do this x

              • #26838

                Thanks Rach xx

                I’ll keep you posted…..

              • #26857

                Yes!!!! Day 19….

                Another night with sleep….. solid 5 hours last night……

                Waking up bit groggy but I think thats the sleeping tablet……

                Thanks Maggie and Rach, your advice and concern have been instrumental in me getting this far…….. its amazing how a simple google search of ’18 day codeine withdrawal’ can lead to this…..

                Definitely think I’m getting somewhere……. but it’s one day at a time…

                Speak soon….xx

              • #26860

                Day 19! You did it! I’m so happy for you. It will get easier from here. As you say, take it one day at a time!

                The grogginess is most likely from the sleeping tablet but it’s worth it for the sleep! Sleep is so important in this!

                This forum is an amazing place. Talking to people who actually understand how you’re feeling is so beneficial. I’m glad chatting to us helped a little.

                Hope work goes ok today x

              • #26861

                How long does it normally take for ‘full recovery’ from withdrawal ?

                I understand that it will differ from person to person, length/type of addiction and how much etc

                I also appreciate that once clean you can’t go back and that we are all addicts, however some would be classed as a recovering addict……

                Whilst most of the physical symptoms are gone, and with sleep, the emotional end of things seems to be improving, I still dont feel 100%.

                Just something not 100% which I can’t put my finger on. It’s just a general feeling of’ ‘Blahhhh’….. , i’m not finished here…., not 100%’.

                I’m feeling so much better, but every now and again……… this feeling comes back.


              • #26862

                I totally get what you mean by the ‘Blahhh’ feeling. I felt like that for probably a month. I just wasn’t 100%! The original poster said it was 4-6 weeks for him but I do think it depends on how long you were using them and the amount you were taking.

                I think there’s an element of what do I do now? Your brain is still figuring it all out. These pills have been a defining part of your life for so long so you kinda need to learn how to enjoy life again without them.

                What I can say is I am now going into my 4th month and I feel great. I promise you it gets better. I feel normal again and I’m a way happier person. My husband actually only said last night he’s never heard me laugh so much as he has in the last month. I feel like me again after 6 years. It’s all so worth it.

                Keep on going. You’re doing great x

              • #26864

                “My husband actually only said last night he’s never heard me laugh so much as he has in the last month….”

                Love it….. what a great quote…..

                You’ve done so well…..:)

                Thanks xx

              • #26865

                Hi Retroaddic, you’re doing great ! Just like you said ,it’s different for everyone. But you have gone through the worst now and it can only get better now. You will still have days when you feel blahh..I have had a few people including my partner tell me I’m a changed person .Used to be grumpy all the time ,unhappy .Now I laugh and smile a lot more and feel I’m a better person . Motivation is slowly picking up . I keep asking myself – why has it taken me so long to come off those pills ? Wasted 8 years …

              • #26867

                Funnily enough, driving into work this morning, I was feeling great and couldn’t believe that I’d wasted so much time, money, heartache on taking the pills.

                I just hope this time is the one……

                I’m sure I’ve been a nightmare to live with at times, but fingers crossed a corner has been turned….

                Day 19 slowly coming to an end….. 🙂

                Thanks again, so much for your help and kind words xx

              • #26888

                Hey Retroaddic, just checking into see how you’re feeling today? I hope you got some sleep again last night! X

              • #26900


                Yep all good…… sleep not too bad last night…. took longer than normal to get over , even with sleeping tablet. I’m putting that down to a busy day in work though, came home with a bit of a headache…

                But up this morning, no issues….. quiet, chilled weekend planned. At the ripe old age of 47 , I’m still into gaming and I used to read quite a lot, huge Stephen King fan. Both of these pastimes seemed to drift away over the past few years but intending to enjoy both this weekend……

                Day 21……. let’s go….


              • #26902

                Hey, Day 21! What an achievement! I’m so happy for you. You’ve worked so hard to get to this point. Be proud of yourself.

                My husband is 40 and still loves gaming also! It’s a great way to unwind and keep your mind occupied!

                Funnily enough, I used to love to read too but I stopped over the years as I just didn’t really want to do anything. In the past month I’ve started again and it’s a great way to relax.

                It’s crazy what we’ve missed out on for these pills. Such a waste but the future is looking very bright!

                Have a great weekend! I’m here if you need anything x

    • #26676

      I’m here 5yrsofhell. Day 2 is amazing, so many times in them 3 days you could of given up but you didn’t! Take it one day at a time and you’ll soon be on 2 weeks and feeling so so so much better. We’ve all put our bodies through hell but we can recover! The lack of motivation is so hard to deal with but i promise you it’s worth it. Once them 2 weeks are over you’ll so glad you didn’t turn back. Keep going, I am here for you.

    • #26677

      I’m here 5yrsofhell. Day 2 is amazing, so many times in them 2 days you could of given up but you didn’t! Take it one day at a time and you’ll soon be on 2 weeks and feeling so so so much better. We’ve all put our bodies through hell but we can recover! The lack of motivation is so hard to deal with but i promise you it’s worth it. Once them 2 weeks are over you’ll so glad you didn’t turn back. Keep going, I am here for you.

    • #26681


      I’m so relieved that i’ve found this forum. i’m day 5 of stopping codeine completely and i feel awful and although i have been googling codeine withdrawal symptoms it didn’t really make me feel that’s what i was suffering from. but this forum does and its a huge relief.

      I feel so stupid – i’ve been in recovery from alcohol for 12 years and do a lot in AA. I nearly died and i feel i’ve got real recovery. I don’t go to NA as i never took drugs but i know a lot of people in it and i’d feel so stupid going along to NA and admitting i’ve been using codeine. I should though!

      Anyway, i started taking it (over the counter, nurofen plus) a year ago and i loved the buzzy, relaxing feeling. I knew what was happening but by last week i was taking 20 tabs a day. Using laxatives to deal with the constipation it brings. It went from maybe 4 tablets to 20 a day in what feels like no time.

      Been clean for 5 days and while i suspected I was going to feel anxious I had no idea it would make me feel so lethargic, painful in joints, depressed, tense, all of it. I’m so relieved to see that seems to be common. I think if i was taking more i’d ask for help with a detox but think i can get by given what people have said. Thank you all and god bless.

      • #26682

        Hi Jay, well done for getting to day 5! That is such an achievement. Please don’t feel stupid. Codeine lures you in and the addiction creeps up on you. Before you know it, you’re increasing your pills for the same euphoria and it becomes a cycle that’s hard to get out of. It took me 6 years to realise this! As you know from AA, take one day at a time and be proud of every day codeine free. The withdrawals are tough but you’re not far off beginning to feel better. Stay hydrated, take baths for the aches and pains and the anxious feeling will gradually go away after a couple weeks. Your brain is just trying to recalibrate and learn how to cope without codeine. You’ve done this with alcohol and will do it again with codeine. You’ve got this. I’m here to chat if you need support x

        • #26683

          Thank you so much RachBN, very kind. I’ll try the baths. It reminds me how important sharing experience is in recovery, I had a huge wave of relief when i saw what people have posted on here, it makes me feel that there’s hope of feeling better, and it makes me realise how sneaky addiction is, and if you’ve got one type you’re quite vulnerable to others. Great place this x

          • #26685

            Well down to you! I’m on day ten of trailering off, iv gone from 10/15 a day to 2/3. I’m feeling lethargic and feeling a bit down if I’m honest. But I know it will pass. The forum is great, makes you feel normal! No one gasping at how long or how many tablets you take! I think we are all amazing!

            • #26686

              Hey Clab, glad to hear the tapering is going good. Getting down to only 2/3 pills is amazing, well done! Honestly, once those feelings do pass you’ll feel great x

          • #26687

            Definitely sharing with other people who understand is so important. I wouldn’t have got through it without the support of people on here. X

      • #26787

        How’s things with you now?

    • #26693

      Hi 5yrsofhell, set backs happen. We’ve all tried to give up more than once believe me! The important thing is you’re not giving up and you realise codeine is affecting your health. To be honest, I couldn’t have worked the first week of withdrawal as I was all consumed by it so I can see why you find day 3/4 hard at work. I’m assuming taking a weeks holidays isn’t an option for you as you’re so busy but even the weekend at home should help you get past the worst days. I promise you can do this. When the time is right it all clicks into place and you get through it. Don’t be hard on yourself and just keep trying your best. Best of luck x

    • #26701

      Hi all, hope we are doing well! I had a bit of a set back the last few days. I’d got down to 2/3 a day but went back up to 6 ???????? Noticed it the last few mornings, woke up feeling groggy until I took my morning dose. I’m working my way back to one every 3/4 hours so I’ll get back on track in a few days

      • #26708

        You will get there, I completely understand how you feel, sometimes it just isn’t “convenient” to be going through withdrawal. I’m sure you will do fine once you are back on track.

      • #26805

        How are you guys doing ? Hope you all feel better ????sending positive vibes x

    • #26785

      Hi, The last time I ever commented on one of these addiction forums I was 18 days into withdrawal, that was about 2 years ago, feeling like I had got the better of it, and I now find myself on another forum….

      I’ve been addicted to Codeine for about 10-11 years, at worst 2 x 32 Packs of NPlus each day, but supplementing them with 30/500 Co-Codamols taken from a family member who genuinely needs them.

      I have spent £1,000’s over the addiction, and think just recently hit rock bottom. My wedding anniversary was in Dec 21, and my wife was excitedly arranging a night out as you do…… ( She is aware that I had issues with Codeine , I told her a couple of years ago, when I thought I had it beaten. It broke her heart…… ). She doesn’t know that I relapsed after 18 days….

      We were out for the evening, and as always I had taken my ‘fix’ to get me through the night…. For some reason that evening, my body just rebelled against me….. Maybe it was a few drinks with the tablets, but within an hour of going out, I was sweating, freezing, had a excrutiating headache and thought I was going keel over…. I just looked at my wife and thought, I can’t do this anymore.

      I don’t know how but I managed to hide this from my other half and struggled through the evening, but I think it was a turning point…… in the run up to Christmas I decided to quit…… Didn’t make it for the New Year but I am now on Day 13 going Cold Turkey……

      TBH, It was ****ing horrendous, shakes, shivers, the runs, couldn’t eat, sleep was completely out of the question. Sneezing, coughing , headaches…. RLS, irritable, you know the drill.

      My wife, she’s a nurse thought I was getting Covid….. so insisted that I tested etc etc I took a few days off work and pretended that it was a very bad flu.

      and now I find myself here….simply trawling through the net googling ‘Codeine Withdrawal Symptoms’. I think I am through the worst of the physical withdrawal, however, my head is all over the place emotionally, find myself close to tears at least once or twice a day, still not sleeping correctly but struggling on.

      Finding a great deal of benefit however from reading through this post….

      Hope everyone keeps at it….. cheers.

      • #26788

        Hi Retroaddic and we’ll done on getting this far . Psychological withdrawals are quite bad when you’ve been taking the pills for a long time . I have a very addictive personality and recently realised I have been replacing pills with alcoholic drinks ,almost every night ..I don’t drink much but definitely too often .I stopped taking codeine in the first week of August and never looked back but still try to numb myself .I have mentioned this few times before on here but listening to music has helped me through the worst and I still do it every morning and evening .I think if I could quit then anyone can … I wish you strength and determination to stay off those pills for good .once you feel happier in yourself ,you won’t need them anymore . If you feel low ,might be worth trying mood stabilizer from a gp ? Best of luck ,you can do this ! X

        • #26790

          Funnily enough, I’ve been watching a lot music vids….

          Went through our Wedding DVD’s music list….:)

          I’m getting small periods what I’m calling ‘clarity’…. but seem to be few and far between..

          Thanks for replying. x

        • #27460

          Hi Maggie, i hope your well. I’m in a mess again. How can i get the email?

      • #26789

        Hi Retroaddic19, well done on getting to day 13! The worst of the physical withdrawals are definitely over by now. It’s a hard couple of weeks so be proud of yourself for doing it! It really does only get better and better once your past the first 2 weeks.

        So the mental side is hard. Once the physical symptoms subside, a kind of depression/anxiety sets in as your brain tries to find joy in the world again without codeine. It’s hard but it does get easier I promise. Try and exercise to release some endorphins as this does help a little. I found sleep took the longest to settle but by week 4 I was back to pretty much normal.

        Life is so much brighter without codeine in it once you’ve got through the withdrawals. I’m a way happier person now. I enjoy doing things and the sense of freedom not relying on those pills is liberating!

        I’m here to chat if you want. Keep going, you’re nearly there. X

        • #26791

          Thanks for replying Rach…

          So glad to be through the worst of the physical….. for me I think the hardest part is now….

          Sleep for me to is a problem….. but I’ll keep going. x

          • #26793

            You’re not on your own. A lot of people feel the mental side is so much harder. It takes awhile to feel ‘normal’ again but it will be so worth it once you’re out the other side. Music does help. I also listened to music constantly( on Maggies great advice!). It’s hard on you when your sleep is affected too. Your brain will eventually start releasing its own endorphins again and you’ll slowly start to feel happiness in things again. Your brain will realise it doesn’t need codeine. Be proud of yourself for doing this. It’s not easy but you’ve kept going x

            • #26794

              Well that’s day 13 over……

              Hot bath and bed…. searching for some Zzzzzz…

              Thanks again x

    • #26814

      Hi there,

      Just wanted to say thank you to everyone on this forum. It feels so good to know I am not alone going through this.

      I have been on codeine for 10 years and I didnt even realise it. It became the norm for me and I could not operate without taking heaps of tabs throughout the day.

      I have tried and relapsed so many times that its embarrassing.

      Just something that has helped me as I am now on day 15 and not feeling that many withdrawals, I purchased some vitamin tabs from amazon and they are working so well with the brain fog albeit its still very hard but I can cope better.

      You lot are all amazing and thank you again as it was reading this forum I had the motivation to quit!!

      • #26816

        Hi Hriaz, day 15! That’s amazing. I’m glad this forum helped you. The people on here got me through my first couple of weeks last November. Wishing you all the best x

    • #26817

      Thanks RachBN 🙂

    • #26825

      Nitrazepan helped my friend.

    • #26904

      Hi Pauline, firstly I’m so sorry to hear about your father. And your mom too. That’s a lot to deal with in the space of 2 years. Be proud of yourself for taking the first step in acknowledging you need to give these up for your health and for yourself in general but also, give yourself grace. It’s been a tough time for you.

      It’s the morning I found most difficult too. I had Nurofen plus next to my bed and would take them to start my day. I would wait for them to kick in before getting up as I needed that motivation to get up. I totally understand how you found that difficult.

      The most important thing now is you realise your trigger going in to it this time. When you’re ready to give up, maybe you could try and get into a routine in the morning of exercise or something else you enjoy so that when the pills are gone, you have something else to motivate you to get up for. Or perhaps listen to some music when you wake to help your mood. Music definitely can help as Maggie has said along the way. I still take that advice and music is on in my kitchen now every morning.

      I’d suggest having a chat with your GP too as you’ve been through a lot recently. Without these pills, you can suffer anxiety and lack of motivation after the physical symptoms dissipate and a doctor can prescribe something or perhaps recommend things for you to try. Counselling might be an idea too for all you’ve been through.

      I’m not sure if anyone around you knows about this but it’s helpful to have some emotional support. However, what I can say is you are not alone in this. This forum has become a little community of people who really care so you can chat to us. We’ll help anyway we can x

      • #26942

        Thanks RachBN, I really appreciate it 🙂

      • #26945

        Im thinking about the a Health Service Executive office worker, its the Irish version of the health board, and there is free counselling for a total of 5 sessions i think with a HSE therapist. Youre right about the mornings, i need to find something better to motivate me and just replace my unhealthy routine. It should focus more on health and wellbeing, like the music in the kitchen or exercise. Its gotten so ridiculous for me, i just care about using first thing, i get coffee later at work and plenty of times i leave the house without breakfast. Then when i get a cramp or feel a little nauseous, i know its the pills and its only then that i think of the harm they are probably doing, and i get scared. But once that fear goes away and i feel ok, im back to not thinking about it and using again straight after work. Ive stopped short of using at work; there have been only a few occasions where I’ve brought them in but apart from the nurofen plus, its not as easy to take effervescent Solpadine’s inconspicuously. I just want to feel stronger and that ive achieved this great thing; to quit using. When i quit last year i remember feeling proud of myself. Then making this conscious decision to just go back on them, it was the worst mistake. I fooled myself by giving myself terms and conditions; i wouldn’t use every day, id only use once a day, the packets would have to last three weeks or that was it; i had to quit again. I actually fooled myself into thinking i could stick to that. Such bs..went back on them and was worse than ever, using everyday, addicted again, packets not even lasting a week. Anyway..i will do it, and this time i hope to never look back..thanks for your support RachBN 🙂

        • #26946

          Hi Pauline, I’m from Ireland too and I work in a hospital. You can get those free counselling sessions under the employee assistance programme. A few of my colleagues have used it in the past for a variety of reasons and found it really helpful.

          I totally get the going into different chemists thing. It’s a lot harder to get them here than the U.K. also since the new laws a few years back. They’re hidden behind counters and you must nearly plead your case as to why you need them and beg in some pharmacies. It used to frustrate me no end until I realised it was people like myself they were trying to protect. Unfortunately it’s not enough as when you want those pills, you’ll get them! I used be so happy when they believed my story. It was an awful way to live.

          Don’t be hard on yourself for going back on them. It’s so easy to trick your mind into thinking you can control your usage. One time I tried to give up a few years ago and I thought I could take them as a treat on a Saturday night like some people drink( I don’t drink at all). Sure obviously I couldn’t. Once I took some I wanted more. They lure you in so quickly and your in this cycle where you feel awful without them so you keep taking them.

          I took them for 6 years. I’ve had bloods done and they’re all perfect. Luckily I didn’t do any long term physical damage which I’m very grateful for as I know it could have been so different. Maybe to ease those fears, you could book a routine blood test appointment when you feel ready?

          You seem so determined so I know you’ll do this. You know your triggers. You know you can’t take them and control your usage so you’re more prepared this time. Definitely try and find a morning routine that gives you a structure with no pills involved. Be kind to yourself also as you’ve had a lot going on this past while.

          Best of luck Pauline. If you need any support, talk to us x

    • #26907

      Hi Pauline,

      Finding this forum, was the biggest help to me…. I was addicted to NP for about 10/11 years and have tried to stop so many times….

      Sorry to hear about your mum and dad, there’s no words that can describe the pain you must be going through. I agree with Maggie in that having some emotional support and a visit to the gp would be a great starting point. I felt that when starting this withdrawal attempt I needed to put a few failsafes/barriers between me and the tablets…. so i told my parents and went to the GP…

      I’ve made it to Day 22…. which is my longest period without NP…. I’ve felt physically destroyed at the start, first 10days, and still I’m having emotional issues/sleeping etc.

      I’ve listened to a lot of music, which funnily enough helps (i’m not a huge music lover!!)…. cried over various things, including my wedding DVD a number of times….

      But I felt that I was flushing out my system if that makes sense…..

      Decide on a date to begin a taper, or go cold turkey (which I did) and move from there…. one day at a time. The fact you ended up on this forum is a huge step. You are admitting you have a problem and want to do something about it….

      Maggie and Rach on this forum have been a blessing for me and really helped me to get to Day 22….

      All the best and just shout if you need anything….xx

      • #26943

        Thank you 🙂 thats great you have three weeks free, it can only get better after that. I feel like that too about music, i go through phases with it but would not describe myself as a music lover either, but doing these breathing techniques with that therapy type spa music i got off YouTube. I feel like im making steps to quit at both the best and worst possible time..i could easily use to ease the pain but i know that the pills dont really ease anything, they’re just adding to my problems. Anyway, there will never be a ‘good’ time to quit, i just have to do it.

    • #26908

      Hi Pauline,

      Firstly ,I’m very sorry to hear about your parents . I understand what you’re going through xx The most important thing is, you admit you have a problem and you want to put a stop to it . When you’re ready to come off them we will be here to help you through it xx This forum has helped so many of us already and it can help you too . Speaking to your gp could help too .They might offer some meds or therapy xx wishing you best of luck ,you’ve got this ????

      • #26944

        Thanks Maggie 🙂 just talking about it here with people who completely understand is comforting. I think the GP is something i have to do as its basically making a reality of things..just having to admit it will make me confront something that ive normalized. Its only when you admit it to someone you realise that its a bigger deal than i ever wanted to make it. It has become such a routine that i use without thinking twice about it; its just something i do thats as compulsory to me as my morning cup of coffee or brushing my teeth. I remember when i first started, it was so illicit to me; i would think: what are you doing, using painkillers when you have no pain? this is so wrong! then i got a little thrill out of buying them and leaving the pharmacy thinking i got away with something, that they had no idea what i was really up to. Now, its just pure shame buying them..every pharmacy in town and the little village pharmacies where i live (Im from Ireland) all know full well that i must have an addiction. I can barely look them in the eye when i go in as they know what im going to ask for before i open my mouth. A pharmacist in one of them recently just gave me this little smirk and said: ‘Im sorry, we’re out of them’. I knew i couldn’t go back to there again after that. That was her way of saying: ‘Im sick of you coming in here and I’m not selling you nurofen plus anymore’. So thats another reason to quit as well, top of the list being my health, but the shame of buying them is another good reason. Thanks for the support 🙂

    • #26913

      Hi Havehope, good to hear from you. I attempted to give up these pills a few times before I managed to do it So don’t beat yourself up. It’s not an easy process and can take time but you’ll get there!

      There are a couple of people on here who have tapered. The most important thing with tapering is to ensure you are lowering the dose at a level you’re not experiencing bad withdrawals on. Some people try and do it too quickly and it simply prolongs the withdrawals and then they give up as it’s nearly as hard on the body when tapering is not done correctly. They recommend lowering your dose by 10% a week. Some people can do 25% and not experience bad withdrawals so it depends on you really. Just lower the dose by an amount you don’t feel too bad on. And it’s important you feel ok on this dose before lowering it again.

      I think to stick to a taper plan it would help if you were doing it with a GP maybe? It’s hard to stick to by yourself but it’s totally possible if you really want it and do it a rate you’re comfortable with. To give the taper a structure, maybe pick how many times a day and what time you’ll take the pills at. Make a plan so you know what your doing.

      If you do decide you can’t taper and to go cold turkey, talk to your GP. They can help with sleep and there is short term medication that can help reduce symptoms to get you past that first forthright. You don’t have to do this alone.

      A support network really helps for any withdrawals but for a taper having someone to talk to that knows what you’re doing is beneficial. It gives you emotional support and also you are less inclined to slip when someone else knows your taper plan. I think you said your sister knows so perhaps talk through your plan with her?

      You can do this. We were all where you were. I was only there 4 months ago. It’s hell I know but it’s so worth it for your life back. Take one day a time whether it’s tapering or cold turkey and focus on the end goal. Im here to chat! Good luck x

    • #26916

      I understand your fear with the GP but honestly that’s not how they think about this stuff. You aren’t a bad mom for this and I know how well your kids are looked after and loved. The thing with pain meds is you can continue as normal and be a good worker, parent etc. That’s why we stay on them so long as it’s so easy to hide but I do appreciate your anxiety over it. However, just know if it you end up ever having to say this to your GP, you’ll be ok. I’m glad you have your sister to talk to though. Once you have someone, it’s helpful.

      Have you considered just speaking to your GP about anxiety in general and getting something to help with that? I think everyone who gives these pills up ends up anxious and lacking motivation for awhile so it might help you to have meds for that while you withdraw.

      I know you can do this. You have your plan made. Take the lowest amount as you say that you don’t feel terrible on. Stick to that until you feel ok on it and then gradually lower. If done like that you shouldn’t experience withdrawals too severe. I know how scary it is when you’re aware of how bad the withdrawals feel but take it slowly and you’ll get there.

      I also know the feeling of wishing I was past those first few weeks. I thought I’d never do it. That first week felt like a lifetime. I’m no different to you I promise. I struggled. I was scared. I cried and I was anxious so don’t feel alone please.

      You’ve got this. You want it so much and that’s the first step to doing it. You’ll get through this x

    • #26917

      I have spoken to the gp and I have been prescribed various things for anxiety but nothing really helped. I’m still prescribed propanol so I could try those again is need be. It makes me feel better knowing I can contact the GP if need be. Im really going to give this a good go. I have a plan, thanks again x

      • #26918

        Anxiety is a hard one even without going through withdrawals. It can take so long to find a medication that works for you. It’s tough. At least you know you have options!

        Be proud of yourself for giving this another go. You have your plan. You’ve got this!

        If you need to just chat at any point, you know you can come here x

    • #26924

      Hi Stevie and we’ll done ???? You have made that hardest first step and should be proud of yourself. I bet telling your wife made you feel relieved and I’m sure she will support you all the way . The next few days/ weeks will be very difficult but you sound like you’re ready for it ???? .Be kind to yourself ,eat and drink well to help with the withdrawals and if you struggle don’t be afraid to ask for help . This is all just temporary and will pass .We are here for you xx Best of luck

    • #26925

      Thank you rachbn, she is an amazing woman and is my rock, but I also feel worried for putting this on her, I had been thinking about it for so long but when she asked me on that morning, everything came and within 10 mins I’m onto the doctor! Roll on the next week x

      • #26926

        If it’s any help, my husband was happy he knew and just wanted to be there for me. Your wife sounds the same. He was worried when he saw me so distressed during the withdrawals but he was glad to knew what was really going on.Sometimes we need that support to spur us on when times are tough. Ye will come out the other side stronger than ever. X

    • #26934

      Can’t believe you’re on day 23 now. You’ve done so well! X

    • #26935

      Wow day 23?? That’s a massive pat on the back because they are the devil pill! Today I’m struggling with a really cloudy head!! Yesterday was better but I just keep saying ” if not now when” and I need keep believing this feeling isn’t forever.. I’m proud of where you’ve got to buddy! Keep positive and if you need to just stop have 5 mins and breathe x

      • #26937

        I promise that feeling isn’t forever. It’s all temporary although I totally understand how it’s all consuming and you just want it to be over. Withdrawal is a process with ups and downs, some days are better than others, which is why we take each day as it comes but it’s all worth it. The feeling of being free from those pills is liberating. Focus on how amazing that will feel. I hope today goes ok for you x

    • #26957

      Well done for coming on here to talk it through. This happens. Random moments of craving the pills. In our minds it helps us get through those moments of stress. But we know it really doesn’t. It causes more harm than good in the end. But cravings are part of the process and can happen.

      By this stage, you’ve gotten through the worst of the withdrawal symptoms and just want something to take the edge off the stress etc. We can convince ourselves that sure one dose won’t hurt at this stage but it does. It leads us back down a path until we’re back to square one again. Funnily enough, looking at statistics the biggest relapses happen 3 weeks in. I think this is why. We think we’ve beaten it so can be like other people and take them occasionally. We can’t as we don’t take these pills for pain like most, we take them as an emotional crutch.

      You sound determined not to take them though. That’s the main thing. Be proud of yourself, that takes strength! And when you feel tempted, think of how far you’ve come. It would be such a shame to go back now. You’ve got this!

      Keep chatting to us when you need xx

      • #26958

        Thanks Rach,

        Yep , its a nightmare….. 🙁

        Purposely left the office at 1.10pm, knowing that all the local chemists are closed. I’m from N.Ireland and for some reason in my area they all shut for an hour at 1….

        Craving slowly faded, but it’s scary how strong the implusion to go and get some tablets was….

        I’ll be glad when home later and can forget about today….

        Speak soon. xx

        • #26962

          Well done! Just think how strong that impulse was and you still didn’t give in to the temptation. That’s amazing!

          Hope rest of your day goes ok x

        • #27003

          Hey Retroaddic, just checking in to see how you’re doing? My posts are being deleted for breaking guidelines ( giving out specific information and the email for anyone that wants to join the WhatsApp group – this forum is technically for the families of people affected by addiction). So just know I am still here if you need anything x

          • #27006

            Yep, still here…. Day 27..

            For the first time in a long while, I’m feeling pretty good…. maybe it’s because it’s Friday, work’s been a nightmare this week.

            Anyways , still hanging in there. I had posted a longer email this morning, but it seems to have been taken off the site as well ????

            Speak soon xx

            • #27007

              This site goes through phases and removes comments. I’m so happy you’re feeling good. Day 27, nearly a month in now! You should be so proud!

              Just know if you ever need something and can’t get through to anyone here, the email to get onto our WhatsApp group is back along a few pages. No pressure but just know you’re never alone.

              Have a great weekend xx

            • #27035

              Hey Retroaddic, day 30 today I think! How are you feeling? Xx

              • #27038

                Yep… Day 30….

                Still hanging in there, feeling a lot better. Slept last night for first time with no help from any Sleeping Tablets.

                In work at minute, would love a holiday !!! Work is a nightmare at minute…..

                But definitely on the right track now…… Payday this week, was thinking that I’d never made it from one pay day to another without buying NP tablets…. (Another little victory)…..

                Speak soon, xx

              • #27039

                That’s amazing!!! The worst is over. It just gets better from here. I’m not saying there won’t be moments of cravings etc but you’re stronger now to deal with it. The fact you got sleep last night with no meds is a great sign that your brain is starting to function again without those pills.

                I would love a holiday myself! Work being stressful can be a trigger( it’s been one of my own struggles) so just remember if you get any cravings for a pill to help you get through the bad days, those pills don’t actually make anything better. We just think they do. Remind yourself how far you’ve come and how you don’t want to go back now. That’s what I do and the moment always passes. You’re on the right track and seem determined to keep going!

                Well done on getting from payday to payday with no pills. Each victory counts and is so important! Think of all the money saved! Try and get something you want out of all that saved pill money. It’s a great motivator.

                I’m genuinely so happy for you. You’ve got this. Talk soon xx

    • #26959

      Well guys yesterday was a mental battle!! But I’m still here fighting it! Went into the chemist today to pick up my wife’s prescription and mines was sitting too, asked them to take them away and in no circumstances give them to me or any member of my family! That felt difficult but good! So as I write this, decided to thank solpadiene max and the money I’ve saved this we’ve got an overnight in a hotel looking over loch Lomond in Scotland!! It’s only an hour from home but it’s a different view… Keep fighting guys and gals it’s a continuous battle but we can do this! I’m only in day six but feel so much better, I know bad days are ahead but they make the good days better. If I can be of any help, please please message away as without this group! The struggle would definitely have been harder! Stay strong and love from Scotland xx

      • #26961

        Wow that was such a huge step to tell the chemist not to give your prescription out. Well done, you should be so proud of yourself!

        Booking a night away with the money you’ve saved is a great motivator! It’s great to use that money for a nice experience you and your wife can enjoy. The amount of money I have saved since I gave them up is staggering!

        You are doing so well. Yes some days are hard but it’s all worth the battle as you say for a better life.

        As Betterlife said, if anyone wants to join the WhatsApp group just email that address she left. This forum will remove any very specific advice relating to withdrawal so WhatsApp can allow people an opportunity to ask more questions privately and have support on hand.

        Hope rest of your day goes well Stevie x

    • #26968

      Hello Retro and well done ???? You’ve come so far already !!

      I do agree ,these pills do mask problems we have and might not even know about . Ever since I’ve given up I have been having pelvic pains i haven’t experienced before .Headaches are back too (reason I started them for) .it’s weird to feel pain again but good in a strange way not feel numb anymore if you know what I mean ☺️

    • #26983

      Thank you Rach. I set out to the charity shop so I had a purpose to the walk – it was next door to the pharmacy – I did stop outside but then focused on my next task Of returning clothes before my lunch break was over. Now back and just had a hot bath. The pain / weight in my back and body is still there but I feel a bit more motivated. Thank you so much for replying and so quickly – it really helps not feeling so alone and I’ve been to a few support groups but they have had all been difficult in one way or another – this forum is so supportive and helpful. Thank you again so much.

      I have give up with the GP as I can’t get through however when I got through to 111 last week the Dr prescriped Naproxen and get things worse (heart burn, chest pain). I would like to ask for sleeping tablets – just for the next few days at least and some sort of anxiety tablet – just to get through the rough of it. Do you have any thoughts or suggestions?

      Have been doing yoga freq throughout day, hot bath before bed every night and even managed getting back in my spin bike yesterday but when I dip into the sun again I find it unbearable And that’s when the urge for codeine becomes supper strong.

      • #26984

        Well done for resisting the temptation today! That’s amazing!

        Naproxen can definitely be harsh on the stomach so that might explain your reaction to it.

        I’d definitely keep trying with the GP for sleeping tablets ( just for a few days) and something for anxiety for awhile then. Maggie has experience with that so her

        recommendations are great!

        Sleep will definitely help you a lot. It’s hard to recover when you can’t sleep. And anxiety and depression is so common with withdrawals, you need help when you’re suffering so much. I promise codeine isn’t the answer.

        You can do this. You’re determined and motivated. You’ve come so far. I’m here to chat x

        • #26987

          Thank you Rach really appreciate getting a reply and for being so nice and encouraging. Getting better support on here than with my counsellor – thank you. Xx

          • #26988

            No problem Nima. Please don’t ever feel alone or ashamed! These pills lure you in. This is not your fault. You are fighting this and be proud of that! And you’re not alone. We’re all here for you now!

            This group saved me. I’ll always do anything I can to help as I’ve been there. It’s so bloody hard! I’ve looked at the NA stuff but it never helped me! Sometimes all the tools aren’t enough and you need help and people who just get it!

            Here if you need us x

            • #26989

              I’m really pleased I have found this group- you have got me through another day. Thank you xxxx

              So pleased you are keeping strong- gives me a lot of hope and motivation. Also thank you for replying and helping others – so kind of you. Hope you have a wonderful amazing evening xxx

    • #26986

      Thank you Maggie!! A HUGE THANK YOU. I tried GP but again can’t hey appointment for 2 weeks,so I have tried the e-consult route hoping to hear tomorrow.

      Currently having a Gin and lying on an acupuncture mat with some loud music on. My mum has kids tonight so now I have got over guilt and anxiety of not being able to have my kids for the night am starting to feel a bit better plus actually taking to people that know what’s it’s like is amazingly helpful- I’ve always felt so alone and ashamed.

      Is it just me or do some of the groups that constantly go on about how to deal with low mood and anxiety become really frustrating when you have a toolkit and are trying every day but the trying and doing of them is so hard? Apart from this forum has anyone tried things like SMART recovery or NA?

      Thank you for the suggestions hopefully GP goes back or even better I start to feel better and get some sleep before that!! Fingers crossed! X

      • #26990

        Hi Nima ,

        Well done on getting through another day xx we have all gone through what you are at the moment and understand how difficult it is .Talking to other does help .You are not alone and we are here for you xx Maybe try calling the GP and asking for an emergency appointment? That’s what I did when I was at my lowest ,I literally burst in tears and told them I needed to speak to someone .

        As Rach said earlier , we have a WhatsApp group and you’re more than welcome to come and join us xx

        • #26992

          Thank you so much Maggie for still replying, it is such a comfort. I have tried but honestly my GP is a nightmare – causes more stress and then I just feel like I’m being too needy and just need to get on with it. Always been like that. I feel like I’m turning a page with you guys, thank you so much. Xxxx

          • #26999

            You are not being to needy . You genuinely need help and you need it now . I can’t complain about my doctors ,it’s hard to get through to them in the morning but once you do they will try and get you to speak to someone . I hope you can get some help xx

    • #26991

      Oh god yes please! I have tried adding a new contact & then the deets as email instead of phone number .. is that how I do it? Xxx

      • #26994

        Hey, so you’d email that address from your own email with your phone number and then you can be added to the group! We’re a nice group who have all been where you are so it’s really helpful x

        • #26997

          Thanks Rach – done it now. Bloody brain is like a wonky screwdriver right now! Look forward to hearing from you and CANT THANK YOU ENOUGH x

          • #26998

            Great!!! We’ll get through this, we’ll do it together x

    • #26993

      Day 8- go you ! How you feeling? X

    • #26996

      So glad the physical side is getting better. Gives me hope … everyone is different – I’m 14 days and back and neck pain is constant and now moods are starting but just feel so grateful that there are people I can talk too. Thank you all so much xxx

    • #27001

      Hey Retroaddic, just checking in to see how you’re doing? X

    • #27004

      Guys please can i ask..when you are trying to come off the opiates/ doing cold turkey is it normal to want to ignore/ blank out your loved ones for a few days/ isolate yourself?

      • #27005

        Hey Jayjay, everyone is different! People must do whatever they need to in order to get through this. Other than my husband, i didn’t want to talk to anyone. I was in too much turmoil to try and engage with anyone. I did speak to the people on here and knowing these people understood what I was going through really helped. But I spent my first week at home in bed to be honest x

    • #27030

      Hey guys,

      How are you all doing? As you all know I had a few setbacks due to the complete lack of motivation. Well, I had a few tests and I am shocked. My stomach is in pieces. I have multiple stomach ulcers, gastritis, anaemia, low potassium levels and I have lost a stone in around a month.

      The good news is, this has shocked me into making it to day 5 today. I don’t know why, something has just clicked. I’ve looked up what stomach ulcers actually look like and I can’t believe I’ve been doing that to my body. Thank you so much for all of the support on here. I’m determined to keep going now. I just wanted to swing by and write this to let anyone struggling know what they could potentially be doing to their body 🙁

      • #27033

        Hey 5yrsofhell,

        I’m so sorry to hear what all your tests revealed. The pills definitely can cause havoc on your body. The good thing is you can help sort all those things out by quitting the pills. Sometimes we need a shock to motivate us into giving them up.

        When you get that ‘click’ moment and realise you don’t want those pills anymore, you find the strength from somewhere and you get through it. I’m so proud of you, 5 days is amazing! And you got past your day 3/4 which I know you found tough!! I hope you’re feeling ok? Withdrawals can be tough on the body. I expect with all those things wrong, especially with the anaemia, you were feeling pretty rotten anyway.

        Thank you for letting people know the damage these pills can cause. It can be a great motivator for anyone struggling to know these pills are dangerous.

        Best of luck with it all. If you need any support chat to us x

    • #27031

      Hey guys,

      How are you all doing? As you all know I had a few setbacks due to the complete lack of motivation. Well, I had a few tests and I am shocked. My stomach is in pieces. I have multiple stomach ulcers, gastritis, anaemia, low potassium levels and I have lost a stone in around a month.

      The good news is, this has shocked me into making it to day 5 today. I don’t know why, something has just clicked. I’ve looked up what stomach ulcers actually look like and I can’t believe I’ve been doing that to my body. Thank you so much for all of the support on here. I’m determined to keep going now. I just wanted to swing by and write this to let anyone struggling know what they could potentially be doing to their body 🙁

    • #27032

      Hi I’m trying to come off Codeine 30mg and absolutely rattling this morning. Any help appreciated. xx

      • #27034

        Hi Net70, well done for taking the first step, that’s the hardest part! What day are you on? I know how you’re feeling right now and it’s tough. Try and distract yourself by watching tv, stay well hydrated and hot baths with Epsom salts/hot water bottle help with the aches. Any stomach issues, try Imodium. Focus on the fact this is all temporary. The withdrawals will not last and you’ll be free from those pills at the end of this. It’s hard but I promise it’s so worth it! Take one day at a time. We’re here for you! If you want more support, we have a whats app group for more chat and advice than this forum will allow. The email to join this is just a few posts back. Best of luck. We’re here to chat if you need us x

    • #27041

      Hi, I’m new on this forum, I’m Polish but live in UK so apologies for possible mistakes ???? I have been reading you for a few days and decided to register today. I’m on 3rd day co codamol withdrawal and I feel terrible, headache and pain all over my body and restless legs. I’ve been taking co codamol for nearly 2 years for my lower back pain, first year occasionally only but for the last 14 months da 9 tablets 30/500 mg daily as I discovered it helps me not only for my back but also Fibromialgia pains that I suffer for nearly 12 years. I was on Amitryptyline for most of the years for my Fibro but nothing worked as good as Co codamol. So now I’m about to fail and take co codamol because it seems like it’s getting worse and worse. I’m feeling down and tearful. My partner is doing night shifts Monday – Wednesday so he is sleeping most of the day and we have 3 children school age so I can’t have a rest at all. Then I’m working Thursday to Sunday day time and when I come home he sometimes goes to do overtime too. I’m feeling like I will never be able to come off Co codamol as my lower back is really bad after 2 pregnancies (first with twins and second with 4.5 kg baby) and also my Fibromyalgia which is hell! Taking co codamol I feel trapped but it helps me to deal with pain. I’m very worried and anxious and want to quit taking them pills but I can’t manage the pain. Please, any advice how to stay strong and come off them…?

      • #27042

        Hi Anja, it seems like you genuinely need pain management as you’re still suffering badly. Have you spoke with your GP for other possible medications you could possibly take for your fibromyalgia?

        As far as quitting codeine, it’s hard especially if you’re trying to mind your children and work. For that first week, you’re not able to function properly so be kind to yourself. You’ve gotten to day 3 which is amazing! Take each day as it comes and remember all the withdrawals are temporary! You can do this if you want! However, if you take another pill, that is not failing! It’s tough giving these up and can take a few attempts. I really think you need something else in place for your pain too.

        Talking can really help. Not sure if your partner knows but having someone who knows can help! We’re here to chat and have a group outside this on WhatsApp if you want more support. I’m here on this forum too if you want to talk xx

        • #27096

          Hi thank you to such a kind words! I have read your reply last night but felt so bad so I went to bed as soon as I sent kids to sleep. I passed the day 4 of my co codamol withdrawal , I don’t feel better at all or even worse than yesterday, pain literally everywhere, even my feet hurt, my jaw, not sure if it’s normal? Did anyone experience anything like this? My mood is so low, I feel like I wanna cry, I’m so frustrated, no energy at all and zero motivation to do anything.

          I was on a few Antidepressants for years to treat my Fibromyalgia and I found Amitryptyline working the best on me but since I discovered that co codamol stops all the pain I stared relying on it every day. I know I need to speak to my GP so hopefully he’ll try to find me something instead but from my experience nothing was as good for pain as this evil pain killer… I was going to ring surgery today and arrange some appointment or at least phone call consultantation but I felt no motivation to do it, all I wanted to do was stay on the sofa and sleep… i feel like I’m failing my family, my children as I’m not able to look after them at the moment like I should. I was also on a few medication to help my back pain and some gels to rub but it never worked miracles.

          I want to stop, I want to free myself from co codamol but I have no idea how to cope with pain as nothing seemed to work for me in past. That’s why I ended up with co codamol.

          It’s so hard to go through withdrawal having a job, children, housework and working partner who can’t help much… i know what this drug is doing to me, I know I feel “normal” when I’m on it but in fact it only causes me damage… I hope I stay strong, tomorrow day 5, hopefully will be better than today. Sorry for chaotic post, I can’t even think properly now.

          • #27097

            Hi Anja, I think you’re amazing! You got through day 4 with all you’ve got going on. I’m proud of you!!

            Pain everywhere, low mood, no energy or motivation is all normal withdrawal. It’s horrible but day 3/4 are the worst. The physical symptoms from withdrawal will start to ease. You might feel very low then for awhile as you’re brain learns to cope with no codeine.

            You are not failing your family! You are doing this for them! This is all temporary and it will pass. Be kind to yourself!

            Getting pain management for your fibromyalgia is important to stay off codeine so once you get the energy, make that GP appointment. They will find something else. They can try different meds until they get the one for you.

            As you say, the pills make you think you feel good but the fact it causes such distress when we stop taking them, shows how much damage those pills are doing to us. You can do this. I’m rooting for you and I hope tomorrow will be better!

            Talk to us if you need anything. You are not alone xxx

            • #27098

              Thank you, I surely will! I’m very happy I found this forum and feel understood. This means a lot and reading people’s stories gives me hope that I can do it too!

      • #27043

        Hi Anja .I’m polish too and it took a while for me to open up on here . Just as Rach has said , you need something else in place for the pain . Perhaps the GP could refer you to a pain management clinic ? ( My partner has just been referred for his knees as codeine is not helping anymore ) . I don’t even want to try and imagine how difficult it must be for a parent to try and come off these cold turkey . I spent whole week doing nothing but feeling sorry for myself ???? If you carry on, the next few days will be hard but you can do this .Getting to day 3 on the first attempt is amazing ???? .we are here for you xx

    • #27044

      Hi im a newbie here, iv been tapering down my co codamol and i was only take one 15mg late afternoon and one 15mg before bed but iv decided just to stop as i was addicted and need to feel normal again, im just going into day 2 of no co codamol and i cant sleep and getting tingly feeling and so restless and horrendous headache, anyone got any advice i really dont want to take any more.

      • #27047

        Hi Midnightvamp, well done on deciding to give them up. That is the hardest part. I know right now it feels awful but I promise you these feelings are all temporary. The codeine lures you into a cycle where you you need more pills to feel ‘normal’. But these pills do not make anything better in the long run. It’s a week of feeling bad for being free of pills. Believe me that feels incredible!

        In my moments of temptation, I would think what are these pills doing to me if when I come off them I feel like this with headaches, restless legs, bad stomach, insomnia etc. These pills are affecting your body in everyway. It’s rewired your brain to produce dopamine for codeine so now you don’t really produce natural dopamine anymore. The withdrawals are your brain recalibrating to get back to normal. It’s tough I know but you can get through it. Focus on that end goal of being pill free. Take one day a time. Each day with no pills is a victory!

        As for the withdrawal symptoms, stay well hydrated, eat well if you can manage food, take hot baths and use a hot water bottle on your legs for the restless legs, fresh air and light exercise such as a walk can really help clear your head. Try and distract yourself with tv or something you’re interested in. If at all possible, talk to someone close to you as support is nice during this! We’re here for you anyway so chat to us if you want to!

        You can do this. I promise you we’ve all been where you are. I’m nearly 4 months in now and every withdrawal was worth it for the life I have gotten back. Think of your future. You’ve got this! I just saw your last message, don’t be worried about what that person said. You know these pills aren’t good for you and you’re trying your best to give them up the way you want to. Focus on yourself. You don’t need negativity at the moment. Obviously if you need medical advice, please go to your GP. They can advise you too about loads of options. We are just speaking from experience. Best of luck and we are here if you need us x

    • #27045

      Hey guys,

      I can see a few of you are new, I am on day 6 and feeling so much better. It DOES get better I promise you. My first two days, oh my word, horrific, but I got there and I just wanted to share some tips that have worked for me:

      – Pukka herbs night time tea for sleep. It isn’t always realistic to speak to the doctor I know, but this helped me get a couple of hours here and there.

      – cold cold bedroom. For some reason, the restless legs seem a bit better if the room is nice and cold.

      – laying on the floor. This helped the restless legs as well, just spread my quilt out on living room floor with a blanket.

      – eat well if you can. I was very lucky during my withdrawal because absolutely NOTHING puts me off my appetite. I ate lots of salmon, eggs and leafy greens and I honestly think it helped so much. I also supplemented with some protein shakes.

      – Baths for cramps/pain (I’ve done so much damage to my tummy I was too scared to take paracetamol or ibuprofen for the aches).

      – a good book. I re-read my favourite book, my comfort book, and it really helped.

      – a good box set. I watched that new Korean thing All of Us Are Dead.

      – avoid temptation. Just until you are strong enough to get over that “excited” feeling when you see a pharmacy. I went into town to send a parcel yesterday next to Boots and the thought didn’t cross my mind.

      But the main main thing, is even though you feel like these pills are giving you energy and motivation, they are slowly killing you and reducing your quality of life. Yes, you will feel awful for a few days coming off of them, but as I mentioned in a previous post I have done serious damage to my stomach and have many health problems that will be solved stopping the pills. They are not “a treat” and they don’t help you “relax”. That is a trick, your addiction makes you believe this. One week of pain is worth it to never again feel sick, or worry about money, or literally spending every day sourcing pills.

      Good luck to you all, please chat here if you need it x

    • #27046

      Thank you so much for the brilliant info, someone just messaged me and said what i was doing is dangerous and i shouldn’t being doing it now im really worried

    • #27048

      Hey Midnightvamp1984,

      Completely understand your concerns. Obviously, none of us are medical professionals and everyone’s body is different so if you feel the need, speak to the doctor, but from my own experience home withdrawal is achievable. I was taking 96 n+ a day and went cold Turkey. As I say, everyone is different though so please do speak to a medical professional if you feel the need, the last thing you need is added anxiety.

    • #27049

      I was only on two 15s a day so not alot, i. Hoping it wont last as i wasn’t taking much.

      • #27051

        How many pills you take and for how long definitely affects your withdrawal severity. Hopefully if you were only taking that much, it won’t be as bad as some of ours. But I promise you, you can do it xx

    • #27050

      Morning guys day 13 for me after 20 years of 30/500 topped up with solpadiene max!! Just got the dodgy belly stage but I’ll take that… Take back control as mentally it’s empowering!! Different levels of different stages of withdrawal on here so ask away but remember these are chapters in the book of recovery and you’ve nearly completed the first, stay strong and if you feel crap, reach out to us xx

    • #27052

      For a long time originally 60s then cut to 30 4 x a day the just 15 twice a day. My last ones were sunday.

      • #27053

        Tapering is the best way to reduce the withdrawal severity. A lot of us just couldn’t taper as we couldn’t stick to it so we had to go cold turkey. Honestly, the feeling of not being on pills is liberating. I feel so much better and happier. I remember thinking I couldn’t do this but you do get through it. Day by day you struggle on because you want a better life. You can do it xx

    • #27054

      Did anyone experience fast heartbeat while withdrawing, my partner says its not withdrawing as i was only down to 15s and im just making it up, i do have a awful cold and cough which i think is making it worse

      • #27055

        Hi Midnightvamp1984, If your last tablet of 15mg (?) was Sunday then you will def be in withdrawal state by today. I have noticed a difference in my breathing – especially when I walk outside, exercise, experience pain or anxiety. I’m using deep yoga breathing and some other techniques to help that. Well done on making it to day 2- you are doing it. I am on day 19 now and feel like I have gotten through the worst of it so there is light at the end of a not so long tunnel. You’ve got this! And if you ever need support or have a question – come here – the gang on here are amazing! Xx

      • #27056

        You can definitely experience a fast heartbeat during withdrawal. I did anyway but we’re all different. I think the anxiety of it all contributes to the fast heartbeat. I used to listen to music really loud and it helped to calm me. Walking in the fresh air can also help. And you will definitely experience withdrawals even with being on 15mg codeine so you are not making it up x

    • #27057

      Did anyone experience sickness with there withdrawals too

      • #27058

        Yeah that’s also normal. Sickness, diarrhoea, headaches, restless legs ( body even!), body aches, foggy head where you feel you just can’t think straight, low mood. Honestly, withdrawals can cause a lot of symptoms. But only because the pills have been conditioning your body for so long, it’s going into overdrive trying to figure out how to cope with no codeine now. Once your brain recovers it will get back to normal slowly. Just remember It’s all temporary and after the first week, it gets easier. Imodium for the tummy issues can help x

    • #27059

      Thank you so much i thought i was making it all up, my brain is so foggy but im only on day 2, i just want to sleep but cant due to all those symptoms , iv had to take today off as i couldn’t face being like this there. Im trying to stay hydrated as i cant face food. So sorry for all the questions im just feeling awful today

      • #27061

        Ask as many questions as you want! That’s what we’re here for! I took a week off to be honest so I get it! It’s tough! Once you stay well hydrated that’s the main thing! Try distracting yourself with tv or music. Remember it gets better! It’s temporary and it’s worth it for the end result xx

    • #27060

      Hey Midnightvamp1984,

      Day 2 was awful for me as well, it will be better tomorrow. I think the worst thing about the no sleep is the sheer boredom. Try and distract yourself, I know that’s easier said then done. I also found helpful making a list of reasons I want to stop.

    • #27062

      Im just worried about this fast heart rate and pounding heart sensation that im going keel over any second and im on my own as my partner is at work, i dont want to end up calling a ambulance

      • #27063

        That sounds like you’re really anxious which is common with withdrawal but perhaps you should ring your GP for advice? It sounds like you need some reassurance and to make sure you’re ok. A prolonged very high heart rate isn’t something to ignore either. Doctors can really help with withdrawals. You should talk to them x

    • #27064

      Well iv been in contact with doctors they are going to ring me back. Is there anything they could give do you reckon, id be alright if my heart rate would slow down

      • #27065

        I’m so glad you contacted them. There is loads they can do, lots of potential medications to help with withdrawal symptoms like that. It’s best to figure out is it anxiety you’re experiencing( this can cause high heart rate and palpitations) or is the rapid heart beat due to the detox of the withdrawal as your heart is under a little pressure.A doctor will be able to determine this but I promise you, doctors can help with all symptoms. Tell him everything. They can prescribe sleeping tablets ( for short period) to help with the sleeping too. Sleep really helps in all this. Try not to worry in the meantime. Let me know what your doctor says. Xxx

    • #27066

      Im so glad i come across this forum, i didn’t realise it would be this bad from only taking two 15s, i think my mind is in overdrive and i super bad health anxiety so it making me think lots of things, a long long time i was on morphine for a severe back injury and they stopped that and had to go cold turkey then and that was awful. I just want to be calm and slow this heart rate down xxx

      • #27067

        I understand, the anxiety is hard! Can I ask how slowly you reduced from the 60mg to 15mg? Also, how long were you taking only the 2 15mg before you stopped? If tapering isn’t done slowly you can still experience withdrawals quite badly. Your body needs to adjust to each reduced dose before attempting to reduce again and then stop. Once you speak with the GP, I think it will help with your anxiety. Some people can just go cold turkey and cope with the withdrawals but there are options that can help with them so ask your doctor. Don’t be afraid to tell him everything xxxx

    • #27068

      I stopped the 60s along time ago then on 30s for about 8 months then 15s for 3 weeks, i dont have cravings for any just withdrawal but im just so tempted to take one to ease it

      • #27070

        Please do not take any. You’re doing so well. This will pass. Wait and talk to your GP. Taking pills just puts you back to the start. You want to be off them and you can do this!!! xxx

      • #27071

        A couple of us from this forum have a what’s app group where we chat and support each other. This forum can delete any messages that gives specific advice so we wanted a place to talk freely. It really helps talking to people who understand. We can help get you through this. If you’d like to be part of it, I can send you the details? We’d love to support you in this Xxx

    • #27069

      Don’t as you know you’ll feel worse again and back to the start, nearly through the worst of it, hang on in there xx

    • #27073

      Iv just rang a ambulance due to this heart rate and me feeling weird and feeling like im going to faint.

      • #27075

        And If you want to chat this is the place to mail: Betterlife090 @ outlook dot com

        You’d have access to a group of people if you need support, no pressure! Hope you’ll be ok xxxx

    • #27074

      Ok keep us updated please! Hope all will be ok xxx

    • #27076

      I feel like im wasting the ambulances time i cant this severe anxiety and fast heart rate.

      • #27077

        You’re not wasting the ambulances time. You need to be checked over. The pills weren’t the answer to this so you did the right thing. They can help you. Xxx

    • #27078

      I just want some help with severe anxiety but no one is helping they just give me antidepressants which iv been on for years but nothing to calm me down i have to wait 8 weeks for talking threapy and they just said theres nothing they do

      • #27079

        They’re are anti anxiety meds that are different to anti depressants. Have you been given anything like that? You shouldn’t be left like this. Certain medications don’t work for some people so you keep trying until you find the right one. Talking therapy will be good too but you deserve more than being fobbed off until that’s available. Keep telling them how you’re feeling, please don’t let them push you aside if you’re not coping. xxx

    • #27080

      Only propanlol but they said i cant take it anymore due it making my chest bad. They just keep saying the same thing,

      • #27081

        I’m sorry you’re feeling like this. Please let me know what the ambulance says x

    • #27082

      They have cancelled the ambulance and waiting on mental health crisis team to ring as they werent that worried they think its all down to anxiety and withdrawal

      • #27083

        I felt anxious and awful during withdrawals. It is most likely down to the withdrawal symptoms combined with anxiety but you need your voice heard. When the mental health crisis team rings, tell them you cannot cope like this. You need help right now. Not in 8 weeks. I feel for you, sending hugs xxx

    • #27084

      Does anyone know of any herbal or nautral stuff i can buy from the shop to help

    • #27085

      Some say valerian root can help with anxiety. It’s available in most health shops/chemists. They’re are OTC sleep aids available also such as nytol/sominex for short term use. You should check with them what’s safe to take with anything else you might be taking X

    • #27086

      Sominex is excellent.I use it regularly and really rate it BE WARNED ,it does what it says on the packet and makes you sleepy !!

      • #27087

        Hi dotty, hope you’re well!! X

    • #27088

      Im still really anxious and racing heart please tell me it gets better

      • #27089

        I promise it gets better. There are many of us who have been on this forum and have felt like you do right now. But we all got through it and you can too!! I think your anxiety in general is making your symptoms even worse so you really need support. We are here for you! Hopefully, the mental health crisis team can help too xx

    • #27090

      I do think its my anxiety i have a panic disorder quite severe and its set it off quite bad

      • #27091

        That’s understandable! It’s a huge thing your doing and it’s scary. Your body is screaming for more pills. Just tell yourself I am in control of these pills. I am choosing not to take them. I’m going to be ok. Which you will be xx

    • #27092

      Hi, I have a question for the ladies on here, did you notice a change in your menstrual cycle once you stopped the codine? ????

      • #27093

        Hey Clab, I definitely did anyway. My periods had become so irregular and were all over the place when I was on ibuprofen+codeine. Once I stopped, my cycle has started to become regular again. My period was also lighter on the pills than now. I know we are all different but those pills can definitely affect your cycle in different ways! X

        • #27094

          Thank you so much for your response! I was starting to worry that I had a immaculate conception brewing ????

          • #27095

            No problem! It’s crazy what codeine does to your body!! So no immaculate conception brewing ???? Glad to help x

    • #27100

      Good morning, I’m starting day 5, couldn’t sleep last night, got only 3 hours sleep and feel awful today but I’m sure the big part of how I feel plays lack of sleep. I’m definitely getting a nap after I’m back from a school run and I promised myself that after that I’m taking my dog for a nice walk so he can enjoy and I can get a fresh air. My back hurts this morning but I won’t be taking anything, the symptoms don’t ease yet but maybe I need more time than others to heal. Have a lovely day everyone!

      • #27101

        Hi Anja, it can take up to 7 days for the physical symptoms, everyone is different, but the worst of the physical symptoms will gradually get better from here!

        Could you ask your GP for some sleeping tablets to help you get some sleep? Some people find that helpful but only for a few to get you through the worst as everything is worse without sleep. Especially with all you have going on! A walk and fresh air is exactly what you need after a nice nap.

        I’m so proud of you. You’re doing amazing. Look at your strength to not take the pills despite how bad you feel. Just make sure to get that GP appointment to try and sort out your pain management as that will be crucial for you staying off these pills.

        Your body is healing and honestly, you will feel so much better after this. Those pills are never the answer. You’ve got this!! Keep chatting, it helps xxx

    • #27102

      Hi guys thank you for yesterday im not as anxious today plus i feel weird as my head feels clear and i seem more alert, i did sleep 4 hours lol but thats because i couldn’t stop coughing.

      • #27104

        Hi Midnightvamp, that’s amazing. Look at the strength you had yesterday to get through that! You did it despite how hard it was. Be proud of yourself!

        So glad you feel a bit better today. Being off pills def makes you more alert! Honestly, once you get over these few days, life will be so much brighter I promise you. Take one day at a time and stay strong! Those pills fix nothing! Make sure you continue to get help for your anxiety as it’s important! You deserve the help!

        You’ve got this and we’re all rooting for you. xxx

    • #27105

      Thank you so much, iv decided to go private for some help with my panic disorder as the waiting lists are so long i don’t mind paying if they are good and get to see me quicker. My heart rate has gone down i think i had so much adrenaline going through me yesterday it just went into over drive the sleep helped i didnt want to get up lol im back to work tomorrow as it takes my mind off things, i am really tired today though think im a bit exhausted xxx

      • #27107

        I totally understand how the anxiety would go into overdrive. The withdrawals are hard going on the body. I’m glad you’ve decided to go private, you need help sooner then later!

        You’re bound to be tired after all that adrenaline yesterday. Work will keep your mind occupied. Take it easy too though. Mind yourself as rest is needed for the body to recover. Stay well hydrated also.

        I’m so proud of you. Look at you today, you’re so much more positive than yesterday. If you can get through all that yesterday, I have no doubt you’re going to do this. Sure some days will be hard but you now know it passes. It’s temporary. You deserve a pill free life. I can promise you brighter days are ahead. Well done xx

    • #27115

      Hi Guys,

      Just a quick update …. slowly working through Day 33….. sitting at my desk , reading through the recent posts. I see there are a few new people on here.

      All I can say is keep going and try to struggle through….. I have tried to stop countless times over the past 10/11 years. At worst I was using 2 Packs of NPlus along with maybe 10, 30/500 Cocodamols….. daily…

      This has been my longest abstinance….. and I feel this may be the one…..

      Tips on how I got here…. I went Cold Turkey…

      Try and focus on one day at a time….

      Tell someone you trust….. get them to keep an eye on you, check in hourly, daily..

      Go to the GP and own up…… (he provided me with a short dose of sleeping tablets), really helped as for the first 10-11 days my sleep was non-existent

      Plenty of hot baths, try and get out and about…. go for walks if able..

      Watch TV Shows, back to back, try and relax as much as you can.

      I listened to a lot of music (I’m not a huge music lover either !!)

      When able, eat plenty of fresh fruit and veg…. I know you won’t want to at outset, but I’m finding the further I get through the more I’m enjoying my food again.

      I also have started to take a Multivitamin Supplement….

      Plenty of fluids, especially at the start…..

      Try and accept that the first week is going to be hell…… but then, I promise you, physically it does improve….

      I’m still dealing with the emotional side of things, can get cravings, feel down in the dumps….. but they also seem to be fading….

      A huge trigger for me is work, whenever I’m stressed I feel myself thinking about the tablets……. So telling myself , that work will sort itself and not bringing it home with me every night has also helped…

      My sleep has returned which has been a huge help, it’s not perfect yet, still a bit unbroken but I’m getting 6-7 hours a night now…..

      And this forum for me was the bonus ball…. I checked in regularly at the start and the help that came from here was priceless…. It really pushed me through the worst of it…

      That’s it, I’m away to finish the rest of today at work….

      Keep going everyone xx

      • #27116

        Hey Retroaddic, just look at how far you’ve come! I’m genuinely so happy for you. You’ve done the hardest bit, now it’s just making sure you keep going and never look back.

        Work is a trigger for myself too but I’ve learned the pills don’t make it better. We just think they do cause they mask the stress but without the pills, you learn how to deal with that stress in a productive way.

        Glad the sleep is getting better. That’s when I started feeling myself again. Cravings can happen but as time goes on you stop thinking about them. I think you realise the destruction these pills cause!

        Well done Retroaddic xxxx

        • #27117

          Thanks Rach….

          You have been a great help throughout….


          • #27470

            Hi Retroaddic, I just wanted to check in and see how you’re doing? I hope things are still going well xxx

            • #27604

              Hi Rach,

              Sorry I haven’t replied in a while, work has been really busy and the last few times I logged in I seen that posts where being deleted etc…

              Good news is that i’m still clean and off the tablets….. Day 76 to be exact.

              Feeling so much better…… sleeping fine and things definitely on the up. Hardle ever think about the tablets anymore, however it still creeps in on the odd occasion. This weekend for instance , I had a banging headache after working on Sat and the thought came into my head, but managed to stave it off…

              So keep the faith everyone…. if I can do it anyone can….

              Speak soon xx

              • #27610

                Hi Retroaddic,

                I’m so happy to hear how well you’re doing. Well done, I hope your proud of yourself! Day 76 is just amazing!

                The thought that a pill could fix something does creep in sometimes but we know it’s never going to be one pill for us and noone wants to go back to that life! Well done for not taking any. That’s such an achievement!

                Look after yourself cause I know you work a lot and it’s busy. I’m always here if you ever need a chat!

                Talk to you soon xx

      • #27120

        Hi Retroaddic,

        You should be so proud of yourself ! You did it ! It’ll only get easier from here .yes,mental side unfortunately takes longer to settle but with every day it gets better .You sound so much better ☺️

        • #27123

          Thanks Maggie,

          Yep…. feeling a lot better….

          Again your help and advice has been so important….

          Day 34 awaits…..

          Speak soon xx

    • #27125

      Hi Net70 . Admitting you have a problem is a big step already so well done . You will have to find the way that suits you and you’re comfortable with . If you’re determined and disciplined enough ,tapering would be the best and safest option . Cold turkey is a quickest way but definitely more painful . I personally couldn’t do the tapering so cold turkey was the only way for me . The withdrawals will depend on how many you take and the time you’ve been taking them for . Do you have anyone close you can talk to about it ? Having support is very important xx I’m here for you if have any questions .

    • #27127

      Hi Net,you have absolutely no reason to feel ashamed . I know it’s easier said than done as i felt the same for years . It’s good you have your husband and a friend that you can talk to ,but you’re right , people don’t fully understand unless they’ve gone though this ..You could try tapering to start with but have to do it slowly ,just so your body can get used to smaller amounts gradually. With a cold turkey ,it differs from person to person but the first week is the worst for physical withdrawals. You can expect an upset stomach, pains and aches ,runny nose ,restless legs ,insomnia ..Mental withdrawals however last a lot longer for some people as your brain is learning how to work on its own again . It’s a horrible drug and available too easily . If you decide to go cold turkey i would suggest having that first week off work, being kind to yourself by eating and drinking well, hot baths with Epsom salts have helped quite a few people on here for aches and restless legs . Here if you need me xx and please do not feel ashamed ❤️

    • #27128

      Your message has made me cry because you understand so much. Thank you so much. Your right it’s a nasty drug that I actually hate now. I’m going to do cold turkey starting Monday so I’m sure I’ll be on here if that’s okay. I’ll take time off work and ask someone to take my daughter out in half term so she doesn’t have to watch me like that as know already I’m going to be in a lot of pain physically and mentally but will be worth it. A life free from codeine. I want to be on the other side now but just been selfish. My friend say’s I shouldn’t be ashamed either but I can’t help it. Every time I take it now I regret it and hate myself. Thank you for helping me. ❤️❤️

      • #27130

        Hello again ☺️ It looks like you’re really determined to do this and have a plan as well which is really good . It’ll be difficult but so worth it once you’re on the other side stronger and healthier ???? . Remember you’re not only doing it for yourself but for your family too who deserve a happier version of you xx Best wishes xx you’ve got this

    • #27129

      Does anyone here have a panic disorder im having panic attack over taking another medication and i cant even think of taking it.

    • #27152

      Has some of the posts been removed? I’m 18 hour’s without any codeine 30mg atm and the struggle is real.

      • #27153

        Hi Net, yes it looks like they keep removing the posts ???? it’s going to be a difficult few days but you can do this ???? if you need any extra support ,a few of us have a WhatsApp group where we can talk freely and support each other . If you’re interested in joining us ,let us know and we will give you the details xx

    • #27154

      Yes please as already struggling and it’s only been since 3 pm yesterday xx

      • #27157

        How are you feeling Net ?

        • #27168

          Feeling even worse today Maggie. Is this normal? Heart racing and palpitations. Body crying out but head saying no constantly xx

          • #27169

            Hi Net, it is normal to feel this way but if you’re concerned about the palpitations maybe get in touch with a doctor? The physical withdrawals are painful so take one day at a time xx take a relaxing bath ,put some music on ,be kind to yourself xx

            • #27180

              Hi Maggie, took buscopan to help with stomach pains and sickness and got through the day. Keep crying ???? today for some reason and the pain in my back and everywhere is excruciating but I’m not going to do it. Day 3. It’s hour by hour atm. Feel like all of my emotions are coming back that I’ve been numbing with codeine 30mg for year’s now. Another day done. Roll on tomorrow xx

              • #27181

                Hey, I’ve not commented before but have been reading whilst stopping codeine myself. I’m on day 9 today, and I was where you are on day 3, but by day 5/6, it all got easier. I use buscapan still to keep the stomach in check, 3 times a day, more if needed, but take regularly, not just when it hurts. Well done for getting so far already, you’ve got this

              • #27185

                Thank you. Last night was absolutely terrible with everything. But still haven’t been tempted to go back. Thank you to this excellent forum. Day 4 is here. Feeling rough but it will pass xx

              • #27182

                Hi and well done on staying strong ???? couple more days and you will start feeling better xx

              • #27197

                Hi Maggie, thank you. Couldn’t have done it without this forum and you especially thank you xx

              • #27198

                Hi,it looks like our posts keep being removed ???? Hope you’re keeping well xx

              • #27205

                I’ve seen that this morning. Why do they do that? ????. Day 6 today well in the afternoon. Didn’t think I’d get here. Thank you

    • #27155

      Hi. I’ve been addicted to codiene phosphate for around 4 year now. Taking 56 30mg a day. I’m desperate to get off these devil tablets and just want to be myself again. So… after reading all this thread I’ve decided I’m going to give it my all and start to try and cold turkey from tomorrow. Please wish me luck. As I really need to do this. Thanks x

      • #27156

        Hi Natalie . Would you consider cutting it down before you go cold turkey ? 56 pills a day is a lot and it might be too much of a shock for your body … I struggled after taking 20-30 a day ..of course if you can’t do tapering than cold turkey is the quickest way to get your life back . Here if you need support xx Best of luck

        • #27166

          I’m thinking that I may have to do that for a while as I’ve woke with a big bloody tooth abscess ???? I’ve also been thinking about getting a bit prepared first. Like ordering some CBD tablets. Vitamins etc. and I don’t get paid until Friday. Also my children break up for half term Friday so don’t want to be ill the week there off. I want them to have fun ?? X

      • #27158

        I’ve cut down from 30 a day down to 20 down to 15 and then 10 and now cold turkey. My body is crying out for it but my head isn’t because I have had enough of this drug and the hold it has on me. Wishing you luck. Everyone on here is lovely and understands. xx

    • #27170

      Okay I’ll do that and take some herbal Kalms to try and relax. Thank you xx

    • #27172

      I had the heart thing last week it really freaked me out, i had huge anxiety after too xx

      • #27173

        How are you feeling now ? I hope much better now xx

    • #27195

      Hi, I’m on day 5 and feel rough. After no sleep again last night I contacted my dr via email this morning to explain what I’ve done and could I have a couple of sleeping tablets to get me through. He got his receptionist to ring me and said I should never have withdrawn from them like that and advised I take 2 now and tonight. I have to laugh which shows my sense of humour is still there and said task him and tell him I’ll never touch that medication ever again and I’ve thrown them out in the refuse bin. Needless to say thankfully I was strong because before I would have thought all my luck had come at once. Well done to you and I can’t wait until day 41. xx

    • #27206

      They removed my story about how I got here for some reason! Hope all are doing well

    • #27207

      Hi both .This forum is for people who are affected by someone else’s addiction ,that’s why they keep removing the posts ..A few of us have a WhatsApp group chat where we support each other and can talk freely . If any of you feels like you need the support there are details of where to email your phone number few pages earlier . If you can’t find it ,let me know

      • #27208

        Thanks Maggie I’ll do that now as I really want and need the support. Well done awaterman. They’ve removed mine too and some of my other comments. That makes sense now Maggie. Didn’t realise it was for other’s xx

      • #27212

        My comment was removed but I’ve sent my phone number. Looking forward to hearing from you guy’s. And I’ll visit here too xx

    • #27456

      Hi Everyone, I’m back 🙁 I’ve relapsed and it’s a mess. I recently lost my mum and that’s been such a big pressure that i just needed something to deal with. I feel lost and unsure what to do, I’m scared to talk to people because I’m scared to admit that I’ve failed again. It’s such a dark hole to be in.

    • #27457

      Hi Everyone, I’m back, I’ve lost my self again and it’s a mess. I recently lost my mum and that’s been such a big pressure that i just needed something to deal with. I feel lost and unsure what to do, I’m scared to talk to people because I’m scared to admit that I’ve failed again. It’s such a dark hole to be in.

    • #27458

      Hi I’m looking for a bit of help, wheres the e m a i l address? I could do with talking to people

    • #27459

      Betterlife090 at outlook dot com

      • #27461

        Thank you! My posts kept saying they weren’t getting uploaded and now they all seem to be there I don’t understand

    • #27655

      Hi everyone what a great help you all are.I’m on day 4 and still not sleeping and craving but this time get through it and become a better person for’s be on and off for 22 years after a bike accident. my worst ever be I can take 40 co codamol 30/500 in one day but easy then tried 30mg codeine tablet have 112 of doctor they be gone in 2 days then running round chemist get 7 box’s of 8/500 ad get codeine out out of them and Convincing myself because I was Taken the paracetamol away it was alright to do I’m just a codeine of them and the could be 2 twice a day one Wright in front of u it horrendous my wife’s know the full extent of the addiction now she’s back me all the way it’s been a real help just the shame of it the fear of not having them I’m not Fix well it’s not even Fix it’s just because you need to take it and the mental to abuse in your head of get it.I’m not very good with writing thinks so I hope this make’s sense

      • #27656

        Hi Chris,

        4 days is just amazing!! What an achievement after 22 years to do this. You should be so proud of yourself because I know how hard it is.

        You sound determined to do this and that’s the key to getting off the pills. You find the strength to get past the withdrawals when you’ve had enough of that life. I’m glad your wife knows and is supportive. That really helps in this journey.

        In another day or 2, the worst of the physical symptoms will be over. The next few weeks are hard mentally as you feel a bit low without these pills as your brain learns to function again but take it your by hour, day by day and it gets easier! Sleep takes awhile to settle but honestly it’s all worth it for a better life. It’s so liberating not having to worry about pills all the time.

        I’m here to chat if you ever need to talk x

    • #27750

      Well done ParisJune. You’re through the worst, keep going. I needed a week off but could have struggled through work a day earlier. It’s tough but getting better is a lot faster past day 4/5. Steph.x

    • #27751

      Thank you so much Steph!

      The nights are awful. I just want this to end honestly. I just don’t know what to do with myself I’m so restless 🙁

      Thank you so much for ur support xxx

    • #27752

      Thank you so much Steph!

      nights are awful. I just want this to stop honestly. I just don’t know what to do with myself I’m so restless 🙁

      Thank you so much for ur support xxx

    • #27753

      Hi ParisJune, firstly well done for taking the plunge and deciding to stop taking pills. So days 3-5 are the works honestly. After day 7/8, the worst of the physical symptoms have past but your mood is quite low as your brain learns to cope for another few weeks. Sleep takes a good while to settle but after that first week it gets better and better. You’re nearly there!

      I took the full week off. Stopped on a Sunday and went back the following Monday. I definitely needed that time and by the Monday, being at work actually helped to keep me busy. I honestly thought I wouldn’t manage at work but I did and I promise you will too!

      The nights are hard. Take hot baths before bed to help your aches and restless legs, drink lots water and try to eat when you can. Exercise is great too if you can manage a walk. Listen to music to get your natural endorphins going too!

      I’m glad you have such supportive parents! It helps to have an emotional support around you! And you have us if you need to chat! You’ve got this!! Xx

      • #27754

        Thank you so much!! I was hoping you were still active on here and praying you would be

        It’s the nights which are awful and the mornings. I’ll try having a hot bath tonight thanks!

        • #27755

          Im always around to chat if you’re struggling! The nights are hard. You can feel lonely and desperate during the night when you can’t sleep and your legs are restless. It feels it will never end but it does. And then things just get better and better. Xx

          • #27756

            Thanks so much Rach I have sent a message to that e mail for the whats app group xxxxx

            • #27757

              Great! I was about to suggest it cause I saw one of your posts has been removed. That happens with this forum so the what’s app group is better to talk freely and give you the support you need xxx

    • #27814

      Hello everyone.I wasn’t taking as much as some people here but was on 240mg of dihydrocodeine daily for 5 or 6 years. I’ve gone cold turkey and i have to say i felt like i was dying. I’m on my 7th day and still feel crap. How long before withdrawal feels noticably better. Thanks to any replies

      • #27815

        Hi Jack, firstly well done! Day 7 is amazing! So you are coming to the end of the worst physical symptoms. By day 8/9, you start to feel better physically but mentally you feel really down for another week or 2. Sleep takes awhile to settle. But after that first week, it’s all a lot more bearable. Overall, it takes around 4 weeks to start feeling really normal again but honestly it’s all so worth it. Those pills destroy your life and all these feelings are temporary and do go away. I hope you have some support xx

    • #27816

      Thanks for replying . Sleep is a real problem about 1 hour per night. Eating is a problem as well and you are dead right they do destroy lives. It’s my fault i took them but if i could turn back the clock knowing what i know now i wouldn’t touch them. The crazy thing is that even though im shattered my mind wont stop racing and for a while i was really emotional. I never cry but i was bursting into tears for nothing. Feeling a bit happier now i know the worst is over and thanks again

      • #27817

        These pills lure you in. We never start taking them thinking this will happen and then you’re addicted and already stuck in the cycle before you realise what’s happening so don’t feel bad. Sleep is awful for awhile but shortly you’ll start getting more. It just takes a few weeks to properly settle but even 4/5 hours a night is great after that first week! The crying is also normal. On day 8, I cried all day long! It’s hard on the brain to figure out where all this dopamine it’s used to getting has gone! Although you can’t eat, just try and make sure you drink plenty. Honestly, take it day by day and things get better. You are def nearly through the worst of it. If you ever need more support, we’re always here! X

    • #27836

      Hi, new here.

      Unsure if I have habit, my first post is awaiting approval as profanity was picked up in it, (I don’t know how, but I am sure I will find out from admins in time)

      I was on day 11 with no opiates, however, I took 60mg dihydrocodeine today due to a feeling of overwhelm and hopelessness, I hope to overcome without drugs.

      My first post will appear on my profile once admin have approved it, more details there, meanwhile, love to all on this healing journey.

      Relapse is just another part of recovery.

      • #27838

        Hi, you are doing so well to get to day 11.

        I think the most important thing is to realise you just had a temporary lapse today but that doesn’t have to be a full on relapse if you don’t want it to be! You can just continue on taking no pills again after that momentary moment today. Sometimes we think when we’ve taken 2 we’ve failed so may as well keep taking them now but that doesn’t have to be the case.

        I totally understand that feeling of overwhelm and anxiety where pills feel the only solution. I hope you have a good support network to help you in these moments. Your GP can help with anxiety issues too.

        Best of luck with everything, we’re here to chat xx

        • #27839

          Thanks for your reply @RachBN.

          Yeah I used the wrong term, I should have said “lapse” as I see it as falling off a bike.

          I wouldn’t tell my NHS people as I am on a valium script.

          A friend was on an opiate script and confessed a lapse to her mental health workers and they took her script off her, which I see as punishment, and no help at all.

          I told my CPN I feel like using, and asked if a lapse would mean me losing my script, I said it in a way that was not fishing so I could use.

          She didn’t know.

          It’s a shame I feel I cannot be honest, however I am lucky to know a lady who used to work as a psychologist and she is excellent to talk to and understands the reason I have these lapses.

          • #27840

            I honestly can’t believe the lack of support and understanding that health professionals have for addiction issues. I’m glad you have someone you trust to speak to and that you know these are just lapses. You sound like you’re on the right track. X

    • #27841

      The lady I speak to is trauma informed.

      Maybe I have a negative view of the NHS, I see them as having a punishment culture, “You used again, you are unreliable”

      My CPN is just worried about overdose, as valium and opiates are not happy bedfellows, so, they do have a valid concern in that context.

      I am not overdosing.

      The opiate dose is so small, I took two pills, a really low dose, considering I used to take 15 of them.

      The “high” feels strong physically, but has not cheered me up much, although, I might have been crying without it, as I could feel myself welling up, when I posted the first post, which is awaiting approval from admin.

    • #27842

      The lady I speak to is trauma informed.

      Maybe I have a negative view of the NHS, I see them as having a punishment culture, “You used again, you are unreliable”

      My CPN is just worried about overdose, as valium and opiates are not happy bedfellows, so, they do have a valid concern in that context.

      I am not overdosing.

      The opiate dose is so small, I took two pills, a really low dose, considering I used to take 15 of them.

      The “high” feels strong physically, but has not cheered me up much, although, I might have been crying without it, as I could feel myself welling up, when I posted the first post, which is awaiting approval from admin.

    • #27844

      The lady I speak to is trauma informed.

      Maybe I have a negative view of the NHS, I see them as having a punishment culture, “You used again, you are unreliable”

      My CPN is just worried about overdose, as valium and opiates are not happy bedfellows, so, they do have a valid concern in that context.

      I am not overdosing.

      The opiate dose is so small, I took two pills, a really low dose, considering I used to take 15 of them.

      The “high” feels strong physically, but has not cheered me up much, although, I might have been crying without it, as I could feel myself welling up, when I posted the first post, which is awaiting approval from admin.

    • #27845

      The lady I speak to is trauma informed.

      Maybe I have a negative view of the NHS, I see them as having a punishment culture, “You used again, you are unreliable”

      My CPN is just worried about overdose, as valium and opiates are not happy bedfellows, so, they do have a valid concern in that context.

      I am not overdosing.

      The opiate dose is so small, I took two pills, a really low dose, considering I used to take 15 of them.

      The “high” feels strong physically, but has not cheered me up much, although, I might have been crying without it, as I could feel myself welling up, when I posted the first post, which is awaiting approval from admin.

      • #27852

        Hi. Your looking at this all wrong. Any step forward is a good one. 60mg today, non tomorrow. It’s a long road.

        Maybe you neck 300mg next week, all at once. Just keep thinking “Up and out”.

        Best wishes

        • #27853

          Thanks for the best wishes.

          This drugs and alcohol disease is a twisty path.

          I’m on 400mg Pregabalin and a couple of shorts of noddy today.

          The road twisted back, but I know it twists forward.

          On my drink and drug free days, I lay in bed till 5-6pm.

          I am an artist and a performer and singer, and I need to find a way to get outside my window, and be among the trees there, as I feel like they are alive, and I can communicate with them, I sound a right blooming hippy.

          I feel scared of them on my drink and drug free days and close the curtains when in bed, dissociating as I find reality hard.

          May I find a way to get among those living trees without drink and drugs.

    • #27871

      Just thought I’d give a quick update….

      Today is day 100 for me……. Feeling like a new person…… Just a quick shout out to everyone on here who helped me get to where I am today.

      And for everyone, at the beginnning or in the middle of their journey…. it can be done…

      It’s horrific , difficult, but if I can get through it anyone can. I spent 10-11 years hooked on this junk, tried stopping and relapsed so many times, but keep trying….

      Keep going, keep posting and talking to everyone. The support on here is amazing.

      Speak soon xx

      • #27872

        Hi Retroaddic, wow day 100! That is just amazing!

        I’m so happy to hear you’re feeling good! The hard times are so worth the outcome of being free from these pills.

        Thanks for the update. I’m delighted things are going so well for you. You worked so hard to get here!

        Talk soon xx

        • #27894

          Rach are you there I need you? You don’t know this but I found and read this whole 60 something page thread every day for the last 12 days where I’ve been cold turkey from codeine. I’m sure you’ve saved more lives than you know. I’ve only signed up to reach out to you. It’s because of you, dadict, Maggie, Betterlife and others I’ve made it this far! I’m a mother of 4 and I’m really struggling with the lack of motivation and generalised all over weakness and fatigue which just don’t seem to be lifting. Please is there any hope that I’ll have any energy ever again without codeine particularly I’m nearly 2 weeks in? The physical withdrawals (apart from a feeling that my legs still want to be restless) is mostly over but this all over weakness is hard to handle. I think you said you felt better on day 18 so I’ve been hanging on. I don’t necessarily want to relapse and can’t imagine it at this point but I want to feel better. I’ve been listening to music like Maggie has said. I’m feeling so despondent at the this point. I get the dishes done and the laundry into the machine but as for housework that’s all I can manage. We’re drowning under a pile of clean washing I can’t seem to fold and me moaning about how weak and fatigued I feel. Thank god for you, thank god for my husband. Please slap me?

          • #27895

            Hi, I’m here! 12 days, you are doing so well! Honestly, that fatigue and low motivation is normal at this point. It will get better I promise. By day 18, I felt way more like myself. I totally get that feeling of just wanting to feel normal now but you’re nearly there! Be kind to yourself, this isn’t an easy journey but it’s honestly so worth the end result. You’ll feel amazing once this fog lifts. Its great that you have your husband for support. That really helps. I’m glad our chats here have encouraged you. We’re all here to help xxx

            • #27898

              Yes fog that’s exactly it! I noticed you right away Rach because you’ve thrown your all into helping others and I am astounded at your strength! Your are an angel! I feel physically weak like my arms are too heavy to lift and standing upright is a workout! Codeine fuelled me before, I could move mountains. It gave me the energy to soldier on and I’m desperately struggling without that boost. I never want to rely on an external source for that, I need it from within. I have serious brain fog also. It’s hard to think and impossible to plan. With such a large litter of kids it’s brutal and I’m feeling hopeless. I am following your lead though Rach and shall not give in! Please, did you feel this awful even at this point? Am I missing something? I’m taking vitamins and actually sleeping well. How did you cope? And omg thankyou thankyou thankyou. I’ve gone all silly and fangirl! ????.

              • #27900

                Thanks for the kind words SoWeary, I made a promise to myself if I got out the other side, I would help anyone I could after people on here helped me so much. Yes I still felt awful at this point! My physical symptoms were mainly gone but I just had zero energy or motivation and I felt there was this fog over me. Like you, I just wanted to feel normal again! When I read up about withdrawal, all the educational sites said you’ll be ok within 7-10 days but that’s not what people on here have experienced so don’t worry you’re on the right track. I have a 6 year old and I struggled to do anything with him, it was my husband who done it all! Slowly it got better and day 18, I just felt the fog lift.

                You’re doing the right things. It’s a process that just takes time but you’re getting there day by day. Vitamins are great and make sure you’re drinking loads of water. I promise you’ve got this now. We’re here to support you so lean on us when you need to xxx

              • #27901

                ???????????? Thankyou so very much! I feel less pathetic! My poor husband has been working long shifts and coming home, cooking and feeding us and all he’s expected is for me to try and keep the kids alive while he’s been at work. They’re alive but bored and the house looks like a bomb went off. I’ve told him I’ve been reading this thread like a stalker and he’s so pleased you’ve answered me. He’s grateful to you for me ????.

              • #27902

                You’re far from pathetic. You’re amazing! This is so so hard but you’re doing it. Look at your strength the last 12 days! I’m proud of you and I’m sure your husband is too! He sounds amazingly supportive, my husband took over everything too as I just wasn’t able to think, never mind clean so don’t feel bad!

                Just tell yourself the house being a mess and the kids being bored etc is all temporary until you just get over this hurdle. Once you do, you’ll be free from these pills and be the best version of you possible. I’m a totally different person now. I’m so much happier and I promise you this is all worth it for the freedom of being off those pills.

                You’ve got this ❤️ X

              • #27905


              • #27903

                For me every day got a little better, only very slightly. Then on day 18ish I woke up and felt full of energy. It was a long time coming and it was amazing! Finally felt like me again after 5 years of living in a codeine bubble. This time next week your going to be feeling so so so much better. I’m so glad our journey is helping you through yours ???? we are always here if you need us.

              • #27904


          • #27896

            Also, I didn’t do hardly anything other than survive those first few weeks so don’t worry about the washing. Like you, I felt too weak to do much. Once i got to day 18, it was like something lifted for me. At that point, it was just my sleep affected but I felt way better in myself and more normal to get stuff done again.

            Put music on, get fresh air and some light exercise to get your endorphins going if you can. You’re doing all the right things and day 12 is fantastic. Be proud of yourself and our what’s app group is there if you want to join xx

    • #27897

      Soweary Hi! Day 12! That’s amazing! The lack of motivation was unbearable. I didnt take my kids to school for nearly 2 weeks. I never cook a meal or did any kind of house work and I too was scared it would never come back.. but it does. I think you would really benefit in coming to join are WhatsApp group xx

      • #27899

        Betterlife you’re there too? OMG omg thankyou!!! I’ve been feeling so miserable like a failure without even giving in yet! I see others going to work through this and cannot understand how it’s possible! I’m now all fangirl for you too! It is honestly a privilege! My heart’s full of pride and respect for you all. You’ve made me feel better just like that! Did you wake up one-day better or was it bit by bit? I live in a remote area and have very poor internet but I got ‘refresh’ over and ‘over’ just to read this thread. Oh and I cried for you and your loss and I’ve been there and you will feel whole again. I know you don’t believe that even yet but you will. ????

    • #27906

      I’m so proud of you both I wish I had your fighting spirit and determination I get to a couple of days and the withdrawals are so bad the aches the runny nose the lack of energy is just to much for me

      I’ve been taking 64 to 96 nurofen plus everyday for over 3 years I know I’m messing up my insides but it’s so hard

      But credit to you both you are examples of it can be done and should be very proud

      • #27907

        Hi! I know the feeling. I tried a good few times before this last attempt. It’s so bloody hard. It can be done though with good support and the GP can help by prescribing some meds short term. But no doubt it’s a struggle that can take time. Ultimately you need to get to a point where you just don’t want the pills anymore. For me, there had stopped serving their function. I felt like crap on them by the end. If you ever want to give it another try, we’ll be here xx

    • #27908

      Hi, first time posting. I’m pretty sure I’m addicted to Codeine, ive been taking Nurofen plus every day for the last year. I’m in the process of tapering off it (at its highest I was taking 5 pills twice a day) At the moment I’m taking 3 pills twice a day, then next week it will be 2 pills twice a day, etc. is this the right way to do it? When I finally come off it how long will it take to feel normal again? I’ve been reading this thread for a while but realised I was addicted myself and wanted to do something about it. I’m really scared about how long it will take me to get back to myself. I tried to go cold Turkey a few weeks ago but resulted in me feeling terrible and needing to take some time off work. Please can anyone tell me roughly, how long it will take me to get back to normal? I’ve been on them for just over a year.

      • #27909

        Hi, 10 pills for a year is a relatively low amount for a short time in comparison to some of us so hopefully it won’t be as hard. Tapering is the right way to go. Cutting down a certain amount every week is perfect. It will give you time to become used to the reduced dose before lowering again hence reducing the withdrawals. When you stop completely it shouldn’t be too bad then for you. Usually it takes 2/3 weeks cold turkey but by tapering properly, you should only have mild symptoms for awhile hopefully! Well done on doing this ❤️

        • #27910

          Thank you so much for replying. I got nervous when I started to feel like I needed more than 10 a day, so I started googling it. Ended up here. Thanks for your help and reassurance. Pleased I found a place I can talk about this with our judgment x

          • #27912

            No problem, happy to help anyway I can so if you need to chat along the way, I’m here for support x

            • #27913

              Thank you! I recently told my husband which was a huge deal as I was trying to hide taking the pills all the time. I might come back in a few weeks when I have completely tapered off the pills as no doubt I will need the support ♥️

              • #27915

                It’s great you told your husband for support! You’ve got this ❤️ X

      • #27914

        You are on your way to freedom! Please keep going ????

    • #27911

      Thank you so much for your help with this! Gives me hope. I got nervous when I felt like I needed more that 10 and I started googling it and ended up here. Pleased to find a place of truth where I can talk about this without judgement x

    • #27916

      Thank you both ♥️

    • #27919

      Hi everyone

      I am new here, have been reading through this thread while isolating with covid. It is such a relief to finally stumble upon a group of people who “get it”. A bit about me, I started taking nurofen plus probably about 20 years ago now for period pains but never got to a point of taking them regularly until maybe 8 to 10 years. Again, nothing too bad maybe 4 a day but as we all know it creeps up on you and over the course of the last year its gotten to a packet of 24 a day, sometimes 30. I really feel like its gotten such a grip on me and i want more than anything to eventually get them out of my life. Back in February i went to Spain for a week and ran out of pills by day 4. The last 3days were horrendous as I went into withdrawal, i had the sweats, chills, headaches and the rest, oh the insomnia. It was an absolute nightmare. It really showed me this is bad and i need to deal with it. I want to do the taper method as i don’t think i have the mental strength to do cold turkey. I know lots of you have done it and you are all amazing. So my plan starting tomorrow is to cut down to 20. I feel like writing it down makes me accountable, may sound silly but literally nobody in my life knows about this and I could never bring myself to tell them either.

      Sorry for the long rambling post. I am just so happy i stumbled on this post as it gives me hope that one day ill be writing my own success story

      • #27920

        Hi Flo! Firstly, well done for taking the first steps to gaining back control over these pills. It’s a tough journey but very worth it I promise.

        Tapering is definitely an easier approach when you’re disciplined enough to follow it through. You seem determined that you want to stop and thsts the key ingredient to it all really. Taper slowly at a pace you’re comfortable with and withdrawals will be so much less than you experienced in Spain. Ensure your body is used to the lower dose before tapering to the next tapered dose and so on. During the tapering process, ensure you eat well, drink lots of water and get some light exercise in so that your body is in good shape for when you stop the pills altogether. It will help you manage the withdrawals you do get from stopping completely.

        And you don’t sound silly. Talking to people who understand really helps. It’s a very isolating life at times where you feel nobody but you are struggling but as you see from this forum, loads of people are in the same boat! You can do this!

        We’re all here to help and support you if you need it ❤️ X

        • #27921

          Hi RachBn

          Thank you so much for your reply, I know your own journey has been inspirational and you have helped so many people. Thank you for the valuable advice, i will definitely do all those things. Will try anything that helps! It did occur to me as i am isolating that i cud attempt cold turkey but as covid is playing havoc with my body at the moment I don’t think i cud cope with withdrawal also!

          Feeling determined to make this work for once and for all. I am so sick of wasting money on N+ not to mention the damage to my health. I know tapering will take longer but I feel its best approach for me to have a good chance of success.

          Thank you so much again, it honestly means the world being able to thrash all this out xx

          • #27922

            Tapering sounds like the best option for you and while yes it may take longer, it’s definitely not as harrowing as cold turkey especially when you are recovering from COVID too.

            Oh the money I wasted! It’s horrifying when I look back! Each week during the first few weeks of giving them up, the money I would have spent on pills, I bought something I really wanted as a kind of incentive to myself. The health aspect is scary with these pills but once you stop you feel so much better!

            Best of luck with the tapering! I’m here if you want to chat at any point ❤️

            • #27926

              That’s such a fabulous idea treating yourself with the money saved, a real incentive! I’m definitely going to do that, u must have felt so proud when you accomplished those wins every week!

              Now that i have vocalised my intentions, i just want to get started on the path to what i hope will be a new me. I have to do this, no more putting it off or burying my head in the sand.

              I will keep myself accountable by coming back to this page whether it be good, bad, or ugly!

              Thanks so much again for your encouraging words of advice and kindness. It honestly makes it a little less daunting❤

              • #27928

                You can do this! I can feel a sense of determination from you that you’re done with these pills now and want to be free from it all! Definitely keep chatting to us for the support. I promise there is never any judgment here. We’re here for the good and the bad days! ❤️

              • #27935

                I really do have the mindset now that it’s my time to put a plan in motion. So bring it on!! I’m almost out the other side of covid but I think itll be another few days before im properly back to feeling myself, so I plan to hit the ground running and give it my all. Having read Ruby’s post perhaps i need to figure out as i go how much i can taper. It will be a learning curve but its all part of the process eh xx

            • #27952

              Hi Rach? You are so busy on here but I’m reaching out again. I could so easily get my script refilled and I don’t want to! The WhatsApp would be the best idea but my internet connection is so bad (I live in the middle of nowhere) so I’m persisting here for now. I’m feeling okay physically except still so very weak and zero motivation on day 15 and I feel kinda agitated inside. I cannot lift my 5 year old and he’s a needy little thing. I forced myself to go for a walk yesterday hoping it was mind over matter…I thought I was going to have to call search and rescue to get me home! My legs throughout all this feel like I’ve done a 20km run as a baseline and I’m normally pretty fit. My energy levels (with major brain fog) are still so low I can’t really cope with anything ????. My poor husband is struggling with me as a useless lethargic lump. I kinda feel I can’t cope with more than one small thing at a time. I feel maybe I could do housework OR look after the kids but not both. I am sooo desperate to feel better and I’m feeling like I never will, that after 15 days this is it. I cannot even imagine trying to hold down a job. I DO NOT want to disuade anyone from quitting by being honest about how I’m going. It helps to be prepared I guess. I would really love some advice to get past this lethargy and feel stronger. I actually feel weak and trembley, feeble. Thankyou, I’m scared my husband will burn out ????.

              • #27953

                Hi SoWeary, always reach out to me. That’s what the group is here for.

                I totally understand how in this moment it feels you can never feel ‘normal’ again but I promise you will. I was still not feeling great on day 15, although my restless legs had subsided, I felt weak and I had zero motivation. I couldn’t think straight and I hadn’t the energy to even play with my son. I felt like the worst wife and mother ever but in reality, I was being the best wife and mum cause I was getting myself better. They deserved the version of me that now exists. I’m so much happier I can’t even begin to explain the difference in me. You’re doing the right thing no matter how difficult things are right now, you will get through this slump honestly!

                If you look back, a lot of us took until day 18-20 to feel real improvement so you’re still on track. The lethargy will pass shortly but in the meantime don’t feel guilty. This is all temporary ( although I know it doesn’t feel like that right now!)and the end goal is so very close for you. Drink lots of water, take hot baths for your legs just to soothe them, blast music and instead of a walk while you’re this weak try and dance with the kids so you can sit down for breaks inbetween( I did this and it helped get some endorphins going, got me some light exercise where I could sit when it got too much and my son saw it as playing so I felt like I was doing something with him).

                You’re doing amazingly well. Be proud of yourself. The journey takes time but you’ll be so glad you stuck it out ❤️X.

              • #27954

                Rach. Thankyou. When I say that I want you to imagine me holding you around the waist and sliding down into a sobbing heap on the floor at your feet. I bet when you wrote your first posts on here you never envisaged you’d wind up with a secret online life actually saving lives…no recognition, no awards just truly thankful people like me who are so so blessed to have you. You are a hero of the highest order. I’ve struggled so badly the past few days and it is the encouragement from you and Betterlife and Ruby that have kept me from falling. I read your replies over and over. I relate to everything you say and I will keep going. To be honest even with the physical weakness I do feel a smidge better today ????. No I haven’t folded any washing ???? but I am actually starting to imagine that maybe tomorrow I will do a little. I couldn’t even imagine it yesterday. And yes the walk was a bit ambitious ????! Thankyou again. (Meanwhile my 5 year old is now having a tantrum and rolling in my mountainous pile of clean washing ????). xo

              • #27955

                Thank you SoWeary, it genuinely means the world to know we’re helping you through this. When I started here, I was on day 4 and I was so desperate to hear from someone that it would get better. Maggie got me through that first week and I’m eternally grateful for her and all the friends I’ve made on here along the way.

                Those glimpses of feeling better is how it starts. You’ll see more and more of them over the next few days! In the meantime, the washing can wait until you’re feeling better cause you will feel better very soon I promise!

                Be proud of yourself! Look at your strength to keep going even when the days are hard. Hope today is a better day xxx

          • #27939

            I understand your story! I am on day 14 and believe it or not I came down with covid for the second time since February and that is what tipped me over to cold turkey. I took plain Panadol for that and used it as an excuse to go to bed. I don’t have the self control to taper so I decided to use covid as my excuse. As far as anyone apart from my husband is concerned I am slowly recovering from ‘covid’ still ????. The covid really only lasted around 7 days this time but it’s as good as an excuse as any for my ‘slow’ recovery. I’m day 14 today and to be honest I didn’t find the acute withdrawal too bad because I took the maximum dose of diahorrea tablets to ease the effects and it helped a lot. I do think they’ve maybe prolonged the process though? The restless legs took over my whole body and I thrashed them about trying to sleep but magnesium really helped me for that. I’m sleeping well now but I’m still feeling weak and wiped out. I am so inspired by the wonderful people on here though I’m determined to hang on. Flo, you are not alone. Oh and I found this thread and read it every day, it helped keep me going and I found a song on you. tube. called Burn the Ships (by King and Country) which was written about what we are going thru and I’ve played it multiple times a day. xoxo

            • #27941

              Hi SoWeary

              Oh bless you, I can’t believe you had such bad luck as to catch covid twice in as many months! U must be absolutely drained but what a trooper you are to take the opportunity to go cold turkey. Sounds like you are doing amazing, you should be so proud of yourself for grabbing the bull by the horns and going for it. Its a rollercoaster of emotions and the physical symptoms are only part of the battle. I really have hope that I will come out the other side eventually. So thankful for this forum and the kindness people have shown me already.

              I wish you all the luck in the world and as i head to bed now im going to listen to that song.

              Thank you so much for your reply xx

    • #27923

      Hi Flo

      I tapered from solpadeine plus. Even if that’s half a tablet per week just keep going in the right direction. You’ve been taking them a long time and your body needs to adjust. Well done for making the decision to do it. Like Rach says drink loads of water and rest as much as you can. Good luck x

    • #27924

      Hi Flo

      I tapered from solpadeine plus. Even if that’s half a tablet per week just keep going in the right direction. You’ve been taking them a long time and your body needs to adjust. Well done for making the decision to do it. Like Rach says drink loads of water and rest as much as you can. Good luck x

      • #27925

        Hi Ruby

        Thanks so much for your reply, I was curious to see if anybody had successfully tapered. Did it work well for you? I know the biggest challenge will be sticking to the amount i have set for the day. I think i will just bring the exact amount with me each day rather than having extra with me as obviously the temptation is to take them if they are in my handbag.

        Where are you at in your journey?

        Thanks again for your reply, everyone is so supportive xx

        • #27927

          Yes it worked for me

          I stopped at the end of November after tapering for about 8 weeks. I was taking solpadeines everyday for about 30 years.

          It was still very difficult to finally stop. I was surprised that only half a tablet a day made such a difference. With Rach and Maggie’s encouragement I battled through. It’s so worth it no longer being addicted to them. Going out the house without any in my bag is a miracle x

          • #27929

            Omg that is just incredible! To achieve that in 8 weeks after 30 years is mindblowing! You must be so proud of yourself, what an achievement. This really gives me hope that one day I will get there too. Maggie and Rach are amazing, I have read every page of this thread and I know how much support and hope they have given many people.

            Can I just ask is that how you dus ur, reducing by half a tablet at a time? And how long wud u stay on that dosage before reducing down again? I’m just wondering how i should do it. I was planning on cutting down from 24 a day to 20 and doing that for a week, then going to 18. But i wonder if that is the right way or is there a recommended method?

            • #27931

              I didn’t taper as you know but the guidance is to reduce by a maximum of 10% a week and it says if you still aren’t feeling comfortable with that reduction after a week, then wait another few days until you feel totally ok again to taper further down the next 10%. This minimises bad withdrawal apparently. Some people can taper quicker than others as it depends on your own body etc. Start with whatever you feel comfortable with. If reducing by 4 makes you feel awful, then do less. It’s all about making the process manageable for you to maintain xx

              • #27937

                That is excellent guidance Rach, I will use this as my guide! X

    • #27930

      Thank you I am really proud I’ve done it!

      I did half a tablet a week as I’m a migraine sufferer and that’s what got me in the cycle of solpadeines. I would do the amount you feel comfortable with. If it’s too much too quickly you are going to get the withdrawals. Cutting out 4 straight away seems a lot to me but I’m no expert you know your body best x

      • #27936

        That makes total sense, I will learn as I go, and my body will let me know if im aiming too much too soon..thank you for your advice, I appreciate it so very much xx

    • #27932

      Yes Rach better said than me. I would have thought 4 too much but try and see how you feel. I didn’t drop until I felt comfortable. X

      • #27933

        You did it really well Ruby. It took some strength and discipline to taper! I think slow and steady is the best way to go to ensure it’s maintainable at whatever level you find comfortable Flo. Sometimes people drop too much at the start and they end up in withdrawals for just an extended period of time which isn’t what you want either. You can change the amount you taper as you go depending on if you find it too difficult or if it was actually really manageable. You’re in control with a taper and it doesn’t matter how long it takes you cause the end result is the same X

    • #27934

      Thanks Rach I couldn’t do cold turkey with my migraines. And Yes as Rach says take your time Flo. There’s no rush just keep going down at your own pace.

      • #27940

        Ruby???? I’m on day 14 and I have a killer migraine! Do you have a suggestion that doesn’t include codeine? I’m suffering and have had this splitting pain all night! I’ve taken plain Nurofen and Panadol and it’s not helping. I could actually get my prescription for codeine renewed today and I don’t want to. ????.

        • #27942

          So weary… Personally nurofen and paracetamol won’t touch my migraines either that’s why I got so addicted to the solpadeine. Have you any specific meds for your migraine from your GP apart from codeine? I take sumatriptan 100mg and if it’s not too bad Rizotriptan. I was also taking amitryptline 10mg nightly as a preventative. Another help for me is an ice hat you can get them on Amazon. You keep it in the freezer and pop it on when you need it. It really helps. The first weeks of no solpadeine I just wore it almost constantly! Drink loads of water and try not to eat processed food. I know you will be craving starchy carbs. I’ve given up caffeine alcohol and gluten and it’s made a huge difference to my migraines. Good luck it’s so hard I know. The pain can be terrifying. X

          • #27943

            Thankyou Ruby! I too have had migraines for years! And…that’s how my reliance on codeine began! Migraines are brutal and I’d been dreading this part of learning to live without codeine but luckily the headache is gone. It’s taken 24 hours and yep, better! The thing is even with codeine it wasn’t really helping except as a psychological comfort while not actually really easing the pain ????. I swear the fumbling for and the rattling of the pill packet several times a day was also a very real mental part of my habit! I wound up taking an antinausea I tablet and I think that helped? Meanwhile I will ask about the medicines you mentioned, thankyou! I love the idea of an ice hat! Thankyou! And I know it’s at your expense but I had a laugh imagining you wearing it full-time ????. Thankyou! I also have a sore tailbone, I wonder it there’s ice-pants! ☺️

      • #27963

        Hello Ruby,

        I have many questions regarding tapering, did u feel awful all through the 8 weeks? And when u finally stopped how did u feel? I’m so torn between cold turkey (getting it over with) and tapering. I just want it done but I have a 5yr old with a full calendar of play dates, birthday parties, classes and groups and I just cant face people in a state. We’re u still able to get on with life?

        • #27971

          Hi Shazza

          No I didn’t feel awful throughout the tapering period. I did it slowly And if I felt I needed to extend a week I did. I felt really bad when I stopped completely. I was only taking 1/2 a tablet per day I was surprised it made such a difference! I’ve been taking them for 30 years so looking back my body was having a massive adjustment to no pills. The first couple of weeks I didn’t work and then slowly eased back into doing more. Even now I’m anxious about booking things in advance with friends etc as I don’t know how I will feel on the day. (I suffer with migraine) Before I would have popped pills all day and had a stash in my bag for when I went out! And everything was fine! Now there’s no crutch it does make me anxious. I don’t know what to advise you. Rach maybe better to ask x

    • #27938

      You’re welcome x

    • #27944

      So pleased your headache has gone! Yes it’s rebound headaches from taking too many codeines. It’s just a repetitive cycle which is so hard to break. And you end up with a headache constantly and no relief. The ice hat isn’t the prettiest but it works ????

    • #27975

      Thanks for your reply. I am so concerned with the state of my house atm as we really needed to get it sorted and i put it off even with pills! Its awful. In a one bed flat with a little one. Her toys have spilled over into my living room and it feels constantly untidy no matter what i do. I got my script to start tapering today but i just feel like smashing some just to get through it all at once as i cant bare the thought of having this here for at least the next two months or more. But i will resist. I have to. Today, for the first time, I actually saw a few glimpses of my old self, even at this early stage and, although i felt awful physically, It felt good to laugh and interact with people again. I appreciate your time and support. Im so glad to have all you guys. xx

      • #28088

        Hi Shazza

        How are you getting on? Xx

        • #28163

          Hi Flo! Still going strong with the help of the whatsapp group! Im doing 6 per day. Wasnt comfortable below that and cone tuesday next week will be 5 per day and so on. Might go to half pills when i hit the very low doses tho as from what ive read a big 30mg jump can make wuite a difference when on very low dose already. How are u doing?? x

          • #28167

            Hi Shazza

            Ah that’s amazing, im so pleased for you! Well done! I have just emailed asking to be added to the group as this is the place to be to succeed it seems! Unfortunately I haven’t started yet as I am really feeling effects of covid and i have crippling back pain the last few days which has scuppered my plans somewhat. I was trying to stick it out without knocking back pills but nothing was touching the pain so it was back to the nurofen plus much to my annoyance. I just want to get started! I hope it passes soon so I can get on with my tapering plans!

    • #28008


      Day 3 of codeine withdrawal and my restless legs which has now in my arms too is driving me slowly mad. I’ve basically had no sleep for 2 days. The doctor prescribed Temazepam which of course didnt work as my jerky arms and legs immediately wakes me up. They are even going nuts when it hits around 10pm whilst I’m still awake.

      Has anyone any advice on best relief or when I expect these horrible movements will disappear.

      Thank You.

      • #29379

        I have given in so many times because of the whole restless legs/whole body thing I swear my eyelashes jerk about

        I have a weighted blanket which does help but of course it’s far too hot right now to get under it

        I have put a bolster on the bottom of the bed and when the legs get going I push hard with my feet against it

        This helps for a few seconds !!

        I remember one of my failed attempts at quitting I wok my self up

        I was sat up rocking backwards and forwards like a toddler !!

        If anyone finds anything at all that helps for even a few seconds please let me know

        Stay strong tomorrow is another day

        • #29380

          Hi Dotty,

          When I had restless legs during withdrawals I took Kemadrin ( a prescription drug) for a few days and it definitely helped a little .

          • #29455

            Re Kemadrin

            I have just spoken to my GP about the possibility of this med for the restlessness /twitching,but it is contraindicated in MG,so not an option for me.After I had hung up I shed a little tear. More frustration than I think.

            I did not mention the Codeine.I think must be because, subconciously I am not ready for my codeine supply to be cut off by anyone but me !

            Thanks for the advice anyway !

            • #29458

              Aww Dotty that’s a shame because they do help ???? did the doctor not recommend anything else instead ? Surely there is something they could give you ???? sending love XX oh and I know what you mean by not letting anyone else cut the supply off as I’ve been there a few times ????

              • #29507

                My GPs only/best advice was to speak to my Neurologist as this is the best person to deal with any additional / changes to my medication

                This is quite frankly a bit of a joke as due to Covid most appts in this clinic are either cancelled or delayed

                F to F appts are returning slowly but quite rightly most resources are going to new patients

                Old crocks like me are mostly left to get on with it

    • #28009


      Day 3 of codeine withdrawal and my restless legs which has now in my arms too is driving me slowly mad. I’ve basically had no sleep for 2 days. The doctor prescribed Temazepam which of course didnt work as my jerky arms and legs immediately wakes me up. They are even going nuts when it hits around 10pm whilst I’m still awake.

      Has anyone any advice on best relief or when I expect these horrible movements will disappear.

      Thank You.

      • #28010

        Hi Mastbruch,

        Well done for doing this and getting to day 3. Today is a tough day but you can get past it. The restlessness is awful. It was my worst symptom. My restless legs lasted until around day 10 I think. But wasn’t as bad from day 8 on. If your GP knows, it’s possible to ask for something specific for your restless legs. There are medications that can help that you could take short term. However, the temazepam will be great once you get to day 6/7 when the physical symptoms start to go and you need sleep.

        Some things that can help the restlessness are magnesium (supplements and a spray you can rub onto your body), drink plenty of water even if you can’t really eat at the moment, get some light exercise, warm baths ( one before bed will help soothe your muscles to get some sleep) and a hot water bottle on your legs etc. can really help too.

        Take it day by day and just focus on getting through a hour at a time at the moment. That first week is hard physically but it’s temporary and will pass. Best of luck with it all. We’re here if you need any support x

      • #28011

        Hi Mastbruch ,

        Well done on getting to day 3 ???? just as Rach said , restless legs are probably the worst of the withdrawal symptoms for most of us but it will pass . I had some Kemadrin (prescription drug) which has helped a little .I never tried the hot bottle or warm baths but a lot of people found it very helpful. Good luck and best wishes xx

      • #28013

        Hi Mastbrunch1! You’re doing great. The restless legs thing is super yuck! I’m day 18 and it’s faded a lot but I had it almost through my whole body! Magnesium definately helps, so does a good stretch session (or a few every half hour as needed. I still feel it a little at night but it is fading. Hold on and it will pass. I did also have a feeling in my legs during the day like I’d already run a 20km marathon for the first 2 weeks but that is fading too. If I can do this you can too, trust me! ☺️

    • #28018

      Thanks for the support above posters really appreciate it,

      I’ve read everyone’s journey on here which has made me not only join but also know there’s other going though their own withdrawel struggles and coming out the other side a completely different person.

      I’ve just purchased some magnesium spray so hopefully I’ll get at least a couple of hours tonight. Day 3 today hopefully day 4 and 5 will get that little bit better.

      Thank you

      • #28019

        It makes total sense. At the start, they give you a little energy and make you feel good but you have to keep taking more and more to achieve that original ‘high’ until eventually you’re merely taking pills to feel ‘normal’! For me, that normal with the pills wasn’t nice in the end. I felt sluggish and just crappy in general. I had zero motivation to do anything!

        I’m glad you’ve joined us for support x

      • #28090

        Hi Mastbruch

        How are you getting on? Fellow nurofen plus addict here. Everything you said made perfect sense to me. I take it you are doing cold turkey? Thats such a brave step, be proud of yourself. Do you mind me asking how long you have been taking them for and how many? I feel like my addiction crept up quite slowly over a good number of years, but over the last year its spiralled and I just want out now. For me though I am going the tapering route as I feel this gives me the best chance of success. Hoping by summertime to be in a much better place fingers crossed!

    • #28028

      Thanks Rach.

    • #28063

      Dude, don’t give up. Please. I made over 30 days. Then thought maybe it’s ok to do once. Don’t!!!!!

      • #28066

        Thankyou for this! I’m day 20 today and still think about codeine every day. I’m hanging in but reminders like this are brilliant! Thankyou! Are you ok?

    • #28067

      Keep going everybody, it does get easier very quickly. If you can get vit D, vit c and a B Complex supplement they will help you. Magnesium Citrate will help anxiety, restless legs and sleep too. Vit D helps enormously with anxiety, I take 4000UI a day which is max recommended dose. These supplements don’t have to be expensive and work but not instantly apart from Magnesium Citrate which taken in bed can assist sleep straight away.

      Congratulate yourselves for doing something routine like hanging the washing out to dry, doing that is a major achievement when we’re feeling so ill/rough.

      You’re all doing great, I got off the stuff from help I got on here after many failed attempts on my own, you can too.

      Good luck. Steph.x

      • #28075

        Thankyou Steph!!!

        • #28076

          Hi SoWeary, how are you feeling? You must be 3 weeks in now? How amazing is that! You’ve done so well xx

          • #28077

            I’m here Rach! Day 21 and still 100% codeine free. I’m pretty sure all withdrawal symptoms are gone now I’m still patiently waiting for normality to feel normal though????. I read Dadict early in these pages said that 4weeks was even better than the 18 day ‘milestone’ so I just keep pushing my goals forward and focus on getting there. I’m definately still fatigued and lacking in that internal motivation to get me moving on chores at this point. I am able to force myself to do what is basically necessary to get by each day which I was unable to even contemplate in the first 10 days. I don’t know that I would have made it this far without you all. You’ve been so kind and to think you’re all reaching out to a complete stranger blows my mind! It’s kept me accountable because I don’t want to let you all down! I went out again today and the whole time I still felt detached from the people around me. The whole time I was very aware that I was doing something I would normally rely on codeine to get through ????. I was quiet and withdrawn and luckily was able to fade into the background. I actually am lacking in motivation and stamina to even hold a polite conversation so I was relieved noone tried to engage with me. It’s the brain fog still hanging over me. I’m normally friendly and approachable and wouldn’t want anyone to think I was rude but while I’m working through this I have to take a backseat in social situations as I’m just not strong enough or ready yet. But yes! Thankyou! I’m still here and still pushing through! ????????????????????????????????????????????????????

            • #28078

              I’m glad you’re doing so well! You are through the worst and everything else will click into place as time goes on. It really does take 4-6 weeks to feel totally normal but in comparison to those first 2 weeks it’s amazing! Anxiety can linger a little while as you learn to deal with situations pill free but you’ve got this now. I’m so proud of you for pushing through! Well done xxx

              • #28079


              • #28080

                Sorry Rach I just had a thought ????. So because I got my ‘medication’ on legitimate script I think that has messed with my recovery a bit.. The worst of the withdrawal ie. the first few days is actually a familiar thing for me????. Over and over I would run out early and leave myself withdrawing for a few days because we can’t get over the counter codeine down under anymore. So I would have a rubbish few days and then be straight back onto my new script. This time I decided enough was enough and have just not gone back for my renewal. I think that I’d got myself into a pattern mentally of the withdrawal being followed within a week, with a codeine reward. So now that I’ve resisted it’s taking me a bit more for my brain to accept and realise there’s no codeine coming this time if that make sense.

              • #28081

                That makes total sense SoWeary! Your brain was used to the reward and didn’t appreciate it when it wasn’t forthcoming this time. I think not being able to get codeine OTC is needed here too as we supplement once our script runs out but it appears no matter what way it’s managed, addiction is so easy with these drugs. They just lure you in. X

              • #28162

                Hi soweary! This really resonates with me. Same situation. I would do mine in two weeks and start making lists of like 5 today, 4 tomorrow etc and still end up with none for two days relying on nurofen plus and paramol. So now im tapering slowly with great success. Had a wobble the other day and took an extra one but nothing since. Its been easier since joining the whatasapp group too x

              • #28210

                Hi Shazza

                I was wondering do you know who looks after the WhatsApp group? I had emailed asking to join but I havent heard anything back. I really feel i need to join to help keep me continually accountable xx

              • #28212

                Hi Flo ,

                Betterlife and Rach are the admins . I will drop them a message in the morning xx

                How are you doing ?

              • #37661

                Hi Maggie. I too have emailed asking to join the WhatsApp group,  but only this morning. I’m two years ahead of this post but have been reading yours, Rach and Betterlife’s own stories and if the group is still up and running I could really do with some help and support.
                I am day 2 of codeine withdrawl and no one knows, I feel so alone and terrible

            • #28089

              21 days ! You should be proud of yourself .it will only get better and easier every day xx I have noticed that even though I was lacking motivation and energy to do things , I have been a lot calmer inside since I stopped the pills. Taking those tablets made me very irritable and always on the edge if you know what I mean . It’s nearly 9 months for me ,still can’t believe I did it to be honest .soon enough you will be saying exactly same words . Just keep pushing and remember to be kind to yourself x

    • #28083

      Sorry Rach I just had a thought ????. So because I got my ‘medication’ on legitimate script I think that has messed with my recovery a bit.. The worst of the withdrawal ie. the first few days is actually a familiar thing for me????. Over and over I would run out early and leave myself withdrawing for a few days because we can’t get over the counter codeine down under anymore. So I would have a rubbish few days and then be straight back onto my new script. This time I decided enough was enough and have just not gone back for my renewal. I think that I’d got myself into a pattern mentally of the withdrawal being followed within a week, with a codeine reward. So now that I’ve resisted it’s taking me a bit more for my brain to accept and realise there’s no codeine coming this time if that make sense.

    • #28143

      Hi I’m new here been on codiene a year and half ! . Taking 2 30mg x3 a day I stopped on them on Sunday so 2 days ago . I don’t feel like I need them so I don’t belive I’m addicted however since stopping completely I’m having really bad lower back and leg pain I don’t know if this is withdrawal or if this is the pain they’ve masked for so long from my epidural .. can any 1 tell me how long the leg and back pain lasts if it is withdrawal its driving me nuts . . And is there any alternative to codiene what don’t get addictive I suffer with endometriosis thankyou


      • #28144

        Hi Laura!

        So after a year and a half your body would definitely be physiologically dependant on codeine even if you’re not actually addicted. There is a difference between the two. So continued codeine use makes your body hypersensitive to pain in order for you to take more pills. When you stop, all your nerves are heightened. Hence the pain you’re now describing. Those physical symptoms last 7-10 days roughly.

        Finding non addictive pain relief can be hard and something we all struggle with after giving up codeine. Talk with your GP and explain you’d rather not use codeine and what are your other options.

        Best of luck x

        • #28146

          Aww thankyou for the reply I’m praying it don’t last too long . Tbh I feel a fool for carrying on taking as they stopped working for my pain . However I hope this passed as I don’t want them any more. I feel loads better in my self all ready .I’m also hoping it helps my relationship as I’m just pushing I’m away atm with the bedroom life lol .. can’t belive how easy these are to get on aswell .

          Thanks once again xx

    • #28245

      Hi everyone.

      I happened to come across this forum last night and I’m so glad I did.

      I’ve been taking cocodamol for around 13 years now. Usually 8 a day (30x500mg) but there have been days where I have had 10, 12 or 14.

      For the past 3 months I’ve had so many issues in my stomach and the DR decided that it was because I had acid reflux (something I’d never even had any symptoms of or experienced before). Anyway, the medication he put me on did nothing and made me feel worse. Over time, my stomach then started giving me issues. It was constantly gurgling and rumbling. No matter what I did, as soon as I sat or lay down, there it was, the horrible noise over and over again.

      Last night, in absolute turmoil, I happened to come across an article on Google that was talking about Narcotic Bowel Syndrome and my god, it hit all the right chords.

      Yesterday, I’d only taken 2 cocodamol in the morning and was already having withdrawal symptoms in the evening. So I kept going. I stopped taking them. I’ve not really been able to get off the toilet since but there is one major difference… My stomach has stopped growing. No noise. Nothing.

      So this is it for me. I’m done with this evil drug that has taken over my life for the past 13 years. I know it’s going to be a hard road but I have to do this. This has been a scare for me, big time. I’ve been to A&E three times within 2 weeks because I genuinely thought I had the dreaded C word and that’s what was going on inside my stomach.

      I’ve been so absolutely miserable for the past 3 months and I’ve completed wasted my life just worrying and googling symptoms… Only to discover that I think these CoCodamol have been screwing me up from the inside this whole time!

      So, here goes. I guess this is really day 1 since I took some yesterday morning, but I’m doing this. Not just for me, but for my son and my partner. I’m absolutely terrified of not being around to watch my son grow up.

      Also, I’ve read pretty much every page on this post and I just want to say well done to everyone that has conquered this. You should be so proud of yourselves!

      • #28246

        Hello Skiddy. Even though you haven’t been taking massive amounts of cocodamol , you have done it for a long time and it must have had an effect on your stomach . Well done on deciding to quit ???? You are going to go through a difficult time over the next few days / weeks but you can do this .Make sure you drink plenty fluids as it’s easy to get dehydrated in the next few days .Be kind to yourself and take one day at a time .The withdrawals are temporary . If you need any support ,this forum is full of lovely ,helpful people who went through exact same thing XX All the best and good luck ????

        • #28248

          xoxo ☺️

        • #28249

          Hi Maggie.

          Thank you for your kind words. I’ve got plenty of fluids right beside me. I’ve made sure to stock up on sports drinks so I can get the nutrients back into my system as fast as they leave haha! This is definitely going to be a challenge but one that I know needs to be done ????

          • #28251

            Hi Skiddy .looks like you’re well prepared ???? I would also recommend having that first week off work and any important appointments as you will not feel yourself in the first stages of withdrawals . I booked a week off and did absolutely nothing ,just tried to get through this ,my dog and partner helped me in not giving up .

            You’ve got this and if you struggle we have a WhatsApp support group and you’re welcome to join for extra support xx

            • #28253


              I think having those around you who understand definitely makes everything in life easier and I think that’s much of the same for this. Let’s just hope my partner doesn’t get bored of me slouching on the sofa for the next few days/weeks ????

              I’d love to be involved in the WhatsApp group. Could you drop me a message on here please and let me know how I can do so? Thank you ????

      • #28247

        I just saw your post and I want you to know you are definately not alone! How you are feeling right now is most definately temporary! The next week will be tough. The days will feel so long and the nights…just as long! It will be four weeks for me on Monday and I never thought I would make it this far. I’m starting to feel more normal now. I read and re-read this entire thread over and over that first week and it helped me hold on for the whole ride. You’ve got this!

        • #28250

          That’s so awesome, well done to you!

          I can’t wait to start feeling like a normal person again. The last 13 years, I’ve not been able to function without taking these horrid things. Just going for days out was a nightmare, always panicking to make sure I had enough tablets on me etc. No longer am I going to worry about that anymore!

    • #28284

      Hello, not sure if you remember me, I was writing here couple of month ago. I got to day 5 and unfortunately relapsed, on day 5 I found out that my brother passed away and if that wasn’t enough the same day my son got chicken pox. I just couldn’t do it with all the withdrawal symptoms and took co codamol again. I hope I still can write here as you were a great support, I’m on day 3 again, it’s my second time when I’m trying to stop and I really hope that I will do it! Well, I’m going through the same thing like first time, it’s my 3rd day and I’m still feeling bad, my back ang legs hurt the most and I have no energy at all. Can I ask when did you start feeling physically better? I’ve got a trip to Poland in 2 days and I hope I will feel at least slightly better… it’s a short visit, only for the weekend, I could’ve waited and quit co codamol next week but I felt like I can’t and don’t want to delay it any longer. I was taking co codamol 30/500 6 tablets a day but there were days when my back and Fibromyalgia really kicked in and I had 9, not sure if it was a massive amount but enough to get me dependant on them.

      I hope you’re all good and thanks for reading.

      • #28288

        Hi Anja ,welcome back ????I am very sorry to hear about your brother ,it must be very difficult for you and the Family . Please don’t beat yourself up for relapsing .Relapses are a part of recovery and most of us relapses multiple times before they managed to quit for good .I am one of them . To be honest days 5-7 are usually the worst for the physical withdrawals but it’s all individual as everyone is different . If I were you I would have waited till after your short break in Poland but you’re already on day 3 so it’s difficult to advise .You can always try tapering like others did and take the amount that will keep you comfortable and slowly reduce it . Wishing you all the best and good luck ???? Here for you if you need me x

        • #28293

          Hi Maggie, thank you for your reply. You’re probably right, I should wait with stopping after Poland but I just wanted to do it ASAP. I told myself there will always be a reason to continue, now Poland, then something else and I will never stop. I think tapering wouldn’t work for me, I need to stop completely, get rid of Co codamol from my house ( I binned it). Strangely I feel slightly better now and I managed to clean kids bedrooms. Before was only what I REALLY had to do, what was necessary. I still feel a bit low and not myself but was I really myself when I was on co codamol? I lost interest in many things in my life but I will gain it again! I’m 100% positive this time! Thank you Maggie again for your kind words!

        • #28294

          Maggie, I forgot to thank you for your condolences. Yes, it’s really hard time for me and the rest of my family, my brother was young but died of heart attack! His death really made me thinking how precious is our life and health and that I want to see my children growing and be there for them! I will do everything to never touch them pills again!

          • #28302

            Hi Anja! You are doing the right thing. I started just like you with 8 30/500 over a decade ago. I didn’t start taking 8 a day but bit by bit every single ache or twinge became worthy of codeine. Before lunch by it was 9 a day, then 10, then 12. There really is no limit once tolerance starts to build. Your whole life then becomes about the pills. I agree with Magie that maybe a taper if you are too weak for the trip. Maybe take half what you were and taper from there just to get through.

            If you feel strong enough to push on some diaohrrea tablets will help all your withdrawal symptoms. I took the maximum dose of 8 per day and then tapered down one tablet a day during the first well, 8 days of withdrawal ☺️.

          • #28303

            That was supposed to say before ‘long’, not before ‘lunch’ … autocorrect ????????… But that’s a reality of what the future could look like I guess…

            • #28304

              Hello SoWeary, thank you for your comment. Yes, it was the same with me, I didn’t start with 8 pills a day, it was 2 occasionally for my back pain, then 4 when I realised it helps me for my Fibro pains too and then I built a tolerance and you know the rest… it was about 2 years ago. It’s hard for people with chronic pains to stay in control because you badly want to get rid of pain and you need to take more and more with time as it start being not enough for your body.

              It’s day 4 for me, still feeling rough and no having energy is the worst for me. Maybe I should have started with tapering, it would be easier but now I don’t have any co codamol, I got rid of it and also I’m on day 4 so like half way through to feel better. I keep telling myself that what I’m going through is only temporary and it will only get better.

              • #28305

                You’re doing great Anja. I have legitimate pain also, I have rheumatoid arthritis and pretty much I just hurt. I medicated full time though and became totally dependent, anything became a reason to ‘need’ codeine not just bad days. I do have pain free days and weeks at times. I didn’t need full time codeine it was truly the pain of withdrawal that worried me the most!! I’m just over 4 weeks into my codeine free existence and today was my first day of having energy levels like a normal person. I’m about to go to bed (I live down under) and I have earned it for the first time in a month. Like you the lack of energy is the most intolerable thing to me. I have four very needy kids…3 have intense special needs. To be honest I stuck with it because of all the stories I read here. It gave me the strength to hold on. I read the entire thread over and over to remind me of my purpose. I’m soooo thankful and feel so blessed to have had the support of the amazing people on here. I do again recommend the diahrea medicine, it does help. Otherwise just so you’re prepared, I struggled badly with the weakness and fatigue and didn’t feel like I was ever going to come out of it. I felt almost detached from reality and purposeless. Day 17 was really my first day of feeling I would actually recover. Each day improved just a tiny bit. Today however I have attacked the incredible mountain of clean laundry I couldn’t cope with over the last four weeks. I even changed and washed every bedsheet, pillow cover, towel, cushion in the house, dried and…wait for it…put them away! I feel more hopeful than ever that I am really going to conquer this! Oh and for the first 2 weeks every joint and pain I ever had in the last decade reminded me of its existence but it will level out and you’ll find you can actually cope with plain Nurofen or Panadol. You’ve got this! xo ????. Oh and I vaccuumed the floors. I ache all over but it’s a normal ache from overdoing it.

    • #28310

      SoWeary it won’t let me reply to you, I don’t know why, it tells me I need to reply to the original post. Looks like you’ve done amazing job today, I hope I can write something similar in a while. That’s a lot of work done and I guess you enjoyed it. I know it wasn’t easy to go through all this time of withdrawal having 4 children, chores and housework but you have done it and it was all worth it! Now it’s down the hill for you, every day will be better. We are not doing it just for ourselves but mainly for our loved ones to become better people and to be there for them fully.

      What I realised is that I feel better in the evenings but days are hard. I think I would feel better if I could get a good sleep but I can’t sleep, if this continues I will ask my GP next week for some tablets. You mentioned something for diarrhoea too but I don’t have it, I only had to visit the toilet on day 2, no stomach cramps or anything like that… unless it’s still before me?? Tomorrow day 5.

    • #28311

      I forgot to mention that my partner ordered me cbd oil, he knows what I’m going through and it arrived today. I will see if it will be helpful. I never took it before but I’ve read brilliant reviews from people trying to come out of addictions. Fingers crossed ????

      • #28312

        Hi Anja ,

        CBD oil is quite good as it calms you down and is supposed to help with pains too so you might benefit from it . When are you flying to Poland ?

        To be honest ,if you haven’t had an upset stomach yet ,i don’t think you will . It usually starts within 24 hours and lasts a few days .i had stomach problems for about 6-7 months but it’s ok now . Do you get restless legs at night time ? I think that was the worst of the withdrawal symptoms for most of us here . Maybe try to buy Sominex to help with the sleep ? You can get it at any chemist and they are quite good ????

        • #28380

          Hi Maggie and everyone!

          I’m happy to report that I’m now coming to the end of Day 10.

          It’s been a hell of a ride. The main thing I’ve suffered with (and still am) is my anxiety and insomnia.

          I’ve also got a very upset stomach at the moment and have done since Day 2. I actually ended up in A&E a few days ago because my GP sent me there to get blood tests done for my Pancreas and Liver because of the stomach issues I am having. Fortunately, everything was fine and they sent me on my way.

          Has anyone else experienced terrible stomach issues during withdrawal? Sorry for TMI here, but I’m mainly talking about diarrhea every morning and at least 2 times. Stomach growling and making all kinds of weird noises (which also doesn’t help with being able to sleep at night)

          On day 2 it all started, I had vomiting and the diarrhea started. After the one episode of vomiting, that stopped but the other issue has been absolute ongoing since. I don’t think it’s made any better by the fact that I had lost my appetite, not sleeping and just overthinking everything. (I also did a lot of Googling and for anyone that doesn’t know, STAY away from it) I’ve convinced myself that I’ve got every single disease in the world.

          Other than these issues though, everything is going well. I already feel more “alive” during the day than I have done for the past 13 years.

          • #28456

            Hi , I suffered with the stomach issues badly. It was making noises like as if I was hungry but couldn’t eat properly at the time because of feeling so nauseous. After a few week’s it disappeared and I took Imodium and buscopan to help it. So pleased for you that your getting on well and feeling more alive. Love that last sentence. Have you gone cold Turkey or taper x

            • #28469

              Hey Net,

              Glad to hear that I’m not the only one (sorry if that sounds awful) but I’ve been going out of my mind about it, thinking I had all kinds of different issues.

              I actually phoned my doctor yesterday and she prescribed me some Buscopan, so I’m guessing she might think it’s IBS related, which funnily enough, I’ve belived I’ve had for years and it’s something that runs in my family, so maybe she might be on to something there. Especially if it’s been even more triggered by everything else leaving my system!

              Day 15 today (I think? I’ve kinda lost count)… Still not sleeping as much as I would like to be but every day seems to be getting that little bit easier. My anxiety is calming down a bit and I’m managing to eat again, slowly but surely.

              • #28479

                Hi Skiddyknave

                Sounds like your making amazing progress, what a relief it must be to see the light at the end of the tunnel! I’m so pleased for you. Another success story, these really do keep me going. I might be taking the slower route (am tapering) but I know ill get there eventually. Well done and keep the faith, we are all here for you????

              • #28497

                Hey Flo!

                Thank you for your kind words.

                I am glad that we can help you along the way with our own personal stories. I also found this forum really helpful when the times were getting hard for me. I very often read back through everything else that everyone had said and gone through, it definitely does help.

                You WILL get there eventually. Stay strong and know that there is a far better life on the other side of this!

            • #28470

              Oh my mistake, I also forgot to add that I did this cold turkey also. I don’t have the mentality to be able to do tapering because I knew I’d just end up taking the same amount as I was before. If I need to do something like this, I knew it had to be cold turkey for me to be able to see it through ????

      • #28350

        Hi Anja

        Hope you are doing well and over the worst of the withdrawals. Did you get through your trip ok? I am curious as to how you find the cbd oil? I was thinking of getting some but wondering if u found it beneficial? It may be too soon to tell though perhaps x

    • #28395

      Hi Guys, I am back from Poland, came back last night. It’s day 9 for me and I can say I feel MUCH better! I start feeling like a human again haha. I don’t have muscles pain anymore, sleep better and I noticed more energy. I had a great time in Poland and I think this trip helped me a lot, I kept my mind busy and had no time to think and feel sorry for myself like I would at home.

      Flo, you asked about cbd oil, in my opinion it helped me a lot, I am much calmer and I was definitely less in pain. I honestly can recommend it. I started from 1500mg which is quiet a lot, my partner talked online to the people from the company he ordered it from and they said 1500mg would be the best for me if I have Fibromyalgia as less strength could be just not enough. I see a lot of improvement and my mood is definitely better. It’s incredible what benefits you get from using cbd oil if you read about it, the only bad thing is that it’s expensive …

      I also noticed that my skin looks a lot better so not sure if it’s cbd oil or stopping co codamol or both?

      Have a great day everybody!

      • #28399

        Hi Anja

        That is fantastic news, I am so happy for u, and it is great that u had an enjoyable holiday, u must be on top of the world!

        Thank you for letting me know about the cbd oil, I really think it is worth giving it a shot! Can i ask what brand is the one you have and where did you order from?

    • #28478

      Hi all

      What an important tool this forum is. It’s existence offers so much comfort, support and courage at a time when the person reading is unlikely to have felt more frightened and hopeless.

      I’m on day 5 of cold turkey withdrawal from a 10 year almost consistent addiction to Nurofen Plus. My using was broadly a 32 pack a day all at once in the evening with alcohol. My using never deviated from this routine (although I initially started at a lower dose on first using and after relapse). During the week it would help me to de-stress / come down after work and at the weekend it was for the party and the feel-good factor, but ultimately whilst there was inevitably still an element of the drugs helping with stress and to take off the edge, the using became a necessity to keep feeling normal / well and away from withdrawal symptoms.

      I managed maybe 14 months clean in 2019 and relapsed during Covid. I managed to get through another cold turkey withdrawal but quicky relapsed (after about a few months) which brings us pretty much to date.

      I’m currently on Garden Leave, starting a new job mid-June and clearly this is a good opportunity to escape this cage. For the last two months I’ve been saying I’d start the detox on the Monday following the weekend. On a couple of occasions I managed two days and cracked.

      I took my last packet at 6pm last Tuesday. I feel the pain of all of you. It’s hell. In terms of the withdrawal symptoms so far:

      1. Gastric. Started almost immediately. Constant, draining and made me so sore. I wanted to soldier on to try and let my body expel any residual opiates but yesterday morning I took immodium instant (which worked so well). I thought maybe it was a coincidence and my gastric issues had stopped, but they were required and worked again last night.

      2. Appetite. Whilst during my previous withdrawals food was abhorrent to me and I ate very little at all, this time I forced a different approach and made myself eat. You feel rubbish when hungry at the best of times so it can add to the misery of withdrawal. Also I wanted to make sure my metabolism was as efficient as it could be in the hope that it would perhaps bring about a quicker recovery from the acute withdrawal. Push through and make sure you keep eating even if it’s just pieces of bread, crisps even sweets – just something. I do think it gives some comfort and has definitely helped me a lot compared to previous withdrawals.

      3. Drink. Lots of fluids. I drop effervescent magnesium tablets with electrolytes in my water bottle which definitely help with the weird muscle, crawling skin and restless legs.

      4. Sleep (or lack thereof). It’s gotten progressively worse and I manage maybe 3 – 4 hours. They torture people with sleep deprivation. Tied in with general discomfort (restless legs and the rest of the body, tingling skin like crawling ants) it feels like a true struggle to make it to the morning with your sanity in one piece. I am absolutely mentally and physically exhausted in the morning (after waking for the day at 5) and have a good ole cry usually about 8.30 – 9.

      4. Time! Time has slowed down to a snail’s pace. The days and nights are so long!!! Whilst you will be inclined to simply exist in bed or on your sofa (that’s all your energy will allow), please do try and get out somewhere to break up your day and the weird time-shift. Whilst I started the day broken yesterday with a massive emotional breakdown, I forced myself to shower, get ready and briefly visit the town centre and then the Supermarket. Took some time in the garden (just sitting) , watched the football, managed some food and watched a film before heading to bed. It massively helped that my partner was with me (he doesn’t know and thinks I have a bug), he was a happy distraction.

      5. Restless legs. I wholly agree with most others on here that they are by far the worst symptom. Hell. Probably the biggest fear in going through this again.

      6. Waking up with anxiety and cold sweats. I have found that by keeping on top of Ibuprofen and paracetamol every 4 hours these are far better than they have been previously.

      7. I did my previous detoxes whilst working full time. It definitely helped with the long days but in the round I wouldn’t have chosen to do it that way.

      8. Stress dreams / nightmares. Awful. I stay away from sleeping tablets as I feel as though these get worse.

      9. Energy. Non-existent. Feel like I’ve had the life sucked out of me and like I am carrying a backpack of rocks wearing a pair of invisible reins with a big brute holding on.

      I’m currently holding on hoping that I’ll start to feel a bit better by next Wednesday. God grant me quiet legs!

      Sorry I’ve gone on a bit but I wanted to share. I’ll email re the whatsapp group and keep up to date with you all.

      One day at a time. Just for today. You deserve to be free.

      • #28480

        Hi JFT81

        I have read your post 3 times now and in all honesty I am saving it as my survival guide when I get to the point of no pills. I am currently tapering myself off Nurofen Plus also. My if I could go back in time I would never have put one in my mouth but anyway hindsight is great and all that! I think u are an absolute hero for taking cold turkey on and to take the time to write such a comprehensive post to help others is so incredibly decent. You will see there are a number of people on here that have conquered the demon codeine and continue to help others on a daily basis. It is so humbling. Please do join our WhatsApp group, it makes u feel so much less alone especially if family or partners dont know. It has helped me no end, everybody gets each other and helps others up when the chips are down. Wishing you so much luck, and as cliche as it is, you have got this! Xx

      • #28481

        Hi JFT,

        Well done for getting to day 5 ???? as you know from previous withdrawals,the physical symptoms will soon ease off ,it’s the mental side of it that will take longer to settle . You have chosen the perfect time to come off them while you’re off work .you’re doing all the right things so just keep pushing and take one day at the time . You have already forced yourself to go out which i couldn’t do for a week . Just over 9 months for me and trust me if I could do it so can anyone ???? Good luck xx Join out Whatsapp group ,it’s full of caring and understanding people to help you through it xx

        • #28823

          Hi Maggie37 I’m new to this group! Unfortunately plenty of experience of this drug and still researching issues that I think it has caused! Would be more than willing yo share my experiences / help to others! Granted not been here long, I should start my own thread too, to say hello but I’d love to be on the WhatsApp group too. Peace

    • #28492

      Hi Flo

      Thank you so much for your reply. It’s a really really hard battle. A brutal and mental assault and this drug will do anything it can to try and make you turn back to it and pick it up again. Without wishing to be too dramatic I think the devil works through addiction and he’ll try every trick in the book to bring you back in. You’ve got to dig in so so hard and scream at it to f* right off.

      I think it helps people (those now and those who will come next to suffer this battle) to maybe obtain some comfort in timeline and to know what to expect and when. No two experiences are the same but due to the length and intensity of my use I know I’m in for a hard one. I hope others suffer less, but it’s better to expect the worst I guess.

      It was day 5 for me yesterday and I did a huge amount of crying. Led in bed most of the day trying to get my head straight. It was a big birthday for my partner’s mum and I just had no way to get out of it. I have bailed and cancelled on pretty much everything apart from work since I can remember (they would just interfere with my feel good time) so it’s ironic that the one thing I can’t get out of arrives in my detox.

      I cried for an hour in the shower and took forever to get myself together as I had no energy. I held back the tears for the drive to the party. Once I got there I was ok! Dosed up on paracetamol and Ibuprofen and took immodium to manage the physical symptoms. I felt positive on the drive home and enjoyed the music in the car more than I ever have!

      Unfortunately the restless body was there to greet me in bed. I did manage about 4 hours sleep though in the end, relatively unbroken.

      Day 6. Mentally I’m struggling. My anxiety is through the roof and my heart is beating out of my chest. Very teary and emotional and I have to say I’ve had some dark thoughts. I have no energy and no motivation (the house is a mess!) but I’m going to get showered and go for a drive to the coast. Later I’ll head over to my partner. Whilst physically this seems insane and almost impossible, my mental protection has to take precedence and I’m sure this will be eased by getting out and getting through the day. The time goes quicker when doing something.

      I hope you’re doing OK, Flo. I’m proud that you have such control to manage a tapered withdrawal and I only hope and pray that once you stop completely it is an easier ride for you.

    • #28493

      Hi Maggie

      Thanks for your message and for everything you’ve done through your supportive messages throughout this thread. You’re amazing.

      9 months – seems impossible when you’re at the start doesn’t it. I’m so happy for you. I know for a fact you earned your recovery through a hell of a battle.

      Just you saying the physical symptoms will soon ease is a comfort. You’re also absolutely right about the mental aspect. I think the mental side is becoming more acute as the days pass. The cumulative physical assaults don’t help with mental well-being but in terms of the mental symptoms, I’m not just depressed and anxious – long buried demons regarding confidence and esteem have returned with vengeance.

      I know I can stop all this….. It’s such a leap of faith to keep going.

      I won’t relapse. I can’t. I don’t deserve this. My partner certainly doesn’t. Oh god the guilt last night when he said what an amazing weekend he’d had due to us doing things together (even though I’ve been ‘poorly’). Usually I party through the night and sleep all day so I’ve deprived him of any quality relationship. Jesus the guilt.

      Anyway, I’m rambling.

      Thank you again for everything.

      • #28494

        Hi JFT and thank you for such kind words xx

        You already know what you want and how to get there ,now all you have to do is stick to it .And i am sure you can do this ! For yourself ,for your partner and the close ones . Let them see the better version of you ???? You deserve to be happy and healthy .In terms of the mental health the antidepressants definitely helped me survive ,sleeping aid too . And the biggest part of my recovery was music in my earphones ???? Everyone is different and you just need to find those things that give you euphoric feeling and are not called codeine ???? Here for you if you need me x

    • #28507

      Hi Flo,

      You’re doing well! A slip is ok, don’t let it set you back. I found that increasing the time in between dosing helped when tapering too, just by an hour etc early on, I eventually got my first dose to 2pm without discomfort.

      Hi JFT81, you’re doing really well. You’re through the worst physicals, keep going it’s so worth it.


    • #28513

      Hi Help help,

      Please don’t feel bad to ask for help . The doctors wouldn’t report you ,there are a lot of women on here who can confirm that . I don’t think going cold turkey is an option for you as you still need to look after yourself and the babies but you could try tapering perhaps? Going from 60 to 8 a day is a very big jump ,you should slow down . I could never taper but there are a few people on here who did it ,they might be able to advise xx I am very sorry to hear about your father ????Talking to a counsellor might help with a grieving process.Have you tried any therapy ?

      Wishing you all the best xx Here if you need me

    • #28528

      Hey guys so ive been on codeine for many years, im only 23 atm and ive been on it since i was about 15, ibe struggled for many years i was usually takimg anywherw from 32-64 nurofen plus a day in the mornimg so i could basicallg function.

      Ive been tapering down, i was suppise to do substance theropy only reasom i didnt as it would result in me having to surrender my license and thats something i cant do.

      Im really struggling with this tapering down & im at such a loss because i just feel im gunna end up straight back on them as the cravings are intense and my self control is horrible

    • #28539

      Hey, thank you for the reply, i habe confided in my fiancee & my doctor but its hard to talk about & explain what it is exactly that im going through, ive been reading this forumm for a few days at all the suscess stories & the support you provide for each other.

      So i would certainly love to be able to join your whatsapp group 🙂

    • #28541

      Do you .com at the end of the email?

      • #28547

        Yes Bw668 xx

        • #28548

          I sent a email ladt night just waiting on a response!

          Thanks guys so much

          Youve no idea how greatful i am to have found this xx

    • #28572

      Hi all. I’ve been reading all your post so well done to everyone.

      I have been addicted to codeine for about 6 years following a back injury. I have been contesting going cold turkey but I am scared. I’ve hidden my addiction from everyone. When I run out of my codeine prescription I start taking a whole box of nurofen us a day, sometimes more.

      I am spending a huge amount on this stupid addiction.

      I am considering going cold turkey but I dont know how I will handle the withdrawal.

      I dont want to be taking all these tablets everyday.

    • #28573

      Hi all. I’ve been reading all your post so well done to everyone.

      I have been addicted to codeine for about 6 years following a back injury. I have been contesting going cold turkey but I am scared. I’ve hidden my addiction from everyone. When I run out of my codeine prescription I start taking a whole box of nurofen us a day, sometimes more.

      I am spending a huge amount on this stupid addiction.

      I am considering going cold turkey but I dont know how I will handle the withdrawal. What can I do to try and limit the withdrawal effects?

      I dont want to be taking all these tablets everyday.

      • #28574

        Hi Brini99

        Welcome to the thread! I’m glad you found us, you will get a lot of support and advice here. I myself am a nurofen plus addict, it is in the last year it has gotten out of control and I got to a point of 24 to 30 a day. Like u say spending a stupid amount of money, that I haven’t got might i add in those damn pills. I am on the tapering route but a lot of brave people have successfully managed to go cold turkey. If u choose this route you have to be aware it is going to be tough. Once the physical symptoms subside, the mental side kicks in and many wud say this is the harder part . As I haven’t done ct i can’t advise further but there is a detailed post a few pages back from someone who is and all the things they did to help themselves along. Definitely read it, there is really helpful information and advice there. I think the username is JFT81.

        We also have a WhatsApp group for extra support should u wish to join us u wud be very welcome. Wishing u all the luck in the world. Just know u CAN do it. We promise xx

      • #28591

        Hi Brini ,

        I know ,it’s really difficult to make that first step and just stop taking them took me 3 attempts and i think when it’s your time ,you just go and do it .if you have good self control,i would suggest to taper .I was never disciplined enough to do it and knew it’s either cold turkey or nothing . These pills ruin your life ,they make you a different person that you start to dislike ( at list that’s how I felt) . If you decide to go cold turkey route i suggest you prepare yourself both mentally and physically, make a plan,take some time off work or any important meetings as your body and mind will be all over the place .It is hard but doable and in a weird way satisfying with every day you stay clean . I would do it again if i had to, to be free . Wishing you the best of luck ,Here if you need any support xx

    • #28661

      Thank you everyone for your reply. I had never admitted to being addicted until I wrote my first post, which felt really strange.

      Tomorrow I am going to start cold turkey.

      I hate taking the tablets and I definitely cannot afford to sustain it. I’m spending money that I could use to take my kids out or pay towards renovating my house. Lately I have found myself borrowing mo ey just to get the nurofen.

      It is so embarrassing.

      Thank you for all your support. I havent told anyone I’m addicted and I don’t want to tell anyone either.

      I dont want my kids to think of me as a drug addict

    • #28673

      Hi im going through cold turkey at the moment. Its been a journey. I ended up in hospital on day 4 thinking I was having a heart attack. I was kept in for 3 days. When I got home the anxiety hit so bad I nearly went back in. I was diagnosed last year with Autism and my mental health has been allover the place before withdrawl to be honest. I’m trying to discover who I really am after years of masking.

      My gp was no help gave me beta blockers even though I suffer with low blood pressure and I’ve read these are not advised if you have low blood pressure.

      I’m on day 11 now. Its been a rollercoaster. I’ll feel better one day then worse the next. Diarrhoea stopped 2 days ago and suddenly came back today. Most of the physical symptoms have gone and the anxiety to be honest but its the brain fog and the lack of energy that’s lingering.

      I’ve read through this form the last week and as others have said it’s been a huge support and driving force to me. Thank you all for being so honest and sharing your experiences its so helpful at a time like this.

      I’d love to join the WhatsApp group I have sent an email.

    • #28674

      Hi all day 11 here cold turkey. Its been a rollercoaster. I posted a message but its saying its flagged as spam. I’d love to join the Watts app group

    • #28675

      Hi all day 11 here cold turkey

      • #28676

        Hi Bella ,

        All your messages are visible on here . Sometimes they do get deleted though . If you sent an email to join the WhatsApp group ,one of the girls will add you XX

        Well done on getting to day 11 ???? .The anxiety and brain fog might last a bit longer ,everyone is different .May I ask how many and how long you’ve been taking the pills for ? My stomach problems lasted months ,I even thought of ringing the doctors but thankfully it settled now . I say the same thing to everyone ,just take one day at a time and be kind to yourself xx

        • #28699

          Hey Maggie,

          If you don’t mind me asking, what sort of stomach issues was it that you were experiencing?

          I’m on day 22 today and I’ve been absolutely plagued by stomach issues. So much so, that the rest of the symptoms of withdrawal have passed me by because I’ve been so worried in the stomach side of things.

          • #28701

            Hi Skiddy,

            I had diarrhea for about 6 months …as soon as I ate I had to go

            Day 22 ! That’s amazing ???? well done . Mornings were the worst for me too ,didn’t have that extra boost I’d get from the pills and it was so difficult to actually move and do things . That’s why I still listen to music every morning with my coffee and that helps ????

            • #28703

              My post has been removed for some reason. Thanks so much for the reply. It really is a huge help knowing what I’m feeling is somewhat normal. I’m going to get out for a short walk thismorning see if that will wake me up a bit. Im just wrecked. And I’m sleeping mostly well so I don’t know why.

              • #28711

                Hi Bella,

                Everything you are feeling is normal, from my own personal experience. Your body is going through a lot of changes at the moment. The brain has to learn to function properly again without the aid of what we have all been taking. That can be a different process for everyone. Take every day as it comes and I promise that eventually you will start improving every day. Tiredness and fatigue is normal because we aren’t giving our bodies that “shot of energy” that we would have usually have given it with the opioids/drugs. Returning to normality is a long process but one that I am sure is going to be more than worth it in the long run. Keep going strong and doing what you are doing because you are doing great!

              • #28722

                Thanks so much for your reply. And your kind words they mean so much when your struggling. Your doing amazing yourself. It’s a constant struggle.

                Today I was feeling a bit groggy after lunch and fir the first time since stopping I thought to myself I must take my solpadine. It was like a reaction. I caught myself quickly and reminded myself that it was just out of habit.

              • #28746

                Hi Bella,

                How are you doing ?

              • #28761

                Ah thanks fir checking in on me. Day 14 now and im a little better. I find the more I keep moving the better I feel. But definatly much better. I’m so glad for this pist I really am. Without it I don’t think I would have got through it. So thank you to each of you for being so honest and sharing your experience so openly. ❤️

              • #28769

                Hi Bella ,

                I’m so happy you’re feeling better ???? exercise,even a walk will produce endorphins and that’s what you need right now . You should be proud of yourself xx

              • #28779

                Thank you. I’d still love to join the WhatsApp group if it’s still going. I’ve sent 2 emails but I’m not sure if I’m sending to the right email as I gavent got a reply. Coukd you tell me the email again pls?????

              • #28780

                Hi ,

                Send a message to betterlife090 at outlook dot com ( i have to write it like this so it doesn’t get deleted )

            • #28709

              Hi Maggie,

              Thank you for getting back to me. I would definitely say the stomach issues are the worst part of the withdrawal for me! I’m having all sorts of tests done at the moment to see if there is anything wrong with my stomach/intestines etc but I’m kinda just hoping it’s all down to withdrawal from this horrible drug.

    • #28742

      Hi. I have stopped taking codeine as of 5 days ago. Believe it or not I was taking 1,680mg of codeine a day! When I wrote that down I could not believe it. It all became so normal and an important part of my day. I can honestly say for me it had to stop. I realised that I was not the man I once was. I no longer wanted to make love to my wife. I could sit for hours happily letting whatever life I have disappear in front of a TV. My body and my feet ache, I have to take loperamide to stop from using the toilet every 5 minutes. I cry easily and sometimes feel overwhelmed by my emotions . But I knew if I don’t stop now I could lose myself and the funny, interesting person( I thought ) I had been once upon a time.

      God knows it’s not going to be easy but the alternative of being a slave to some small white pills is not for me. Wish me luck on my journey , I wish all the best on yours..

      • #28745

        Hi Getting better ,

        Well done on making this step and getting to day 5 . How long have you been taking that amount for ? Yes, the withdrawals are unbearable at times it’s so worth it in the end . I have never felt more free as I do now and the feeling is great . I get what you mean about being a different person as these pills made be someone I didn’t recognize anymore , moody,grumpy and extremely lazy . I’m my old self again ,smile a lot more and enjoy doing things again . You can do this ,just keep thinking about the end result .Wishing you the best of luck ????

    • #28781

      If you BW you’ve been added xx sorry for delay I don’t check the ails as much as I should xx

    • #28833

      Hi Maggie! I’m looking to stop and help where I can and share info. I’m defo done with all that, that’s for sure, I just despair when I see how much of it is going on. Been there seen that but it shouldn’t stop there, its not right all these people on these drugs….will send the email for the WhatsApp group. Thanks Maggie!

    • #28840

      Hi Maggie! I’m looking to stop and help where I can and share info. I’m defo done with all that, that’s for sure, I just despair when I see how much of it is going on. Been there seen that but it shouldn’t stop there, its not right all these people on these drugs….will send the email for the WhatsApp group. Thanks Maggie!

    • #28940

      Hey everyone.

      Just another quick update from myself and my journey of escaping this horrible drug that keeps us all captured from our real lives.

      Today is day 36. And today is the first day that I feel absolutely back to normal. My stomach issues seem to be resided and everything is returning to proper working order. I’m sleeping WAYYYYY better than I have done in a very long time. I’m getting around 7-8 hours a night, uninterrupted sleep. I’m waking up and I’m feeling more like myself than I’ve ever done whilst being addicted to Codeine for 13 years. I feel like I have a whole new lease of life.

      Outside of the addiction, I’m now looking to secure a new job. Which is a really exciting time because I’ve been stuck in a dead end job for 8 years now but I’ve had zero motivation to want to change anything. Now I have all the motivation in the world and I can’t wait to explore new things with my new found motivation and energy for life.

      This has definitely been the hardest challenge of my life, but it’s also been the best thing I’ve ever done.

      So for anyone that reads this that is either going through the process of withdrawing or thinking about doing so….DO IT BECAUSE IT WILL BE THE BEST THING YOU’VE EVER DONE.

      You’ll feel so much difference when you come out on the other side. It’s one of the best feelings on the world… And don’t forget, even if you have a slip, there’s always another chance ❤️

      • #28941

        Hi Skiddy ,

        I’m glad you came on to leave an update . I’m so so happy for you ???? It’s amazing to feel normal again ,isn’t it ? With a long term addiction we actually forget what it’s like to be free and happy again . It is definitely one of the most difficult things I have done to come off these pills but well worth it .

        Good luck with your new job , I’m sure you’ll smash it ???? I wish I had the motivation and confidence to make this change ..16 years in one place ..

        All the best XX

      • #28957

        Well done Skiddy

        You’ve spurred me on again today to properly get my life back. You’ve done amazing ????????❤️

    • #28942

      Well done Skiddy

      Good luck with your new job search!

      You’ve done so well x

    • #28980

      Hi All

      I have just come across this forum I have been taking Codeine for about 3 years and increased significantly over the past few months. Taking 6 tablets every four hours of over the counter then 30mg to 60mg of Codeine on top. I really need to kick this. Stopped taking the Codeine and am just on the over the counter but having withdrawals which has shocked me. I really want to come off them all together but just worried ????

      • #28993

        Hey Apple and welcome to the forum! ????

        Well done on stopping the higher dose of codeine. It sounds to me that you are trying to taper at the moment, is that right?

        Withdrawals are hard to begin with. The first few weeks are the toughest. I’d suggest, like Maggie told me, that you take a week or so off work or any other arrangements that you have, so that you can solely focus on this.

        There’s no need to be worried at all. To begin with, you are going to feel like your body can’t survive without the drug, but I absolutely assure you, it can. It might seem like a long process but it’s one that is definitely worth it. Your body and brain has come to rely on the codeine to function, so all of that has to be repaired, but it DOES repair. I can promise you that much.

        Keep going, keep tapering and take your life back because you’ll never look back once you have ????

        And remember, you’re not alone.

      • #28995

        Hi Apple

        Yes Codeine lures you in and before you know it your in the thick of it all. Be kind to yourself. We have a what’s app group also that you can talk freely on with lovely people who are all in the same boat. How many day’s are you off them? xx

      • #28997

        Hi Apple

        Welcome. I’m just 4 weeks now codeine free. As skiddy has said it is tough at the beginning. For me the 1st 2 weeks where bad then I started to gradually feel better. I would also second the advice to take time off work and other commitments. I was just barely function in the first 2 weeks. So not having any responsibilities really helped. My gp told me to get out in the air for short walks and although it was the last thing I wanted to do, it really did help.

        Be kind and patient with yourself. You can and will get through it. We are here if you need us

    • #28996

      Can’t promise that my above response to you won’t be deleted x

    • #29149

      Hi All

      Well done to all of you who are kicking or even kicked this horrible drug. I chickened out of not taking them. I’m too scared of the withdrawal symptoms.

      I have more codeine off the doctor. They will run out by the end of tomorrow and I simply can’t afford to get more nurofen so I really must kick this addiction.

      I am no longer the woman I once was. I get no joy out of life. No drive. No motivation.

      I hate being a prisoner to this drug. I want to be codeine free so badly

    • #29150

      Hi All

      Well done to all of you who are kicking or even kicked this horrible drug. I chickened out of not taking them. I’m too scared of the withdrawal symptoms.

      I have more codeine off the doctor. They will run out by the end of tomorrow and I simply can’t afford to get more nurofen so I really must kick this addiction.

      I am no longer the woman I once was. I get no joy out of life. No drive. No motivation.

      I hate being a prisoner to this drug. I want to be codeine free so badly

    • #29151

      Hi All

      Well done to all of you who are kicking or even kicked this horrible drug. I chickened out of not taking them. I’m too scared of the withdrawal symptoms.

      I have more codeine off the doctor. They will run out by the end of tomorrow and I simply can’t afford to get more nurofen so I really must kick this addiction.

      I am no longer the woman I once was. I get no joy out of life. No drive. No motivation.

      I hate being a prisoner to this drug. I want to be codeine free so badly

    • #29152

      What advice can you give to manage the actual withdrawal symptoms? Like walking or vitamins etc

      • #29159

        We have a what’s app group for support. The email is a few page’s back and it’s an amazing group where you can talk freely and get advice without any judgment to help you during your journey in getting off this evil drug. Walking is great and lift’s your serotonin and taking it one day at a time. Sleeping can be hard, not sure if your gp would help you with anything to help you sleep and take time off work if you can as you’ll feel you have no motivation to do anything in that first week. How much codeine are you on atm. xxx

    • #29219

      I have never calculated it. But at least 1 or 2 boxes of NP a day

    • #29223

      Your veryb last sentence is the one that I have been asking myself every single month for the last 6 months.Each time I have a months worth in my hand I promise myself I will begin a taper reginme “Tomorrow” and we all know when tomorrow comes !The longest I have managed is 4 days (And only because I had no codeine left. Immodium ,and Phenegran for the nausea really work,although Phenegran is not always easy to get hold off.,The absolute worst thing is the restless legs. I use a weighted blanket which helps but like everything else it only helps a little.Its the dread of what I know is to come if I give the tablets up is what keeps me taking more.

      The joke of it all (Laughing bitterly) is that I genuinely have huge pain. I have both Lupus and Myesthenia Gravis,on top of that are several joint replacements.I am not making excuses,just saying it like it is.

      So like you,the question is,stop today,go cold turkey and endure the horror I know will come,or do I taper,this will take a self discipline that quite frankly I do not think I have.

      So,now ,or never ?

      Thanks for listening.

      Like you all,on the face of it I am getting on with life as best I can,but inside I die a little dose by dose…..

    • #29227

      I’m precisely the same. I have had surgery on my back 3 times. Every day I wake up in absolute agony.

      I want to taper down but I know I dont have the discipline whatsoever.

      I have just calculated I spend approx £300 a month! No wonder I am always skint and stressing over money.

      I feel like crying. How did I get in such a mess?

      Just like you, I am terrified of the withdrawal so always think to myself…I will start tomorrow! Tomorrow comes and the first thing I do is go and get some more NP! I have to alternate pharmacies as I have been refused them before… Holidays are the worst, trying to find a pharmacy that’s open or even buying extra the day before! It’s absolutely crazy, it’s madness! All for those stupid pills! A months worth of codeine phosphate on prescription barely lasts me a week! I can take a whole sleeve or more in a day! How am I not a zombie? The messed up thing is I don’t even feel the effects anymore. They make me just feel normal, not high, not sleepy, not anything. Just normal. So why do I even take them all?

      God I absolutely hate this! I have nothing in the bank so by default I have no choice but to go cold turkey tomorrow, it’s scary. Straight away m nose starts running and I start to get really sweaty. It’s absolutely awful

      • #29232

        I have never taken NP,I can take 4 c 30mg of Dihydrocodeine so I have no idea how many NP equates to 120 mg of codeine, I am guessing quite a lot

        Like you I now take the stuff just to feel normal .The euphoria is long long gone

        I wish I could answer your questions but as an utter failure myself I cannot

        I will be thinking of you tomorrow when it hits but this time next week you could be well on your way to this nightmare being over

        Be as strong as you can be

        Best wishes to you

        • #29252

          Hi Dotty,

          It’s great to hear from you. You gave me the advice of a weighted blanket at the start of my journey and it really helped, thank you! You are not a failure. You are trying to navigate your pain and codeine pills which is really hard. I had to go cold turkey as I could never taper myself. I simply didn’t have the discipline to do it. Like you, I no longer felt euphoria with the pills in the end but I took them to feel normal. Wishing you the best of luck on your journey Dotty! xx

          • #29256

            I am so glad you made it.I will too,I cannot continue like this.The codeine is not stealing my money,.but it is stealing my mind

            Over the last few days I have taken to reading this forum again,trying to gather strength to start the beginning of the end…againbut it IS stealing my mind.I think my GP will prescribe them forever,because my diagnosis/.health warrant them,but in my heart I know this is not what I want.

            Its the constant counting and rationing of pills and working out how to make them last.

            I am glad the blanket helps. The restless legs is is the single worse thing and the one that has kept me goping back for more.

            Today I have taken just the 2 tablets so as to try and keep the legs still overnight.This is a (Selfish) show of solidarity for Brin99,selfish in that,I am using her fear of the withdrawals to push myself through.Maybe a little of the “If she can do it so mcan I” But if we cannot help each other then who WILL help me.

            Thanks for your support

            • #29259

              Thanks Dotty. I never thought that first week I joined here that I’d get through. You are right about the restless legs. It is the worst symptom so taking enough to keep that at bay is a good tactic! It’s hard when you have a health condition that genuinely needs pain control but I agree nothing is worth your mind. When it comes to the point the pills aren’t doing anything but making us feel normal, it’s time to take back control and find ourselves again. I feel like a different person to the one that took pills for 6 years. I wish you and Brini99 the best of luck. This forum is testament that it can be done with determination and support. Always here if you need a chat xxx

      • #29285

        Afternoon Brin99,how are you ? We are all behind you. Just remember if you stumbled ,just get back up as soon as you have the strength to do so.

        I got through the night but I eneded up taking 3 pills to get through .I started off with 2,but woke at 3 in a total panic and could not settle.I took another and went back to sleep.So 3 in total but the day before it was 13,so a huge thing for me.I shall attempt the same thing tonight. Regardless of how you got through the night I hope you are OK and coping as best you can.

        • #29292

          Hi Dotty ,

          You’re doing great ! Going from 13 down to only 3 is a massive jump . How is your day going so far ?

          How are you Brini ?

        • #29295

          Dotty, you are doing amazing! Going from 13 to 3 is brilliant. Well done!! I hope you’re feeling ok ? ❤️

          Brini, I hope you’re ok. We are here for you no matter what. There is zero judgment here, only support if you want some xx

    • #29228

      I have a job interview on Monday and I will have all the withdrawal symptoms. Think it’s safe to say I won’t get the job.

      Dotty I think you should go cold turkey, just like you i do not have the self control to taper.

      Let me know how you get on.

      How long do the withdrawal effects last? The physical effects? They are the ones that worry me the most

      • #29236

        Hi Brini,

        I feel your pain,really do . I was the same ,a blister of dihydrocodeine lasted a day if that . Don’t even want to count how much money I spent over the years on NP and solpadeine max. Withdrawals are bad but doable.i could never taper as I’m not disciplined enough. I planned ahead when I was going to stop and booked a week off work . I’m glad I did because during the first week I couldn’t do or focus on anything . Coming off these pills was probably the most difficult thing I have ever done but so worth it in the end . I am no longer a slave and finally feel free which is an amazing feeling . I got my life back ,I’m a happier person ????

        Wishing you all the strength in the world to come off those pills so you can get your life back xx

      • #29257

        Hi,how are you doing ? The day is almost done ( I give up on the day at this time I blame the MG)

        I have thought about you so often this afternoon . The last I heard of you ,you were thinking of a way to get some NF. I realise that when you feel so bad that my next sentence will sound truly awful,but I hope you did not.I do mean this in the nicest possible way.If yo.

        Check in tomorrow ,if you feel up to it.I will be thinking of you.

    • #29231

      My last attempt was cold turkey (Only because I ran out and my script was 4 days away) at day 4 it was utterly dreadful .I controlled the sickness and bowel issues with Imodium and Phenegan but I could barely get out of bed and worse of all was the horrible restless legs/whole body

      Maybe the next day would have been better but as soon as I had my prescription. In my hand I took 3 tablets and felt better within half an hour

      What I really hate is the panic that sets in when I am down to my last 50 tablets and have a week to go before I can get more

      I have to do this but summoning up the strength to do it seems to be beyond me ….

    • #29239

      Well I’ve only been up and hour and I’ve started sweating already. Already thinking how I can get some money to go and buy some.

      This is terrible

      • #29255

        I am willing you on

        I have made my mind up just to take 2 before bed to keep the legs still

        I realise that I am in a better place than you ad I do have that option

        I will be by your side emotionally as we both need to do this

        I know how terrible you feel right now as I have been there more than once

        Do the best you can right now that is better than me !!

        No one here will ever judge you we have all been there

        If you fall just get back up

        I have rellies for dinner but I will be thinking of you

        I will be thinking of you

    • #29240

      Morning, I’m currently withdrawing as well and I feel awful and trying to hide it from my husband and family by saying I’m not well with virus. I’ve got buscopan and anti sickness to help in the tummy department but the restless leg’s again is awful. On day 2 and know it’s going to get worse and the only things that are keeping me going is I know in a few more day’s it’s going to get better ❤️‍????. It doesn’t last forever. Taking each day as it comes. Wishing you luck with this to get your life back. It will get better. I’ve done it before and relapsed so I know it get’s better.

    • #29242

      Good luck net70.

      My nose is running constantly now. I’ve just read the whole thread. The withdrawal is terrifying.

      I want to kick these tablets though. I forgot what the real me was like. Whatblife was like without pills.

      The hours seem to be going so slowly. This is only day 1 and I’m already struggling

      • #29251

        Hi Brini99,

        I really feel for you. It was back pain that started me on the pills and I spent 6 years living my life wondering had I enough pills for that day or the weekend or holidays. It was exhausting! Withdrawals are hard. It’s a tough week but know it is all temporary. You just take it hour by hour, day by day. You are stronger than you think. I always say when you’ve had enough of the pills, you develop a strength to get through the withdrawal period.I tried to give up a few times but I didn’t really want to those times. Last November, I’d had enough. The pills made me feel crap but I had to take them to feel ‘normal’ and avoid the withdrawals. I was spending close to 8,000 a year on pills and I just couldn’t do it anymore. I promise you life is much brighter without the pills. I’m off them nearly 9 months now and I hope it gives you comfort to know this is all doable although tough. Wishing you the best of luck and as mentioned, if you want more support join the WhatsApp group. xxx

    • #29244

      I tried to reply to you but they deleted my message. I feel your pain as also in withdrawals. Join the what’s app group for extra support if you want to and you can talk freely xx

    • #29260

      Thankyou for your kind words it does make me feel quite teary.My disabilities mean I am quite isolated .I do know that this is a forum used by genuine people who know exactly how hard this all is.It does mean a great deal

      I am upstairs ”Reading” now which is normal for me ,I have deliberately left my meds in another room and so have managed to keep to my plan of just 2 at night

      I know that to those who do not have and cannot get any pills it must sound a bit half hearted but I know from past experience that the whole leg thing will send me backwards before I have even begun to go forwards but for me this is the best way forwards.

      Best wishes

      • #29261

        I always say we all have our own journey and you need to do what’s best for you to help you get through this. You can do this!! Best of luck Dotty xx

    • #29296

      I actually feel ok

      I had a wobble an couple of hours ago I felt a tad anxious but I have taken 2 pills and am laid on my bed reading which is normal for me

      For some reason I feel calmer up here

      I have left a pill by my bed as last night I woke up feeling quite anxious

      If I can sleep I think I am in with a chance of getting through the days

      Thanks for your message I feel your support through the airwaves

      • #29299

        You are doing so well. The anxiety can be tough to overcome but always remember the pills are trying to lure you back in. You don’t really need them! My anxiety is so much better now I’m pill free.You are strong and determined and you’re going to do this! I hope the night goes well xx

    • #29301

      I feel that this is the time

      I have always tried cold turkey because I have run out of pills

      This time is different as I do have some left but this time I feel that I am in charge not the pills

      If I can sleep I will have a chance

      Of dealing with tomorrow

      Thankyou for your lovely support

    • #29335

      How long do the restless legs/arms last?

      This is the worst thing

      I use a weighted blanket but it’s so hot I cannot bear to use it

      I am so glad your journey to normality is going well

    • #29337

      Imodium works very well for loose bowels

      They are my new best friend!

      Most OTC travel sick pills hall with the nausea

      Good luck

    • #29338

      Something rather wonderful has happened to me this afternoon

      I got out a bag I have not used for a while and found 6 of the cruel pills

      Even just a few days ago I would have swallowed them straight down almost seeing them as bonus pills.Today I have kept them in my bag

      All in all not too bad a day but I have taken Imodium melts,

      To all of you out there ,If your journey is only just over the start line …Good luck stay strong

    • #29362

      How are you getting on Dotty, I’ve got the restlessness all over atm but I’m going to carry on. 3 day’s now. Codeine 30mg has taken over my whole life so it’s time for me to be in charge and not the other way round . Hope your getting on okay too xx

    • #29363

      I am cheating in some respects ad I am taking 3 pills at bed time and this just allows me some sleepi am waiting for chemist to open for Imodium lol

      Stay strong every hour is one nearer to this being over

    • #29364

      Hi Everyone I came across this post and you are all amazing. I have been tapering for 2 months and tomorrow will be my last day being a prisoner to this awful drug for the past 15 years. Wish me luck x

    • #29365

      Day 1 for me tomorrow after 15 years of addiction i’ve been tapering for the last 2 months x

    • #29366

      Hello everyone,

      I am on day 3 of CT…again. I am a long term NP user of about 15 years or so. Countless withdrawals. The most I have ever stayed clean was about 11 months in 2019. This thread is the first thing that has given me the most immense hope for the future. Seeing so much support and success and real life out there. Today I have stomach issues, exhaustion and brain fog. I hate what this drug does to me and the lies I have to tell to get it. The miles I have to drive to get it and the secrecy that goes along with this lifestyle. So glad I found you all xx

    • #29367

      Hello everyone,

      I am on day 3 of CT…again. I am a long term NP user of about 15 years or so. Countless withdrawals. The most I have ever stayed clean was about 11 months in 2019. This thread is the first thing that has given me the most immense hope for the future. Seeing so much support and success and real life out there. Today I have stomach issues, exhaustion and brain fog. I hate what this drug does to me and the lies I have to tell to get it. The miles I have to drive to get it and the secrecy that goes along with this lifestyle. So glad I found you all xx

      • #29369

        Hi Casey and Rachel ,

        Well done Rachel, you have done what I could never achieve – tapering. Good luck for tomorrow ,you should be so proud of yourself XX

        Casey ,I feel your pain . Day 3 is when withdrawals get really bad but I’m sure you know already what to expect as you managed to do it before . It’s 11 months for me next week . I never thought I could get this far and to be honest I don’t ever want to be in that horrible place again . I wish you the best of luck . We have a WhatsApp support group with people at different stages of their recovery .Some are tapering ,some stopped CT. If you ladies wish to join let me know and I’ll give you the details .

        • #29370

          Thank you so much I have emailed to ask to join the Whatsapp group. This forum is what has got me this far so again thank you xx

    • #29368

      Hi Rachael 2828 good luck for you tomorrow!

    • #29371

      Hi Maggie, thank you for your reply. You were one of the wonderful success stories that give me much hope. I will ask to join the WhatsApp group as I am sure it will help me. Thanks xx

      • #29375

        You are all doing amazing ,don’t ever forget that . It might be a way to go yet ,but you are actually doing it . You’ve admitted you had a problem and decided to stop which is already an took me years of lying to myself and everyone else before I made that step . You too will be codeine free in no time ,just take one day at a time ,one hour even and when you feel like you can’t do it remember why you want to quit .Trust me, you will find that strength inside you to carry on XX Life is so much better without those pills in it and you all deserve to experience it again .Sending love xx

        • #29384

          I really feel now that I know there is support available I can do this. Today is hard with feelings of doom but I know (hope) they pass soon. Ive known for years that I had a massive problem. Always been addicted to something but opiates have always been the thing I couldn’t say goodbye to. I really would like to say goodbye to them now. xx

    • #29372

      I am so pleased for you.Its post like yours that keep us all going.

      I am on the path but have a fair way to go,but I am determined to get there.

      Have a wonderful codeine free life,you so deserve it.Well done,in bucket loads.

    • #29373

      To CaseyJ. Immodium for the bowel issues and any travel sick pills for the nausea are my crutches at the moment.The restless limbs are the worse,I swear even my eyelids are joining in !

      Its reading about the success stories that keeps us going.Eventually it will be us,until then we have to keep putting one foot in front of the other ,

      You are so right about this space being the thing that helps us get through.

      I have been to day 3 cold turkey so many times ,this time I know that its the legs/arms/whole body restlessness that will cause me to fail.I am taking just enough to allow me some sleep.I tried 2 pills at bedtime but I now accept it needs to be 3. I shall worry about giving that dose up when I feel I have the strength.Stay strong.

    • #29374

      Hi Dotty, its weird I have no twitching it never has affected me which I am very grateful for. You are doing great with your determination and finding what works for you. I will get immodium tomorrow if still feeling dodgy. Thanks for the tip!

    • #29376

      Hi CaseyJ

      I was going to say you are lucky to avoid the whole twitch thing,but of course no one here is lucky are they ? It is the one single thing that has caused me to fail time after time.I can cope with the whole bowel/nausea thing but the twitch/jerking is truly terrible.

      Because I know how badly it affects me, I have taken steps to try and control it thias time around and so far it seems to be working.

      I can just about cope with it throught the day but I am taking 3, pills at bed time.I have no idea how I will make the step from 3 to 0, but I guess I shall worry about that when the time comes.

      The Imodium works very quickly. Good luck and stay strong.

      • #29385

        What about going to 2.5 when you are ready? Big step from 3 to 0 I take my hat off to you with tapering. My discipline would fail at the first hurdle!

    • #29381

      I’m not sure about anybody else’s experience but i found the tapering a lot worse at the beginning and the withdrawals worse at the beginning. i know I’m in for rough week but I can’t live like this anymore and i’ve never been so determined to do this xx

      • #29413

        Hi Rachel, just to let you know admin couldn’t add you to the what’s app group as you hadn’t sent your number so if you want to try again they’ll add you xx

        • #29414

          Thank you I have just sent my number on the email xx

    • #29382

      I’m not sure about anybody else’s experience but i found the tapering a lot worse at the beginning and the withdrawals worse at the beginning. i know I’m in for rough few weeks but I can’t live like this anymore and i’ve never been so determined to do this xx

    • #29383

      I’m not sure about anybody else’s experience but i found the tapering a lot worse at the beginning and the withdrawals worse at the beginning. i know I’m in for rough few weeks but I can’t continue like this anymore and i’ve never been so determined to do this xx

    • #29386

      I do have a tablet cutter so that could work

      Right now though getting through each hour is all I can think of

      If it wasn’t for the RLS I would go CT as having the pills in the house takes massive self control and right now I do feel that even the slightest outside stress would see me back to the beginning

      I know from past experience (s) that the RLS is the biggest issue for me

      • #29394

        Bless you. I know that feeling of hour by hour it’s horrible! You say your weighted blanket helps but too hot just now? When i had my hip replaced i bought some large gel filled cold packs and placed them under my duvet . Worked a treat keeping the wound and my lower body cold. Might that help?

        • #29410

          I actually have some of those as I used them for all three of my joint replacements (I am bionic woman !! )

          The trouble is ,I am jerking around so much that I would have to tape the packs to my legs. I am taking 3 pills at bedtime and this is helping hugely .Its just about enough to keep the worst of the jerking damped down.I have tried CT several times and it bis always the restless legs that cause me to fail,so this time I am mitigating against it. I have Myasthenia Gravis so my need for sleep is huge.I realise this sounds like an excuse !

          If I keep my mind occupied I can just about get through the day without any pills,

          Each hour is one nearer recovery for us all

    • #29405

      Day 4

      Reasons I do not ever want to put my body through this again.

      Aching back

      Aching hip

      Dodgy tummy


      Feelings of doom

      Feeling my life is not worth living


      No motivation to do anything

      Fear of the future

      Worrying how I will get through the day

    • #29408

      Hi everyone!

      I just thought I would make a quick post to offer some advice after much research that I have done myself whilst going through the process of withdrawing.

      I completely understand and appreciate why you ladies might be using Imodium, but please be very careful with it. It is a well known drug that others have previously taken to almost replicate to the body, the feelings that Codeine would give you. You can actually hold back your withdrawal from using Imodium to help with the bowel issues. I’m not certain how much Imodium would be required for this to start causing issues, but just thought I would share the information with you.

      • #29409

        Thank you Skiddy. I too had read something along those lines during one of my many WDs but had totally forgotten. I think the amount to replicate opiate use is quite high compared with the amount in each tablet. But its so good to be reminded as I have just bought some to help me through!! The tablets I have taken are 2mg each and I definitely will heed your warning.

    • #29411

      Re Imodium… My neuro Consultant told me that the amount of Imodium needed to replicate the effects of opiates is huge.I guess “Huge”is open to interpretation but as the Imodium instant s only have 6 doses in ,I think I am OK

    • #29412

      Re Imodium

      I have just read an article on line which says that it would take between 50 and 300 Imodium to give a single “High” (Whatever that may mean )

      I paid £3.65 in Booits yesterday for 6,so I think its fair to say I could not afford it at that kind of dose !

      However ,its good to keep these things in mind

    • #29415

      Day 1 done xx

    • #29416

      Day one complete xx

      • #29417

        Well done rachael! That is amazing xx

      • #29424

        Hi Rachael,

        Well done! You should be so proud of yourself! This isn’t easy but so worthwhile! ❤️

      • #29456

        I am so pleased for you as its a step on your journey taken.The most important step at that .

    • #29421

      Day 5

      Reasons I do not ever want to put my body through this again.

      Aching back

      Aching hip

      Dodgy tummy

      Exhaustion – same as yesterday. Legs full of lead

      Feelings of doom – not quite as bad as yesterday

      Feeling my life is not worth living – trying to look for the positives today. No1 is I don’t have to go chemist hopping.

      Nausea – not so much

      No motivation to do anything – yep same as day 4

      Fear of the future – Yep same as day 4

      Worrying how I will get through the day – Not as bad as yesterday.

    • #29422

      Well done girls. Hope your feeling okay. Day 5 for me today. xxx

    • #29423

      Aww that’s great Net! How are you feeling today ? xx

    • #29459

      Im so sorry Dotty. Chin up love something else will come up xx

    • #29500

      How are you doing Dotty xx

    • #29501

      I am hanging on in there but just cannot yet deal with the thought of dealing with cutting anything further yet.

      I have had a pretty bad few days health wise,and I have a lot of pain but its an uphill struggle not to take the pills,as I know they will work ! I have an appointment next week with my Lupus Dr and I will discuss with her,but from past experience she will advise Codeine !

      How are youy ? are you doing OK ?

      • #29503

        Hey Dotty, sorry you had a tough time this week. You know yourself best and what is right for you.

        Not too bad here thank you. Day 9 and feeling weepy, tired and kinda meh really but that is par for the course and it could be much worse.

        I hope your doctor can at least put your mind at rest xx

    • #29502

      I can’t believe i’ve read this entire thread!

      I’m actually disappointed there’s no more to read!-

      Hi everyone! I’m on day 6 today- started taking magnesium and vitamin d on the recommendations of you all (today).

      As with what you’ve all said, painful legs has been the absolute worst symptom yet! I’ve been on and off codeine for a few years – able to stop taking them with mostly just an upset stomach for a couple of days. Not sure if it’s because i’m getting older, but this time has been utter hell.

      Hoping for some relief tomorrow at day 7!

      Massive congratulations to all of you that managed to quit codeine. It’s one hell of an achievement as i’ve come to realise. I’ll be finding something else to deal with my back pain in future, that’s for sure!

      I’ve decided to stop taking them, as me and my boyfriend are hoping to try for another baby, I was taking codeine phosphate 30mg, 8 a day.

      Love to you all! Thanks for supporting me this past week without even realising- as I imagine you have soooo many others!

      Mads x

      • #29504

        Hey there Mads, welcome. I read the whole thread last weekend too!!! I still dip into it every day for inspiration.

        I am on day 9 from a nurofen plus habit of many years with many withdrawals so you are in good company 🙂

        You have a fab reason for stopping and I look forward to following your journey xx

        • #29505

          Hiya Casey! Yeah it’s so good to see the progress and experiences of others! Really really helpful!

          Absolutely blown away at how difficult I have found this past 6 days – I was definitely naive to imagine I’d be able to stop taking them as unscathed as I have in the past.

          Congratulations on making it to day 9! How are you feeling ? Did you experience any leg pain, and if so, has it subsided for you?

          We are in the process of moving house, it’s all so exciting, and i’ve spent the day in bed over at my mums house across the road- Behaving like a sour puss because of how tired I feel and how much my left leg aches. I’ve ordered some food supplement energy capsules as recommended by someone else, so i’m very hopeful to be able to contribute in the ripping up of old carpets tomorrow!xx

          • #29506

            They lure you in totally! No real leg pain or restless legs but crawling skin, hot and cold, back pain, hip pain, nausea, upset tum, sleep disturbance and awull feelings of doom for a couple of days, absolute and total exhaustion and now I feel quite low generally. BUT I know it will pass. I think most of my physical symptoms have gone now and I am left with exhaustion but can’t sleep very well and sort of depression like a bereavement I suppose. Its not nice 🙂

            I took some vitamin b complex and also Berrocca which sort of helped a bit. I am sure you will be feeling much better tomorrow. You have so much to look forward to!

            • #29508

              Ohh Casey, sleep deprivation is no fun. Nor is feeling down/depressed.

              Hopefully this will resolve for you quickly! I’ve got my fingers crossed for you.

              I must have read a thousand times that the physical symptoms resolve quickly, then it just becomes a battle of will. But judging from the experiences on here, it takes a few weeks for the exhaustion to subside, which I definitely wasn’t expecting …

              Hopefully these food supplements will work out (fingers crossed) xx

    • #29514

      Good morning everyone. Mads how are you doing today?

      Day 10 and had a rough night with anxiety and insomnia. I put on my big girl pants and went out for a lovely 5 mile walk with my dog and a friend which really helped.

      I have made a note in my diary and if I still feel depressed anxious in a month or so, will consider Anti depressants I think. I need to protect this quit with everything I have.

      Have a lovely day everyone and keep going !

    • #29515

      Morning Casey! I was literally about to message you!

      Great minds ????

      Well done on the walk! 5 miles is a lot! I’m so glad it made you feel better ❤️

      So, today is day 7, and I am feeling loads better!

      I’ve been up, showered, washed my maine of hair, been to the shop, cleaned the kitchen and waited on my four year old whilst he makes various demands for snacks and drinks. Feeling like i’m finally coming through the worst of it.

      Still feeling a bit like I have the flu. My left leg still aches, and my temperature is still all over the place. But yesterday, I felt like climbing the stairs was arduous- so i’m definitely on the mend.


      • #29543

        Well done to you,I am so glad you can see a glimmer of light now.Every positive story I read gets me through the next few hours.

        I am still managing to take just the 3 at bedtime to keep the legs still,but I am feeling no improvement at all during the day (Yet) I am managing the nausea and diarrhea with OTC stuff ,but the lethargy and the inabilityto do anything more than is strictly neccesary is still alive and kicking.My MG and my Lupus are both having a bit/lot of a flare, so its probably the cause,in which case it will pass eventually.

        Keep up the good work and the positive posts,these really do help.

        • #29544

          Heya DottyLotty! How are you feeling now ? Sorry, i’ve only just seen your message.

          Day 8 today ???????? ???????? ????????

          I’m holding out for the magical day 18. Making it there, will be such a triumph for me. Gone backwards today, in respects that I had an awful nights sleep, and so I feel like I have no energy, so i’ve mostly being lounging in the house. My legs are still slightly bothering me, just when i’m immobile. But definitely improving!

          Aside from feeling lethargic, the only other issue I have is I am still cold and hot!

          Hopefully this will end in the next day or two.

          Hopefully we all feel even better again tomorrow! ???????? xx

    • #29516

      Aww that is amazing Mads! So brilliant that you sound like you are through the worst. I am impressed you washed your hair. I hate to admit it but mine hasn’t been done for 3 weeks. Today is the day though 🙂

      Today you can start ripping up your carpets !

      Have a lovely day xx

    • #29517

      Hair washing is the least of concern-

      It’s taken me everything to just get to the next day, every day this week, without taking something to dissolve all of my symptoms.

      The fact that you’ve got to day 10 is miraculous!

      This has been the hardest week of my life.

      I’m really proud of you ???? (and anyone else who manages to quit opiates after long term use).

      Better things are to come ???????? xx

    • #29518

      You made me smile with your positivity. Thank you !

      I keep reading and re reading the thread over and over as it gives me so much hope. I need this to be my last ever quit I really do. I don’t want to be an old woman and still battling this thing.

      You’re right, better things ARE coming. Thank you xx

    • #29519

      I believe in you, Casey. This is the last time you ever have to go through this, because you are stronger now. The willpower it takes to stop taking opiates is mind blowing, and you’ve done it! Even if you’ve been here before, I believe this is it, you are done.

      No one forced you to quit, you made the choice to start and you’ve made the choice to quit. Allow yourself to feel proud and excited! Not long until you are feeling all brand new ????????????xxx

      • #29532

        Thanks Mads, such a lovely inspiring message. Much appreciated.

        How was your day?Are you still feeling OK and how is the leg pain now?

        I am absolutely spent now. Did quite a lot. Well in comparison to what I had been over the last ween and a bit and feel fairly accomplished which is nice.

        Dreading the nighttime though with not sleeping and anxiety but hey ho it will pass.

        Were you taking a lot of this stuff? I was taking Nurofen plus, lots of it and its evil xx

        • #29537

          Hey loveeee ❤️

          Congrats on the productive day ????????

          Hopefully, you’ll be so knackered from being so busy today, that you’ll just be out cold for the whole night through.

          I’ve got my fingers crossed for ya!

          So, my legs are still aching, but loads better. Totally manageable! Day 2 right up until yesterday, I was in absolute PAIN with them, I was like, almost demented.

          But i’ve been in bed for the past hour (i’m still feeling lethargic) and although I can feel an ache, it’s not forcing me to move position like it was.

          All happy and welcome improvements ????????????

          I was taking prescribed codeine phosphate, 30mg tablets. For me, it wasn’t that I was taking too much or too frequent, more that it’s been on and off for a decade. I convinced myself I needed them. 2 tablets, 4 times a day, with additional paracetamol if and when needed.

          But then, whenever i’ve stopped taking them in the past, I have danced my way through it all, without issue!

          Not this time.

          This time has been utter hell.

          It felt like I had wronged a vengeful God and was on the receiving end of their wraith!

          Hence why I am so very very proud of you for getting as far as you have. I like to think i’m pretty tough, but this has been one of the worst weeks of my entire life (I had an unplanned emergency c-section and this has been worse! ????)

          Tomorrow, we should feel that bit better again hopefully ????????

          I hope you sleep ok!xx

    • #29545

      Hi Mads and Dotty!

      Well done on day 8 Mads! That’s huge and wonderful to see you are feeling better. Hot and cold does seem to go on for a bit. Annoying but it should settle for you pretty soon! As will the sleep. I am still struggling with that but have it on good authority it won’t always be this way. Lounging is good at this time!

      Dotty that is fabulous that you are managing to stick to 3. You must be a very tough cookie as I doubt I would have the discipline. Kudos to you. So sorry that MG and L are giving you trouble. Its great that you know it will pass.

      Today I am learning that all things pass too. Had a bit of a rubbish day after an argument with my brother. All I seem to do is cry today. BUT I do know this is part of the process and it will settle. For now I will just go with it until it departs.

    • #29546

      Hi Casey!

      Sorry you’ve rowed with your brother –

      My brother is one of my best friends, so I know only too well how upsetting it is to fall out! ????

      Hopefully you’ll make up soon, if you haven’t already!

      I know what you mean about the crying, I was set off a few times yesterday. Only brief, but super unusual!

      Let’s hope we get through it soon ????????

      My temp is definitely worse today than the last two days, and I can only assume it’s because i’ve stopped taking Imodium ?

      I’ve read conflicting info from several other sources, some stating Imodium makes withdrawal last longer, some claiming you’d need super high amounts to cross the blood brain barrier.

      I can only assume the first is true, because I am really feverish again!

      Hoping for that to end ASAP ????xx

      • #29547

        Hey 🙂 From what I know, you would need an awful lot of Imo to affect Withdrawal. I think the temp thing is par for the course with this. Our body’s just simply can’t regulate temperature while attempting to withdraw. I look at it by the lesser of all evils. Hot or diarrhoea. I think I know which I choose !

        I am sure it will ease for you very soon. You got this girl!

        Yes made up with bro, but it just shows how on edge I have been. Deep breaths and lots of self care I think xx

    • #29548

      What day is it for you now Casey, is it day 12?

      Are you still having problems with your temp now ?

      You’re definitely right on the self care front! I’ve asked my mum to baby sit, so I can have an undisturbed night and morning off from the school run! My boyfriend is away for work in London, so i’m completely going solo.

      Just hoping I won’t start getting tearful as I will inevitably miss them both. ????xx

    • #29549

      Its day 11 for me! Yes, but I am menopausal too. But reading around, its common for a couple of weeks unfortunately.

      That’s fab your mum can help you out. Does she know what you are going through? Tears seem to be the order of the day today but they are cleansing. If they come let them flow is my advice

      You can do this Mads, you have exactly the right attitude to see it through xx

    • #29550

      Thankyou Casey- you are really wonderful and I massively appreciate your support ❤️

      You are a true warrior to be detoxing at the same time as being menopausal! Good grief, you are a hero!


      • #29553

        Bless you. If I can help in any way at all I will. This rodeo is not for the feint hearted! We are all warriors here! And we will never ever give up. xx

    • #29551

      There is a what’s app group that is fab for support if you’d like to join? The email address is a few pages back and if you email and give your number. Its really helpful. For you too Dotty?

    • #29552

      Sorry, forgot to add-

      Yes, she does know (my mum)- and yes, I am really grateful to have a night to just rest up!

      It’s a very uncommon occurrence, let me tell you ????xx

    • #29554

      You are very kind, Thankyou! ❤️


    • #29565

      Day 12 for me and last night I actually had a pretty decent nights sleep! Sleeping really has made me feel better. Stomach not quite right still but nearly all other physical symptoms more or less subsided.

      Now, I need to focus on putting one foot in front of the other and staying off these awful things. I never want to be in this position again.

    • #29566

      Wooooo day 12!!! Amazing! You are almost at two weeks ????????

      Day 9 for me- legs feeling tons better, my temperature is still a little bit bothersome. Here’s hoping for it all to go away on day 10 ????

      I messaged to join the WhatsApp, so i’m just waiting to hear back ????????Xx

      • #29567

        You really have this now Mads! I am sure it will settle soon for you. My big thing is getting to day 18 as per the original poster and some of the others in this thread. Im sure it will be a turning point.

        Then its the big challenge of staying off. Do you think you will have issues staying off them?

        So pleased you are joining the WhatsApp group. Lovely bunch of people there who give tons of support !

        Have a lovely day! Oh did you get a good nights kip?? xx

    • #29568

      My sleep wasn’t too bad – though, could definitely have been better, i’m super sleepy.

      I think if I manage to get through these physical withdrawals, then I should be ok to stay away from them in future.

      My issue is, i’m 9 days in, and still sweating and/or freezing. I’m back in bed, and should be in the process of moving house.

      This was a really bad time to stop, but I honestly thought the physical withdrawals would be over far faster than this ????

      How are you, Casey? Did you sleep ok ?xx

      • #29572

        I was reading back my diary re previous quits. Symptoms have lasted up to 6 weeks before. Although they were less than initially, they can linger. Also some people get PAWS (post acute withdrawal syndrome) Not nice at all.

        Now you are this far, it should be easier and hopefully functionable but these drugs are so nasty and they have real impact on the body. I am menopausal and while taking them, I had no symptoms or hot flushes which was a lovely by product. Now everything back with a vengeance. So they do affect hormone balance.

        Try to be as kind to yourself as possible Mads. Once you are through, you will be so grateful and life will be better.

        Slept much better thanks! Still some symptoms such as anxiety and depression but so much better than the suicidal feelings I had initially xx

    • #29575

      Glad you are feeling better, hopefully the mental side will ease up soon ????????

      I’m tired and emotional today, but I need this temperature to clear off so I can go about my life! Definitely feeling a little bit sorry for myself today ????

      I am cross with myself for not tapering off. I have a three week supply in my cupboard, laughing at me, for putting myself through this hardship. But last week I just snapped and thought I would ride out the storm (expecting to be poorly for about 5 days). Got a little better, then today and yesterday feel like i’ve gone backwards.

      Bummer ????xx

    • #29576

      You’ve not gone backwards ! Just the process and also the mental side will be nudging you to go back there. Don’t give in to it. Tomorrow you might feel a whole lot better! Yesterday I cried ALL DAY! Felt my life was hopeless. This morning woke up and went for a 3 mile walk with my dog.

      Keep plugging, different days different feelings. This drug is evil and it will try and lure you back. Please don’t waste any more of your precious life on it xx

    • #29577

      Thanks Casey ????

      Gone backwards, in terms of feeling poorly. I haven’t taken any codeine just yet.

      Day 9. Every day, i’ve been hoping to God to feel better by the next day, and the next and the next. Every day I was up and about driving my son to and from school, running errands. The last two days, i’ve been unable to do anything! Super weird.

      But, I absolutely have to get up and about tomorrow, I have too much to do. If my sweats and chills haven’t subsided, I may have to rethink my current cold Turkey method.

      Which will be a massive shame ????

      Thanks for you support Casey ????????

      Fingers crossed for lucky number 10 xxx

    • #29578

      I will keep everything crossed tomorrow is a better day.

      In the meantime, if you can, have a bath or shower. If bath drop some Epsom salts in, they really helped me. xx

    • #29579

      I don’t know if anyone will see this but I have been stuck on codiene for around 8 years. It has got to the point where I have to take it daily and even a few hours after I’ve taken it I’m sweating and then shivering etc – I have multiple mental health problems and this is not helping me like I used to think it did. I figured as it lifted my mood temporarily that it was a good thing – so now I’m stuck taking stupid amounts of solphadine max and nurofen plus every day – I can’t afford it and I have basically become a hermit not wanting to go out or do anything. I do what’s needed for my kids and just about keep my partner happy by seeing him a few hours here and there but I just can’t do it anymore. I want to stop but I don’t see how as it just makes me so Ill when I try. I can’t taper as when I have tablets in the house I have to take them all. So cold turkey and mental health issues means I can’t function so I give in. I lost my mum and best friend in the last two years so I have no one to talk to and just at the end of my tether – I just feel so alone and really don’t know how long I can keep going doing this. I get pains in my right side after taking the tablets which worries me too. Anyway thanks for listening.

      • #29580

        Ahhhh Lcato- don’t worry, we are here!

        I’m having a bad day today myself so we are in this together!

        I’m on day 9 of come Turkey – I had a bit of a nap and woke up a little better. It’s like Casey says, each day is different. I felt better early on in the W/D’s but have got worse the past two days.

        With that in mind, I think if I were to do this again, I would definitely taper.

        I understand you’ve said that’s not an issue –

        Would it be possible to give the tablets to someone else to over see your dose? That way you have support by telling someone else, and an accountability to stay on track?

        One of the best things for me is that i’ve told my boyfriend, my mum, my brother, my friends. I don’t see this as anything to be ashamed of frankly, we all started taking them for legitimate reasons! But that’s kept me on track, as I pride myself on being quite strong willed, so I don’t wanna let anyone down. My four year old is my main motivator. That boy is the reason I live and breathe, so I wanna be living and breathing until i’m an old lady-

        I will help you all I can- you can do this! Whichever way you choose xx

      • #29582

        Hey Locato big welcome to you!

        I think your story reflects so many of us here. And the feeling alone, absolutely. I have no one to share my struggles with either so it is tough but I promise you its doable.

        I used to get the pains too, its frightening but they will soon stop once the paracetamol and ibuprofen are removed.

        Any way you want to tackle this is good and we will all support you xx

    • #29581

      Cold turkey**

      Ooops ????????????

    • #29602

      Good morning!

      Day 10!

      Very happy to report that aside from waking up again at 4am, my fever and chills appears to have subsided!


      Super pleased.

      Lucky number 10 ????

      Still having mild aches in my legs, but nothing like I was last week.

      I feel way more like myself today, so i’m really happy about that! Just need my sleep to sort itself and everything will be great!

      Casey, I hope you slept well ❤️Xx

      • #29605

        Hi Mads!

        I am delighted to hear you are feeling better. What a great feeling eh?

        Decent enough sleep but tummy dodgy again along with some anxiety today so not feeling the best unfortunately. I am sure it will settle soon though!

        I think sleep can take a while so hang in there! xx

    • #29607

      I forget if you mentioned you were taking anything for your anxiety ?

      Oh Casey, I do hope you start to feel better.

      I’m really lucky in that whilst I can get stressed and anxious, it doesn’t take over.

      Thinking about you today, and hope you start to feel better ❤️Xx

    • #29617

      Good morning!

      Today is day 14, 2 weeks since I last took codeine so very proud. Tummy still a bit hit and miss and anxiety still a problem but I definitely do feel so much better than those early days.

      I have made an appointment to see the doctor about anxiety, depression as I suspect it could be one of the reasons I continually go back. I want to protect this quit with everything I have so feels good to be doing something.

      Mads, day 11 for you! How you feeling? Even better? I really hope so! xx

    • #29620

      Good morning Casey!

      Well done on two weeks!!!!! Amazing work!

      And yes, agree- you may be turning to codeine to self medicate for depression and/or anxiety. Getting to the GP is a brilliant plan! Good for you ❤️

      Yes, day 11- still feeling good! Aching from all the moving. But i’m feeling great! Once all my physical symptoms stopped, I feel great!

      Happy dayssssss!xxx

    • #29628

      Hey Mads that’s amazing! You are getting through this so well. It must be such a relief and you should be very proud!

      Spoke to Dr today and he was lovely. We are going to try HRT and see how that helps with depression, anxiety lack of motivation etc plus the other rubbish that comes with menopause 🙂 So excited about that. Only issue now is getting the stuff as the HRT I wanted to use is out of stock apparently Anyhoo all seems to be going in the right direction at last!

      Have a lovely evening xx

    • #29629

      Fabulous! HRT should sort out your sweats and make you feel all brand new. Fab news Casey, I really hope you let me know how you get on!

      I think i’m all good now- having no issues besides a little lethargy, but I bought some of the skull crusher coffee and it really is magnificent stuff!

      I’m so happy to be through the rough. I can’t Thankyou enough for supporting me Casey. You have been really wonderful, Thankyou ❤️Xxx

    • #29635

      Oh Ive heard of that skull crusher coffee. Is it really good? Doesn’t it keep you awake or make you jittery? If not, must give it a lash.

      So happy that you are done with this now and relatively unscathed. Do you think you will be able to stay off it? That has always been an issue for me.

      Also, did you get a response from the WhatsApp group? If not I can ask. The girl who does the adding might not have checked email recently.

      The thing I have learned in all the years of various addictions, is that we are never alone, there is always someone with similar stories that can help. Thankfully! xx

    • #29641

      Well, luckily for me- I had you ❤️

      I didn’t get jittery off the coffee! I bought a back of it (ground) it goes through a cafetière. It’s great stuff, but I already like coffee.

      In my mind, there is no way in hell I would regularly take codeine again. I always felt so tired. That being said, I can get terrible back pain. But there are none opiate painkillers available, so I’ll have to try something else.

      No, no one got back to me on the email, but it’s ok- i’m feeling back to normal now! The only reason I would join would be to support others’ at this point.

      I’ll always be here to reply to you though Casey- and i’m happy to share my email/number with you xxx

    • #29648

      I feel I have made such a mess of things and I was doing so well.Long story short I have had huge problems to deal with at home and stupidly I used codeine yto get through it. I put my script in early to try and get some more,and the GP has refused to fill it.So I now have no codeine and am a week away from getting any. are the worst

      I know how bad the withdrawals will be as I have been there so many times before.To say I am feeling dread is a massive understatement.

      Of course this could all be for the best,at least I am telling myself that.

      I have plenty of immodium and Sominex to help me sleep.The restless legs are the worse so hopefully the Sominex will get me through.Wish me luck,as I am going to need it.I just keep telling myself that this time next week the worst will be over.

    • #29649

      Awwww Dotty- I hope you’re ok!

      Hopefully you’ve got some ibuprofen and paracetamol to help?

      In regards to the up coming withdrawals, it depends how long you were taking them for ? If it wasn’t for too long, you may be ok?

      Will be thinking of you!xx

    • #29650

      I started taking them when I had my first joint replacement around 5 years ago

      I am prescribed 180mg per day and I have never supplemented them with other things .I know from past experience that it’s the restless legs which are the worst.I do want to sto taking them as I am tired of the constant counting and juggling to get through the

      Month .

      I am trying to see this as positive thing

      I have enough left to take 2 at night over the weekend which may get me over the worst

      We are going to the coast tomorrow we have a holiday home .So I will be able to rest at least

      Deep breaths now and hope to power through

      Thanks for your support I am sure going to need it

    • #29651

      Yeah, the restless legs was awful for me too- by far the worst. That and the fever and chills!

      I’d never experienced anything like it before so it was a real wake up call! I believe you can quit Dotty. If you have a week before your next prescription you’ll go through the worst of the withdrawals anyway. May as well stick to it and not waste any more of your time or health on codeine!

      However, if you need stronger pain relief (than otc stuff) you may need to liaise with your GP for an alternative ? Otherwise, you may be stuck in a cycle that is out of your control. Xx

    • #29652

      That’s my idea too

      I want to quit so maybe this is meant to be

      I have an Appt to speak to my GP but it’s a fortnight away,I hope by then that this is all in the past

      I have taken Sominex and now I am upstairs waiting for the day to end

      Thankyou for your support

      If anything can get me through it’s the members of this group

    • #29654

      Fingers crossed you’ll have a good nights sleep!

      How’re you doing Casey? You had a good day?xxx

      • #29665

        So day 2 (again) I actually had a decent night thanks I think to Sominex

        I do not feel too bad although I know from past experience that the worst is yet to come

        I have the horrid feeling of doom but no nausea I think one of the ingredients in Sominex is in some travel sickness pills

        Onwards and upwards for us all

    • #29656

      Hey ladies,

      Mads, thank you for your kind message earlier today. It really touched me and I am so glad that I could help in some small way. You really are a poster girl for getting through this so valiantly ! I will be sticking around here too so I am glad to hear you will be! xx

      Dotty, I am so sorry you have had such a rubbish time lately. Its such a worry when this is almost forced upon us and fear is not a nice thing to experience. I too have every confidence in you though. And know that you are a tough one as you have other things to contend with that you do with grace. So this is going to be another challenge that you will rise to. You know from all of our stories that the first few days are the worst. Prepping for them makes life MUCH easier. Rest is imperative and lots of TV to distract you through it. I found that Berrocca (effervescent vitamin b drink) helped settle my stomach. Ibuprofen helped with pain (Naproxen for big pain although didn’t need it this time) lots of liquid, water, lemonade and Imodium. You can do this my dear and it will such a weight off your mind when you have got through that initial stuff. We are here for you xx

    • #29657

      In other news I woke feeling anxious and really tired which thankfully has lifted throughout the day. I have also started on HRT which I think is a positive step at least I hope so! I feel more positive about life which I was struggling with just trying to get through the days and hoping that the medication will help. By all accounts it should do. xx

    • #29659

      Hiya Casey! – glad today has improved from this morning!

      Also, I think a lot of your symptoms will improve with the HRT!

      Definitely keep me posted!xx

    • #29666

      You’ve got this Dotty! ????????

      You’ve been here before, and got through it fine! Same as you will this time.

      Great that you’ve got the sominex to help you sleep!

      Let me know how you get on xx

      • #29678

        Well I am day three,in the past this has been an horrendous day but this time it is not. I think taking the anti sickness pills around the clock, and Sominex and Immodium.I feel not quite with it but I think that its probably the Sominex as I am taking that every few hours.

        I hope you are all doing well and fighting the demon that is codeine.

        • #29680

          Dotty that’s amazing! You are over the hump my friend. Well done. How do you feel energy wise? Mentally? And also your physical pain is that under control?

          Very proud of you! xx

          • #29684

            I do feel awfully lethargic but the dreadful heat is probably to blame

            I really want to believe that the worst is over

            I am managing my aches and pains with heat pads

            Given the weather this is no fun

            Are you doing ok?

            • #29686

              Heya Dotty!

              Congrats on day 4-

              You are making your way through (albeit probably painstakingly) the worst of it. Like Casey said, the first 7 days are the worst.

              If you remember, I really turned a corner on day 10- I felt a whole new woman! So, 9 days of feeling rubbish is totally doable. And you can definitely do it.

              I would recommend you continue with the Imodium, but continue the sominex for just sleeping. And even then, try using it sparingly!

              Keep going, you are doing amazing!!❤️Xxx

    • #29667

      Thankyou so much

      I AM going to do this

      The fact that I haven’t chosen to do it this way is irrelevant now

      I am taking some Grandkids to the cinema later and then off to the coast for a few days so plenty to keep me busy

      I once tried CT and ended up in hospital this scares me now but I am better prepared this time

      Like us all one hour at a time is all we can do

    • #29668

      Maybe in a way, it’s a good thing the choice has been made for you!

      You’re right, an hour at a time. Keeping busy is a great idea- I didn’t have time to feel sorry for myself either and I think in a way, it got me through it better (and faster). Sleep hasn’t been an issue because we are moving house, so i’ve been so knackered that i’ve been out like a light at bedtime. Up loads earlier than I usually would though, but I LOVE that! I’ve spent years sleeping (due to codeine) so it’s great to wake up feeling refreshed!

      Good luck xxx

    • #29669

      I am not actually feeling too bad

      I have precription anti nausea pills which I am necking like mad they give a very dry mouth but I can deal with that

      From past experience day 3 is the worst so fingers crossed

      If this is as bad as it gets I will be ok

      Another hour done

      Best wishes to all of you

    • #29670

      Hi Ladies !

      Fantastic attitude Dotty and yes you can absolutely do this. Its so fab you have a plan and your determination shines through! Spending time away with the grands will be a blessing I’m sure. The doom feeling will pass quite quickly in my case. Awful when it happens though.

      Today was the first da I woke with no anxiety! Had a headache but an ibuprofen sorted that! I feel a huge sense of relief just now and all sorts of feelings of gratitude which I like.

      Mads its so lovely to see you flying. I am happy for you with your dreams and plans now a reality!

      I hope you both have a lovely day. Big hugs xxx

      • #29671

        Casey, I don’t know you, but I already love you. You are so lovely ❤️

        I am so glad you have been anxiety free today!

        Brilliant news – keep me posted how you get on xxx

        • #29674

          Aww thank you for the lovely words Mads. That’s so kind xx

    • #29672

      I have got through day 2 ok if I can sleep I will be Ok ???? day 3 is on the horizon

      Wishing you all a good nights sleep

      • #29673

        You got this Dotty! You are doing brilliantly and I am right behind you. Sweet dreams lovely xx

    • #29681

      HELP !! hello,is anybody there !

      I am day4 and struggling.I am using Sominex and Imodium which is helping but the build up of Sominex is now making me feel ropey.My question is this,is day 4 too soon to quit the Sominex and Immodium ?

      If anyone needs a laugh right now keep reading…..Last night I had a very weird variation of the retless legs,but my right arm developed a mind of its own and was thrashing around all night !

      • #29682

        Hey Dotty, Im here !You might want to quit sominex or see how you get on with less but if you are still getting runs, hang on to Imodium for a bit. It sounds like the sominex might be making you feel weird. I still felt pretty rubbish on day 4 but didn’t have restless body/legs at all.

        You are doing so well you know !!

    • #29683

      I have not had the runs to contend with because I am taking Imodium around th clock.Sominex is also good for nausea but because they are both masking withdrawal I don’t really know where I am at

      I am going to try halving the Sominex tablets and see what happens

      The real test will be the end of the week when my script could be filled

      If I am over withdrawal I have made my mind up not to get it

      What kind of timeline do you think before the worst of this is behind me ?

      Around 15 years ago I totally gave up alcohol

      My mother and father were both alcoholics and when they died in their early sixties I just gave it up and never went back,If I did this then I know if I dig deep enough I can beat this

      You are all such lovely people and it’s the support here that will get me through

      Thankyou for your lovely kind words

      It makes all the difference

      • #29685

        If you did alcohol (such a socially accepted norm) then you can do codeine.

        I would say for physical Withdrawal, the first 5 -7 days is the worst . After that I found the mental stuff really tough to deal with. I just felt so low. BUT like everything both good and bad, it doesn’t last. Keep your goal firmly in your mind and take one day at a time. If you are an AA person, you will be familiar with ODAAT. Small chunks might be easier than thinking forever.

        I too gave up alcohol as I am generally an addictive person and like you, my dad had issues.

        So proud of you Dotty! xx

        • #29702

          When I gave up alcohol I T began drinking Diet Coke

          I am probably addicted to those lovely little cans

    • #29690

      I am day 5 and utterly rubbish

      I am far too old for dealing with this

      Of course the weather does not help

      I gave up alcohol many years ago and went it alone but then I was much younger

      I suffered last night with the whole body thrashing around thing

      Onwards and upwards and best wishes too you all through the ether

    • #29691

      Day 5 Dotty!!! Well done!!!

      It only gets better and better from here.

      Each day your symptoms should start to ease off- until you are all better and never again do you have to worry about ordering scripts, counting pills or making sure you’ve enough for whatever plans you have.

      Every day I got through I felt my resolve harden even more. It’s such a good feeling to have a cupboard full of codeine, and not need/want it anymore!

      You got this ????????Xxx

    • #29692

      Thankyou for your support

      I am glad my script is not filled right now,I feel so rubbish I would probably take some to feel better than

      Take care

    • #29693

      The whole time I went through withdrawal, I had a three weeks supply in my cupboard.

      It’s mind over matter.

      You’ll get through it and really soon you’ll start to feel better. It’s so worth it, I promise xx

    • #29694

      I guess once you have got to the other side you want to stay there

      Of all the symptoms I have right now is a kind of hollow feeling

      I think that once my limbs can stay still at night I will believe I have made it through

      TBH I cannot believe I have made it this far !

      Sending hugs to you via the ether

    • #29695

      Amazing work Dotty! As Mads says, each day you will notice little changes that show you are healing and getting further away from this horrible drug.

      The counting, the stress and fear will all be a distant memory. I wrote down my reasons why popping pills no longer worked for me and they resonate today more than ever. Even when I was feeling terrible, it helped to go back and check why I was putting myself through this turmoil.

      Mads, your cupboard full of codeine would send me over the edge 🙂

      Have a lovely day ladies xx

      • #29697

        I know Casey, it definitely made it more difficult, knowing I could end my pain there and then! But i’ve never gone through anything like this before, and I’ll be damned if I do again!xx

    • #29696

      Yeah, it’s about day 7 for that, so just two more nights and you should be done! ????????

      Sending hugs back????xx

    • #29698

      I have woken up just now actually feeling a little better.

      I have a question though so that hopefully you can ease my mind.On Friday night I had 2 pills ditto Saturday and Sunday so in 5 days a total of six pills.I am really hoping I can count Friday as my day 1.and not Monday. I hope that makes sense to you.

      You must have incredible will power to have pills in the house and not take them !

      I cannot believe I have got this far,and its all thanks to you lovely people

    • #29699

      Hi Dotty, your day 1 has to be whenever you want it to be and feel’s right in my book.

      This is what I did. I took my last 2 pills at 5am 23/06. I started my day 1 just after midnight so 24/06.

      However, the most important thing is that you are not taking them and whatever you feel comfortable with is the right thing to do.

      Keep on rockin’ Dotty. You absolutely have this xxx

    • #29700

      After taking near on a hundred a week, the six I have taken are for me,nothing at all !

      I hope my limbs stay still tonight and I can get some sleep

      Thankyou so much for your support

      I cannot believe I have got to the end of day five !You are all such lovely people and it’s the support here that is getting me through

    • #29701

      Well done Dotty!!!

      Keep going- it only gets easier!xx

    • #29703

      How long will this total lack of energy last ?I am struggling to do the simplest of thing

      I cannot believe I am almost at a week,never in a million years did I really believe I could get to this

      you are all such lovely people

    • #29704

      Ahhh- that takes a little while to come back. Every day I feel better and better, but I spent a while pounding coffee and energy drinks. But every day I notice i’m needing less! I haven’t had any energy drinks for the past two days. But I have been drinking loads of coffee still xx

      • #29710

        Day 6! I have had an utterly terrible night the arms and legs were all over

        so to say I am shattered is an understatement

        If I had had any of the devils pills I would have taken one just to sleep

        Lucky for me I have non how long does this leg thing last when can I hope for it to be over?

        I hope you all had a better night than me

      • #29718

        I am holding on by my fingernails now

        Most of the nasty side effects are ok but I feel beyond weary.I have not been out of bed,I am so close to taking some OTC stuff.It all seems so logical in my mind ,that if I took some Solpadol or similar I would feel better in minutes.I am so desperate not to do that that I have stayed upstairs.I just want this to be over.

    • #29705

      No idea what I can use for a quick energy boost as I no longer drink coffee

      A DR advised me to quit it many years ago as I have Morbid Hypertension.Maybe I should eat lots and lots of chocolate !!

      Have a good night

      • #29714

        I woke up at six feeling rough as I had a bad night

        I have a question if anyone can help

        All the posts talk of codeine

        I take dihydrocodeine please tell me that will not take longer to get through than codeine phosphate????

        • #29715

          Awhhhh Dotty – I started feeling tons better by day 10.

          So you are almost there!

          Thinking of you ❤️Xx

        • #29725

          Hi Dotty ,

          Well done ,you’re doing absolutely amazing ???? . Just keep going , it’s all temporary and will get easier each day ,I promise XXX I was taking dihydrocodeine and when I run out I’d buy Nurofen plus and solpadeine max . I don’t think it took me longer than anyone else to recover ..I’ve had stomach problems for a few months though .all other physical symptoms not longer than 10 days . Mental side takes a lot longer and you just need to find things that make you happy ,keep your mind and body busy to help the brain readjust . It’s just over 11 months for me and trust me ,with the time you don’t even think about those pills anymore . My partner takes them regularly so they are on the table all the time but they really don’t bother me . I just wish I came off them sooner . You can do this Dotty ,you’ve come so far already . Sending hugs and positive energy your way xx

          • #29726

            Thankyou for your lovely words

            I have to do this ,

            The legs are now my biggest issue and when I am tired my resolve weakens

            I am waiting for bedtime so that when I get up I am on day 7

            • #29727

              Oh Dotty ,I can’t remember now but I think it was about day 6-7 when I called my GP in desperation,cried on the phone and pretty much begged them to give me sleeping tablets .the lack of sleep in that first week was horrible on top of all other pains and aches .they gave me 5 zopiclone tablets I think and that first night when I had some sleep ,wow ..I woke up feeling so energised, happy ,like a totally different person . It’s so important to get a good night sleep when you’re in recovery .

    • #29706

      Re energy, I am feeling much better at day 18. Its a gradual thing and hard to notice with other stuff going on. But last night I was keen to take my dogs out again in the evening which had been really hard up until then.

      Sweet dreams Dotty and here’s to a restful night xx

    • #29716

      At this rate I will be sleeping while I get there !!

    • #29717

      I would imagine you will follow a similar path to anyone with an opiate addiction so you are on track!

      I read about magnesium spray for restless legs. Have you tried it?

      You are doing so well, just get through day by day xx

      • #29719

        TBH if I had any of the devils ills I would swallow them.I am using every ounce of determination right now

        I shall get some spray anything is worth a go

    • #29720

      You aren’t holding on by your fingernails at all!

      You have made an executive decision to quit dihydracodeine and that’s exactly what you have done. Celebrate every day, or even each hour as it passes! You have done amazingly. It’s a rough road- you know this from past experience. Make this count ❤️ You are stronger than you think xx

    • #29721

      I cannot bear the thought of ever going through this again

      But I am old and weak

      Thankyou for your lovely kind words

    • #29722

      I have just ordered some spray

      Thanks for the info

    • #29723

      Hello, I’m new here. I’ve been 4days clean of heroin and I’m suffering with RLS. I’ve got constant aches and pains and it’s rendering me unable to do my daily tasks. The first 2 days were hell but feel like I’m getting through it. Anyway to get to the point I’m here because I wanted to ask people generally how long do aching restless legs last after the discontinuation of opiates. How long until I feel normal? I’ve had no stomach cramps, no diarieha. Worst symptoms are lack of sleep and aching legs constantly

      • #29728

        Hi Ami ,well done on getting to day 4!!

        The withdrawal symptoms differ from person to person ,it depends on how much and how long you’ve been using for . Generally the first 10-14 days are the worst . I only had a week off work and that was enough for me to feel better and return to my normal duties . I had some Kemadrin tablets for restless legs and sleeping tablets .I don’t think I suffered with restless legs for as long as some other people on here . Mentally it takes longer to recover ,but then again – I’m already on antidepressants which I believe have helped me feel less miserable. Good luck and best wishes xx

    • #29724

      Hello ami93

      I am almost at the end of day six and hanging on in there

      The nausea and toilet issues are behind me

      As for the restless legs , I really feel for you

      Earlier today one of the lovely ladies here told me about magnesium for the legs

      It will arrive tomorrow so I will let you know

      You have done the hardest part by taking that first step,It is a hard road but it gets a little easier with each step

      I never believed I could do it as I have always given up when it got tough.Honestly, if I can do so can you.Many others have said that the restless leg thing is the worst,I swear even my eye lashes joined in!!

      When I asked the same question of how long , mostly they have said 10 days

      Take it hour by hour , and before you know it you will have walked the path from the hideous pills

    • #29729

      My Gp did not feel able to give me anything else for sleep as I have very many medications for my health issues

      I need to speak to my neurologist to access any other meds

      I too shed tears over lack of sleep

      Truly restless legs is a hideous thing to deal with,

      I had kept enough pills to give me 2 at night(none during the day) for 3 nights .This worked and my legs behaved

      I wish I had kept some more as they were key to my sleep

      Day7 coming up

    • #29769

      Hello, how is everyone doing today? xx

      • #29799

        Feeling rough today. Had a little slip up yesterday and counting the minutes until I get ill. I hate living like this and it seems impossible to think I’m capable of change

        • #29801

          Ami, you are definitely capable of quitting!

          Envision your life without being anchored down by a substance, and how good it will feel to be free of it.

          I am here, I will help you all I can- there’s a really cracking set of people on this site and on the WhatsApp group, they are brilliant.

          You can do this!

          I will say though, heroin withdrawal can be dangerous- please make sure you stay safe and consider involving your GP to ensure you are safely detoxing.

          I’m on here if you need me xx

          • #29803

            Ami, listen to Mads (and the rest of them)they have been on the inside of this ,they know what it’s like

            .She will not tell you it’s easy but she will tell you it’s doable .

            I fell so many times over the last few month but they kept helping me back up .Use them,use us all .You can get through this and to better things

            Take care

            • #29805

              Dotty! Going into day 9 tomorrow!

              How amazing is that? You have done so incredibly well, and I am crazy proud of you ❤️

              Day 9 was my final day of feeling horrific. Day 10 brought a change in me, I felt more able. And each day since then, I have felt more and more normal.

              I hope you have a good sleep, and I hope tomorrow you will feel loads better xx

        • #29812

          How are you Ami93? I hope you are coping well with whatever life is giving you right now.

          Please if you can, stay in touch and open with the lovely people here.There is so much support and kindness here,tap into it.Let yourself be supported and cared for.

          Take good care

    • #29772

      I cannot believe I have managed a whole week,so a great big thankyou to those who have given a ton of support.I dont think I ever really believed that I could get this far.

      I still feel ropey,I have a total lack of energy ,but having come so far I am clinging on.My magnesium stuff has just arrived so,canb anyone tell me….Do I use this stuff when the legs start the manic twitching,OR do I use it every day regardless ? Any idea anyone ?

      I hope you are all doing well and fighting on with determination.

      • #29780

        Well done Dotty!

        A whole week away from codeine is absolutely brilliant. Congratulations xx

        • #29788

          I never thought I could get this far,I still cannot believe I have managed a whole week

          I don’t feel great TBH but all the nausea and toilet issues are behind me now I just need the legs to behave now!!

          Thankyou so much for all the support you have given me

          • #29791

            It could literally be any day now and all your physical symptoms will end. Then you never have to experience this again!

            You’ve got this Dotty, you’ve absolutely smashed it xx

    • #29773

      Whoop!! Congratulations Dotty!

      Re magnesium I have read today about a number of ladies who take it and get great results. Did you get the spray? I would play around and see what suits. If it is tablets, I would say take regularly as they will need to build up. But the spray could probably be used as and when. However, if it was me and was plagued with a problem, I would use daily to start until I was confident that it was doing what it needs xx

      • #29787

        I have the spray oil

        I am assuming it will be absorbed through the skin

        I think it’s good advice to use it regularly initially ,

        If I could get the legs under control and so get some sleep Ian sure I would feel a lot better

        Yesterday I was sooooo close to getting some OTC pills but between you ,the support kept me going until bed time

        A great big Thankyou to you all

    • #29785


      I am so grateful for all the support I have got here

      Without it I would never have made it this far

      All I need now is to start feeling a tad livelier !

    • #29786

      Does anyone here know how I should use the magnesium oil?

      I am not sure if it’s to be used at the onset of the crazy legs or if I should use it daily regardless

      Any advice would be very welcome

    • #29795

      So glad you didn’t go the OTC route! This stage like all of them passes but it can seem like a very long time.

      Yes, the magnesium will be absorbed through the skin. It is thought that is the best absorption as it goes straight through to the bloodstream without having to metabolised via the liver.

      How did you sleep Dotty?

    • #29797

      I had a decent(ish) night and I think the legs were a tad better.I used the magnesium before I went to bed and then again in the night.

      I did come very close to buying the OTC stuff.If I had had any in the house I may well have swallowed it.The fact that I would have had to go and buy some was enough to put the brakes on.For now at least I think keeping any in the house would be a serious mistake.

      I wouldn`t want to mislead anyone at the start of their own journey by saying I am totally fine already,because that is not the truth.I still feel ropey and lacking in any energy but the nausea and tummy troubles are already feeling like a thing of the past.I have bought some Barroca this morning which will hopefully help.

      I know I have already said it,but I am so shocked I need to say it again.I cannot believe I actually did it !

      I have had so much support from you all,and your compassion has been amazing,I would never have got through the week without you all.If I can help anyone even a tenth of the way I have been helped,then I am here and listening.

    • #29798

      Well done Dotty. You have done amazingly!

      I convinced myself I needed them. I have a really bad back – but i’m 19 days off codeine and my back has been fine! If anything, without codeine masking everything, i’m way more in tune with my body. So I know if i’m hurting myself, where I don’t think I did before!

      Well done again ❤️

    • #29800

      Honestly Ami93,no one has had as many slip ups as I have had. Truly I never thought I could actually get through to the other side.

      Like you I never thought I was capable of making the change I knew I needed to make.

      Some days I loathed myself,

      Yet here I am over a week without codeine.

      You WILL get there.Be kind to yourself

      Best wishes to you

    • #29802

      Hey Ami, I think you are not alone in slip ups. What I found over the years was that those slips became a habit all of their own. I would quit, slip, quit and it was a cycle. You don’t have to do that. Stick close, grab some support (really really does help) and put this behind you like it sounds you want to xx P..s many moons ago I used to take heroin, it is a nasty nasty drug but it can be beaten and you can definitely do it.

      Dotty, amazing work! I would be very surprised if you felt perfect at this stage. It does take time but each day gives that little push to keep going and the confidence to know you can. The magnesium seems to be helping which is great. Love hearing your success xx

    • #29806

      Hey Everyone,

      I’m currently contemplating a taper. I’ve had problems with addiction my full life. Mostly drugs. My brother committed suicide two years ago and I turned to food.

      6 months ago I had a gastric sleeve. Removing food I turned to DHC currently taking 350mg to 600mg per day.

      I’ve always thought I had the ability to stop before I went too far and have shown this with previous addictions. But in the last month my dose has went up 25%.

      I would like to think of realistic ways to taper. I’m going on holiday to vegas a once in lifetime holiday for me a week on Sunday and don’t want to WD there.

      My partner is supportive of my decision. I also worry about work in the past two years I’ve managed to create a successful business. The first thing I’ve managed to Truly stick after leaving my job as a nurse.

      I suppose I’m scared of losing everything for this stupid addiction.

      Thanks for listening 🙂

      • #29813

        Some of us have the kind of personalities that lend themselves to almost any addiction.The best thing I ever did was admitting this to myself.This in turn opened the door for change.A change I very much needed to make.

        I will not give you any advice on how to approach a taper. There are others here far more qualified to help you with that. The best advice I can give you, is tap into the support here and use it.No one has ever judged me when I fell (Often),instead they helped me up when I felt I could not. The support here is amazing,and its support that has the power to get you through.

        • #29814

          Thank you ????

          In reply to your other post. I love noticed when I don’t have a crutch or a prop – I feel empty and hollow too. I think it’s a common trait amongst people who are experiencing issues with addiction.

          I’m hoping to get clean and fill my life and that hollow with some things good for the soul.

          Today hasn’t been too bad. I’ll admit I watched the clock until it was time to take my tablets. But I have taken a third of what I usually would have by this point in the day.

          Have a lovely day


          • #29816

            Ahhh…clock watching ! Waiting for your own “Permission” to pop a few pills.

            I would like to, say that this sounds bonkers,but in the grip of an addiction this actually sounds quite sane and sensible !

    • #29807

      Hey Everyone,

      I’m currently contemplating a taper. I’ve had problems with addiction my full life. Mostly drugs. My brother committed suicide two years ago and I turned to food.

      6 months ago I had a gastric sleeve. Removing food I turned to DHC currently taking 350mg to 600mg per day.

      I’ve always thought I had the ability to stop before I went too far and have shown this with previous addictions. But in the last month my dose has went up 25%.

      I would like to think of realistic ways to taper. I’m going on holiday to vegas a once in lifetime holiday for me a week on Sunday and don’t want to WD there.

      My partner is supportive of my decision. I also worry about work in the past two years I’ve managed to create a successful business. The first thing I’ve managed to Truly stick after leaving my job as a nurse.

      I suppose I’m scared of losing everything for this stupid addiction.

      Thanks for listening 🙂

      • #29808

        Hi there Finally, Welcome to you!

        Sounds like you have had some very difficult times in your life. I so sorry to hear that. I have never tapered (don’t have the discipline) but I know some people who have. From what I have read, some recommend dropping 10% of your dose per week to stave off the worst of withdrawals. Some have done quicker of course. It can take a long time to come off completely.

        Is your goal to be completely clean before Vegas? The holiday sounds amazing ! If so, I would say you will still be tapering while away. If you are going to continue your taper while away, that would be doable if you have the discipline to stick to it.

        Whatever you decide, stick around. Support really helps with this tricky addiction.

        Well done on attempting this, its definitely doable and taking codeine in any form is no way to live. Sounds like you have built a great life that’s worth hanging on to xx

    • #29809

      Hey Casey,

      Thanks for your message. I’m going to attempt tapering before I need to go CT.

      My work and current financial situation requires me to be on the ball :/ although if I have to. I’ll put myself first and take some time off if necessary.

      I’ve started this morning. Instead of 4 I’ve taken two. I’m putting notes on my diary. The morning is the worst as I’ve been sleeping and not dosed so wake up with pain & stomach cramps etc. This adddiction is the worst. Constantly dosing to function at baseline.

      Been realistic I don’t think it’s possible with my schedule and clients to be completely clean before vegas and also don’t want to ruin me and my partners holiday by suffering withdrawal effects.

      Even if I can try get to normal dose before going away I’ll be happy. Then the hard work starts when I come home.

      Thanks for replying


      • #29810

        Hiya ‘finallycaughtup’ – welcome!

        Same as Casey, I didn’t taper either. Less out of discipline as I still have a load of codeine in my cupboard, but more because I had no idea of the discomfort that I was about to put myself through ????

        If I were to do this again, I would taper 100%.

        As for your holiday, definitely don’t ruin it by suffering through withdrawals, because it really is a horrid thing to go through.

        My advice would be the same as Casey, taper off 10% a week. That way your w/d’s should be minimal.

        It’s an amazing thing to do, so be proud of yourself!

        We are all rooting for you, and here if you need us xx

      • #29815


        I did not taper,I was kind of pushed into CT. I totally lack the self discipline anyway to taper !

        If I were to go back and start this all over again (Never in a million years ) I would recommend a taper over CT.

        It sounds as though you have everything to do this for, and you sound very disciplined. You have already done the hard part in recognising the need for change.

        One way or another everyone here has been where you are at right now,and some of us many, many, times. The people here are gold and all the support you need is here for you.

    • #29811

      I actually feel reasonably good today.I sprayed the legs with Magnesium before I went to bed ,and actually slept for 4 hours without waking.This is a massive improvement on a few days ago.

      My challenge now though is to stay off them.

      I will give you an example of where I am at……

      Before I gave up alcohol (Several years ago now ) I would sit under an umbrella sipping wine in the sun,and I will freely admit,I LIKED IT !! (I only gave up alcohol because my mother was an alcoholic and it scared me).So then I took to codeine (See the pattern emerging ?) Where others sat in the sun sipping wine,I popped a few pills,so where do I go from here ? I will freely admit to a Diet Coke habit,but when the sun is shining and all the world seems to be chilled and happy,where does this leave me ? Suddenly I have no prop,and actually I feel I NEED a prop. Apart from a cocktail of very much needed prescription meds,I am as clean as a whistle,I don`t smoke,I don`t drink and I do not ever again pop codeine,so tell me you very wise ladies,why do I feel so empty and how do I fill the hole ?

    • #29817

      Hi Ladies!

      Yep I too can relate to that hollow empty feeling. The thing with being clean is feeling that empty feeling for a while. Usually something with happen or an idea pops up of something you have perhaps always fancied or been interested in. The key is allowing that hole /void to be there so it can be filled (not with something crappy either) Its so hard, and I am not a poster child for this in any way as I have fallen so many times, but I have had some longer periods of sobriety and I know it to be true. Then the key is to ensure that you don’t allow moments of weakness/boredom or I can just have one thoughts to sneak in! Its a lifelong journey.

      As an aside, if that void makes you realise you might need therapy/extra support, get that too as its the perfect time for a bit of naval gazing and retrospection.

      You’re both doing great and talking is a wonderful motivator ! xx

    • #29823

      Hey everyone 🙂

      Managed today ok with 11 DHC and 3 cocodamol. Managed not to redose and stuck to allotted times.

      Not going to lie the restless legs dropping to this is killing me already but I’ll get through and hopefully stabilise some more.

      Head pounding, sweats upset stomach and bone pain. I’ve kept busy all day tho and day 1 is done. I’m determined to do this properly for my own sanity.

      I’ve managed to drop 10-15 DHC today. So hopefully the wd don’t get too bad.

      I’m freaking out regarding my holiday. The DHC I get aren’t mine :/ the doctor cut me off a long time ago. I’ll need to take some to America with me hopefully at that point I’m on ten a day. They are in a legit script box with a sticker so maybe I can make the label look tatty. I would contact my doctor but it opens up a whole can of worms regarding my job etc.

      Wishing use all a lovely Sunday


      • #29828

        The restless legs are the absolute worst. I use a weighted blanket but obviously it is far too hot for that. Speaking from my own (Very recent) experience it did pass pretty quickly. Its dreadful whilst it does though.

        It sounds as though you have made a good start and you are clearly committed to quitting the evil pills. The first step on this journey to freedom is the hardest step and you have already taken it.

        I cannot offer you any advice or tips re taking the pills to America as I have mine on prescription so have never been in that situation. I have taken my own meds all over the world and I have never, ever, been asked to show the prescription let alone get the meds out of their boxes, although I can fully understand your anxiety about this.

        Stay strong and good luck

        • #29831

          It’s calmed down slightly today. But night time is creeping in. I use a weighted blanket too. Although I agree far too warm for that. I’m not used to this weather in Scotland ????.

          I’m very committed. There the devil. I’ve managed again today to stick too my plan my head isn’t as sore either. I’ve had slight wds cutting my dose but nothing too bad.

          Thank You 🙂 Enjoy the Weather will it lasts!


        • #29832

          How are you getting on Dotty? Is the physical stuff easing off for you now ?????????

          Hiya ‘Finally’, glad today has been better for you! Hopefully you’ll get through it unscathed ????

          Good luck for anyone who is going through withdrawals- anything worth having is never easy, but a choice in favour of your health is always the right call. You can do this ????????Xx

          • #29859

            I am beginning to think that giving up the pills was actually the easy part TBH. I am not actually filled with cravings for the evil pills ,its more a question going round and round on a loop in my head .The question going round and round on this loop is “What`s instead of (The evil pills).When I gave up alcohol I started taking the evil pills.This was not a conscious decision, nevertheless that was the reality of it. So, the evil pills are gone, and the brain is demanding an alternative I had hoped the brain would accept the Diet Coke as a viable “Evil Pills” substitute. Maybe it will ,and I have not given it time to assimilate to this new normal ?

            • #29860

              I totally get it Dotty-

              Life starts to revolve around pill taking, so then what now? What can be substituted to give that ‘high’?

              I’m just over three weeks, and so far, it feels a lot like depression. Sleep is still rubbish, so i’m tired all day. I feel very little enthusiasm, and don’t seem to feel joy as I did. BUT I think its all just gonna take time for our bodies and mind to recalibrate. Then I am confident the joy will come back, from normal life stuff (ie reading, tele, exercise etc) xx

      • #29864

        I hope everything is going well for you and that you are super excited about your upcoming holiday .I hope you do not experience any problems with your prescription whilst travelling.

    • #29825

      Hi Finally,

      Sounds like you are off to a great start.

      Have you thought of Imodium for the upset stomach? It was a miracle for me when things were bad. The sweats/aching I just had to get through and although not nice, they were a good reminder as to why I was doing this. You have cut down an awful lot in one go. I see why you are doing this and hopefully it doesn’t put you off.

      Not sure what to suggest about DHC and travel. Its a worry for sure but hopefully over this week your body will become accustomed to less codeine over the week.

      Hang in there, life really does get better even though sometimes it feels it won’t xx

    • #29858

      Hi Ladies,

      How are you all doing? Hopefully feeling OK although I know how awful the early days can feel. Remember, they do pass and you are one step further to freedom.

      Wishing you all a decent day even if it is hotter than hell out there xx

    • #29861

      I must be one of the lucky ones I guess as I have no depression, in fact I am still high on the fact that I have ditched the evil pills. I am still shocked that I actually ditched them.

      The pills had not given me a high for a very long time. In the end I took them just to feel “Normal”

      The word “Recalibrate” is one I am going to hang on to. Hopefully my body will not take too long to do this.

      Stay safe

      • #29863

        Yeah, you’ve done amazingly Dotty!

        I’m super proud of you.

        Remember that taking codeine is never helpful, and once the high wears off (which doesn’t take long) it isn’t coming back.

        Well done, again xx

    • #29866

      Hey Everyone 🙂

      I hope were all well. Ive struggled abit today but have managed to take 7DHC and 2 Cocodamol – I bought some loperamide for the stomach issues and taking magnesium supplements also. Cutting down hasn’t been the worst. Just the build up from when my previous dose is wearing off. Although all and all im ok.

      I think Ill be fine going abroad. Hopefully I get the rest I need once over there 🙂

      Then when back the hard work really starts. Im hoping to balance on ten dhc a day this week which will be over half my usual.

      its been three days at this dose. so hopefully the ads from cutting so drastically don’t get much worse.


      • #29893

        I don`t know if anyone has already mentioned Imodium Melts. When the bathroom issues strike (And they will !) it works super fast, considerably faster than the capsules. It was mentioned in a post some weeks ago ,that in high doses this could work on the opioid receptors in the brain. I actually asked my Neurologist the question ” How much is a high dose” He told me that if I were buying the Melts (Which are on average around 60p each here) I would need hundreds of pounds to cause any sort of meaningful effect. He would not be drawn any further on the amount, or what he meant by “Meaningful effect” In retrospect i hope he did not think I was a candidate for spending hundreds of pounds on a diarrhoea product. Anyone who takes huge amounts of these type of product must be bunged up for all eternity. Ouch ! Anyway… as you are going to be travelling soon, , I thought I would mention it, as a long haul flight is hardly the best venue to be struck down with this kind of problem. They really do work within the half hour.

        I hope you are doing OK and not suffering too much.

        • #29995

          Thank you Dotty, I managed to source some of the melts.

          I had a bad day on Thursday at work and took ten I actually hadn’t even realised.

          Anyways my body seems to have settled just now at 8-10.

          Which Im ok about just now until after my holiday where the hard work will really start.

          I actually didn’t take any from 6pm yesterday until 1pm today – but wow the sore head and the bone pain was terrible.

          Hopefully after my holiday I can get back to tapering further down 🙂 hope you are well.

          • #30006

            I am glad the melts help

            They work really quickly which is the main benefit

            I am doing ok but cannot shake off this feeling of looking for something to fill the gap which I feel DHC has left

            It’s early days though

            Because I know I am the type that could get addicted to plain water I am kind of expecting myself to fail

            I lack the confidence to trust myself

            Bonkers !!

            I hope you have a brilliant holiday and come back stronger than ever

    • #29867

      Hey Everyone 🙂

      I hope were all well. Ive struggled abit today but have managed to take 7DHC and 2 Cocodamol – I bought some loperamide for the stomach issues and taking magnesium supplements also. Cutting down hasn’t been the worst. Just the build up from when my previous dose is wearing off. Although all and all im ok.

      I think Ill be fine going abroad. Hopefully I get the rest I need once over there 🙂

      Then when back the hard work really starts. Im hoping to balance on ten dhc a day this week which will be over half my usual.

      its been three days at this dose. so hopefully the ads from cutting so drastically don’t get much worse.


    • #29873

      Hi Ladies,

      You are doing brilliantly Dotty! So your restless legs have calmed down completely now? Do you think the magnesium is helping?

      And you also Finally. You have just about halved your usage I believe?

      I love how determined you both are to kick this to the curb.

      Rest will definitely help with what you have to do on your return. Will you continue to taper or try cold turkey? Either way, it will be something to focus on clearing this rubbish from your system.

      Have a good night both xx

      • #29874

        Hey Casey,

        Yea I’ve went from >20 to no more than ten now – still sitting at 7 for the day so I may finish short today ????

        I’ve not decided what to do yet. I think I should stabilise on ten just now then when I come back my holiday. Starting dropping 1 tablet per day every week.

        My plan is to go to 9… then 8 and so on. If I don’t need to go CT I won’t – however I’m determined to get off them so I might just take the plunge.

        That’s two weeks aways worry lol ???? keeping it to the day just now.

        Hopefully it won’t be as a bad regardless as if tapered down loads.

        Thank you enjoy the rest of your night too. I’m currently lying with three fans at all angles trying to get some air ????


        • #29888

          That’s an incredible drop! Your plan seems like a good one too.

          Tapering is definitely the kinder way to go, I just know it would never work for me. Way too little discipline.

          Nearly 31 in my room today. Melting xx

      • #29887

        Well,I am DOING IT, brilliantly is not the word I would use to describe it though ! The restless legs are quite a bit better. Yes, I think its the magnesium spray, as its the only thing I have done differently .I reckon I am getting as much sleep as anyone is right now.

        Right now I think my body has accepted the evil pills are gone and is healing well. However, not so the mind. Those who drink have a glass of wine at the end of the day. Those who pop the evil pills pop a pill. Then there is me, and those like me .My Diet Coke addiction is going well though. Those who drink alcohol can choose between red or white wine , Me ? I choose between Diet Coke and Cherry Coke ! Cheers !!

        • #29889

          I think you are doing brilliantly. You have a fab attitude and a sense of humour. That’s pretty amazing in my book.

          With you on the lack of relaxation protocols. I have absolutely none. Must find one soon before any craving strikes.

          Day 26 today. Looking forward to day 30! xx

          • #29891

            Actually ,Ice pops could be a valid addiction, and as long as they are sugar free they are a pretty safe one at that. See ,even sugar is not safe around me.

    • #29877

      Well done ‘J’ on halving your amount! – really good job!

      You’ve definitely done it quickly, so it’s unsurprising if you were to suffer some withdrawals as a result.

      I really don’t want you to ruin your holiday, so I would caution reducing too fast from here on out.

      When you get home, if you have the discipline and motivation to continue your taper, then I say go for it!

      If I were to do this again, I certainly would do it that way. But I was too impatient (and naive).

      You’ve got this, well done on what you’ve done so far!x

      • #29892

        To J

        Have a great holiday and if doing so means treading water for now then I have to agree with earlier posts.

        Fro my own [Awful) experience if the withdrawals hit they are brutal and the only place you will want to be is bed

        The evil pills have had enough of your life don’t let them spoil your holiday

        Stay safe out there

    • #29890

      I guess its more a case of if I don`t laugh I may well cry. If I were inclined to tears I have plenty I could cry about ,I just don`t. Like everything else, I wouldn`t know when to stop. No one in their right mind would want to be addicted to crying !

      Stay safe

    • #29903

      Hi Ladies,

      How you doing today? That’s a great explanation of the Imodium Dotty. So true. They are a lifesaver in the early days and even seem to settle the nausea in my case.

      I am coming up to 30 days codeine free (Saturday) and I cannot believe a) what I have been through and b) how relatively quickly our bodies heal. Going through it seems like it will never end and feels like the end of the world. Looking back now, I cannot believe that its not that long ago that I felt that life wasn’t worth living any more. That feeling of doom, followed by crushing depression is so so awful but it does lift even if we don’t think it will.

      I know Ive a long way to go. I haven’t had a craving yet. I know I will get one and they scare me rigid. I have found it so hard to fight them previously and failed at every turn. I can’t do that anymore and the battle if/when it comes is worrying.

      Hopefully, the measures I have put in place will mitigate anything coming down the track.

      Have a lovely evening everyone and keep going. Its so worth it. xx

      • #29921

        I am not sure if the Melts helped my nausea or not really.Because of the medication regime I need to be on I have prescription Cyclizine which is for the nausea caused by the various drug interactions.On top of that I took travel sickness pills which are good for stopping vomiting ion its tracks.It may seem like I went overboard on this type of med ,but there is a very good (Medical and boring)reason for it. Belt and braces.

        You may feel you have a long way to go but you have already travelled so far and because of your willingness to share your journey you have helped so many people like me to navigate their own journey.

        I haven`t had any specific cravings either. My body does not seem to care WHAT, I give it as long as I give it too much of SOMETHING .Right now ,that too much , thankfully seems to be still focused on Diet Coke. I am well aware that this could change any second now and my next addiction is likely Ice Pops .You may laugh or even snigger ,but I am deadly serious. I am well aware I have a seriously addictive personality. ( That sounds wrong I do not mean to suggest that others could be come addicted to me ! ) I am trying to stay one step in front by lining up several other addictions, in the name of damage limitation. You are doing well and you inspire me every day to keep to the narrow path we have both set ourselves on.

        • #29923

          I hear you on the addictive personality Dotty. I have only ever been addicted to stuff that’s given me the feeling, but I can see the traits with something like sugar and I do have to be careful.

          I am so pleased that sharing my journey has helped you. It helps me too to get it all out there. Its not something I feel I can share with my family and friends and its quite convenient to put down my unusual behaviour to the menopause!

          I do wish some of the old timers on this thread would chip in sometimes. It helped me so very much at the beginning to see others walking this path and I would love to hear how they are doing now xx

    • #29907

      I’m right behind Casey (on day 24), and she is right, it is so worth it.

      I don’t take a bag out with me now, just my phone and keys. I don’t check dates. I don’t keep an eye on the time. I don’t over sleep anymore. I wake up feeling better. I laugh more. Everything is better.

      If you’re thinking of stopping, do it.

      No-one will do it for you. A couple of weeks and you’ll wonder what all the fuss was about xx

      • #29922

        Those little things are so important to acknowledge aren’t they? I went to Tesco this morning and didn’t have to dive into the pharmacy for my fix. It felt monumental. I track pharmacists. So if it is the same one, I will go to another chemist. Wearing a mask has made this much easier. The only time it backfired was when I went round the corner smack bang into the pharmacist. I am ashamed to say I ran away. He knew full well what I was after. He even called after me. Traumatised I was!

        Life is so much simpler, and richer. I have more money left over this month and its nice. I bought 2 books to treat myself 🙂 xx

    • #29938

      Hi all.

      Been on this thread several times over the last couple of years as I’ve tried and failed to come off Codeine a number of times.

      Today is day 4 (cold turkey) of attempt 5 and I’m determined to do it this time.

      However, my usage seems quite different to most in that I have always taken one enormous dose a day, early evening. I happened across an extraction method I’m sure some of you know which meant I could take a lot of the ibuprofen out of Nurofen Plus. As a result, I finished on 66 tabs in one go every day.

      So, I’m wondering if others have experience of this type of use and whether it is likely to affect withdrawal etc?

      I’m telling myself I might have it easier as I wasn’t constantly topping up and, instead, my body has been slowly ‘coming off’ it every day.

      So far, I’ve had loads of aches, terrible low mood, sweaty nights/hot flushes during day and lethargy/low energy. But, no restless legs, no stomach issues and only minor diarrhoea for the first time today…

      Any advice or experience appreciated, and we’ll done to those of you fighting and winning against the horrible stuff.

      • #29940

        Hiya Oobs!

        Well done on getting to day 4! The good news is, it only gets better from here ????

        I didn’t take nurofen plus, only codeine phosphate, and my usage was within the prescribed amount. So I can’t advise on that- but from the others I have spoken to, it all follows a similar pattern, so you should be feeling tons better very soon.

        Keep going, you are doing fab ????????Xx

      • #29948

        Hi Oobs

        Welcome and well done on your progress to date, you sound determined and ready to fight so good on you for that! I am a nurofen plus addict and worry about the ibuprofen and potential damage. I have never heard of extraction method, what is this do you mind me asking?

      • #29949

        Well done on getting to day 4.Day 4 was the very worst for me,after that things did begin to get better.I have to be honest though,it is still very early days and feeling rubbish at this point is par for the course.

        Keep up the good work

    • #29941

      Hiya Oobs and a massive welcome to you.

      I have heard of others that dose as you do and also the CWE technique. At least you are not getting super high doses of ibuprofen which will sure help. However you are still getting 825 mg of codeine which I am sure you know is converted by the liver to a morphine equivalent so as far as withdrawal timeline etc it will probably run along the same lines as most of us. Having said that, we are all different and respond in different ways.

      The symptoms you have noted seem to be similar to what I experienced. I too never had restless legs but did have stomach issues.

      I think the main thing is you are here and fighting so that is amazing. Well done. I found after day 4 I just needed to get through the days. I still felt horrible and that took a little time to lift. I am day 29 today and still plagued by sleep/anxiety but that could possibly be other issues causing that too.

      Stick around and we will support you as much as possible xx

    • #29942

      Thanks, both. It is good to have folk to talk to who really ‘get it’…

      It is odd how differently some of us are affected – I have got to day 11, day 9 and, once, a month or so, but never had any issues with anxiety or trouble sleeping (other than waking in a pool of sweat before going back to sleep).

      In the past, I’ve wished for day 1 to be the worst and then for it to slowly get better (I think it would be easier if you knew tomorrow was going to be better for sure) but I definitely feel worse today than yesterday…

      Still, onwards and upwards for the sake of the rest of my life hopefully!

      I’ve got a good 100 tabs in the cupboard and haven’t really been tempted once so I am hoping something has ‘clicked’. I’m binning them today when I pop to the shops and I know that’ll feel good.

      • #29946

        I have to ask, how do you have 100 in the cupboard? Unless I travelled to numerous chemists in one day I would never be able to stockpile that amount. Oh, I lie, over one Christmas and new year I didn’t want to be panicking so put together a spreadsheet of all the chemists and opening times, so that I could go to multiple ones and build a stockpile over the break. Thinking of it now, is mortifying. What on earth was I thinking and how desperate to spend all that time and money doing that.

        Its so nice and such a relief to be free of that along with the obsessive counting, rationing and worrying that was my life before

    • #29943

      I’m the same Oobs- I still have a load of them in my cupboard, but I haven’t been near them.

      You’re right, it’s the rest of your life. You don’t wanna spend it slaving around codeine, it’s not worth it.

      Also, I was expecting every day to ease off too- and it did, from about day 6/7, before I started feeling loads better on day 10. I’m here now on day 26 and despite getting some mild headaches, I feel like i’m through the worst of it.

      Keep going, I’ll be here to help where possible – you are doing so so so well ❤️Xx

      • #29947

        I just don’t know how you do it either Mads. Having them there, taunting you (at least that’s where my head would be 🙂 ) Same with alcohol. I don’t have it in the house. Although if people drink around me Im OK with that, just don’t want it sitting there calling my name as I have the willpower of a wet lettuce xx

        • #29950

          You have the willpower of a gladiator Casey, or you wouldn’t have been able to quit drinking AND opiates!xx

    • #29951

      Hey guys,

      I don’t know if you remember me but I did really well cold Turkey when I found out I had stomach ulcers but once they cleared I fell back into the trap. I’ve recently been diagnosed as coeliac, so changing my diet has ultimately got rid of the initial pain I started taking these for anyway. The rouble is, idk WHY I take them. My mental health is bad but I am on Prozac AND Amytriptaline and have read a few stories of people’s MH getting better after binning gluten too. My trouble isn’t the physical withdrawals. I’m very lucky. My trouble is not even with cravings as such. I can go a week or so, even two three weeks without taking any, then it’s like some unseen force just drives me into a pharmacy. I’m so desperate to get off of these pills. If anyone has any tips for beating them after the physical withdrawals please let me know. I’ve just taken some and I am so desperate to stay off of them I even gave the last of my money away to a friend who’s birthday it was so I physically cannot buy anymore until at least payday.

      • #29967

        Hey 5yrsofhell, I so remember you! Its great to see you even though under difficult circumstances. I too had bleeding somewhere in my stomach a few years ago. They wanted me to go for an endoscopy but was too afraid and when I felt better I started again as has been the same pattern for so long.

        I have also been on Prozac which unfortunately didn’t help with my addictions although it did help me with depression.

        That unseen force driving you to a chemist is me to a T. And I have failed so many times. This time, it has to be different. I have a few reasons and bargains I have made myself that I cannot fail. I KNOW deep down I can be happy off them. I have to learn to manage the cravings if an when they arise. That is my fear too BUT I have put some plans in place to help myself. 1. I have someone who I met on here who I have promised to call if I feel I am falling.. I have never made a bargain like that before. It means I have to give myself some thinking time before I career like a lunatic to the pharmacy. 2. Being a woman of a certain age, I have asked the doctor for HRT as my habit has got much worse over the last few years and I think some of it might be menopausal. 3. I am practising imagining my life without my crutch and counting the blessings and money I am saving.

        The other things I would do if it got too tricky would be to seek medical help for addiction. I have spent most of my life addicted to something including alcohol, amphetamines and for a period of time, heroin. NP is the one thing I have not been able to remove from my life. This time, they HAVE to go. I don’t want to live this way ever again.

        I hope some of my ramblings help you a bit, but also stick around and soak up some of the support here.

        Lastly, it is all in the mind to stop, then the work begins and it is the mind, body and soul that you will need to keep you off them. That doesn’t mean its always going to be a fight, but get your mind in the right place to start and then lean on us or anyone to get you through. Once you are through, help others.

        Best wishes xx

        • #29985

          Thank you, the money saving is a huge motivation for me because I have a REALLY good job (which I love) and I get paid so well but it all goes down the drain on these pills 🙁

    • #29952

      The problem with we addictive types is that it is always all or nothing

      Ultimately one teeny tiny devil pill or even the vapour from alcohol can set us back years

      Best not ….

    • #29953

      Yes it would

      It’s their stories which in the early days kept me going

      To be fair though I do get why they want to put all of it behind them and move forward with their lives

      TBH I don’t think I will ever get to that point

      Like a recovered alcoholic is always said to be in recovery always

      I think that’s pretty much the same for me and the devil pills

      • #29970

        Ditto Dotty!

        How you doing today? xx

        • #29971

          Dotty is exactly right Casey-

          You were there for me, as i’ve seen you there for so many others.

          You are wonderful, and i’m really grateful to you ❤️

          • #29976

            And I am grateful to you Mads! Incredibly.

            Day 30 tomorrow !! xx

        • #29975

          Well I have just necked 2 diet cokes straight off and I am not even thirsty !!

          I gave up coffee years ago as I was a bit bonkers about it so I may have to move on to caffeine free cola

          I swear if I got addicted to water I would end up drowning


          I always seem to Be trying to find my next fix and anything will do!

          I have not yet had my DCH off my script and I have no real understanding why except maybe I don’t want to

          That fact alone scares me

          Other than all that I am keeping getting through each day and waiting for the constant fear of whatever next

    • #29954

      That’s the thing, I gave up alcohol and never looked back, it didn’t bother me At all I am just coming up to 5 years. The insidious thing about these pills is you can take them to relax but still be functional. Ideally the Prozac should be helping my anxiety but if I still feel like I need to take something to “relax” then maybe I need to up my dose or get a PRN.

      • #29955

        Hey 5yrs! –

        My only advice is that as you say you’ve stopped taking them for up to a month or so, which doesn’t make it enough time to get over the ‘mental’ side of it.

        There are people i’ve spoken to say that it can be two months before the mental side can ease off. So keep at it! ❤️Xx

        • #29984

          Hey Mads,

          Thanks so much for your reply. I took some this morning as lots to do today, but I have the majority of next week off/working from home so that really is my last lot. It sounds weird but I find it easier to be in the worst bit of physical withdrawal while I am occupied working from home etc. I am just going to have to try and stay in this mindset. Psychologically even when I’ve done ages I tell myself “one pack won’t hurt” but as we all know it doesn’t stop there. Hope everyone else is doing ok, Star, when I have up alcohol I went to the nurse around 18 months later and she said your liver will be brand new now, it has the absolute to completely regenerate itself, so I am sure you will be fine, but let us know how you get on.

    • #29956

      CaseyJ, exactly as you describe – I tour chemists across three towns. That’s 16 chemists and, with so many different employees, it’s never been difficult to get them. Only once have I been told ‘no’ by a really young assistant who said she couldn’t keep selling me them so regularly. Nobody else remembers you in a big town…

      I feel I can cope with anything psychological as that’s easy to convince myself it’ll pass but the lack of energy and aches are the worst for me.

      Thanks for all support, guys, your progress and success is a proper inspiration!

      Flo1981, I’m really sorry but I don’t feel comfortable sharing the method for extraction. I totally get your fears over Ibuprofen dosage but, in my lowest points, the thing I wished above all others is that I never found this method. Once I did, it was so easy to justify my dosage steadily getting bigger and bigger, which I know has made it much harder to crack. The method is also not totally effective so I know I’ve been getting pretty large doses of ibuprofen anyway since I got up into using 50-60 and above tablets.

      • #29957

        Hey Oobs,

        How are you getting on now. I was one for the N+ as well. On Thursday I took 128, I dread to think of what that is doing to my insides when I have health problems as well. I have only taken 56 today. There’s no way I could taper so tomorrow is the start of my cold turkey. All of your stories are so helpful. I’m just going to keep telling myself there is a whole forum of people that have cracked it, it isn’t that hard.

        • #29959

          It is hard

          I have to tell you this just so you are not shocked when the WIthdrawals hit

          It is VERY hard,

          But you can do it

          You have to want to do it and you have to want it real bad

          The best advice given to me in the early days was to take it hour by hour

          And take all the support we have to offer

          Good luck

      • #29968

        Yep, with you on the big towns. Much easier.

        The lack of energy, and depression for me was the worst. It seemed to last forever but looking back, it didn’t. The aches, I would say 5-7 days. You can do this! Not easy but so worthwhile.

        Paracetamol and ibuprofen do help with the flu type aches as does Imodium for the tummy. I also took berocca which seemed to help and I understand that magnesium is excellent although I haven’t tried it.

        If you can deal with the psychological you can deal wit anything xx

    • #29962

      5yrs, I planned a taper and bought enough for the first few days but, like you, decided that it wouldn’t work for me. I just felt that, if I was taking 50, I may as well do 60 as you can always put the reduction off until tomorrow whilst you just have one more ‘proper’ dose.

      So, cold turkey it is. Day 4 today is probably the worst so far but, unlike previous attempts, I’m not entertaining thought of trying to do it recreationally maybe once a week after I reach day 10. So, I’m hoping something has fallen into place and I can avoid temptation once I reach the ‘danger zone’ of thinking I’ve got control of it now!

      The worst thing about the withdrawal so far is that the symptoms themselves prevent you doing the best things you would normally do to take your mind off it! I’d love to go for a long walk or to the gym but I walked about 20 minutes this morning and ached so much by the time I got home. Concentration is shot so I can’t read or watch movies for long, and I’m so lacking in energy and enthusiasm that being social is the last thing I want. I know lots of people just hold up in bed for a week but it’s sooo boring that you just think about how crap you feel all the time as the minute eek by! My only advice, therefore, is try to find as many lots different ways to be busy as you can manage.

    • #29969

      Casey,you are already helping others far more than you realise

      I truly feel if I fell you would catch me and if I could not get up you would hold me until I could

      You have a strength and a kindness that so many of us need and you give so freely and openly

      Be kind to yourself too

      • #29972

        That’s so kind of you to say Dotty.

        If sharing my story helps anyone at all, I am happy.

        That is something I have to learn as part of my recovery. I am not always as gentle with myself as perhaps I could be 🙂

        Thank you for those lovely words, it means a lot xx

    • #29974

      Have a good night and take care

    • #29980

      Good Morning

      I’ve read through lots of posts and first of all you are all amazing!!! Reading through everything is a bit scary but I’m so happy I found Somewhere I can be honest and I really hope you can help me too.

      5 years ago I hurt my knee and my doctor introduced me to Zapain! I believe it’s 50mg codein phosphorite and 500g paracetamol. At first I started taking it as suggested but I would say for the past 3 years it has increased and increased , I now take 15 Zapain tablets at once every evening at 6pm when I get home from work. I’m busy through the day but when I get home I take them straight away to give me that relief.

      I’ve not been feeling myself, lots of diorhea the past 3 months and a bad back but right at the bottom of my spine. I go to the gym so thought it might be that and then diorhea maybe it’s as my duet it awful. Went to the doctors and bloods showed in increase in my liver enzymes and while blood cells I think so they have asked for a liver scan and a phone appointment to discuss my bloods in 2 weeks.

      I’ve not slept since this appointment 2 weeks ago. I’m absolutely terrified that my liver is so damaged that I won’t be able to turn it around. I keep telling myself if it was super urgent I would be straight in hospital but we know the NHS is overloaded. Nobody knows I do this, not even my husband.

      I’ve cut my zapain down to 5 from Thursday a day as I understand it’s not good to stop completely.

      Has anyone else had a similar experience, had high liver enzymes but recovered. With 2 children I will never forgive myself but it’s just happened over time, I don’t even know how. Im on google every 2 minutes and it scares the hell out of me.

      Appreciate any advice and support x

      • #29991

        Doctors have a lot to answer for Star. Like most of us here, it was a Dr who started us on the path of self destruction. I have had a couple of joint replacements and I was prescribed DHC .I have only ever taken the prescribed stuff and I sooo wish I never did. I need further surgery and ATM I have no clue how I will deal with that, You WILL get through this because you want is hard and at times I felt as though I could slip at any minutes, but ten minutes on here kept me going. Just someone telling you that you CAN do it makes all the difference. We are all here and we really do know how it is ,so stay close

    • #29981

      Hiya Star! Well done on cutting down – amazing work!

      As for your liver, it is a regenerative organ. It can take a fair beating and still recover, so try not to worry!

      If you haven’t told your doctor about the codeine abuse, they will want to investigate the cause of the problem, so don’t panic!

      Good luck ???????? xx

      • #29982

        Thank you for replying, means the world honestly actually telling someone what I’ve been doing!

        The doctor prescribes me 150 but I buy the extra. 15 a day doesn’t sound massive but that’s 450 a month which is so embarrassing.

        Google scares me so much and has convinced me I may die from liver damage now and it’s too late. I try and take comfort from the inspirational ppl on here who have taken more for longer and stopped, survived but there isn’t much talk about the liver consequences.

        I’m so scared.


        • #29983

          Hi Star,

          Brilliant work cutting down the way you have. How are you feeling?

          Re liver damage, I haven’t heard anyone say that they have lasting damage and like Mads says, the liver will regenerate given the right circumstances. Its great you are getting checked out though.

          Try and stay calm and keep working at reducing/quitting. Will you tell the doctor what has happened?

          Best wishes and stick around for support, it really does help in these difficult times xx

        • #29989

          The liver can pretty much take care of itself

          I take immunosuppressant medication so I have regular liver screening

          Every month I get a call saying something or other is not good

          They repeat the test and ALWAYS it has corrected itself

          Dr Google is not your friend !!

          I am very old compared to you lot so DR Google is still quite new to me

          My advice is stay away from it

          You do not need that kind of advice

          Very little of me actually works as it should so I am well beyond being scared about my health

          I have been collecting my pension many years and am still alive and kicking despite what the blood tests say

          My advice would be to avoid CT if you can

          It is brutal although it’s over quicker I would it choose it

          Good luck and stay chilled

    • #29990

      Whoops re my last post …

      It SHOULD have said…..

      My advice would be to avoid CT if you can.

      It is brutal,and although its over quicker,I WOULD NOT CHOOSE IT !!

      Just felt the need to clarify .

    • #29992

      Hi all,

      I hope everyone is OK this evening and had a decent enough day?

      What I really don’t get, is why GPs keep prescribing them month after month? I had my hip replaced and got 2 weeks of tablets, when I broke my leg I got a big pack of I think 100 tramadol but that was it. GPs know they are addictive so not sure what the thinking behind them is.

      I also do not understand how NP, Solpadiene an panadeine etc are sold OTC. I think they are banned in Australia but it just seems so risky as we all know.

      End of rant 🙂

    • #29993

      I can’t tell you the relief it’s brought of talking to you all today. I’ve kept this to myself for years, so ashamed and my husband doesn’t even know. Nobody knows and to be honest would ever expect it!!!

      I’m also having to go through a colonoscopy on the 10th because of the diorhea and looking to lose my job next week. I’ve never been in such a bad place and right now I thank god you’ve all answered and taken a bit of that pressure off.

      I agree, the nhs have prescribed these for years and yes I bought more on top which I’d my fault but they have still provided my with 150 each month that could have been avoided and helped detox from a long time ago.

      I admire all of you, we are good ppl in bad times. You don’t understand it until you are in it and that’s the hardest bit.

      But I think you all, honestly from the bottom of my heart x

      • #29997

        Try not to worry about the colonoscopy, I’ve had about three. The midazolam they give to relax you really works and 99% of the time, they will bring the sheet of results around straight after so no agonising wait.

        I hope things start to look up for you real soon.

        • #29998

          Thank you so much ???? and I really mean that xx

      • #30007

        You are having a really rough time Star, but trust me the evil pills are not going to help in the longer term

        Like the rest of us you have committed no crime , or done anything wrong , regardless though the only person who can do this is you

        I am glad you feel a little better ,I know very well how that little glimmer of hope feels.Knowing that someone else gets it is such a relief

        Get through each hour as it comes and just keep inching forward

        I hope your procedure is not too traumatising,my hubby had one and he is the worlds biggest baby,if he can get through it ,you can!!

    • #29999

      Maybe playing the devils advocate here… but the issue is that you can’t disprove pain. And pain management is really important.

      They have to review all medications regularly, and it is much stricter now, the onus is on the patient to provide a justification for why you feel you need to continue on opiates.

      If people were upfront with their doctors and said they were taking above the prescribed dose, the gp’s would knock it off-

      But people don’t tend to tell their doctor for fear of it being withdrawn.

      As for buying it OTC, it is sold in 3/4 day supply, so if you took it as intended, you wouldn’t have any withdrawal on cessation.

      Opiates can be crucial for some patients, but I agree, can also cause a great deal of harm when abused xx

      • #30008

        Good points well made!

        Yes, that is all so true xx

    • #30033

      Hi everyone, I hope you are all doing OK.I would usually be passing the day in my allotment and away from any sort of temptation. However its tipping down here so we are confined to quarters.

      I feel that I am sitting on my hands to stop me doing stupid things. I fare so much better when I am busy busy. I reckon I shall be having a super early night !

      I have plans with the Grandkids next week(I say Grandkids like they are toddlers , some of them are actually in their twenties !) I do feel really blessed that even as now almost grown ups they still seek my company. Its the thought of seeing them next week that is helping me stay away from the evil pills(Or anything else !)

      Oh for life to just be simple .

    • #30035

      Ahhh Dotty, I get it.

      But you are doing so so so so well! And you’ve proven you can go without them- so stay strong! Thinking of you xx

      • #30046

        Thankyou that is just what I needed to hear

        This is hard and I see no end

        Is this how I am going to feel for the rest of my life ?

        • #30049

          No Dotty, it’s not how you’ll feel forever.

          There is a reason they say that boredom is dangerous in recovery. It’s easy to feel like nothing will fill the void. There’s nothing exciting in your life anymore etc

          But, it isn’t true.

          With using codeine, your brain produces a ton of dopamine- so when you stop, it feels like nothing will make you as happy or excited. It’s going to take time to correct itself and when it does, it will be so worth it!

          Feeling bored at least means, you aren’t in the throes of the physical pain of withdrawal anymore. So enjoy it. Enjoy the peace of not counting tablets, not finding pharmacies to buy tablets from etc

          You’ve earned your boredom! It will all end, it’s just going to take time xx

        • #30050

          No of course not. You will learn to manage without them but you have to work at it rather than hanging on to what was. Have you thought of joining an online recovery group or similar?

          Its a process, but we can all be happy again without this drug xx

          • #30052

            I know you are right and the opiate happy was not even real

            I was a happy upbeat person before the devil pills took hold so I know I can get back there

            Just a bad day

            Tomorrow is another day

            • #30062

              You will definitely get there Dotty. It just takes a while for the brain to make its own endorphins after being flooded by Codeine. Codeine gives such a massive rush of dopamine that the brain feels it doesn’t need to make its own neurochemicals for a while and that’s why we feel so rubbish. However, like the liver, the brain does regenerate its good hormones but it does take a bit of time. Waiting is painful but that’s what we must do. The other thing you might be able to try to boost your own endorphins is light exercise if you can. Even going for a walk outside helps or spending some time in nature. Its a process and we have to be patient. Something that I and probably most of us lack 🙂 xx

              • #30074

                I do get out into the allotment or garden most days, and you are so right it does help.

                I cannot exercise as I have the weird and wonderful Myasthenia Gravis(Amongst other boring things) which means some days I have all on to even chew let alone anything else. Its not an excuse its the reality of my life.

                Today has not been too bad actually although I am back to waiting for bedtime, bedtime to me signals an end to holding on to willpower. Once I go upstairs I know I will not succumb to temptation , and I know I am safe.

                Its not that I want to go back to the devil pills. What I want back is the lightness of heart that for now I seem to have misplaced.

                Thankyou so much for your support, I would be so lost without it.Navigating my new path is hard.

    • #30036

      Hey guys,

      How are you all doing today? Day 1 for me again but very determined this time as I have just worked out with the money I save not buying these pills I can book a holiday to a 5* resort in Turkey in October. Hope everyone is doing ok, Dotty that is great you have some motivation for next week.

      • #30045

        Well done on the determination that’s the thing that will keep you going

        Stay strong and all the best for day 4

        Once that is behind you the future suddenly seems to look like the place you want to get to

        Good luck and keep putting one foot in front of the other

    • #30037

      Stay strong everyone!!! Honestly you may not see it but you are all so inspirational, strong and kick ass for talking up and doing something about it.

      Can I ask a question. Zapain – co codamol 30mg I believe Is suppose to cause constipation but I’m having constant diorhea for months, plus they’ve found a small lump on a internal exam which I pray is a hemaroid.

      Do you all suffer with constipation or diorhea?? X

      • #30038

        Star I could bang down 4 32 packs of nurofen plus in a day and still go to the toilet a few times and it be really loose. It turns out it’s just a gluten intolerance. But once your body gets used to the pills they won’t constipate you, much like you have to take more to get the buzz or reduce pain. I really wouldn’t worry, I’m sure most of us got to a point where we had zero side effects.

        • #30040

          Wow hun 4 packs on a day. It’s absolutely evil stuff ???? I’ve tried to read through all the thread but how are you doing, are you free now or still withdrawing!

    • #30039

      Hi guys,

      Dotty, that restlessness is awful. Ive had it too a bit today. Head needs to be busy to keep me sane too. It passes thankfully

      Star, for me it was constipation until I stopped taking them then diarrhoea. Maybe you have a polyp? My hubs had them and they were removed easily enough. Bet you can’t wait to get this matter sorted. How are you doing on the codeine front?

      5 yrs, yes I worked out the amount I would save too, it was phenomenal. I have only been off them 31 days but my bank balance is already much healthier and it really does feel good! I am thinking of booking some time away in September. Although I am scared as holidays are a trigger for me. Always needed to take my pills before and it will be a test for me. I just hope the angst doesn’t overwhelm and lessen the enjoyment of going away.

      Keep up the good work everyone. It really is so worthwhile xx

      • #30041

        I really hope it is, I have lower back pain too but at the moment I put 2 and 2 together and get 134!!!!! I’m just so stressed at the moment, dealing with my health and the codein.

        Codein I’m on day 3 and I’m only take 5 a day down from 15 , 30mg. I think I will give it a few days and go down again. I’m not really sure how to do it, I just know I need too xx

        Thank you for asking.

        • #30042

          Hi Star, I have never tapered, but I have read that 10% reduction per week is a decent idea. However, I think it depends very much how you feel. You are doing brilliantly cutting down from 15 to 5. Well done xx

          • #30043

            Thank you ????

    • #30044

      To begin with DHC did cause constipation but my body soon adjusted and all was will

      Every time I was around 12 hours without the DHC then the opposite kicked in and I needed the Imodium melts .

      Keep going and good luck

    • #30051

      I never chased pharmacies as I only ever used prescription devil pills, but I can so relate to the counting,checking dates,and trying to work dates to get my script as early as possible

      The first 2 weeks of each month were good, by the 3rd week it was back to counting and scheming.I am glad that is behind me as it is an exhausting way to live. !!

      I don’t really want excitement in my life I am of an age where excitement is very over rated

      What I do want more than anything is calm and it’s a long time since my body did calm all on it’s own

      I know you are right and this is just a bad spell that will pass

      Thankyou so much for your support

    • #30054

      Hey, all.

      End of day 6 here and it is definitely an improvement on yesterday so hopefully the physical withdrawal is on the way out.

      It’s unbelievable what this process does to the body; I’m training for a couple of half marathons in the next two months and two weeks ago today I ran 18.5km at a decent pace (the morning after taking 60+ Nurofen Plus). This morning, my legs almost wouldn’t carry me up about 30 steps whilst out and about!

      Still haven’t had the little voice telling me I could just have one night on the pills now I’ve ‘basically cracked it’. In the past, that voice had had me at 3, 5 and 9 days so I’m still looking out for the little sh@t!

      Thanks, as always, for the inspiration.

    • #30061

      Hi, Star.

      I’m afraid I’m no use re: tapering as I’m 6 days cold turkey. I’ve failed several taper attempts in the past so decided to go for ‘quick and painful’!

    • #30077

      Oh Dotty, you are so not alone. I too miss the feelings it gave me. Nothing quite like it at all and it did wrap me in a protective hug. BUT the cons outweighed the pro’s tenfold and more and its not the right way to live.

      We will get through this and be able to leave this stuff behind I can promise that, and life will provide its own brightness that will truly be priceless when it comes

    • #30078

      We will get through you are right

      Surely every day is one nearer to finding our way back

    • #30079

      We will get through you are right

      Surely every day is one nearer to finding our way back

    • #30097

      Evening everyone.

      How are you doing?

      Day 33 for me and although I still have residual issues, they are much better. Some days still feel a bit rubbish but others are not too bad. It is such a process and the only way is through. We’ve all got this.

      Hope everyone had a decent day xx

    • #30104

      Day 9 today and definitely over the worst. Frustrating that my legs still feel dead and I can’t exercise properly but a bit more waiting for that is minor compared to the perpetual cycle of pill popping, touring chemists and generally hating what I was going to myself!

      Even the feelings of emptiness and sadness that wash over me periodically are easy to put out of mind as I know that’s just the chemicals in my brain being out of whack. The positivity of knowing I’m never going back makes it easy to rationalise those away – I really feel I’ve done it this time.

      Reflecting on why I feel different this time, I always used to say that the problem with codeine is that you never have a ‘rock bottom’ moment that forces you to action. What I did instead is line up four or five things for August, September and October which I know will be miles better if I’m off the codeine so that I had the biggest incentive to do it possible. When you’ve got no real reason to give up other than a rather abstract notion of poor health at some point in the future, I found it hard to care enough to stop.

      Fingers crossed this had worked for me but I’ll let you know if I fall!

      • #30107

        Wow that’s amazing Oobs!

        You are so right about the lack of rock bottom. Relatively easy to find with alcohol but it just isnt the same with codeine.

        We really have to dig deep to find our reasons/motivations. Its fantastic you have found yours.

        Also there are a million little things to back up why you don’t want to go back. don’t forget those 🙂

      • #30123

        That single phrase of feeling that there is no good reason to stop is so true and I can totally relate to it

        In some ways I felt that I could have taken the devil pills for ever

        They are prescribed by Dr and for areal genuine painful condition

        However I hated the constant chasing of the next prescription and ultimately backed myself into a corner

        However we have both been through brutal CT and we never want to go back there again !

        • #30128

          That’s the evil of it – you’re taking a legitimate drug for a legitimate reason. So, once you start abusing it, you can always tell yourself it can’t be that bad if the doc dishes it out or I can buy it from a random, unqualified assistant in a pharmacy!

          I’ve had an eventful 44 years so far and did every drug you can think of (except alcohol which I never got a taste for!) to excess between the ages of 14 and 26.

          I then stopped completely for health and career reasons for 15 years but, at 41, for some inexplicable reason, decided to abuse the pills given to me for a herniated disc in my back.

          With two kids, a great wife and a very responsible job (headteacher), I became addicted to something that, of everything I’ve abused, was far and away the hardest to kick. Even heroin was easier to stop as I knew it would likely kill me and certainly reduce me to an empty shell of a life.

          Most people won’t ever know the strength it takes so everyone on here on that journey or in recovery should be so proud of themselves (but try to remember the withdrawal and how bad it was so you never go back!).

          Anyway, day 10 here and, I’m bored of waiting so I’m off to the gym to see if I can beat the fatigue out of my legs!

          Lotty, not sure if you were asking me but I never had any nausea or vomiting (unless it’s coming after day 10!) so can’t help on that.

          • #30129

            It absolutely blows my mind when I speak to someone like you, who has over come so much!

            Addiction is one of the more cruel struggles, and one that so many can never overcome – and look at you!? Everything but alcohol and you’ve stopped it all.

            You should be super proud of yourself, it’s clear you value your family as-well as your own health. You have done brilliantly.

            I remember getting up in the middle of the night and walking around to get some quiet in my legs in order to sleep. I won’t ever go back to that.

            The gym is a great idea! Have a good day Oobs xx

    • #30105

      Oobs!!!! ???????? ????????

      You have done AMAZING!!

      I’m proud of you, well done ❤️

      I believe you are done for this time too ☺️Xx

    • #30120

      ive come off it cold turkey licked myself in my room for the best part of the week and seen it out in bed- absolutely horrible experience but coming out the other end

      im on day 12 now and in exhaisted and devoid of any energy

      but mentally in a much better place

      i started being prescribed cocodamol 30/500mg 3 years ago for my shoulder and neck injuries- i discovered inloved how it made me feel and took my anxiety and any depressive episodes away

      last year i lost two important family members and the intake crept up was mixing prescribed codeine with dihydracodeine id get from people i knew

      i went from being the fun outgoing one of my circle to the worhdrawn quiet one sittingbin the corner avoiding all my usual hobbies i enjoyed

      after some words from concerned pals i decided enough was enough

      the last twelve days have been torture but day by day gets ever so slightly easier! just wish this tiredness and exhaustion would kindly bugger off ????

      • #30122

        Well Done Mo!

        You are doing incredibly well-

        Keep going ????????Xx

        • #30125

          thank you v much ! kind if comfirting coming on here and seeing so many ordinary people with the same struggles

          • #30149

            I think if I had to describe this forum it would be none judgmental

            If you slip no matter what the time of day someone will be there to help you up

            I would never have got this far without it

            Stay close to the support that is here but above all you need to allow yourself to be supported

            Best wishes

    • #30121

      You should be so proud of yourself

      CT is brutal ,well done.

      How you feel right now will pass I am still going through this process and it’s slow but you can do it

      Stay close this forum has a lot of support to offer from people who know exactly how you feel

      Can I ask you,how long did the nausea and vomiting last ?

      Mine seems to be going on forever and I am starting to wonder if there is something else going on to torture me!

      Well done

    • #30126

      Hi ladies

      Hope you are all well.

      Sounds like you are doing an amazing job! It’s tough but you’re doing it and you should be so proud!!!

      I’m still taking 5 x 30g Zapain, I can’t quiet move from this at the moment due to a really stressful job, I’ve just not got it in me and I need to find it!!!!

      Hope you’ve all had a good day. Proud of you all ladies and thank you for keep sharing your experience xxx

      • #30127

        That’s absolutely fine Star!

        Maybe next week you’ll take four, and reduce by one per week.

        A month from now you would be on zero and with minimal wd’s.

        Whatever way you do it, it has to suit your unique situation, we are all different!

        Good luck ????xx

    • #30130

      Oobs everything you say I can relate to. Responsible job, dealing with all sorts of drugs and giving them up and codeine being the hardest of them all.

      You’re right, we all need to be so proud of what we are achieving. And without medical intervention. Its impressive.

      I really really really pray that I never have to go through this again. I want to be a success

      Have the best day everyone xx

    • #30131

      Hope everyone has had a great day x

      It’s so hard isn’t it. I’ve just come home after a shit day and 5 codein pills has calmed me right down. It’s hard to imagine being happy without it but I know we will all get there. So happy I have found a place to share.

      I admire those who have gone cold turkey, I don’t think I could x

      • #30135

        To be clear, I wouldn’t suggest cold turkey for anyone. I only did it as I left it too late to do anything else (I’ll be away a lot in the next month and simply wouldn’t be able to take enough to still be gently tapering over that period).

        If I had a couple of months, I’d have planned and administered a really slow taper. There’s no benefit to CT and days 3-9) at least, depending on the individual) require an awful lot of willpower that I’ve failed before on 4 or 5 occasions…

        • #30140

          I have to totally agree

          I finished up with CT through bad planning

          If at all possible I would say avoid it

          It may make the process faster but it is brutal

          I did not leave my bed for 6 days

          Whatever you decide good luck

      • #30150

        That feeling that you/me cannot imagine being happy again after we quit,is in fact one I am still struggling with

        One of the members reminded me that codeine happy is not real happy

        I tell myself this multiple times a day

        One day I will believe it

        If I only spread one bit of advice it would be that, if you can avoid CT then avoid it

        I would be hard pushed to describe my own CT experience in words other than horrendous and brutal

    • #30142

      I know for a fact I don’t have the strength to stick to a taper. I always prepare myself for the horrors of CT and I can never quite believe how horrific it is when I do it.

      Its good there are options and one size definitely doesn’t fit all.

      Gorgeous day today I hope everyone is having a good one.

      Oh 35 days for me today! ODAAT xx

      • #30148

        Horrendous day.My hubby had a kidney removed last summer,this afternoon he has learned he needs more surgery .This time last month I would have swallowed a load of devil pills to take the edge of the awful reality I have to face

        This is one of those times when I have to be strong for others whilst breaking up inside

        So far I have resisted but the harsh realities of my life right now need a cotton wool approach

        Honestly,my life is just one after another awful things I must face and and deal with and all without a cushion

        I know we will get through it as we are a very tight couple but he has enough to deal with without watching me fall apart

        I have only one thing in mind before my day is over,and that is to stay away from the devil pills

        Although where the strength I need is going to come from I have no idea

        Roll on lights out

        I hope you are all doing well and are putting one foot in front of the other on our collective journey to freedom

        • #30151

          I’m sorry to hear he needs more surgery. It’s hard not to pop the bills, especially when things are though.

          I’m waiting for a medical procedure and I struggle not taking the tablets to take my Mind off it. I failed and just took 8 x 30mg of codein but I will try again tomorrow.

          Well done you for staying strong and I hope your husband will be ok ????????????

    • #30144

      I think codeine is the work of the devil.I tried(very briefly) Tramadol whilst in hospital a few months ago.It made me feel so ill that it was as an adverse reaction.

      Hope everyone is as well as they can be.

    • #30146

      My potential addictions are,Diet Coke,and there is a distinct possibility that I am capable of getting addicted to anything even water.ATM I have a potential addiction in Muller . In all seriousness I know exactly where you are coming from.This capacity for addiction to anything and everything is within us, and I feel I shall spend the rest of the time I have on the planet battling addictions.

      Sometimes in the dead of night when my demons come out to play,I ask myself if all the battling is actually worth it.I am 75 now and I get to thinking “Why am I doing this?” Then of course I wake up and remember why.

    • #30152

      Tomorrow is a new day.The fact that you want to kick the devil pils is the biggest step and you have taken it already

      The key to success is getting back up when you fall down.

      The wealth of compassion and advice that this forum holds is what will get us through this

      I have to believe that my hubby and soul mate will recover well

      Contemplating any other outcome is too much to bear

      Be super proud of yourself for facing up to your little slip and tomorrow start over

      I can promise you this(Through my own experience) that your procedure will come and go and you deserve to be in the best possible shape when the date arrives

      Take good care and Thankyou for your kind words

    • #30153

      Good evening!

      Ohhh Dotty, sorry to hear you are struggling. You have done so amazingly!

      Hopefully your husband will only have a brief recovery and all will be well soon ????????

      Take care of yourself, thinking of you both ❤️

      Same goes for you Star, you are doing really well, be kind to yourself. Stress is an obstacle for us all- so try not to see it as a failure, it all forms part of your recovery and you are doing great!

      Tomorrow is a new day, and hopefully you’ll have more strength to get through it without codeine.

      I am day 33 today, (and I have no tolerance for pain whatsoever), so I promise you it can be done. It’s just really really REALLY difficult. Get rid of any temptations and take back the control against codeine xx

    • #30154

      I’m so sorry to hear about your husband Dotty, that is such a worry. I think worries to do with others are somehow worse than worries about ourselves. The only thing I think we can focus on in these times is that if we haven’t taken anything, we will be fully present to deal with whatever comes up. That although hard, is a blessing. You are doing so well against some really difficult situations. You are much stronger than you think. I do hope you have some positive news soon.

      Star, you are still in the game, never giving up. Your procedure is soon isnt it? I am hoping that everything turns out well for you.

      Mads day 33 is EPIC! Especially when you are in pain. Tough cookie right there!

      I hope you all have a peaceful evening xx

    • #30155

      You’ll always have that three day lead on me Casey ????xxx

    • #30159

      I’m having a colonoscopy on the 10th August. Had diorhea issues for about 3 months now and the doctor felt a little bump on examination. Sorry if it’s a bit TMI but I know I have hemaroids so I am absolutely praying it’s something like that and I have IBS, but I have lower back pain so adding 1+1 and getting 100!!!!!!

      Im petrified and feels like I need the evil pills even more at the moment.

      Life can be so tough. I’m full of anxiety and as soon as you put it all into goggle it just tells you one thing … cancer!!!

      Hope everyone is ok today, sending lots of love xx

      • #30166

        Oh Star I feel for you. Past behaviour had sent you running for the devil pills as a crutch or prop to get you through .However as you are here on this forum right now ,you already know that in fact they are not the answer.Dr Google is not your friend either Star.

        I know these things are easy to say from the outside especially when all you want is some relief from the stress you are feeling

        One day we will both learn better ways of dealing with things but until then I guess we can only hang on

        It sounds like you are having a pretty rough trot , hang on in there and keep in touch

    • #30165

      Ohhh Star, sorry you are worrying! ????

      I always try not to worry until I know there’s something to worry about. But it’s easy for me say..

      Stay away from Google! It’s never a good substitute for actual medical advice, and it will usually stress you out loads more!

      There’s a ton of other things it could be, that are miles ahead of cancer, as a better explanation of what it is.

      Keep us posted, good luck xx

    • #30188

      Hello everyone,

      Today is day 38 for me. For the first time, my stomach issues seem to be resolving which is great and a long time coming. It has amazed me that it has taken almost 6 weeks for that symptom to improve. Sleep is better. Still have some issues with a flat mood and little energy or motivation but think that might be more attributed to menopause. I wanted to mention this in case anyone quitting feels that their recovery is taking longer than they thought.

      Star, its great you are having a colonoscopy quite soon. Although scary, the likelihood is that its something simple and probably nothing to do with your tablet use. Understandably scary. Any medical test when we aren’t sure is a worry. It will be wonderful when it is done and you can focus on your goals.

    • #30191

      Hi everything, I’m not sure if people are still using this forum?

      If so I hope everyone is doing well and coping good in life.

      I have a been on co codamols for 2 years now taking 8 30mg/500mg per day, however yesterday I took 12 and worrying now that I have done damage to my body. Silly I know because I’ve been damaging it for 2 years now.

      Today is my first day going cold turkey ans I really need to do it this time for myself and my partner. I haven’t been myself and feel like a zombie most of the time.

      I just thought I would write on this to see if anyone would like to talk about it and keep each other going when times get hard as I know they will.

      Thank you

      • #30200

        Hello Stacey its good to get to know you. I went CT, and if you have any choice at all in the matter (I did not) I would strongly advise you to think again.It was brutal and I was pretty poorly for the best part of a week.By day 4 I could barely get out of bed.If you are in a situation where CT is your only option ,there are some tips I picked up here that may help you.Immodium melts do whet they say on the pack and for me at least were a must.I also used travel sick pills for the nausea,I am fortunate enough to have prescription strength anti nausea pills but these on their own just did not cut it.I was also advised to get some magnesium spray for the restless legs.Coupled with my weighted blanket did help me get a little sleep.

        It sounds like the fear of harming your body is your motivation so hang onto it when the going gets tough.

        The thing that helped me through it the most was this forum.When I felt I was drowning the members kept me afloat.We are all here so use us.

        Best wishes !

    • #30192

      Hi Stacey and a huge welcome to you.

      Well done on recognising that you want to stop taking the pills. If you have had a read back, there are so many inspiring stories that hopefully will give you inspiration that this can be beaten.

      Not sure if you have ever quit before? If so, you’ll know that the first few days aren’t pleasant with the physical withdrawals. After that, the mental stuff kicks in and it can be hard to realise that the world will look brighter eventually.

      For the first few days I just let nature take its course and felt absolutely rubbish, then added in some Imodium and berrocca which seemed to help. If you get headaches, or body aches just plain para and ibuprofen. Loads of water to flush everything through.

      You can do this and it will be the best thing you ever did!

      • #30193

        Hi Casey, and thanks so much for your quick response.

        I’ve read through many of the pages this morning and will continue to do so later on tonight and it gives me faith that if so many others can do it then so can I.

        I’ve quit once before and it was horrific I think that’s why I’ve put it off for so long because I’m scared of the feelings that I’m going to get. But this time I need to do it for good.

        I’ve purchased some valerian extract to help with sleep and anxiety as I know it will get bad so hopefully that will help.

        That’s my plan as to what you done when coming off them. Can I ask how many you were on a day?

        Thanks a lot and I will keep you updated

    • #30194

      Hiya Stacey! Welcome to the group ????

      I was also taking 8x 30mg codeine (but the phosphate version).

      I too went cold Turkey, and I suffered pretty badly. It really shocked me, so much so I decided I’ll never again take that drug.

      Is there a way you could taper ? If you were routinely taking 8 a day, you could reduce by one tablet a week, and 8 weeks from now you’d be done! Therefore avoiding the withdrawals ?

      I had read the literature of codeine cessation, and 99% of it said it would be 5 days of physical WD symptoms. So I decided that was fine. However it went on for much longer than that for me.

      Whichever way you choose, you got this. We are active on this site and will help all we can xx

      • #30195

        Hi mads I hope you’re well ????

        Thanks for replying to me.

        I’m very sorry you had to go through a horrible time with withdrawals and hope you are coping better now?

        That doesn’t sound bad at all when you think about it does it? I think I just scared myself yesterday when I took 4 extra tablets as with paracetamol you need to be more careful don’t you? Don’t want to sound silly but I was reading if you take more than 8 a day of the co codamol you can overdose and the symptoms don’t show right away? It’s silly worrying about this when I’ve been feeding myself these tablets for 2 years now I know.

        How long have you been off them now?

        Thanks again ????

        • #30201

          Hiya Stacey –

          I’m loads better now, i’m 5 weeks today!

          But it took until day 10 to start feeling better.

          I wouldn’t worry about the extra four- symptoms of an overdose are usually evident quite quickly (nausea, dizziness etc)

          It depends on weight and tolerance, there’s a lot of factors involved.

          That being said, if you are starting to increase your dosage, now is the best time to stop taking them. Codeine is dangerous because users begin to take more and more to feel that ‘buzz’.

          If you stop taking it, your liver will be all brand new again, very quickly.

          Good luck ????xx

      • #35866

        Tapering does not stop the withdrawal process. Or at least it did not with me.I tapered from 10 dhc down to one,and still had withdrawels,not as intence but not nice all the same.I know we are all different, however i would just like too add that. Imo it definitely helped with the cravings though!


    • #30196

      I was taking up to 32 nurofen plus per day so I about 400mg codeine. I was never able to taper as cannot have them in the house or would simply take them. Ive been on them on and off for decades and been through more withdrawals than I care to remember. I think if you can taper, you will save yourself a whole heap of awfulness. As long as you can stick to your guns long term and then say your final goodbyes when the time comes to jump fully off them. I just knew I wouldn’t be able to do that. Apart from anything, I am way too impatient!

      Whatever you choose is good and its great that you recognise the potential for usage increasing as it always does when the good feelings don’t come so easily.

    • #30202

      Hi Stacey

      Welcome!!!! I joined about a week ago and honestly the support and inspiration in this group is so inspiring!!!

      It has really helped me, I won’t bore you with the details of my other health and anxiety worries but I was taking 15 30mg codein tablets a day. It just built up and built up before I knew it. I’ve managed to get it down to 5 or 6 depending on how bad my day has been.

      It’s tough but stay on this group, honestly it makes the world of difference. If you see others coming out the other ends it gives you confidence that we can do it too!!!

      Don’t be afraid to ask any questions and we are all here if you need us x

    • #30207

      Hi Stacey.

      We’re probably very different in terms of body composition – I’m a fairly big man in my 40s with a long history of recreational drug use and a high tolerance for everything I’ve ever consumed! However, what I can say is that I was taking over 60 Nurofen Plus and 8 Solpadeine Max every night (4 at a time x 2) for weeks before I gave up, and at least 40 NP and the Solpadeine on and off for a couple of years before that.

      The Solpadeine was simply because it has codeine and I wanted to take less ibuprofen and didn’t mind 8 doses of paracetamol in 3 hours, 4 at a time…ridiculous really as, even though I was extracting as much ibuprofen from the NP as possible, I know there was still loads in there.

      Anyway, the reason I mention is twofold:

      1) I’m on day 14 now of cold turkey and yesterday I swam in the sea for a good hour, walked a couple of miles over the cliffs of Dorset and didn’t think or feel the effects of my addiction once. The day before, my legs had felt the fatigue that’s plagued me since giving up the pills but I still walked about 5 miles across some serious hills near Corfe Castle (lovely if anyone knows it – highly recommended!).

      2) My doc told me that, whilst he wants me to go for a blood test in a month or so, he would be really surprised if I’d done any lasting damage. The kidney is the worry and he says you have to seriously abuse it for years to do anything that would affect its functioning. He wasn’t concerned about liver or stomach (he said the former is pretty bullet-proof and regenerative, and the latter doesn’t store problems up but, rather, tells you very quickly if you’ve got a problem).

      Everyone is different, of course but I hope this gives you some extra comfort that you can kick the pills without any physical after effects.

      That said, I’m with Lotty and Casey – don’t go cold turkey if you can taper but if you can’t stick to a taper (I tried several times and couldn’t) then CT is short and sharp, horrible for most but over quickly in the grand scheme of things!

      • #30210

        Good morning everyone,

        Hope everyone had a lovely Monday and thank you for your responses, it means so much.

        I have loved going through all of your stories and you coming out the other end a new person. It gives me hope.

        I’ve tried tapering but if the tablets are in my house etc I will just take more because they are there. I have 8 30/500 co codamols left which is going to take today then go ct tomorrow as I feel this if the best option for me right now and I think I’m in the right mind space to do it this time. I’m not going to call the doctor for a prescription I really am going to try.

        I still have to go to work which will be difficult but hopefully it will take my mind off things. I’m going exercise and drink lots of water too as hopefully that flushes all the toxins out of me.

        Sorry for rambling just really want to do it this time for good as I hate the things now.

        Look forward to speaking with you all more.

        Thanks again ????

      • #30211

        Also forgot to add I have ordered valerian oil for at night it’s meant to help aid sleep so I will let everyone who how that goes it is getting delivered today

    • #30214

      Morning all,

      Stacey, I have worked through all of my withdrawals. It is doable but horrible. It does have the effect of making the days pass quicker though.

      What Oobs said about his doctor, must be a comfort to all of us as I think everyone worries that they will quit and then be ill with something else!

      Never apologise for rambling. Your words will help the next person going through this as they have done for me and many others. It serves as a reminder where we don’t want be agin. So please do carry on.

      My recovery wasn’t a quick one. It took me longer to be able to fully get back to my walking although I did do a few miles each day and the mental stuff still hangs around a bit BUT the pride is there and the determination to keep going so my life is free of this rubbish.

      I have just ordered magnesium for my sleep and ashwagandha for anxiety feelings. I think all these things are useful and healthy options.

      Good luck and remember, all those rubbish. feelings will pass xx

    • #30217

      hi folks wee update with myself im now on day 16 on cold T & finding myself more or less back to normal

      The world seems a strange place wothout the codeine blanket but glas the physicals have gone and that terrible exhaustion that kicks in!! just fimished a shift at work and got myself ready and offto the gym – its true what most people say on here day by day it dies get better and glad i done it cold T and just got it over with rather than tapering which i could never trust myself with

      keep fighting the good fight

    • #30218

      Its wonderful news that you are feeling more like your old pre codeine self.

      The CT was horrendous for me too,I am trying to put a positive slant on this by telling myself that I never want to experience that horror again.The whole experience was totally hideous and I never want to go there again.

      Well done to you

    • #30221

      yip dotty ill never put myself through that again think thatl be enough to keep me off em for good have also spoken to a doctor and adressed the reasons i found the pills so helpful and feeling miles better for just speaking to doctor and pals ready for the 2nd part of my life to begon and forget about the last few years a slave to that junk – ????

    • #30222

      Well done Mo81!

      Cracking job ???????? xx

    • #30234

      Hi guys, I’ve been following this group for a while now. I’ve tried and failed a few times to quit CT and taper but never had the strength to do it. Something over the weekend had me hitting breaking point. I’m ashamed to say I got drunk and then told my dad, brother and sister about what’s been going on. They could just understand me through the tears and snot. My dad cried, it was so awful. My husband knew my problem but I hid a lot from him too, he is so relieved that it’s not a secret anymore so he has people to lean on too. My family were so supportive I felt like I just didn’t deserve them. I’ve promised to do CT, I’m off work for the school holidays so now is the time. I couldn’t get past day 4 in the past. I’ve been reading everyone’s tips and I know to buy magnesium spray, is there a particular type that’s best? I’ve heard immodium melts will help, berrocca, paracetamol, ibroufen, lots of water, Tavel sickness pills. Is there anything else that might make this more bearable. I’m so scared. Thanks in advance x

      • #30238

        I have to agree with Lotty. I am on day 15 of CT and virtually back to normal. It sounds short but days 2-7 were horrible and 7-11 only marginally better.

        Luckily, my kids were away at football camp for the first week and I would really have struggled to be a functional parent for that period.

        If I had the time, I’d have planned a really slow, regular taper. I left it too late though and needed to stop for the sake of some holidays and events I wouldn’t be able to have codeine for.

        Each to their own, of course, and I totally understand the desire to get it done. In hindsight, I’m also really glad I did it but it was really tough and I’d have loved to have avoided it!

    • #30235

      Hi Havehope

      I can only speak from my own experience,but reading your post I think you are going to CT whilst having childcare responsibilities ?

      If this is correct I urge you to reconsider

      CT is brutal

      I literally could barely make it between bed and toilet (4 metres!!) by day 4 I could barely lift my head

      If one of my CT attempts ( There were several before I got there )put me In hospital

      If you have any choice at all a taper would save you and your family an awful lot of suffering .Even if I have misread and you do not have to deal with childcare I would still never recommend CT to anyone

      If your mind is set then we will of course support you all the way

      I bought the cheapest magnesium spray and it did help with the RL to some extent but I did lose an awful lot of sleep!!

      I wish you all the best and I will be rooting for you every hour of every day

    • #30239

      Thanks for all of your advise, my kids ar a little older 14 and 10 but obviously I will still have to cook/clean take care of them etc. I was mainly using 30mg codeine phosphate. Probably at least a pack a day. I can’t taper on those because I know I’m too greedy. If I got the solphadine type ones I know I would be too frightened of taking too much paracetamol so would be less inclined to abuse those. If I took those as instructed, 2 4 times a day would that be enough to help me get through the day without being as Ill as you have both said. I know such a massive drop is still going to give me withdrawals but will I still be able to function? Then maybe just drop down from there. Or would that just be pointless and CT is the only other way? Sorry for rabbiting on. It’s so good to talk to people who know what this is like. I really appreciate it xx

      • #30241

        Hi Havehope ,

        I agree with others that CT is brutal and painful but it’s definitely the fastest way to come off them . I used to abuse 30mg codeine , solpadeine max,Nurofen plus and did cold turkey last year ( 1 year today to be exact ????) . Tapering never worked for me as I was not disciplined enough and would take a week’s worth in 2 days .If you decide to go CT i would recommend getting some sleeping tablets as day 4+ is when you’re at your worst . Restless legs and lack of sleep were the worst for a lot of people on here .I Didn’t believe I could get passed day 4 -5 but you find the inner strength and you just take one day/hour at a time . It’s hard but doable . Physical symptoms ease off quickly enough but then the mental struggle begins and that takes longer to settle . CBD oil might be a good option to try as well. Whatever you decide to do we can help you through it ????

        • #30244

          Happy anniversary !

          Your story and others like it have got many of us through

          The fact that you are still here helping others in their own battles to give up the devil pills sums up what a wonderfully caring and giving person you are,so a great big Thankyou from us all

          • #30248

            Aww Dottie ,thank you so much for such kind words ❤️❤️I’ll support and help when I can as I know what a difficult battle this is when you’re doing it by yourself XX I know I haven’t been on here as much as I should have lately X sorry xx

      • #30243

        Never apologise for “Rabbiting” I can assure you that no one here will ever see it as that anyway.We have all been where you are now,some of us more than once

        I don’t think anyone could give any useful advice on how many devil pills you need to ward off the worse if it as we all have different levels

        I can only tell you what I did

        From past experience I knew that the RL were the worst thing for me and was the single biggest thing that kept causing me to fail

        I began by quitting all my day time devil pills but taking 4 At once before bed.That was 120my oh codeine ,This did allow me to sleep and not to feel too horrendous.This does not mean it will work for you.There are lots of variables

        All the very best

    • #30240

      Hi Havehope, well done on the decision to quit. I had to stop taking tramadol when they ran out and used solpadeine to help. I would say they would take the edge off for you but you’d likely still feel pretty horrible.

      I have worked through quits before and it has been awful but doable and also looked after my dogs. If you have support from your family, maybe they can help you out of r a few days? Yes the toilet issues are just that, an issue. Imodium will definitely help there.

      Do you know how many mg’s of codeine you are taking each day?

      Whatever you choose, we are behind you all the way xx

    • #30242

      Hi Havehope I was given the exact same advice about getting through it hour by hour(Maybe it was Maggie who gave it to me) I never thought I would or indeed could get through day 4

      Every hour I was here in tears someone picked me back up and stuck with me and I would urge you to use every ounce of support you can get and stick close

      All the very best

    • #30245

      Hi Havehope I was given the exact same advice about getting through it hour by hour(Maybe it was Maggie who gave it to me) I never thought I would or indeed could get through day 4

      Every hour I was here in tears someone picked me back up and stuck with me and I would urge you to use every ounce of support you can get and stick close

      All the very best

    • #30247

      Thanks so much everyone, your all so kind. I think I was probably on average taking 840mg codeine a day. If I couldn’t get a supply I would switch to tramadol because that stopped the withdrawals. After listening to everyone I think I’m going to try and take 2 co codomol 4 times a day and taper from there. I know that’s a massive drop but I really feel like I need to do something drastic or I will be stuck on this same cycle forever and I want to be the best mother I can be for my amazing kids. I have no more devil pills left now so I will co purchase the cocodomol tomorrow and start from there and see how I get on. Before chatting on here I hadn’t thought that VT might mean I couldn’t manage to look after the kids. Hopefully this plan will work. I will let you all know and if not maybe I can try something else and find what works for me. Thanks again xx

    • #30249

      Maggie,you have nothing at all to be sorry for.You are leading by example and are simply showing us all that there is life after and beyond devil pills.You are doing what we all want to do,enjoying life beyond the half life of devil pill addiction.If you,and others like you were not lighting up the path to freedom ,how would we find it ?

    • #30255

      Hey everyone, how are you doing today?

      I just had a look at my tracker and noticed tomorrow is day 42 or 6 whole weeks without the pills. I truly cannot believe this as it has not happened since 2019.

      Stick at it, it really is possible to live without them xx

      • #30257

        Impressive willpower and stamina, Casey.

        I’m day 16 today and my remaining symptom (weird, aching and tired muscles in my legs…but only below the knees!) is almost gone and better every day.

        I have a bit of an ‘empty’ feeling at some point most evenings but it’s easy to distract myself and know it’s just the brain chemistry still out of kilter.

        I find planning all the stuff I’m going to properly commit to (now I’m not just going through the motions in life only caring about my next megadose of codeine!) is really helping me through.

        Whilst it felt dreadful for the first 10/12 days, turning the corner makes you realise it’s a pretty short period to suffer in order to be free of the stuff.

    • #30256

      Wow Casey,that is amazing ! What an inspiration you are .

      Well done.

    • #30258

      That’s amazing Oobs How long were you taking them for? I can relate to that empty feeling which was so bad early on. I don’t really get that now and I do have more energy thankfully. My sleep is still bad but think that’s probably down to other stuff.

      Are you confident you will. be able to stay off this time?

      Hey Dotty, how are you getting on? You must have a good few days too ?

      • #30259

        Hi Casey.

        About 3 and a half years. I was prescribed cocodamol 30/500 for a herniated disc in my back. Then, one day, I had a headache and took a couple as I just found them in my desk. I was doing a 16/8 fasting thing at the time so took them on an empty stomach and felt the euphoria for the first time…and so began the recreational use!

        The first year was codeine phosphate and dihydrocodeine from internet pharmacies (before they tightened up the rules), then bottles of codeine linctus to supplement this. At this point, I was probably maxing out at about 150mg per dose (always once per day, purely for recreation). Then it gradually increased until this year when I’ve been on 800+ mg per evening for the last few months.

        I think that, as the dose was so big, it stayed in my system long enough that I would sometimes go a day without but mostly every day for months now…

        Prior to the herniated disc, my addictions were exercise and work. I’ve maintained the former reasonably well so I’m aiming to go back to that being my main source of endorphins once I’m totally over the tired muscles!

        I’m pretty confident, to be honest. I’ve got a bit of an obsessive streak and, when I gave up smoking cigarettes and, later, a very significant cannabis habit, I never looked back because the thought of failing and breaking my ‘clean streak’ was too powerful for temptation to win!

        Let’s hope I’m right and that same obsessive refusal to fail will be able to overcome opiates…I stopped heroin after only dabbling a handful of times as I knew it was so good that it would defeat me if I let it into my life properly so hopefully there’s a good precedent for my ability to avoid this type of thing.

    • #30266

      Your story has some similarities to mine Oobs re the obsessive compulsive actions. Its great that your main obsessions (work and exercise) give you that buzz to replace the opiate use. Like you, I took heroin many years ago but stopped it due to the realisation of certain death if the habit carried on. I then went back to amphetamines and alcohol before finally settling on codeine which has been with me for so many years.

      I really want this to be my final time of going through this. I am 60 next year and do not want my later years blighted by this dreadful all consuming habit.

      Thanks for sharing your story. I find it fascinating to hear our different experiences that all lead us to the same place in the end.

    • #30269

      Morning I tried earlier to submit another post but I’m not sure what happened it just didn’t submit. I also have read so much of myself in your stories. I decided to do the taper route, I have massively reduced my intake by about 85% and although I feel bad I’m out of bed trying to do stuff. I feel a lot worse today though. I’m going to keep going, but should I just carry on withdrawing until my body is used to what I’m taking now then reduced, or drop again before I get comfortable. I’ve gone from a pack of 30mg codeine phosphate over a day to 3 solphadine max 4 times a day. Not gonna lie it hurts! Any advice on how to keep going would be so appreciate. Thanks for listening xx

    • #30270

      Hey ladies, missed you the last few days. Lovely to read back and see how well you are all doing ???? it’s tough but you are doing it!!!!!!

      We went camping but I had to come home on day 2. Toilet troubles that I’ve had for many weeks now but now I’ve started coming down from 15 Zapain and night to 5 it probably isn’t helping. So left my family there until Sunday, feel awful but camping isn’t ideal in that scenario. Colonoscopy next Wednesday so please pray for me it is IBS or something less serious ????

      At the moment I still can’t seem to move down from 5 Zapain , I take them all about 6pm but I have come down from 15. Think many of us need to be kinder to ourselves.

      I think I asked this before but has anyone suffered with diorhea while using, before trying to stop. I’m wondering if the medication could have damaged or aggravated my tummy.

      I’m just trying to not be anxious and rest before Wednesday as I don’t think that helps.


      • #30283

        I am sorry that your trip was cut short.Sometimes you have to do what you have to do.Hopefully you will have some answers soon,and I will be thinking of you next wednesday.I have never had this procedure but I think others have posted that you will be given sedative to help you through.Like everything else in life things come and they go.Before you know it the procedure will be behind you,and you will be able to see a path forward.We will all be with you whilst you learn to navigate your new path.

    • #30271

      Hi everyone – I don’t know if any codeine recoverers use this page any more but I wanted to come on here to introduce myself just in case. I’m a week off of 42 and have abused codeine for 10 years now. I’ve got my life in order- I’m finally happy after an abusive childhood led me to make terrible life choices, so I couldn’t in good faith keep abusing this drug any more. It’s been a source of deep shame and secrecy for me and I’m sick of living like that. I’m in love and loved by an amazing man who doesn’t know this about me and that is enough for me to end it for good.

      I’ve never quit for longer than a few weeks before- I go through the hideous withdrawals and then sort of think ‘ahh well I proved I could do it, so now I can use them again.’ Ffs. Today is day 3 and I’ve chosen this week because my partner is away on holiday with his son and work is quiet. In fact, I now have three days off and have taken myself camping in my little van and, for the first time in YEARS, I’ve come away without any codeine. I didn’t even want to pack any. I feel very emotional- I’m grieving I think, because ten years is a long time to depend on anything. I feel proud of myself and yeah, so I ache and my nose is running and I’m tired and I didn’t sleep well- so what? I’ve had worse in my life. That’s how I’m looking at it now. I don’t fear the CT withdrawals like I used to. I don’t want to give them my power. I’ve got yoga and movies and books and my journal. I’ve got the tools I need.

      So hi- I’m Emily and I’m an addict. And I’m done with this awful drug now. I want to live my beautiful life without being dragged down by the constant desire to use, or being pulled towards chemists I feel ashamed to visit.

      Sending everyone in the same boat love and healing energy.

      • #30274

        I came on here last year for help and it was the the people (especially 2 of them) that pushed me to get clean. I’m hoping I’m meet some more people like that , that can help me. I’ve had enough

      • #30275

        Hiya Emmie! Congrats on day three, and on being so positive!

        You’ve got this, good luck ❤️

      • #30279

        Hi Emily ,

        Well done on making that big step . I absolutely understand the way you’re feeling . When I stopped I booked a week off work and stayed at home with my partner (and our dog) who knew about my addiction but didn’t realize how many I was actually taking a day. I came clean on day 4 and felt so relieved! .it’s been a year now since I touched these evil pills and yeah,the beginnings are difficult ,it’s like you’re actually grieving but it does get better and easier. I believe everyone has their limits and once you’ve reached yours ,you know you’re ready to move on and get your life back . I love your positive attitude XX you’ve got this ????

        Here for you (and others) if you need me ????

    • #30272

      Wow emily your post really resernated with me. Reading it made me feel free for a very short moment. You can do this emily! I believe in u gal! I’ve been 5 years a slave, coming upto 6 now. I manged CT but soon got back on them. I want out so so bad but I just feel like im in the codeine tunnel and there’s noway out and something I’m happ to be there if that makes sence. The withdrawals scare the life out of me xx

    • #30273

      Wow emily your post really resernated with me. Reading it made me feel free for a very short moment. You can do this emily! I believe in u gal! I’ve been 5 years a slave, coming upto 6 now. I manged CT but soon got back on them. I want out so so bad but I just feel like im in the codeine tunnel and there’s noway out and sometime i’m happ to be there if that makes sence. The withdrawals scare the life out of me xx

      • #30278

        I totally get it – sometimes feeling happy to be in that tunnel. It’s a lonely place to be, too. I went to see a hypno-analyst after years of therapy (which didn’t work for my addiction) and in one hour I discovered the route pain that I’ve been medicating . I was just sobbing ‘I’ve always been so alone.’ I realise that codeine is my longest and most faithful relationship and that’s really sad. Unbearably sad. I think slowly healing myself enough to meet a loving human being has been the catalyst for ending with codeine. Maybe that resonates with you too? I really recommend hypnoanalysis – I can’t afford it but I figured if I can buy drugs, I can bloody well spend the money trying to get off them!!

        • #30282

          Hello Emmierow, I hope you have had a decent day.You are right,there is no ,magic wand,but (And its a great big BUT) you have all the support you need right here.Like you,my evil pillswere a bubble, and like you I dont drink alcohol.Carving a new life without any sort of “Comfort blanket” is hard. I can tell you though that whatever you are feeling now is actually real. Whatever it was you felt (And we all felt different things)whilst in the bubble of the devil pills was not real.The devil pills were not your friend ,they lured you in and then laughed behind your back when your life began to fall apart around you

          I wish you all the best as you start to build your (Real this time around)new life.

    • #30276

      Hi Emmie, Betterlife, Havehope, Star and Mads!

      Its great to see you all here and fighting for this with such passion! It is doable and we can all dig deep to find such strong reasons for doing this.

      I too have been at this for so many years that its become part of me. Its a part I hate and despise but nonetheless I have been on the codeine/withdrawal roundabout for decades. Its my comfort blanket, my reason for living and my utter hatred of myself and my filthy habits.

      Withdrawals are so horrible, and then when we are done, and seemingly through the worst, we have to face reality without our protective bubble. It’s a tough one indeed.

      I am at the stage where I have done the withdrawals and now I need to carve a life with no drugs, no booze and just myself to navigate all the peaks and troughs of a normal life.

      I won’t say this is it for me or never again, as I have failed so many times. What I will say is I am working towards a drug free, happy and fulfilling life one day at a time.

      Emmie, that’s such a great move taking yourself away to do this. You’ve got the tools and the drive and definitely the reason to get through this.

      Betterlife, the withdrawals absolutely suck but a bit of preparation and support, you can do this.

      Star, I am so sorry your camping trip was cut short. I have to say I don’t blame you with the runs. Not long now until you get some answers and then I am sure you will be able to cut down some more.

      Havehope, one foot in front of the other is how you keep going. Tapering is not my forte, but there are some vids on YouTube. It might be that you cut 10% per week off your usage rather than waiting until your comfortable. You’ve had such a big drop I am not sure that you will avoid discomfort. Stick at it though and its a step closer to freedom.


    • #30277

      Thanks guys- what a beautiful surprise to read your replies! I sort of expected I’d be writing in to an echo chamber. I feel really supported by your comments and I wish I had more than love to send everyone who is struggling. I wish there was a magic wand but I’ve realised that there’s only one way out of this, and it’s to go through it. I used to wish I could just go into a coma for a week and sleep through the withdrawals but I think the suffering is part of the process. That said, I hate suffering (haha- who doesn’t?!) and I’m not very good at it. Your comment resonated about living life without a protective bubble of codeine- that’s the real challenge isn’t it? The CT is just the start. I can see how life’s ups and downs have made me reach for my reliable buddy time and time again. It’s scary to think about doing life with no shield. I don’t drink and I’m not about to start. I guess most adults use alcohol to cope and numb, which is mostly more ‘acceptable’ than codeine.

      Anyway, thanks for your replies guys. It means the world to me, here in the late sunshine in beautiful West Sussex

      • #30281

        On the subject of reaching for codeine in response to the ups and downs of life, many will probably have heard of Prof Steve Peters’ ‘chimp model’ (originally described in the book ‘The Chimp Paradox’).

        Essentially, the theory goes that this ‘inner chimp’ is our unhelpful emotional reactions and instinctive feelings towards events/people/situations, and that acting on these instincts is what derails us all the time and results in dreadful choices.

        In the follow-up, ‘A Path through the Jungle’ he takes you through a really accessible was to put your chimp back in its box, develop the resilience to manage it and not respond emotionally to setbacks, negative feelings etc.

        It’s really practical with clear explanations, just enough science to reassure you he’s a real Prof with proper knowledge of how the brain works and some great tips on managing your chimp from the very first chapter.

        Highly recommended if codeine has been an emotional crutch/solution in your life and this is why you can’t escape it.

        • #30285

          Thanks Oobs I have reserved that book from the library !

    • #30280

      None of us should ever be ashamed though. I always have been and still do feel ashamed for a short while but most of us had it originally for a purpose and it spirals and you are not even aware!!!

      Before I know it I would work all day, take 15 39mg if codein at 6pm just to get that high and release from the stress off life. If the stress is there it’s even harder.

      I felt alone until I found you though ladies and I am forever greatfuk, it gives me home that one day I will do it ????????

      How is everyone else today, I’m just trying to chill, calm my anxiety about my procedure next week and trying to stay positive. My sausage dog is driving me insane though ???????????????? xxx

      • #30286

        I know exactly what you mean Star. I felt alone until I found this group too. I have been looking for years for somewhere that has people with my issue. I joined a forum back in 2012 and read some of my old posts yesterday. The other contributors were mainly American and on different stuff which didn’t help as much as Id hoped although they were lovely. Honestly, NOTHING had changed for me since then and I was desperate at that time too. 10 years on and I hope Im older and a bit wiser.

        Dogs are a blessing even if they drive you nuts ???? xx

        • #30287

          I Just didn’t realise it was such a big issue …, until now.

          I have 4 dogs. 2 Lurchers and 2 sausage dogs! You would think it was hysterical if you saw us ????????????

          They do bring such comfort ????

          • #30288

            OMG you have lurchers? Amazing, I have a lurcher and a retriever! They are a godsend and never judge. They are the only ones I have told ????

    • #30284

      Thanks oobs I will look at that because it’s definitely emotional for me.

      Dottylotty thank you. I will update you all Wednesday, I’m just praying it isn’t bowel cancer ????. I’m 38 and have 2 beautiful kids to live for.

    • #30290

      They are the only ones who know about me 2. The Lurchers are rescue dogs. The sausages are like baby’s, the most demanding dogs ever ????????????

    • #30322

      Good morning everyone!

      How are you all doing? Those early days are horrible, so taking it one hour at a time is sometimes helpful. Remember, it really does get better and treating each symptom and trying not to panic is essential. Rest, water, Imodium and eat healthy food if you can xx

    • #30329

      Morning all,

      I hope everyone is okay today. I am on day 5 – the camping was exactly what I needed although I did experience the ultimate test! I camp in my little van and I discovered a bunch of pills in the glove box that I didn’t know were there. I’m so proud of myself for disposing of them. I haven’t had any sleep- the restless legs are torture aren’t they? But I can handle it. I trust that it’ll all pass in time. Sending everyone so much love and healing energy

    • #30330

      Morning all,

      I hope everyone is okay today. I am on day 5 – the camping was exactly what I needed although I did experience the ultimate test! I camp in my little van and I discovered a bunch of pills in the glove box that I didn’t know were there. I’m so proud of myself for disposing of them. I haven’t had any sleep- the restless legs are torture aren’t they? But I can handle it. I trust that it’ll all pass in time. Sending everyone so much love and healing energy

    • #30331

      Hi Emmie I was wondering how you were getting on. Its great to hear that the camping trip is helping you and even better to hear that you were tested by finding the pills but managed to get rid of them.

      I never had restless legs, but understand from the others, they like everything passes. I have heard that magnesium spray really helps with that. I think Dotty tried it as she suffered badly with this, so hopefully she will chime in here.

      The sleep issues really do tend to hang around like a bad smell. I am still not sleeping well but that could be something else.

      It does sound like you are very determined so Im sure you will get through this very soon. Attitude is everything in this game xx

    • #30332

      Well done Emie, it’s so tough not giving in and you did it!!!

      So proud of you ????

    • #30333

      Hi guys, hope your all doing well, well done Emmie for throwing away those pills. I’m really envying your camping trip, I saw a campervan and a motor biker yesterday and balled my eyes out. I think when I feel like this I just crave freedom from everything all the hurts and responsibilities. I’m still sort of tapering if you can call it that, I’m almost done in a week and the otc stuff was so weak compared to my usuals amount I don’t even know if it has helped or what. I’ve been through every emotion possible through manic angry cleaning to crying and crying and crying. I think for me that’s worse than the physical hurts though that’s no picnic, but I hear what everyone is saying and I think my heart and soul need to cleanse. I’m also giving up alcohol at the same time so maybe that makes me emotional too. I always use an app called Breethe, always have and usually listen too bed time stories to help me drop off. One story I’m listening too at the moment over and over is called stillness speaks, it’s about living in the present and finding your inner self and I’m finding it helps. I like us all it seems have used codeine and other stuff as a huge big emotional hug, more so when my mother passed 2 years ago. I cared for her at home at the end and my use went from more recreational too hard core, so I think now going through withdrawal is also me dealing with things I should have done along time ago. I’m going for a walk along the beach later with my dogs. I have an older lab and a baby staffy who I think was sent to me just at the right time because I wasn’t going to get a pup for one reason or another I had to take him on but along with my kids he’s a little light in my life at the minute. Him running up jumping on my bed and kissing the life out me until I get up and give him love and food well it doesn’t get better than that. He’s so funny. Wishing you all a good weekend and a speedy journey back to yourselves xxx

    • #30334

      Hi HaveHope

      It’s so difficult when you are emotionally tied up in other things. I’m the same, other health worries and I’m about to lose my job in the next 6 weeks due to administration. Dealing with all that and tapering down is tough but we are doing it!!!!! ????????

      I don’t speak to my mum since I was 8 and that makes made me sad, there are so many deeper issues but again you are dealing with things … I’m not quiet there yet.

      I wish I could share pictures of my pups with you. They love me unconditionally and add joy to my life .. along with my kids and husband.

      We all know how tough it is but I’ll say it again we are doing it and I’m proud of everyone and no longer feel alone.

      Lots of love to you all xxxx

      • #30335

        Hello everyone, hope you are all doing well and coping with any withdrawals anyone is having. I’ve been reading through the whole 100 odd pages of this forum. I was meant to stop last week but something got in the way and I ended up not doing it. My last day is going to be on Thursday and I’m doing CT as I feel this is the best way for me as if I have any tablets about I will just take them.

        I’ve been having really bad bowel problems for a while and really bad headaches where I get shooting pains in my head and I think ish obviously the codeine that’s doing this and making me worse.

        I know it will be hard but I feel I’m at the stage where I’m ready to do this for myself and my partner and I am always unhappy and in a mood and I don’t want to be that way anymore. My health will be so much better in a few months time once all this bad stuff is out of my body.

        Just thought I would let everyone know and hope I can get through the worst of it.

        Thanks everyone yous have been so helpful ready all of your stories x

        • #30336

          Hi hun and welcome

          I hope after reading everything you feel like you have a support network now and don’t feel alone.

          I was taking 15 30mg of Zapain codein a day and had terrible toilet trouble for months. I really hope it’s the tablets as the diorhea had been hard to deal with, having a colonoscopy Wednesday.

          These pills are not good for us.

          Do you mind if I ask how much you are taking and are you sure CT is the best for you.

          Make sure you do the best for you and your family, we are all here when you need us xx

          • #30337

            Hi star nice to meet you.

            I definitely feel the support you all bring to new people here and I think it’s wonderful and so helpful.

            Are you still having toilet trouble now? If so I hope it eases off as I know how hard that can be worn day to day life and how it can effect you. Can I ask how long you have been stopped for?

            Yes, I can see now that they may make you feel good for a short period of time but in the end they’re so bad and we never knew at the start that we would end up like this. None of us choose to get addicted to them, we each had pain and had to take them to start with.

            I’ve been taking the 30/500 co codamol 8 times a day but only recently started the codeine phosphate ones as I was getting worried about the paracemol in them. I only ever once took more than 8 a day which was 12 and I think I scared myself as you aren’t meant to do that paracetamol but kind of glad I did because that was the final straw to get my mind set on stopping them.

            I’ve tried tapering so many times and I just can’t seem to stick to it. I’ve went CT once before for 3 week and stupidly went back on them. It was the worst time of my life but I did get through it and know I can again. The hardest part was restless legs and not sleeping and the mental side to it as I already have pretty bad anxiety but I will get through it. I’ve bought Valerian oil to try and help with the sleep and anxiety and also have vitamins with magnesium to help with the restless legs.

            So now I’m just waiting for Thursday to come to start.

            I also have to work through it all but I can’t take any time off which isn’t ideal but I just need to pull through.

            Sorry for rambling I just have a lot to get off my chest.

            Thanks again ???? xx

            • #30338

              Never be sorry, the more you share I think it does life that little bit of pressure.

              Yes I still get regular diorrhea, most days to be honest. I’ve cut down to 5 c 30mg a day, I don’t think I could stop CT but sounds like you’ve thought about it and it’s a good choice for you. I’m losing weight but I think I’m just scarred to eat to be honest. Do you mind me asking if you were having the same issues.

              Like I said having a colonoscopy Wednesday and abdominal scan and praying no damage has been done and it’s maybe IBS or stress. They say codein causes constipation but not with me ????????????????

              It’s good you were only taking 8 a day, I have every faith you will smash this and body will go back to normal ????

              • #30340

                Hi star,

                That’s amazing that you have managed to get down to 5 a day. Keep going you can do it. I’m the opposite to you I get really bad constipation where I can go a week without going which is horrible. I’ve been given stuff from the doctors to help with that have you tried contacting the doctors to stop the diorrea?

                Can I ask if anyone got really bad headaches whilst taking codeine? Like on one side of your head and was constant and like different to a normal headache?

                Thanks ????

              • #30345

                Heya Stacey!

                I got and still get awful headaches.

                But they are getting less and less with time away from codeine.

                I’m finding it really bizarre if it’s linked to the cessation of codeine at this point as it’s been ages since i’ve stopped taking them, but who knows!

                Definitely loads better than I was though- so keep at it!xx

    • #30342

      Yep got horrible headaches. Throbbing, so bad that I had to stay in bed. They made me sick too. Along with the constipation it was a pretty miserable existence.

    • #30343

      Hey everyone 🙂

      So glad to find this site , I’ve been struggling with codeine for over 5 years after being prescribed them for a broken collar bone . I also suffer sever anxiety and depression so these tablets were like a god send to me . I’m in day 3 today with no codeine after going cold Turkey for 11 days and relapsed 🙁 I have no one to talk to you about it was even hard to admit to myself , just need some moral support

      • #30344


        We are all in the same situation here. Make sure you have a good read through the posts, it really does give you inspiration and hope that we can all do this.

        Are you sure CT is the best for you, hod many are you currently taking?

        I suffer from anxiety and depression too, that’s why I can’t Judy with draw completely x

        • #30351

          Hey star 🙂

          Cold Turkey is definitely the best option for me I no it’s hard but it’s the quickest and fastest way from having these devil pills out of your system . I’m actually doing fine I’ve been at the gym every day went to work aswell just trying to keep busy , the exercise has helped massive spin classes and treadmill I don’t no were the energy’s coming from but I feel so good after doing it 🙂 I was taking between 8-10 a day the past few months . Few years back I was taking around 18 . How are you getting on with your detox ? Sending positive vibes to all of you these stories are truly inspirational & a huge motivator . Can’t wait to come out of this at the other side

          • #30352

            I was taking thirty of five hundreds between eight and ten a day but not every single day the last few months I think that’s why the withdrawal hasn’t been to extreme. But it’s the mental side I’m worried about I’m just sitting here waiting on it creeping up on me . Xxx

      • #30371

        Hi Celtic

        Well done on getting straight back up when you slipped

        There is all the moral support you need right here ,so use it !!

        I think at around the same time frame as you (13 days) that really tested me too

        Chin up

    • #30353

      Wow its lovely to see all you guys stepping up to the plate and getting this awful drug from your lives!

      I am about 6.5 weeks and honestly feel so much better! I was taking between 24 to 32 Nurofen per day so about 400mg of codeine. The last 3 years was much less than previously but even so the WDs were horrible and lasted about 3 weeks I would say. Just putting one foot in front of the other and self care really helped me. And I am glad to not be chemist hopping any more.

      Celtic, the mental side is horrible but its not a given you will get cravings although you likely will. Read as much as you can for inspiration and talk. You definitely are not alone!

      • #30354

        6.5 weeks that’s amazing Casey sitting here on day 4 that seems many moons away 🙁 how did you find the mental side of when did it kick in and when did it start to ease ?

        I’m finding the mornings my anxiety is at it’s worst but once im up and doing things it starts to ease . Im not evening craving codeine at all , just want something that will settle this horrible anxiety


        • #30359

          Hi there Celtic. Yes, I know, it does seem lightyears away, but you will definitely get there! I have often struggled with anxiety/depression and kind of managed it by taking codeine. So, what I had planned this time to protect my quit was seek help for that. I am not prepared to share my addiction journey with Drs etc. But I am happy to say I am struggling with mental health. For me, I am at the age where menopause is a feature in my life. I know that can cause anxiety and depression so thought I would start there. I am also open to anti depressants but I have had those before and didn’t entirely feel they were needed at the moment. Soo, I am trying HRT which is not a quick solution but ultimately I think will help. If it doesn’t I will go the AD route. It might for you mean therapy or counselling or medication or the natural route I think we have to protect our quits with everything we have. If your anxiety is caused by withdrawing from the codeine and its not something you think you have, then possibly exercise, meditation, healthy eating etc might help you. Either way, dig deep and see if you can see why you took them and then follow a path to sort that would be my advice. Oh, and magnesium glycinate is supposed to help with anxiety too. I have just started taking it xx

          • #30364

            I’m totally on board with supplements (complimentary, homeopathic or more nutritional – whatever works!); I take a super vitamin, magnesium, co-q10, omega 3-6-9 and have taken ashwaganda, valerian and arnica.

            However, whatever issues I’ve had, nothing has ever been as effective as cognitive behaviour therapy and working hard on my own negative thought processes, habits, emotions and (at time, frankly idiotic) choices!

            It’s not cheap (if you can find someone!) and you’ll be waiting for it on the NHS but, if the process ‘speaks to you’ (it does me as it’s basically logical and totally sensible!), you don’t actually need many sessions to be able to sort yourself at home! Highly recommended.

          • #30368

            Yes Casey J I’m already doing all that & I’ve an appointment with a therapist tomorrow which I’ve been waiting several months in so everything’s sorta falling into place . The anxiety is the biggest problem with me it’s all down to confidence once I popped 5 or 6 of them pills I could have taken on the world 🙁 how are you getting on with your detox ? X

        • #30360

          Oh and Ashwagandha is also supposed to help with anxiety. Might be worth looking into that too!

    • #30358

      Morning all, last night wasn’t a good night at all! Bad stomach pains all yesterday and after eating very little all day yesterday at 6 this morning I thought maybe the pains were hunger pains and made a sandwich, that didn’t end well for more or the sandwich! Not the best day today chills/sweats/emotional. But I’ve had some paracetamol and ibuprofen, a coffee and got my ass up and moving. One foot in front of the other today! Good luck everyone xxx

    • #30365

      Hi Celtic, my anxiety/depression was linked to grief so I don’t know if it’s even remotely similar to what your going through. At that time though I like Casey told the doctor I was struggling with my mental health and was prescribed various pills at various times that sometimes helped sometimes didn’t. I always checked myself to see if they could be taken with codeine though as I Lao wasn’t ready to share my addiction. I’m till prescribed propanol but rarely take it now though. What I am finding though is that withdrawing I’m crying a lot and having dreams like this morning about my mother where it felt real, we were talking and just for a second when I woke I picked up the phone to call her before I remembered it wasn’t real and she wasn’t going to be there. I think codeine and pills masked a lot of emotion I should have dealt with and the time and stopping is making me deal with it all hardcore. So please be careful and get all the help you need. Loads of love xxx

      • #30366

        Hi have hope 🙂

        I’m in exactly the same situation as you love . There’s been a lot of traumatic experience & heart break in my life and it’s all been very public 🙁 I was feeling very exposed for years not an ounce of confidence or self esteem & those pills really helped me cope with that . I detoxed of my propanol nearly two years ago and replaced them with healthy vitamins and I blend celery & lemon up in water at least twice a day I never want to go back on them either I take 30 m of mirtrizape which I think has got me through the withdrawals . Day 4 and I’m sleeping at least 6 – 7 hours and my appetite is fine . Exercise is my new go to I feel amazing after it , anyone else coming if these pills get yourself into the gym pool & sauna I’m amazed how well I’m coping and it’s only day 4 xx

      • #30367

        Have hope I’m really sorry about your mother . Loosing a parent very young is so difficult I lost my father when I was 13 . My heart is with you love ❤️ though it’s strange I didn’t start grieving his loss until I was 28 it’s like I buried it deep into my subconscious & its all coming up to be felt & healed ? Funny enough that’s round about the time I started taking codeine and from then on it’s been a battle on & off on and off .

    • #30369

      Thank you so much for your kind replies I Havnt spoke about this to anyone in 5 years . Feels so good finally getting it out & starting recovery 🙂 day 5 tomorrow onwards & upwards

    • #30370

      Thank you so much for your kind replies I Havnt spoke about this to anyone in five years . Feels so good finally getting it out & starting recovery 🙂 day five tomorrow onwards & upwards

    • #30376

      Hi Celtic, I’m so gonna try your celery belnd! I haven’t been to the gym but I move been for lists of walks in the beach and to the woods. I saw a fox and a deer and I was like wow!!! I forgot the little things that can mean so much but then at the minute I just cry over everything! I lost my mother feb 2020, then covid hit and my head kept spinning since. I loved next door to her, her house was our house and my babies, well she said kids were the rainbow but grandkids the pot of gold at the end. It hurt us all a lot to lose her and happened in ways so much more quickly then we thought. I was the rock but feel guilty now because it was always Dutch courage making me that strong. But I loved her and was there and now I just trying to be the person I know I should be, deep down want to be, and nervously finding the courage to be. Christ we’re all human I know this, it’s always so much easier to find empathy, forgiveness and love to anyone but yourself. Gonna set my alarm be hot the woods tomorrow no matter how shot I feel. It feeels good to know that I’m not the only person feeling like this, even though I wouldn’t wish it on anyone if you know what I mean. Sending love xxxx

    • #30377

      Hi Celtic, I’m so gonna try your celery blend ! I haven’t been to the gym but I move been for lots of walks in the beach and to the woods. I saw a fox and a deer and I was like wow!!! I forgot the little things that can mean so much but then at the minute I just cry over everything! I lost my mother feb 2020, then covid hit and my head kept spinning since. I loved and loved next door to her, her house was our house and my babies, well she said kids were the rainbow but grandkids the pot of gold at the end. It hurt us all a lot to lose her and happened in ways so much more quickly then we thought. I was the rock but feel guilty now because it was always Dutch courage making me that strong. But I loved her and was there and now Im just trying to be the person I know I should be, deep down want to be, and nervously finding the courage to be. Christ we’re all human I know this, it’s always so much easier to find empathy, forgiveness and love to anyone but yourself. Gonna set my alarm be up early to the woods tomorrow no matter how shit I feel. It feel’s good to know that I’m not the only person feeling like this, even though I wouldn’t wish it on anyone if you know what I mean. Sending love xxxx

    • #30380


      How is everybody this morning? 1 week until I stop these tablets and I honestly cannot wait. I’m waiting until next week as I have a lot of things planned this week and I thought would be best to wait.

      Hope everyone is coping ok and has a nice Monday x

      • #30382

        All good here – I hope everyone is hanging in there. This is an emotional rollercoaster and I’m so grateful for having had therapy today. A combination of it being the right time for me, will power, experience of quitting (so being prepared for what to expect, and not being side swiped by withdrawal symptoms) and therapy seems to be doing the trick. I’ve broken the habit of reaching for the pills with my coffee first thing in the morning which I never thought would be possible to break. I feel free and I can look people in the eyes for the first time in my life, without shame. That is so empowering for me. I send each of you love and resilience for this fight xx

    • #30381

      Morning everyone, hope everyone is good today. I’ve gone from wanting to cry to rage today! One emotion to the next, gonna use it and do some jobs I’ve been putting off. Popped some multi vitamins and some magnesium tablets. I haven’t had the restless legs yet so I’ve gone for the pills it says on the box they are good for fatigue so fingers crossed ????. Gonna try another walk later because I felt so up after that I just hope my horrible jobs don’t suck all my energy. I haven’t been shopping yet but celery is definitely on the list for when I go. Good luck everyone xxx

    • #30383

      I hope this doesn’t sound condescending since I’ve never met you, but proud of You Emmie. I know I’m close but I hope that’s me real soon. I’m starting to feel pride in myself again though so I must be getting there, but we’ll done you xxx

      • #30386

        Not condescending at all. I really appreciate your comment. I feel proud of myself too, for the first time, and I’m proud of all of us on here, prepared for this battle. I used to think it was my fault I ended up addicted to these pills but I realise it’s not. The pills were a symptom and I’ve been focussing on them being the problem xx

    • #30385

      Hi guys! Everyone sounds really positive which is amazing. Its so wonderful to find that strength to fight this anyway we can isnt it!

      I have to say, I am feeling good today despite first day back at work after a break.

      Definitely warriors, the lot of us! xx

    • #30389

      6 days & im really starting to feel it . On my way to work and can’t hold the tears back feel like my soul is being sucked out of my body & the anxiety is up to high Dow. I’m so annoyed at myself for feeling like this when does it all end


      • #30394

        I’m with you- it hasn’t been a breeze and today I’m feeling like my bones have been replaced by concrete and my blood with quicksand. I feel like I’m wading through treacle. I’m cracking on with physical activities – I went for a run, did some gardening and cleaned the windows but my GOD it’s an effort!! Ugh. I know it’s worth it and I’m not tempted to crack but I want to acknowledge it’s really hard at times. Love to all xx

        • #30399

          Emmie it’s tough going especially the mental side of it physical side is nothing compared to this . Hopfully after today things start to pick up I found befour when I detoxed that most of it was all rolled into one day then it started to pick up 🙂 sending you healing hugs – we got this xxx

    • #30390

      I promise you that any day or even any hour soon you will begin to feel much better

      In the beginning we all focus on managing the physical WD s that we can be taken by surprise when the emotional WDs kick i

      It will pass and each day on will see you feeling a little better

      Stay strong

    • #30397

      Hi Celtic I’m the same, never cried this much in a long time. Then go to rage, then my tummy hurts, then I ache. Last night I was up and down with cramps all night in my legs. But it changes hour by hour. In between awfulness I made myself go for some beautiful walks even though I didn’t think I had the energy to put on my shoes and I’ve came back feeling so much calmer. I pushed myself to do physical jobs I didn’t want to do and felt pride and up when I’m done. It’s such a rollercoaster and I know I’m know where near the end yet but it will be worth it. I know it’s lucky I don’t have work at the minute but I think if you can occupy your mind it helps you forget how shit you feel for a little while. We are all in the same boat just hanging on in there until we can be like the people who have posted saying there on day 42 etc and have never felt so good. I can’t wait to be that person. Hang on in there, I will too!! Sending loads of love xxx

      • #30421

        How you doing today everyone?

        I am so glad I found you guys. I had a terrible time yesterday and today feels much the same- total exhaustion but with anxiety at the same time. So I need coffee to be awake enough to work but the coffee just makes my anxiety worse. Last night I stayed at my wonderful boyfriend’s house and I had the worst restless legs AND arms. Jesus give me a break. I lay there all night trying not to disturb him but having to fidget anyway. I’m feeling really bloody fed up today. I don’t even know how I’m doing everything – I went paddle boarding and swimming, I went for a run yesterday- but please don’t mistake me for someone with any energy at all. Even making a cup of coffee exhausts me. I’m just pushing myself and praying being active helps. This place helps me- I was thinking of you guys and your journeys last night when I couldn’t sleep. I could have cracked- my bf has codeine in his cabinet- but I thought ‘then what, Emily!? Then you’re back to the start again. You have to get through this.’ I just lay there thinking ‘this is so awful. Take the tablets and start again tomorrow.’ Then ‘no. Think of the others on this forum- they can do it and so can you.’ Ugh. I think I spoke too soon saying I wasn’t having many withdrawal symptoms.

        • #30423

          Hey Emmie, my advice would be just stop. Its OK to rest. Your body is going through hell and needs time to heal. Allow yourself this time as its not forever. Its a short time and your energy will come back. Treat it like the flu, a bad dose, you know the ones where legs feel like lead for ages. If you fancy it, a gentle walk just to get some air. Nothing more unless you really fancy it xx

    • #30398

      It’s just been so hard emotionally for me this day 🙁 but your right with the keeping busy it is helping . was going to phone in sick for the rest of the week but now that I’m here I’m gonna push through to Friday then it will be day 9 🙂 them restless legs sound horrible hope they ease for your soon I Havnt had them ( yet ) but one thing I did notice on day 4 my pupils were really large scary looking did anyone else experience this ?? Have hope what day are you on ?? Really hope this eases soon think I’m gonna take a holiday next week to the carvan get beside the ocean clear the cobwebs abit . I find being beside bodies of water really helps calm me down xxxx

    • #30400

      Hi guys, hang in there. I found it got much better around 18 to 20 days. From about day 14 I could see that horrible depression at least had the capacity to lift but a lot better about a week later. Sounds a long time, but in the great scheme of things and in comparison to how long we took this drug, its not that long.

      Best wishes all, you can do this xx

      • #30401

        Also found that day 20 was a significant improvement – I am day 22 today and, despite being at my g’pa’s funeral (he was 102 so we’ve been celebrating his life much more than mourning, thankfully), I am miles better than even 3 or 4 days ago, which in turn was miles better than 3 days before that!

        I know we’re all different but I was on over 700mg per day in one dose for quite a while so was expecting some pretty serious WD and physical after-effects. However, I don’t think it’s wildly different in term of timescales to folk who were on much lower amounts but more regularly spaced throughout the day (which could be much harder as a more regular habit to break, I suspect – I just had to deal with the significant urge once a day!).

        So, hang on in there folks as it seems the end if week three can be a real turning point for lots of us and it is a pretty linear process that gets better every day (emotional triggers etc. notwithstanding)!

        • #30408

          I think you are pretty spot on Oobs. Week 3 is definitely the golden nugget So sorry to hear about your grandpa but wow what an age! Definitely a celebration. The thing I find amazing, is that we CAN actually cope with sadness, fear, depression and anxiety without these little life stealers. They do keep us in a comfort zone in a way. However, the comfort zone is where dreams go to die by all accounts.

          I was taking them throughout the day every few hours and was on about 400mg I think. But even so, once I made my mind up to stop that was my focus and touch wood not had one craving at all. I have done this many many times so know I am not out the woods and probably never will be, but for some reason, this time, cravings have not featured.

    • #30422

      You have my deepest sympathy

      My restless legs were so extreme I swear my eyelashes join in

      I had restless body never mind legs!

      Magnesium spray helps a bit but it was still horrendous

      I use a weighted blanket which is a big help but of course that’s no help to you right now as it’s far too hot for it

      There are prescription meds but my GP was nervous of giving me them as I take a load of other stuff

      Chin up

      It will pass I promise

    • #30428

      Hi Dotty, how are you doing now? You must have a good few days under your belt I think? xx

      • #30429

        Most of the horrid things such as nausea and vomiting have settled,

        The hole in my brain which was filled by codeine has not gone.What I am finding hardest to deal with,is the fact that I felt so much better when I was popping the devil pills.I still feel as if I am dragging myself through the days.I have ordered some sort of dopamine supplement.I am pinning my hopes on this.

        • #30431

          How many days are you Dotty? I know that feeling so well and it does lift. Supps a good idea. Have you tried Ashwagandha?

          • #30494

            I can see a big black hole that I am clinging to the sides off desperate to avoid falling in to it.My hubby has to have further surgery (he had a kidney removed a while ago)which is scheduled for Thursday.I am more than afraid,he is a good bit older than me ,so no spring chicken,but he is my rock. I have a reel running through the back of my mind that will not stop.How will I live without him if the worst happens etc etc… I know it is irrational but that does not make it go away.The things I have previously used and abused to get me through hard times are gone.I want to keep it that way,but truly I do not know how to get through.

            My lovely grown up Gdaughter is coming to stay with me which will be a massive incentive to stay clean but the fear of falling is so very real.

    • #30430

      Hi everyone I’m pottering on with a few jobs again but I have that same just exhaustion. I find I just have to push myself to do things or I feel worse and have too much time to think…we will get there though. Thinking of you all too xxx

      • #30432

        Thinking is never a good idea ???? You will get there bit by bit and day by day xx

    • #30433

      Sorry if this is a bit of a weird question, but did anyone women find there periods affected withdrawing? I have a coil and I have a reallly heavy period like I haven’t had for a long time. I don’t know if it could be related to the menopause I’m early 40’s or if it’s just this? As if there wasn’t enough to contend with lol! Thanks xxx

    • #30434

      Have hope

      Yes it definitely effected mine . The pains I was getting were unbearable lying curled up in a ball crying , I was off the codeine 11 days & ended up relapsing because of this . I was nearly taking a trip to the hospital it was that bad .

    • #30435

      I am post menopause and when taking codeine, no symptoms (hot flushes, insomnia, depression etc) when off, everything comes back with a vengeance. I am certain it affects hormone production

    • #30442

      Thanks for your answers, I still have awful cramp’s this morning ????. Going to take some ibuprofen and vitamins and hopefully moving around a bit might help. If not it might be a curl up with the kindle kinda day. Hopefully it will just last a day or two. Hope ever has a good day today xxx

    • #30444

      How are you doing now Havehope? I do hope you are feeling better. I was watching a programme on Ch5 last night about womens health and they really recommended a heat pad for cramps. Maybe that’s something that might help?

    • #30458

      Morning All, the cramps have eased past not gone completely. I will look into a heat pad that is caseyJ if it carries on. I’m annoyed with myself because last night and the night before I had a couple of glasses of wine. I just bought the glass size bottles so I could over indulge like I usually so with everything but I still feel a failure and my partner is annoyed with me because I said I was giving up alcohol too and didn’t stick to it. I know his point but I’m starting to feel like I’m in jail, which is silly because people are only trying to help and I know after wine my will power is weaker. Anyways we are going to go out later and I will drive so I won’t be tempted. It’s hard trying to give up very thing that you used to relieve stress. I need to learn new routines. Anyways that’s my whinge over. I’m going to finish my coffee and try and turn this day around into a good day! Happy weekend everyone x

      • #30460

        Have hope get yourself a gym membership best stress burner plus you feel good after it steada feeling like crap after the wine .

        Coming of codeine is already causing depression the alchol is just gonna add to that – Not worth it ???? xx

    • #30461

      Celtic 17 your right wine really doesn’t help. With the kids and work I never seem to find the time for the gym but I love walking. I’m going to go for a nice walk later on and hopefully that will make me feel better xxx

      • #30463

        Get beside the ocean ???? it will definitely make you feel better ???? that’s great enjoy your walk & how you getting in with the celery & Lemon? ???? xxx

    • #30465


      Apologies in advance this is probably going to be a long post.

      For the past two years I have been taking around 400mg of codiene a day.

      I previously had an addiction to the same and managed to quit when I fell pregnant (not planned).

      I’m at the stage now where I have come to realise I need to get off of this as I am a shadow of my former shelf.

      I have no energy,no interest in anything and I’m scared of the damage I am doing to myself.

      No one knows about this ,my husband probably has a good idea as he has found empty packets stashed everywhere but when he tried to speak to me about it I was dismissive and he let it go.

      I can’t admit it to him I am so ashamed.

      I struggle with my mental health and have been in anti depressants for four years.

      What is the best way to go to stop?I’m scared to go CT as I have three kids to look after and need to be able to function for them .

      If I taper can I reduce the withdrawal symptoms? Is there anything else I can take multi vitamins or the likes of to help?.

      Thankyou so much for reading ,I feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders writing this as I have no one to speak to.

      I have been reading through all the pages and your stories have given me the strength to realise I need to quit.

    • #30468

      Hi there Mamma and welcome to this little group! Please dont be ashamed, we have all been there and its not our fault.

      If you dont feel you can manage CT, then tapering is an option for you. You say you are taking about 400mg per day? Thats about what I was taking too. Are you taking over the counter or prescription? Either way, if you are going to taper, it is suggested to drop about 10% per week to avoid the awful withdrawals that come with CT. It will still take an awful lot of discipline to stick to your goal but it definitely can be done.

      When I went through withdrawal (CT) I drank water, took berrocca and Imodium for the dodgy tummy. I have learned since that magnesium is good for helping relaxation and restless legs which you may or may not get.

      This is doable and definitely life after codeine, I have been through countless withdrawals and am now over 6 weeks completely clean. Its wonderful. You say you are depressed and struggle with mental health? I think we all do in some ways. I promised myself this would be my last quit and have prioritised it over everything.

      Keep talking and we can support you xx

    • #30470

      Hi Mamma4 your story sounds so like mine and a lot of peoples on this group. I’m still working my way through this and this forum has been a god send, it’s so good to just not feel alone and like the most terrible person in the world. I have tried withdrawing a few times cold turkey and I too have kids and have just never managed past 4 ish days. I also tried tapering but never had the discipline needed until this time because I knew I wanted it. I told my family because I knew I needed someone else to keep me on the straight and narrow so to speak, so if your lucky enough to have someone you can trust to help you with your taper that can be such a good help on those harder days. I tapered really quickly the first week or so and now I’m slowing down because I’m not taking much now compared to what I was having. Also tapering the dosage helps, I went from multiple times a day to taking 2 doses a day. But I’ve learnt from this forum that everyone is different and you have to do it however you can. I’ve found pushing myself to do things depending on my mood really helps. If I feel rage I clean like I’m a woman possessed. If I feel down a walk in the woods or a long the beach helps. Do what you need to do to get through it and take it hour by hour and forgive yourself when you eff up excuse the French. We all make mistakes, we are human and one mistake doesn’t mean the whole game is over, I just keep trying to plug away. I find the Breethe app listening to sleep stories and meditations helps me personally, again though I think it’s finding something that helps your mood to lift and we are all so different. I’ve been taking vitamins including magnesium tablets. Also trying to quit alcohol as I find that’s a trigger for me too. It’s not easy but we can do it because as someone else told me on here, we are warriors!!! We can do anything. Wishing you every success and we are all in this together xxx

    • #30475

      Wise words Havehope!

      How’s everyone doing today?

      • #30476

        Hey everyone, hope you’re all doing well.

        This is my last day of taking codeine before going CT tomorrow, please wish me luck and any tips. I’ve done it before but relapsed however I never want to take this drug in my life ever again after today.

        Thanks again for all your stories ????

        • #30479

          Whoop! Exciting times for you. My advice would be to understand it won’t be easy but it WILL pass! How many are you dropping down from? Make sure you rest when needed and let each symptom do its thing, then leave

          • #30482

            Hi casey, thanks a lot for responding and thank you so much for the reassurance.

            I take 2 30mg every four hours, it might not seem like a lot to some people. I’ve been taking them like clock work for the past 2 and a half years and don’t want to be a slave to them anymore.

            I have really bad bowel problems which I think is because of them and hoping in a few weeks/months I will feel better.

            I feel grumpy all the time and my partner gets the brunt of it and I feel so bad I just want to get better and be my old self again. my sex drive is non existent which before I took codeine was not sorry it tmi. Will this all go back to normal in a few weeks once my body is rid of this horrible drug?

            Thanks a lot

            • #30483

              So you are on quite a high dose as far as withdrawal is concerned which means you will feel pretty rubbish. Did you have your colonoscopy and have your mind put at rest? Giving them up will definitely help bowel issues. I had issues for about 4 weeks. Not awful, but it did take some time to clear up.

              You have many perfect reasons to quit and life will start again for you soon. But allow yourself the time to go through the withdrawals. We have medicated ourselves for years and it doesn’t happen immediately but it will get better and you will never have to feel this way again.

    • #30477

      Morning all! Hope everyone is doing well.

      I’m on Day 9 today, after 8 months of mega-abusing Nurofen Plus. Does anyone know when the morning dread starts to ease? I’m also experiencing anxiety through the day, I’m not interested in anything, I’m not hungry, and my tummy is terrible. This isn’t the first time I’ve done this, but I’ve never reached out to others before.

      I can’t help but withdraw (ha!) from my family and friends, even though I hate being alone. Just so damn sad! Which is ridiculous, because the codeine high lasted about 20 minutes, and the rest of the time was spent frantically trying to pharmacy shop, lying to everyone, borrowing money when mine inevitably ran out. Ugh. I just can’t see the light right now.

      • #30480

        Welcome Owl! Day 9 is amazing! I would say a few more days yet. That feeling of doom is horrendous isnt it?? But it will go. Anxiety for me lasted about 3 weeks. By day 21 I was loads better. Lack of motivation is par for the course I think, again that will pass. Rest when you can and realise you never ever have to go through this again. If you can, eat a little, it will help even if its soup or just a little something with some nourishment. Definitely drink plenty of water. I promise you the sadness will go. The codeine affects the reward centre in your brain, ie it gives you the reward without you having to do anything to get it so the natural endorphins (pleasure hormones) go to sleep. They do wake up again ????.

        I too spent my whole time chemist hopping for a meagre high! Pointless

        Stay in touch and know you can do this!

    • #30478

      Morning all! Hope everyone is doing well.

      I’m on Day 9 today, after 8 months of mega-abusing Nurofen Plus. Does anyone know when the morning dread starts to ease? I’m also experiencing anxiety through the day, I’m not interested in anything, I’m not hungry, and my tummy is terrible. This isn’t the first time I’ve done this, but I’ve never reached out to others before.

      I can’t help but withdraw (ha!) from my family and friends, even though I hate being alone. Just so damn sad! Which is ridiculous, because the codeine high lasted about 20 minutes, and the rest of the time was spent frantically trying to pharmacy shop, lying to everyone, borrowing money when mine inevitably ran out. Ugh. I just can’t see the light right now.

      • #30492

        I don’t have much to offer because I’m only on day 12 or 13 of cold turkey and it sucks, I’m not going to lie. I know what you mean about the high only lasting 20 mins or so and then the rest of the time being preoccupied by getting hold of the stuff but I think a lot of that was masking anxiety. Now I’ve stopped, I’m feeling the anxiety I always used to feel, 10 years ago when I started using codeine to feel invincible.

        I hope it passes for all of us. My stomach has been awful too- it’s miserable isn’t it?! But today is the first day it’s been more manageable. So I guess it’s a sign I’m getting there, however slowly and uncomfortably. Today is my birthday. The first thing I wanted to do this morning was take pills but instead I went to see my therapist and then went paddle boarding. One hour at a time, right? Take care all. Love and light xx

        • #30496

          Emmie, it does suck. Utterly and totally. It is the worst time in most peoples lives to withdraw from what is essentially a morphine habit. I too had anxiety return so promised myself I would do something else to deal with it. In my case, I have gone on HRT which miraculously has helped massively. For you, it might be anti depressants or hypnotherapy or something else. The most important thing is to protect your quit with everything you have and that will likely mean finding a solution for your anxiety so you dont fall into this trap again.

    • #30481

      Thanks Casey! It’s a big relief not to have to do that anymore!!

      • #30484

        It really is! The lies that I told on a daily basis. Gives me shudders now

    • #30489

      Not sure if this is allowed but when looking for tapering info I found this. Might be of some help if they let me post it for anyone needing tapering help x

    • #30490

      You might have to copy and paste the address into your browser x

    • #30493

      Don`t beat yourself up Havehope,you are doing your very best to battle through both codeine and alcohol.The fact that you are even in this forum is mega testimony to your willingness to ditch both.I have been where you are right now and can tell you with 100% certainty that it can be done, you are most certainly not a failure.

      For a long time I felt a hole where both codeine and alcohol had previously lived,I am still struggling to find something to fill that hole.My current addiction is Diet Coke,and I am not even joking.Some of us have the personality type that seem to need something /anything to over indulge.This is not our fault or weakness,but,you are super strong and will get there .

      Take care

    • #30495

      Hey Dotty, you are going through some horrendously tough times. And there is not much I can say to alleviate your fears. The good thing is you are going through them without being in the bubble of codeine, so although scary, you can properly rationalise what you need to understand and do. You have support which is great. You will get through. Think of other times in your life when you wondered how you might manage, and you did. Thoughts with you and hubby

    • #30502

      Good morning everyone, hope everyone’s ok today.

      Day 1 for me. Can I ask people opinions please? Should I start taking the magnesium and valerian root today later on or wait a couple of days? I know from previously that RL and body is my worst symptom and I couldn’t sleep due to it and my anxiety is going to get really bad as before I started codiene it was bad and I kind of tried to mask it with the drug as it helped think that’s why I’ve taken it for so long.

      Sorry for rambling, would just like peoples opinions.

      Thank you ????

    • #30503

      Good morning everyone, hope everyone’s ok today.

      Day 1 for me. Can I ask people opinions please? Should I start taking the magnesium and valerian root today later on or wait a couple of days? I know from previously that RL and body is my worst symptom and I couldn’t sleep due to it and my anxiety is going to get really bad as before I started codiene it was bad and I kind of tried to mask it with the drug as it helped think that’s why I’ve taken it for so long.

      Sorry for rambling, would just like peoples opinions.

      Thank you ????

    • #30504

      Morning Staceyd09 and good luck. I would personally start taking it straight away and get it in your system. I personally always found day 1 and 2 not too bad and then from day 3 got worsening symptoms so it can’t hurt to have the magnesium and valerian root from day 1 to get in your system. Wishing you the best of luck xxx

      • #30505

        Morning havehope, hope you’re doing well. That’s what I was thinking as it can maybe take a couple of days to actually get in my system and I’m the same as you previously found day 1 and 2 easier than the next days that followed. I will let everyone know how I get on. It says you can take the valerian during the day and before bed so will try that today. Thank you xxx

        • #30506

          I’ve found it really helpful to read that day1 and 2 are the easiest- I had mistakenly thought they would be hardest and I’ve been really disappointed that my withdrawal symptoms have been so tough since day 3. I’m on day 14 now and things are just starting to settle but restless legs still rear their head now and again, my stomach is still trying to find its own rhythm and my anxiety is giving me trouble. I’m avoiding caffeine to try and reduce my anxiety where possible: I just have a deep since of ‘meh.’ Like, I can’t be bothered with anything at all. I know codeine would give me an energy boost and I’m not doing to cave in, but it’s rough. Good luck everyone in your journeys xx

    • #30507

      I think day 1 and 2 are the easiest because it takes a while for everything to leave your system and then after 2 days your body is like, right what the hell is going on! My tummy is still so sore, I’ve survived on a few cup of soups and vitamins but now I’m trying to make myself eat something more substantial even if it’s small and more often. I feel like I have permanent PMS lol. I know it’s not going to last forever though. Good luck everyone xxx

    • #30517

      Hey guys, is anyone is? Struggling a bit. Been crying my eyes out and feel like I need the pills but don’t want to take them as then what? I’ll have to go through this all again next week or week after I can’t keep doing this

      • #30518

        Hi Stacey, Jonathan here – how are you coping? I’m currently tapering and down too two tablets a day. I’m in the same boat mood swings and crying a lot I’ve actually had to take some time off work this week. Be kind to yourself whilst your going through this – run a bath. Watch tv try anything to keep your mind off it. You are right in what you say tho. You will need to go through this if you don’t now. I wish your luck 🙂 x

      • #30520


        Yeah still here- I totally hear you with the struggling and feeling like caving. I pray it gets easier and less tempting. I find being bored the worst- I can really focus on my aches and anxiety and then all I can think of is ‘this could all go away quickly with a few pills.’

        I’ve been doing ‘yoga for cravings’ and yoga for drug withdrawal as well as a meditation on YTube for drug addiction recovery. It helps. If nothing else, for 10 mins or so, I forget the cravings. Take good care – hang in there. I’m already at day 15 and I never thought I’d make it this far.

    • #30519

      Hey Everyone, sorry not been here in ages. Life has been very busy. I’ve managed to successfully get down to two DHC with the option of two-four cocodamol if needed. Hoping to stabilise here for a bit and then remove the co codamol. I have enough tablets for my taper and finally told my friend who gets them I no longer want or need any. They’ve agreed not to offer me them anymore. Im struggling mentally just now. My stomach is churning constantly but no this will settle once my body settles at this new dose. Hope everyone is well. J x

    • #30521

      Day 15 is amazing Emmie. Well done. Its is a bit of a crappy time though, kinda in the middle. Physical WDs better but the mental stuff kicking in. The pills do seem so tempting. Just dont, you will be back to square one and in a few weeks or months you will be thinking of starting the quit cycle once again. At least that was me over and over. Great idea doing yoga and meditation, it does give the old thinker a break.

      All you guys are doing so well. you are here and sticking with your goals. That is HUGE and even though it feels horrible, you are doing it. Be proud

    • #30525

      Hi Stacey and Jonathan! I’m on Day 11, and I can promise you, you WILL get better. It takes a while, I won’t lie to you. It’s difficult, scary and unpleasant, but the thought of going back on the damn things and doing it all over again is more so.

      Try to rest when you can. Watch something non-taxing and funny. Cartoons are good! Sip some soup (as Casey told me!), try a tiny bit of exercise, baths, reading? Good luck both xx

    • #30533

      Hey how’s everyone doing ?

      Day 14 here for me! The anxiety has reduced massively & I’m starting to feel abit better 🙂 strange though the past 3 days ive just lay about the house with no motivation or energy to do anything were as the first week I was flat out in the gym . I feel like I’m kinda of in the mild depression stage of it just don’t want to do anything but rest & now I’m fed up with that to . Ugh! Also I didn’t get restless legs until day 12 which I found strange . But anyways just letting yous no that slowly but surly you get there . Just keep pushing through .

      Good luck everyone xxxx

    • #30576

      Hello all, how’s it going? Any of those rotten symptoms starting to ease yet?

      I am on day 57 today and feeling good. Have not even been thinking of codeine which is a miracle. Long may that last. I have been using transdermal magnesium which really seems to be helping my sleep too.

      Hope you’re all doing OK xx

    • #30586

      Hi caseyJ so pleased that your feeling good and sleeping well. I’m still tapering but I. Know I’ve come so far with alcohol too because I’ve had to stop enjoying my glasses of wine because it’s a trigger for me when I don’t feel my best next morning. I’m away again this weekend with the kids and sea air. Don’t know what it is about the beach but it relaxes me to the core and gives me hope for the future. Good luck and lots of love everyone xxx

      • #30587

        I quit alcohol too Havehope. Its the best thing I’ve ever done (other than quitting codeine!) The sea air is fabulous for mental health. I am going to Norfolk in Sept and cannot wait! Where are you with your tapering? xx

        • #30588

          It still suprises me actuallyt how very many of us have quit/are quitting both codeine AND alcohol.Clearly the addictive personality theory has a great deal of truth in it.

          I quit alcohol because my mother was an alcoholic and it scared me,at the time I had never even heard of the addictive personality theory.

          Quitting alcohol was the easier quit by a very long mile.I felt better for the alcohol quit much sooner than I felt better from the codeine quit.

          I think for some of us ,we will always need to be on our guard from fuure /potential addictions.

          Currently I am, addicted to Diet Coke,and I am not even joking….

          • #30593

            Hi Dotty ,hope you’re keeping well XX I do agree with an addictive personality theory …I’m like that ..ever since I’ve stopped codeine i have been drinking almost every night (2-4 drinks to relax) .I had some days off it but it’s become a routine to have a drink after work ,watch some Netflix or listen to the music . I have to stop it before it’s too late ????

            • #30624

              I am really only holding on, my hubby is back in hospital and I am being REALLY tested right now

              I am just putting one foot in front of the other !

    • #30589

      I think there is a faulty addictive gene that runs through alot of us.‘makes sense in lots of ways. I’ve tapered roughly from at least 840mg of codeine over a day to about 150mg over a day. I’m not perfect and some days I do better than others but I’ve came a long way. Same with all alcohol I’ve cut down so much but I still do have my mess up days. I’m learning to forgive myself and remember that it’s the journey that’s important. I am trying and changing and doing my best. I’ve learnt to be honest with the people I love and let them know that I’m not this perfect person we all aspire to be. I am strong but I’m also weak,‘I am a coward but I’m also brave. We are all rough with some smooth edges. I’m learning it’s the trying and the keeping on trying that matters, that makes all the difference. That’s what makes us warrior’s. Keep fighting xxxx

      • #30590

        Lovely words and so true. You are doing amazingly with your taper and booze. I agree, the rubbish days were we mess up are still important. The worst thing you can do is say fxxx it and stop trying. Well done Havehope you are a true warrior xx

      • #30603

        Hi all. Day 34 here and pretty much totally back to normal. It helps I’m in Tuscany with my family so no room for the empty, listless feeling that hangs around until we re-wire the brain to feel contentment and happiness naturally, without codeine!

        On addictive genes, the evidence is stacking up that some of us develop that addictive behaviour for one of a few reasons. It’s not a gene as such but external events interacting with our genes in a way that seems to shape our response to stimulus and make us susceptible to a ‘need’ to repeat certain behaviours. If you Google ‘your genes and addiction harvard’, there is a relatively clear explanation for some of it for those interested (sorry, forum won’t let me copy the link to the site…).

        Continue to be inspired by how many of you are either far down the road or currently tapering/recently gone CT.

        Now I’m well over the withdrawal, I have even more perspective about just how dreadful you feel in the early days. So, hats off to those who are in it right now and fighting the urge to stop those symptoms the easy way!

    • #30605

      Hi guys I tried going cold a few month ago ended in failure because of withdrawals ! . I’ve tried again because they were making me feel poorly I have round about 9 a day . I’ve tried going down to 4 a day as I don’t even feel like I want them but I’m getting restless legs ???? and I’m struggling I don’t want these but these legs are so bad !

    • #30623

      I had RL really bad.I even had restless eyelashes!!

      I tried magnesium spray which helped a bit ,I also used a weighted blanket which also helped a little.I have to be honest and tell you that despite using both things it was still dreadful

      The best I can truthfully say is that it will go eventually !

      Good luck

    • #30640

      Hi Dotty I hope you and your husband are ok. I’m still going on with the taper but found it really hard over the weekend. I feel like I get one thing under control the mess up another. I keep justifying to myself that it’s ok to have some wine Because my head is battered at the moment etc etc. I know what I’m doing and Im going to really try to not swap one addiction for another. I had a word with my partner and he’s suggested allowing myself a couple of glasses on a Saturday night with him so I still feel like I have something to look forward too. Im going to try that. Everything still feels really difficult at the moment and I fear it will get worse because I’m tapering more again. Take care everyone xx

    • #30672

      Hi guys, how you all doing?

      Dotty, so sorry to to hear about your husband. How are you doing today? Do you have support etc?

      Havehope, the tapering will bring your mood down as you withdraw unfortunately and it is a protracted process. I hate to say this, but the alcohol will likely exacerbate that too as its a depressant. I know the first drink feels nice but the effects on the brain when that initial high is gone is to lower our happy chemicals. It is such a difficult path and I have so often swapped one addiction for another which is so very easy to do. Hopefully this won’t happen to you

      Hi Laura, welcome to you. Have you tried magnesium spray ? I am finding its really helping my sleep and if you rub it into your legs, it might just help with RLS thats so common with withdrawals.

    • #30673

      The RL were the absolute worst for me

      So many times I gave up because of it

      The magnesium spray the the does help but in truth it never went completely ,in the dead of night I have shed tears over it as all I wanted was sleep and I was not getting any

      I also tried with some success some Dopa capsules they are

      Meant to help maximise the dopamine in the brain

      They certainly did not make things any worse !!

      Stay with it.

    • #30674

      Hi Everyone, hope your all ok. I’m still battling on but I’ve definitely felt my mood getting lower and lower. You are right about alcohol being a depressant, I just need to find a whole new reward system lol. I’m finding it harder to motivate myself to get up and do things. I’m just going with it though and I’ve had a couple of lazy days. Hope your husband is ok Dotty. Love to all xx

      • #30725

        Hi HaveHope

        Sorry to hear you are finding things challenging, if it is any consolation I am on a similar path and experiencing the same emotions of frustration and wanting to have something to fill the void. I too have been having a glass of wine here and there and I have no intention of giving it up as my intake hasnt increased and life is hard enough trying to battle on with this taper. Unfortunately I haven’t made steady progress as yet, its been a bit up and down but im not giving up as its not an option. Do u mind me asking where u are at on your tapering and where u started from? My own issue is with nurofen plus. I was taking 24 a day then went up to 28. Currently on 18, i did stick to 15 yesterday. I find my work days the most challenging as its stressful at the minute and popping a few pils is my way of keeping calm. I desperately want to get my usage under control. It’s just so damn hard isnt it

    • #30752

      Hi, I am 7 days CT. I have had an absolutely disgusting week of withdrawal but am here in one piece tonight. I just want to let you all know that you are all what’s kept me going.

      • #30754

        Hi there Baileysmum. Many congratulations on your 7 days! It will get easier I promise. Stick with it its so worth it. I am on day 67 and those early days do seem a dim and distant memory now but I never ever want to forget or become complacent as I refuse to go there again.

    • #30755

      To all you guys who are tapering, I take my hat off to you. Very brave. Again, stick with it, its a marathon not a race and your rewards will come soon enough. Good luck

    • #30758

      Hi Flo, I know tapering is really hard and I too have my ups and downs. I’m trying to be really strong and most days. I was taking roughly a hole strip of 30mg codeine which was about 840mg per day. I’m now taking about 4 a day most days but I do slip up now and then and try and just forgive myself and carry on and remember how far I’ve come. I’ve massively decreased what I’m taking so at least trying and keeping going forward is something to be proud of. Keep going you will get there, me too, hour by hour x

    • #30787

      Hey guys hope you are all free from this evil medication! I too am tapering off some heavy pain meds and been on them for a long time now. So it’s hell on earth to come off them and no one understands what I’m going through which sucks. That’s why I come here to speak to others who are in the same boat. I also have health issues and pain which makes it that much harder to get off but it’s so bad for my health so I have to get off it. When you stay on opiate meds for too long your body gets so tolerant to that amount that it stops working and it’s like you feel lethargic, antisocial and just feel dreadful every day unless you keep upping ya meds which is not the answer and I refuse to do that.

      I can’t wait to be free from this crap. I’m still a long way to go. It’s hard when you have responsibilities and you can’t just jump off them cold turkey. I wish I could just jump off it but I have to wait another 6 months before I can jump. So I’m just going to taper again soon and see how I go. I have recently gone onto a partial agonist instead of full agonist so I hope that means it’s easier to get off. Anyway please if anyone wants to talk I’m here. I have legit lost so many mates cos of this medication as it’s made me become such a lethargic recluse. I have no energy to do much at all these days. It’s not a life that’s for sure. Get off it while ya young and healthy ppl cos it’s bad for your health big time. Turns off so many important functions and hormones etc in our bodies so get off it asap while ya still healthy is my advice to anyone out there. Take care and keep going and stay strong you can do this.

    • #30887

      Hello everyone. How are you doing? I am on day 75 and can honestly say I rarely think of NP these days. However, I will never say never as have been down that road too many times to count. It really does get easier and although life problems still suck, there is not another problem of finding pills, feeling ill and affording them to boot. It is freeing and certainly does give a sense of pride.

      I will never ever forget those early days of counting the hours, days with each minute seemingly worse than the last. The headache, shivers, diarrhoea, nausea and depression that makes the world so black will not be forgotten.

      Wherever you are in your journey, keep at it. I like the one day at a time ODAAT concept. Doesn’t seem so monumental. xx

      • #35523

        Hi I am glad to hear that , it looks more hope for me . I am on day 5 , physical pain is getting better but mentally I feel down , everything look dull for me ????

    • #30972

      I have still got 2 jobs to work, and don’t feel like I can pull thru it. I’ve also started taking an anti depressant, a week in now too, and I do take slow release multi vits, and 1000mg vit c slow release supplement.

      I am not really sure if they are helping.I am just waiting on the terrible loose bowels to pop there head through the door as I know from previous quit attempts this is to be expected.

      SF Relationship Coaching & Psychotherapy

    • #31139

      I am on day 4. Im so tired and feel empty inside right now

      • #35522

        Hi How are you feeling now ?

    • #31141

      Hi Emzy and Robin, you both can do this. I understand it horrible just now but stick with it, it does get better. Loose bowels, Imodium works a treat. There’s loads of other tips to get you through this difficult time xx

    • #31160

      Day 5 and not so moody today. Also started taking super 6 mushroom complex so will find out if that is effective. The only thing bothering me today really is getting tired earlier than normal, although that could be because my toddler wakes up around 1am and refuses to go back to sleep

    • #31162

      Hi , I want to stop taking cocodamol I just feel like I won’t get any other help , I have rheumatoid arthritis osteoarthritis and also a knee that dislocates every time I put weight on it so I’m always in pain but these tablets I know are killing me , might be slowly but they are killing me I take five 30/500 cocodamol tablets every 3/4 hours but I’m scared to go to the doctor because I know they will want to stop me from taking these even tho I’m still in pain I wish I had your willpower thank you for sharing x

      • #31168

        Hi kit.

        Would it be possible to taper off them? If you find it daunting to quit cold turkey, and would find it difficult to taper off maybe give them to someone and tell them go give a certain amount at certain times? And maybe its worth talking to your doctor and asking for something else that might help

    • #31173

      Hi Kit, yes I get that worry about the doctor. I dont think they will cut you off if you explain that you are concerned about addiction and would like help to come off and most importantly, find another way to manage your pain.

      Once you know where you are, you might feel strong enough to either make a choice of CT or taper. Either way, it will be tough but a great thing to do to get your life back.

      I chose CT. I dont have the discipline for taper but we’re all different.

    • #31179

      Can any one help me the Success rate by tapering as cold turkey tried but relapse. Please help…days are dark for me…no happiness. It’s been more than 10 years addicted to Codiene ..3 bottles..during this 10 years honestly I forgot to smile..

      Left everything in God…and I blame myself for the cause

    • #31181

      Hey Kalima, dont blame yourself for this. Codeine feels nice and when we take it we want it more. Then we are addicted. I couldn’t taper but have relapsed many many times over the last 20 or so years. I did it cold turkey and now been off about 3 months. Determined not to go down that route again so sought help for my anxiety etc. For me it was HRT that made me feel better. I am hoping that I can stay off this time. Find what triggers you and try and treat that

    • #31200

      Hi. I’m new here.

      This may seem a silly question but is it possible to be addicted to codiene if you have been taking only 3 30mg on a morning and the same on a night.

      I have taken them for a year now due to the fact I cannot sleep. I knew they would help me relax as I have taken them in the past.I don’t get them on prescription. They are my husbands. Who always has large amounts due to a back condition.

      The reason I ask is because if I go a few days without taking them I feel very similar to you guys out there that are taking much larger amounts. I feel so weak, upset stomach, irritated, hot flushes and depressed. I’m thinking my body is missing them but I also suffer from anxiety so I could be anxious and blaming these symptoms on the pills.

      Having said that I know I shouldn’t be taking any. Sorry to waffle. Thank you everyone out there for your kindness and support.

      • #31214

        Hi Layla welcome to you!

        Yes absolutely possible you are addicted to codeine even on your dose im afraid. Its the regularity rather than the amount that will cause addiction. Your symptoms when you don’t take them sound like typical withdrawal symptoms.

        Do you have any plans to stop? If you have read the thread you will know there is loads of ideas and support here

      • #31250

        Hey Layla

        No one is here to judge so don’t worry about that.

        You will be addicted for sure unfortunately as you already know if you were to stop taking these suddenly you will begin feeling ill pretty quickly – it’s also a relatively high dose your taking there.

        The good news is that you can certainly tackle this if you want to in a number of ways – it won’t always be easy and you will need support but it can be done. Its more than just getting off codeine though, you have to really understand why taking them was a solution in the first place.

        Here to help any way I can

        • #31257


          Hope you got my reply BT 1978.

          Didn’t know if I sent it properly.

          Many thanks for your help and support.

          • #31290

            Hi Layla

            There’s some videos about opiate tapering on YouTube that might help. I think 10% per week has been suggested to minimise withdrawal although you will still get some symptoms they will be more manageable.

            Try not to feel ashamed. No one deliberately puts themselves in this situation. There’s always a reason and a solution and hope.

            For the first time in about 15 years i have gone on holiday without my pills and it has been great! I never thought I could do it. Its a relief not to be waiting for next dose.

            • #31291

              Hi Casey J.

              I’m so glad you have done so well.

              I was so tempted to take my usual 3 pills last night but didn’t. Today sweating a bit and feeling a bit jittery but I know as the days go on the stomach pains will probably kick in and I’ll feel hellish and have to make excuses for not wanting to do anything.

              The other side of my mind( the one that tries to convince you you’ll be ok to keep taking them, especially as I only take 3 on an evening now is telling me to just take them for a little while longer). Goodness how our minds work.

              I had a reply saying I had been taking quite a high dose which I honestly should have realised I shouldn’t compare myself to others who take say 20 a day. The fact is I shouldn’t ‘need them’ and that’s it I feel as though I need them and of course am dreading any side effects.

              I confided in one friend but played it down a little. I said I felt I should not take any now that I have no pain. She suggested I may not get side effects/ withdrawals but I think she was being kind or perhaps just doesn’t realise what it’s like to have that feeling of ‘ I just can’t stop thinking about them.

              Anyway that’s me today. See what tomorrow brings as they say.I’m sure my stomach churns because I’m worrying about how I’ll I may feel so I’m making myself anxious. How will I know if it’s anxiety or withdrawals? Both make you sweat. Heart race , etc.

              What a mess. Hope tomorrow is ok and congratulations again on doing so well.

              Thanks for your replies.x

    • #31233

      Thank you for replying CaseyJ.

      I definitely would like to stop but can’t imagine trying to sleep without those 3 pills at night. They just seem to calm me down. Even after a year. I have stopped for a week or so but only due to the fact the pill stock was getting low.

      I felt so silly asking if I could be addicted to just 2x 3 tablets but as you said it’s the length of time I’ve been used to taking them and having them in my system.

      If I don’t take them, mornings are the worst. I’m really jittery and the sweating and stomach pains start. Then my head convinces me all kinds of things.I fly off the handle at the slightest thing.

      As I said I do have anxiety so I thought perhaps I had just convinced myself I need these tablets. I know the best thing to do is start taking half a tablet less every day for a few weeks then less and less and I’m fortunate I haven’t been taking huge amounts a day but it’s ridiculous how hard it even seems to actually start doing this.

      I started taking these on an evening as my poor dog had dementia and it would wander all night so I found it easier to sleep on the sofa with the tub on and watch her as she would get confused if she fell asleep and woke up in the bedroom. These tablets helped me relax and helped with being scrunched up on the sofa.Poor little girl is gone now but I still feel the need to take the pills.

      Thank you again for your reply.

      • #31248

        Oh i so get those innocuous reasons for starting! And soon enough we can’t function without. Your poor dog and you going through that. At least you were always there to help her. Your plan is good. With determination you will get there. Sominex is good for sleeping and imodium for stomach. The hardest part. Is the mental stuff as you have probably Already gathered. Stick around for support as it does help x

        • #31256

          Thank you Casey J.

          I’m sitting thinking when will be the best time to start cutting down and should I cut down a full pill? I think it’s the not knowing how bad the withdraws will be that are worrying me. I think half a pill every couple of weeks. I don’t want to sit making excuses for ‘why I should wait’ or ‘that will take to long’. I know coming on here means I want to do it. I’m going to work out my husbands shifts so that if I am quite ill at least I won’t disturb him as much. Also of course I am obviously ashamed I have to do this. Thank you again for your replies and of course for not judging.It really helps.x

    • #31255

      Thank you for your reply.

      I actually felt foolish asking about this as I thought taking 3 tablets compared to some people who take whole strips a day would sound foolish.

      I appreciate the replies.The replies have reinforced the fact I need to stop taking them. Wether it be 3 or 30.I know I don’t need them I’m just terrified of any withdrawals and yes you are right the mental side worries me. You truly are lovely people knowing what people are going through and wanting to help.

    • #31308

      I think that unless someone has personally experienced addiction, they will never truly get what its like to go through it. The total mental battle that it takes to get away from it.

      What might be an idea is to prep yourself for withdrawal symptoms. It is possible to go through them and yes feeling absolutely awful, but still able to function on a lowish level. I dont believe there is a way to avoid them completely. The choice seems to be one hard shock (CT) or prolonged as in tapering. Both ways are valid dependent on the person but either way, there are lots to do to help while going through it and accepting that it won’t be fun for a while.

      How did you get on after not taking the 3 the other night?

      • #31315

        Hi Casey J.

        Took just 2 pills last night and going to do that for a couple of weeks then go to 1 and a half then one after another couple of weeks. I I’m telling myself I feel rotten. Been to the loo a lot but like I said I’m so anxious about this that I could be making myself feel worse. Will keep you updated. Hope I have the Will power to stay going down and not be tempted to take that extra one. Thank you Casey J.x

        • #31346

          Hi Layla, thats amazing just doing the 2. Have you some Imodium? What helped me was to write down all the reasons I no longer wanted to take them. Eg cost, mental health, physical health, moodiness, lying to chemists, petrol used getting from chemist to chemist, having to plan chemist hopping, having to lie to family about imagined pain, feeling sick, constipation, swelling ankles (convinced it affected kidneys), rebound headache, constant battle with withdrawal and then failure, always knackered, always skint, the list goes on and on. Stick at it and free yourself from the living hell that is codeine addiction x

    • #31312

      How we all doing guys anyone who fancies subscribing to my new addictions etc channel please do with love Glasgow

      It’s updated daily

      Subscribe Guys To My Own Addictions Podcast iy will Help Use If Yous Are Struggling

      Message me when you Subscribe

      From Glasgow With Love

    • #31321

      Hi Guys I run my own Addiction & depression & Mental Health Stories page, I was once an Addict and suffered alot of trauma, I’m offering you guys here to join my channel subscribe to it, I tell all my stories that’s happened to me through my addictions and I address problems that are happening daily, is anyone want to be my friend and subscribe to my channel you will benifit from it. Direct message me

    • #31411

      Hi everyone. I hope everyone is doing OK?

      Quick update. I have now been codeine free for 3.5 months. I feel amazing. I can honestly say that I am not craving at all. I can go in chemists and not immediately get palpitations any more. I can drive past (the many) different chemists I used to visit with regularity and not get the urge to go in and buy NP. For me, this is huge. I never really thought possible and feel incredibly proud. The reality is, once the codeine is out of your system for a decent amount of time, the body and mind really does reset which is something I never believed. I hope that you all are OK and reaching your goals too.

      • #37662

        Hey Caseyj, I’m replying 17 months after your post, but like others on this thread, your story and success is the only thing keeping me going and not reaching for the codeine I have at home. I am really struggling, I’m only on Day 2 with such a long way to go… I just wanted to say how much your posts have stopped me caving in and I truly hope it continues. I hope you are well and continuing your life without these awful pills. I’m struggling as no one knows what I’m going through, this forum has been my only go to and has helped So much- I pray I make the distance

    • #31483

      Hi everyone,

      my name is Kerry. Been reading your story’s for a long time. Hope there are still some of you around??

      I have been on DHC for a while now and really want to stop this evil drug. I have been taking around 15/10 tablets a day. Me doctor thinks am tapering but I am finding it a struggle. Now I have 2 weeks off work I was thinking should I go CT of try and taper on 4 a day (that’s the dose am on from the doctor at the moment).

      I really just don’t know what to do. I suffer with anxiety as it is and I know it will get worse.

      Any help would be great

      thanks k x

      • #31501

        Hi Kerry. You poor thing, it is tricky to decide whether taper or CT. I went CT route as not disciplined enough to taper. I would say that you might feel your anxiety worsening. However, realise it for what it is, withdrawal and it will pass. You have a golden opportunity to get this out of your system with your time off. If you can accept you will feel a bit crappy and prepare, you will get through it and many issues will be over. Especially explaining to the Dr! My advice would be to get Imodium, Netflix, Berroca and some good healthy easy to eat food and get through it. You will likely get the runs and feel achey, or flu like but it does pass. The other thing I did, it research codeine addiction in every possible way to give you the drive to keep at it. You can do it and it is so freeing. I will not say its easy, because its very hard, but it can be done. Stick around and let us know how you are doing x

    • #32367

      Hi guys. Is anyone still around? I reached out on this thread over a year ago and went through the most awful month of my life withdrawing from codeine and I replaced very quickly. Back on it over a year now and I take more than ever. Mixed in with sleeping tablets too now. Spending around 500 quid a month on them. I’ve got myself into debt and I’m reaching the end of my tether. I’ve had enough. I need help. I just need someone to speak too!

      • #32755

        hi im on day 8 of cold turkey codeine , been addicted for over 10 years have detoxed before but always relapsed , i live alone so maybe i have a better chance than most people , i just cleaned my flat changed the bed showered clean lounge wear did all the washing and got lots of shopping in and wine of course and a little smoke . i seen everyone before i started but didnt tell anyone i was going to try again for obvious reasons . have been using diazepam a little to help me sleep . im here to help anyone fight this devil drug disguised as an angel

      • #32826

        Hi Betterlife,

        The WhatsApp group is still going if you need know we’ll be happy to have you back or anyone else who wishes to join . I’m sorry to hear you’re still struggling ????

      • #35206

        Hi Betterlife how are you doing?


        I was hoping that some people would still be around but I’m here and I’m kind of using it as Journal and talking to myself lol

        Hope you’re ok xx

    • #32707

      Hello! Is anyone out there? I am on a tapering schedule from 120mg codeine a day, now on 75mg daily after 2 weeks, but struggling a bit. I’ve been on these meds for 11-12 years, all doctor prescribed, but lately I’ve felt like I’m losing control, and I want my freedom and life back. Just reaching out to see if this thread is still live. My plan is it reduce a bit more then to go to a medical rehab for a couple of weeks in order to help cope with the withdrawal. TBH, I’m terrified.

    • #32730

      <p style=”text-align: left;”>Hello Everyone.
      I am so happy I found this thread. (I  wish I had found it sooner) Reading the entire thread has been so enlightening and beautiful and given me so much hope!! I have been searching for a place to talk about my addiction/withdrawal process. I took codeine for 5 years and then methadone for 11. I am on day 42 of my withdrawal (CT). It has been the most difficult thing I have ever gone through.  While I know I am through the worst of it, I still struggle with sleep and low energy.  I am so very lucky to have my daughter and a few friends that have been so supportive but reading everyone’s journey has been so inspiring so I wanted to thank you all!! I realize others who have, are about to, or those  going through this make such a difference. Again thank you for being here.</p>

    • #32756

      Hi everyone,


      I haven’t been on here recently( life got in the way!) but I am around still if anyone needs help.

      As encouragement, I am now codeine free 18 months! Saying that feels surreal. Genuinely if I could do it, anyone can. I was completely addicted for 6 years taking 30 pills a day.

      The withdrawals are horrible. There is no way around that if you go cold turkey but it does pass. I think online sites make it seem like after day 7 the withdrawal go but from my own experience and listening to others, it takes nearly 3 weeks to get to a state where you feel anyway like you again. The worst of the physical withdrawals are gone by day 10/11 but the emotional and anxiety of that second week is tough. Having a support network really helps; be it support here online or from loved ones.  The physical symptoms are rough. If you have a doctor that knows what you’re doing, they can give you something to help you sleep and to help with the restless legs. If going cold turkey, it’s best that you’re eating well, taking all the supplements spoken about here ( magnesium etc), drinking plenty water before you even start. Give yourself the best chance you can!

      If you taper, please do it slowly. Otherwise, you will throw yourself into withdrawals and you are just prolonging the agony. Reduce by 1 pill and don’t reduce further until you know your body has coped with the initial reduction. Then continue with a further 1 pill until you get down to 1-2 pills and then reduce by halves if you have to. If you go slowly and do tapering properly, symptoms can be minimal. If takes so much discipline but its definitely the more humane way to get off these pills. I simply couldn’t do it this way!

      You think the withdrawals are the worst part and physically they are! However, keeping off these pills in times of hardship is bloody hard. I’ve had a curveball thrown at me this past year and I thought about pills at times but luckily my husband is a star and he reminded me I don’t need them. He was right, I didn’t but my brain was very quick to tell me I did. If you get off this drug, don’t be lured back in. It really tries to get you!

      Finally, never feel shame for being on this drug. It lures you in until you are so addicted it feels like there is no way out. We all started for genuine issues. We never set out for this. If you’re reading this and are still taking codeine, I urge you to tell someone and get support. It’s hard and lonely on your own. Talk here if you have noone you trust around you. The one thing I’ve always said is you won’t give up until you really really want to. I tried loads when I didn’t really want to but felt I should. It never worked cause I liked taking codeine, it made me feel so good. You have to get to a point where you have enough, the drug isn’t having the effect you want anymore and you want out.  You then find the strength to give up and deal with the withdrawals!


      Being codeine free is liberating! No chemist runs, no lying, no dodgy stomach, no constipation! I promise you can do it to anyone reading this. Take control back!


      Best wishes to everyone,

      Rach x

    • #32821

      Hiya Rach and everyone,

      Lovely to see you. WhatsApp thread is still going strong thankfully. I hope you are ok we missed you when you left.

      I am afraid I had an 11 day lapse which is exactly what you warned about being lured back in. Started off as a few days to get some relief for a worry, then had to take again for a few more days because I felt rubbish and needed to be somewhere. Its terrifying how even after 6 months clean it still has me. I honestly worry that I will never be able to be confident that its not going to rear its head and I will be able to stay off. Anyhoo, I am on day 8 again and still feeling weak (I didn’t even take much) but still it floors us.

      Take care everyone x


      • #32841


        Relapse can happen ( more like a  little blip in the road) but you caught yourself in time and stopped. That’s an amazing achievement so don’t be hard on yourself!

        I think stress, worry and some life events can make you think you need codeine. It’s your brain tricking you from its previous memory. Sometimes it’s so strong, you can give in but ultimately it’s about bouncing right back which you did. I think finding a coping mechanism is the key to staying away permanently. That can be hard to do but once you find it, codeine isn’t needed in those harder moments.

        I hope you’re doing ok now. It’s day 13 so hopefully you’re feeling bit better!

        Wishing you all the best,

        Rach x

    • #34946

      Hi everyone I’m new to this site was wounding if anyone could help with some advice I’ve been addicted to cocodamol for 8-9 years and now the doctor is stopping all my medication because they are saying I shouldn’t be on them long term bare in mind they have prescribed me them for nearly a decade. They won’t give me nothing to help with coming off them slowly they’ve just cut me off. Can anyone tell me if its dangerous to just ho cold turkey?

      • #34957

        Hi there. Is your Dr planning to cut you dead or help you with a taper? I dont believe it is dangerous to stop CT with opioids. It can be with alcohol and benzodiazepines. It is unpleasant though and can last a while. I have done many CTs and its definitely doable as can be seen by the many examples in this thread. It might be worth explaining to your Dr that you are addicted and cannot simply stop and ask him/her to help with a taper as that is quite negligent to prescribe for so long then suddenly decide to stop. How much are you taking? It is largely down to preference when choosing cold turkey or tapering so maybe do some research and speak again to your Dr. Good luck. Stay in touch with your progress.

    • #34967

      Hi all. I posted here just under a year ago and I was in the process of tapering off. I managed 2 weeks codeine free and then relapsed. It got back up to  nearly 20 pills a day an I’ve started tapering again. At the moment I’m down to 4 pills a day. I’m really struggling and wondered if the What app group is still going? X

    • #34972

      I need to do this also. Just keep putting off the day. But it’s really effecting my health

      • #34974

        I’m finding tapering is the best way to avoid the cravings … but it takes will power x

    • #34975

      Thanks for sharing your experiences. I plan to read every reply on this page to give me some much-needed motivation at the very start of my journey.

      For the last 4 years I have been taking, on average, 32 tablets of Nurofen Plus per day. Each tablet has 12.8 mg of codeine and 200 mg of Ibuprofen. I always took the whole amount straight away, rather than spreading them out through the day. I knew I could get more codeine if I switched to over the counter co-codamol, but I was afraid of the Paracetamol dose and I couldn’t be bothered to extract the codeine each day. Foolishly, I wasn’t afraid of the 6400 mg of Ibuprofen I was taking each day. I have since learned of the risks and the dangers I was ignorant of. I am extremely lucky to still be alive.

      I am determined to beat this addiction, as it has destroyed everything in my life in just a few short years. I have gone to every local pharmacy and asked them to no longer sell me anything that contains codeine. I visited 9 shops in total, and each one of them knew me well and agreed to my request.

      Today is day number one. I feel okay at the moment, aside from anxiety and fear for the withdrawals that I know are coming. Wish me luck.

      • #34977

        Oh wow that’s amazing that you had that will power to go to the pharmacy’s and do that. Wish I had the courage.

        your addiction sounds retry much like mine too, I was averaging 20-25 on a normal day and 32 (a whole packet of Nurofen plus) on a bad day. I’ve always taken them for period pains but when lock down started I was getting migraines all the time so the dr told me to take NP for it and after 3 years I realised I was addicted. Was on here last year and managed to give up for a few weeks but then had some shit in my life and here I  again .. was back to 20-25 a day in no time. I’m tapering at the moment and down to 4 a day and it is a mental battle every day

      • #35226

        Hi.  Just wondering how everyone is doing?
        how many days are we all in now from codeine withdrawal?

        • #37860

          I would like to join what’s app group for support.   How do I do this?

    • #34995

      Hi all! Just finished reading the last couple years. At this point, hearing from Rach, Maggie, Betterlife or a few others would seem like hearing from a celebrity! Im in the US so my addiction is a tad different than others. Mine is Oxycodone or Hydrocodone, depending on what I could get my hands on. At least $40,000 and 10 years later and I’ve finally made it to Day 5 1/2. I’m counting every second and trying to take in those good moments where I actually feel like doing something around the house. I actually went for a mile walk today. Definitely haven’t done that in the last 10 years. It didn’t make me feel any happier but still made me feel strong. Any encouragement would be helpful. The cravings are ridiculous!!!!

      • #34997

        Wow Heather you have done amazingly; such a massive achievement you should be proud of it. I’m on my final week of tapering off, next week I will be completely off these wretched pills. I’m mentally preparing myself for the cravings, depression and anxiety. I’ve stocked up on a few things; CBD oil (others have recommended this), kava kava tincture, magnesium… etc… all ready to go .

        good luck and keep us updated xx

        • #34999

          Thank you so much for your reply Wren! I was worried I wouldn’t hear from anyone! Thank you for the ideas!

          • #35003

            I had my first day free from codeine yesterday ( have been taking since start of lockdown) and the CBD oil definitely helped. I was meant to take 2 pills yesterday as part of my tapering off but took the supplements when I woke up and just didn’t get the urge to take another codeine. I have a constant headache at the moment and a few moments of shivering (as you would expect) but I’m doing ok

    • #35000


      Have been looking through this thread for the last few days unsure whether the say anything or not, as my problems seem very insignificant.

      Been taking Cocodomol 30/500 for the past 7 weeks due to sciatica. Was originally prescribed Amitripyline but refused to take, as I have health anxiety, especially around taking pills I’ve never taken before. Wish I had just taken that now, as getting through the first night without dying would have been all I needed to feel they were ok to take.

      At the start I was taking 6/7 tabs a day, that went down to 2 and last 2 days I’ve had none. My issue is I started googling and seen withdrawal symptoms, and it scared me! I will never take another one but don’t know if I have withdrawals or not or is it my mind playing tricks. Have a runny nose. Stomach is bad but more likely from anxiety I think.

      My problems definitely pale when reading through this thread. Can’t believe how strong yous all are after years of using codeine.


    • #35009

      Hi, was just wondering if the WhatsApp group is still running?

      My life is a mess- 4 year addiction to Cocodamol, taking 18 tablets per day of 30/500. Was also abusing diazepam daily as well as sleeping tablets , Zopiclone either 7.5mg or 15mg at night. My bedtime routine usually consisted of 3 co-codamol 30/500, 10mg of diazepam and either 1 or 2 sleeping tablets. In the morning I would get up and have 6 cocodamol before going to work followed by 3 at morning teabreak, 3 at lunch, 3 when I got home and another 3 as part of my bedtime routine.

      I have done cold Turkey off the whole lot and am currently on day 31, I can’t sleep, the restless legs are horrendous and my anxiety is through the roof at times. Last night I just wanted to break down as I don’t think I can do this anymore. Has anyone been through polydrug withdrawl before?

      • #35010

        All I can say is wow for getting to day 31. What an achievement! I’m on day three and fucked right off with the old restless leg thing. I had hoped to get back on the WhatsApp group too

        • #35011



          thanks for replying, maybe the WhatsApp admin will be back soon. This is nasty isn’t  it! I have read this whole thread over and over from day 1 and it’s the only thing that has kept me going. I long for a “normal” day and a decent sleep, I average about 2 hrs broken sleep per night and have actually given up going to bed and just lie on the sofa. My legs are driving me mad- came in from work yesterday and they started after just sitting for 5 mins. I won’t let this break me though, haven’t shed a tear once and don’t intend to… I have to keep going and pray there is light at the end of this dark tunnel soon x

          Keep going, I know day 3 feels like 3 weeks  but you’re getting there, each day done is a day of healing and the average here seems to be about 4 weeks for most, except for me because I was taking more than 1 drug. You will get there x

          • #35157

            Good on you! Hope you are still on the mend

      • #35210

        Hi Radray, well done on getting so far. I haven’t experience poly drug withdrawal myself but I know it is really hard. I know that opiate withdrawal causes restless legs and a feeling of crawling skin. that will pass soon.

        The diazepam, I know from people who have come off it, is the hardest one but it is really important to get off it as it only increases your anxiety in the long term. You will feel very anxious for a while but it will pass and you will feel a lot better. I am really glad you have stopped the co codomol as the amount you were taking could have damaged your liver if you hadn’t stopped. Well done and sending strength to you xx

    • #35059

      Iv been on and off codeine for over 15 year but the last 8 years have been really bad trying to stop any kind of emotion out because of my domestic violence relationship. I finally had the guts to ring the police May 2021 and got him done. But I’m still battling this horrible addiction. Back in my friend gave me zopiclone ever since then I’m now addicted to them. Iv gone 3 day without any codeine feeling pretty shitty, I want to quit both at the same time but I’m scared my body will go into shock. I’m a single mother of 6 and I’m scared death I will die and leave them to their father who’s a horrible person. I want to be off them so bad I can’t remember who I was wen I wasn’t even on them.

      • #35211

        Hi Jenn30, I think you should quit one at a time personally with 6 children to look after. Try tapering over 2 weeks? Nurofen plus are slightly less dangerous taken in high doses than co codomol for anyone who is interested. but you must eat with them and take an anti acid. The reason is is that co codomol has paracetamol and taken at even one or two extra per day can be very dangerous and cause liver damage. Nurofen plus is ibuprofen and codeine, the ibupfrofen is less toxic to your liver but over long periods of time can damage your stomach lining esp if taken on an empty stomach so if you do take it please please eat and take an anti acid. It is still dangerous of course just less so  and a GP told me this. taper off slowly, try to get off one thing then stabilise then the next thing. hope this helps.

    • #35063

      can I ask how you weaned yourself off them I’ve been prescribed codiene phosphate now for nearly 17 years and I’m so fed up of being on them I tested myself and didn’t take any for a day and a half the withdrawals kicked in so fast I was on the toilet constantly I was moody and angry at everyone sweating shaking paranoid I couldn’t cope but I so desperately want to stop taking them I have 3 kids and I’m a single mom my youngest has disabilities I don’t work and I’m at home 24/7 I don’t go out so I’m at home all the time which gives me the chance to wean off them but I just don’t know how to go about it I’m scared to but I’m so ready as I’ve had enough of being on them

      • #35065

        Iv not weaned off them this time but I have done in the past with my doctor but I messed up again and am to ashamed and scared go back to the doctors about it. Because he will just ask where do I get them from as they’ve not been prescribing them to me ect.

    • #35156

      Hi, I’ve been constantly taking 30/500s for over 4 years now. Sometimes upto 14 per day chasing the euphoria. Initially got prescribed them for severe back pain and I just got way out of control, it’s ruining my life. Im currently on hour 36 of full cold Turkey and it’s been awful. Sleeping on and off, sweating buckets, rattling, losing my marbles almost, pain and fever through my full body is the worst. But I need to be strong and get through this for my kids and partner as it’s affecting everyone. And also for me before my liver kicks the bucket. It’s going to be hard for me as Ive suffered with really bad anxiety and depression for years. Reading everyone’s comments/stories have shed some light and gave me some moral. So thanks a lot . I’ll check in at some point and give an update. Thanks again. Jamie

      • #37663

        Hey Jamie, I’m at about 36 hours since my last codeine fix and I know exactly how you feel/felt I don’t know where you’re at now in your journey ,  but if you are still checking in on this forum, please feel free to message back

    • #35162

      Hi Guys,


      Just jumping on the thread, I’ve been on codeine for years and have decided to come off them. I had 2 x 30mg this morning at 6.30 and tomorrow will be my first full day without them.

      I am absolutely terrified I’ve been suffering with really bad anxiety, my appetite has gone.

      I really hope I can do this.

    • #35166

      HI everyone, this thread came up on google while I was searching how long codeine withdrawals lasts. I got addicted many years ago after being px them, and when the GP refused to continue I began taking Nurofen plus, high doses. My boyfriend found out and was so worried, he kinda went a bit crazy :). Anyway I wanted to stop before but never quite managed to stop fully or stay off for longer than a few weeks. I knew I had to when he found out, it motivated me. I have slowly reduced over 5 weeks, I am day 4 totally clean now. The withdrawls seem to go on and on, but from previous experience of detoxing as a young woman off much harder opiates, it can take 6 or so weeks depending how long you have been taking them and how much. so it won’t be the same for everyone. Also you feel so much better when off.

      to Miss winter, how much were you taking and for how long? How are you feeling today? Day 3 and 4 is usually the worst. Lots of hot baths and lying in bed if possible, distract with films and music. It is really hard but I know in myself it is worth it and I will feel so much better, it seems so crazy to me now that I thought I needed them. even with the withdrawals I don’t want to take them, i was literally poisening my body. I don’t think they should be sold OTC or px for more than 5 days personally. just my opinon. Stay strong to all who are going through this hell and know you will feel so much better , it will all be so worth it 🙂

      • #35174

        Hi Joanna,

        I’ve probably been taking them for about 9 years but only really been abusing them the last couple of years. At my highest I was probably taking about 700mg but usually about 600mg

        I’ve not had any since Wednesday night so am  on day 2. I’ve go crippling anxiety but I started with that before I stared detoxing so I don’t know what the hell is wrong with me.


        I just know I don’t want to take any more of this poisons.


        Hope you’re ok?

    • #35180



      I don’t know if anyone is here but I’m going to keep posting so hopefully I can look back one day and this nightmare will be over ????

      I am on day 3 now of CT


      I was initially prescribed codeine for an arm injury in 2013 and over the years I’ve just taken it. It used to be solohadine max which you can buy otc here in the UK

      Then the last few years I have been buying 30/500 of someone whilst occasionally getting a prescription of my doctors for migraines.

      So I’ve been abusing them chasing the ‘high’


      I was in hospital Sunday night as I scared myself that I had taken too much paracetamol so I was put on a drip, eventually all my bloods came back fine so I was sent home.


      I haven’t been right since then, I think it’s because even though I took some codeine on mon, tue, wed, it was nothing like my usual routine.

      I have had diarrhoea since Monday, I have no appetite and can’t face food, I’ve lost over a stone. And my anxiety is crippling me, I’m trying to stay calm and tell my self it’s just my body adjusting, but I’m scared to death I’ve got something seriously wrong with me.


      I’ve never wanted to put weight on so much in my life before!


      Hope everyone is staying strong xx

    • #35187



      Day 4 CT


      constant headache, still have diarrhoea, and the anxiety I hate.

      The mornings seem to be worse.

      will this ever end ????

    • #35195



      Day 5 and I’m struggling.

      I’m finding the anxiety the most difficult thing to cope with, I just wish it would all go away.

      I feel nauseas again today and still have diarrhoea.


      I wish someone was still here..

    • #35197

      This anxiety is the worst, I don’t care about any other symptoms, I feel like talking some tablets and trying the taper method.

      I don’t know what to do ????

    • #35198

      Well I know I’m taking to myself but at this point just writing it down is helping even if only a tiny bit.

      I’ve just had a massive meltdown and sobbed my heart out because I cannot take this anxious feeling anymore. Nothing else has bothered me, I don’t even have restless legs (unless they are coming).


      I guess I naively thought I would be seeing some improvement today, and waking up each morning with this horrible anxiety is unbearable.


      • #35199

        I’m here sweetheart and currently tapering off Subetex I take 0.4mg every other day and I’m on a day off so I’m agitated,anxious and upset, keep going you’ve come this far xx

        • #35200

          <p style=”text-align: center;”>Thank  you, it’s so hard isn’t it.<b> </b>The physical symptoms don’t bother me but this anxiousness and feeling of dread is horrible.  Hope you’re doing ok and this anxiety settles for us both soon xx</p>

    • #35204

      Day 6


      Awful anxiety still, I’m barely hanging on. I’m so scared this anxiety will never leave me ????

    • #35205

      Me again, feeling a bit calmer now it comes and goes, I’ve got to take my daughter to college now which is a 30 mins drive so I’ll see how that goes. I’ve not really been able to hide in the house as I’ve had to look after my daughter, dogs, cats & my poor mum who has just had a hip operation.


      Feeling pretty useless but trying my best. If this anxiety & diarrhoea would bog off I think I’d be ok. Oh and all the times I wanted to lose weight now I wish it would stop falling off!

      Sending hugs to anyone that needs one xx

      • #35209

        so sorry I haven’t been here for so long, I hope you are hanging in there. Honestly not surprised you were struggling, the withdrawals are really horrible, yes mornings are the worst. How is your sleep? In my experience two weeks is about the time it takes to get back to some normality, although if you read the first post on here the person who wrote that said it took 18 days. You WILL feel better, and when you do I promise you you will look back and feel so relieved you did it. Don’t give it, just tell yourself that it is temporary, it WILL end. You have done the worst part. The diarrhoea is awful and can go on for quite a long time, I found immodium really helpful for that. Sending hugs back xx

    • #35208

      Hi there, so sorry I didn’t reply. How are you?

      I’m working but promise to message later.xx


    • #35212

      Hi JoJo


      Thank you for replying, surprisingly I’m managing to sleep. I’m just scared this anxiety will never go away. That’s by far the most difficult thing I’m dealing with.

      I hope you are having a good day xx

    • #35213

      I thought I was having a good day, I calmed down this morning and took my daughter college.

      But I’ve felt rough since this afternoon, I feel ill again like a bit achy,  and yep still anxious.

      Starting to think I’ll never feel hungry again! Is it normal to lose weight?

      <span style=”caret-color: #311c1c; color: #311c1c; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; -webkit-text-size-adjust: 100%;”>A quote I saw was “if the devil is any good at his job, hell will just be eternal opioid withdrawal.”</span>

      • #35216

        Hi Wynter, I am glad you are sleeping a little bit, that is really good news. It is normal to not feel hungry and lose weight, everyone is different though but yes can definitely be a symptom. I really think all your symptoms can be explained by moderate withdrawals from codeine, they should ease up over the next week or so but definitely see your doctor/GP if your anxiety is still like this in around 2 weeks because I think you said you were already anxious before taking codeine? Sometimes and overactive thyroid can cause high anxiety, get yourself checked out. I doubt it’s anything serious or even anything other than withdrawals, but if you do have some underlying anxiety then getting treatment for whatever is causing it would help I think, obviously the withdrawal will be exacerbating a lot right now. Remember you survived fine before codeine so you can survive fine without it, your body needs time to adjust and that feels really horrible.

    • #35217

      Thanks JoJo, I’ve got the doctors tomorrow so I’ll discuss with her.


      I’m struggling today, I’m helping my daughter  put together her art exhibition. We’ve been out since 8am and I am so tired and feel like crap ???? When does it end xx

    • #35219

      Hello, I’m new here. I’ve been taking codeine for the last 2 years for chronic pain but I need to come off it because it’s wrecking my liver and got loads of stomach issues. I’ve tried tapering off but found the long term withdrawal especially the lack of sleep and restless legs too hard to cope with. I’m thinking about doing it cold turkey but have been advised against it because of the pain. Has anyone here found any really effective pain relief that you don’t get addicted to? Also, did you continue to work whilst coming off it?

      • #35220

        Hi Lisa, hope you’re ok. I’m afraid I can’t advise much on the pain relief side. I suffer with headaches/migraines and have been managing with paracetamol and forehead strips.

        Could you speak to your GP about not opioid forms of pain relief as there are many different things you could try.


    • #35221



      Day 8 for me and still finding it tough.

      I saw my Doctor this morning, and she thinks all my symptoms are withdrawal and it can take a few weeks to settle. She has prescribed me a few diazepam as my anxiety is out of control, by far my biggest problem. She’s also organised a few tests because of my diarrhoea. She’s not worried but I guess she has to do that as it’s her job.

    • #35225

      Hi.  I’ve been addicted to codeine for 15yrs now.   First I was addicted to cocodomols and then it went on to x2 pack of Nurofen plus per day.   I went to my doctor for help a couple of years ago, worst thing I ever did. They immediately stopped my cocodomols prescription and put me on to change grow live, even worse experience than the doctors.  They would never ring me when we arranged a meeting, total waste of time.

      fast forward 15 yrs and taking x2 packets of Nurofen plus a day!

      i really want to stop but the side effects are so severe.  I’m on day 3 now! The last time I detoxed I went to day 8 and started to get my energy back.
      reading people’s stories on here are really helpful to me.

    • #35237

      Hi, I’ve been addicted to Codeine for around 5 years now, I am on day 1 of cold turkey. I’m reading how you all took time off work and had to get help to get your kids to school, I have NO help, now I feel as though I’m going to fall at the first hurdle due to this and I really don’t want that. I want a better life for myself and my 3 kids, they deserve it. I’ve sat since yesterday morning reading this full thread. I thought I’d comment as I’ve seen how encouraging you all can be. Thanks for reading ♥️

    • #35251

      Is anyone still here?

      It’s day 5 and I’m losing my mind wondering when this will ever end ????

      I’ve not slept for 4 days and can’t remember the last time I ate. The restless legs and skin crawling is my biggest symptom, I feel like I can’t cope with it but can’t get rid of it either. It’s just torture.

      • #35254

        Hi, Soph,

        I’m still here, I’m day 16 now and it’s a little bit better. But I’m still having anxiety because that takes longer. And I’m having health anxiety because I’m having to have some tests done.

        Hang on in there, what you are feeling is normal and it will pass. I didn’t eat for a while and lost weight. Even now my appetite is poor and I have to force myself to eat.

        Are you able to ask your GP for a short term dose of sleeping tablets?

        Anyway keep going, you CAN do this. Sending hugs ????

        • #35256

          Hi Wynter,

          Thanks for replying.

          I have requested the sleeping tablets from my GP I’m just waiting to hear back, it feels like forever! I just know I’ll feel a LOT better after a good night’s sleep.

          Its a funny thing I can be fine all day, coping and determined not to be beaten, then night time comes and I’m alone with my thoughts and I just panic.

          I’m just praying better days are ahead, my kids need me. ????????♥️

    • #35336

      Morning guys. How is everyone getting on? I am 130 days Codeine free. Please stick with it. You get your life back and it does keep getting better and better ❤️

    • #35339

      Hi all,i have been prescribed 30mg dihydrocodeine for about 5 years now(shoulder arthritis)

      At my worst i was taking 360mg a day(only prescribed 240) so you can imagine all the nonsense that goes with that.

      I am now on 22 days clean from dhc,i tapered down to one! Yet i still have major issues with anxiety motivation ect.Even tapering was super hard,i remember thinking I’ll never get to 18 days! I didnt have the flu but was still poorly for the first week.Its just the depression does me…i have loads of pills but will not take another.I done a week then rewarded myself by taking 4! My goodness…the horrors after that sealed it for me! Started again determined more than ever! Day 22 now! Reading these posts have helped loads! You can do this!! YOU CAN!!

      Many thanks to all who have shared their stories ????

      Good luck all!!


    • #35340

      Hi all,i have been prescribed 30mg dihydrocodeine for about 5 years now(shoulder arthritis)

      At my worst i was taking 360mg a day(only prescribed 240) so you can imagine all the nonsense that goes with that.

      I am now on 22 days clean from dhc,i tapered down to one! Yet i still have major issues with anxiety motivation ect.Even tapering was super hard,i remember thinking I’ll never get to 18 days! I didnt have the flu but was still poorly for the first week.Its just the depression does me…i have loads of pills but will not take another.I done a week then rewarded myself by taking 4! My goodness…the horrors after that sealed it for me! Started again determined more than ever! Day 22 now! Reading these posts have helped loads! You can do this!! YOU CAN!!

      Many thanks to all who have shared their stories ????
      <p style=”text-align: right;”>Good luck all!!</p>

      • #35353

        I’m 33 days clean now, anxiety is less now thank heavens. I’m having tests done because I’ve lost so much weight but hopefully that was just withdrawal ????


        I still have a cupboard full of codeine and this weather is giving me bad migraines but I haven’t reached for it and I don’t intend to. I’m managing with paracetamol even though it’s really really hard!

        Keep going if you’re just starting!

    • #35354

      Well done Wynter! ????

      Am seriously hoping i start to get some motivation soon…need it!

      Soph well done to you too an all who are in this battle!


      • #35355

        Thank you, hope you’re doing well ????

        Motivation is an issue, but then again it’s far too hot to do anything at the moment ????

        I think just resting as much as possible and taking the best care of ourselves as we can will help. I’m taking lots of vitamins, as I depleted my body abusing codeine. I’m anaemic and have a vit D & B deficiency, but it’s all improving.

        One day at a time.

        5 weeks tomorrow ????

    • #35358

      This thread has been such a help to me at my lowest points. I was taking loads of np a day for years building up to 64 a day in last two years. The damage done to my stomach has been awful and culminated in me feeling sick every time I’d taken them (but still continuing to take) and throwing up so am barely able to keep any food in now, I’ve lost 2.5 stone.  Something finally clicked this week and I’m on day 4 of CT.  The bone breaking pain and RLS seem to have reduced but I’ve no energy and feel dizzy even standing upright.  The mental side has been horrible, have felt like I’m losing my mind so dr has given me some AD to try and help. Like others I look back at the money I wasted that I could have spent on other things. Strangely I don’t have any cravings for the pills, I think because I now associate them with being sick, but I too now feel like ok what now ? What do I do to relax.  Someone mentioned earlier in the threads that time slows right down and I’ve found that to be true, feels like I’ve been doing this a week and yet it’s only day 4- everything feels very raw.

      • #35360



        Well done on getting to day 4! A couple more days and it should start getting easier.


        Have you asked your doctor for blood tests to check everything things ok?

        My doctor prescribed me a few diazepam to help initially as the anxiety I had was absolutely crippling me. But it’s easier now, each day gets easier. But it can take up to 6 weeks to settle, I know that sounds like a long time but I’m 5 weeks clean now and in the beginning it seem so far but looking back it went quickly.

        Keep going, you should be very proud of yourself!

    • #35368

      I too suffer from crippling anxiety and had diazapam to help,so i was even doubling up many times over the last 10weeks(i tapered,1 a week).

      It was a prolonged event though however i never had the rls like i had before after CT.

      These threads do help.

      But remember you have to WANT.

      Good luck to all! Seriously good luck!

    • #35372

      Thank you. Day 5 today and the loose belly started in earnest at 3am, was in the bathroom for over an hour drenched in sweat with cramps I haven’t felt since I was in labour. These threads are so helpful and seems like these days are the worst part physically. V weak and still dizzy but I think that’s down to dehydration so trying to get hydrated.  One thing I’m so happy about and can’t quite believe is that after years of taking these devil pills even the thought of just one makes me feel sick. I also blame them for this hell that I’m going through right now and can’t wait to get to the seemingly magical day 18 – just is going so slowly it’s strange.  Everyone’s posts are really inspiring especially when you feel worried or anxious about symptoms.

      • #35373

        I remember those early days they did feel like they would never end, but they do!.

        I lost 17lbs as I just couldn’t eat, I just focused on trying to drink as much as possible. But you’re right dehydration will be making you feel worse.

        My stomachs still not quite now right in terms of loose bowels, that my doctor has arranged tests just to check. I’ve had my CT scan so just waiting for my colonoscopy appointment to come through (the joys) Of course all of this added into my anxiety, which was by far my biggest symptom.


        I was lucky that I didn’t get restless legs, but I remember feeling like I was losing my mind. I think on day 5 I was debating taking some tablets and trying the taper method! I just didn’t know what to do with myself!

        It’s bloody hard doing CT but it will soon be day 18 for you too! You are doing so well ????

    • #35375

      Hi all,glad to see others are getting help from this thread.

      Am day 27 today, nearly at the 4 week mark! Got to be honest though, still waking alot in the night and this feeling of waking up pissed off every morning is hard.

      I think i forgot we are all different. I was on these pills for years,is going to take awhile to get back to normal.

      Do not get me wrong i am 100% better than 2 weeks ago,just want some motivation and a feel good feeling,perhaps that is where i am going wrong,still looking for happiness? Hmmm sounds about right! Must try to take life without rewards.????‍♂️

      It is a whole new mindset,i am starting to realise!

      Good luck all with your journeys! ????


    • #35376

      4 weeks is amazing! Seems so far off in the beginning doesn’t it?!

      It takes a while to settle, like you say we spent years on these drugs so our brains are working out how to cope without them.

      I was also like well what now? I don’t drink, so what is my go to, to relax and chill? I’ve just been trying to watch things that I find funny, but I miss the chilled out feeling the pills gave me. But then I have to remember it was short lived and the amount I had to take to keep getting that feeling was ridiculous!

      I’m with you on the motivation, I’m just so tired and meh. But I’m being kind to myself, it will come back.

      I fell back in love with music, I was so numb on the pills that I didn’t realise I wasn’t truly enjoying things.

      The new mindset thing is hard, old habits die hard. But we’ll get there…eventually ????

      Have a good day all ????


    • #35379

      Hi Wynter

      You are soo right,i too am enjoying my music more,although i tear up in most! Lol! i do not drink either.

      I used to be into fishing,so i hope i can somehow carry that on with my daughter.Just no motivation whatsoever.

      Most in the thread have recovered in 4 weeks,must be the PAWS effect? I do not know.

      However i am determined more than ever.

      Hope we can all carry this thread forward,it does help! Noway could i see 18days never mind 27!

      Good luck again all!

      Keep at it Wynter ????????

      • #35380

        Hi Marky,

        Everyone is different but my doctor said it can take up to 6 weeks. I’m with you on the music, I get goosebumps now, & the tears, I cry over everything ????

        Fishing with your daughter sounds fun, I use to go fishing with my dad and I loved it!

        I had to help my daughter put her art exhibition together when I was on day 7 I think, and I thought I was going to die! ????


        I think we are all amazing for coming off this drug. I’ve got a very addictive personality, I’ve yet to get addicted to something healthy but there’s always time ????

    • #35381


      Yes i have always seem to get addicted to most things.

      I have been told it all to do with my childhood an younger life.

      That mustve taken some to help your daughter at day 7! Really was!

      Its amazing what we can do when we WANT to.

      Have a great day all,thinking of you all on this journey!

      Stay strong Wynter buddy!


    • #35383

      Hi all

      you dont have a clue what this thread has done for me, for the past 12 days! Honestly just reading through it has made each day easier. Today i thought i would sign up and do a quick post. So im on day 12 today and most physical symptoms have gone, i was only taking 30mg for 10 months but i was abusing it due to back pain. My anxiety was the worst part and its still not the best, im wondering when does this go away? I still wake up 4 times in the night and my restless legs are terrible when im sat down at work im like a jackhammer. I didnt want to post as 10 months is nothing compared to what most of you have been on this evil drug for but it seems to be wiping me out just as bad


      • #35389

        Hi all,i think we can put most of our thoughts,ailments down to not having this stuff in our systems! I am still struggling motivation wise,am at day 29! I too never thought i would get to this stage. However i still thought i would be right not.I think it was Wynter who said his gp said can last 6 weeks or even longer.Just got to try and get on with it i think.

        Carry on with your great work guys/gals! You WILL beat this.

        Its the mind thats causing me the biggest problem now.

        Speak soon all!

      • #35390

        My anxiety was my biggest symptom, I was so scared it would never leave me!

        My doctor gave me some diazepam as I wasn’t coping at all. I have good and bad days but the anxiety is definitely less now, but it took a couple of weeks. It will ease for you too so hang in there.

        I was lucky I never had restless legs but someone else mentioned Magnesium is suppose to be good for that.

        keep going, you’ve got this ????

        • #35393

          Hi Wynter

          i have health anxiety due to chest pain ive been having, they caused a few panic attacks because i never experienced chest pain like it, like a stabbing pain, ive had tests and it all come back ok, but every time i get these chest pains i just think the worst! So my anxiety is even worse because of that, i also get breathlessness, i have blood tests due on tuesday just to double check everything is ok, some symptoms you think ‘this cant be withdrawal’ and you end up on google searching which is the worst thing you can do. As soon as this anxiety shifts the better so i can get on with my life again, fingers crossed its sooner rather than later

    • #35384

      Day 7 today although seems like it’s been forever. Still got very gurgly and upset stomach and still very weak, had to take a week off work as barely have energy to get around the house. I’m hoping this changes soon.  This could also be my anaemia as I’m quite short of breath when moving around too, am seeing my consultant Monday.RLS has mostly gone now. Sending strength and support to everyone on this journey back to ourselves x

      • #35385

        Hi TTFB, sounds like your anxious about your weakness and fatigue, to put your mind at rest im the exact same so i think this is common so dont worry too much. Day 7 is great, keep up the good fight!

        • #35387

          Thanks so much I started to wonder if it’s just me so although I’m not glad others have it, am glad it’s more common than I thought x

      • #35391

        I have aneamia too so understand the breathlessness, I’m also get dizzy every time I stand up!

        Our bodies are just adapting after all the years of codeine use. So I guess it’s gonna take a while, but it will be worth it.

        I’m currently struggling with migraines, knowing that I could make it all go away with one pill. But then I remind myself that I never want to go through the withdrawal again as it was horrendous!

        Stay strong everyone ????

    • #35395

      <p style=”text-align: left;”>I am really struggling today,just soo pissed off an no motivation,cant even speak to my 14 year old,just want to be on me own! 29 days! Still feeling crap if im honest! Please stay strong everyone,this drug is evil in pill form! I wont go back,however ive never encounted a come down like this ever,and theyve been a long time gone! Depressing is NOT the word!</p>

      • #35396

        Aww Marky I hope you’re being kind to yourself. I’m already on antidepressants so I suspect that’s helping me a bit, but I think it’s going to be like a rollercoaster for a while. I had a bad day  yesterday, just felt unwell for no reason! Feels like one step forward and twenty steps back sometimes.

        I also purchased some Valerian tablets and Ashwagandha as they are both suppose to help with anxiety and calm you a bit.

        I hope you have a better day tomorrow.

    • #35403

      day 13 now, woke up anxious and my stomach turning like im dreading the day ahead when i havnt got anything to worry about, very strange..anyone had this? i bought magnesium last night (thanks Wynter) so ive took one of them today, hopefully eases the restless legs

      • #35404

        Hi Warby,

        Yep, I used to hate mornings as I was so anxious it was horrible. But it will ease so hang on in there. Hope the magnesium helps ????

        • #35406

          hi Wynter, i thought my anxiety was easing as i wasnt waking up with hot sweats and my mornings was getting better, then last 2 days its all come back. feels like 1 step forward and 2 steps back

      • #35407

        Hi Warby,the feeling you describe is Anxiety! Be strong man!

        Hi Wynter, i do get ahead of myself to say the least.

        Like you both say its one step,2 back sometimes.

        I have been on antidepressants for awhile now,its just the hopelessness at the moment,and of course the waking up to constant Aniety,bloated tum ect! When i came off them last i was sure i was well better by week 4! I dunno,everything for a reason they say! Keep strong all! ????????


        • #35413

          Aww bless it’s so difficult isn’t it. It’s definitely a up and down journey!

          You are doing so well, it will all be worth it in the end.

    • #35408

      hi Mark

      yes, its a strange one though as i dont have any reason to feel anxious, must be my body adjusting to no high from the pills, hopefully it goes away soon

      • #35411

        Hi Warby,


        I was exactly the same, I wasn’t anxious or afraid of anything except that the anxious feeling would never leave me!

        It will ease so hang on in there.

        • #35414

          ahh im glad im not the only one then, thank you!


          yes the only anxiety really is coming from when will this anxiety go, you get worried it will never leave

    • #35410

      Hi All,

      So today I took the jump to go and see the GP about my addiction to codeine. No advice on how to come off them but the Dr was concerned about the damage the paracetamol would have done to me ????????‍♂️blood tests taken and now a 2 day worry about what will come back! But this is day 1 for me

      • #35412

        Hi Fazer

        paracetomol will do a little damage to your liver so dont be scared when your bloods show this, the liver as soon as you stop pumping your body with them will basically heal itself so again dont worry! well done on quitting though and good luck! keep coming on here and reading, it helps alot!

    • #35415

      Hi Warby. Thanks for your reply the Dr defo put the frighteners up me and then I did the stupid thing and started googling. Although the only advice he gave on coming off them is ‘just stop taking them’ ha

      • #35416

        Hi Fazer, yeah GP’s aren’t really clued up on withdrawal or tapering off, well at least mine wasn’t so i know how you feel, but please dont worry about your liver, it will heal itself!

        if you want to try cold turkey, its very bad in the first 7 days but you can taper off them by reducing say 2 tablets per day every week until your on hardly anything, the withdrawal symptoms wont be as bad then. every person is different though. plenty of water and get out when you can will help, i use the steam room and suana at my local gym which has helped me a lot recently


      • #35417

        Hi Fazer,


        Try not to worry too much about your liver. I use to take lots of paracetamol with my codeine and my liver tests were always normal. I’m sure yours will be fine. And stay away from Dr google, I learned the hard way that it’s not your friend ????

        I understand what you say about your doctor, I couldn’t get an appointment with my usual doctor so saw a different one, and she was rubbish, I was crying, riddled with anxiety and she told me to just not take any more codeine but I’m not withdrawing it’s just anxiety causing it all!


        Thankfully I managed to get an appointment with my usual doctor a couple days later and she was amazing as always. I broke down and she explained to me, told me it takes time to settle and gave me some diazepam.

        Like Warby said CT is horrid but quicker, if you decide to taper I think there are some links further up on this thread about how to do it.

        Good luck either way ????

    • #35418

      morning!  day 14! another day waking up anxious and feeling of worry. this is my only symptom now, its getting a bit too much as im waking up with it in the middle of night and getting no sleep, trying my best to stay positive, i have my daughter tonight so hopefully thatll take my mind off things

    • #35419

      just a quick question, my anxiety was easing the past 5/6 days and i thought wow im getting better then last 3 days have been bad again, waking up hot flushes at 4am and really anxious, can the anxiety ease and flare up again? bit worried thats all

      • #35421

        Hi Warby,


        Yes that can happen, it’s just your brain learning how to cope without the codeine.

        Could you see your doctor about getting something to help the anxiety while it settles?

        If not maybe some valerian might help?

        Hang in there it will get easier, I know how horrible the anxiety is.

        • #35422

          hi Wynter, i tried diazpam right at the start but it made me so drowzy i stopped, ive been taking kalms lavender at night but doesnt seem to be working, i will try valerian extract today, thank you

    • #35423

      ive just bought some nytol one a night valerian extract – hope fully get some shut eye tonight

      • #35424

        Fingers crossed for you ???? I find valerian helpful. Also I’ve heard Sominex which I think you can buy over the counter is good for helping you sleep short term.

        I was lucky that sleep was never an issue for me as I’m on Mirtazapine and that helps with sleep.

        Your anxiety will ease, and if you can sleep better that will help. Sending hugs ????

    • #35425

      Hi all…as said the Anxiety is a killer from these little devils!

      Its what has kept me taking them for soo long if im totally honest.Yes i am in pain,however not excruciating all the time,most of the time i can get bye on 400mg Ibroprophen. Sometimes though they don’t touch the pain hence the “devils” (dihydrocodeine) are prescibed.So it can be likened to a double edge sword! I will adapt to the pain now though.

      Keep strong all!

      @Warby smashing it pal ????

      @wynter you too man ????????????????

      • #35426

        Life did feel much easier with the protective codeine bubble, but it wasn’t real and didn’t last long. I too used it to numb everything from childhood trauma to everyday aches and pains. Everything became worthy of a pill. Even if I’m having a good day I keep thinking the anxiety is just lurking waiting round the corner.

        I’m learning to navigate my migraines, and monthly visits without them which is so difficult but I’m doing it.

        I bought myself a cool cap the other day, look quite silly in it but it does the job ????

        Keep going everyone ????

    • #35429

      Morning! Another night waking up at exactly 4am anxious and my stomach dropping like im worried sick about something when in reality im not worried about anything atall, i seem to get better in the afternoon and the evenings are fine its just 4am i wake up in this state and cant get back to sleep.

      • #35432

        Morning Warby,

        How many days are you now? Looking back on the thread I was still having anxiety on day  16 I’m can’t pin point when it started to ease but it did and it will for you too. I was the same I was fine in the evenings but the mornings were awful. It will go.

    • #35433

      hi Wynter, im on day 15, its strange as it was easing last week but the past 2/3 days have been shocking. feel so sick, my stomach is turning and worry feeling in my stomach, waking up anxious too! i thought all this was behind me 🙁

      • #35434

        I know how you feel, It’s awful isn’t it. I never wanted to go to sleep as I couldn’t cope with the mornings. When I was taking codeine I could sleep in till 10/11 easy, now I’m up at 6/7 which was awful when riddled with anxiety.

        I just kept thinking it would never go, but it did and it will for you too, you’ll get there I promise.

        • #35436

          yeah im really worried it wont go, sending me crazy! im praying i get better soon 🙁 my daughter needs a healthy dad

    • #35435

      I’ve been codeine free for 19 days now ???? it has been hard, my energy is still depleted and my sleep is terrible but i’m slowly getting there!

      • #35437

        Hi Ableton,


        Well done! It’s so bloody hard isn’t it, I’m 6 weeks clean today and never thought I’d get here. Those early days were awful. I still struggle with motivation but it’s a marathon not a sprint so we’ll get there ????

    • #35438

      Hi Guys. I am so grateful to have found this group, topic. I was on codeine for 6 years, roughly 200 mg a day. Today I’m on day 18 of detoxing. The first days/ first week was surprisingly ok. I was mostly experiencing diarrhea and general weakness. The real hardcore started on day 13. It took me completely by surprise. Massive panic attack, feeling light headed like never before, muscles and joint pain, weakness in my body to the point I wasn’t able to put on my shoes, headache, neck pain, diarrhea got more intense even though I couldn’t even look at any food, emotional wreck (couldn’t stop crying). Day 16 I started feeling better but still very weak. Day 17 (yesterday ) was a breakthrough. I was a lot stronger, happier, started feeling proper hungry, felt like the worst is behind me. Woke up today feeling lightheaded, worse and weaker  than yesterday which brought me down completely. I even feel pain in my chest and freaking out its actually my heart and not only anxiety. My head also feels a lot heavier than yesterday. I am loosing hope that it will ever be ok/normal. Can somebody tell me please whether its normal to still feel this bad, achy and weak at this stage? And how long can it last until I’m feeling healthy?

      BTW even though I don’t know anyone here I feel so emotional and proud reading your posts. Well done to all of us x

      • #35442

        Hi Alex

        It certainly is an up and down ride. I’m 6 weeks today but a couple of days ago I felt all achey again, almost like fluey. But in the weeks prior I kept feeling achey, on and off. I still go dizzy every time I stand up! My appetite is still not brilliant and I only started drinking coffee again this week!

        I think it’s perfectly normal to have these ups and downs, but I agree it’s hard when you’re questioning if it’s normal or not.



        • #35446

          Hi Wynter,

          Thank you so much for your message. It does help a lot to read that it is normal to feel this weakness this far in the process. Of course it would be wonderful if we all felt fantastic soon after quitting but I guess opioids wouldn’t be such a global issue if it was possible. Fingers crossed it is nearly the end of this horrible process for you. Thanks for being here !

    • #35439

      i always think, is this withdrawal?? i was only on them for 10 months, should it be this bad?? then i start to overthink and worry, but before taking this drug i was so happy so im confused

      • #35443

        You’ll turn a corner soon I’m certain of it, these pills do a right number on our brain chemistry. But it does right its self again. You WILL be that happy person again.

    • #35440

      Hi warby99

      I know, it’s so confusing and unpleasant. I am actually by myself. Had to ask a friend to come over few days ago and look after my daughter and I left to stay at her house. I didn’t want my daughter (9) to see what is happening to me. Told her I need to go away for few days for the work related reasons. But at the same time I’m worried that something is going to happen to me and Im all by myself. This group and your posts are the only support I have got. So thank you !!!! I promised myself that when its all over I will be here few times a week giving my support to anyone who needs it.

      • #35441

        hi alex, reading this its like im talking back to myself, i feel the exact same, and im also in the exact same scenario! i love on my own too and get no help off anyone, my daughters only 2 so im sort of getting away with it, she wont know any different. im praying all this is the withdrawals and nothing more. its the only think i can pin point it on but i was getting better and now feel worse on day 15

        • #35444

          It can’t be coincidence that the 2 of us feeling so much a like at almost the same stage of detoxing (day 15 and 18). What keeps me sane is trying to convince myself that I am a young , healthy person and there is no reason why something bad would suddenly happen to me? This is just our brains and bodies reaction to getting rid of that poison . We’ll be ok !!! I’m sure we’re more than half way through. I’ll be checking in here regularly if you  (or anyone ) need to talk. Lets Keep our heads up. It will be normal soon !!!!

          • #35445

            yeah thats a good point! lets hope! i was only on 10 months though where as you was on it for years, thats what confuses me too, although i was taking like 3 at a time most days 4/5 times a day. yeah im 30 with no health issues, never had anxiety before and ive had a pretty rough life! so it has to be this drug

            • #35447

              We’ve got very similar way of worrying about things. I kept thinking how is it possible that Ive been suffering like that this long when I read (even on this group) that people were being on stronger opioids for even 20 years and they are feeling 90% themselves at the same stage I am right now. I was never taking prescribed codeine, only over the counter and never increased the dosage over the 7 years. So i was very naive approaching  detox thinking it won’t be too difficult for me. I think it may be difficult for us also because it took us by surprise . I dont know about you but I thought it will only be difficult during the first week. Never considered it can last this long and that it comes back again after it starts feeling better. I also read in some article that the intensity of  detoxing codeine and how long it may last is very individual thing. Apparently genetic factor is very important. So it can be different for everyone. I cant wait to read that you’re finally feeling yourself. I wisht that for myself and everyone here!!

              • #35448

                I was still feeling pretty rubbish on day 18 and like you I was thinking why am I not doing as well as some of the other posters on here. I was stressing I was going to end up with PAWs and the anxiety would never leave. But my doctor said it can take up to 6 weeks, I think by about week 4 I was definitely seeing a reduction in my anxiety, it kind of happens without you realising too much strangely. Hang on guys it will get better.

              • #35451

                Posts like that help a lot !!!! ????

    • #35449

      I think we are all different.

      When it comes to withdrawal. I am on day 32 an still have awful anxiety.I wake up looking for it! Crazy crazy drugs they are.I am starting to get normal motivation back,all be it minimal.

      We will get there guys,i know we will be helping others out in this thread in the future,years clean! We can only hope an pray! ????

      Same as you guys am on my own,so its a case of doing it.

      Cannot believe am at 32 days really can’t.

      Tmi most probalby but had my first solid no2 today!! Yippee haha.

      Stay strong guys!! ????????

    • #35450

      Wynter,while i remember, my mum used to take a seasickness tablet called cinnerazine for her migraines! She says they work a treat if taken before the full set on ????

      • #35452

        Well done. Keep on going. We’ll all get there ????????

      • #35455

        Ooh I’ll look into that thank you ????

    • #35453

      i havnt been able to shift this sickness feeling all day, going to go sauna and steam room later after work, hopefully relives a bit of this anxiety. had a really bad day today, feel exhausted

      • #35454

        Day 13 -15 was the like that for me, constant struggle (stomach, dizziness, anxiety, weakness). I think you should get as much rest as possible. I made a mistake going to the beach one of those days. Was thinking the sun, fresh air would benefit me. It made me so much worse. I hope your plan will work for you. Let us know here  how you’re feeling when you’re back

        • #35456

          Have any of you tried propranolol? I have it for anxiety and it really helped in the beginning. It doesn’t take away all the anxiety but it stops your body from being rushed with adrenaline which causes the symptoms.

          It’s not addictive, just a suggestion as it may help until the anxiety eases off.

          You are all doing so well, I’m always here if anyone needs to vent or ask questions

          • #35457

            Hi wynter, i did suggest this but my Dr said no because i have asthma, i tried mirtazapine and citroplam but had bad reactions to them so im a bit stuck with medication

            • #35459

              Oh no. Listen, you’ll get through this anyway. You are already on day 15. Everyone says here it should start getting better from now on. The way you feel and the fact you’re  not giving up speaks volume about your strength. It will be all worth it. We are here for you!!!

            • #35460

              Ahh Warby that’s a shame. I’m on sertraline and mirtazapine, I think that’s the only reason my sleep wasn’t affected.

              It will get better, one day at a time.

          • #35458

            Yeees. Thanks for reminding me. I am taking propranolol 2 times a day (last 2 days) and it does help. Was trying dizepam few days back and didn’t help that much. If anything was making me feel like my head was filled with water. But propranolol yes yes yes. Like you said its mostly for physical symptoms of anxiety (in my case the worst was shakes and tremors that was leading to panic attacks). I found it working within an hour. And like you said Wynter, its safe and not addictive, and I think its really important to all of us here. Worth trying guys. If anything helped me, that was it.

            • #35461

              I found diazepam helpful but I know a few people it doesn’t agree with. I haven’t taken any for 2 weeks now, or my propranolol for about the same, but it’s good to know I have it just incase as it really helps.

    • #35462

      Could explain why its taking me a little longer anxiety wise, literally all medication didnt agree with me for some reason. Ive been trying herbal stuff with no luck too, my sickness feeling as started to ease just now, but in the back of my head im dreading going sleep knowing im going to wake up at 4am again with hot flushes and anxiety again, viscous circle isnt it

      • #35463

        It’s not really fair is it that you can’t have stuff to help. Makes you even stronger that you’re doing it without any help.

        I’m wishing you a peaceful nights sleep.

      • #35465

        My friend just suggested passion flower tablets. I know with the type anxiety you’re experiencing it may not be enough but maybe you could try. Even if it helps a bit.

        I also just thought of cbd drops. Its available in every pharmacy. All natural. Maybe its worth talking to the pharmacist about it.

        Either way, I hope you’re going to start feeling better on your own as well. Look ,day 15 is practically behind you. One step closer to recovery.

    • #35466

      hi all


      funny you should say that a bottle of cbd oil come through the post last night, so i used it last night, had the worst nights sleep yet though, up at 2am, anxious, diarrhoea and ive been up since. in work at 6am too and can feel the sick feeling coming on 🙁 going to be a long day

    • #35467

      Hi Warby,i have used cbd oil,however it came from a cbd stockist as i was told the stuff in the chemists are nowhere near as good.Just what ive been told.Good luck today,i pray you slept a little better last night.

      Stay strong ????????

    • #35468

      Hi Mark


      yes i ordered online, supreme cbd its called. and sadly another night of no sleep, was up at 2am and been awake since, i feel sick again, sat in work feeling terrible

      • #35469

        Hi I’m taking cbd as well, I wanted to throw everything I could at it to feel better.

        I’m so sorry you had another rubbish night Warby, it’s so hard going when it feels never ending.

        I’d it possible to ask your doctor for short term dose of something to help you sleep? Failing that sominex is suppose to be good. I think if you could sleep better it will help.

        Hope the sickness bogs off soon.

        • #35470



          ive just bought some travel sick tablets to help with the sickness, ill try sominex too, ive tried nytol, other sleep tablets and nothing seems to be working but ill give them a go. ive spent a fortune trying to get better

          • #35471

            I’m with you, spent loads on multi vitamins, cbd, ashwaganda, anti anxiety oils, Berroca the list goes on.

            Sending hugs ????

    • #35472

      Years ago i used to spend loads,this time it was just imodium and vit c!

      Tried all the othere things years ago.To no avail.

      It will get better Warby,what sticks in my mind is someone said “whats a cple of months to the rest of your life.I KNOW  that doesnt help,however it is soo true!

      The thought of bieng drug free forever still scares me alot,so does the future without the pills! I have to become a better person without the help of drugs!


      I will say this Warby! Your doing amazing still working going through all this,you really are,look how many nights you done already man!! Doffs cap! ????????????

      • #35477

        Oh yes life without the codeine bubble scary, but we did before and we can do it again.

    • #35474

      I just realised there is a live grow change (drug help) place right near where i work so i decided to just pop in then, she said all my symptoms should of gone by now after 2 weeks and what im feeling is anxiety from another thing, im literally not worried about anything! shes made me really worried that its not withdrawals and im going mental 🙁

      • #35475

        Hi Warby,

        I’m afraid that’s incorrect information it can take up to 6 weeks that’s from a Doctor, so please do not worry, it’s all perfectly normal albeit horrible!

    • #35476

      Oh and I was still struggling at the same point you are now, my symptoms definitely lasted longer than 2 weeks.

    • #35478

      Hi wynter, she seemed sure and she deals with heroin addicts so my head fell off, made my anxiety worse and ive been sent home from work, currently trying to sleep but my stomach is doing that horrible dropping feeling so i cant sleep a wink. Got my daughter later and im worried i wont be able to look after her, this feels like the first week all over again ????

    • #35479

      Hi wynter, what does dizapam was you using, ive just found my ones from last time i have 6 left, im going to take one now to try and calm me down, these are 2mg

      • #35480

        Hi she’s 100% wrong I promise, and heroin is a different ball game to opiates. So don’t let it mess with your head, it’s normal and it will pass.


        I have the 2mg diazepam, and they worked fine for me, so I would take one and I’m sure you will be absolutely fine with your daughter.

        Try to rest as much as you can, any day now it will start to get easier.

    • #35481

      It really hasnt helped atall, as im worried that its not withdrawals as it is! This has just added to it

    • #35482

      sorry for the constant negative posts, i find it nice to just rant on here, you all listen and reply and make me feel better so thank you all!! Really apreciated

      • #35483

        Never apologise, I found it really helpful coming on here in the beginning even if I was mostly talking to myself ????

        It is withdrawal, I was the same, convinced I had something seriously wrong with me.

        It’s just a slow, tedious process, but you will get there. The anxiety is a killer but it does ease I promise.

    • #35484

      its the only thing now thats killing me, its crippling me, once that eases i know ill be able to get on with my life

      • #35485

        I understand, everyone on here was saying that restless legs were their worst symptom but for me it was anxiety. I just couldn’t function it was that bad, I couldn’t eat and I lost 17lbs. Keep going it will ease.

    • #35490

      The lady has not got a clue saying heroin withdrawel is 2 weeks?? Wow! So whats the point of 3mth rehab then?

      Crazy advice that is! You will get there Warby,hoping you had a better night last night,as Wynter said,no need to apologise my friend, no need at all! Fingers crossed for you! 5 weeks tomorrow for me and still anxiety an lack of motivation a problem,i have just got to keep going and pray it will get better! ????

      Stay strong ????????

    • #35495

      Hey Guys. I was absent yesterday cause I experienced the worst migraine episode. Even though Im familiar with migraine, I haven’t had an attack like that in years. I literally spent the whole day (11am – 8pm) on the bathroom floor often being very close to passing out because of the pain. I feel  so defeated today. I feel so much worse than few days back. No strength at all, stomach is upside down, loose no 2 is back. I can’t take it anymore. Please tell me its normal !!!!

      Warby, unfortunately, there are incompetent people working everywhere and it looks like that woman is one of them. When you get better, you should go there and tell her how harmful her lack of knowledge can be for people like us. I am sooo angry at her !!!!

      • #35497

        Hi alex, yeah i literally nearly had a panic attack from it thinking im seriously ill and my anxiety is something else that i dont know of, she deals with addicts every day so i took her word for gospel, youve all put my mind at ease a bit so thank you all!

      • #35499

        I feel your pain. I suffer badly with migraines which was one of the reason I got hooked on codeine. And I’ve been so scared about managing without it as paracetamol does nothing and I’m not suppose to take ibuprofen because of the antidepressants I’m on.

        I’ve stocked up on forehead strips, purchased a cool cap and Marky said there was a medication over the counter that worked for his mum so I’m going to buy some of that.

        I always feel absolutely awful the day after a migraine so it’s no wonder you fell poorly. Just look after yourself today, rest as much as you can and drink lots, hopefully you’ll feel better soon.

      • #35501

        I was so annoyed at her too Alex,  Warby is already struggling then to hear such incorrect information. If someone had said that to me in the early stages I would have panicked too!


    • #35496

      Hi Mark, sadly another rubbish nights sleep, been up since 2am, i try to back to sleep but my stomach does that dropping feeling and i wake up every time! So annoying, ive just took some paracetomol and ibuprofen and for some reason its settled my stomach a bit, ive had to take today off work, first sick call in 4 years, feel a bit guilty but im wiped out, hope your doing ok

      • #35500

        I second that, I honestly don’t know how you have managed to work through it. I’m currently off work sick due to my depression and thank heavens I was as I couldn’t have worked through withdrawal, so I admire that you have been able to, you’re made of strong stuff Warby!

        Please don’t feel bad about having time off, your body is going through a hell of a lot so it’s ok to rest and take time out. I know I sound like a broken record, but you will get better.

    • #35498

      Don’t feel guilty. I seriously admire you for working and feeling like you do for this long. I really believe that when you let your body rest more, you’ll recover faster.

      I am so grateful for everyone here !!

    • #35502

      Hey Wynter. In my case migraines were also a massive/main factor I got hooked on codeine. Migraines/headaches was what I feared the most when decided to come off of codeine. That’s why everything else took me by surprise.  And you’re right the next day often feels like hangover. I just think that adding up withdrawal symptoms to everything makes today even harder .

      • #35504

        Yeah it’s really no fun, make sure you just take it easy today and recover the best you can ????

    • #35503

      Gonna have to start calling you “SuperWarby” still managing to work! As others have said,you are super strong my friend.

      I cannot remember who said it now,however i feel you will feel better quicker with plenty of rest.

      I take my hat off to you!

      I cannot help beating myself up because of no motivation,anxiety ect…i just have to keep “manifesting” i WILL get better soon.

      Take care all and stay strong ????????

      I had an urge to use today…..because of the symptoms above. I will not though, not wasting 34 days!

      I hope and pray ???? ????



      • #35505

        I’m the same motivation wise, I’m like I’ll sort the house on Monday, then before I know it it’s Wednesday and I’ve done sod all! Then I’m like I’ll start next Monday ???? Never ending, and it’s suppose to be really warm again the next few days so I just know I’ll get nothing done ????

        That’s the thing stopping me using again is I don’t want to go through the withdrawal again. I do worry about the future and what will happen when I may need strong pain relief. Will I ever get to a point where I can just take say 2 tablets. I guess I’ll just have to cross that bridge if I come to it ????‍♀️

    • #35506

      I am scared to death of the future! I really am. I just hope something clicks within me type of thing.I am seriously thinking of na or similar.

      Stay strong all ????????

    • #35507

      Hey guys,

      Again haven’t been too active today. Another migraine stroke in the middle of the day. Not as bad as yesterday but still. How is everyone?

      I wish everyone a very peaceful night. Another day behind us ????????

      • #35516

        Aww Alex migraines are a right pain aren’t they. Really hope you are feeling ok today.

    • #35509

      Hi all,well i thought the waking up early hours was over…..nope! I think the dihydrocodeine being stronger than codiene in why i am venturing on PAWS…i knew it wasnt gonna be pretty but at 5weeks thought would be better.

      There is still light,35days today!

      Stay strong all ????????

      Also do not know why i want to use again,strange…

      All the best guys/gals! ????

      • #35512

        Youve got this mark! Ive been having cravings recently too, just to ease my anxiety and get a good nights sleep but i wont put myself through this again, no way! Keep going

      • #35517

        I think the urge to use comes from the fact that it feels like forever since we stopped, and you believed that all the symptoms should be gone by now. So it’s frustrating when you still feel rubbish and just want it all to go away.

        I had my codeine pills (still there) in my bedside table the whole time I was withdrawing, torturing me. Knowing I had the cure right there! Often I felt like taking some and trying the taper method, but I thought to myself what if that’s just as bad and I put myself right at the vey beginning again for nothing.

        It’s certainly not for the faint hearted coming of these drugs, but we are doing it and we should all be amazingly proud of ourselves!

    • #35510

      Morning all, how we all doing? Day 18 now and anxiety in the night/early morning is still my only issue, i felt alot better yesterday afternoon all the way through but then woke up at 2am again with that stomach dropping feeling which doesnt seem to go away until i get out of bed, very annoying! Im hoping today i feel better in the afternoon again as i have a kids party to go to with my daughter, hope you all have a lovely weekend, keep fighting

    • #35511

      Also been reading into PAWS and got myself worked up, i can see anxiety can last months or even years, im praying thats not what ive got????

      • #35513

        Morning guys, I don’t think you have or will have PAWS I know it feels like it’s been like forever but it’s still early days. I was exactly the same thinking it would never go. I used to play a game on my phone called water sort, just to distract my mind in the mornings and it helped a lot.

        Keep fighting

    • #35514

      Hiii ????
      I am new here
      I have been taking co codamol for the past 12 years due to some health issues. I never had more than 6 a day 30/500mg .for the past months my body was asking for more , I start feeling so nervous ,i couldn’t do anything without taking That killer . So I told my self stop . I am on the day 5 of Co codamol . I started to feel a bit better regarding to physical pains but day 5 I feel depressed and I don’t have the wish to do anything.
      Does anyone had the same experience and how long do you think I will take .
      it will be very helpful to me .
      Danna x

      • #35515

        Hi Danna,

        Welcome, you’re in good company here ????

        Yes what you are feeling is completely normal, I’m 45 days clean and still struggle with motivation. It just takes a while for your brain to reset itself, but it does.

        Well done on getting to day 5, that’s amazing! Keep going ????

    • #35518

      Good morning everyone and welcome Danna ????

      First of all,  Warbe you’re posts seems a lot calmer and more confident, even if you’re having rough nights. Maybe you start to recognize anxiety and at least you know it’s just that and nothing else?(even though I know how horrible it feels). By the way, I have been having pretty good nights so far and tonight like you, I woke up for the first time at around 2, my heart was pounding, my chest felt like its being squashed, I was shaking more and more by min and finally needles around my heart. I thought Im gonna go crazy. I was convincing myself that its just a panic attack but its so damn hard when your brain and body is trying to convince you otherwise. So I really feel for you having it every night. But I am also writing this to show you how wrong that woman (excuse of an expert) was. I’m on my 21st day and just experienced my first anxiety attack at night. This just shows how unpredictable, individual and random this whole process is for everyone. I believe it was a smart move though, to take some time off work and it will be a bit easier for you now .

      Wynter and MarkyMark  you guys are inspiring me here with you’re over 30 and 40 days in the process. I know you can do this so I just know you’ll power through all the cravings. And Wynter I admire you having the pills right next to you. I had to flush everything I had down the toilet on day 1. That says a lot about your character and strength ???? I know it’s going to sounds cheesy but I am really rooting for you guys as much as I am rooting for myself. This little group of people has been my biggest help and support so far.

      And Danna, just like Wynter said you are in good hands. Come here anytime you need to. The people here are great and understand everything you are and will be going through.

      Ok , I’ll come back in a little while. Have a peaceful day all !!!!


      • #35519

        I must like torturing myself ????

        I never ever thought I’d get to nearly 7 weeks! I remember those first 4 weeks or so felt like they would never end! Even now I get scared that the anxiety will come back.

        This forum has really helped me too, it makes you feel less alone when you feel like you are losing your mind, and the world is continuing with out you.

        Hope everyone has a peaceful day ♥️

    • #35520

      Yeah getting there, its just this anxiety, the stomach dropping feeling is really getting to me, its only when i try to sleep, if im lay on the sofa it wont be there, get in bed for a nap or at night and try and nod off and it jerks me awake, such a horrible feeling

      • #35525

        I really feel for you Warby, the anxiety is 100% the worst part of withdrawal.

        I use to do the 478 breathing where you breathe in for 4 seconds, hold for 7 then breathe out for 8. If I did that a couple of times I found it helped to regulate my breathing and calm me a bit.

        Just trying to think of things to help as I know how utterly awful it is.

    • #35521

      Hi all,i just wrote an essay then dropped my phone an lost it all ????‍♂️

      Ill cut it short,after 4 months our brain will start to produce dopamine by itself.In other words….no matter how much damage we have done,it IS repairable with NO outside influences. Just saying really….i was under the impression we had to do lots of outside things to help learn again.I havnt explained it very well,not very good at this.

      Back to the present, everyone as long as you keep clean things WILL get BETTER,just may take time.

      Big hug to you ALL! Well done!! ????????????????????

      • #35524

        Yeah it amazing isn’t it what the brain is capable off. I just keep thinking of all the years when I wasn’t taking codeine and how I was perfectly happy. I swear I enjoy things more now that I’m not numb with codeine.

        I try and seek out things that make me laugh to give my brain a helping hand in producing the old dopamine.

        2 and a bit more months to go then and my brain should be all normal, although I’m not sure I’ve ever been ‘normal’ ????

    • #35526

      Haha was thinking the same Wynter ???????? 3 more month an I’ll be as mad as i used to be! ????

      I am trying to manifest positivity but not doing all that well atm! Will get there though,as we all will ????????


    • #35527

      Ive took a diazpam as im at a party with my daughter and the anxious stomach was killing me, seems to have settled me a bit, this weather isnt helping though

    • #35528

      I am lucky enough to be prescribed diazepam,although they are next on the list to be rid of! However they have been a life saver especially tapering down dhc 1 tablet a week,i still had really aching ankles(was puching them for relief) lasted about 3 daysbut the psychological effect for 10 weeks was severe! Its strange,wasnt as bad as CT but defo prolonged lesser symptoms!

      Be kind to yourself everyone,you are smashing it!!????????????

    • #35529

      Hi mark, yeah they can be addictive too cant they, i was only prescribed one strip and i only have 3 left. Just going to use them when it gets too much too handle like today

      • #35530

        Yeah my doctor would only let me have 20 which I’m grateful for as I would probably get hooked on them too. Still have a few left though in case I ever need them.

    • #35535

      Day 36..

      Slept better last night.

      Still no motivation, nothing.

      Long old road is this,just got to stay strong,cannot believe i want them pills again! Not going too,however i honestly thought tapering would get rid of cravings.Never mind,as someone said  is a marathon not a mile.

      Stay strong all ???????? ????

      • #35536

        I’m glad you slept a bit better last night The cravings can persist for a bit but shows how strong you are to resist!

        I’ve got zero motivation today and am just complaining that it’s too hot ????

        It certainly is a marathon, but it’s worth it for a healthier future ♥️

    • #35540

      Hi all

      Warby hope you are sleeping now an the worst is over.

      Wynter you sure are right,after all we have been through with these pills ,you would think we would never think of them again! How wrong is that! Day 37 now,had a brisk walk this morning,in the sun so that should release some dopamine.

      Here’s wishing everyone a strong day! Do not let your guard down,they will be in you in a flash! Carry on the great work all,wishing you a speedy recovery ???????????? ????????????

    • #35541

      hi all

      slept a bit better last night, woke up again with hot/cold flashes but managed to get back to sleep straight away and ive come back in work today and so far so good (fingers crossed)

      stomach issues have seen to come back, diarrhea too but weirdly enough its helped with my sickness feeling in my stomach, dont know why!

      hope you all have a good day

      • #35546

        Hi Guys,

        I’m glad you slept a bit better Warby, hopefully you’re turning that corner now. It always throws you when a symptom clears up then comes back again, but just keep telling yourself that it’s normal and will pass!

        I had the dentist today and I absolutely hate going. Normally I would down some pills to calm me. So I was anxious about going today, but I was absolutely fine!

        Nearly another day done guys, wishing you all a peaceful evening ????

    • #35562

      Hi everyone, I’m new here and I just wanted to share my experience with trying to get out of the opiate trap.. I know it’s a pure living nightmare.

      I was prescribed dihydrocodeine 30mg around 20 years ago for pain relief because I was born with deformed feet and as I got older they got really painful to the point I couldn’t sleep. So I got these magic tablets which were great at first, then after a few years they did nothing but make me feel like hell.. especially when I forgot to take them. They basically become the master and you become a slave to these evil little pills.. and the crushing feeling in the upper chest is the worst feeling of all ( in my experience ) .. so you have to keep taking them to stop this feeling, it’s like a vice crushing your chest while your heart pounds at a fast rate .. and also the feeling of being suffocated topped of with feelings of dread, agitation, anxiety, tension and anger.. like your body is attacking you into submission to take the pills.. and I have been eating them like smarties just to try and feel normal everyday.. not good, I know.

      My story is a bit different to the ones I’ve read so far on here, because many of you took the bold step of coming off the DHC by your own choice.. but I have had no option, I never made the choice.. the NHS did. It’s quite a bizarre thing that’s happened because I just got a text message telling me that dihydrocodeine was no longer being prescribed in my area and I would be getting a substitute which was “ Codeine Phosphate “.. and for those who are clued up will know that these are as much use as taking Aspirin compared to the DHC30mg. So when I read the text message I nearly had a panic attack.. because I was down to my last two pills that day.

      It seems to me like the NHS is currently doing it’s best to kill people instead of saving lives.. because they should have at least given me a few months notice to let me know that they were planning on stopping the supply of these drugs.. and I think it’s terrible and dangerous. Luckily I knew about Codydramol which contains DHC 30mg plus 500mg Paracetamol.. so I made an appointment to see my doctor who was basically clueless, anyway I talked him round into prescribing me Codydramol instead of the Codeine Phosphate which are not a substitute for DHC .. So basically I have been forced into coming off them by tapering and 5 weeks into the process I feel like the rest of you on here.. no motivation, major depression, hopelessness, no interest in anything and I am avoiding people to the point that I can’t even go into a shop anymore.. It is a living nightmare.

      I just thought I would add my experience on here, just to let you all know that you are not alone and I feel your pain.. I really do. I think one of the worst things of this is the worry, misery and upset that our family must go through when they can see the change we are going through and I know that we can’t just paint a smile on our face.. I wish I could but it’s hard. Luckily I’ve got an easy going wife who is doing her best to understand and support me with what I’m going through and to tell you the truth I am very surprised she hasn’t left me.

      Sorry if I have left such a long thread, but I got a bit carried away and it’s the first time I’ve posted anything in a forum.. I tend just to read forums for advice, but not this time.

      Good luck to everyone and I really hope you get your life back on track very soon.

      All the best


    • #35575

      Hi John

      Firstly ill say your story is similar to alot of us here! It is one big battle my friend.I was on remedine forte(codydramol) or similar, then the pharmacy stopped getting them,so the doctor just prescribed 30mg dhc with paracetamol to go with them.

      To be honest that suited me, due to the amount of paracetamol i was consuming with the dhc.Also it allowed me to have Ibroprophen with them that helped me more with pain.

      I done everything you do or did,including the shop!! Just able to do that on my own now, 5 weeks plus of no dhc. I am seriously getting better, although i am experiencing more pain where i had dhc before.Ibroprophen doesnt help some days,however i have to learn to live with it and adapt, because dhc destroys you,emotionally, physically and every other f***ing way,honestly. As you have probably already read in this thread.Opiates are a living nightmare.

      We are all here for you John,we are! The thread started out on someones 18 days free.I never thought i and others would get to there,but we have! This thread helps no end! I have been tempted several times but i would lose 38 days! Not happening no more.Them 38 will grow.

      I went my first week free and rewarded myself by taking 3.5 pills,omg i felt so let down,ashamed ect…i started again the next day!

      How many mgs you on a day John if you don’t mind me asking? No prob if not!

      Good luck on your journey my friend!! ????????????????????


      • #35637

        Hi Mark, I left you a reply earlier.. but it seems to have disappeared ? Maybe it was a bit long or it was put on hold from admin so they could check it before posting it, because it had a few references to certain drugs etc. but it was respectful with no swearing etc.

        Can you let me know if you received it or has it disappeared into the ether..

        All the best ????


        • #35638

          Hi John,no message came thru buddy ! I hope you are doing ok ???? stay strong! ????????????

    • #35576

      Warby, Wynter hope you are both well! I think Warby has smashed it! As has yourself Wynter! We have another adition to the NIGHTMARE CREW! Senging hugs guys/gals ????????????

      • #35578

        Hi Mark,

        I’m good, 7 weeks tomorrow ???? I’m so proud of you for not giving in to those cravings! Hope Warbys ok and had another decent ish night.

        Welcome John, you’re in good company here, 5 weeks is amazing! It will only get better and better. Just feels like forever when you’re going through it doesn’t it.

    • #35579

      Wow 7 weeks!! What an achievement Wynter! Are you back to normalish now?

      I had another walk today! Only cple k but still got out.

      Looking forward to hitting 6 weeks on Saturday! Hoping most of it is nearly done.

      Well done all ????????????

      • #35580

        Yeah I think I’m pretty much back to normal, whatever that is ????

        Wow 6 weeks, you’re not that far behind me, I think you’re on your home run now ????

    • #35581

      hi all

      last night i had the best nights sleep ive had for 3 weeks, i dont want to say im getting better because i mscared ill jinx it, my anxiety is so much better, im praying it doesnt come back as bad but i keep getting worried it will in the back of my head but yeah miles better! mark, the fact your getting out and about is a great sign mate, keep doing it as your posts are much more happier so must be doing some good. Wynter, you should be so proud, 7 weeks is amazing!

      John – welcome to the thread, this place will make the next couple of weeks for you so much easier trust me, you can do this! we are behind you



      • #35588

        Oh Warby I’m so pleased for you! I think you’ll be fine now. Even 7 weeks in I keep thinking my anxiety will return, think it will take a while before that fear goes.


        We are amazing! ????♥️

      • #35739

        Hi Warby, thanks for the message.. I actually just realised that you and Wynter are two different people lol.. I think Wynter and Warby has a certain ring to it like an easy listening duo or something. Anyway thanks again and I hope you are keeping well ????

    • #35605

      Hi Guys, hope you’ve all had a good day. I’ve not unfortunately, I found out my cat isn’t well at all and needs to be put to sleep. He’s only 5 it just seems so unfair. I lost my grandad before Christmas and my Nanna 2 weeks ago. It seems never ending, it’s like I’m being tested and life is pushing me towards the pills.

      I won’t give in though, I’m just very sad ????

      • #35606

        Ohh Wynter….things are sent to try us im afraid! I know things are super hard at the moment,things will change,you know they will,it is just so sad as you say.Thoughts are with you my friend! You won’t touch the devil i know you wont! Think of them good memories mate,you know alot of your sadness will be heightened due to no codiene to supress it! Am with you man,just holla if ya need? I shall keep checking in.

        Have a cple of diazepam, after all its what they are for,short term use ???????????? stay strong Wynter ????????

      • #35636

        Hi Wynter, thanks for the warm welcome.. I really appreciate it.

        I’m really sorry about your Cat, I know how hard it is when you have to make the decision to put your pet down.. I had a little white terrier who went everywhere with me and he lived up to 18 years old and he started taking fits and he kept falling down and it was terrible to make the decision to put him to sleep.. Then a few months later my mother got rushed into hospital and we were told that her bowel had packed in and she was a bit old for surgery and she would probably die anyway.. so we were basically made to decide whether to operate or put her on this drip driver machine filled with Morphine and Medazolam ( Matt Hancock ) death recipe.. So my sister, me and my dad had to sit in this room for 48hours and watch our mam die slowly.. It was a living nightmare, because we just assumed that she would return home after a few weeks in hospital, what a terrible shock. So I was eating the Opiates like they were sweets.. and I got a friend to bring me some Diazepam which helped.

        So I feel your pain, I really do.. But my advice to anyone is don’t be tempted to give in and take any more than you are currently taking.. or if you have completely came off them.. and you still have any spare ones laying around, get them thrown in the bin.. because that’s what I’m doing. I decided that it doesn’t matter how bad life gets, I won’t use opiates as a comforter anymore.. I know it’s hard and I feel like a hypocrite because in the evening I drink Vodka like it’s Pepsi.. but no way would I crank up the dosage of these devil pills even when bad things happen.

        Dig your heels in Warby and stay strong.. you can do it ????

        All the best


        • #35639

          Thank you John, it’s been a hard day to say the least.

          Sorry about your mum it’s so hard isn’t it. Your story sound the same as my grandads, we lost him before Christmas as he was taken to hospital with stomach pains which turned out to be his bowel, and it was a case of he’s too old to have surgery so there’s nothing we can do. It’s horrid isn’t it.


          I still have my codeine in a drawer, must like torturing myself ????

          • #35737

            Hi Wynter, I’m sorry about this.. I was just telling Mark about how I typed up a load of replies to you and they were just disappearing and not showing on screen.. so after an hour or so of wasted time I sort of gave up with forums lol. Anyway I’m just reading back to try and catch up on what’s happening and I realised what you said about the spare opiates you have left in your house.. Now, I really respect your honesty but please.. get them thrown over the biggest cliff you can find, really. You know the way I see this, it’s like finding out that your partner has been cheating on you for years, so you end the relationship obviously.. but then you just say hey just stay in the spare bedroom just in case I get a bit frisky one evening ! Or it’s like those old glass covered things that look like a fire alert bell with “ break in case of emergency “.. you know, the ones with a single cigarette inside that were sold in joke shops. Except this is no joke.. I know as soon as I’m down to the last 5mg on the last week, I’m going to take half a Valium tablet for bed every night for a week and then go onto Melatonin and Magnesium.. You can do it Wynter, get them thrown as far away as possible or even destroy them with a hammer in a sacrificial ceremony. You know it makes sense ????

    • #35607

      hi wynter, sending my thoughts and prayers to you at this difficult time, life can be so cruel!


      im having a bit of a wobble myself, nothign compared to you so i feel like a bit of an idiot even typing this. my bloods have come back twice now with high liver count so i need another blood test. i have health anxiety so my head is thinking all sorts (yes i went on google again)


    • #35615

      Hi guys!

      I hope you are ok Wynter! Thoughts are with you man.

      Warby your liver will heal,pretty resilient as im lead to believe.Your not stupid for typing your woes my friend,we are all different and need some reassuring sometimes. So do not be thinking that! As i said to Wynter,the codiene you was taking was suppressing your feelings,so now anything is going to seem alot worse than it is.

      Wynter has had alot thrown at him of late, look how strong he is(bet he doesnt feel it though) however he is! We can see it!

      I am sending strength and hugs to all today,seems like some good vibes are needed!

      Stay strong troops! ????????????????????????????????????????



      • #35631

        Hi Guys,

        I said goodbye to my little man an hour ago. He’s pain free now, never gets any easier losing pets ????

        I don’t feel very strong, but I haven’t taken any pills and I won’t.

        Warby, try not to worry too much about your results, as Mark said the Liver can take care of itself and heal very well.

        Mark btw I’m female ???? Not that it matters.

        Nearly another day done ✅♥️


    • #35628

      Hi everyone, hope you’re all well.

      Unfortunately I relapsed on day 17.

      Today would’ve been day 39.

      I hate myself.

      Day 1 again for me ????

      • #35632

        Hi Soph,


        Please don’t beat yourself up, it’s really hard getting of these pills. Sometimes it takes a few goes before it clicks. You can do it ♥️

      • #35738

        Hi Soph, I am sorry to hear about what’s happened and I know it’s a nightmare, in fact it’s probably the hardest thing any of us on here have had to do.. physically and mentally. I don’t know how you are planning to get of these opiates, but the way I done it was.. I worked out how many tablets I was taking per week and then I got a notepad out and started a countdown program to taper the pills. So the best way to do it I would say is with those clear pill boxes you can buy with morning, midday, afternoon and evening written on them and they come in a 7 day tray. Then you set out your first week of weening yourself off.. and was the scary part for me, I was like a Bomb disposal man shaking and sweating as I slowly laid the tablets in place. At one point I was on everything opiate based I could lay my hands on.. I was a secret opiate fiend and nobody could tell. But now I’m down to around 120mg a day with the help of a notepad and those pill boxes. So if you are on say 300mg a day now, you put a chart in your notebook and then after 7 days start a new date with a chart below with an amount of pills which will add up to 280mg.. then keep repeating. Honestly, I am halfway through and there is no reason to go back. You can do it.. and even if things get rough you can always put the tapering on hold for another week.. but never go up on the dosage, I think that’s the important thing. Good luck anyway and I hope you get through this ????????

    • #35633

      Hi all

      My apolgies Wynter lol…dunno why i thought that.Heyho.Like you say it don’t matter,we are all victims of these pills.

      Soph as Wynter said it’s extremely hard getting off these things.

      I read earlier someone fell at 40 days! Now that scares me as am 40 days tomorrow, i have still not alot of motivation.Cannot even be bothered to eat properly.

      However i am still quite confident i wont use. I fell at 7 days by rewarding myself for getting to 7 days!! Wtf!?? Lol

      Now that is mad thinking(pills make you think a certain way)

      Every day is a victory! I get to 6pm an i done another day! So 10 mins an i done 39 ????

      I was reminded how much a massive thing it is earlier,just when i needed it,reason for everything they say!

      Anyhow waffled on enough,good luck over night all!



      • #35640

        Yeah doesn’t matter one bit ????

        So scary how we can never get complacent, I read someone on here was clean for 6 months then they relapsed. It’s so scary how it never seems to leave you.

        I wonder if anyone who has gotten clean from opiates has been able to use them occasionally in the future if needed for pain and not abuse them again. Or if you are never able to take them again ????‍♀️

        Anyway guys, wishing you all a peaceful evening and a good nights sleep, I’m hoping I I zonk out soon, it’s been an exhausting day ????

    • #35646

      Hi all,imho i think it has to be it with opiate painkillers.

      Apparently our brains recognise it and start the process again! However everyone is different as they say. Personally i have an addictive personality so i am not going to risk it.I am missing them more now than i was at the beginning. I will not though(he says). I got too stay strong 40 days today.Just shy of six weeks.So i would be absolutely devastated to start again,dunno if i could! Anyhow enough negativity for today!

      Hope Warby is good now,thoughts are still with you Wynter,i had to leave vets via back entrance i balled so much when i lost my doggo.So i know how that feels.

      Have a good day all,stay strong! ????????????????????????



    • #35647

      Hi all that are new,please scroll all the way to the bottom of the page for up to date support!

      • #35648

        Didnt work,was replying to the first post to put messages up the top.Have seen a few replies of late that are getting missed.


        • #35651

          Hi Mark,


          I’ve noticed that too with the posts missing, it’s very annoying.

          Yeah I was a bit of an emotional mess yesterday but at least I slept well through exhaustion!

          Can’t believe you’re at nearly 6 weeks! How freaking awesome is that ????

    • #35652

      I bet you slept like a log,after all that Wynter ????

      Pets ay,like family.

      Yeah i suprised i am here at 40 days! I counted my dhc earlier nearly 700 there lol.

      I tried to give it the chemist but they wouldnt accept it.Strange.

      Gonna be flush i think! Scary as f*** is that! Yikes! Them bieng there has helped in a weird way,but if i go weak weak they are there.????‍♂️ i dunno.

      Stay strong all ????????????

      • #35655

        Oh my pets are my babies, I’ve got 3 other cats and 2 Border Collies, must be mental ????

        Yeah I’ve got a cupboard full of codeine, don’t know why I’m keeping it there really ????????‍♀️

        I would like to think if needed them in the future I could be responsible, but I’m too afraid of getting addicted again so I’m very unlikely to ever go down that route again. I’m not complacent enough to never say never though. Stronger people than me have failed before.

        I just love this forum though, I’m so glad I stumbled across it, even though we are all strangers, we are all united in this, and I feel very comforted that I have people to talk to. I said at the beginning of my journey that if I made it through the withdrawals I would help anyone else where I can, that’s why I keep coming back, for me and for anyone that needs an ear to vent to ????

    • #35656

      This place also helps me stay on course as it were!seriously hard times,i asked for help a cple of times(even though not religious)!

      Tis great that it is like a little family! Family of understanding! Stay strong all ???????? ❤️

    • #35663

      Hi all,

      Just keeping in touch with you all.

      Hope everyone is ok this morning. ????

      Warby i think has done it,well done Warby! Wynter i know you will still be around.I hope you feel a little better today,not nice to go through especially after what you have been through of late.

      Sophie, John i hope you are both carrying on with your fight.I will try and make sure i come on regular if anyone needs it! I think Wynter is going to do the same.

      41 days today.6 weeks tomorrow! Seems soo long ago!

      Good luck all,thinking of you all and sending good vibes! ????????????????????

    • #35665

      Hi Mark,


      Yep, I’ll still be coming on on, I hope Warby is  ok and like you say smashing it. As well as John and Soph.

      I’m 51 days today so only 10 days ahead of you we are bloody warriors ????????????????

    • #35667

      Hi all


      yes past 2/3 days have been great, anxiety is still a little bit here, but thats due to other issues i think (chest pains ive been having, and my blood results) but nowhere near to the level it has been

      ive been sleeping so much better so i think the worst is behind me


      hope you are all ok, everyone seems a lot happier which is great to see, keep fighting guys

      • #35675

        Hi Warby,

        I’m so happy you are still doing well. I understand all too well about health anxiety, my doctor has sent me for all sorts of test to make sure my symptoms were withdrawal and nothing else.

        I’ve had my CT scan and have got a Colonoscopy and an Ultrasound scan to go. But hey at least if they are all clear I would have hard a good MOT ???? But I agree the not knowing if it is something else gets to you.

        Hopefully your pain buggers off soon and you continue to get better and better ????

    • #35668

      Hi Warby,i re read your og thread earlier,i originally read you was taking a cple a day for 10 months! You was taking 3, 4-5 times a day! No wonder you have been thru hell! I did wonder why you was still suffering! Please do not try an just take a cple for pain,they will grab you again,honestly they kid you no end!

      I am sore this morning and Ibroprophen not touching it,however i know what the others bring, so ill just be miserable lol.

      You have done really well Warby,any hardship you now face you know it wont be as bad as an opiate withdrawal! Hopefully sail through things.

      Good luck my friend.

      Stay strong all! ???????? ❤️

    • #35669

      hi mark

      yes started with the 2 every 4 hours then got to the point where i was taking 3 at a time and not even waiting for the 4 hours for my next dose, got to the point where i was taking 3/4 just to sleep too, this lasted about 10 months, it was zapain so it was the 30/500 so my liver is probably still recovering from all the paracetomol but my health anxiety always makes me think of the worst. i will never take these again trust me, i would rather be in pain that go through the past 3 weeks again

    • #35670

      Hi all thanks for the replies.

      I just can’t seem to put my finger on why I keep going back to these horrible pills. On day 17 I went to pick up my antidepressant prescription, got home opened the bag and there they were… 3 boxes of codeine in with my sertraline, I hadn’t requested these I think the doctors were just so used to sending me them every month. I lasted maybe an hour before opening a pack and hated myself instantly. I’ve been taking them ever since. Today would of been day 41.

      I hate myself. I hate that I can’t even stop taking them for the sake of my 3 beautiful kids. No one knows I’ve relapsed not even my own partner. I can’t deal with the shame. Most nights I go to sleep hoping I won’t wake up in the morning so I don’t have to live in this nightmare anymore.

      I’m really struggling ????

      • #35672

        hi soph

        you have just told us the greatest reason why you need to wake up every morning, your 3 beautiful kids. withdrawals is tough but those 3 kids need a healthy mummy. pick a date in the near future and try again, there is no rush for this and stop counting what day you would of been on, just forget that and reset! you can do this, maybe try tapering off them, make it a little bit easier for you, maybe open up to your partner too, you will need all the help you can get! we  are all routing for you

      • #35673

        Soph, as Warby said forget what day you wouldve been on.You are just continuously beating yourself up.There is no need to do that. We are here for you just pick a date,an let the support commence.

        If i can do it,you certainly can! Honestly i was reading about the 18days first post, when i was tapering down from 10 30mg dhc. Never thought i would get there,but i have.With the support from here and anyone who you can trust so will you too! As Warby said you need all the support you can get for yourself.

        I lost count of the amount of times i didnt want to be here.
        <p style=”text-align: right;”>I kept focusing on my daughter without me,that helped alot i believe.I have always struggled with life so the not wanting to be here was soo real,really was.You can do this Sophie,you can. Positive vibes sent your way!</p>

      • #35674

        Hi Soph, as the others have said please don’t think about what could have been, it doesn’t matter. When you are ready you will be codeine free.

        It’s so damn hard, codeine lures you in, it’s like a faithful friend that you can turn to.

        Could you talk to your GP about stopping, to maybe get some support in place? I understand this may not be an option as not everyone feels comfortable telling their Doctor. If not please confide in your partner, I’m sure he will be relieved to know and will help.  As Warby said you could try tapering to make it a bit easier.

        I understand about life being too hard, I too have struggled and am on antidepressants, but please be kind to yourself. There is no reason whatsoever to feel shame, if you do decided to stop we will all be here for you.

        Sending hugs ♥️

    • #35671

      Hi Warby,i know Zapain very well,it was my introduction as it were.

      I have not long completed 4 x25 pushup burpees with a minute rest inbetween! I was even singing to some tunes while doing it! I am through the otherside!!!

      .I even slept till nine!!! Went to bed at 11! 10hours!

      Just the head work i got to sort out now,but if i can exercise with continuity i will be ok i think.We will see. Just got to stay away from them devil pills! Easier said than done i know.

      Good luck all and stay strong ????????❤️????




      • #35676

        Mark, you really are an inspiration! I really need to get my ass exercising more, I’ve no excuse there’s a treadmill in my front room gathering dust ????

        The head stuff really is the hardest to deal with but we are made of strong stuff ????????????????

    • #35677

      Hi Wynter! Hope you’re well.

      Without a doubt the headstuff is the hardest to deal with.I have gone down(not fully,but down) since my post this morning. I think it was you who said about a roller coaster ride,it certainly is.I am going to have negative thoughts, i just have to face and ignore the nasty ones,and embrace the good ones.I honestly cannot remember the last time i sang along really can’t. So this the thoughts i must focus on.

      Marathon not a race ????????????

      Stay strong all ???????? ❤️

      • #35678

        It’s definitely a rollercoaster. I have good and bad days. I’m a pessimistic optimist ???? Somedays I could quite happily reach for the pills but I won’t, beating the negative thoughts is a process, and I’m trying to seek out things that make me happy ????

        We got this ♥️

    • #35679

      I think you maybe right there Wynter!! ???????????? got to stay focused!

      You know the devil won’t be beaten this easily.i KNOW he will rare up again.


      Stay strong troopers ????????????????

    • #35682

      Hi everyone, finally today I have been hit with the reality of what my 10 year addiction has done.  I’m clean about 4 weeks now and don’t miss them at all,  but my stomach pains and vomiting had got so bad I’ve been in hospital for a week and found out today that I have a huge ulcer and inflammation which has covered over the hole down to my stomach, so no food has been getting through and barely any liquid.  This explains the constant vomiting and 3 stone weight loss. Now faced with a feeding tube for a while why they check the ulcer for malignant cells. Then more surgery to try and repair the stomach. My Mother has had to fly home from overseas to move in to look after my son who now has to come see me like this. I’m in a ward full of old people, constantly hungry and in pain all of my own doing. Im in shock right now feeling in a pretty dark place. I would hate anyone else to go through this so if you need motivation to take that extra step please remember the very real health risks every time you take them .Sending love and light to all x

      • #35683

        Hi TTFB,

        I’m so sorry to hear what you are going through, these pills really do a number on us. I too am having to have tests done.

        I’m hoping everything works out ok for you and you heal quickly. Sending hugs x

      • #35692

        Hi TTFB, im sorry to hear this! try and stay positive, you are in the best place possible and getting the right treatment you need, just think it could of been a lot worse if you carried on taking the pills. you will be on the mend in no time

        hope your operations go well and its a short stay and your back on your feet in no time, keep us all posted!

      • #35734

        I hope you pull through, I am so sorry to hear about what’s happening to you.. it must be a nightmare. It just goes to show how dangerous these things are.. and they do more damage than good. All the best to you.. and good luck ????

    • #35684

      Thank you so much Wynter x

    • #35686

      Hi TTFB really sorry to hear that. Dunno quite what to say in all honesty.I just wish you a speedy recovery and hope your stay there is not too long! Sending good vibes ????????????

      We are with you at your darkest times,there is light of that i promise! Stay strong ????????

    • #35688

      Good morning everyone, wishing you all a wonderful weekend ♥️

      It’s raining where I am so I guess I won’t be cutting my grass today!

      I got my appointment letter from the hospital yesterday and I thought I was just having a colonoscopy, but turns out I’m having a colonoscopy AND an endoscopy on the same day! Oh the joys ????

      TTFB stay strong, things will get better ♥️

      Warby, Mark another day under our belts ????

      Soph I hope you’re doing ok ♥️


      • #35690

        hi Wynter, same here! good old rainy manchester

        hope you have a good weekend, hope your scans go well! im sure they will


        • #35693

          Thanks Warby, ???????? I’m in Cheshire where it rains 90% of the time I’m sure ????

    • #35689

      I am on the day 12 , physically I feel better only I don’t have motivation to do anything.

      • #35691

        hi danna, this is completely normal, especially at day 12, keep going your motivation will come back


        try and get out and about even if you dont feel like it, it did me the world of good

      • #35694

        I second that Danna, I was still struggling on day 12. Takes time but you’ll get there ????

    • #35696

      Hi all! ????

      Ohh the koys ay Wynter.Not!

      I hope everything goes ok,am sure it will.

      Sun is shining atm.Most probably have the wet stuff later.

      As everyone has said Danna, it is completely normal.Horrid but normal. Am 6 weeks today an my motivation comes an goes in no notime at all.Stay strong,you can do this! 12 days in a major achievement. Things will start to turn for the better soon.

      Stay strong my friends! We got this! ????????????????????????


    • #35700

      Morning all, had a bad evening last night, had chest pain that triggered my anxiety again, and woke up really anxious and knot in my stomach yet again, 5 days i went without it and now back to being an anxious mess 🙁 when will this go forever 🙁

      • #35701

        Aww Warby, sorry to hear you had a bad night/morning. I’m with you on the health anxiety, it’s really no fun.

        It’s strange as I’ve had bit of anxiety yesterday  morning and today for no reason. It’s awful isn’t it, I get scared it will get bad again. I just have to try and remind myself that it’s an up and down journey and somedays will just suck. You will be better again, and the bad days with get fewer and far between ♥️



    • #35703

      Wondering how to post on here. Really good helpful thread …. I’m on dihydrocodeine have been for years for rheumatoid arthritis … x

      • #35704

        Hi Riyaad,


        Welcone, it’s always difficult when you have a genuine need to take the tablets. Are you looking to stop?

    • #35705

      Hi all

      That makes 3 of us on the anxiety today! I went too bed at 9 just cause i had enough of bieng awake! Soo woke up at 4! Full of anxiety. I done my burpee routine again yestaday too. I have just got to remind myself it will go eventually.

      Our brains were soo conditioned with codiene, i think it is going to take awhile to reset itself and be “normal” once again. That is what i keep telling myself anyway.

      Dana is on 13 today,one more the the 2 week mark. Give yourself a pat on the back Danna.

      Good luck on the journey Riyaad,we all here for you.

      Stay strong all ???????? ❤️


      • #35706

        Must be something in the air as we are all anxious little beans at the moment ????

    • #35707

      Hi everyone

      new here I am on day 2 of going cold turkey from codiene. I am not sure how long I have had this problem for I used to use them for RLS at night then over the past few months I have been taking them more regularly at most 8 x 30mg a day. I have a bit of an upset stomach. But all I have done is cry all day. The feeling of guilt I feel for letting this happen is unbelievable. I struggle with anxiety and depression anyway and i hate myself that I have done this to myself and hate the thought I will never feel normal again. My children and partner are my everything and I feel disgusted that I have put them through this. Please tell me it gets better

      • #35709

        Hi NS,

        I second what Mark has said, it will get worse before it gets better BUT it does get better.

        I struggled so much with anxiety which was my biggest symptom. I thought it would never ease. It feels like forever when you are at the beginning but just take it one day at a time. Try to drinks lots, and please don’t feel disgusted with yourself, we have all very easily fallen into the trap of these pills and it’s absolutely nothing to be ashamed off xx

    • #35708

      Hi Ns

      Forst of all good luck,you are exactly right what you say.

      All the things you are feeling are completely normal. Unfortunately it will get a little worse before it gets better.I think from my experience and others who have taken the journey,its roughly 2 weeks(starting day 3) not 12 hrs as we are led to believe,of physical withdrawal, but i found the headwork was alot harder than the physical. All in all its roughly 6 weeks till some sort of real normality is standard. Have you got a friendly doctor you can speak too?

      Sorry i was probalby the bearer of bad news,but i thought straight is best.

      The aay it was explained to me,whats 6 weeks compared to the rest of your life! It helped me noend,as did some of the people on this page.The support has been great.So am happy to help if i can.

      Be strong guys ????????????????????????????


      • #35710

        Thankyou !
        I honestly do not think I have ever cried this much. If I ever knew that those little pills could ever cause this much psychological pain I would never ever have touched them ! I’m so so scared I will never get back to normal. I haven’t spoken to a doctor I only told my partner yesterday as I knew I needed to stop.

        • #35711

          I felt exactly the same, I was so scared I’d never feel ‘normal’ again. But I now enjoy things again, even more so now I’m not numb with codeine. Yes I still have some anxiety but it’s worth it for a healthier future.

          If you find it difficult to cope then please see your doctor as there are things they can give you to help.

          we’ll be here with you every step of the way ♥️

          • #35712

            How far are you into your recovery and how many tablets were you taking for how long ? I have been in work all day and sobbed at least 6 times. I feel like the worst mum in the whole world. My partner had no clue he said I never acted any different.

            • #35713

              Hi, I’m nearly 8 weeks clean now. I had been taking them on and off for about 10 years, but last year it was out of hand and I was taking 20-25 30mg of codeine a day!

              Hopefully if you weren’t taking as much for as long it may not take as long for you to recover.

              Don’t be too hard on yourself, I was having to look after my poorly mum at the beginning of my withdrawal, all whilst looking after my daughter and pets. I felt like I was letting everyone down. But they told me I didn’t.

              I spent many days in tears too, felt like I was losing my mind. But it soon gets easier, hang on in there.

              • #35714

                Well if you can do it I most certainly can! Well done !!

    • #35715

      As Wynter said,DO NOT beat yourself up at all,horror pills they are! We all started taking with the best of interest. Pain relief!

      You really are going on a roller coaster, everything you will feel is normal,the THOUGHTS, are just that.THOUGHTS! You are going to be emotional an feel out of your mind,all normal UNFORTUNATELY.

      But it really will get better,it WILL! As Wynter says,one hour at a time,or day whichever suits yourself really.

      You sound like you want to be free of them,sending lots of positive vibes your way!! Talk with your partner,he can reassure you!

      Stay strong all ???????? ????????

    • #35720

      Hi all,just saying hello and wishing you the strength to continue on the journey!

      Please remember it is a marathon not a race! Stay strong people.Do not let them back in your life.They will be waiting patiently for your relapse.Do NOT give in to them,they lie(just the once wont hurt,the pain is bad today) they decieve,they are just trying to trick you.

      Stay strong troops! ???????? ❤️


      • #35723

        Hi all,


        Hope everyone is doing as well as they can, and the day is good to you ♥️

        I’ve got my monthly (tmi sorry) but I’m only mentioning it as it’s always a difficult time for me as I have endometriosis (another reason I got hooked on the damn pills) I scraped through last month and I will again! Lots of paracetamol and hot water bottles. I can do it ????????

        Hope everyone has a good day ♥️


    • #35721

      Day 3 .
      I slept surprisingly well but today feel so out of it and dizzy. Is this normal ? I do not feel as emotional? Got restless limbs to

      • #35722

        Hi NS,


        Yep all normal, I was lucky my sleep wasn’t affected either, but I think that’s due to the other medication I’m on. I can’t imagine how hard it’s been for others going through withdrawal and not being able to sleep.

        I never had the restless limbs either which I am beyond grateful for, but I know for others it was a nightmare, so again perfectly normal.

        I was very dizzy for a long time but I didn’t know if that was my anemia or not but others have been dizzy too so it’s normal.

        You’re doing so well, you’ll soon look back and this will all be over ????

    • #35724

      Hi all

      NS,anything you feel over the next few weeks is perfectly normal.Your body has been used to having codiene,it takes awhile to reset itself without the chemical. You will get there,it is a huge roller coaster ride lots of ups and downs,lots.

      Wishing you all the best and the strength to continue your journey! ????????????????????

    • #35726

      Wynter only just saw your post,i hppe you are ok with just weak meds.????????

      I was really tempted this morning, think i may have pushed the exercise too much.

      Never mind,just got to stick with Ibroprophen and paracetamol! It will be ok.

      TTFB i hope you are feeling a little better bye now.

      Same to you Warby, Danna and Soph an Ns all on the journey!

      Stay strong all,thinking of you all ????????????????????

      • #35728

        Mark, sorry mate.. I feel a bit ignorant. I have never joined a forum in my life and I am not sure if I’m typing too many words in my posts, because I typed 3 replies a few days ago and when I posted them they disappeared.. so I gave up. I don’t know if I broke any rules by adding certain names of different drugs that I was on over the last 20 years, but my replies were respectful and no swearing etc. I also thought that folks might think I was exaggerating just how much opiate based medication I was taking on and off.. and then to top it off I realised that I might be in the wrong forum, because it seems that you folks are a lot braver than me because you are all doing this the hard way with cold turkey, but I scared to do that so I am tapering gradually. I will put a list of what I was taking and how much.. but it shocks me to even type it.. I can hardly believe I’m still alive.

    • #35731

      Hi John,do not apologise my friend,no need whatsoever, we are here for you.I didnt do cold turkey this time,i heard that tapering is more successful. I done CT before numerous times.I tapered down from 10 a day(300mg) down 1 a week till the last one.Am now 45 days clean.Type as much as you need John,not sure why posts have been removed.New to this forum thing myself.I was on 7 a day when i started reading these posts,so it definitely helped! Type away man!

      Hope everyone is ok ????????

      Stay strong all! ???????? ????????

      • #35733

        Thanks Mark, I really appreciate it. I have just tried to post a shorter message with a list of everything I have been addicted to over the last 20 years and I’m just wondering if there’s some kind of censorship issue that I’m breaching .. any ideas ? It says my reply was updated to the forum but when I checked it isn’t there. Anyway, I hope everyone is hanging in there still and not taking any more devil pills than they should be.. I found some interesting info online about L-aspartic Acid which is an Amino acid.. There were some medical trials done years ago on Heroin and Opiate users who were in withdrawal.. and they all showed signs of improvement throughout the process. I have just bought myself a 1kg bag online and I am going to see if it helps.. Although I can imagine it might make my diarreah symptoms worse, I’m turning myself inside out, where I used to be constipated to the point of not being able to go to the toilet for up to 3-5 days and it was like giving birth, now it’s the exact opposite

      • #35736

        Hi Mark, I don’t mean to sound insensitive or anything but how did you end up going back to the opiates once you kicked the habit through cold turkey ? .. I am imagining it was either the physical pain or some sort of crisis in your life ? .. This is what’s scaring me, because as soon as there’s a shock like a family or friend who dies I used to go overboard on the pills.. but strangely not for physical pain, I used them more for emotional pain.. it’s strange, because they are not usually prescribed for emotional distress. Anyway I hope you and everyone else on here are going to stick to the plan .. and get off these evil little white monsters for good. I have a lot of good information that I wanted to share with everyone, but it seems that a moderator is taking my messages down.. I’m a bit confused because I thought forums were to help each other.

        • #35743

          Hi John,

          Hope you’re doing ok today. I clicked on your profile and I can still see all your previous posts, not sure where they are in the thread though. Sometimes posts do disappear then appear again ????????‍♀️

          I too used the pills as a crutch as well as for pain. They just numbed me and I could forget about past trauma or the crappy day I was having.

          I was taking a lot and mine were mixed with paracetamol, it’s crazy how much we end up taking just chasing the ‘high’

          I’ve never tapered before as this is my first time coming off them, but I’m sure Mark will be along soon to answer your question ????

    • #35744

      Hi John

      I took a leaf out of Wynters book and read your previous posts on your profile.Do not know why they was not published.

      I have forgot most of the posts already sorry,i think you are down too 120mg a day.Thats an amazing start! I would say just do one at a time though, benzos are super nasty to come off so i have been told.

      The reason i went back to opiates was pure and simple work.Id had a cple of ops to clean joints out,so once they was healed i trained,built loads of muscle around the joints and after a decent wage i went back to my old trade.I lasted 6 mths before all the pain started again,then had to leave at 9mths due to pain and meds.I had been clean(from dhc) about 3 years since before the ops.That is what scares me the most…”work”.Always been someone who puts a good shift in.Liked the manual work.ect.That has gone now,i have to look at different types of work that i have not a clue about unfortunately. So its a totally new life for me.Scary.

      I do not drink or smoke,i used too,13 years dry(3 years since last fall) 10 year smoke free.

      I will get there,it is just going to take some time that is all.

      i will say this,after tapering the pain meds i do not get half the cravings i used too,where as after doing a CT they were constantly there.Could just be me though.

      As for chucking the meds of a cliff you maybe right,atm the more i collect the more i seem to not need.Seems strange does it not.I think you are right though. I am also on several meds,same one as Wynter for the “darkness”. I am looking at getting rid of most of my meds in the future but for now the problem one has been done.

      Stay strong troops! ???????? ????????

      Wynter,Warby,Sophie Ns and last but not least Danna hope you are all good and still winning!

      Speak soon all!


    • #35745

      When does it start getting better im

      day 4 CT and I feel so unwell ! I didn’t take over the recommended amount of codiene. This feels so awful. Feel so weak, dizzy, head fog and anxious ! Help me

      • #35746

        Hi NS,

        It may take a few more days for things to ease, but it will so hang on in there. It’s just your brain freaking out as it’s not getting the dopamine from the codeine.

        From what I read on here it seemed most people were feeling a lot better by day 7/8 but for me it took longer, it took about 3/4 weeks before my anxiety settled. But I kept going as I wanted a healthier future and I kept saying that to myself.

        Hopefully it won’t take as long for you as you weren’t taking as much as me.

        Day 4 is tough, I remember on day 4 and 5 I felt like I was losing my mind. I just didn’t know what to do with myself. I even debating taking tablets and trying the taper method.

        Keep going it will ease before you know it, try to stay hydrated and keep telling yourself it’s all normal albeit unpleasant.

    • #35747

      Ohh Ns,Wynter is very right unfortunately. This is going to be hell through the first week,but it WILL get better.

      Keep going you got this,day 4 already! Please,keep telling yourself this is only temporary.It will ease,you are at your most vulnerable atm.

      I was told to think of it as, whats 4-6 weeks when you got the rest of your and your families life infront of you.It WILL go honestly.Hour at a time if needed. I even looked  up and asked for strength in my first week(am so not religious at all) but i didnt know what else to do,i felt soo helpless an lonely.It got me through somehow,do not know how,i think something just took my mind off it or something happened that before i knew it,it was 6 o clock and that told me another day done.

      You only have to read the thread,that so many people have come out the otherside,albeit very hard they have.

      Stay strong,you got this!


    • #35767

      Hi I’m so happy to see this forum is still going strong and helping us. Well done to you all who are trying to rid yourselves of this evil drug. It’s not easy but it’s doable. I’m 5 and a half months clean now after taking 40 30mg codeine daily. I nearly died a couple of times. This forum is for the families of codeine addicts or opiate addicts so sometimes your posts will be deleted. Just incase anyone was wondering. We have a codeine support group also and it’s via what’s app if anyone is interested. Keep on keeping on one day at a time and be kind to yourself xx

    • #35772


      If this is for families why hasnt most of the posts been removed? Each post is of someones journey?

      • #35780

        I agree. Sometimes they do and other times they leave it. Had so many posts removed as did the others and someone looked at the guidelines and it said it was for families of addicts. As long as it’s helping us I don’t see what their problem is.

    • #35783

      Hello all of you. How nice to have found such a positive and supportive bunch of people, full of hope and good humour. I have been following this thread for a couple of weeks now, but not contributing because my story is a little different. I didn’t start with a prescription of legitimate physical pain – it was emotional pain. We had some in the house after my husband’s shoulder operation and one day I had an awful headache so he gave me one. It sorted out my headache and also I relaxed and chilled out like I have not since before I had children, before I had elderly and dying parents, before I had a responsible job and had to organise and support a family and all of that stuff that grown ups are supposed to take in their stride! Anyway – I guess the story is the same for many people. You think you have found a way to chill out and recover from it all – but you realise that you have developed a tolerance. You take more and become addicted. I don’t feel that I can talk to anyone about this. No one. I do not believe  it will be regarded as an illness. It will be regarded as a fault, a weakness, a betrayal. Myself,  I feel so foolish and ashamed. There are may reasons why I want to give up. It’s so expensive and I find the trawling around pharmacies to be exhausting. My health is suffering and I have lost sight of what makes me genuinely happy in life. I actually have a lot of really good things going for me so I hope I find a way of reclaiming my life. I don’t know how or when I’m going to give up, but  hope you don’t mind me hanging around here a bit while I work things out. It’s  good to know I’m not alone.

    • #35784

      Hi Mary.

      Pain is pain as they say,whether that be physical or emotional. I know exactly where your coming from,however i will say confiding in a close family member would be of great help during the process,it can be a very lonely time.You have read the thread,you know what too expect ie. withdrawing ect.You are not going to be very well.

      Whatever you decide is your decision, we’ll all be here for support if needed. Good luck and be strong,you got this!



    • #35789

      Hi all

      I hope everyone is ok and still battling.

      It seems as though once people are through the otherside,they rarely come back.

      Whichever way you look at it,it is positive! They have beaten the demon! They may relapse,but they know what is here to help them,or learnt ways from here to go again!

      Stay strong troops will always remember this place.


    • #35790

      Hello everyone. Mark your post inspired me to say something 🙂 I was here last year and had a horrible withdrawal. This place kept me strong for a long time around 6 months. Then as is always the case with me, a day here, a few days there. Maybe a couple of weeks and I realised I was constantly going through withdrawal when I wasn’t taking them. I have been a user for many many years on and off and I struggle to see a life where I can consistently say I am done. Anyway, a particularly low point came a couple of weeks ago. 2 weeks clean and I found someone had dropped a strip of codeine phosphate in the park. Anyway, I am back on the straight and narrow again. Today is day 14.


      Mary, I am like you, I take for emotional reasons rather than physical pain. Although physical pain has been a good excuse in the past.


      You are all doing great. Just being here helps with the strong mindset which we all need consistently.

    • #35791

      Hi All,

      Thanks so much for this forum it’s been great reading from afar. Just like everyone else looking for a bit of advice. I’ve been taking codeine phosphate for about 5 years at my worst around 15 a day but i’ve came all the way down to 5 in the space of 8 days but had 0 withdrawals apart from a dodgy tummy. Is this normal or is this going to hit me severely soon. It’s day 8 from me and i dropped 10 tablets straight away but had next to no symptoms it’s been crazy. I do ice baths twice a day and play tennis a lot so maybe that is helping. Just looking for people thoughts as ideally i would avoid most withdrawal as i’m sure we all would. Again thanks to you all as this has helped me through even though i’ve not commented.

      • #35795

        Hi there C8, the dodgy tum is par for the course. Its brilliant you have cut down as much as you have and you have done it quickly so unsurprising you are feeling it a bit. If you cut down your remaining very slowly you might save yourself some grief. In my experience, there is always some level of WD whether its psychological and or physical. Exercise will definitely help and generally keeping active and healthy. Good luck with the rest of your taper.

    • #35793

      evening all, just checking in were all fighting the good fight, day 30 for me and i still have good days and bad days but more good days. My anxiety still isnt the greatest but miles better than it was, hope your all doing amazing

    • #35800

      Hi all, 7 weeks tomorrow and my anxiety/depressive thoughts are still riding high.

      So all who are enduring,it can last awhile.

      I have no more positivity to spread at the moment,so take good care all.

      Warby glad your nearly there pal.



    • #35801

      Hi all,

      Sorry I wasn’t around I’ve had a rough couple of days pain wise but I made it through ????

      Hi Casey, it’s nice to know you’re still around. Yours was one of the journeys that inspired me, as my withdrawal seemed very similar to yours. I’m sorry the pills sucked you in again, but well done on 2 weeks again that’s amazing ♥️

      I’m not complacent enough to say I will be clean forever as I could have quite happily reached for some these past few days, I think it’s a life long battle.

      Marky/Warby so glad you’re still doing well. Anxiety is a right pain sometimes, mines a bit higher at the moment as I go for my procedures tomorrow.


      C8 well done on cutting down that’s awesome, I’m happy that you’re not getting to0 many withdrawal symptoms. Keep going.

      Sending love to everyone ♥️

    • #35802

      bit of a random question, has anyone experienced like a prickly electric shock feeling in the body? bit like pins and needles without the numbness? keep getting them, not sure its the anxiety or something more..

      • #35812

        Hi Warby,the feelings are Anxiety,that is one my main symptoms.Pins an needles in face ect…try counting to 5 breathing in,then pause 1 then breath out too five.Something to do with oxygen and co2 levels out of sync that cause the pins an needles.Just my thoughts,and imo.


    • #35803

      Hi hope I’m
      Not butting in but I’m on day 2 or 3 of coedine withdrawal .. I’ve actually been ok I think Altho everything seems a bit of a blurr .. I’ve been cutting down the coedine for ever.I’ve been on it about 20 years bar when i got pregnant & had my boy 13 yr ago .. then they gave me coedine after my c section & it’s been coedine ever since then.I’ve never quite gone clean .. anyway I’m day 3 my last small dose literally 8mg was 60 hours ago .. but I had cut down over the last few months.what I’m worried about is this weird vertigo head spinning feeling I’ve never had in my life .. I’m not sure it withdrawal or I’m ill? My anxiety isn’t good but this is really scaring me .. I’ve had it about 5 days which fits in with cutting down but today was really bad my son said my eyes were going from side to side trying to focus .. my heads hurting my necks so stiff .. and when this spinning starts I want to be sick & my tummy kicked off today .. anyone else had this withdrawal or is it something else ? Many thanks in advance if there’s anyone out there that can help .. I’m scared it’s something really bad & my anxieties getting the better of me .. I’m so exhausted .. feel kinda numb,head hurts at the back & n necks so tight .. vertigo spinning feeling & keeping sweating & wanting to sleep when it happens .. help and well done everyone it’s no easy task kicking these tablets x

      • #35810

        hi willow, first of all welcome to this thread!

        i had the exact same thing and it lasted for about a week, if you have health anxiety like myself, get hold of your Dr, he will check, blood sugar and probably have a blood test just to put your mind at rest but i reckon it definitely is the withdrawals, hope your feeling a bit better today

    • #35813

      Hi Willow,as Warby said,welcome!

      Whatever feelings or uncomfortablness you had before,will be extremely heightened during withdrawal.

      I read you had tapered down, i did this time too,down 1 a week,for 10 weeks,then stopped.I found that my cravings are not the same when i went CT. They was continously on my mind CT.

      Good luck you got this ????????????????




    • #35814

      Hi all hope you’re having a wonderful Saturday. Welcome Willow, everything you’re feeling is normal so hang on in there.

      I’m back home after having my endoscopy and colonoscopy and everything is fine. I’m so relieved.

      Hope everyone’s weekend is good. I’m off for a snooze ????

      • #35817

        Thats great news Wynter! my 3rd bloods shown high liver still, so i had to have 6 blood tests today, basically a human MOT to see if there is any infection, obvs ive worried myself sick going on google as usual, praying the results come back fine

        • #35820

          Thank you Warby, I can’t tell you the relief I feel, as like you I was thinking all sorts and googling things. It didn’t help that I got put on the ‘suspected cancer’ pathway!

          I’m sure yours is nothing to worry about either, but it’s good they are doing further tests to get to the bottom of it.

          I know it doesn’t do our anxiety any good in the mean time! Sending Hugs ♥️

    • #35825

      Hi all,

      Thats great news Wynter! Weight off your mind i bet.

      Day 50 for me,have been tempted just too see what it would feel like.Not going too though.

      I had a bad day Friday,felt the anxiety full on,put me in bed,slept most of friday and still slept during the night too! Think i had 11 hours in the night! I am still stuck in depression even though am exercising,which i find strange.

      I do not remember it lasting this long the last time.That was over 3 years ago i suppose.

      Just hang in there all,this a one hell of a battle!

      I am lucky,i do not suffer from health anxiety.If the man with the black coat an scythe is coming for me,he is welcome!

      Have always had anxiety,however always battled it,sometimes you just get fed up with the battle.

      Stay strong all! Remember its a MARATHON not a RACE. We have to remember that i feel.


      • #35829

        Hi Marky,

        Yes it’s one less thing to worry about.

        I think I need to take your approach and not worry about my health, as worrying doesn’t change anything.

        Day 61 for me today. I hope your anxiety has settled a bit. I’ve had anxiety yesterday and today which is pissing me right off! No reason at all, but I guess it’s par the course and it’s going to happen some days.

        Hope everyone has a good Monday ????

        • #35855

          Hi Wynter,my anxiety has been the same,up an down.

          These things are sent to try us!

          I got some Phenegan online and i got to say i think they help.They are motion sickness tablets.i was put onto them by someone who works a mental health ward.I remember them from bieng a child,we used to get dished out them on long jouneys(slept alot lol).Worth a try an only a antihistamine.

          Stay strong lass ????????????????


    • #35828

      Hi all,i hope everybody is ok and got over the weekend okay.

      Stay strong all.Thoughts are with you. ????????????????

      • #35831

        all good over here mate, hope your being kind to yourself!

        • #35854

          I am trying Warby! Bought a self compassionate workbook.Can only help.

          Hope you are still good my friend!

    • #35853

      Hi all

      Just checking in,i hope everyone is ok and staying strong,if not reach out for some support.It is here if needed.

      Stay strong troops ???????? ???? ????

      53 days…still get tempted.


    • #35860

      hi all

      day 37 – anxiety still an issue, bad and good days but still lingering, my only symptom now, fingers crossed it’ll calm down soon, hope everyone is well

      • #35861

        Hi all

        Yeah Warby it is mine too now.Body temps calmed down,just like you say the anxiety is very up and down!

        Still going strong though my friend,you are out the other side as they say,me too! Still have too pinch myself i got through it.Mainly thanks to a promise i made and without a doubt the help from this site! I felt i would be letting others down too,so it really helped me.

        Stay strong Warby! ???????? ????????

    • #35865

      Hi all

      I hope everyone is ok!

      Do not hesitate to ask for help,you are on the right path!

      Stay strong all ???????? ????????

      • #35869

        Bad day anxiety wise, dr has give me a few more diaz to help

        • #35871

          Hi Warby, they can help now an again.Do not get used to them though.They are another beast entirely ????

          Having a bad day myself tbh,nothing at all,just soo pissed off.Just have to put it down to one of those days.

          Pma! Positive mental attitude ay!

          Take it easy my friend.

          Stay strong! ????????????????

    • #35872

      Hi guys,

      Hope you’re all ok. I still have anxiety on and off. Starting to think this is just my life now!

      I just realised when I had my procedures on Saturday they gave me fentanyl which is an opioid ????????‍♀️

      Warby like marky said be careful with the diazepam. I’m glad I only had a few as I knew I could easily get hooked on them. But obviously you need them at the moment. Anxiety is a killer, I’d be quite happy never to have it again!

      Hugs to you all

      • #35882

        Hi Wynter,fentanyl is out the body extremely quickly,thats why its used on procedures.

        I wouldve thought,it was gone before you even realised it,however it may why you have anxiety,as i said to Warby it is a complex thing the is an opiate after all(fentanyl).

        Stay strong ????????????????

    • #35873

      hi guys


      he has only given me 8, so wont be going mad on them, just needed something to calm it down

    • #35874

      Good morning


      just wondering if anyone has tried st johns wort before?

      • #35876

        I tried it years ago but it didn’t work for me, but I think that’s because my depression was too severe. I needed medication from my doctor. It’s shown to help mild depression/anxiety so could help. Just be careful in the sun though as it makes your skin super sensitive.

        Also you can’t take it with other antidepressants but I think you said you weren’t taking anything else if I remember correctly.

        May be worth a try ????

        • #35877

          Hi wynter, yeah currently not on any medication, ill pop to holland and barratt now and give them a try, more money spent haha

          • #35878

            I feel ya, I’ve spent money on different things trying to ease the anxiety.

            It can take a few weeks for it work so stick with it, hopefully it helps ????

            • #35879

              ive got a months worth so ill use them and see how i get on, so confusing this anxiety, literally have nothing to be anxious over, its baffling my mind to what it is

              • #35881

                <p style=”text-align: center;”>Anxiety can be caused by a single thought Warby!! The brain is very complex. VERY.</p>
                Good luck man.. ???? ????????????

    • #35880

      Hi all!

      Anxiety seems to be trending lol.

      Not nice at all.Niether is depression in all honesty.

      I am just winging things atm,taking it a day at a time still.I read yesterday that someone relapsed at 6 month.Got to stay strong.Really have.

      I was told this week there is a good chance I’ll always have Anxiety,had it since a child,it was not what i wanted to hear at all,although i will eventually have more tools to help deal with it.Fingers crossed. ????

      Hope the potion helps Warby! Did you try Phenegan? Got some coming myself.

      Stay strong all.We seem to have lost a few lately.It is very hard we know that!


      • #35884

        Hi mark, i havnt tried phenegan no, where can i try that? And what is it used for, apologies if you have already mentioned it, must of missed it

        • #35885

          I second that, what is phenegan and where form? Is it a sleeping aid?

          Day 66 for me, sometimes I feel like taking a pill just to see but then I get scared where that will lead me, despite the fact that I unintentionally had some opiate last weekend!

    • #35886

      Hi all,Phenegan is an antihistamine for hives motion sickness ect. I ordered online.I can honestly say it does calm.

      I remember it from my childhood,we were given it then.There was always a box in the cupboard.

      I too have been thinking what a cple would feel like(dhc),however i know it will be bliss so i had better not! Horrid things.????‍♂️

      Phenegan do do a sleep version too.Do not know what that is like though.

      It is nice too hear that all are staying strong, i think we can be at our most vulnerable now,because we have beaten the initial early stages.Continuity is the way forward i feel.

      Keep telling myself i have too stay strong!????????????????????????????????????????????

      • #35892

        I might have to give that a try then, I’m all for anything that helps keep me calm ???? not sure where to get it from though.


        What stops me from taking a codeine pill is, I’m scared that if I take even just one I’ll start the withdrawal again the next day. I know that’s crazy as I’m not ‘addicted’ anymore but I’m so scared of feeling that way again.

        Stay strong everyone ♥️


        • #35895

          Hi all

          Wynter,i am exacly the same! Scared stiff of having to start at day one,plus you know it will be all again! Certainly keeps me going too,but i still have the the thoughts.

          One day at a time ay!

          Stay strong all ???????? ????????

    • #35903

      Hi all,woke up really pissed off again.Dopped my daughter off an had a half hour march, feel a little better.

      I think this is the “paws effect”.

      It makes sense,i have always suffered with Anxiety so it is going to take a good while to settle.The Phenergan do help, i have noticed that. Not as much as i would like, but they do help. I just want some proper motivation.I am exercising so thats something,but i want something else?? ????  not a clue what…feel like am in limbo.

      I am on my third week of a 5mg in Diaz a day dropped too so that may be why i am suffering more.I just want the nasty ones gone.

      Speak soon an stay strong troops! Wynter,Warby hope yer well.



      • #35904

        Hi Marky,


        It sucks doesn’t it. I’ve always struggled with anxiety too, so I expect to be up and down for a long time ????

        I still have zero motivation and have to go back work soon so that will be fun!

        It’s just like a ‘meh’ feeling. I bought some Avomine today which is basically the same things as Phenergan I believe so I’ll give that ago too.

        One day a time still ????????

        • #35906

          Hi Wynter, let me know how you get on with them, anything that helps im willing to try

        • #35917

          hi Wynter, did the Avomine help?

      • #35907

        hi mark

        getting there, anxiety still up and down but im coping..just!

    • #35927

      Hi all

      Hope everyone is well and in better health.

      Just popping in.

      Stay strong all thoughts are with you all


    • #35929

      Hi all! I hope everyone is ok and feeling ok.

      Seem to be getting anxiety quote regularly, the big attacks too! Do not understand this anxiety stuff.I am staying positive however it is quite hard.

      Wynter you hit the nail on the head..that MEH feeling just cannot get rid for some reason.

      Warby i hope you are well,Wynter i hope the Phenegan substitution work ok.

      They didnt help me yesterday.

      However nothing would in all honesty.

      It has been a little quiet on the site this last week.

      I hope everyone is still on track.

      Sending good vibes to all!


    • #35937

      Hi guys,

      Well I’ve had an eventful few days! Unfortunately I had a really bad reaction to the Avomine and ended up in hospital Monday Night! It dropped my blood pressure through the floor but put my heart rate up to 140. I felt like I was having the worst panic attacks ever and was so dizzy and unsteady on my feet, I couldn’t swallow properly! I genuinely thought my time was up!

      As you can probably imagine this has done my anxiety no good at all and I’ve been having panic attacks as well now ????

      I’m going to try and get in the doctors tomorrow to see if they will give me a couple of diazepam to calm me a bit. I feel like I’m back at square one!

      Hope you guys are doing ok ♥️

    • #35941

      Ohh Wynter, sorry too hear this! I trued to reply last night,but the page would not load! I hope you are ok now.

      You are definitely not at square one. You have done amazing. Do not let the demon back in.At times like these i feel the pressure,and guilt for putting forward that medication. ????‍♂️

      I hope this finds you in a better place Wynter, sending good vibes!! Stay strong troops!


      • #35945

        Hi Mark, no need to feel guilt it’s just one of those things.  My problem is I get really bad health anxiety so am my own worst enemy!

        I have a couple of diazepam from the doctor, just hoping it doesn’t last too long. I hate panic/anxiety, it’s the absolute worst.

        I’m at 10 weeks now and this has brought it all back, I’ll keep fighting though, I won’t give in ????

        Hope you’re good ????

        • #35949

          <p style=”text-align: center;”>Ahh Wynter, these things are sent to try us ay!!</p>
          Is nice to know you are on the mend now.

          Am with you on anxiety, absolute horror!! Hate it!! Some days i really have bad thoughts knowing it is going to be there forever.I will have more tools to battle it however you know how hard it is waking to the horror,falling asleep knowing the horror is goi g to be there in the morning.That is me anyway.

          Even the diazepam does not really help anymore for a full on attack.It is what it is i suppose.As you say just got to keep fighting it.

          Am 9 week tomorrow! 62 days at present.Still have the urges too!! Sometimes strong ones.

          Ah well,stay strong Wynter! Thoughts and good vibes sent your way!

          Continuity is the key!



          • #35950

            Oh it’s horrible isn’t it. I was doing really well almost no anxiety then bam, now I’m back to full on anxiety and panic. Waking in the mornings is horrible like you say, the churning starts not long after opening your eyes.

            It’s frustrating as hell, as the only thing I’m anxious about is being anxious and being scared like you say that it won’t go away!

            One day at a time, being as kind to ourselves as we can is all we can do. It helps somewhat knowing I’m not alone, even though I wouldn’t wish this on anybody!

            I have propranolol and a couple of diazepam but like you say nothing really helps when is has you gripped.

            My gp has referred me for counselling as well, I’ll take anything I can get at the moment.

            Sending hugs to all ????

            • #35956

              Hi Wynter

              It sure is a not nice experience.

              It is getting beyond a joke now! Lol

              I just pray i am going to wake up one day and it will all be gone.That is what keeps me going in all honesty.

              Keep strong Wynter,it has got to stop sometime i know it has!

              Speak soon and take care.


    • #35943

      Hi all

      Just saying hello and telling you all that you are all great for trying to kick this evil substance! If you are here you are in the right place!

      Stay strong all! ???????? ????????

    • #35957

      Hi all

      I hope this finds you all in good health, or if you are withdrawing i hope it goes as easy it can do.You are in the right place.You will find the strength to get yourself back on the straight again.You can do this,you can! Stay strong all!!


    • #35967

      Hi all ????

      Just checking in,i think i do it for my own good as well as anyone who needs reassurance. Keeps me straight i think.

      I got alot of cravings lately.Infact i got 2 out yesterday…binned them but nearly…you have got to stay soo strong.You really have,well i have anyway! Me an addiction go hand in hand i think.Well perhaps not quite as bad,but there have been a few substances in my 50+not out.

      Take care all! Sending good vibes and hugs to all ????????????????????????????????????????

    • #35969

      Hey all, I’m new here but I am so delighted to have found this site! I’ve been addicted to codeine for nearly 10yrs and have decided that now is the time to stop. I work in healthcare and if I don’t get a handle on my life I will lose my job, house – everything really. My usage is really heavy, easily taking 360mg in one dose and it doesn’t even touch the sides. I’ve tried to taper but it always just leads to me increasing my usage again, so I’m going to just stop. (I’m not going to lie – I’m pretty terrified!!)

      No one in my family or friends knows, but I’m going to tell my Dad. I think it’ll be important to have someone to help me through this. Reading through this forum and everyone’s experiences has been pretty inspirational – I hope some of it can rub off on me!

    • #35980

      Hi Catnuggit

      You are certainly in the right place! Well done for making the decision, it is well worth it!

      I am not going to lie,it will be hard going for a week or so,we will be here for you so do not worry yourself,all your questions will be answered here.Plus all the support you need,theres plenty here who have come through the otherside! It is a good idear to tell your Dad,someone to talk to during your low times.It is a lonely job on your own!

      Good luck Catnuggit!

      Speak soon and take care!

      Imodium and Ibroprophen is your friend now! ????

      Take care all and stay strong!


    • #35981

      Day 1 cold turkey- urgh! This is hard, I’m struggling. That devil voice telling me ‘you’d feel so much better if you just took some pills – this uncomfortable feel would just go away…’ it’s tempting but I’m staying strong! Feeling pretty rotten, can’t concentrate, sore head, sniffly and a good dose of the runs! (You weren’t joking about Imodium!!) However I hate those white pills with a passion!! I’m going to keep going!! ????????????????

      • #35984

        Hi Catnuggit! I hope this finds you staying strong! It is horrible is it not!! But,you can do it! If i did it anyone can,honestly.

        You are going to be feeling like this for a good few days yet. The immodium helps,it really does,it also calmed down my tum cramps.Try an get as much water as you can,because i doubt you will have little appetite. I do hope you can eat,that will help also.

        Anything else just holla,i shall keep checking the boards so you are not alone!

        Ps. The pills WILL try and trick you that is their speciality ???? %

        Stay strong! ???????? ????????????????

      • #35985

        Hi Cat,


        It’s rough going but you CAN do this. I’m the biggest baby on the planet and I did it, I second everything Mark has said and just take it one hour at a time.


        I’m still here battling anxiety which is making me tempted to take the pills to ease it, but I won’t. I’m never going back there.

        Hi Marky ???? hope your ok ????

        • #35998

          Hi Wynter! Hope youbare feeling a bit better! Ibam with you on anxiety,but mee three,am not taking them pills.Been a hard few days for me too,got through it though without the devils.So it just proves it can be done(i hope i have not spoken too soon)! See the pessimist rise then haha.

          I hope you anxiety eases soon Wynter! If you are like me though it will be always there from what i have learnt lately.Was always under the impression it could be got rid of.Anyway will hopefully have some tools to deal with it.

          We can only hope ay!

          Stay heathly and strong Wynter! ???????? ????????????????

          • #36007

            Hi marky, 11 weeks tomorrow for me!

            Yep I’ve always had problems with anxiety so I’m beginning to accept this is probably nothing to do with the withdrawal and more to do with me!

            I’m trying to accept how I feel and not fight it, I’m drinking chamomile tea like a fish ???? I’m going to buy some magnesium as well as I’ve heard that can help.

            Hope everyone has a blessed day ????

    • #36001

      Hi Cat! Hope you are still with us! These really are the hard times as i am sure you are funding out,it WILL get better.

      Hour at a time and stay strong,do not  let them trick you! You are better than them,you will not be deceived.

      Hi Wynter hope this finds you well!

      Take care guys!

      Positive hugs sent your way!



    • #36002

      Day 3 – I’m still going!! Really tough today – actually popped out a couple of cocodamol, knowing if I just took them I’d feel better – but I threw them away! One of the hardest things I’ve ever done (only people who have experienced this would understand!) feeling utter crap but I’m still here! When does this ease off? ????????

      Thank you so much for your words of support, they really do help! ❤️

      • #36005

        Hi Cat! Well done for getting this far,seriously well done! Only another cple of days and you should be feeling a little better.Not going to lie,you are not going to be jumping rivers or the like,but you will just start to come through the worst.

        You have to remain strong,you are now at your most vulnerable,so keep them positive thoughts going!

        Stay well hydrated,and if you can try and eat,the more you can do the quicker it will be over!

        Stay strong Cat ????????????????????????


      • #36008

        Hi Cat,  as Mark said a few more days yet, but I think generally after the fist week it gets a little bit better each day. Except for me it lasted a lot longer, but I think that’s down to me making myself worse with my anxiety!

        You’ve got this ????

    • #36030

      Hi all.

      Nearly forgot to pop in today,been an emotional one.

      Anyway,i hope you are still battling on.Keeping up the good fight as it were.

      It really will get easier,honestly there is light at the end of the tunnel.

      There are plenty of people been through this page to testify to that.

      Stay strong troops ???????? ????

    • #36031

      Hi guys, just checking in. Day 5 – OMG I am actually starting to feel human and see a bit of light at the end of the tunnel! Never thought I would be able to see a future without codeine, but I do now. This has been rough but it’s passing.

      Hope you’re all doing okay, thank you again for your advice and support. ❤️❤️❤️

      • #36033

        Hi Cat! You are doing amazing!! 5 days!

        This is serious time now,the little devils will try every trick in the book to make you take them again,honestly they are soo deceitful! (Just take a cple,see what they feel like)NO!!!!

        You will have your life back in no time at all,you have probalby heard this before,but I’ll say it anyway,”what is 4-6weeks compared to the rest of your life!” There will be a void left by the codiene, you will have to make a new life for yourself.Sounds daunting but it is not.You WILL be ok.

        Did you manage to confide in your Dad,i hope so,it is  lonely journey on your own.I know that as do a few others on the board.

        You got this!! Stay strong and try and eat/drink ect.

        Sending good vibes to all who need it!




        Stay strong Catnuggit!

        Are you sleeping ok? Any tips for anyone going through similar!


    • #36039

      Hi everyone,

      I joined the forum a month or two ago, but I lost faith with the posting process due my posts being hidden so I lost patience, but I decided to read a few posts today, so I thought I’d try and post some helpful advice.Anyway, I am more than half way through a tapering process after the NHS just decided to cancel my prescription of Diyhdrocodeine 30mg and I was taking around 270mg and sometimes more.. I am now down to 65mg.

      Getting to sleep has always been difficult for me even before I started this opiate withdrawal thing, but a few years ago I used to buy Melatonin online but since the UK came out of the EU it has since been banned so I couldn’t buy it anymore.. but after some research I found out that it can be prescribed on the NHS ! So I went to my doctor and persuaded him to give me some and it’s helped me get to sleep.. but there’s more.. I also found out about GABA which is an Amino Acid powder supplement and it also helps with sleep, but I had to buy it from an eBay pharmaceutical seller in Germany .. and I’m also using Magnesium.. so I’m taking all three and I take them all together around half an hour before bedtime and they knock me out all night, honestly they work.

      I just want to say that you are a good bloke Mark, you are supporting a lot of people and you are doing a fantastic job ????


    • #36040

      I forgot to say that GABA is a naturally occurring amino acid that occurs in our bodies so it’s totally safe to take.. there’s plenty of information online about it anyway.. and apparently it helps with anxiety and there have been medical trials done with opiate withdrawal patients and apparently it helped really well.

      But I really know that Melatonin works for sleep, because I took it for years and I slept well most nights.. but when I couldn’t buy it anymore I was unable to sleep properly.

      Good luck everyone and I hope you get through this ????

    • #36041

      Hi John,it sounds like you are well on your way too recovery!

      Soon be down to one tablet! Beware though John,i still had withdrawals even though i tapered properly.Do not get me wrong,it was not as severe as CT but was there all the same.

      It does sound like you have everything in hand! Super well done John,we how hard that temptation is! My cravings were less though through tapering.

      Cat,i hope this finds you still healing.You are better than them there pills!

      Stay strong all ????????????????????????????????


    • #36043

      Hi all

      Just popping in to say you are not on your own! You will see light at the end of the tunnel.

      It is a long road but i fully believe that it is a road worth following.

      The symptoms will pass, then you will be free! Believe in yourself, you CAN do this!

      Stay strong troops ???????? ????????????????


    • #36046

      Hi all

      I meant too say this before.

      If you have caved in to this evil poison,please do not feel you have to stay away! Far from it! Get typing,you will soon feel better and be able to go again!

      It is not shameful,plenty have tried lots of times to stop,just not the right time that is all.Just keep trying you WILL get there.

      Stay strong all, good vibes sent to all! ????????????????????????

      • #36051

        Hi Mark, I hope you’re ok mate.. and I know exactly how you are feeling, I really do.

        I remember your post about not being able to continue with the type of work that you had done most of your life due to your inability to continue due the agony and the anxiety it brings.. and I’m not just saying it, I think you are in the same boat as me.

        I’ve done some terrible work over the years, I wasn’t so lucky to get a trade but my first job was a Coal Man for £30 a week.. Then I went to work in a Steel foundry, swinging a 14lb melhammer 10hr shifts.. I’ve done all kinds of heavy work and now I have just found out at 50 years old, that I have arthritis in my semi crippled feet.. so my condition is worsening as I get older, yet I got took off my meds at the time when I need them the most.. how ironic lol

        I don’t know what your circumstances are regarding married life or family etc. but have you ever thought about becoming a foster carer ? .. I really think a caring soul like yourself would fit the bill for such a job.. because you seem to possess the qualities of a good man ????



        • #36058

          Hi John,first of all thankyou!

          No foster caring definitely not for me,  unfortunately. Them people are made of something stronger than me!

          It does sound as though we have had similar working lives.Making others lots of money and bieng f**ked at 50! Haha.

          Thats where me and painkillers get on! Or used too ????

          Hope you are ok yourself and battling on! Hope so.

          Take care and stay strong!




    • #36053

      Hi all, hope everyone is doing ok. My anxiety has settled a bit again now, but I think it’s a lifelong thing and it’s about having the correct tools to manage it.

      Hi John, glad you came back and are doing well in your tapering plan. Baffles you doesn’t it how doctors work sometimes, taking you off your meds when you need them the most ????????‍♀️

      Hi Marky, hope your anxiety is behaving for you ????????

    • #36054

      hi all

      8 weeks today, anxiety is still there but nowhere near as bad, think like wynter said i think i will always have some sort of anxiety its just learning to cope with it and recognising it as ‘its juts anxiety, you are ok’.

      never thought i would get to 8 weeks, some nights i miss them still, miss that chilled out feeling they give me but i wont give in.

      hope you are all doing ok

      • #36055

        Hi Warby, I’m so glad you are still doing well. Yep  I’m trying the same, to not fear my anxiety and see it for what it is. Difficult at times though. I miss the chilled out feeling too sometimes, and I’m in a lot of pain today so would happily chuck one down my neck. But I won’t. Approaching 13 weeks now ????

    • #36059

      Hi Wynter an Warby! Great to hear your still plugging away.My anxiety had eased,it is still nowhere near as intense as it was weeks ago! Seems a long time now.10 weeks 3 days for me.Have had the urge several times for pain but stuck with Ibroprophen and paracetamol. Does take a little edge off so that is something.

      Its great to hear us all through that horrid time!! It was at times for me,nearly got the better of me several times in all honesty!

      Take care both,and speak soon!

      Stay strong all ???????? ????????????????????????

      • #36061

        Hi Marky, glad your anxiety has eased too. I’m the same managing with paracetamol and heat packs. Sometimes I think I’ll just take one, but I’m scared what will happen so I’d rather not.

        Have a wonderful Wednesday guys ♥️

        • #36062

          Hi Wynter! Haha i have similar thoughts re: just take a cple for the pain,however if i get that feeling i am petrified i will want it again.It is my oramorph month too soo i have to be super strong! Flipping things! My anxiety hasnt really eased,i am just facing it more head on,so far soo good! Them pills scream at me some days that is the addict in me i think.

          I cannot believe we are so far out the other side lass! I really can’t. This site has been a major help as has yourself and others!

          Hope you have a good day today Wynter.

          Stay strong lass! ???????? ????????????????????????

    • #36078

      Hi all.

      Just popping in,i hope you are all in good health if not,i hope you are on your way to good health.Sounded a little bit strange that,but i hope you get what i mean.

      Stay strong all ???????? ???? ????????????????????

    • #36079

      Hi Mark,


      Haha, I get what you mean. I hope everyone is doing well too. I wonder how Cat is getting on.

      I’ve been the docs today and have to have more blood tests as she said I was very pale! Joy oh joy! Im guessing my anemia is bad again which would explain the increase in anxiety and headaches!

      But I’ll stay strong, hope you’re doing good ????

      • #36080

        Ohh Wynter, i hope things pick up for you soon.Not nice at all what you are going through.Like you say,you just have too stay strong.I think it will take awhile till our bodies get to be NORMAL haha again.My temperature has only just started working again.I was forever getting cold!

        I think after 6mths we will see a big improvement in ourselves! Well we can only hope!

        Stay strong Wynter you are doing superb! ????????????????????????????????

        • #36082

          Thanks Mark, these things are definitely trying to test us! You are right though it’s going to take a while but we are doing amazing!

          Hope you have a wonderful weekend ????????

          • #36083

            Thankyou Wynter  i hope yours is good too!

            You are right,we are doing amazing! We do not give ourselves enough credit.Well i do not anyway. You are probalby the same.Yes we got addicted to them, however we was prescribed them for pain!

            Do not really like the word addicted, dependent sounds better! Haha.

            Stay strong lass,just holla if you are up against it ????


    • #36089

      Hi all

      I hope this finds you all okay and not suffering too much.

      I  remember like it was yesterday! Haha it’s still only been 11 weeks,i still feel the urge too sometimes,i will not give in though.

      Stay strong all and good luck!


    • #36091

      Hi all

      Only me again, i pop in for my own benefit as much as bieng there for anyone that needs someone too listen,or explain,whatever it may be.

      This site really helped me(do not think i would have done it without it) so i see it as my duty a little bit too give abit back as it were.Can only try.

      Ok,think it is time for a brew!

      Stay strong and good luck all who are begining their journey!


    • #36111

      Hi all! Hope this finds you all ok.

      Just popping in to see how things have progressed in this place.Not alot by the looks,which i think is good news,nobody needs the help at the moment. Food all round.

      If there are any of you thinking of quitting,  please shout or holla,it can be a very lonely place but very rewarding!

      Good luck all and those who need it,stay strong


    • #36119

      I hate myself when I take cocaine and can go 3-4 days without but then have a bit again and so it continues. Have binges also occasionally lasting 2-3 days with no sleep. Got into debt time and time again due to this and just wanna stop this shit. Lost friends because of this as im a different person on it. Just need something else.

    • #36126

      Hi Vince

      It is not nice not bieng in control of yourself like that.

      Do you drink? If so,that would be my first point of action. Stop the alcohol and the Charles will or should be alot easier.Also you will find your old “sesh” buddies are really not your friends at all.Unless they support you 100%.

      New lifestyle it will require,but it will be alot better lifestyle.

      Good luck with your journey Vince! Stay strong my friend.


    • #36134

      Hi all

      I hope everyone is having a good weekend.

      My thoughts are with you all!

      Stay strong!


    • #36138

      Hi all!

      I hope this finds you all having a good weekend.

      Just thinking of you all and how amazing you all are for getting/or even attempting to be in a better place.

      Stay strong all.


    • #36147

      I’ve been reading all these threads whilst I started cold turkey which was 8 days ago now. They have kept me going each day of my withdrawal. I’ve been taking codiene on and off for just over a year half. For a bad back from an accident. I never intended to stay on these but obviously my body was telling me I needed them which is why now I’ve had to come off them before it gets even worse I up my dose even more than what I’m doing now. I just want to feel free of this drug now as I honestly don’t feel like the same person on them… I’m more determined than ever not to touch another pill. Just need to feel more motivated now in myself and I be happier. I’m just feeling like I can’t do nothing. I want a spring in my step to get some house work done ????????


    • #36153

      Hi Kittycat,super well done for getting too day 8! You should be at the height of feelings atm.You really have got too stay strong now,as the drug will try every trick in the book to make you take them again.Lieing to you also.

      You really have done amazing getting this far.

      As alot have said,the emotional and psychological side of things are hard,just take an hour at a time if needed.

      Just holla if you find yourself slipping,i will pop back in and see how you’re doing.

      As will someone else i expect!

      Stay strong ???????? ????????????????????????????????????????


      • #36156

        <p style=”text-align: left;”>Thank you for the reply.</p>
        I’m more determined now not to touch the pill. I can’t do it for my family. I need to be the happy mamma for my children. Fed up of the mood swings etc.  Even though I suffer pain in my back I’m going down the route of natural remedies for pain. Any tips of getting through the next few weeks will greatly be appreciated ????????????????

    • #36157

      Hi kittycat,the more you can get into your body,ie water,food ect will help.

      Also there are few antihistamines that may help with anxiety ect,make sure you not allergic first though,as i gave someone that info and it hurt more than helped,so be super careful.

      Immodium will be good for you too i expect.

      Exersise is also very helpful,however be careful because of your back problems.

      You can DO this you really can!

      Stay strong!!


      • #36158

        I’m currently taking effervescent vitamin c and some magnesium…

        Eating lots of bananas which do help.

        I only had 1 day where I had to use the loo more than usual which I’m greatful it didn’t stay that way ????

        I’ve been trying to do some light yoga exercises when I have the time. As I work a lot and always on my feet.

        It’s the voices in my head telling me just to go get some is driving me mad. And I have to keep telling myself they are no good and make me worse.

        So I think the withdrawal may of ended for me now it’s just focusing on moving forward. I have a few days away shortly and I’m hoping that will set my mind to serious focus after that ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

        Thank you for replying again ???????????????? this forum really does help me as I’m alone with no1 knowing about this

        • #36159

          Hi Kittycat, you sound like you have it all in hand ????.

          You will have lots of thoughts ie if i just have a couple..its the drug trying to trick you! 100 %

          Evil little creatures they are.

          Good luck going forward kittycat,i hope you enjoy your days away!!

          Remember to stay strong, you GOT this!


    • #36170

      I did post this morning but can’t see it. I’m actually on day 5 (it will be into the 6th day at 4pm) today with no codiene after years of use. Feeling really anxious today, runny bottom etc. started taking sertraline 25 days ago so hoping that takes the edge off a little but I keep having flashes of wanting to take some or be dead… pretty scary. When will I feel better?

      • #36171

        Keep pushing through you can do it. I’m now on day 11 cold turkey and feel a lot better today, each day you will feel better. With me it’s mental side of it but I’m gonna push through and not let it effect me. Are you taking any supplements or anything. I used vitamin c every day and I find that helps. 

        Your doing amazing to get to day 5. Well done. ????????

    • #36172

      Hi all!

      From what i have read on rhe boards it seems as alot of us really struggle with the mental side of things.You are definitely not on your own,i still have off days.I too took for a long time,i think in all honesty i was taking for the mental side of things as well as pain.They numb great do they not.

      Living without the crutch is how we have to live our lives now.

      You are both doing amazing! You really are.It WILL get better!! Stay strong troops!




    • #36173

      As my last dose was about 4 in the afternoon I’m nearly on Day 6… I have been taking a multivitamin and propranolol that I was prescribed for headaches ages ago. Not sure if it’s genuinely helping or it’s a placebo, however I’m sure it can’t hurt. I’ve also had a couple of beers in the evening to take the edge off further.
      It is a really hard thing to do. Especially when I know so many of people who take them. Just need to stay strong. Yesterday was so intense – hoping things get better from here and I don’t keep going into these ‘trances’ where I can think of nothing else but that warm rush that comes on 10 minutes after a pill. The trouble is, the dose I was taking (60mg at a time) no longer gave me a buzz for anymore than an hour anymore.
      I just feel that my life will not be pleasurable without the tablets :(. I’m also taking Sertaline that I started 25 days ago that should have kicked in a bit now. Thank you for your replies.

      • #36174

        <p style=”text-align: left;”>You can do it ???? just think how horrible they are if you was to go back to it. They would make u feel crap too when relapsing. You need to keep on doing things to take your mind off those nasty things (easier said then done I know) when lack of energy is low at the minute. But try and do things to take ur mind away from the thought. Things can only get better from now from detoxing from the drug. Take plenty of hot baths too I found that helped me too.  Keep going you got it ????????????????????????????????????</p>

    • #36180

      Hi all! I just wrote an essay an it disappeared!

      I was just saying stay strong all,you are all doing amazing you really are!

      A couple of people have mentioned propranolol, it seems too work for some.Worth a try!

      Tramadol i think you maybe through the worst as your dose was not very high.

      I will say this,i rewarded myself after a week by taking 3 tablets,i thought id have the old feelings back,how wrong was i,quilt,super anxiety were the main, but it wasnt a nice experience at all!

      Stay strong all! You have GOT this!



      • #36181

        Yeah, although it was enough to mess my insides up – from what I’ve read, a maximum of 240mg per day isn’t that high.
        I am still having cravings and I’m worried about what the future holds but got to keep off them. If I took any pills, I think I’d be back to square one sooner or later.

        My wife has the pills in the house as she needs them for her back, she doesn’t seem to get the buzz off them like I do though and never understood why I like them so much. She is supportive, but it is different bodies and their reactions to chemicals I suppose. She had issues with alcohol in the past but hasn’t drank for years so she knows what addiction is like.

        The thoughts that come through your mind are horrible. Like – will you ever be happy again? Is it better to be dead? Will these cravings ever leave? I know they’re just thoughts, but they’re cruel and stressful!

        much love everyone

    • #36182

      Hi Tramadol, i did not realise you was taking every cple of hours,i am sorry for saying it is not a very high dose,because it is. It is going to take time for your body to remember what life before the pills was like.At the moment it is just craving the opiate.

      I tapered down by one tablet a week for what seemed like forever,and i still had all the withdrawal symptoms(but not as much cravings) as a CT that i had done before, not as severe but there all the same.

      It is going to take a few weeks at least.

      I found the psychological side of things the worst.

      I have said this before,but i will say it again.

      Whats a cple of months compared to the rest of your life? A bit blunt an painfull but it is true.

      Unfortunately we have to start from day 1 again if we relapse,so keep couting them days,it works!! One day at a time,or an hour at a time as was my case.

      Stay strong troops!!


      You will get through this! Look at how far you have come already.

      Look back at how many posts people have made, getting out the other side and being free from opiates,lots!

      Stay strong all,another day done at t time!! If i can get to 5pm, i class it as another day clean.




      • #36190

        Thank you.

        It is currently day 7 and will have been a week at some point this afternoon. I think my mind is trying to convince me to take them again. The anxiety is definitely much less now than it was and the waves coming over me are less intense. Still horrible though.

        I will keep counting the days and hopefully I will get back to life as if I’ve never used them.


    • #36183

      Site is strange today,mixing posts up ect..

      • #36189

        This is why I only log in every now and again.

        I see you are still hanging tough Mark.. and I reckon you should receive a medal for your efforts on this site, because you are tower of strength.

        Everything online seems to be subject to some kind of “ censorship “ .. it’s like the internet Police are afraid in case you let something slip that might incur the Authorities into liability of something, I mean these days we do live under a strict Authoritarian regime don’t we..

        This knocked me off posting comments on here because censorship stinks !

        Otherewise you are doing a great job Mark.. you are devoting a lot of your time and effort to people who need serious help.. and your help is not offered by the NHS or any other health service in the world !

        If you save only one life with your support, a desperate young mother through this.. I reckon you have done a great job..

        I am sure God has chosen you to help us poor souls.. I really do.

        You are a good soul Mark ????

        • #36191

          Hi John! Thankyou for the kind words,seriously thankyou!

          How are you doing John, all good? Hope so my friend.

          I just want too help that is all.

          Tramadol you are doing great,

          A week done! Excellent news!

          The anxiety side of it is horrid,i can fully understand how you are feeling,i really can.It will get better,just takes awhile for our bodies to remember.

          Keep couting the days,it gives you that accomplishment and something to push off,as it were.

          Stay strong all,YOU got this!!


    • #36192

      Hi Marky, so glad you’re still doing well and are supporting people on here, you’re a goodun ????

      I was reading how you said you rewarded yourself with a tablet after after a week and it caused anxiety. Well I was in so much pain last week that I took half of one of my codeine tablets, when I tell you the horrible panic that washed over me before it had even been in my stomach 2 minutes was so awful that I made myself throw it up! So I guess that answers my question, that if I ever have to or try to take it in the future I’m going to panic and have anxiety! I suppose that’s a good thing as it will keep me away from it!


      I’m coming up to 15 weeks clean now, it’s not been easy as you know yourself. Still having anxiety on and off but it’s made me re-evaluate my life and incorporate much more healthier habits, so I’m trying to see it as a blessing in disguise, even thought I’d be quite happy if it bogged off forever ????


      Well done to everyone that’s quitting this awful drug, you are all amazing ♥️



      • #36193

        I think throwing it up was probably the best thing to do. I know that if I got that warm rush  it would be game over. I quit a few years back and a work colleague gave me a pill call Syndol? Anyway, within ten minutes I was like ‘this is a familiar feeling’… I didn’t go back to 6 pills a day straight away or whatever, but I sure ended up back there sooner or later.

        My stomach is still in bits and it’s my 8th 24 hour stretch clean now. My poo (sorry for being gross) is also a pale colour. Not sure if this is to do with the withdrawal or I’ve got some horrible disease that the pain relief was masking? Probably just health anxiety.

        I remember a doctor from years ago who scoffed at me when I said ‘isn’t that addictive’ (not sure if it was codiene or Tramadol he gave me). Years later – here I am.

        I am hoping next week gets easier and my bowels calm down. Thanks for everyone for replying to me 🙂

        • #36194

          Yeah I’m glad I threw it up, I don’t think I’ll ever be able to take them again.

          Everything you’re going through will be withdrawal. I was the same, I lost 17lbs and my bowels didn’t settle for a long time. So much so I had to go for a colonoscopy and endoscopy! So the health anxiety is normal. Everyday will get a bit better as you go along, and soon it will all seem like a horrid nightmare. In the beginning I never thought I’d be at nearly 4 months. So keep going you got this ????????

          When I was about 2 days into my withdrawal I couldn’t get an app with my usual doctor and the one I saw just said to me not to take anymore, but I wasn’t going through withdrawal it was all in my head! Thank heavens I got in with my usual doctor a few days later and she explained it all to me and gave me a few diazepam. Some doctors make me laugh!

          • #36197

            Yeah, I think because they are considered ‘weak’ they’re not addictive or don’t create dependence. It is true, that a lot of people will take them here and there and not get addicted; unfortunately, for me, I just can’t take them.

            They seem like a wonder drug at first – settled my stomach, removed pain, made me feel more confident, cured hangovers etc etc. Perhaps used occasionally, they would do all this, however the evidence is there – long term they mess you up.

            Feel a little more normal today on day 8/9. If anyone else reads this – everyday you will get a little bit better. You are 100% right about the ‘nightmare’ – I spent a couple of days last week feeling MENTAL. Hopefully this thread continues for people to dip in and out of when they need to.

            one week done – next target ‘10 days’ 🙂

    • #36196

      Hi all!

      Tramadol,as Wynter said,it is all part of the withdrawals.

      There are some truly horrid things that go with withdrawal. Not nice! Immodium defo is your friend ???? as long as you are not allergic to it.

      Wynter it is really good to hear you are still going strong! It really is!! I too have thought about taking because of pain,but like you said,i know it will make me worse,or at least that is what i am telling myself.I even took a cple out of the packet not long ago,did not take though.I had a super weak moment,for a few seconds.

      Wynter,i think it was your doctor who said it can linger for 6 plus weeks,she was not wrong. I think it can last longer. Or it seems too sometimes.

      Tramadol you will notice things start to settle down soon,8 days is awesome! Keep it going!! Tomorrow will be 9! Great work my friend.

      Stay strong all and speak soon!







      • #36198

        Hi Marky,


        yeah it was my doctor who said it can take up to 6 weeks to settle. Seemed a lifetime when she said it ????

        One day at a time is all any of us can do ????????

        • #36202

          Hi Wynter! Seems soo long ago now does it not!

          Still seems pretty raw though!


          Stay strong lass! Haha ????


          • #36205

            It does seem long ago but like you say still raw sometimes. I’m staying strong even with my anxiety ????????????

            You stay strong too, we know the devil hides behind these pills ????????????

            • #36225

              Hi Wynter  yes we know only too well what these things dobto us,extremely powerful so they are! Am staying strong despite crippling anxiety but will not give in!!

              Speak soon Wynter,your a good lass! Keep strong!! ????????????????????????????????????????????????

              • #36233

                Marky, you are not alone with your anxiety, sending hugs ???? ????

    • #36204

      Hi all!
      Im on Day 3 currently and surprisingly not feeling too bad. I was taking DHC for 8/9 years and feel like I have wasted so much time! I stopped them once before for over a week and remember feeling really bad, this time the WD are much more manageable.
      I’ve got to get through one more week at work, then I have 2 weeks off and I’m going away on holiday so even if I wanted to, I wouldn’t be able to access any DHC which is calming my mind. Just wanted to say thanks to everyone here, I’ve been reading through the last couple of days and it’s nice to know you’re not alone. Hope everyone is doing well.

      • #36206

        Hi Betty,

        Well done on day 3, it seems like you have this under control. Just remember if it gets a little worse hang on in there as it will pass.

        I found days 4/5 quite bad, I just didn’t know what to do with myself, hopefully though withdrawal will be a little kinder you.

        Its good that you are going on holiday as it will be a nice distraction for you ????

      • #36263

        Hi Betty,how are you getting on,hope you are ok and still with us! Stay strong! ???????? ????????


    • #36209

      Thanks Wynter.

      I’m finding music really helpful. It’s weird not feeling numb anymore!
      I lost my dad a few weeks ago and feel like I’m feeling the effects a lot more now too! Not really a bad thing though, it’s actually quite nice in a weird way.

      • #36217

        I was using codeine to numb past traumas as well as using it for pain relief, so I too found that it all came flooding back, but I’m learning to deal with it in healthier ways. I also found I felt things better, I fell in love with music again ????????

    • #36215

      Well done to the recent ones who’s been going through withdrawl ????

      I’m currently on day 15 can’t even believe im  saying that ???? but definitely feeling the benefits now last 2 days. I’ve recently had a weekend break and was lovely to have my happy self back full of laughter etc which I’ve not had for months.

      The only thing is getting me down is the lack of energy still ???????????????? I hope it soon comes back for me ????????????????????

      Keep going everyone ????????????????

      • #36226

        Hi Kittycat, wow!! Well done you!! 2 weeks down,awesome job! Your motivation will come back,give it time.I read somewhere that no matter what abuse we have done to our brains,they will start to produce dopamine naturally after 4 months.So anything like exercise, eating well,drinking well, will speed that 4 months up.

        You GOT  this Kittycat!! Brill!

        Stay strong, you will be vulnerable for awhile to taking again.



    • #36216

      Hi there I’m on day 21 after taking them (solpedeine) for 40 odd years.

      I usually take 10 to 14 a day.

      Last week was pretty bad, especially the aches but I’m determined this time and I’ve told as many people as I can for support.

      I’ve found keeping a diary a great idea because I can see the little steps I’m making, if only small.

      Why did I ever get this bad? I feel at some point I need to stop as my grandson sees me dropping them into water.

      Stay strong PLEASE

    • #36218

      <p style=”text-align: left;”>Well done Cat, day 15 is amazing! Seems so far away in the beginning doesn’t it. The energy will return, it just takes longer. I still struggle now but then again I am anemic ????</p>

    • #36219

      Why oh why does it do that stupid ‘text align’ thingy sometimes, drives me mad!

      Hi access, 21 days is brilliant! Especially after taking them for so long. I keep a diary too and find it helps.

      we all look back and wonder why, but we start out taking for legitimate reasons and then it just sucks you in.

      Keep going ????????????????

    • #36220

      Days 4 and 5 were probably the worst in terms of feeling hopeless. Maybe even day 6. I think it’s because the first three days you’re expecting something horrible to happen – yes, you feel crappy, but I think the willpower starts to wane a little and you want to be well. 240mg of codeine (max daily prescribed dose) is equivalent to roughly 24mg of morphine…

      Get through days 4-6 and I promise each day gets more bare able and the worst is over.  A year or so ago, I went through 5 days of misery and popped two cocodamol 30/500s – 1) I didn’t get the massive buzz I was expecting and 2) I’d reset the clock of misery.

      I’ve been laughing loads today – only on day 8/9 🙂

      • #36227

        Hi Tramadol, the reason the first few days are not the worst is because we are using the leftover opiate in our livers.Hence after day 3 it gets worse(read that too).

        4,5,6,7 were the worst days for me too.I even cried, because i did not think i could do a cple of days,never mind 18!

        I looked up and asked for strength, even though i  am a non believer! Mad!

        Just one day at a time Tramadol,you too have got THIS!

        Stay strong man ????????????????????????????????????????????????


    • #36221

      Yes wynter it really does in the beginning ???????????????? it’s fighting these urges now and temptions of ur mind telling you just to take 1 and you will have energy ???? but I say out loud I’m not having any more.

      Aww I hope I’m not waiting to much longer ???????????? I have such a busy life and it gets in the way. I’m taking supplements to try and naturally give me a boost but not working quick enough ????????


      Well done access that’s absolutely amazing after those years ????

      Keep going. ????

    • #36222

      Thanks guys for your support and replys I do think it makes a different 100%

      I’m 22 years a recovering alcoholic and believe ‘support’ is the key.

      I was driving around in the works van today and suddenly starting singing ‘it’s my life’ by ‘talk talk’  play that song loud like I did  …. slowly  emotionally I began to cry, god it felt good this was …ME.

      Thanks again

      • #36228

        Hi access, am too in alcohol recovery.14.5 years,3 years since last fall! i battled that on my own.

        If you go back in the thread,both me an Wynter started to listen to music again an had tears for our troubles. All those emotions we buried come to the surface now.Unfortunatly.

        Similar to when i stopped drinking,blinkers are off as it were.

        A whole new life is ahead of us without the pills.

        I still find it scary, but think that is my anxiety playing up.

        Stay strong Access.


    • #36223

      <p style=”text-align: left;”>I honestly rely on this thread to get me through each day. I even keep re reading this thread over and over. It gives me more hope in not doing it no more ????</p>
      Such a supportive thread.

      Keep going everyone ????????

    • #36229

      Day 10 today. Still anxious, but energy levels are deffo higher. I have been eating 2 bananas in one go – not sure if it’s placebo, but it definitely can’t hurt.

      Interesting about the opiates left in our livers. I will do some research.

      If you are reading this – remember that we will all get headaches, aches and pains – just take two paracetemol and wait. If that doesn’t work, try two ibuprofen. Yesterday I had a bad headache and usually this would be time for an extra dose… I did the above and the headache went away. Might be useful to remember how effective these OTC pills are because I was convinced that I need 60mg of codeine for every minor ailment.
      Anyway, if you are staying off these – every thought you have about them that doesn’t result in dosing = a victory! Keep going, everyday things get better. Aiming for the two week mark as my next milestone, however, just take every day at a time 🙂

    • #36231

      <p style=”text-align: left;”>Well done tramodol ???? keep going..</p>
      I find bananas work for me too I eat 1 when I get up with my vitamins and then 1 afternoon to keep me going.

      As for liver. I’ve been having blood tests last 5 weeks and something in my liver was high each time and after not taking any codiene for 5 days I had bloods and it was normal so it shows how quickly it changes when you stop taking it. I was so scared that I done damage ???? but bloods now showing normal thank god.

      I honestly can’t believe I’m on day 16. My energy feels a little bit more today than yesterday ???? hope it stays that way now….



      • #36232

        I think that if you can get to the three week mark, you should start to feel great. Taking the kids to swimming lessons – last week I was rocking, this week slightly twitching, next week I am hoping to be a relatively normal parent who is not scared of making eye contact with the general public.

        5 days until you get to three weeks – let us all know when you meet this huge milestone C free 🙂

    • #36234

      Hi all!

      It’s  great to come back in and see soo many positive people taking on the journey and taking the time to post positive advice to others!

      I really believed it was only me who struggled with them,i really did,untill i found this site! It has given me so much strength to continue my journey! As someone said it is suprising what Ibroprophen can do! Am definitely learning that,its about timing imo,getting to the pain before the real discomfort starts has helped me lots,i do worry i havnt eaten at times though(when taking Ibroprophen). No biggie though ????


      Stay strong all,untill the next time!! ????????????????????????????????????????????????

    • #36235

      Hi guys,

      Another day ticked off, I start off feeling good then after an hour feel a bit like having run 30 miles with divers boots on.

      My solpediene addiction was picked up on a company drug check and so it started I had to stop.

      40 years & counting, so here I am day 22 quietly wondering how I got here but knowing already I’m beginning to feel my old self.

      It’s a rollercoaster to be honest tsmornings I feel I can score myself 4 to 5 out of 10 (write it in my diary) afternoons are a slow burn for me a 5 around 1.30 then 6 then 7 out of 10.

      BUT my goodness I am feeling better my head is clearer.
      <p style=”text-align: center;”>So the bottom line is – I ‘am’ starting to break free finally.</p>
      I drink plenty to the point of having 8 to 10 visits to the toilet by 1.30pm, I keep busy, listen to music, write notes.

      We can do this

      Stay very strong it’s worth it ????



    • #36238

      Hi Access, i know what you mean with the divers boots! Your energy will return,your body has just got to get back to normal as it were.Don’t push yourself too hard, 40 years is a very long time.So it may take awhile.You seem to have everything under control though.Just keep doing what you are doing and it will all be over soon enough.

      Do not let your guard down,evil so it is.

      Stay strong all! You got this!



    • #36239


    • #36240

      Day 17 for me and today I do feel like a bit more energy is slowly coming back to me ???? hope it keeps up.

      <b>Access that’s amazing with drinking I wish I could drink lots I’ve never been the 1 to drink much but I’ve been trying to drink apple juice and orange juice. </b>

      I woke up with a muggy headache today though but I held off having a paracetamol and had some breakfast and it have seemed to pass ????????

      I can’t actually believe I’ve got this far and still none of my family and friends know. I do wonder in months to come I will be able to tell them. But for now I’m not ready to tell any1.

      Keep going everyone ????????????

      • #36243

        Hi kittycat! Day 17! Wow! You have come soo far it seems days ago you started your journey. You are definitely through the physical side of it,its just the psychological side that seems to hinder some of us.

        Its great to see another soul through the otherside,it really is! I”ll say it again though,do not let these things sneak back into your life,they lie to you trick the lot,especially when you think you beat them.

        I don’t like repeating that last message but it is true,please troops always keep that in your minds.

        Stay strong kittycat, soon be 3 weeks!! W’hey!


    • #36244

      <p style=”text-align: left;”>Thank you markymark ????????????</p>
      It actually makes me heave the thought of taking 1. Some days I would be sick off them and still take them ???????????? they are horrible pills.

      How many days are you at now or weeks? markymark?

      I’d be so angry with myself if I ever relapsed. But every time my mind plays tricks with me I just say out loud I’m not doing it. Trying to keep strong ????

    • #36256

      Hi Team,

      Just a quick hello to say I’m nearer the end of day 22 another one ticked off, and I’m feeling much more in control and now wonder how many times I was told the dreaded tablets give you rebound headaches and over the last 5 days I’ve only suffered with one headache and it eventually disappeared with my liquid intake.

      It’s a strange feeling when something is important in your life (buying and taking them) and now they are gone.

      Keep going be strong ????

    • #36262

      Hi all!

      It is great everyone is battling on!

      Access,3 weeks already man,wowzers! You have smashed it considering how many years you were on them.You really have. ????????

      Yes there is a void left by not taking,something we have to fill somehow.Exersise is good as long as you can.Good food also.

      The main thing is keeping off the tablets.

      Kittycat another day another day further on in your journey! You have done really really well coping on your own.Without anyone noticing. Amazing ????

      How are you guys doing with sleep? It has not been mentioned of late, and little mention of restless legs.Different symtoms for different folks  i suppose. It’s no biggie.

      Stay strong all,hour at a time if needed!




    • #36264

      Hi everyone, you are all doing so well! ????????????????

      It’s more difficult to come of these drugs than people realise so the fact that we have in my opinion makes us bloody warriors!

      I remember when I first found this thread and  couldn’t wait to get to 18 days, seemed so far, but I’m now over 15 weeks clean ???????? My next goal is 6 months.

      I just had to take it one day hell even one hour at a time. I still do now as it’s a lifelong thing. I’m still having anxiety, but I believe I’m stronger now (even if I don’t always feel it!)

      Like Tramadol said, every little pain becomes worthy of codeine. One of the reasons I got hooked was because of my severe migraines, but I realise now I was making my headaches worse. I CAN cope with paracetamol, it’s not fun but it can be done.

      I must have read this thread about 50 times in the beginning over and over, it was my lifeline . All these strangers going through the same thing as me, made a horrible time more bearable.

      I can’t say I will never touch codeine again, I’m not that naive. We never know what’s round the corner, something may happen where we require stronger pain relief. That alone terrifies me, but I think if that day comes and I’m honest with my doctor I can get through it. At the moment the thought of taking codeine gives me so much anxiety that it keeps me away, so that’s a plus ????

      Anyway I’ve waffled enough, you are all amazing ⭐️ Keep going, sometimes you think you’ve got it beat, but then it seems like you are taking 2 steps back. This is normal, don’t let it trick you ????????????????????????


    • #36265

      <p style=”text-align: left;”>Wow wynter that’s incredible to get that far. Well done.</p>
      My sleeping was a nightmare the 1st week and I had the restless legs for about 3/4 days of the withdrawl. I found the more you think of the restless legs the worse it was. And also the more I dreaded going to bed the worse my sleep would be. The only thing that’s different is I’m waking earlier than I usually would, but I don’t mind that because I try and get house work done before the children wake up. And it’s more of a routine now and I like it. Where as if I take the codiene I be groggy in the morning and not get out of bed until 10/11am.

      But the sleeping and restless legs was horrible and I thought it could of taken months for it to go but I pushed through.


    • #36266

      Thanks  Kittycat, I still can’t believe it’s been that long.

      I was lucky that I didn’t get restless legs and my sleep was never affected. I’m so glad yours have eased off now. I’m the same as you, I’m up at 6/7 where’s as before I could lie in until 10/11 it’s good like you say as I’m not groggy all the time and can get more done. Sometimes I wish I could lie in a bit more though ????

    • #36267

      Hi people,

      Sorry I missed last night BUT I had a blip (don’t panic) we were handed free cans of Monster at work?

      So I drank 2 cans during the afternoon BIG mistake avoid at all costs, I was angry edgy and it effected my at the moment stable stomach, my addiction kicked in ????

      Anyway my morning started at 4.30am with restless legs caused partly by my stupidly but it’s 8.30pm and I’m back on track.

      Thanks for listening and I’m sorry for the blip I’m in a better place but it proves you can easily slip up and have to be careful as I may have took a couple of tablets to make me feel better.

      Keep STRONG



      • #36275

        Hi access, you have absolutely nothing to apologise for. I’m sorry you had a rubbish time after having those drinks. I’ve found that I’ve had to cut my coffee intake and can only have 1 cup a day, as it doesn’t help my anxiety at all.

        This is an up and down journey, so be kind to yourself ????

    • #36282

      Hi all! Access,as Wynter said you never have to apologise.

      Those drinks you had i can only imagine! I stay away from coffee ect never mind energy drinks! They not a friend of my anxiety.At all.

      I am glad you can see how easily they can try and sneak at you or trick you.Proper evil things really,that affect your brain in that way! It is our pleasure receptor i think!

      How are you doing today kittycat,all good ????

      Tramadol are you okay,expect your well on your way now.Stay strong man.

      I am not in a good place today,but i must treat it as JUST that.

      Life eh! It is hard at times,that is when my addictions try and grab me.Onwards we go! ????

      Stay strong all! Sending good vibes from here.


      • #36283

        Hi Mark, sorry todays a bit rubbish for you, I’ve had couple of good days but today my anxiety is playing up again. Like you say, good and bad days. Remember we are here for you as much as you are here for us ????????????????

        • #36285

          Thankyou Wynter,means alot.

          Just can’t seem to pick myself up today.


    • #36284

      Hey, I’m doing OK. I’ve had thoughts today just taking 2 codiene… But I’ve told myself that it’s not the answer to things. I’ve moved forward from those thoughts today but the urges was real high this morning.

      Aw markymark it has to be something in the air today…. Hope your OK.
      <p style=”text-align: left;”>I’m just focusing on my 3 week goal Sunday ???????????????? there’s no way I can go back now I have to keep strong ????????????????</p>
      Sending strength to you all

      • #36286

        Hi Kittycat,

        The demon is always there isn’t it.Just stay strong,like you say,you cannot waste 3 weeks! That is what keeps me going! The thought of starting again horrifies me.This last week i  have been in a bit of pain so the pills have been calling too.It is most probalby the pain that started my downward spiral. My mind struggles it really does. However we must be strong,no matter what our minds are saying.So i will!

        Whatever happens though, if i do fall(which i won’t) i will tell the boards.Just too show how evil these things are.Waffling abit now sorry.

        Time to sign off for now!

        Stay strong troops!!




    • #36287

      Oh I’m sorry to hear you have been in pain markymark, I can honestly see how easily it can slip into taking some for that reason.

      Hope you feel better soon. Your strong and you got this ????




    • #36291

      Hi all,thankyou for the kind words.It means alot.

      Do not know why yesterday was so bad,i must move on,but i can’t help but think what caused it. Must learn acceptance more.

      I hope everyone is okay today,i hope you have as most pleasant weekend as you can.

      You are doing amazing all of you,you really are! The support you give too each other is second to none.I think because we know how hard things can be it makes us more understanding.

      Stay strong troops an speak soon!



    • #36293

      Hi everyone!
      I have been following this thread for the last few days. I’m on day 5! Not that it’s much of an accomplishment because I’ve done this a thousands times and always relapse.

      Im still having a lot of the physical symptoms maybe just a little bit milder. I’ve been on/off N+ for about 10 years only stopping when I was pregnant. I feel awful. My house is a mess! I missed work today I couldn’t face going in after another night of only 2 hours sleep.
      why are the withdrawals so bad this time? I want to break free forever ????

    • #36295

      Hi Blackwarrior, 5 days is an accomplishment despite how many times you may have failed before. The fact that you are trying to get clean from this stuff is amazing. It’s not easy at all, but maybe this will be the time ????


      I really wouldn’t worry too much about the house being a mess, housework isn’t going anywhere, it can wait. Just focus on taking it one day at a time and keeping hydrated.

      I’ve only just now gotten back on top of my housework. For first week or 2 it was all I could do to drag myself to my mums to help her after her hip op. I just about managed to look after my animals and daughter before climbing back into bed.

      Don’t feel bad about taking time off work either, it’s bloody hard on your body going through withdrawal, so treat it like an illness where to need to rest and recover.

      It will all get easier soon, you’ve got this ????????????

      • #36297

        Thank you so much wynter for your kind words.
        I just feel like a total and utter failure. I’m moping about waiting for the physical symptoms to pass. I can’t sleep for longer than an hour at a time and I’m tossing and turning in bed.
        I just wish I had some motivation and I felt “normal” again. I don’t know why I do this to myself over and over again.
        I’m glad to hear you’re turning a corner.

        • #36299

          Believe me you are not a failure in anyway whatsoever. Look how many people have fallen into the codeine trap, it happens very easily. The point is you are now trying to get clean and that’s amazing!

          Could you maybe see your GP and explain what’s been happening, they would be able to give you a short term course of sleeping tablets. Completely understandable if you don’t want to share with your doctor, not everyone does. I just know how much harder everything seems when you can’t sleep.

          Either way, keep going you are doing so well, try a hot bath before bed. Some people have said magnesium helps too.

          Please don’t beat yourself up, be kind to yourself and be your own cheerleader! What you are doing is hard work. Sending hugs ♥️

        • #36307

          Hi Blockwarrior,as Wynter said you should be so pround of yourself for getting even to day 5!huge achievement.

          The reason we keep doing it over and over is because it is such a hell to go through completely, that we relapse believing it is unevetable.Imo that is.The psychological side of it is pure hell for me,i never believed i was capable.This site coming here regularly has shown me it can be done.

          Wynter was about 10 days or 2 weeks before me,she gave me so much help just by coming on every day,an explaining how she felt,made me realise people are going through very similar things,and i could perhaps get to where Wynter was.She probalby never knew how much help she was giving.

          She a good en ????

          Anyway i have gone on abit again,hope you start to feel better soon,nearly a WEEK!!

          You GOT this.


    • #36296

      Hi there,

      How’s it going everyone?

      Day 26 and slowly getting there wherever ‘there’ is.

      This is tougher than I thought but I’m not giving up … I didn’t give up on alcohol so solpedeine just ‘do one’.

      It’s more the sycological side I’m suffering from now I wake up and my head goes on the rampage.

      It’s interesting because my ex wife introduced me to solpadeine and I was told months ago she was ill after coming off them.

      So …. its my turn now and I’m not giving up.

      I never thought all those years ago I’d be where I am now & what a mess.

      Anyway that being said its now or never because it has to be done.

      Thanks for listening and thanks for being there.



      • #36298

        Hi access, you’re nearly at a month how amazing is that! It’s not a mess, you have chosen to take your life back and give up the pills, so draw power from that as it’s no easy feat. You are doing so well, the psychological side does take a bit longer to settle but you will get there. You will be free and healthier, be kind to yourself ????

    • #36302

      Blackworrior well done on getting to day 5. I found that day probably the toughest. Keep going I had the same mind set as you. I couldn’t do much with house work etc it’s only been the last 2 days I’ve had more energy to do things around the house. Take some magnesium I really recommend it. I had a 2/3 days where my sleep was awful and without sleep it makes you feel much worse doesn’t it ???? soon as ur sleep is back you will start to feel a bit more human. Keep pushing through you can do it.
      <p style=”text-align: left;”>Well done access on day 26… That’s amazing no going back now for you….</p>
      Hope you had a better day today markymark…

      Keep strong

    • #36303

      Hi everyone, I hope you’re all getting on well? I’m at Day 15. I got really drunk the other day (I do this about 5 times a year). It was positive as codeine is a great hangover cure and I didn’t take it, however I can’t seem to get over the feelings of guilt and regret and that I’ve wasted money on booze that could have been spent on my kids or paying my mortgage off a little faster. Suppose you’ve still got to live though, even if you’re a parent.

      If I can get through a terrible hangover with no codeine – anyone can. Keep going strong. Be aware that life is still life though, and things will come to test you. Day 15 for me. Keep busy and keep off the pills (and maybe the double Monsters!!!).


    • #36304

      3 weeks today for me ????

      How am I even at this point I don’t know… I remember like it was yesterday on day 2 and 3 thinking I wish I was 1 of those saying they hit the 3 week mark….

      Well done tramodol for day 15 what an achievement that is… And especially having a drink and not taking 1 for the hangover as I know how that feels… I’ve not had a drink yet to experience it… But when it comes to it I’m hoping I’m strong ????

      Well done to you all ????

    • #36305

      Hi Tramadol, please don’t feel guilty about wasting money, we all need to treat ourselves and let off steam sometimes. I too used to use codeine for a hangover when I did have a drink. Thankfully I don’t drink very often as I don’t really like how it makes me feel, plus it doesn’t help the old anxiety ????


      Kitty 3 weeks wow! I was the same at the beginning, I was envious of people that were weeks into their recovery, I didn’t think that would ever be me.

      Stay strong everybody ????????????

    • #36306

      Hi all!

      Seems as though everyone is continuing to battle on through! Awesome guys!

      I think as i have said before, this site helps alot. So much support and empathy. It has given me hope,that there are still alot of really nice people out there. You do not really see it every day life.

      Some on 2 weeks some on 3 weeks it really is great too see.

      As soo many have said,we never believed we could ever reach that stage! Warriors the lot of you!

      Stay strong all



    • #36308

      Definitely this thread have helped me… Everyday it’s given me hope by reading these posts over and over…. I sat for the first few days without commenting… And if any1 is reading these posts and don’t know whether to write on here like I was…. I would pop on and write and get it all out. It helps massively… I’m very greatful of this support group….

      Everyone is so supportive ????????????

    • #36309

      Hi everyone,

      I’m back again and thankfully made it through day 5 and into day 6. I finally got a decent sleep last night albeit with the help of melatonin but I desperately needed to sleep.
      I woke up this morning with more of the same hopelessness feeling but I powered on through.
      I have cleaned most of my house, all meals have been made today, bed clothes ironed and out back on and just generally feel a bit more accomplished. I don’t know if tomorrow will be the same but if nothing else I will be a week free from N+.
      Thanks for everyone’s support, it’s desperately needed.
      Stay strong ❤️

    • #36310

      <p style=”text-align: left;”>Well done black worrior ???? you really have done well to get through and do all that… 1 task alone is enough to take energy away.. But pushing through that’s really good. Keep on pushing through now and the days will turn into weeks and you will feel so good for it.</p>
      You should be really proud of yourself….

      I’ve hurt my neck this morning and it’s really painful.. How easy it would just go with 1 codiene but I’m pushing through just taking a paracetamol and using heat on it….


      • #36311

        This is one of my biggest fears Kitty cat, I suffer badly with my teeth and am prone to serious toothaches. I’m scared for when it happens again. I know I shouldn’t worry about it until it happens but codeine would take the pain away.
        I’m relaxing now, I still don’t have much of an appetite but I think I’ll reward myself tonight with a takeaway and see if I can manage some of it.
        I had tremors earlier today and still have some psychical symptoms I just hope I still well again tonight and have another good day tomorrow.

        • #36312

          I was really worried about this too as I have endometriosis as well as severe migraines. But I’ve managed so far, last month was bad but I crawled through. You will too, you will find the strength from somewhere to manage the pain other ways. I for instance am saving a fortune not buying codeine, but am spending a fortune on heat packs ????????

        • #36322

          Hi Blackwarrior,i must get this in now while i do not forget.

          I too have suffered with my teeth,and i will say this,Ibroprophen is alot better to treat mouth/teeth pain than anything apart from Oramorph! Which is not the way forward.Definitely. (hot water and salt) is another good way if you get an infection.Infact i always go too them two treatments more than anything else even when i was on opiates.If we think of it,what is teeth pain,inflammation mainly or infection.

          What i am trying to say is,do not worry about teeth pain just carry on without the codiene. Ibroprophen is your friend.If you can take them that is.????‍♂️ did not think of that.

          Just thought I’d get that across.

          Day 6 now,that week nearly done! You have done amazing to do your house,dress beds ect.

          You really have!!

          Stay strong Blackwarrior!


          • #36323

            Thanks so much for that MarkeyMark! It’s definitely a huge fear of mine. It’s the only pain I do suffer from. So will keep that in mind.
            Day 7 has finally arrived… a whole week!! I wish I could say I feel as good as I did yesterday but unfortunately I don’t. I’ll keep on powering through minute by minute, hoping eventually I’ll wake up and I’ll feel normal again. I do feel that poor sleep makes things 200x worse. I’m also dealing with super intense cravings more so than even in the first few days which is crazy.
            stay strong everyone ????

    • #36324

      Well done on getting to a week ????

      That’s amazing. The cravings are hard to push through today is probably my worst for the craving ???? but I’m powering through and telling myself that they will ruin my insides and I need to be healthy for my family.

      Has anyone experienced sneezing that lingers on through the withdrawl? Day 22 and I’m still constantly sneezing and having the odd shiver now and then ????

      • #36325

        Kitty cat, well done on getting to 22 days! I’ve no experience of the sneezing post withdrawal to be honest so maybe it could be allergies? But the sneezing is annoying!
        At the moment the cravings have subsided but I imagine they’ll be back again.
        hopefully others can help you about the sneezing ????

      • #36326

        Hi all

        My temperature didn’t sort itself out for maybe 4-6 weeks.Sneezing,runny nose in the evenings for some reason.

        Anything is possible tbh our bodies are used to dhc so it will take awhile to settle down.

        Hour at a time if possible, things will get better.

        Stay strong all




    • #36327

      Thank you black worrior ???? glad they subsided for u for now too.

      Thanks markymark that’s good to know… I will keep powering through the sneezes ???????? and change of temp.

      The weather has huge impact of my feelings too. Very grey and dingy so makes me down in the dumps and makes me crave it….



    • #36328

      Hi ya,

      Day 27 and I’m just slightly on the rollercoaster on the down but I’m not giving up.

      This is really strange I woke up feeling my old self before taking the dreaded tablets and its like a snake that creeps up on you.

      I’ve told you I’ve been taking soloedeine for 40 years not really ever stopping and perhaps wrongly I’ve decided to go cold turkey.

      But it’s now or never as I’m 66 in 8 weeks time I need to best this.

      I have a few issues with ibs and had it for 7 years and this withdraw has really triggered lower stomach pain.

      I’ve tried to drink energy drinks to help the withdraw but that has given me other issues.

      I know I will beat this because I HAVE to finally but I really wish 40 years ago I could have slapped myself in the face when I took the first two tablets.

      Stay strong



    • #36329

      Access that’s amazing what you have done… All those years and to go cold turkey. You really are a trooper ????

      It’s so easily slipped into doing it for so many years…
      <p style=”text-align: left;”>But look at you now day 27….</p>
      Keep going you have got this

    • #36331

      Hi all I’ve been following this group for a while. I’m a mum of 3 boys and was a lawyer but now I’m a stay at home mum. I’ve battled codeine of some kind since 2007! I was prescribed it for migraine and have battled it since. I got free of it in around 2013 for a few years and the most successful few years. I then convinced myself I ‘needed’ it for migraine…FFS! And have tried so many times to get free. I can just about manage the physical withdrawal but then a few weeks later I tell myself I need it and I’ll just take one! I’m on 12mg of codeine x 32 a day. God knows what’s happening to my kidneys etc. recently my husband mentioned how we were £300 down a month and couldn’t see where it was going and then I realised it was me and this thing! If I was brutally honest although I do a good job at home I’m a shell really. I lack energy and I just try to get the through the day. I’ve realised how much this is effecting everyone not just me. Anyway I quit 2 days ago and I’m ok the worst day I would say. Although probably tomorrow will be the worst day. But I keep thinking how free I will be! No more dragging everyone out to go to Asda when I really want to go to the chemist that’s in Asda! I hate the looks the staff give me. Anyway I’m determined to beat this! I wish this medicine was not available I’m amazed at how many people have a problem with it.

    • #36332


    • #36333

      Welcome superleo. Well done on this attempt to give it up. Don’t look back keep pushing forward now…. You have your children and husband to focus on to get you through it…. These devil pills will trick you any time but it’s getting through it and pushing forward. Hope you manage withdrawls over the next few days and like everyone says its the mental state of it then… I always wondered what that feeling was and the last day or 2 I’ve definitely experienced it… But I’m fighting through it and I won’t allow myself to take any more.

      You have got this ????

      • #36335

        Thank you….it’s very hard to maintain a normal routine when feeling like this! Kids want to go to the park and all I can do is sit on the sofa! But I’m just going to push through. Fresh air might help. Stomach is in full yellow water mode (sorry!)….last time I tried to give up I had what can only be described as a small meltdown and cried the whole day! I never normally cry….so I’m hoping that doesn’t happen today. I’m sweating..dizzy and have a horrendous headache….feel sick and just want to lie in bed. I haven’t told my husband because he thought I quite a few months ago and I don’t want to upset him. He even took a few days off work and it was a big deal as he’s self employed. So to get back on it I can’t let him know. The shame is real! Off to the park….let’s hope I don’t have to dive behind a bush! Sorry! Humour needed today!

    • #36334

      Hi all! Welcome Superleo!

      You have made the right decision as kittycat has said.

      Imo the worst days were 5 6 7, six bieng the worst if i remember correctly. As you said it is the psychological side of the withdrawal that so many of us fail.It is just so hard. The positive mindeset is what will get you through.Also remember, (this is not nice) that if you succumbed then it is a start again from the beginning. That bit helped me noend as there was noway i was gonna throw them first days away again.

      Everyday is easier,each day has its own problems,but if you take it slowly from hour to hour you WILL ger there.

      There are so many people on here wolling to help in anyway they can,so do not be afraid to get typing! Stay strong you are doing so well!

      Speak soon all!

      Stay strong troops


    • #36336

      That’s my mindset markymark you done so many days… Keep moving forward and hit the milestones. That’s only way I’m pushing through… Be proud of yourselfs of getting through each day… It will eventually make you feel good getting through each day then even weeks ????????

      And with the support of everyone on here when you hit each day makes me feel so much better… And proud of myself.

      Keep going everyone we have got this ????

    • #36337

      Hello all,

      I am Stevie! I have tried to post on here before but it just disappeared.

      I am currently on day 16 and this thread has kept me going almost every single day. It’s a relief to know that it isn’t just me who is struggling with this.

      I was prescribe codeine by my doctor for a chronic pain issue that I have. I noticed about a year ago that it had become more of a routine than a need and I was reaching for them as part of my schedule throughout the day rather than to manage symptoms. This frightened me and I eventually made the decision to cold turkey.

      I absolutely do not advocate cold turkey – it is definitely not for the faint hearted but so far the best thing I’ve ever done.

      Day 16 and my body is starting to feel “normal” again. I still get an urge every now and again, especially when in pain but I echo other people’s sentiments in managing with other OTC’s that can be really effective.

      The energy is slowly returning and I’m feeling more like myself now. The anxiety and heaviness I felt was definitely the worst part for me as I was always so full of beans before.

      It does get better and I am so proud of you all!


    • #36338

      Wow stevie 16days already you done. Well done. My situation is pretty much same as your just over a year and half I was on them… What frightened me was when I had to have bloods done some of my blood work was off… And I made the decision to stop because I was so scared what would of happened if I continued them… All my bloods are normal again now thankfully ???? I’m so glad it did scare me though because this is reason as well to stop them and never to return to them. They was making me ill in the end.

      Keep going

    • #36339

      That’s scary! Sounds like it’s all normal now. I had some liver blood tests done recently and it was all fine and I was like really? But I’m so over worrying about my health for something I can stop. Like I’m not getting any younger but I want to worry about the normal getting old stuff not the stuff I can prevent. So over it now! And I’m over the chemist shame….anyone else used to drive to different chemists?! Still feeling horrendous….just counting the minutes until the end of the day!

    • #36340

      Oh definitely and hiding them from my partner… As he has no clue about it now. He found some in my bag few months back and questioned me but I brushed it off…. Nothing came of it but because it was making me more anxious if he found any more I be on edge all the time…. It’s nice now there is none in the house and I don’t have to be on edge all the time. And it should never even come to it being like that… Looking back I feel so ashamed now… And yes I would do the chemist too not all the time because I had a monthly prescription I would run out like a week beforehand and have to go but I wouldn’t use my local chemist as they know my monthly prescription…… But we can say now no more chemist hopping etc and being shady about it…. Just think positive and say those days are and will be gone ???????????? hope you managed the afternoon out OK with your children.

      I’m having off day I’ve not got out of my pj’s and no motivation… But I tell myself that’s OK we can have those down days….

    • #36342

      Hi all!

      Stevie welcome ,you are in the right place. Over 2 weeks already! Awesome work!

      Superleo,I used to do that too,at 5pm that was the day done,it really helped somehow,made the day shorter i think. It really does seem so long ago,but 2mins at the same time! ????‍♂️

      Kittycat you do right,if you do not feel like doing anything,  don’t,it will wait. The energy an motivation will come back soon enough.

      I have had a few bad days lately,but i somehow manage to muddle through to 5pm.Starting to think less an less of Dhc,but i won’t let my guard down,i know how clever they can be!

      Stay strong you wonderful lot!



    • #36343

      Hi there,

      Another day another day ‘nearly’ ticked off.

      Well a pat on the back to all of us, especially admitting we all have a problem and I wonder if outsiders realise how terrible this is?

      I have only met 2 other people who admitted their problem to me personally in conversation but queuing up at boots or asda or Lloyd’s or any other chemist when someone asks for a box and they quickly stuff them into the bag and totally ignore the person behind the counter who outline they are for short term use … !!  Then buying a box for myself and organising the next chemist for my next box ….’what an existence’ ?

      When I dealt with alcohol addiction I learnt that  you run with the winners and in our own way we want to be ‘winners’ because we are on this forum site.

      I’m on day 29 and IT IS getting easier and my head is starting to feel more in control and I went for a walk today and had a smile to myself.

      You know this isn’t going to be easy BUT it will be better in the long run 100%.

      We can do this … we can ..


      • #36349

        Hi Access, still going strong! Keep up the great work man.

        You are nailing this,you really are.Do you think having given up alcohol that it has helped you giving up dhc? When i look back it helped me a little,however i still crave a drink somedays.haha

        I think this will always be the case.

        Stay strong man,you GOT this.


    • #36344

      Just want to say well done to everyone no matter if you are just starting out or are weeks in. It’s not an easy thing to do at all. As Stevie said CT is not for the faint hearted, I’m not sure I’d choose to do it that way again ????

      Someone mentioned sneezing, I think is was Kitty? Just wanted to say it’s pretty normal, I sneezed so much and it took a while to settle. I read somewhere that during withdrawal the brain is freaking out without the opiates and sensing pain so it’s making us sneeze to release endorphins to help.

      I echo everyone else about not missing the chemist trips, boy were they a pain! Travelling to different ones, lying that I wasn’t on other meds and saying oh yeah I know, short term use only.

      I also don’t miss the itching, codeine used to make me itch like a bitch ???? Always looking for the reasons why it’s better to be clean and there are loads. The only good thing about codeine was no pain, and the buzz which got less and less as I needed more and more to get that feeling. The amount of paracetamol I used to take makes me shiver!

      I’m so glad we all have this little forum ♥️

      • #36351

        Hi Wynter! Just saying hello and hope you are in a good place!

        Stay strong lass ????????????????????????????????????????????????

        • #36355

          Hi Marky, I’m doing ok in a bit of pain today but staying strong ????????????????

          Hope you’re ok and the anxiety is giving you a rest ????????

    • #36345

      Ah thank you wynter that’s interesting to know…. I honestly sneeze about 8-10 times a day ???? if that’s the case I wish I could sneeze more to release them ????

      I’m forever greatful of this thread and wish I written on here sooner. Without my daily read on here I don’t think I would of got through this… All of you have helped in different kind of ways for me. I really do appreciate you all….  I do wonder if in time I will reveal my secret to my family. But for now I’m not ready and happy to vent on here to everyone…. As you have all been so supportive to me….

      Thank you

      • #36353

        Hi kittycat,

        You will tell your family when you are ready too i expect. There is no rush,just focus on getting yourself in that good place again free of dhc,then things will fall back into place in time.

        It is so pleasing to see you all continuing this battle and winning it really is! I doff my cap to each and everyone of you! ????????????

        No “doffing cap emojys”

        Take care all and stay strong.



      • #36356

        Oh yeah I used to sneeze so much it was like there was a woolly mammoth hidden in the house ????

        I told my mum and my doctor, I needed people to know as I felt less alone and knew I’d need the support. I didn’t care, I wasn’t really bothered about anyone judging me as no one is perfect we all have skeletons in our closet. And the only people that mattered understood. Plus I feel it holds me accountable, if I relapsed it’s not just myself I would be letting down. That’s just me though, I’ve always overshared ????

    • #36348

      Ok day 3 I’m ready for you and I’ve got to go to supermarket that has the chemist but I’m not relapsing. Head is banging and I’ve hardly had any sleep. Kept muscle stretching every 5 minutes! I actually thought I’d feel worse this morning but it is only 7am!

      • #36350

        Good luck today Superleo,before you know it another day will be done,well done you!!

        The amount of positivity blows me away sometimes, so much support for people,from people in the know. It’s priceless as we all know very much.

        Good luck all,thinking of all of you!

        Stay strong troops!


      • #36357

        You’ve got this, just be aware the next few days may get a bit worse but it will pass. Keep taking paracetamol for the headaches, kool ‘n’ soothe strips help too ????

    • #36352

      <p style=”text-align: left;”>Well done superleo for getting to day 3 ????????</p>
      Hope the day is kind to you.

      I’ve woken up feeling even more myself today, more energy this morning…. I hope it keeps up now.

      Hope everyone else is doing OK…


    • #36354

      Thank you mark for those kinds words ???? I’m most certain I’m staying on this path now. The only tablet that I’ve taken is a magnesium 1 in the morning…. I’ve even stopped with ibuprofen and paracetamol as the first few days of withdrawl I did take them for the aches… But I’d say 2 weeks with nothing and I’m so proud of myself. Hope you have had a better few days too….

    • #36359


      I did the exact same thing! I told my partner, my mum and I rang my GP surgery on Day 3 and asked them to take everything off repeat. I felt it held me accountable, took away my easy access and it’s actually been the best decision I made. I had 30s on repeat and other things – and I know now that I would have to go back on that and ask which I’m not willing to do.

      Well done everyone – the sneezing drove me mad and the yawning almost done me in but it does settle eventually.

      I am definitely playing less mind games with myself to stay on top of it. I find myself having little conversations with myself throughout the day or whenever I feel an urge. Someone else said on here it helps to speak to yourself out loud and say no and I really believe that. It reinforces and helps rewire the stupid little connections in your brain ????

      Keep reminding yourself that all you are feeling is the silly little synapses in your brain crying! Your body will relearn how to release the dopamine it craves in more organic ways. Another day down and feeling happier every day.

      Standing with you all x

    • #36360

      Your absolutely correct in what you have said stevie…. Im always talking out loud to tell myself they not good for you because that devil in my head is saying just have 1…  Always works for me and I feel lifted when I say it out loud.

      I feel so so much better today ???????? like back to normal life, like before the devil pills.  I feel so much better that I have control over my life now… I do not miss feel groggy etc… I’m more alert these days…

      I can’t believe I’m on day 24 now ????????????

      Stay strong people ????????????????????????

    • #36361

      Hi Again,

      Still on day 30 and reflecting on all our situations, how sad we have to result to telling complete strangers on a forum site when it’s obvious the tablets are destroying peoples lives daily, yet we all can, as I’ve done previously buy multiple boxes to feed my habit after knowing fully well they can be addictive, but no one seems to care?

      Alcohol was a different beast but equally as devastating, I was younger and it had already destroyed my whole life – marriage job family and friends. Yet in a different way was easier to beat than this ‘sh*t’ and I can’t get my head around it?

      I do know some of you guys are at home tonight fighting this addiction and wondering wtf I am doing? But I can tell you it ‘does’ get easier and I know we all can do it.

      Please talk, please be positive, please don’t give up.

      See you on the bright side.





      • #36371

        Hi Access, very valuable information there my friend.

        I was the same with alcohol, seemed soo much easier in funny type of way! I think it was because i wanted to stop, as with most things,havent smoked for 10 years.That seemed alot easier too.Perhaps i have forgotten.

        As Wynter said,it’s the pain side of things that i now see the pills for,especially some days.The OTC medicines work,but other days they do not touch the pain.

        I read somewhere that the pain is a trauma in the head!.Ie if we are in pain for a significant time,the pain is STAMPED into our brains.How true that is i do not know??

        Well done again Access, taming the beast you are!! ????


        You sound like you are through the worst and have emerged like a butterfly on the otherside. I do not think you will have much more physicals just the headwork,but you KNOW where you want to be so am super confident you have beaten the beast too.

        Please troops do not let it back in,  you know it will try to continue to trick you for some time!

        Speak soon guys.

        Stay strong all ????????????????????????????????????????????????


    • #36369

      Hi all, hope this Thursday treats you kind.

      I’m now 16 weeks and 1 day clean, although I could have happily swallowed some pills yesterday for the pain, but I didn’t I preserved ???????? Maybe I should throw them away to take away the temptation, I must like torturing myself ????

      It makes me sad sometimes that when I am in a lot of pain I’m not going to be able to take a strong painkiller to cure it, but then I know where that leads so it’s for the best. But you kind of grieve it in a way if that makes sense  ????????‍♀️


      Keep going guys ????????♥️

      • #36372

        Hi Wynter, your at 16,must be 14 this weekend for me then.Wowzers!

        It is still very fresh in my mind,like you said it is the pain side of things.????‍♂️  not good really.But we DO know where it will lead lass,do we not.

        We have too keep strong an put up with it,seriously we cannot let them back in.

        Stay strong Wynter ????????????????????????????????????????????????


    • #36370

      Amazing access for getting there… How are you fully feeling in yourself now? I’m not far behind you I’m on day 25 today….

      Well done wynter 16 weeks is absolutely amazing… I can’t wait to hit that milestone. I find it crazy how long the cravings can go on for… Well done for pushing through the craving.

      Hope black worrior is getting on OK too?

      • #36374

        Hi All!
        Just popping in to say I’m on day 10 (woohoo!) I’m definitely over the worst of the physical withdrawals (still some chills and sneezing, but nothing distressing). Mentally, I am ok- not craving N+ or thinking of them at all but I am desperate for some sleep. It’s not coming easier despite OTC remedies and melatonin. I get 2-3 hours each night if I’m lucky. When does that get easier? When I do sleep I could wake at the drop of a pin.
        A bit of background- I’ve been self medicating with N+ for a few years due to PTSD. I found the relaxing, sedating affects to soothe the symptoms of PTSD namely, nightmares and anxiety.
        Now, I am left laying awake at night in the silence with just thoughts in my head. I’ve avoided dealing with it all and I couldn’t possibly know where to begin. I have children, a good career in medicine (how ironic!) but with long hours , but I am a single parent so life is super stressful and busy meaning between the N+ and life’s busyness I’ve been able to avoid feeling- literally anything.
        I miss being numb. But, I feel if I got some decent sleep I would come on in leaps and bounds.
        I really admire reading everyone’s journeys. Please don’t ever forget how strong you all are and how the advice and being so open about addiction is highly likely saving lives.
        Much love to you all.

    • #36373

      Hi Kittycat23 and everyone else.

      Day 31

      In all honesty it’s not easy and I knew it wouldn’t be, mornings are still like turning a light on and all my emotions crash back into my head and then I settle down – very scary.

      I’ve always suffered from anexity so fighting this is a rollercoaster I keep telling myself 40 years of Co Codamol taking it everyday is going to mess you up, and it has, my stomach is still turning and churning but my head is better.

      BUT when you realise other people are having the fight and some are far worse it makes you more determined to actually do it for them as much as doing it for me.

      I don’t know you guys but I actually “do” in a strange way because it’s a journey and I want to finish it and end up feeling like ‘me’ my old self.

      Please message talk and stay safe ????




    • #36375

      Hi all!


      Blockwarrior,you are not on your own believe me,with the anxiety side of things with dhc.I think a fair few of us realised after first taking the tablets it helped with anxiety, so that will lead us into a whole new set of problems. Does that make sense? Probalby not worded correctly. Day 10 i think you still may have a little while to go, but stay strong because in all honesty more sleep maybe just around the corner. The void will be filled in time with something better than pills ????

      Access, i think you have smashed it given how long you have been on them! Be just like the alcohol soon,a thing of the past!

      Stay strong all


      • #36377

        <p style=”text-align: left;”>Thanks MarkeyMark ???? I took them years ago for a toothache and loved how everything felt cushioned. It just snowballed from there as we all know.
        I would normally only sleep for 5-6 hours a night it’s how I’ve always been but I miss being able to sleep as soon as my head hits the pillow. I’m thinking maybe a decent book rather than an hour or so of Netflix (which was a great comfort during the physical withdrawals) May have to happen to improve my sleep hygiene.
        Fingers crossed I get some sort of restful sleep tonight. Take care of yourselves! You’re all amazing ????</p>

    • #36378

      Black worrior the sleep thing I can relate to… But trust me you will go to bed 1 night and it will happen where you sleep. I’m sleeping much better now as I did have a few days of the fidgety and restless legs… But it did pass not sure if the magnesium is helping that I take every morning…

      Like you said your awake of a pin drop.. It’s annoying but will slowly come. I’m up a lot earlier than I was before but I said before i don’t mind because I got a good 7hrs sleep and I can get stuff done before the children wake up.

      Access the mornings are the worst for me too. I think once the children are back into school from the holidays I think I may be better with routine etc having a purpose to get up and get on with the day and being self employed I can book more work in with them back in school so my day can fully be booked and I don’t have to sit and feel sorry for myself ????????????????

      Well done to you all for keeping strong and pushing through


    • #36379

      Black Warrior,

      I can completely relate. I have a sleep disorder that affects my sleep/wake cycle which I have always had. I hadn’t even realised that the pills had settled the symptoms but now that I’ve gone cold turkey it is back out in full force and I have struggled.

      It has helped to go back to the old school way of coping with it for me. That includes:

      – Creating a structured routine around bedtime. This looks different for everyone but it helps to find what works for you and stick with it. It helps to set a rough time to start unwinding and preparing your body to sleep. Eventually it’ll associate the things in your routine with bed and naturally start to lower any cortisol levels in the body.
      – You have already mentioned good sleep hygiene and I cannot emphasise this enough. Make sure your space is comfortable. I recommend minimising any lights in the room or turning them off completely – this includes blocking any outside lights with blinds. I think a book or anything other than a screen when you get into bed is a great idea. If you are struggling with noise then you can grab ear plugs from your local pharmacy or use headphones – whatever works best.
      – The biggest thing for me was not giving up. I can wake up periodically throughout the night or struggle to drop off and after a few minutes of trying to sleep I’d get frustrated and reach for my phone or get up completely. It helps to sit in that feeling and not rush yourself further awake or out of bed. It is difficult but the best thing you can do is lay with it and keep trying. You are essentially training your brain to remember that this is a time for sleep and you must counteract the release of cortisol and other neurotransmitters by reminding your body that it is not the time to do so. The only way to do that is to not physically react.

      I don’t know if this helps or not but I am always willing to listen if you want to discuss further.

      Sending you all strength,

      Stevie x

    • #36385

      <p style=”text-align: left;”>Hi all its day 32 – perhaps ‘just’ perhaps?</p>
      So today has been the ‘best’ following my withdraw of Solpedeine.

      But I’m not getting carried away because it works like that.

      I think of you guys daily, struggling with this demon drug.

      If I can do it YOU can do it and if today is anything to go by then the road ahead is certainly brighter.

      Take care keep talking stay strong


    • #36386

      Access that’s amazing to hear about ur day… Fingers crossed you keep up with that feeling… Day 32 wow. Ur doing so well.

      I’ve had a good busy day too which helps so much…. I’ve started to write a to do list for following day.. Motivating me to do more things to keep me active and not let myself fall onto the sofa and feel like I can’t do nothing… Obviously not everyday I can just put myself in the sofa with work etc but I’m finding myself if I have a spare few hours or whatever I just sit down and do absolutely nothing… So motivation is doing my to list now.. Hoping this will work for me.  It’s coming to the end of another day done????????????  day 26 complete ????

      Hope everyone has had a good day

    • #36387

      Hi all!

      It’s great too hear you are slowly getting back to some sort of normality. Seems 2 minutes ago you both started your journey.More or less a month in now! What an achievement! You all should give yourselves a good pat on the back.

      As Access says though be aware.

      It always seems as though i put abit of negativity in my posts,i do not mean too,i just really know how this substance rewires our brains and tries to trick us into taking them again.

      I still think about them regularly, i think it is definitely their painkilling properties, but still there all the same.

      Blockwarrior i hope you are doing ok and continuing your jouney,and sleep is not far away for you.It will come honestly.

      Stay strong troops and try and have a good weekend.



    • #36388

      Hi there,

      access here …day 33 the sun is shining just when the kids are going back to school!!!

      I was right yesterday was pretty good and last night I was thinking … I’ve turned the corner and I felt close to 90% but today has made me realise this ain’t easy, I don’t know about you guys but I seem to have 1 day pretty good then the next slightly back to square one? anxious and stomach churning etc

      I told 2 of my close friends today in conversation and they told me another couple they know are both addicted to these damn tablets!! I felt so much better telling them and they were shocked at 40 years, but they really sympathised with me.

      Anyway it is what it is and we must keep going.

      I’m not negative just realistic.

      Please stay safe ????

      access xx





      • #36389

        Hi Access

        Yes you are right it does seem that way.One step forward two back.Completly normal though our brains work with the opiate for soo long.

        Nice to get it off your chest too!!

        Have a fab weekend man ????



        • #36390

          Thanks Markymark,

          Much appreciated keep the faith
          <p style=”text-align: left;”>????????????????????????</p>

    • #36391

      4 weeks I’ve finally made that milestone ????

      I still can’t believe I’m saying it…
      <p style=”text-align: left;”>Black worrior hope ur sleep is improving for you…</p>
      Access well done ur doing amazing…

      Hope ur OK markmarky too….

      Super proud of u all…

      Keep going guys x


      • #36393

        Whey!! We knew you could do it! What an achievement ???? ????????

        All you require to do now is stay strong!!

        Seriously well done Kittycat!


    • #36392

      Hello everyone. I have read that you’re all working hard with your opiate recovery!
      As you have probably noticed, I have not been on here for a week or so – this is because life gets back to normal and gets much easier after the pills. Anyone who is in that first week and thinking ‘they can’t do it’ – you can! Days 1-5 are the worst then it gets easier. I’m on day 22 and the cravings are not really that bad now.
      When I see that ‘black and white’ backing of pill strips (my wife takes cocodamol for a bulging disk in her back) it does make me think for a moment, however just stay strong and keep going. I forgot how much energy you can have without the tablets.

      Sleep is still a bit hit and miss because I’m not constantly sedated – Phenegran is really good. It’s an antihistamine I believe – ask your doctor for them. I take them most nights and they help keep me asleep. It’s not like ‘knock you out’ – you could fight it if you needed to get up for your kid or whatever, but it certainly helps and I don’t see why you can’t use them long term as they’ve worked for me for years. Anyway, I will stop rambling – you were happy before and will be happier again once you get past that first week. Every day gets a bit easier. Much love 🙂

      • #36394

        Well done that man!! Over the worst now Tramadol, only the headwork left,just stay strong my friend.I use phenergan too.

        Do not let them back in ????

        All the best man



    • #36395

      Hi Team (that’s what we are)

      I have today hit the 5th week mark without those tablets,  I’m not doing days anymore because I believe I’m now doing my best to cut the small steps and move onto larger steps?

      So today I woke up still very anxious and the usual stomach rumblings.

      I switched myself onto full scale jobs to do and I’ve spent the whole day flat out doing stuff.

      It’s 19.25 and I have felt really good today despite the initial start up?

      Yet I sat drinking a cup of tea in my garden and I thought of you guys and people going through cold turkey.

      Is it better when the weather is good and being outside or when you want to hide away and curl up and watch TV.

      Not sure but today felt fairly good


      oh yeah keep going, stay strong, stay safe ????????????

    • #36396

      Hi everyone, I’m just starting day 4. Was struggling with a bad craving in middle of night and found this thread. Been taking codeine in some form for 30 years, managed to get off it for pregnancies but then been on prescription as well as solpadeine for 10 years. I’m really struggling and it’s a wake up call as to wat this stuff has been doing to my insides. But I’m determined to get off it. Think they should take it off over the counter. All the best

    • #36397

      * day 3 not 4, can’t even count at the mo ????

    • #36399

      Afternoon all…

      Access 5 weeks wow ???? well done to you… I’m the same now not the days it’s getting through the weeks ????????

      Absolutely love sunshine so good for the soul ???? I’ve had a good day and plenty of sunshine….

      Welcome lola… You have come to the right place to get you through this everyone here is so supportive… Honestly without writting on here I don’t know how I would of got through it till now… And super well done for you on day 3… You got there already and I’m sure you can absolutely give this devil up….. Stay strong and get the vitamins into you. Hope your OK…..


    • #36400

      Hi all! Welcome lola.Day 3 through 6 is going to be hard,so stay strong,things 100% will get better.You will turn that corner! The amount of people who come through via this site is pretty hard to believe,but it definitely does help!! Just getting how you are feeling out and across helps.Good luck on your journey!

      Access, kittycat absolutely smashing things! I had a similar mindset when i got above 4 weeks.I really had to work it out the other day,as i had forgot.

      It is one helluva journey,somedays i do still crave,but definitely for pain reasons,but they could be trying to trick me still,i do not know,so i will keep on the Ibroprophen i think!

      Stay strong all,nearly another day done ????


    • #36401

      Thanks markymark and kittycat23 I appreciate the encouragement. Not gonna lie it’s been rough today. Had a migraine on top of the stomach trouble, shakes, agitation, cramps. Been making sure to drink plenty after reading that on this thread. The resilience I’ve seen on here is heartening. Hope everyone in this situation gets some rest tonight, just knowing I’m not the only one is such a help.

      • #36402

        Hello all,

        Im so sorry to be saying hello in these circumstances. I’m here because I’m ashamed of who I have become. For the last 20 years I have taken codeine following a long term problem with my bladder. Today I can take anywhere from 20-30 tablets a day. I have made awful choices, had huge financial implications all because I was using codeine to help me at difficult times like bereavement and stress. Decided it time to stop so going to taper as much as I can and then find a drug rehabilitation group and try and beat this. Im scared really scared.

      • #36403

        <span style=”text-align: center;”>Im so sorry to be saying hello in these circumstances. I’m here because I’m ashamed of who I have become. For the last 20 years I have taken codeine following a long term problem with my bladder. Today I can take anywhere from 20-30 tablets a day. I have made awful choices, had huge financial implications all because I was using codeine to help me at difficult times like bereavement and stress. Decided it time to stop so going to taper as much as I can and then find a drug rehabilitation group and try and beat this. Im scared really scared.</span>

    • #36404

      Hello I’m here, day 1 very scared.

    • #36411

      Good morning… Lola just remember this is only temporary… Hope you have woken up feeling OK… You have got this and I’m sure you can push through all this… I’ve woken up myself today full of energy and ready for the day.. Can’t remember this feeling and my god it feels so good ???? you can also get to this point too… I know it probably seems so far away but before long the days turn into weeks….

      Summer winds welcome to this amazing group that I came across whilst I went cold turkey…..

      It’s amazing ur willing to join a group… It’s not gonna be easy but it will be the best thing you do… I know the feeling so well of feeling ashamed… Now turn it around and feel proud your gonna give it up and start your new journey of becoming the old you ????

      Hope everyone is OK…

      Stay strong x

    • #36412

      Hi all! Welcome Summerwinds.

      First of all,please do not be sorry for finding the group! As Kittycat said,it could be the best thing you have done.You are in the right place for support and encouragement. Everyone is really caring and will help you with your journey.I found tapering easier however many prefer it to be over an done with a CT.

      Lola another day on your calendar! These next cple of days will be hard,but you HAVE got this, you have done the start which is just as important as continuing to be free of dhc.You have to want to come off of these tablets,so making that decision is just as important. You have done so well,you really have,keep striking off the days and you will be free in notime.Seriously you should be proud!

      It ss nice to hear you have had a good night Kittycat, and that your motivation is returning!

      Try have a good day all,thoughts and prayers are with you!

      Stay strong troops ????????????????????????????????????????????????





    • #36413

      Hi everyone!
      I’m on day 15 today! Physical symptoms are gone and I’m very pleased to say that since day 11 I have been falling asleep myself and staying asleep. It’s still very strange to me, I still have to be in my own head while I’m nodding off but I’m learning.
      I have cravings today but more emotional than physical if that makes sense?
      Mentally, I don’t feel super but I’m reminding myself that I’ve been numb for a long time and now I have to rewire my brain and learn my triggers to learn new coping mechanisms.

      Hello to the newbies! The one thing that helped me each time was just telling myself get through this day, get through this hour, minute etc I think the mental effects are easier when the physical side effects go.
      Well done to everyone continuing on this journey I really enjoyed reading your updates and it’s given me a boost for today.
      Onwards we go ????

      • #36414

        W’hey Blockwarrior! 2 weeks down,well done that  person ????

        I am so glad you managed to get some sleep! The very next day after your last post! Wow i bet that felt good.Like you say it doesnt half make a difference knowing we have slept.I hope the mental side of things go ok,i am sure they will.Just remember the tricks they play and you will be bombproof!

        The cravings will lessen aswel in time.YOU got this ????

        Stay strong ????????????????????????????????????????????????

    • #36416

      Black worrior a massive well done for you getting to day 15 ???????? I’m so glad sleep is getting back to normal.. I hated the restless nights where I couldn’t sleep was only about 3 days of it but felt a lifetime…. Sleep is so important and does have a huge impact the next day when u have a good few hours kip…

      Cravings for me are up and down 1 minute my mind thinks of them then the next I don’t think of it for a few days…. Blows my mind how they can play tricks on you…

      Hoping as the weeks go on the cravings will dissapear for me ????????????

      To the 1s going through withdrawl at the minute… Good luck and you can do it… Eat bananas.. Take vitamin d and magnesium and drink apple/orange juice and take baths as often as you can… All this helps and even a bit of meditation… I done it for a few days of my withdrawal… I don’t do it now and never even crossed my mind to try it but I did it.


    • #36417

      Hi all. Markymark I am living for your emojis right now they are very motivational! Black warrior and kittycat ur doing so well I can’t wait to be where u are at. I’m not getting enough sleep and I’m struggling to eat anything. Hello summer winds. The feeling of shame is very difficult, but recognising this problem is so brave, we should feel proud. Like u my doctor got me onto the prescription tabs but I was taking over the counter for most of my life. I have CPTSD and until recently a very stressful job, think I’ve been taking these pills to cope. Im scared how I’ll cope mentally as I read u can get depression/anxiety coming off the pills, but been in therapy for a long time so feeling strong. Journalling helps me too. A slightly better day for me today, yesterday was challenging hope I don’t have one like that again. Day 4 nearly done, longest I’ve gone without in 10 years!

    • #36418

      Hi Lola and Kittycat and MarkyMark and summerwinds and blackwarrior and anyone else.

      I’m into the sixth week and when you read this I am saying it with trepidation because yedterday and todsy I felt like this was the beginning of something ‘better’ and dare I say it ‘special’ for all my pain and waking up and reading posts about stomach aches and anxiety and will this end and when? Remembering how bad i felt after day 18 etc and most importantly getting positive feedback from MarkyMark and Kittycat thank you SO much you carried me I really think you did xx

      The reason is …. today I woke up to the alarm no pains a little bit of anexity but nothing I could tell myself to leave me alone.

      Should I write this, I am actually thinking to myself, but please understand this is for the newbies the people who come onto this site to gain hope or gain knowledge it can be done it’s a tough and horrible journey you need to message and talk and BELIEVE …. I believed not only in you guys but myself and I am in a far better place.

      I know you are thinking slow down, I get it, but JUST having these 2 days has been so special and so encouraging for me to carry on.

      I love you guys whoever you are and thanks.

      The journey carries on BUT its getting better and better

      access xxx

    • #36419

      Day 24 almost done and dusted. Proper down feeling – not sure why. Had a couple of moments at work thinking ‘this would be better if I had that buzz’ – it goes to show that this is a long term thing and not to get complacent and think ‘I’ll just have one’.

      The good news is that it wasn’t a physical craving and they have all but gone – just my mind coping with ‘new’ situations (that we always coped with before you ever tried a pill) again. I did binge on junk food for three weeks after I quit so perhaps that’s it as I’ve been healthy the past two days.

      Anyway, moan over – I keep telling myself ‘if you can do one day – you can do this one and the next’. This is the same for everyone here regardless of if it’s day 1 or day 100.

    • #36420

      So here I am, I think I should say hi. My life is a complete mess. I feel anxious and stressed. My parents died, then my brother died, then my husband and I separated, then we went through court, then had to move out with girls, find a new home, start a new job and been stressed financially too. All this time I have been wrongly taking codeine to get me through. At my height it was 840 mg a day (28 tablets), I have now dropped to 12 tablets and the race is on to get off them. I have booked in with a council group but the waiting list is long. So it’s just me on my own for now. I thought I would do a big jump to 12 a day and hold it there for a week, and then get down to 8 a day and then a sensible timescale off. I feel scared to go cold turkey as I need to go to work and look after the girls. I’m absolutely shattered from the drop – I’m in bed by 9pm!reading the thread there are a few of us that are on the list with huge amounts of the drug in our bodies. I think I have a battle to stay on track. I have one friend who knows I’m here. He is amazing and never judges me. I’m totally ashamed. I’m a complete idiot, not sure why I thought it was a sustainable way to live your life. So for now it’s day to day. This is my journey to beat this drug. I do feel alone, but I’m determined to change my life for my girls.

    • #36421

      wow this is incredible, Lola, mark, kitty cat…this is amazing. You are all doing so well!! Thank you so much for having me. I don’t feel as alone now I know you really know what I’m going through. I think if I had carried on I would have lost the house or ended up in prison – because everything was focused on affording the drug. Now I’m getting down to gp levels and they are prescribing once a week – which is pretty embrassing in itself. You are all doing SO well. I need to be strong like you. I’m a ceo of a large charity so I can’t not function and a single mummy. So I guess I need to taper and function. I’m on day two of dropping from 28 to 12. Yesterday was ok, I did feel it, I was yawning and exhausted but I could function. Today I have the children back at school and a big meeting at work. Thank you all, and keep going. You are like trail blazers to me. I’m so impressed and thank you for welcoming me. Love Summerwinds

    • #36422

      Honestly guys you think when you start the journey, your alone… When your really not… All the roller coaster of things happening are gonna come to an end…. I always sat and read when people was past a week and it took forever in my eyes to get there when after the initial week goes… Everyday becomes easier and the days you mark off goes so quick… Not everyday was same don’t get me wrong… Everyday was different and I’m sure you will find the same too. Now when I read people starting their journey I feel so happy for them because it can be done. Doing it myself and being where I am now today… You really should all be proud of yourselfs. And like I keep saying if I didn’t talk out on this thread and get it off my chest I probably would of struggled much more. Still doing it alone without family/friends knowing my situation….

      Your eating/sleeping will all return… Eat little bits with the start of withdrawl… I found the last 2 weeks my appetite is back normal… It’s nice to feel I put some weight on as I lost so much weight.

      Access, tramodol, lola, summer winds, blackworrior and also wynter… you have all smashed another day be proud and keep on going…..

      Markymark your amazing with your positivity to the group.. And your smashing your way through the weeks…

      Have a great day and keep strong

    • #36423

      <p style=”text-align: left;”>Hi all, having a slump and real bad cravings to thought I’d get on here. Reading your thoughts and resilience is such a tonic. Access and tramadol you are doing so amazing, wow! Summer winds, wat a difficult time, you are doing sooo well to work, look after kids and deal with this. I tapered off over a month, by the end was only on 4 tablets when decided to go cold turkey. 1st 4 days were rough but this is forcing me to look after myself rather than pop pills, something that doesn’t come naturally. Hope u all have some time to enjoy the sun today and thanks to you all for being there and understanding x</p>

    • #36430

      Dear Lola, you keep going. I need you too! It tells me this can be done. Thank you for dropping in today Lola and kittycat. So I’m day two down to 12 from 28. I have kept to my quest, very very tired, had to pull over on the way back from work. I think you are right, get to 4 and take the jump. Im pretty sure I couldn’t do that from 28!! Even getting down to 12 feels dodgy. My next goal is 8. To get back within the recommended guidelines. What do you all think? I can believe that some of you tell nobody, it’s the shame and embarrassment. I definitely feel that. But then I come on here either end of the day and I know I have a pocket of friends to pull me through. We can and will do this. Keep going ❤️

    • #36431

      Ps Lola I’m following your model…was end anybody crazy enough to be on the same levels as I was? Hoping to hear a success story!!! Pps kitty Kat.,.thank you. I loved your post. HH

    • #36432

      Just had a realisation that I think I can drop a little more. I’m going to try to get to 10 a day tomorrow. I’m really going to try tomorrow. I will take same dose in the morning so I can work and in the evening take less when I’m sleeping. This is my plan. I think I can do this. I’m trying ❤️

    • #36438

      Ur doing so well summerwinds! Ur already helping ur body by reducing. I found each time I dropped down it seemed to take 3 days to start to adjust. I wasn’t on as much as yourself but I’ve been on these things since I was a kid as parents got me on them but that’s another story. So my body doesn’t seem to know how to function without. Today was day 5 for me, ive seen some improvement, managed to eat a little but terrible cravings.  Did anyone have tinnitus during withdrawal, I’ve always got it wen I’ve taken higher doses but seems strange I’ve got it bad now? Reduced caffeine today in hope of getting sum sleep so felt real tired but nearly another day thru.

    • #36439

      Well done guys another day done for you both…. Summer winds well done on reducing from what u have been taking its such a massive improvement….. You can do it…

      Lola hope the cravings subsided for u this evening now…

      Fingers crossed you get some sleep… Once the sleeping is on track… You will feel a bit more better… Any reducement is good… So keep doing what ur doing Lola and when u feel like u can reduce again… You really are doing amazing guys…

      Hope you all manage to get some sleep

    • #36440

      <p style=”text-align: right;”>Good morning guys, it’s that time when I reach out to you all and say hello.  Lola day 5 is just amazing, in fact it’s day 6 today. I’m very jealous. I think you are a month ahead of me. . Never be tempted back that process has been so hard and you are doing so well. I’m so impressed. Kitty cat how are you doing?  Well it’s day three  dropping to  10 today and I may need to hold it there for a few days,  to be honest it’s not been too difficult. I do wonder if that’s the progablin low doses that I take but who knows. I think I will start to feel things today. Dropping from 28 -10 in three days may be the limit…may  need to hold it there for  a  while. If I didn’t have a big job  and children I would just go cold turkey until I was done. But for me it’s a slow snail road! Every day this stuff is in my body I don’t feel like myself –  and how much of that stuff I have taken is shameful. I would like me children to get to know the real me – so I’m working on that. For now it’s day three from to ten let’s try it out, hugs for surviving a hot day – keep going ….drink little and often Lola xx</p>

    • #36442

      Hi all

      Jist popping in to see how you are all doing.

      Everyone seems to be okay an d continuing the battle.

      Well done guys!! Seriously well done.

      Summerwinds,i tapered from 12 dhc,2 dropped per week untill i was on 6 then 1 a week.

      I still had withdrawals though.Even went from 1 to none.The cravings were nowhere near as bad as when i had previously done CT though.

      All of you give inspiration to each other who are scared to start the journey, so remember you will always be helping someone when you post,even if you feel it is negative,get it typed out.

      Hope you all have as good a day as possible,thoughts are with you all!

      Stay strong all ????????????????????????????????????????????????

    • #36445

      <p style=”text-align: left;”>Hi everyone. Nearly another day ticked off. Unfortunately no decent sleep last night again, it’s really hitting me now and I’m exhausted. On the plus side managed to eat a bit more today. Still got cold symptoms but managed to get on with a few jobs today. Had less strong cravings but feel a bit down like somethings missing which it is I guess. Have a good evening everyone ????</p>

    • #36446

      Good evening all. Hope everyone has managed to get through today…..

      Well done Lola for another day getting through… It’s tough but ur doing it I really hope the sleep does come soon for you… It’s honestly nothing worse when your absolutely shattered and you just can’t go sleep. It’s good to hear you ate a little more. It will all return slowly… Like sleep it will just click.

      Much love to you all

    • #36447

      Keep going Lola, kitty cat, markymark…keep going. Lola you are such an inspiration, and I know this is exhausting – but you are achieving so much, hour by hour day by day. You are almost there. Keeping running in the right direction. The cravings will stop, you can beat this ❤️

      Im up in the middle of the night. Day 4 of reducing from 28-12. Think I found my limits to being able to function. So I will probably focus on holding the ship steady at 12 a day for a few days. Started to feel pretty horrendous to be honest. I was driving to work with cold and hot, needles across my skin, and the voice, just take a few more…but I haven’t. For 20 years that voice has never left me, I suspect it will be a life long commitment to staying off this poison and not falling back into dark ways<span style=”-webkit-tap-highlight-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0);”>. I am lonely, I’m down. I wish I could just have the opportunity to live a normal life, and enjoy the smaller things.  Not sure why I thought it was an acceptable way to deal with bereavement and loss…then stress. It’s almost that I learnt nothing in life about being truly resilient. So this is my post, I’m down, fed up, lost, tired, guilty, ashamed….but if my mum was still alive she would tell me to add these words too: trying to recover, finding a new way, perseverance, honest and determined. I would say something has clicked in me to bring this train to a stop. So this is my fight, and I need to keep going. I have a feeling there are going to be some truly low days ahead. Hope you all are fast asleep and peaceful. Stay strong, you can do this. I believe in you. </span>

    • #36448

      Hi summerwinds, wish I had checked this thread last night I think I was awake the same time as you. About 4 hours sleep for me last night so very tired again. Nearly the weekend. You’ve made a massive change reducing to wat you have done. Theres no rush to lower again your doin so gud. Hope everyone is having a gud day. I might be out of touch over the weekend but will be thinking of and rooting for you all x

    • #36450

      Thanks Lola, I did sit there wondering in the middle of the night who else was up trying to get through the night. I hope sleep comes to you soon Lola. I think I got excited reading all your posts and started wanting to just join in and be there in the same moment. Then I realise I’m still at 12 – so depressing. But it’s better than 28 which was five days ago. I can function, and go to work and love the children on this amount, so perhaps stabilise out on 12 for two weeks and then drop to 8, 6, 4 and CT. I’m coming, I’m chasing the start line. I promise, I’m following you all. By mid October I will be ready to go CT and jump for the last bit. I hope I can do it. Be amazing. So to all of you, please keep going. I love to read your stories, it inspires me and helps a lot. Stay safe, H

    • #36452

      Apologies that I’m posting twice a day, trying to stay focused and strong. Today I’m going to try a drop a bit more, I’m feeling a lot better and had some sleep. So I’m going to try for 10. Which sounds silly, but five days ago I was on 28 30mg. Not sure how that is even possible when I think about it. So it’s 10 today, and I will report back in on what happens. But for now, the sun is rising, girls are safe, and I’m trying my best to be a better person. Hope everyone is safe. If you are reading this then keep going, you will have your life back soon. Love SW

    • #36453

      <p style=”text-align: left;”>Hi all!</p>
      <p style=”text-align: left;”>I hope this finds you in a little better place.</p>
      You are doing so well,all of you.

      Summerwinds becareful of dropping by more,i think your body is using up what is stored in the fat in your liver.I read that somewhere. You are doing so well,i wouldnt want you falling because you have gone too quick. That is a huge amount to cut out in 5 days,in my eyes you should be well in the throws of withdrawal,however we are all different,so do what works for you! I doff my cap to your effort,well done!!

      Lola nearly on a week, i bet you never thought you would get here! Amazing job! So pleased you are able to eat a little and get a little sleep.Smashing it!

      Kittycat good luck on the rest of your journey, stay strong and never forget how DECEIVING the pills can be! They try and grab you when you least expect it.

      I have had a bad few days pain wise,and wanted the relief,however i stuck with the big pink Ibroprophen and that helped a little.I really did start to think its been ages now,they won’t affect me.I stayed strong,i do not know where the strength came from,but i am glad it did.

      Speak soon all,thinking of you all and sending positive vibes to you to help the weekend!

      Stay strong troops! ????????????????????????????????????????????????

    • #36454

      Hey guys, just a quick question, I’ve currently been off the codeine now for 14 days today, however my stomach still hasn’t settled properly and I’m.still getting pretty watery stool.some days are better than others…I’m still not sleeping great either, and sneezing a lot still. Has anyone else had these ongoing things for as long as I have, or should I perhaps be looking at getting a checkup?

      Thanks for any advice

      • #36455

        Hi Winewicket

        All the things you mention are completely normal unfortunately. Our bodies take awhile to start working properly again without codiene. Codiene or any opiate rewires our brains slightly.

        You should start to have some normal feelings sometime soon.

        I think it was Wynter whose doctor said the timeline is anything up till 6 weeks is normal.So all your symptoms are completely normal.I still had tummy troubles at 6-7 weeks. 2 weeks is awesome though,you have done soo well,you really have! You should start to settle down over the next cple of weeks.

        Stay strong my friend!!


    • #36456

      Just checking in – lovely to hear stories of people dropping their doses and others being completely clean for days and weeks.

      Four weeks exactly for me at some point this afternoon – had some dreams about taking pills and some ideas that ‘it would be good to feel high again’. However, the feeling is only temporary and if anyone else is thinking this – it really isn’t worth it.

      Each day you remain sober is another day of healing – remember the constipation, mood swings, clock watching, headaches, prescription anxiety – you’re a slave to the drug, and after the buzz wears off you’re only taking it to feel normal. Remember the reasons why you wanted to stop in the first place – they’re all still there regardless of what tricks your mind plays on you about ‘only using occasionally’ – Keep strong my friends!!!

      • #36466

        Hi Tramadol

        So glad you have made it through! You really have done amazing! Well done!! ???? ????

        Stay strong my friend!

        Am soo pleased people can see the tricks they try to play too! You may think it is worth it,for a second or 2,but like Tramadol says it really is not!

        Awesome! Stay strong man ????????????????????????????????????????????????


    • #36464

      Hi guys,

      argh! I wrote twice and both disappeared!! So I will give a short version! Firstly lovely to hear markymark, wine racket and tramadol are staying strong…keep up the amazing work. Markymark I did wonder that myself. The only thing I can conclude is that I have been taking 300mg of pregabalin for a neuropathic condition for years, and looking at the research – there appears to be a relationship between withdrawal symptoms and pregabalin. So I suspect that might be the case?? I don’t know, but I do know I’m determined to stop both. It is also with saying I do have skin crawling, some anxiety and tiredness..but the worst of it seems to be taken away?? So today is day six and I’m going to keep going slowly down, I agree with you markymark on not going too far too quickly. I’m hoping to be around 9-10 today. Will report back tonight. But I hope so. Love to all SW

    • #36465

      Good morning all.

      5 weeks for me today ???? how come the days was so slow in the beginning and now the weeks are flying by….

      I honestly feel so much better for it… The cravings are slowly getting less… Still sneezing but not as much….

      Well done on you lot on cutting down and ones who are getting through the weeks…. Keep going….

      Hope you all have a great day

    • #36467

      Hi all

      5 weeks Kittycat, wow that has gone quick! Like you say,wish the first week was the same! You will stay have “meh” days but try and treat them as just that!

      Everyone is doing so well, achieving everything you have set out to do! Amazing work,really it is! It does give me a lift seeing people come through the otherside Never forget its a war not a battle.They had us once,i can guarantee they will try again!

      Summerwinds, you know yourself and how much you can cope with.The pregablin will help with alot of the symptoms apparently. Restless legs, anxiety ect from what i have just read.Just go easy on yourself.

      Blockwarrior are you ok,how is your journey going,hope all is well ????

      Have a good rest of the weekend troops and stay strong all!



      • #36468

        Hi Everyone!

        Im so glad to see everyone progressing, this group really motivates me and keeps me going. I’m now in day 20! 3 full weeks off codeine! That isn’t new because I’ve done this before, even got to 10 weeks but what I notice now is I have no urge to get codeine. Whereas before I’d say, Awh just one box. It’s never just one box!!

        Unfortunately, sleep still isn’t coming easy for me I did think it was back to normal but it’s not and like others I still have watery BM and no appetite. I think I’ll start a tonic to try build myself up.
        Either way, things are going ok and I think any day where I don’t take codeine is a good day regardless of the circumstances.
        Have a lovely Sunday everyone and be super proud of yourselves!

    • #36472

      Listen to all your stories, it’s amazing. Your strength and courage is super inspiring. I’m finding the weekends tough, I guess during the week work keeps me busy…but I’m still going. On 10 today. Tomorrow I will try 9 or 10 again. I just want to get to zero and then start the countdown. I hope I can do this, I feel a new loath for those white tablets. Stay safe. Hugs to you all. Keep up the good work ❤️

    • #36476

      Morning gang…

      Summerwinds you will do it.. And you can do it… Your doing so well now cutting down… That’s a big step.

      Well done black worrior. I’m same I have no urge to go get some off the Dr.. I have a repeat prescription and I have no intention of popping it into the Dr’s to get any.

      Thank you markymark. Your definitely right… I won’t loose this war… I’m 100% sticking with my guns and never gonna fall into that trap with them…

      Hope everyone is OK and keeping going on their journey… You can do it and keep pushing through

    • #36477

      Hi folks, been off the thread a few days, it’s gud to come back and see how amazing everyone is doing. Day 10 for me, pleased with that! Still getting bad digestive issues but that seems to be the norm. Finding the cravings still come when I least expect it but managing ok. Finally got a decent night’s sleep, only woke once for half an hour so feelin better for that. Still got terrible tinnitus it’s driving me nuts. Relieved to be thru the worse but really realised it’s a marathon not a sprint. Have a gud afternoon everyone x

    • #36478

      Arghh listening to your stories….Lola, kitty cat, markymark, black warrior…I would love to be you now. It’s incredible. You have all come out the other end. Feels like a long time away for me. Today I did 10 again, tomorrow 9 and then will see how I get on. It takes a lot to keep my mind off those tablets. At work I am busy and every minute filled – had some withdrawals today…tiredness, yawning, craving…prickles on my arms…but otherwise I’m ok. Still in one piece. I feel like I need to take the next step and get to 8. I had 8 as my first target – it would be the first time I’m within the limits of acceptability! Perhaps Wednesday is that day. I will let you know. Never again will I do this. I’m totally stupid for having let it be my crutch. So for now I say goodnight, keep up the good work. I’m proud of you all. SW

    • #36479

      Hi all, sorry I’ve not been on for a while, I’ve being having a bit of a rubbish time with anxiety.

      Reading all your posts makes me so proud of you all. Everything you are feeling and going through is completely normal, so just keep telling yourself that. I’m coming up to 18 weeks clean now and even with the anxiety I have no cravings whatsoever.

      You are all awesome, keep telling yourselves that xx

      • #36480

        <p style=”text-align: center;”>Hi Wynter! Really sorry too hear about your anxiety.Mine is the same in all honesty.I wake up in the morning an its there already,i have to keep telling myself it will get better in time,it is horrendous is it not.We just have to keep battling,we really do Wynter.I know how hard that is i really do.I have always had anxiety of some description, i just never knew what it was for a long long time.So i suppose it was always going to rare up.</p>
        Thoughts are with you and hope you start to get some relief soon.

        Take care of yourself Wynter!


        • #36482

          Thanks Marky, I’m the same, I feel a bit calmer at night than in the mornings it’s right back like you say. It’s no fun but like you say we have to keep fighting.  I’ve always had anxiety issues too, and firmly believe it’s nothing to do with withdrawal and more about dealing with life not numb if that makes sense. Just in case anyone is stressing that they will have anxiety for a long time like me.

          Anyway onwards we must go ???????? hope you’re doing well ????

          • #36486

            Hi Wynter, yes I feel the same unfortunately,i am learning more tools to help, but nothing takes it away once it rears its ugly head! I think we somehow feel safer in the evenings?? Don’t really know if i am honest.Try have a good day Wynter thoughts are with you.



    • #36481

      Hi all!

      I hope everyone is having a good as a day as possible!

      You are all doing so well there is not alot i can say,you have all taken the site on and giving awesome advice and help to all.

      Stay strong all


    • #36483

      Struggling today. Have kept the course but I’m struggling with covid on top!! Keep going troops. As Wynter said…light at the end of the tunnel. I’m on day 7 of taper, it’s slow and boring. But hoping I can make a reasonable jump soon. Thinking of you all love SW

      • #36484

        Ohh Summerwinds, not nice to hear you not well with it,i think you knew it was always going to happen.You have done so amazing,you really have! Give yourself a huge pat on back! and stick at a number for a whole week so as too give your body a break.I know you want it all over,but whats a few weeks compared to the rest of your life.(have said that before a few times haha) Then when your feeling a little stronger go again ???? you got this you really have,just give yourself time.

        Stay strong ????????????????????????????????????????????????

    • #36487

      Hi there,

      Just checking in on everybody I’m not feeling great to be honest ???? BUT not giving up just reached the 6 week mark and whilst inside I feel very positive my body is not agreeing to move forward but I am my late 60s.

      40 years of these damn tablets day in day out I keep telling myself so what did I expect?

      Don’t give up people because it is better, much much better but I can only describe as having a best friend who you loved but they’ve  been deceiving you all along, someone who made you feel good about yourself and now you realise this person needs to go completely, I can only describe it as a kind of grief. I wish I’d never met them and I now hate them and this is how I deal with it.

      It’s still a rollercoaster for me but there are more ups than downs, the nights and sleep are amazing I dream so vivid.

      Please please stay strong each of us is in a battle and we must win it.


      • #36507

        Hi Access, sorry i havnt been on in awhile.

        You have done really really well to get to the 6 week stage!! Please thank yourself,you have had a lifetime of those pills so it is one helluva achievement you have made. I still have my very bad days and I’m at 16-17 weeks.Anxiety,pain,you name it, and it has been present! So please just stick with it,it will get better it has too. There is a thing called PAWS,post accute withdrawal i think it stands for or protracted, am not sure, however it is basically the withdrawal lasting months rather weeks. It can happen so llease stay strong, you have smashed the last 6 weeks,you got this! Take care man and hope things get easier for you.


    • #36488

      Hi all, been having some anxiety and wanted the pills a few times. Wrote a list of things to do as an alternative to codeine which has helped me today. Been getting bad indigestion every day, I’m sure it’s from starting to eat again but my system isn’t quite adjusted. It’s interesting to see how many of you also have anxiety. Hope u all have a good evening, keep going everyone x

    • #36491

      First time on this site, I’m 3 weeks off hydromorphone and it feels like life has no joy. All the things that used to make me happy, that I used to enjoy are just gone. I feel void. When does it start to get better? It’s like my body can’t feel pleasure, and I’m worried that’s what will make me go back.

      • #36508

        Hi Newlife

        Things will get better,your brain has to get used to how it performed without codiene.It will take a little time i am afraid.

        I read somewhere that after 4 months our brains start producing the dopamine naturally,walking and exercise is going to help you.,in the meantime.4 months is the longest i think,normally you will start to feel some kind of happiness and positivity after a month or 6 weeks ish.

        Have to google the piils you are on as i have not heard of that one.

        Stay strong you got this!


    • #36492

      Hi all, summerwinds hope u r feeling better today, COVID that sucks hope u doing ok. Ur doing so well to stay off whilst unwell. Access 6 weeks is brilliant! Keep going everyone. I’ll be at the two week mark tomorrow ???? been socialising a bit more – without codeine – which was a big deal for me and it’s been gud. I’m mainly getting the anxiety late at night which is a horrible feeling but getting thru it. Hi new life, well done on 3 weeks ur ahead of me I’m at 2 but from prescription codeine. I think it’s different for everyone, 3 weeks is still early days but ur well on the road just keep going. I find this thread really motivational everyone has been lovely on here. Have a gud evening everyone x

    • #36501

      Sorry only now checking in… I was logged off and it wouldn’t let me log back in….. Finally back in now though…

      Today is my 6th week without codiene… Feels so strange not to be taking anything other than vitamins… I feel so good for it.

      Hope everyone is still going strong wether it’s reducing or are off the tablets completely…

      You can do this… Keep strong guys and keep pushing through.


    • #36506

      Hello everyone, I’m just about standing! Oh gosh I had covid and then the girls got covid so it’s been pretty horrible here. But I’m on the mend, so back to the hard work! I hope you are all getting on well. Lola – the list idea is great, has it helped? I think I may have a think too..for too long it’s been easy to reach for the pills to cope. I’m so impressed with how well you are getting on. Such an achievement keep it up. Markymark!!! That will be me when I reduce down towards the very end…I know it’s coming too!! For now that was covid. But I will keep you in the loop. My progress has been dreadful. I’m stuck at the station on 12 tablets, I was too poorly on covid to add much more into the mix, so I will start again now im on the mend. I’m hoping to drop down a pill a day for as long as I can tolerate it and then stop. I think the final 8-0 will be horrible. But will let you know. Thank you all for being there. This thread has saved my life. SW

    • #36509

      Hi all,

      Summerwinds give yourself a break this week,seriously you will feel better when you decide to cut down again.Your body needs to be in a good place.You WILL get down to 8,just give yourself time. Please.

      Lola doing awesome too,as are you all!! Stay with it and you will be right soon enough.The Anxiety sucks does it not.

      Kittycat think you are on the home straight! Socialising aswell, wow you are getting to a good place! Chuffed for you,really am.

      I will say this again,DO NOT let them pills even have a thought,they will continue to try an trick you.Well they still try to do me!

      Stay strong all ????????????????????????????????????????????????



    • #36524

      Hi all, well done kittykat 6 weeks is tremendous! I had a difficult day today, was in a lot of pain and would have used to have taken a lot of codeine to get thru it. But I stuck it out and am determined not to go down that path again. Summerwinds, yes used my list again to help me get thru today it helps me wen I’m too overwhelmed to think straight. Glad ur coming thru COVID uv dun so well to not take a lot more pills during that. Keep going everyone x

    • #36525

      Morning all,

      Well done lola for not going to codeine that’s a huge achievement in it self when ur in pain and want them to ease pain.

      Thank you markymark.

      I’m still up and down on my energy. Went to gp and they took some blood so I’m being investigated now as my red blood cells are low so could possibly be low iron which is why I’m feeling the way I am. Yet I’m taking all multivitamins everyday..  So hopefully when they get this sorted I will have lots more energy ????????

      Keep going people. You can do this


    • #36537

      Hi all!

      I hope everyone is having a good weekend.I know things are tough but you are all doing superb!

      Keep going,it will get better.

      Just a quick post to day i am thinking of you all and i am sending strength vibes to you all!

      Stay strong troops! You got this!


    • #36538

      Good morning everyone! I hope everyone is managing ok and staying free from codeine.
      I can’t believe I’ll be 5 weeks free of codeine tomorrow! I remember writing here when I was 5 days in. Massive achievement for me.
      I still get cravings so it is a daily battle which I assume will continue for a long time but I’m sleeping again and eating well.
      The days just fly by in the blink of an eye which is great.
      Thinking of you all on this journey.

    • #36540

      Good afternoon all.

      Black worrior. Oh my god its flying by so glad ur managing to stay codiene free ???? well done you must be so proud of yourself. The cravings will always catch you out. Mine are getting less now last week or more. Which I don’t even think of now. I’m 7 weeks today which I can not even believe myself. So rewarding when you hit your milestones….

      I hope everyone is managing OK too….

      Take it easy and look after yourselves


    • #36542

      Hi guys,

      I am just about to enter week 8 never thought I’d say that but on the flip side I wish I could get rid of my anxiety ???? it’s still really making mornings tough unless I actually do something from the minute I wake up and my head starts to kick in.

      I still get issues with my stomach but I’m guessing it’s linked to my anxiety and tension.

      I do feel so much better not planning trips to chemists and having rebound headaches.

      So as they say time is the healer.

      Access xxx

    • #36544

      Hi all, sorry I’ve not been posting but I’m still around and check in if anyone needs support.

      If you’re just starting out on your journey be kind to yourself, rest as much as possible and keep hydrated. Reach out if you are struggling.

      To everyone who has been clean for a few weeks, I’m so proud of you all! Keep going you are amazing

      Marky my buddy who was there with me when it was rubbish,  I hope you’re doing good.


      Sending love and hugs to all ❤️

    • #36545

      Hi all!

      Access you have done amazing to get to week 8!! I still get tum issues and awful anxiety too.As you said from the moment you wake up! We just have to keep plodding on,in the hope that one day it will just go.

      Hi Wynter!! That seems like so long ago now! I think we forget just what we had to go through.Was hell wasnt it.Like so many have said,you never think you will get through it, but you do!! Nice to hear from you Wynter,still fighting the good fight!

      Blockwarrior, kittycat lola you are doing so well,stay strong and dont let them back in your life,and as Wynter said,go easy on yourselves and give yourself a good pat on the back for getting this far!!!

      Stay strong all ????????????????????????????????????????????????




    • #36546

      <p style=”text-align: left;”>I dont even know where to start. This is my first time admitting I have a problem, I guess I’ve been using codeine on and off (more on thought) for nearly 4 years, if not longer. Im only in my 20s. I’m currently 2 days clean, slightly involuntarily because I’m sick at the moment and had to take lemsips to deal with my cold symptoms and was scared to take more paracetamol on top of those, but now my not taking it is voluntary. I dread to think how my insides are doing after all this time.
      Basically because I am sick at the moment, I don’t know where my symptoms start and my withdrawals end.
      Nobody knows about this, I’m so scared and embarrassed of how my family and friends would react, so I’m going through this all alone and I’m terrified. I still live at home with one of my parents and I’m worried that if i take too long to recover from my illness they’ll start to get worried sick and I can’t do that to them.
      I was taking the max dose of neurofen plus and solpadeine max pretty much every day, I never took more than recommended, is there any hope for me?</p>

    • #36547

      Good afternoon,

      Marble your in the right place coming here to off load and admit your problem that’s a really good start. I’m with you on this as I done it alone and still 7 weeks on no one knows. I don’t think I could tell anyone either. Maybe years to come I might. I wrote on here pretty much everyday through my withdrawl as helped me so much. The days start off really long but trust the process. It’s honestly the best thing that I’ve done. Make sure your taking vitamins as in the start it helped me a lot. Eat bananas. You have 2 days already and that’s amazing.. It’s about pushing through now. You really can do it.

      Acssess, wynter and marky mark. Glad your holding up too. Nice to hear off you all. Your all doing amazing.

      Keep going guys x

      • #36548

        Thank you so much for the words of support, even just getting through to the end of the week seems impossible but I’m gonna stick it out. I deserve this, I deserve to get better. It’s just extra hard as I’m autistic and hate changes in my routine. I already take antidepressants and a multivitamin everyday so i think i should be alright on that front at least.

        Im just so glad I came across this group and feel like I’m actually gonna hold myself accountable now!

    • #36549

      You really can do it… Maybe start another routine if its structure you need.. Maybe throw in a little walk everyday so your focused on do that perhaps? I know you may not feel up to doing it but push through the feeling and you will get better.
      <p style=”text-align: left;”>You definitely do deserve to be better and free from the devil pill. It takes over your life. Now you can take over your life without it in. And be free from it. And you will feel so much better in the coming days/weeks.</p>
      Keep re reading this thread.. That’s what I done constantly. Always write your feelings even if it’s on this group. Everyone is very supportive here. They helped me get through it and is still continuing to do so.

      You really can do it marble x

    • #36554

      Hi all, not been posting for a bit but still off the codeine. Hi marble, you can do this! I’m still having some digestive issues but gradually getting there. It seems to be when I’m busy and not taking enough care of myself I start to want the codeine but I’m determined to stay off. Keep going everyone, we can do this x

    • #36555

      Hi there,

      I Hope you are all holding up at this moment in time because this isn’t an easy journey but on certain days it’s worth what we’re doing 100% please keep it up.

      I just want to just say that each day is different the last 3 days I wrote in my daily diary as plain … s*it.

      BUT today I woke up early feeling really positive really good really how I want to feel, I was a bit emotional because I actually hate myself for what I’ve put myself through.

      Saying that I know we are making the right choice, all of us going through this because today has made me more determined to keep going not only for me but for you guys out there too.

      If I can prove to just 1 person that this recovery is the right one then its worth it.

      Stay strong please ????

      Access xxx


    • #36567

      Hi all!!

      Welcome Marble,as Kittycat says you are in the right place.

      I think if you can have a different kind of structure you will fly through this.You mentioned never taking above the daily dose.If that is the case and it is otc medicine i think your withdrawal physically should be over quite quickly.However it seems alot of us suffer more mentally afterwards so keeping strong is a must.You can and will do this! Sending positive vibes and thoughts!

      Access, i know exactly what you mean! I really do think our bodies are still adjusting, been on a high dose for so long.It must be surely. We must keep plodding on as you say it is 100% worthit without the pills!

      I have noticed i get seasonal bugs now! Never so much as a  cold in years then now i get every bug my daughter brings home.????‍♂️

      Lola and Blockwarrior still fighting,great to hear from you both. You will soon have this beat! There are so many of you that have come through the otherside,proper inspiring!

      Well done all!

      Stay strong troops ????????????????????????????????????????????????

    • #36572

      Hi people,

      Just checking in to say I’m still doing my best to stay on course with avoiding these destructive tablets now into 9 weeks but funny enough not feeling proud of myself just carrying on with life, very strange.

      Bit concerned I’ve not seen anyone else on here so wondered if I’m not seeing any posts?

      I really hope you guys are OK and getting through this?

      No one really understands ???? only you


    • #36573

      Good evening all,

      I’m currently 8 weeks and still pushing through.

      Well done access… I know that feeling well. It’s very odd sense of feeling ain’t it.

      I really hope everyone is OK.

      I got logged out again and couldn’t get back on for some reason. But finally back on again. It’s done it before too.

      Thinking of you all going through this or thinking of giving it up.

      Kitty x

    • #36575

      Hello all.

      I’m a total idiot.

      I just started having 4 30mg once a day with my last glass of wine to sleep better when a friend gave me a box.

      Can anyone let me know if they think I’ll have the full lovely four week experience? Or will it be shorter as it hasn’t been years?

      Been on them about 4 months. I didn’t even enjoy the stuff much.

      The withdrawal is really fucking nasty even for a newby taking very little like me.

      Gave up 4 days ago and haven’t slept a wink. If I start to fall asleep a massive wave of fear slides over me and I have a panic attack and gasp for air for ten seconds. I timed on my phone and this is happening every two minutes through the night.

      I’m now sitting in my car (upright gives me less panic attacks) between 12am and daylight to ignore the nighttime.

      Best of luck to everyone. What a dark dark thing.

      Cocaine is a synch to get off by comparison.


    • #36576

      <p style=”text-align: left;”>I would like to send a special message of love to all of us who were up all night last night getting off this awful stuff.</p>
      You are not alone.

      Day 5 for me.

      Please share your tales of woe and strife.



    • #36577

      Welcome len. Well done for getting to day 5.. Sleep is probably the worst part of it but you will find that 1 night going to bed you will just fall asleep and your pattern is all back to normal. The panic attack side don’t sound fun. Maybe worth a visit to gp maybe they can give you something as could be anxiety. It is a very dark thing but once your body get rid of it all you will start to improve and feel more you.

      This is a good place to be on going through withdrawl. Does any family members know and do you have the support around you?


      • #36587

        Thank you very much.

        I’m almost there with sleep last night was a bit easier (I could stay in bedroom at least though I’m waking up 30 times.)

        Yes I have a lovely wife who knows all about it and is being as supportive as she can.


    • #36580

      Hello, i just like to introduce myself, and say thank you to all the posts, i am today day 6 of Codeine withdrawal, i have been reading through all your so inspiring posts, they are what has got me through lots of what seems very long hours.  thank you so much to everyone, i like most people on here had the dreaded pills for genuine pain, but then used them as an emotional crutch, anyway, been thinking of stopping, researching and finally took the bullet last Thursday night with my last tablets.  I feel like i am getting over the worst flu ever, and only just starting to feel any hunger so had a bit of soup, all your stories have been so inspiring.  I hope to carry on keep carrying on and thank you all so much x


    • #36583

      Welcome sailsbury ???? a massive well done to you giving up those devil pills ams getting to day 6 already. I found myself reading all through these threads during withdrawl and like u said it helps so much. It does get you through it don’t it. I feel like day 6 for me was like yesterday and I’m now 8 weeks.. After the 1st 2 weeks the weeks go fast ???? and you won’t believe how far you have came… I keep saying to myself how have I got to 8 weeks. But I honestly feel like a different person for it. Hope the withdrawal are easing now for you. Day 5 and 7 I found the hardest.

      Keep going you can do it.

    • #36584

      Hello kittycat, thank you for taking the time to reply, I really appreciate it, i have felt in last couple days I literally been hanging by my nails ????and just kept rereading everyone stories to push me through.  Managed to do some work today, and hoping when I wake in the morning will have even more energy, I can finally stomach light foods, Soups, toast, just generally trying to take care of myself, which I think with a lot of us, have not been doing and that’s one of the reasons I got here. Anyway, onwards and upwards, day 7 tomorrow, I didn’t even think I could make 7 hiurs ekt alone 7 days and can’t wait to be talking jn weeks,  thanks xxx

    • #36585

      <p style=”text-align: left;”>You should be proud of yourself sailsbury as you are smashing it… Your eating will return and once your back eating normal again that makes you better in itself. I found bananas helped me so much they would give me a boost of energy when I needed it. I found myself eating bananas all the time. Honestly before you know it you will be saying to us you done so many weeks it will fly by. Another day ticked off for you ???? well done</p>

    • #36586

      Hi Len & Salisbury welcome to recovery, like you guys I wondered at each stage of withdraw aka Cold Turkey going through sleepless nights, anxious days, sleep, food, pains, .. is it worth it?

      . . . Yes it is, but you must stay positive and not give in, even if you think going back is the best option.

      I had doubts from the off and just decided to go CT which isn’t recommended especially after 40 years of abuse.

      It can be done, honestly  ..  kitty & markymark proved it …. remember its a journey with ups and downs but the end game is a far better life.

      Stay strong Stay focused tell codeine to F*uk off


      • #36591

        Thanks so much.

        Managed my first couple hours sleep this afternoon which has really helped with the psychological issues.

        My stomach is SO bloated though now.

        Can anyone recommend anything to help with this?

        Or do I just need to be patient?

        • #36592

          Hello lenseaside

          Î think we are similar timeline, I’m just coming to end of day 7 CT, sorry I can’t help with the bloated tummy, maybe someone else will be along in a bit and have some tips, but just want to say how fantadtic your doing persevering through, it’s bloody hard isn’t it abd I would have been lost without this page, rooting for you abd hope your tummy issues resolve quickly

          • #36599

            Well done you too.

            Awful little pills I had no idea how dangerous they were.

            Yes this page is a godsend. I would definitely have cracked during the horrible mental effects earlier in the week.

            My bloating looks gruesome but doesn’t hurt. My wife wants me to go to hospital for a scan but I just want to wait it out a bit longer.

    • #36588

      <p style=”text-align: left;”>Thank you kitty cat & access both fir taking time to reply and all your support, kitty cat, your banana suggestion worked wonders early hours of morning when restless legs and arms kicked in, and as access ours it, codeine f#%*k off ????????half way through day 7 now, thank you fir getting me this far xxx</p>

    • #36589

      <p style=”text-align: center;”>Thank you kitty cat & access both fir taking time to reply and all your support, kitty cat, your banana suggestion worked wonders early hours of morning when restless legs and arms kicked in, and as access ours it, codeine f#%*k off ????????half way through day 7 now, thank you fir getting me this far xxx</p>

    • #36590

      Oh my goodness, I don’t know how I did that, I have recently been diagnosed with crohns, been on medication for last month, anyway, as so other many people have mentioned on here, I was terrified I would fold when I got the pain, cause the one thing these god awful tablets do is kick the terrible pain. An hour ago or started, I know the routine well, and normally grab my pills and wait until blessed relief…. I don’t know how I did it, i took paracetamol, ibuprfen, I paced, I swore, I breathed, counted my breaths just to take my mind off the pain, sipped water, more pacing and finally after half an hour it subsided so I could breath easily, and now settling down completely, thank god for each and everyone of you, I couldn’t have faced that before, would have folded……. But I did it!!!!! And a good point in my day, I am having my bloods taken every 2 weeks cause of my medication and my liver tests are fantastic, (thank god for that) other readings are up so my medication is being doubled, but I know that is going towards helping these pains stop so that’s all good too….. Here’s to all you fantastic warriors who got me through and keep on inspiring me x

    • #36593

      Hi all

      What can i say apart from what has been said already! Super well done to all to have undertook this journey.It is a very brave thing you have chosen to do.VERY!

      Access nice to hear your still battling along,am with you when you say you it’s all ups and downs,100%. I still get the urge to use em, when I’ve just had enough of pain.I will stick with Ibroprophen an paracetamol though as i know they do help.

      I cannot remember who said it as every time i scroll back up i lose what ive wrote,so whoever it was,bloated tum is more or a given when it comes to withdrawal. It can be anxiety,our tum is its first port of call as it were.It should go away as long as you havnt had any anxiety problems in the past.However it may just be a case of your tum ajusting to work again.Opiates slow our bowels right down so it may be just a case of them catching up.

      If you are worried though,see your doctor an he/she should help you out.

      Kittycat, smashed it now.Hope you have given yourself a huge bit of self compassion ????

      Am really sorry,i cannot remember the rest of the names at the moment,but i will say welcome and all good fighting vibes are sent your way! Do NOT give in to them that’s what they want ????

      Stay strong all




    • #36594

      Hi markymark and kitty and Len & Salisbury.

      I’m just checking into explain that I personally keep a diary and write down things that helped me moving forward and things that didnt if you know what mean?

      At the start I actually wrote  7.00am feeling sh*t 10.00am feeling sh*t 1.00pm feeling better drank loads, ate fruit, took vitamins and so on . . .and I’m still writing it daily, today I marked it 8/10 where I marked my life at 3/10 about 6 weeks ago.

      I bit like this forum site where I spent hours reading through other people’s struggles with this recovery sh*t.

      It’s only an idea, but its worth a try I can actually go back to my diary and see when I started to turn the corner.

      Anyway keep it going and remember to smile  .  .  it really helps to smile.


    • #36598

      What a brilliant idea access, I’m going to start that today, as you say I can then look back and see how far have come when the urges (and as markymark says, they will keep trying to trick you back in) I don’t want to go through this again. On a positive note, today is day 8 (woohooo, I never thought I’d get here) and I have woke from first 5 hours continuous sleep since it started, the sun is shining and I am feeling positive…. I’ll take that ????good luck to everyone to keep on keeping on x

    • #36609

      Hello eveyone, happy Sunday evening to all of you, I hope you all doing well, I’m ending my Sunday evening on day 10, and looking forward to what tomorrow brings, love to you all x

    • #36610

      Just in case anyone else has severe stomach problems like I have had.

      Despite being fat already, my stomach bloated to at least triple normal size.

      It looked hideous as it wasn’t symmetrical I literally had melon sized bits sticking out at the sides. Obviously friends and family were worried it might be acetes (I am a fair old drinker too.)

      I walked 12k six weeks ago but this week can barely walk 20 yards.

      Anyway, just now I had my first vaguely normal shit. Not massive, just a snake coming from the proper inside.

      I identified the contents from two weeks ago.

      Feeling slightly better and now the bloating is improving.

      What a hideous drug.




    • #36611

      Good morning gang.

      Sailsbury massive well done on getting to day 10 wow what an achievement for you. Can’t believe it’s been 10 days for u already. Hope your feeling OK. You are really smashing it.

      Len hope your stomach is OK today. The drug messes you up in so many ways that you didn’t think it would. Took a while for my bowels to go back to normal and still now I don’t think it’s completely 100%

      Hope u all have a great day and keep pushing through. You got this guys

    • #36613

      Hello everyone

      Len I hope you are continuing to feel better witnh your tummy, as you said it is shocking what these buffers have done to our bodies isnt it

      Kittycat, thank you for your continued support, was a bit of a struggle today with energy, but, I have carried on, for myself some berroca to try to get a bit more energy, now sat waiting to go to my first Aqua hiit class since stopping these devil pills – hoping some. Physical activity will help me to sleep, day 11 nearly done ohhh and it’s my 31stbwedding anniversary tomorrow, so will be a good day xxxxx

    • #36614

      Hi fellow recovery people,

      Another day, another lucky dip on how I will feel? Strange even after 70 days off these dreaded tablets I don’t have one day the same.

      I can see I’m  3 days firing on all cylinders THEN it’s like something wants me to take stock “stop being positive” it’s like a clever snake.

      My lower regions are still like a washing machine on spin which I believe is all linked to anxiety? I’ve always suffered with anxiety and now I am convinced I took the bl**dy tablets to help reduce the symptoms, so now my head and body are laid bare.

      BUT I am telling you I’m not going back, these good days I have are worth it 100%.

      So Markymark, kitty, Len, Salisbury, marble, Lola, and anyone I missed and not forgetting new people reading these posts like I did and thinking …. I need to stop I need to give up.

      You can

      You can

      • #36615

        Hi Access

        Yes completely agree with you there,some days are far worse than others but the good are more worth it! I think alot of people fall into pain/anxiety trap,whereas we originally take for rhe pain then realise the more we take the less the anxiety! I too have always suffered with anxiety,but only in large amounts did it help me with anxiety.I found the anxiety withdrawal like anxiety from hell! Like out the ball park! Am back to high anxiety but bareable compared to the intensity of the withdrawal anxiety.

        I think you get where im coming from! ????

        Take care my friend,don’t forget to continue you to be kind to yourself!

        Stay strong ???????? ????????????????????????????????????????????

    • #36617

      Hello everyone, great to hear from you markymark and access, I’m still hanging on, as you said access, few good days and then bam, didn’t have a lot of sleep last night, but hey ho, hopefully will tonight – tomorrow will be two weeks clean of opioids for me I couldn’t imagine getting here, and know it’s a work in progress, but I’m so chuffed at 2 weeks, and I certainly never want to go through last 2 weeks again, so no going back ????here’s to my third week, hakf way to a month.  All the best to everyone xxx

    • #36618

      Good afternoon everyone ????

      So glad everyone is still pushing through and not giving up.

      It’s all swings and roundabouts with the days…. But I’m having much more positive days… It’s so nice to naturally be laughing and finally releasing my own dopamine. My partner has totally seen a change in me and questions me how I’m so happy now to a few weeks ago. And I still can’t pick up the courage and tell him why…

      Hope today is kind to everyone sending strength to you all


    • #36621

      Hi all

      Salsbury 2 weeks is a huge achievement! You should be really proud of yourself!

      Kittycat still smashing it too!

      I hope Seaside is ok and hanging on in there.

      It’s great to hear,and see you all doing so well it really is.

      Stay strong all you got this!!


    • #36627

      Evening all, hope you all doing okay

      Î have hit the 2 week mark ????so chuffed with myself, and now looking furward to next few weeks, kitty cat, I’m same as you, no one but you on here know what’s been going on, hubby thinks I have had a bad flu and he has been so sweet, I certainly couldnt put him or myself through last 2 weeks again, so that helps when I think about those devil pills

      Hope everyone is doing okay x

    • #36628

      Sailsbury it’s hard when it’s only you know what your going through. As much as you wanna tell someone. I worry what they will think. But be proud of what your doing. Maybe in months or years to come you could tell them. But for me I’m so not ready to say anything. And it’s been nearly 10 weeks for me now off the opioid.

      Hope your withdrawals have gone for you.

      Hope everyone has a good day

    • #36629

      Hi all,  just thought I’d pop on and say well done to you all for getting off this stuff.

      I’m now 22 weeks free from codeine. Creeping up to 6 months!

      I was doing some research the other day as I’m mighty pissed of with the anxiety sometimes, and I suspect I may have PAWS although it’s hard to tell as I’ve always be a nervy type. But I read that PAWS can last between 6 months and 2 years, although the symptoms get less intense with time. But the bit that stuck out to me the most was that if you take any codeine whilst you are suffering from PAWS, that it in affect resets it so you have to start again! I thought if that doesn’t keep me clean then nothing will ???? It would make sense that I would have it, always been the lucky type ????


      Keep going guys ????????????

    • #36631

      Hi all

      Wynter,how yer doing? All good i hope.Well seen as alot are free and giving out time,i thought id add 21 weeks tomorrow for me.

      My anxiety has been there i know now,since the age of 6! Mad when you think something so long ago alters your brain. I have been visiting the past and its not been nice,however it’s supposed to be good,so fingers crossed .

      Sorry for that little story.

      Stay strong all


      • #36635

        Hi Marky,  mad isn’t it how we use these little pills to numb us of our past traumas. It’s no wonder we have anxiety. It’s all a work in progress and we are strong ????????☺️

      • #36640

        Wow markymark that’s so inspiring that you at that mark of being codiene free. Really does give me hope ???? your really are amazing. Well done

    • #36636

      Hi, I’ve been taking solphadine max and ibuprofen with codeine daily for a couple of years. I am so tired of it. I am due to go to Turkey at the end of the month and need to be free of this awful dependence prior to this, as Codeine is illegal in Turkey. I am going to reduce over the next few days and stop completely on Friday. I have a demanding job, kids and a very judgemental husband who doesn’t know about my issues. This forum is really inspiring, thank you.

    • #36637

      <p style=”text-align: right;”>Morning all and newbie loopylou,</p>
      Another Saturday 10 weeks without the dreaded tablets.

      Interestingly after reading loopylou’s post how that a number of us who decide to withdraw from these tablets don’t tell our partners and I am currently finding out they don’t fully understand.

      I took them for years so it was obvious my recovery would be painful, but my wife seems to think I should be better by now.

      But reading all the information I believe it could last 6 months for me don’t panic if you’ve been taking for a few months.

      BUT please do not end up where I am be strong now and tell friends to ease the burden keep a daily update to prove your beating the trend.

      Stay strong stay positive

      Be kind and talk and share

      Access xx


    • #36645

      Morning everyone, how all doing okay and it’s great to hear from you all so far in to your journey, gives me.such hope whole I am still counting days, today is another mile stone, 18 days, I remember the reading the header of this post, thinking ill never be able to do that, but here I am, with all your support still hanging in there.  Have a great day all xx

    • #36654

      Hi all

      Salisbury you are doing awesome!! I think we all saw the 18 days and prayed we could get there. It is an achievement of gigantic proportions, it really is!Super well done!

      Access, i really do not believe anyone knows what we go through to get off of these things. When a substance is more or less ingrained into ourselves it is mammoth to get to where we want to be.People just think of “Trainspotting” where its all over in a fortnight,yeah right,corse it is ????‍♂️  The mental side of it can last a long long time.

      You are doing fabulous my friend,as are all of you undertaking this path,seriously you really are.

      Stay strong all,you got this!


    • #36673

      Morning fellow recovery people,

      Another week, I checked to see how you guys were getting on?

      For me it’s been fairly up and down, I can’t really get into my head how much taking these tablets were causing SO much chaos without being aware.

      I think they should be banned from over the counter purchase but noone cares, before I did CT I do remember driving from Chemist to Chemist searching for Co Codamol 32s.

      If I’d thought about it honestly there were boxes and boxes of standard pain relief, why no Co Codamol?

      Because 1000s of us are addicted to it, and it goes on and on.

      I’m still struggling if I was honest but sometimes I wake up early and before the ‘world’ kicks in I feel so happy so positive so much better.

      I believe these tablets masked my problems, addiction to drink coping with my job and my marriage it was my go to crutch?

      I do now remember doing a week long training course and dropping the tablets every few hours and other colleagues mentioning the fizzy water.

      Saying all this, I’m never going back, I’m proud of myself proud if you guys are staying clean.

      Please stay positive stay safe



    • #36674

      Hello Access, I’m on day one of CT. I agree you end up structuring your life around accessing these bloody tablets. I want to be free of this for good. Having to pretend all is well to everyone around me, but know that I have to stick to this. All on this forum are an inspiration. Thank you all.

    • #36675

      Hi loopylou42,

      Well done admitting you have a problem means your half way there.

      I spent years telling everyone there wasn’t a real problem yet hiding tablets all around the house and now realising that when I only had a few left organising my whole day so I can pick up my new supply . . . What was that about?

      I once had to drive 35 mile round trip to another chemist? Bonkers.

      Just take one day at a time don’t push yourself don’t be hard on yourself DRINK plenty I found this one of the most important things.

      Tell someone if you can? I have a person at work who has my back.

      Realise how damaging and how chaotic your life is and take it back.

      Keep going EVERYONE ????



    • #36683

      Hello everone, happy weekend


      Loupylou, I am now 23 days off these bloody tabkets and remember do well the first week, you doing fantastic for taking the first steps like access says, I never thought I coukd get here abd feel so better for it, keep strong, you can do this

      Thanks as always for all your continued support, have a good weekend xx

    • #36684

      Hi all!

      Another week done people ????

      Well done all who are the “journey” of getting some sort of life back.

      Welcome loopylou,as Access said you are doing so well admitting the problem is there. That is a battle in itself. Do not worry yourself that you think your body might have been damaged,all what you are about to experience is par for the course(completely normal)unfortunately! You are going to have good an bad days,try an accept the bad days for what they are,they won’t last forever. Stay strong,you can do this.

      Everyone else i hope you have a good weekend as possible, thinking of you all and sending healing vibes!

      Stay strong all



    • #36685

      Thank you Markymark. Day two is easier. I think the psychological dependence will be my major issue. Physical withdrawals have been minimal so far, ????????it remains this way.

    • #36686

      Thanks also to SalisburyDay, well done you !!! Xxx

    • #36687

      Hello all fellow recoverers,

      It fills me full of hope to see so many of you tapering and/or taking the plunge to face these awful pills head on.

      I am day 70 now after CT and thought I’d seen the light at the end of the tunnel until I also stopped nicotine. I know they warn you against trying to do too much at once but I am very much an all or nothing person.

      I agree with Access in that without the buffer of the pills or vaping (or whatever it may be) I have become faced with the issues I’d been masking with the meds this whole time. It is certainly not an easy road but it is a worthy journey.

      Standing with you all in this sobriety and sending strength – Stevie x

    • #36689

      Hi all!

      Wow Stevie that went quick! Well done that man! 10 weeks! I think once you realise you can come off something as horrendous as the devil pills it proves what you are really capable of,hence why i think we try to get off other things too. Just a thought.

      Everyone is doing so well,taking this on.Stay strong all.

      Good vibes sent your way.


    • #36707

      Hi all, not been on here in a while, it’s good to see everyone doing so well and new people making a really positive start on their journey. I’m coming up to 2 months clean and thought I’d give an update not only to keep me motivated but also to let anyone know who is starting out how my journey has gone so far.

      So the best news is that things really started to settle down at about 6 weeks in. My nightly indigestion finally stopped at about 7 weeks and my stomach seems about back to normal. I do still get cravings but they’re easier to deal with. They seem to appear when I’m in a heightened emotional state so I journal instead of taking pills.

      I think I’ll always have times where I want to take it. But today I have more energy than I’ve had in years. Good luck to anyone starting out and well done to everyone, keep sticking at it ????????

    • #36712

      Hello all, i’m six days in and feel absolutely fine. I had two days of feeling out of sorts and 1 day of stomach upset but other than that I’ve been ok. I had put this off for so long fearing withdrawals,  I wish I had done it sooner. I did buy some Imodium and Phenergan to aid sleep, which I would recommend. I just wanted to put my  experience out there incase it gives anyone the push to stop the cycle of dependence. I think my issues will be psychological moving forward.

      Thanks all

    • #36713

      Hi all, just popping on to see how everyone is. I echo what Lola said, it’s great to see so many people taking their lives back and getting off this awful drug.

      I’m coming up to 6 months clean now, I still can’t quite believe it, I never thought I’d last 6 days let alone 6 months! It’s been a journey and I still have good and bad days but I think that’s par the course. I don’t have any cravings whatsoever which I am so grateful for.

      If you are reading this thread thinking ‘I wish I could get clean’ well you can, and this thread will help you.

      Keep going everyone xx

    • #36716


      I’ve been taking Solpadeine for a number of years now. Maybe 10 years. I’m not 31. I’ve taken it every 4 hours like clockwork for months on end. I’ve tried numerous times to cut back.

      Lately I’ve got blood tests back to say I’ve got elevated liver enzymes & I’m going for an Ultra sound. kinda scared 🙁

      I’m currently taking between 1-3 a day for the past week. If i try cold turkey, I feel quiet unwell & I need to be in good health for work. I’m hoping i haven’t scarred my liver. i don’t have any other symptoms. Mild liver pain now & again. I don’t really have a question for you guys but I’m going to keep Solpadeine to 1-3 a day

      • #36717

        Hi Pmackey, welcome to the thread. A couple of people on here have had liver tests come back raised but it has corrected itself once the tablets are stopped, so try not to worry too much. The liver can handle quite a lot!.

        Cold turkey doesn’t seem an option for you so tapering really slowly would be the best way I think. It can be done, I think Marky tapered so hopefully he can give you some advice.

        Could you tell your doctor as they can give you some diazepam to help you through the worst.

        I wish you luck with your journey ????

    • #36719

      Good evening fellow recovery people.

      If your reading this thread and want to take anything from it, I was told a important peice of advice .  .  . If your way isn’t working (taking solpediene) then you need to stop.

      So after 40 years I have, BUT please don’t get to my milestone? I don’t want anyone to go through CT like this.

      I’ve spoken to other individuals and I’m still on the rollercoaster, the anexity is a bi*ch, it picks me up and throws me about especially when I wake up and my brain begins to function.

      But I know deep down its worth it because some days I feel so happy and positive and alive.

      Keep going it’s worth it


    • #36733

      Hi all,

      Glad I found this forum!!

      I am currently taking zapain [500/30mg]

      Then once my prescription runs out, usually only after a few days I’ll but otc solphadeine and ibuprofen/codeine, I take alot, alot more than I should, probably messed up my insides, iv been on and off for about 2 years, went cold turkey last year by accident as I was ill and thought I was going to die, I haven’t told my wife, I want to tell my doctor but am a little scared to be honest, has anyone gone through there doctors? Not sure I can physically or mentally handle cold turkey and hide it from my wife, 3 young kids and work. Any help/info would be appreciated, I honestly don’t feel this is going to end well for me. My fault, what can I say.

      • #36736

        Hi A1991,

        Welcome to the thread. I understand how scary the thought of getting off these pills is. I was the same as you, used to have 500/30mg from the Doctor, then would buy the solphadeine and Neurofen when they ran out.

        I told my doctor about my withdrawal as I couldn’t cope with the anxiety and she was absolutely amazing. She gave me a few diazepam to help calm me. So I would definitely confide in your doctor. If you don’t think CT is for you then maybe you could taper slowly with your Doctors help.

        Either way you CAN get off getting off these pills and take your life back. This thread will help you ????

      • #36738

        Hi a1991 sounds like my story, none of my family knew about me with the devil pills. And still no1 knows now. Try and taper down if cold turkey don’t work for you. Take vitamins along with process. Make sure you keep busy. I done cold turkey wasn’t great but glad I did it. I’m now currently 13 weeks tomorrow and the start of this I never thought I’d get to day 7. You can do this keep posting on the thread to get you through the days

    • #36761

      Hi people,

      I noticed that the last time somone messaged on here was 5 days ago not sure if posts aren’t appearing or it’s all gone quiet?

      I hope everyone is OK in our own little crisis and that’s what it is.

      I’ve booked to see my GP today as the last week has been pretty tough and I’m not sure why it could be my anexity kicking in because I booked to see the GP and I don’t want to hear bad news or whatever?

      What a mess eh … I just went into a chemist to pick up some ibuprofen for my wife and the guy behind the counter actually went to reach across for a box of Co Codamol which are now £10?

      I explained about what I was doing and he said the problem is huge massive and out of control.

      I hope you guys wherever you may be are coping and getting through?

      Keep smiling and keep safe


    • #36765

      Hello access, great to hear from you, love seeing your name come up on a post, I’ve re and re read nearly all your posts I’m sure, so inspired me to keeo going, especially in the first two hard weeks xx I hope you got some help from your gp, abd yiu gave had good day xx. I now into my sixth week (unbelievable) free of those devil tablets and so grateful to be where I am now, abd especially grateful got this group, to all if you who got me this far xxxxx hope everyone has a fantastic weekend  xxx


    • #36766

      Hi all!

      Sorry i havnt been on,i couldnt log on for some reason.

      I hope everyone is ok an continuing on your journey without any pills.

      Access i hope your anxiety eases my friend.Mine has been awful since giving up the pills.Thought it may have settled right down by now.Just life i suppose.

      I remember awhile ago posts were going missing not sure what is happening now!

      Stay strong all,sending good healing vibes to you all!


    • #36767

      Hi there fellow people,

      Anyway an update … the only thing that has been giving me more problems after going CT on Co Codamol is the crippling anexity first thing in the mornings that prevent me from functioning correctly.

      So as you know I went to see my GP who had changed after I’d actually visited in 2016.

      Needless to say the GP was excellent and listened to my every word how nervous I was when telling them I’d been taking them for 40 odd years I did notice one eyebrow lifted.

      I think there was a mumbled wtf but it didn’t stop our conversation I told her my story … drink … tablets … addiction … hiding stuff … remorse … embarrassment  … etc etc oh dear ????

      So we decided to try something new despite me wanting to do it solo and consequently I was prescribed some tablets.

      So I took 1 tablet before bed and woke up at 7.30am OMG 7.30am,  I’m usually awake by 4.00am with my mind bouncing around with sh*t.

      So that was a very good start for day 1 which I wrote in my daily diary.

      So there you have it, I decided to change things up and seek support and whilst it’s only day 1 you might laugh I feel better for telling another person?

      So I’ll keep you posted and let’s hope those gremlins do one.

      Anyway stay safe keep going and make a difference.


    • #36774

      Hello access, so pleased your gp has been so supportive and I’m hoping it’s still all. Going well, you have done amazing to have lasted this long without that help, you going to fly now ????hope everyone one else is still keeping going, I’m. Coming up to 6 weeks free of the devil tabkets, and next week, I habe booked a few. Nights away with my hubby and puppy, in Norfolk, so really proud of myself for that, a lovely relaxing week, not worrying where if I got enough tablets, and all the brain ache that goes with them, and all the money I saved has paid for our mini break ????

      Here’s to another great week for eveyone and so. Much thanks for all. Your continued support xxx

    • #36782

      Ok so 5 months ago I was prescribed codeine for severe back and hip pain. I will take somewhere between 5-6 30mg tablets a day, last week I suddenly started going through withdrawals, which made not a lot of sense, I had cut some of my pills in half and some days took more some less. Could it be the up and down dosing? Perhaps a faulty batch of codeine? I want to come off hense why I tried to taper myself. But as of today I had one 30mg this morning 12 hours ago and don’t want to take anymore. I’ve had a few addictions in life and latley I’ve found myself very depressed and withdrawn. So realised I needed to come off.
      Does long term use make you depressed? And does anyone else get the whole waking up at 6am with their whole body on fire and blood pressure through the roof when tapering?
      Im going to go cold Turkey now as clearly messing with my dose wasn’t helping in the slightest

    • #36809

      Hi all

      I hope everyone is ok and battling on.I posted yesterday too but the post has gone.

      Pinngy i think if you stick too tapering 1 tablet a week,you will feel alot better.I think you dropped way too much straight away and was hit with full on withdrawal. Opiate use can cause depression and anxiety so everything will be amplified ten fold if you go CT.

      Good luck on your journey man ????

      Stay strong all ????????????????????????????????????????????????

      • #36811

        Hi Marky, good to hear from you. Hope you’re doing well. I’m officially over 6 months clean now so you must nearly be a 6 months too. Going for a year clean now ????????

        Hope everyone else is doing good ????

        • #36826

          Hi Wynter, nice to hear from you! 6 months is a huge achievement. Yes i think i am about 10-14 days behind you so i must be near too.

          I hope you are ok an coping with lifes struggles. Sending good vibes your way Wynter.

          Stay strong ????????????????????????????????????????????????

    • #36833

      <p class=”p1″ style=”margin: 0px; font-stretch: normal; font-size: 23px; line-height: normal; caret-color: #000000; color: #000000; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;”><span class=”s1″ style=”font-family: UICTFontTextStyleBody;”>24 everescent tablets per day,500/30/8 </span></p>
      <p class=”p1″ style=”margin: 0px; font-stretch: normal; font-size: 23px; line-height: normal; caret-color: #000000; color: #000000; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;”><span class=”s1″ style=”font-family: UICTFontTextStyleBody;”> I jumped straight from 24 tablets to just 1 at might for approx 6 days, then I just stopped that was 25 days ago so I guess I can say I’m cold turkey for 19 days, I found the first week easy enough. I delay with it. Second week wasn’t to bad it was just to remind myself to to sill a glass of water and have 4 tablets at once or stop by every pharmacy to grab another packet. </span></p>
      <p class=”p2″ style=”margin: 0px; font-stretch: normal; font-size: 23px; line-height: normal; min-height: 29px; caret-color: #000000; color: #000000; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;”></p>
      <p class=”p1″ style=”margin: 0px; font-stretch: normal; font-size: 23px; line-height: normal; caret-color: #000000; color: #000000; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;”><span class=”s1″ style=”font-family: UICTFontTextStyleBody;”>This was 6+ year (approx 7) </span></p>
      <p class=”p2″ style=”margin: 0px; font-stretch: normal; font-size: 23px; line-height: normal; min-height: 29px; caret-color: #000000; color: #000000; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;”></p>
      <p class=”p1″ style=”margin: 0px; font-stretch: normal; font-size: 23px; line-height: normal; caret-color: #000000; color: #000000; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;”><span class=”s1″ style=”font-family: UICTFontTextStyleBody;”>The past 4 days have been absolute hell tho, my mood, level of motivation and appetite are gone. </span></p>
      <p class=”p2″ style=”margin: 0px; font-stretch: normal; font-size: 23px; line-height: normal; min-height: 29px; caret-color: #000000; color: #000000; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;”></p>
      <p class=”p1″ style=”margin: 0px; font-stretch: normal; font-size: 23px; line-height: normal; caret-color: #000000; color: #000000; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;”><span class=”s1″ style=”font-family: UICTFontTextStyleBody;”>I’m experiencing huge bouts of sweets and cannot sleep more than 3 hours per night (I’m struggling with this as I know if I can get my mind at ease then I’ll sleep and the process is ever so easier if a rested body. </span></p>
      <p class=”p2″ style=”margin: 0px; font-stretch: normal; font-size: 23px; line-height: normal; min-height: 29px; caret-color: #000000; color: #000000; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;”></p>
      <p class=”p1″ style=”margin: 0px; font-stretch: normal; font-size: 23px; line-height: normal; caret-color: #000000; color: #000000; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;”><span class=”s1″ style=”font-family: UICTFontTextStyleBody;”>My partner is hugely supportive and I’ve told close friends what I’m doing so the understand why we keep refusing invites to parties or whatever it is. I’m really hoping these physical effects would f/o because I can deal with the meal battle, I’m a regular gym goer also but I haven’t gone since Monday as I felt so bad and was withdrawing myself from talking to others. Also when feelings of withdrawals kick in weakness from lack of a solid diet it a killer. I can’t get the food I need into me  </span></p>
      <p class=”p2″ style=”margin: 0px; font-stretch: normal; font-size: 23px; line-height: normal; min-height: 29px; caret-color: #000000; color: #000000; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;”></p>
      <p class=”p1″ style=”margin: 0px; font-stretch: normal; font-size: 23px; line-height: normal; caret-color: #000000; color: #000000; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;”><span class=”s1″ style=”font-family: UICTFontTextStyleBody;”>So I guess I’m just unlucky with the length of time it’s taking the physical effects to go away. It really feels never ending, hopefully my body gives in and allows me to sleep more than 6/7 hours instead of 2-4 hours, tank is running on empty !!!!</span></p>
      <p class=”p2″ style=”margin: 0px; font-stretch: normal; font-size: 23px; line-height: normal; min-height: 29px; caret-color: #000000; color: #000000; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;”></p>
      <p class=”p1″ style=”margin: 0px; font-stretch: normal; font-size: 23px; line-height: normal; caret-color: #000000; color: #000000; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;”><span class=”s1″ style=”font-family: UICTFontTextStyleBody;”>I see a clear pathway ahead I’m feeling like I can do it, seen this thread and wanted to see if anyone has or had a similar experience to me regarding timelines </span><span class=”s2″>????????</span></p>
      <p class=”p2″ style=”margin: 0px; font-stretch: normal; font-size: 23px; line-height: normal; min-height: 29px; caret-color: #000000; color: #000000; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;”></p>
      <p class=”p1″ style=”margin: 0px; font-stretch: normal; font-size: 23px; line-height: normal; caret-color: #000000; color: #000000; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;”><span class=”s1″ style=”font-family: UICTFontTextStyleBody;”>Great to read some of your success stories, well done all !!!! </span></p>

      • #36834

        Hi Wavingwands

        I hope you are getting better,it will take time for your body to ajust to the lack of tablets.I read somewhere that our livers store some of the medicines and we use that up as it is in our system already. As that is used to withdrawal starts.Mine was at it worst between day 3 and 4 weeks! Was not nice,especially the mental side of things. Stay strong my friend, you will get there! You have done so much already, you should be proud you have got this far.Doffs cap ????

        Hour at a time some days,it really is a roller coaster of a journey! Good luck going forward,sending good vibes!


    • #36835

      Thank you, wasn’t expecting it to be this Bad. I hope it’s only another week or so if feeling completely miserable. I know it’s for the better but I think any of us that use or have used this crap can agree it’s very hard. Needs to be more rules on how accessible it is. 

    • #36836

      Yes totally agree with you there.However i do believe they have a use,just to a certain type of person.Or in hospital ect..i don’t really know,i know someone who only takes when needed for pain,no side effects or withdrawals..then he may not take for a week,and still be ok.

      Another day started my friend,another day closer to been clean!

      Stay strong my friend


    • #36837

      Hi all

      I hope you are all taking as much from the weekend as you can .Fingers are crossed for you all.

      It is easy to forget that this is a long journey,be kind to yourselves people.You got this!

      Sending good vibes to you all!

      Stay strong troops!



    • #36841

      Hi everyone, I see you’re still doing a great job Mark ????

      Its been a few months since I last checked in here, but I just wanted to let folks know that I was on 8-9 30mg DHC pills a day and I started my own tapering program.

      I have been gradually taking less and less over around half a year.. until the last couple of months when I was down to taking 5mg on a morning and 5mg before bed.. and I just couldn’t bring myself to stop taking this final dosage..

      Anyway, I took the plunge 3 days ago and it wasn’t as bad as I expected.. but to tell you all the truth I have started drinking heavily to cushion the blow, so I wake up each morning and I look like I’ve got mixamatosis and I feel like hell.

      But I’m opiate free at last, I suppose that’s the main thing.. and I went through every drawer and bag in my house and I threw every opiate based tablet into the bin.. so I’ve got no temptation or option to ever take these evil tablets again.

      I did mention that I was struggling to sleep during the tapering process, so I went to my GP and persuaded him to prescribe me some Melatonin which did help for a while.. but then I found out about GABA powder which is an excellent sleep aid, so I ordered 1kg and I take half a teaspoon under my tongue just before bedtime and it knocks me out cold and I sleep all night.

      All I can say is please stick at what you are doing, wether it’s cold turkey or tapering.. because you will get there in the end.. and I know it’s terrifying, especially for family members who can see that you aren’t looking so healthy.. but you must be honest with them and they might not understand what you’re going through but you should explain that you will eventually get better and this is a temporary side effect.

      Good luck to you all 😉

      • #36842

        Haha John you absolute gem you!! Great to hear you are opiate free.Awesome job my friend.

        I did a long taper too as you know.I still had withdrawals but not the cravings like i had before.

        I used to be a drinker too John,however i am 3.5yrs since my last drink.It has always been one thing or another with me unfortunately.

        It’s stories like yours that give me inspiration to continue my journey however long it may be.

        Take care John and stay strong my friend!


        Ps Alcohol easier than Dhc to give up ????


    • #36846

      Hi I have decided to stop taking the 60mg per day codeine dose my GP prescribes for my arthritis. I have been taking this for around 18 months. I am day 3 and I am so headachy. I would never have considered myself addicted but I obviously am and my GP keeps prescribing without any follow up. I can see from comments that there are many people like me good luck to you all. My god I try to eat so healthy but I am filling my body with codeine crap. ????

    • #36848

      Hi Teresagr

      You are in the right place for starting your journey!

      I think the GPs are stuck between  a rock an a hard place.They want to help with pain,but unfortunately they cause soo many problems to lots of us. They just do not see all the nonsense that goes with them.

      Day 3 is where it all starts,imo, however if you have stuck to the 60mg a day i do not think you will be in for a really hard time.Have you thought about a taper,ie drop a tablet a week.Will be alot easier i would’ve thought.

      Good luck with whatever you decide,you can and will do this!

      Stay strong ????????????????????????????????????????????????

    • #36857

      Hi Everyone, you’re all doing so amazing. Why can’t I do this? I’ve visited this site on and off for the last 18 months or maybe more and I still haven’t managed to keep off the dam awful pills. I was 32 x 12 mg a day. My reduction started two weeks ago and managed to go from a pack  a day to a pack a week. Then cold turkey from sat 11th nov and 11 days without but this feeling is horrendous. This thread truly helps but I don’t feel so strong right now. X

      • #36859

        Hi Bels,you have so well getting this far from what you have just said! Hang on in there,you can do this,you have proved you can achieve been free by going without already.Really really well done.Just remember it is a journey,so take it slowly be kind to yourself and try and eat an drink as much as you can.You got this you really have!!

        This is what keeps me going,all of you are so inspiring, you really are!

        Stay strong ????????????????????????????????????????????????

    • #36861

      Hi Guys,

      Especially all the newbies and the people reading the posts on this site.

      I’m not expecting a medal but I’m just nearing 4 months off Solpedeine.

      If I was being completely honest it was possibly one of the hardest few months I’ve had regards holding myself together and not going back.

      I realised a few things I could not do it on my own and I told people for extra support and so you could share, I did go to my GP and seek extra support and explained my whole anexity problem and I was given help.

      I wish I could tell you that things are absolutely brilliant and I feel 20 again but realisticly as I’ve been taken these bl**dy tablets for 40 years I now realise that isn’t going to happen, but I do feel better and more alert and happier within my soul.

      My only problem now is my guilt, my guilt because I’ve been taking these tablets for many years without thinking for 1 minute  .  . why?

      It was bad enough dealing with the alcohol guilt but this is really hurting me.

      Please please if you happen to read this post AND the people on here who have stopped taking codeine please please try to stop.

      This is a really awful existence and somehow worse than drinking in a different way.

      Like me you will come on here and scan through the stories and pick out ones that sound like your story but then you don’t see them again and you think …. have they …???

      4 months and yes it’s been tough but I have actually done it … me … when in all fairness I could have popped back to the chemist ..

      Please please try to stop however bad it feels take little steps a bit at a time don’t run before you can walk, be kind to yourself, and remember you are NOT alone.

      We are here

      access xx

      • #36864

        Hi Access

        Really really well done on getting off my friend. I remember you starting out your journey like it was yesterday. You are an inspiration to many!! Yes they are worse than drink,but only just haha. Noo am joking,alcohol was so much easier to quit,however the cravings for a ice cold bottle of stella never leaves me! So cold you have to put the bottle in a sleeve!! Stop it Mark! I dont want one really ????‍♂️.

        Haha have as best a weekend as you can all! Stay strong man!


    • #36862

      My partner is currently taking about 40 30/500mg co-codamols a day, yes a day! I’ve no idea how it feels or why he does it, but clearly it’s an addiction. He has said he has been taking them for about 15 years and that he was on them once before but quit, then needed to take them again 2 years later fue to the pain he was in.

      He wakes in the night to ‘top up’ on his pills, under the guise of using the toilet.

      We have spoken about his use, he is honest about the prescription meds, but not so much about the over the counter ones he’s buying, he says he will quit once he retires next year, but I feel in the past year his intake has increased.

      He gets his prescription along with that of 2 other people and he buys over the counter. Visiting up to 6 different chemists.

      im not sure he will be able to quit having been on them so long and at such high doses. He says he takes them to feel ‘normal’  and that he doesn’t feel lethargic only energised?

      I have no idea what to do or how to help.

    • #36863

      Hi Ellissa

      Firstly your partner will need to admit he has a problem.

      He most probalby is only using to feel ok.Once that tolerance builds up your body gets used to it pretty quick.It is a lot of paracetamol to be taking every day.At least he will have to have his liver checked out just too make sure it is ok.You say he is near retirement, so he mustve been on them a good while.I would suggest talking to him and sharing your fears,he may not even realise whats going on atm.These things take everything from us,literally. So it would not suprise me if he is in the dark somewhat.

      Have a chat Ellissa and see what you can come up with.A one tablet a week taper would be my advice.Just sticking to it is hard,however if you want to be free that is the most not unpleasant way. It is achievable. Speak with him and try an alay your fears Ellissa.We are hear for you  oth if needed. Take care and stay strong ????????????????????????????????????????????????

    • #36866

      Hi all

      I hope your weekend is going as well as can be expected! Thinking of you all going through your journey, i know it can be a hellish time,just remember it WILL get better,honestly it WILL.

      Stay strong all sending healing vibes too you all ????


    • #36882

      Hi all

      I hope everyone is ok and struggling on.Half way through the week already.

      Christmas not far away now,be glad when it is all over me.Heyho.I hope all who is looking forward to it,has a fantastic time! Quite a few of us it will be a clean xmas for the first time in a good while.

      Well only popped in to say hello and wish you all well!

      Sending good healing vibes


    • #36900

      Hello everyone, absolutely great to log on and see how all doing, still gets me though tough days when I am wavering, I am starting week 10 devil tablet free, I remember at start when feeling awful, not believing I woukd make it this far and I’m now in double figures.  To anyone starting out abd reading this, if I can do this you can too with the support of these fantastic guys on here ???? yesterday for me felt a bit of a milestone, had the most stressful day since stopping tabkets, I thou at ine point how in past I would have reached for some tablets, so I stamped about a bit, paced around until felt calmer and got through it and felt so proud of myself couple hours later when everything calmed down that I had survived that little blip,. First time in four years not leant on my perceived crutch that I thought would make everything more bearable.  Anyway, hope everyone is doing really well, another week done and here’s to a great weekend xxx

    • #36901

      Hey guys

      Wanted to drop on and say this forum has helped me so much

      I have been taking cocodamol 30/500 for 5 years. I was taking 8 tablets for endometriosis everyday and finally had a full hysterectomy October 2022.

      For the first 6 months after having my operation I still got pains and after having another MRI I have alot of scar tissue which has binded my bowl and bladder together, so this is why I still get cramps. Because of this the doctors kept me on this dreaded pill

      I noticed that the pains aren’t actually that bad but mentally I had convinced myself I had to take the tablets so the pain didn’t get me out the blue and found myself taking 3 tablets a day at the same time everyday. 1 in the morning, 1 at lunch and 1 at night. This was now a habit rather than for pain

      I turn 40 next week and my husband booked for us to fly to the Maldives this Sunday ????

      Tuesday 6 days before we are due to fly, I found out the opioids are banned in Qatar where we are catching a connecting flight to Male and they are also banned there too, so there is no way I could take these with me

      I woke up Wednesday morning in a blind panic how the hell am I going to cope without this tablets when I’m so used to taking them ???? I had to sit my husband down at 5.30am and tell him everything, which was a massive relief if I’m honest

      He took all the tablets away and told me to speak with my doctor. I found the doctors who have been amazing and said normally they would say to slowly cut down on these tablets before quitting but because I don’t want to risk taking these whilst away, I needed to stop all together

      I have been prescribed with a low dose of antidepressants which i take 1 – 2 a night and this is more so I can get some sleep and slow my cramps down which are now due to coming off codein. I am also taking prescribed buscopan

      I know I’m only on day 3, but the reality is all the symptoms I was so scared of having when coming off these pills, I was already having whilst on them ????

      When I was taking them I couldn’t sleep, I was restless, I was having pulpertations, anxiety, mood swings, stomach cramps, head fog etc NOW other than feeling a need the toilet it’s more mentally needing them because again it’s broke my routine as it was habit

      I have 40 tablets left in my cupboard and I haven’t once gone to take one

      The scare and panic of not being able to go on this once in a life time trip, has actually saved me and made me come off this dreaded pills

      I will keep you up dated guys and I know it’s only early days but the reality is everything I was worried about coming off them was already happening to me whilst I was on them

      I feel a massive achievement not only being honest with my husband and doctor but also myself

    • #36922

      Hi Holby

      Good luck with your journey,as you have seen already you can do without these things in your life.

      Going away must be a huge incentive to help too!

      Immodium may also be your friend as well as the usual vit c ect!

      Good luck and enjoy your break! Stay strong ????????????????????????????????????????????????

      • #36929

        Hi MarkyMark
        Thank you so much
        I’m on day 5 now and my bowls seem to be settling and I actually feel ok
        The worry of the symptoms coming off these tablets was the reason I didn’t in the first place to be honest, but I feel a massive achievement so far ????

    • #36923

      I would just like to introduce myself, im Chris and am from the UK as I believe many of us on here are.

      So my own situation, and I’m sure many of you who have been on here a while will probably have come across it before, is that I am a 53 year old guy, after spending a number of year’s drinking to much (at the maximum 2 bottles of wine a night or 4 cans of lager and one bottle of wine) I discovered Nurofen Plus by chance after pulling my back playing golf.

      That nice little buzz I got when the 2 tablets got to work was so pleasant…… , you can probably guess the rest.

      Within weeks I was taking 16 at night and this quickly increased to 3 lots of 20 each day (morning, afternoon, nighttime), with 12 Benadryl Relief Plus taken at the same time for each.

      The financial cost alone is horrific. I have worked it out and have a spreadsheet running that shows me the total amout I’ve saved after each day.

      I have tried to stop maybe a dozen times over the last couple of years, always cold turkey, which I know is the only way I will ever stop, but never getting past day 2 or 3.

      However, I picked Nov 25th as it would mean I could say 1 month clean on Christmas Day and I am just completing Day 7. Enough is enough.

      No nausea, no real dioreah (spelt wrong!!), for me it’s the tiredness, listlessness, and inability to sleep due to restless legs and body.

      I have got 4 days of Zopiclone sleeping tablets from my DR today and hopefully these will help me sleep short term and get over the worst of the restless legs without replacing 1 addiction with another.

      When I look back at the amount stuff I was taking I am amazed I seem to be in relatively good shape, I have bloods all the time for various things and they never pick anything up, I have been scoped a couple of times and they found nothing more than a small hernia, I must, despite appearances, be a tough old buastard (maybe related to Keirh Richards  haha)

      Anyway, Day 7 today and a bit of energy coming back, trying to eat healthy and put on some weight but that will take a while as my appetite is seriouly down, but I’ll get there, before these damn tablets I was running half marathons and thats the goal again eventually, maybe by the end of the summer, although I don’t think Eliiud Kipchoge will have much to worry about from my time !!!

      So all in all and considering, I feel it is going OK, no real craving to nip to the nearest pharmacy etc. I know the pitfalls all to well but feel this time (to paraphrase from one of my favourite books) I am the master in a way the the tablets never can be.

      I’ll keep reporting my progress every few days if anyone on the forum would like that and my message to anyone in the very early stages and getting hit by withdrawals or those who may be to worried to begin is thats its certainly possible, all are different but here I am a heavy use for a reasonable period and at times I am feeling almost normal.

      You can do it soldiers, strength and honour.


      • #36925

        Hi Chris

        You have definitely made the right decision. Super well done for getting to day 7! You are well on your way. You was on alot of tablets,your body is going to take awhile to adapt.Everything you will feel physically and mentally is quite common for what your body is going through.

        Be aware that these pills DO trick you into taking,so please be aware. They lie to you like no tomorrow.

        Good luck with it my friend!

        Stay strong! You got this!!



      • #36930

        Hey Chris
        Well done ???? what a massive achievement
        My holiday has literally saved me from these dreaded pills to be honest and long may it continue
        Day 5 for me and other than needing the toilet ALOT, today is actually a good day

    • #36939

      Hi guys

      Just a quick update, got through the weekend ok, suprised to find, given the amount of NP I was taking and the amount of time that, so far at least I have no real cravings to take any.

      Currently on Day 10 and beginning to get a bit of interest back in things.

      However, I do have 2 issues I would love to get some advice on,

      The restless legs are still pretty bad, have many other people experienced this and if so, how long did it last before easing off?

      Also, sleep or complete lack thereof, even if the legs do feel comfortable, I am only managing about 2 -3 hours per day (usually during the day) and it is beginning to accumulate into exhaustion.

      Supposedly strong sleeping tablets from the GP haven’t even touched me, so it is the same question I guess, at what point in the recovery cycle did people start to begin having better sleep patterns?.

      But all in all I am happy with the way things have gone so far, I hope everyone else is winning their own individual battles,

      Can I ask, is the WhatsApp group I have seen mentioned in some posts still  a thing?

      Good luck all


      • #36940

        Hi Chris

        Yes unfortunately our sleep does suffer quite abit during withdrawal. Just keep doing what you are doing your body will start to return back to normal.Stick with it. The restless legs are par for the course too.They will start to subside with time.We are all different, so it is not an exact timefrane.Some people suffer more some less.I cannot remember how long mine lasted now though am sure it was weeks.It does get better though.Stay strong my friend.

        You got this!


    • #36963


      Just thought I’d add my experience on here in the hope that it can help. For years I have been on a mixture of tramadol initially and then cocodamol, prescribed by the doctor and have tried several times to come off it unsuccessfully. The withdrawal symptoms were unbearable. I just started pregablin two weeks and 1 day ago, this has been the longest time off of cocodamol and I recommend it for people who also have pain but cannot bear to carry on with the hell of opiates. Without pregabalin I couldn’t function, sleep and had whole body tremors and my mind is racing because I’m trying cold turkey and it’s awful. I was previously on pregabalin about 10 years ago otherwise I would not have known of its existence. It’s amazing and even though I am feeling the painful muscle twitching when I have not taken any pregabalin, it’s fine after taking and it’s nothing in comparison to before. I hope this helps someone.

      • #37002

        Hi Mouse,sorry i never saw this, my apologies.

        There are a few medications that a doctor can prescribe to help. Pregablin and Gabapentin are some of those.For some though it is swapping one addiction for another.Both those medications need a taper.

        Some will be glad of your findings though,i am sure of that.

        I hope you manage ok and get through,well done man!!

        Sending good vibes on your ongoing journey!


    • #36993

      So that is 2 full weeks for me, still struggling badly with sleep and constantly very achey but the rest of the physical symptoms now seem to have passed.

      In some ways it has been slightly easier than I expected but I am being very careful not to think about those tablets and how easy it would be…..

      So long as I avoid that I am doing ok and my little spreadsheet showing my financial savings seems to be growing very rapidly!!!

      Hope everyone is doing well on their own personal journeys, this is the second time in my life I have gone through this process so if anyone has any questions I can help with please just post and I check it every day.

      Have a good weekend everyone.

      • #37001

        Hi Chris

        Really good to hear you are still on your journey and battling on! Give yourself a pat on the back my friend,you deserve it!

        Yes i bet your bank account is growing if you were buying them! Good on you! Why don’t you treat yourself with the money you have saved? Just a thought.

        Good luck man and stay strong!



    • #37003

      Hi all, I tried to post before but it disappeared so apologies if this is a repeat.  First time poster here and could do with some encouragement.  I have spent four years trying to stop taking codeine, after many years of prescribed use for a genetic condition causing chronic pain and fatigue.  My use crept up and up over the years until I was taking 20 at a time, often repeatedly in one day, and buying OTC solpadeines or nurofens to get through between prescriptions.  The problem is that I have chronic pain, a small child, and a disabled husband, so a lot of responsibilities, and while it’s hard enough to get through the one to two weeks of physical withdrawals with all that, this is small potatoes compared to the depression, lack of motivation and total inability to enjoy anything at all, and because I’ve tried this over and over and over and always fail at around the four week point when I just cannot cope any more and take just a couple to get through (and, I know, thereby starting the whole cycle all over again) I have been feeling this way for almost all of the last four years with only brief respite when I crack and take some codeine, either as a one off or for a few days. I have lost a lot of weight, am a physical wreck and if I’m not doing housework or other family responsibilities then I’m in bed or laying on the sofa watching television as that’s all I have the energy and mental capacity for any more.  I feel like I’ve ruined my life and am ruining my families lives. I’ve taken some hope from people here saying they started to feel mentally brighter after about six weeks as I’ve been terrified I will feel this way forever now. Can someone, anyone, please tell me if I have some chance of one day feeling joy again, or be able to take simple pleasure in spending time with my little girl and husband (at the minute any and all company feels unbearable and has for some time, so I hide away a lot). I know I’ve messed up, though with good intentions, and just want to know that there is hope for me. Please. X

      • #37007

        Lizzie,this site helped loads during our journey! Coming on moaning ect lol…it gives you hope! It really does! Just come on and say how it is,it will help someone else too!

        Take care,YOU GOT THIS.


    • #37006

      Ohh Lizzie,sounds like you are stuck between a rock and a hard place! ????‍♂️ Let me start by saying this,you want to stop taking and this is the most important decision of all!

      I had tried CT a couple of times before,but life and pain got in the way so i always ended up back at the begining,just like yourself.Have you thought about tapering,that way you can still cope with every day life to some extent.

      I did it down from 10 dhc 30mg too 1..yep 10 weeks.

      Soo many times i thought about upping my dose because i wasnt feeling the best, however i just kept reminding myself why i was doing it. I had promised my daughter so that helped lots during the taper.

      I would definitely speak with your doctor if he/she is a listening doc. They will be able to prescribe meds that will help alot.

      There is life after pills Lizzie ???? % ! It just takes awhile for our bodies to return to normal. Exersise is your friend as are vitimins healthy diet ect.

      So many people on here have ditched the pills,some who have been on them for 40yrs!!

      You WILL be happy again!! Your family will be happier for it too! Most of all though it is YOU who have conquered this thing.It is a journey.I know cutting down one a week seems like it will take forever,however it won’t.  You will be suprised,one day you may think,im gonna cut 2 out today,before you know it it will start coming down.

      No doubt you will still have a unpleasant cold at the end but you will be free.I will say i definitely did not have the cravings i had had before on a CT when i  ompleted the taper.I think its a case of your mind getting stronger the more you stick to the taper.I hope that makes sense.

      We are all here for you,YOU can and will do this.

      Stay strong,holla if you need too ????



    • #37010

      <span style=”font-size: 17px;”>Hi there … each and everyone I love catching up on new stories.</span>

      <span style=”font-size: 17px;”>I still keep reading the previous posts about how people overcame or dealt with the withdraw of codeine in whatever form.</span>

      <span style=”font-size: 17px;”>I am fast getting through month 5 and being blunt it’s still a daily flip of a coin heads I’m feeling good, tails just plain – please let me get off the codeine rollercoaster.</span>

      <span style=”font-size: 17px;”>My legs still are restless at times and it feels like I’m having growing pains.</span>

      <span style=”font-size: 17px;”>My stomach is still unpredictable I relate it to playing the game buckaroo not knowing when you are going to get a reaction.</span>

      <span style=”font-size: 17px;”>I discussed my addiction to my GP and whilst my codeine intake daily wasn’t high compared to some of you guys 40 odd years has really messed me up so for gods sake try to stop taking them.</span>

      <span style=”font-size: 17px;”>You people on here are the ONLY people who know what it is like and how difficult it is, our bodies are not designed to have it flooded with a drug like codeine its obvious it is going to fcuk us up but we keep on doing it and when we stop it’s like nothing we can imagine.</span>

      <span style=”font-size: 17px;”>It’s a shame there isn’t a book we can purchase for the help of codeine withdraw.</span>

      <span style=”font-size: 17px;”>The thing I’d love to do is get all the people on this site in a room so we can talk about our journey and failures and our recovery etc what a thought eh</span>

      <span style=”font-size: 17px;”>Anyway guys stay positive stay strong we can do it</span>

      access xx

      • #37011

        For some unknown reason the whole of my reply has appeared with coding?



        • #37018

          Hi Access

          Yes i know what you mean about the roller coaster! 40 years is a very very long time.You have done soo well to get this far you really have! That’s inspirational! I think you already knew you was in for one helluva journey at the beginning, am sorry things are not great.However i am on the page, of it was always going to be hard to adapt our bodies.One way or another.I just have to keep going as we all do,because it WILL get better it has too! Stay strong my friend,you have come soo far!


    • #37027

      So today is the famous Day 18 for me (from the title of this fantastic thread first started back in March 2019 by Dadict.

      I am sure you will all agree that it is an absolute Godsend as we go through the process due to all of the info and positivity it contains.

      I am still having big issues with sleeping although last night I did manage about 5 hours which is probably the most since I started.

      Trying to eat healthy and keep hydrated but really, I think it is just a case of waiting for time to pass and sleep patterns to return.

      I am also keen to restart running and will have to go from scratch again so, hopefully tomorrow, it is hello old friend to Couch to 5k Week 1 Run 1.

      Hope everyone is managing ok and feeling positive, not long until Christmas now but I think that is really a time of year not to let the guard down as we are surrounded by people basking in the Christmas spirit (or spirits lol).

      Stay strong and fight hard everyone,


    • #37044

      <p style=”text-align: left;”>Hi all hope you are all staying strong. It’s so heartwarming to see so many people getting clean from this drug.</p>
      I unfortunately had to take one of those little devil pills 3 days ago due to the amount of pain I was in because of my endometriosis. It was either that or a trip to A&E where they would just give me strong pain relief anyway!

      It didn’t make me feel high whatsoever, which I think is a good thing. But it did ease the pain greatly. I’ve not had the urge to take any since. It did trigger my anxiety a tad but I think that’s understandable.

      It gives me hope that if I ever need strong pain relief in the future I may be able to take them like a ‘normal person’ although I have no desire to touch them again. Never say never!

      Anyway I just wanted to come on here and be transparent as I believe it’s important to be honest and accept that we are only human.

      Sending love to all xx

    • #37045

      Hello All

      I’ve tried to post a number of times  but it’s just not happening. See if this works…

      Long story short I’ve struggled with codeine for around 20 years and have detoxed and relapsed so much it’s embarrassing. I successfully quit for 3 years but that was over a decade ago now.

      I’m currently on day 23 and this thread has really helped keep me going so a big thank you everyone. I can identify with you Lizzie; I’m over the acute withdrawals but  don’t feel that I’m consistently getting better – I have occasional  good days but generally still feel so lethargic and low.

      I’d intended to wait until after Christmas to detox but stopped on 22nd Nov – a random window of opportunity presented whereby I’ve had the time to ‘be ill’. Also. the ever increasing hassle, deceit and expense involved seemed even more daunting than quitting.

      I really struggle with Christmas Day specifically so my plan has been to accept that I’ll take a reduced amount to get me through the day and then jump straight back on the wagon on Boxing Day… However,  I’m getting the impression that this is a seriously bad idea – how so???! I don’t think I can face starting the process again and I can’t keep putting my central nervous system through this ordeal…  Does a one off lapse really impact the brain and recovery that much?

      I’m sorry that this is such a disjointed and negative post but any advice would be appreciated.



      • #37046

        Bless you Maria, it’s really difficult isn’t it. I unfortunately had to take a codeine tablet the other day as I just couldn’t cope with the pain I was in. I only took the one and it doesn’t seem to have affected me much, although my anxiety has spiked a tad, but I’m generally an anxious person anyway, it’s the one thing I have consistently struggled with since quitting the drug.

        I have to add though I hadn’t had any codeine for 7 months so I think that’s why it hasn’t really bothered me. I have read somewhere that taking the tablet after stopping can trigger the PAWS affect again. But with me I wouldn’t notice as I’m an anxious bean most of the time anyway ????

        Whatever you choose to do remember to be kind to yourself, this isn’t easy and we are only human ♥️

    • #37049

      Hi all!

      Wynter nice too hear from you lass!

      Really pleased to hear you are still with us! Like you said,i think if we do not feel the tablet we can go someway into not worrying about it.Probalby makes no sense that ????‍♂️

      I have considered taking one! Just like you said for pain,however am not sure i could cope with the Anxiety. I must be over 6 months too now,however i still have little intrest in alot of things.However i have just started cold water therapy,so i am putting a little hope into that helping me. We shall see.

      Maria,i feel the same as you about xmas,i do not drink either, so i will be glad when it is all over.In all honesty.If you can get through the day without taking any, just think of how good that will feel knowing you got through the day without them! It will push you too be stronger,imo.

      My ex wife has the children xmas day this year,but i will have a few hours with them during the day.Hence why am not looking forward to it.It is what is though,so i must persevere.

      I hope everyone is holding on,just remember  you have the rest of your lives in front of you all,better things will come!!

      Stay strong all! ????????????????????????????????????????????????





      • #37052

        Hi Marky ????

        So glad you are still going strong ????

        I too will be glad when Xmas is over, just can’t be bothered with it this year. I think it’s over hyped anyway.

        My anxiety is back to normal levels now after taking the tablet. Think I just made myself worse. No cravings to take anymore or anything. I’ll never get complacent though. I never, ever want to go through withdrawal again!

        Hope everyone had a nice weekend ????

    • #37054

      Hi people,

      Really hope you are all coping?

      This is a very long and winding road we are on .  .  .

      I’ve been on 3 Christmas meals etc and I just realised why I don’t get any enjoyment out of it, it’s not so much that I don’t drink its because I usually have 6 solpedeine before I go out and therefore it makes the evening even more enjoyable.

      This life is plain and simply tough at the moment but I’m not giving up.

      Each one of us is dealing with our own baggage but don’t give up … never give up.

      Take care all xxx

      access xxx

      • #37079

        <p style=”text-align: right;”>Hi Access</p>
        I hope you are well.

        Just picking up on something you said in your post.3 xmas meals an no ejoyment.It will take awhile for us too adjust, i think i am still adjusting an I’m over 6 months. I have very little enjoyment either. I seem to be searching for happiness continuously. We just have to keep going,and hope and pray it will return. You are doing amazing,you really are. It will come back,it has too.We have done so much hard work getting off of them a reward must be outthere somewhere! Lol ????‍♂️

        Keep strong my friend.



    • #37056

      Thanks so much for your kind and supportive words Wynter and Marky.

      At this moment in time I’m feeling  more optimistic about my ability to abstain on Christmas Day. Life threw an enormous bucket load of stress at me on Friday leading to a completely sleepless night. I was so wired and shaken up yesterday I had every intention of using but I think sheer anger drove me to push through. I slept well last night and have spent today negotiating tricky legal documents without too much brain fog. Had this happened a few weeks ago I’d have easily got through 3 packets of Nurofen Plus over the weekend… So against all odds I’m on Day 26!

      No I can’t drink either. I’m exactly the same access – the only part of Christmas I was excited about was taking codeine! I’m hoping that my current resolve will last…

      Thanks again everyone for all the support and encouraging words here.





    • #37063

      Hello all! Just said I’d check in to see how everyone is doing. I unfortunately had a relapse early October for 2 weeks (I would consider it a relapse) but back on the wagon since. I still have bad days but pushing on through it. Hope everyone is fighting the good fight! Don’t give up and even if you do fall off the wagon you can get back up again xx

      • #37064

        Hi all!! Really well done Maria,these things are put in place to tempt us! It is the devils work! Haha noo i am not religious,however it is like living with the devil fighting an addiction! Imo!

        Nice to hear from you again Black warrior! Glad you are still fighting! It is a journey,so it is always going to happen if we let it.Unfortunatley. Was it something in particular that made you use again? I only ask so as you find a different way to cope in the future.Life is very hard at the best of times.

        Stay strong all,do not give in to the devil,it will not make your anxiety or problems go away if you use,infact it will only highlight them! Try and think before you get the box/packet out,why are you going to use?? You know you will feel better tomorrow having not used.100%

        You all got this! Stay strong all



      • #37091

        Hi Black Warrior, these things happen but glad you are back on the path ???????? I had to take one about 2 weeks ago due to the pain I was in. I just took the one and haven’t had the urge to take any since, but I can see how easy it is to get sucked back in. I think it’s my anxiety that stops me going down that route again.

        Hope everyone else is doing well, I echo the feeling where things are just like ‘meh’. I often think is this my life now? I just don’t seem to be happy or enjoy life. But like Marky said, it’s a long haul this & things will hopefully get better in time.

        Wishing everyone the best Christmas possible where ever you are in your journey. Stay strong, it will soon be over ????????

    • #37094

      Hi all!

      I hope you are all well, and are looking forward to spending time with your friends/family over the festive period.

      For some it will be the first Christmas clean of dhc/codiene ect for a long time..For me it is.

      Good luck all,it can be a very trying time.You have done soo well,keep it going into the New Year! All the best all,see you on the otherside!

      Stay strong all ????????????????????????????????????????????????

    • #37097

      Hi Team,

      A Merry Christmas to you all AND its nearly over for another year … why? Eh?

      My grandkids are bouncing off the walls as I’m luckly enough to be in South Africa for Christmas.

      But let me explain one thing about addiction and however we try to ‘make excuses’ the bottom line is we are addicts plain and simple.

      But I stopped one addiction 20 years ago and Solpedeine addiction is by comparison far greater to beat its a real sh*t, its brutal 100% but i have been using for 40 years I expected a tough ride.

      But today I spent a day with family and friends and at no point did I have to dissapear into the bathroom to take 2 tabs and again and again.

      I didnt have to buy 150 tablets to see me through!! For the first time my addiction wasn’t with me and I realised I was actually winning, I kmow tomorrow maybe different BUT I am winning slowly and carefully.

      and you can win like me,  please try its better than you think.




    • #37101

      Well done Access, you have done amazing to get to where you ate now!!

      Onwards and upwards ????

      That goes for anyone one else on the journey! Stay strong all!


    • #37116

      Nearly a New Year and I wonder what life holds for us? I know for one thing I will not be going back to solpedeine addiction 100% perhaps you don’t believe me?

      At the moment I have a handle on the addiction side of taking solpedeine.

      This isn’t easy I admit, but believe me things are better now.

      I really hope 1 person reads this and thinks .  .  I can do this?

      Please try.

      Keep safe




    • #37121

      Hi, I’m about to Go cold turkey. I’m taking dihydrocodeine 30mg, codeine 30mg and 8mg (chemist). How bad does it get on the second day. For me the biggest issue is physical, the mental side I think I deal with (I hope????). What advice can you give to alleviate bodily pain. Drink plenty of water? glucose etc… just any info regarding what you would have done differently knowing afterwards?
      Sorry for the long message.

      • #37123

        Hi Richard, you are in the right place .plenty of water(fluids)food if you can manage it and just take it as it comes,it will get easier! Days 3-7 were the worst for me too..for the physicals anyway.

        Immodium is also your friend if you can take it.Plenty of vit c,Magnesium ect.

        Keep checking in your feelings with the site,it may feel silly at first,but believe me it really does help! You can do this,so many have shown,yes its not going to be vwry pleasent,however whats a few weeks to the rest of our lives.

        Speak soon my freind,stay strong,YOU got this!!!


      • #37124

        While i remember Richard,if your doctor listens an is willing to help then ask for some.There are soo many medications that help..Good luck man!!.



    • #37135

      Stick at it! You will have a totally new and different life. Stopping is easy! Staying stopped is the hard part lol. I was addicted to codeine for 21 years – clean now for almost four. I don’t understand how I survived this addiction – buying from internet and abroad and consuming about thirty 30/500 tabs each day!! My liver and kidney functions were shot to pieces – but by some miracle not permanently damaged. I tried to stop many times and failed. Finally I just knew that I did not want to live this life and die with this shite in my blood. I made the decision to stop and worked out a “reduction plan” based on my remaining supply. Gradually reduced number of tabs each day until I took my last in January 2020. Withdrawal was still horrendous – similar to heroin withdrawal. Shakes..sweats…cramps..loose bowels and the dreaded “restless legs”. Physical recovery is fairly quick. Psychological and emotional recovery takes longer. I never used to dream at night – now I do. Life is good – but I feel like I have woken up from a 20 year coma. Your addiction will try every dirty trick to make you take codeine again – just understand that this is the nature of addiction and be ready!! Good luck in your recovery – it is soooo worth it.

    • #37140

      Hi all, just found this forum and so happy it’s here. I’m on day 16 which is amazing. I got Covid before Christmas and decided to combine that with cold turkey, yeah, crazy I know. But here I am on day 16 after five years following a back injury and the death of my wife from cancer. My doc was happy to give a repeat prescription which I loved too much and then supplemented with N+. Obvs the warm fuzzy feeling stopped and no matter how hard I chased it, it was gone forever, after that it’s just been a process of not doing withdrawal. I’ve tried tapering a few times which worked until something stressful happened. Then I was back to high doses and the sense I would never be free of it.

      anyway, I’m beyond the discomfort phase but struggling with the emotional. My brain is quietly telling me that it would be fine to do just a little, that I’ll be able to handle it better now, all that nonsense. No intention of giving in today but just wanted to put it out there to people who understand.

      im really glad that i can read about you alls journey to remind myself just how terrible the addiction is and how joyful life can be in recovery.

      Happy new year to you all ????

    • #37141

      Hello, im on day 1 and im very anxious about the withdrawal stage. Im currently cold turkey after like 3 years of taking a substantial ammount of daily zapain (codiene) but im hoping to get help with that, found your post very uselfull and all the comments. Do you have any tips for over the counter meds that got you through withdrawals. I cant afford time off so still need to work as much as poss but obviously need to make it through the day without anyone noticing too much haha Anything anyome has done to help them through? Thanks 🙂

      • #37220

        How are you getting on Jay? Hope you’re well!

    • #37142

      Hi Bunkiller and both Jays!

      You have found the best place to be for help,empathy an advice.However,always check medical advice.I suggested phenergan to Wynter and it did not get on with her at all,please check.

      Yes the hard part is very mental in my eyes too. Don’t get me wrong it was all hell,but dealing with all the emotions that had been suppressed was really hard. It was similar to when i stopped drinking,blinkers were firmly on! After returning to some sort of normality i knew i hadnt been in my right mind for years! Still most probalby not haha.

      Please remember these pills have been helping us to survive in our own way,so we have to learn new actions or habits to replace the DHC. Our bodies are not liking going without these pills at all!

      Over the counter meds are immodium, vit c,all vits an minerals will help a little.

      Phenergan is a antihistamine for travel sickness but it has helped people stay calmer.

      Anything,just sure someone will check in an offer some needed advice!

      Stay strong all, YOU GOT THIS!


      • #37761

        It’s bunkilla

    • #37146


      I’m checking in because I feel the need to be accountable – apart from my long suffering partner no one knew about my addiction … I’ve f***ed up (yet again). I made it to 31 days – the longest I’ve abstained in years and then I caved 2 days before Christmas. I’m so angry that I got so near yet so far… This time, my use escalated alarmingly quickly and 5N +(using the “just to take the edge off” excuse) a day, became up to 20 by the New Year. I tried again on Tuesday but have just given in and taken 5 (I’m too ashamed to tell my partner this time). I just couldn’t function at all, mainly because of the insomnia and restlessness. I tried zopiclone and diazepam but after a few days they weren’t touching the sides and I really don’t want to end up with a benzo habit to add this mess… As soon as life gets stressful, I screw up. I’m not sure where I go from here or if I’ll ever beat this thing…

      Apologies for my private pity party and I hope everyone else is having a happier new year!


      • #37147

        Hi Maria, first of all you’re not a pity party or whatever you want to call it! You are most probalby in the biggest battle of your life! These things are horrendous. They are soo hard to kick because alot use to mask other problems.Untill they get adressed it will always be there in some sort of way.

        Its a long journey Maria,you have fallen,however you can get back and go again! Show these things they do not control you! You have as much support as you need in this site,you really have! 30 plus days is a huge achievement too!!

        Give it another go,you know you want too! You can do this,35 days you done!! You CAN do this.Sending positive vibes!

        Stay strong ????????????????????????????????????????????????

    • #37176

      Day 23, digestion getting back to what I think might be normal. Still getting waves of exhaustion, though I’m sleeping better now. RL has passed which is a relief. visited my mom which I thought might be difficult as she has a script for 30/500s and I’ve been known to sneak  a few of those while I’m there. No temptation at all which was great.

      never the less I’m still having odd moments where I think I’ll just feel better if I use again. It feels boring to not be high. I can sit with that though and all the uncomfortable feelings. Anyways, those are some thoughts on day 23, also considering going to a meeting, saying the words out loud to people.


      La Lucha Continua, as they say ????


    • #37181

      Hi guys, v inspiring storuies and honesty from you all. Thanks, currently on day 17 cold turkey after 26 years daily use, it’s tricky. especially the sneaky thoughts telling me to use just once to take the edge of things. Taking good courage from your shares, let’s make it through to day 18

    • #37186

      Hi all,this is one of their most evil tricks! Just the the cple ,see what will do.Dont try,honestly it is not worth it.All it will do is start you again at the begining,and all that brings! Yeah life is pretty boring without the drugs,but it is better than sneaking around looking for that buzz! That you will never find again.The warm fuzzies have gone! Stay strong all,please, you really have got this! You really have! Well done!


    • #37187

      Hi, oh man I just looked at my diary and I counted wrong, toaday is actually day 17 for me! Not that it matters much, I have heard it said that the world record for clean time is 1 day, true that. Struggling at the moment, life seems so flat without my daily doses, guess it’s lack of dopamine or something, man I realluy hope this changes but you are right Markey, slipping up would be like a game of snakes and ladders and who knows how long before I’d find the resolve to commit to kick this, how much self-humiliation would it take? I started on opiods after brain surgery 26 years ago, twice in 12 months and after hospital was on v strong pain meds so felt switching to OTC pain meds was a good thing, I mean you could buy soluable Solapeine in Tesco then and then the restrictions came in and then my neurologist gave me a script and it’s been ongoing daily ever since. Of course I was topping up script with pharmacy buys too. I do have a painful neurological condition in my face but codeine doesn’t really touch it, but I use it to feel good or not feel bad or nervous or bored, whatever, anything to escape how I feel and now I don’t have that outlet and it’s unpleasant. Did some blood work with a new doctor pre-Christmas and got v bad liver reslts and that freaked me out a bit as I don’t drink, so kinda told here about my Solpadeine use, she was quite strict and struck it from my monthly script and tbh I’m really angry about that as she told me to use paracetamol instead, which I believe is also not good for liver. So I spend my days debating with myself the merits of going through all this low mood/mild-depression and lack of motivation. I also take epileptic meds and this impacts on liver function too so bad bloods are nothing new. I guess I’m seriously questioning if it’s woth it to go through this but I will persevere and see if my spirits lift. Thanks

      • #37188

        Hi Cyclops! What you are feeling is completely normal unfortunately. I still have really bad days when i think exactly the same as you,is it worth ect! It is worth it,we have to find other enjoyments! I am still struggling now bieng kind to myself is something completely new. So are alot of things at the moment.Our feelings/emotions have been dulled for so long it will and can take awhile for us to adjust,very slowly unfortunately. Stick at it man,snatch the good bits when you can,get out try other things perhaps. Just don’t give up! You know that codiene life was vrap really! We forget so quickly expecting to feel all good after the withdrawal, i think the physical withdrawal is just the beginning for many!

        You got this,keep strong man!

        Positive mental attitude! YOU got this you really have.

        Stay strong ????????????????????????????????????????????????

    • #37190

      Hey I made it to day 18 ! A milestone for me given this forum. It’s been tough mentally, much harder than I expected. First week, a lot of physical stuff, headaches, bathroom etc but as many point out here the psychological aspect is rough, low moods, listlessness etc & sneaky thoughts about using codeine but where will that get me? Nowhere, back in the endless loop of putting that into my body &  then slowly coming down off that & wanting to take more all through the day, my life revolving around that habit, enslaved ! I’m taking it one day at a time & realise my brain is rebalancing in terms of dopamine etc. Crazy thing is I’m a competitive swimmer, masters level now of course so have other outlets such as training etc & used to use pre & post competition & training so am learning to let go of these rituals I’ve baked into my system over the years. Tbh I need to learn my triggers for using & avoid or adapt/find a new healthier way other than using codeine. Too much screen time, family stuff, work, caffeine, a good day, a bad day, so many triggers but I know the longer I keep codeine out of my body the clearer things will become & I will reach that moment of epiphany when deep down I will realise I DON’T NEED TO DO THIS ANYMORE. This thread has been a great help during my low moments & thanks for support Marky. So day 18 today but it’s just another day & I will remain vigilant  & do my best to make it to day 19. Thanks people for all your honest shares & best wishes to all.

    • #37193
      Harris Miller


    • #37197

      Hello Harris, hope you are ok? I just registered on this forum a few days ago, it’s all very new for me but I have found the posts in the thread very relatable and inspiring in their own way. Tbh I’m quite an isolater so posting here is a challenge for me and it makes me accountable too in some way too, if that makes sense? Tbh I’m still taking baby steps and trying to make the right decisions for the right reasons. I quit drinking and cocaine over 20 years ago but I find kicking codeine really tough, it’s such a pernicious addiction ’cause I can function in the world while using in fact it feels sometimes as if it helps me function. I know I’m in a battle to challenge myself and not take the path of least resistance but even after just 18 days I feel a little bit more sharp and clear. I’m ok right now in this moment but it’s never too late to do something silly or regretful so I come back here for encouragement etc

      Wishing you well no matter how things are going for you today

    • #37206

      Hi fellow friends,

      It’s very strange because I remember when I found this site in August last year spending what seemed hours reading other people’s stories.

      Now I see the new names coming onto this site I wish them all the best and positivity because the beginning is SO dark and brutal.

      BUT you must and I mean MUST keep going however the snake that is codeine wants you back.

      I now know codeine was someone and something who I didn’t need.

      I am days away from 6 months and whilst I am proud of myself I feel for other people who are going on the same devastating journey.

      All I recommend is hydrate take vitamins write a diary to look back stay positive read the posts try to smile and most importantly tell people who will help you and trust.

      Stay safe


      • #37207

        Hi access, I was just wondering what vitamins you recommend?



        Sam x

    • #37208

      Hi Sam, I’m on day 28 after 5 years on codeine. The vitamins/supplements I use are all the Bs but especially B12, D and K2 and also mushroom extracts. I find Cordyceps, Lions Mane and Reishi helpful with tiredness and brain fog. There’s lots of mushroom complex options out there. I didn’t get on with 5-HTP, made stomach issues worse, but some people like it. As far as evening out dopamine, seratonin, endorphins etc the big ones are exercise, connection to other people, getting gut bacteria functional again (the 4 Ks, kefir, kombucha, krauts and kimchi) get lots of protein, chicken, eggs, tofu and a wide range of vegetables -eat the rainbow, 30 different vegetables in a week. Try not to eat too much candy.  On top of that I’ve been doing Wim Hoff breathing exercises and taking cold showers (not for the faint hearted, and I can’t bring myself to do ice baths). If you have access then I hear saunas are really helpful. Any of the above might help, but I think the best advice is to go gently, see what works for you. But above all keep your eyes on the prize – do not use today. Today is all we’ve got and today is doable.

      stay strong my fellow travelers. We got this!

    • #37210

      I’m nearing the end of day 7 cold turkey…. physical symptoms seemed to have eased quite a bit other than the loss of appetite and the nauseu/dodgy tummy.

      I’m really suffering with the panic/anxiety side though….. horrible feelings rushing through my body, racing heart, feelings of terror, dread and doom in my stomach… crying so much… I used to read so much I can’t concentrate on any of my books can’t seem to concentrate on much for long tbh.

      I ended up speaking to my GP surgery Friday when I didn’t realise the withdrawals I was going through (accidental dependence and went cold turkey last Monday not even realizing that I was doing it because I didn’t know my body had become so dependant)… they checked all my heart rate etc and then said that I was coming near the end of the physical symptoms.

      I had a brief couple of hours last night where I felt completely normal and like me again, although I kept waiting for the penny to drop and the feelings to kick in… but then this morning I woke up with so many feelings and so much anxiety… spoke to my GP surgery and got put on to a specialist who was so helpful and reassuring but I just feel like I need to get some reassurance from people who have been through it.

      They’ve give me some buspirone 5mg 1 to be taken 3 times daily as needed so I’m hoping after a couple days they will help and I’ve been assured they aren’t addictive!

      Any personal experiences in regards to these horrible doom and gloom, low mood, want to sleep but CANT sleep. Only had about 3 to 4 hours last night, been up since 8 15 (early for me as I only have to do afternoon pick ups for the kids) and still don’t feel tired ????

      All I keep thinking is will I sleep tonight? What if i don’t sleep ????

    • #37212

      <p style=”text-align: left;”>Hi again,</p>
      Hi Sam following on from Jaydog I tried various vitamins B12 and most of the Bs I spent a while reading up on types of vitamins primarily to give me more energy.
      <p style=”text-align: left;”>I just read through your post and it mirrors exactly the brutal way you have to readjust to coming off codeine.</p>
      I won’t want to scare you but I’ve been on co codamol for 40 years and I am finally after 5 months not getting the bursts of anexity I originally had but you should start feeling better a lot sooner than I did.

      The sleep issue would annoy me as I would fall asleep as I felt fairly tired, then wake up at 1.30am feeling pretty good almost wanting to “do something” paint the hallway etc my positivity was back I’d smile to myself “I’m back” then drift back off to sleep.

      I’d probably have 3 to 4 hours sleep on and off .  .  . THEN fall asleep about 4.00am and wake up around 6.30am with my anexity crashing around in my head, it was soul destroying.

      But I kept at it, I wrote in my diary exactly how I felt and what I was going through, however tough.

      I now have a full night’s sleep and 8 out of 10 times feel really good when I first wake up as the anexity is going.

      The most important thing you can do is seek advice from here, then from your GP, tell people you trust and who will help you, don’t be afraid, don’t go back and don’t feel your alone.

      Never be ashamed or overthink your recovery just play it hour by hour until you suddenly sleep all the way through the night and open your eyes to a codeine free day it’s great, it really is.

      Take care, be strong, you can do it!!



    • #37214

      As an afterthought – ask your gp about prescribing melatonin, not safe for everyone but I find it helps with sleep, especially in combination with B6 and magnesium.

    • #37219

      MarkyMark, if you’re around can you let me know how the cold water therapy is going. I’m thinking of graduating from the cold showers but am fearful of taking the plunge.
      thanks, Jaydog


    • #37221

      I’m doing a little better with the anxiety, panic feelings today I just keep telling myself they’re normal and they’ll pass.

      I managed to actually get some sleep last night, on and off though, its really annoying u fall asleep and when I wake up I think I wonder how much I’ve slept and its a couple of hours ???? and then I get really disheartened that I won’t get back to sleep.

      I’m very emotional, feel so tired (eyes are stinging) but not like nodding off it that makes sense, having to push myself to eat food and again I was up at 8 am… its so hard though because you wake up and all the thoughts and dread of the day come flooding into you and you think maybe I need more sleep but you can’t physically go back sleep. I’m really scared at the moment to be alone just me and my thoughts so thankfully I’ve had someone with me everyday, I’m hoping this feeling gets better. I just want to feel normal, and not feel dread and terror and anxiety for absolutely no reason whatsoever. Its literally anxiety about the day and feeling the way you’re feeling all day.

      Feels good to get this out to people who may understand, got some things to do this afternoon/evening so hoping to keep my mind off things, although I can’t seem to stop thinking about how tired I am, also headache which is probably from all the crying, hormones, mental exhaustion. I possibly got told they can be rebound headaches from the medication overuse.

      Hope everyone is well and hoping this mental battle gets easier soon ???????? x

      • #37226

        Hi Sam,

        Just wanted to pop on and give you a bit of encouragement. I was exactly the same as you  the anxiety was by far my biggest symptom.

        The mornings were just awful, feelings of doom that started the moment I opened my eyes. Being scared that I would never feel normal again. BUT it does go, so hang on in there.

        Everyone on here was saying everything gets better after a week, but for me it took a couple to settle. Even now my anxiety is an ongoing battle but I’ve always being an anxious Annie so that’s probably why. But it’s nothing like it was in the beginning, it’s manageable.

        Your brain is just freaking out as it’s not getting those happy hormones from the drug, but it relearns so keep going. It will pass I promise ♥️


        • #37231

          Thanks so much for your reply Wynter – yes it’s definitely the hardest thing of all.

          I managed to get about 5 or 6 hours sleep last night which I’m really happy about but as you say waking up in the morning with these horrible doom and gloom feelings is just awful.

          Especially as in the past I would have got the my girls ready for school and then their dad would take them and id just happily go back to sleep, now it seems I’m up for the day and I’m constantly thinking of the day ahead, how am I gonna stop myself from having anxiety until I’ve got something or someone to take my mind off it.

          I’m going to visit my sister today with my Dad then I’ll be picking the girls up with him, my eldest always stays at her grandads tonight and I’m wary that I’m going to be on my own with my youngest, who is disabled, for a couple of hours before their dad comes home and I am absolutely dreading it already.

          I’ve not even started my day properly yet and I’m already thinking about the parts of the day where I’m going to be alone with my thoughts.

          So so exhausting and I can’t stand this horrible feeling in my stomach, makes me feel so sick but I’ve forced myself to eat some breakfast.

          Also, did anyone struggle going out in public at first, I went out yesterday to Aldi and Home Bargains with my mum and I felt so on edge and like my brain was running slower than it needed to be it was such a strange experience.

          Hope everyone is well, sending love x

          • #37235

            Hi Sam, it definitely gets easier, all that brain fog and feeling like an alien who’s moving at a different speed will pass. Your brain and body will get used to you not feeding it poison. Go gently, give it time. I’m 30 days clean and everything feels so different, even sleep. If you can pick up some magnesium from Lidl or Aldi that should help with your sleep cycle, it improves REM sleep, the bit where you process stuff in dreams. It can help you wake up feeling less stressed. If you download the insight timer app there’s a guy on there called Andrew Johnson who does relaxation meditations, I have found them really helpful.

            it gets better , I promise ????????

            • #37240

              Thanks so much for the reply… seeing these comments really gives me hope, I’m on day 10 today, I’m having bigger bouts of feeling normal and I’m managing to actually get decent sleeps which is good because I know that will really help my recovery.

              I’d definitely agree with everyone who had said mornings are the worst, the utter doom and gloom and worry for the day ahead. Worrying how I’m going to feel.

              At the minute as well I’ve got this worry that everyone around me is going to get bored of me still feeling like this, they’ve all been so supportive but every day I wake up and hope this is the day I’ll feel almost normal and I won’t have to tell people around me that I’ve got this horrible dread and anxiety in the pit of my stomach. And that I’m scared to be on my own with my own thoughts and anxieties.

              To be honest I think I’m more worried at the moment because I feel like these moments of dread and anxiety are when I haven’t got anything to occupy me and because my partner works 10-6 and my girls go to school I feel like that’s why it’s so bad in the day time – I’m waiting around to get my girls at 3, all I can think about is getting further into the day but the time feels like it goes so slow.

              I guess I’m just worried that even though I wasn’t aware of my addiction and I wasn’t using for the feeling that it was filling a void I already had. I would often feel at a loose end at times before I withdrew and I never used to have any motivation or energy.

              I’m not sure if it’s normal to feel like this on day 10, so listless and unsure what to do with myself but I’m hoping it will improve. I’d like to say I want to be back to normal but I don’t think I remember what normal feels like. I’ve always struggled with my anxiety but it’s been a few years since it’s been like this so I guess I’m finding it hard to adjust.

              My stomach is still a little dodgy but not to bad and I am managing to eat more which is good too.

              I do think this may be a little longer road for me in regards to the mental journey as maybe some of the issues were already underlying. Also, the anti depressants I take may need rotating according to the doctors as I’ve been on them a while now.

              Hoping everyone’s OK today x

    • #37241

      Hi all!

      It’s great too see lots of new faces beating the demon! I don’t know how many days I am, but some days it’s still a struggle.We got this though,coming back in seeing the amount of strength you guys got is so really does help with the battle.

      Stay strong all ????????????????????????????????????????????????

    • #37259

      WOW! I despise that a GP can get us hooked, so easily, and knowing the withdrawal process, same goes for Anti depressants

      I have emotional disregulation disorder (BPD), and unfortunately it comes with addictive traits, and triggers.

      I took codeine 30/500 for about 5 years, up until 2018 when I broke free, however, due to carpal tunnel & nerve damage in my neck I started again in 2020… lost my sister that year to lung cancer, and then lost my mother to esophagus cancer a year ago, caring for them both nearly finished me, so, I’ve needed plenty of dopamine to boost my adrenaline, hence abuse of cocodamol in 2023.

      Came in to 2024 wanting to change as I have no family, or friends anymore, and my 16yr old daughter has rebelled completely the last 12 month’s, so, my grief has been intense, as well as my substance abuse.

      I had a trigger happen on 6th January, and stopped smoking cannabis which I’ve done since 1994, but, started taking Zoplicone from my GP. 6 days later I started having severe psychosis & stopped codeine, aswell as Zoplicone, as I thought they didn’t go well together, and quit sugar too (i tried to tackle all my demons at once, which backfired).. I’ve lost just over a stone in 2 weeks and have crumbled mentally, I’ve rung samaritans and CALM hotlines daily. Zoplicone withdrawal has eased, as of 2 days ago, thankfully as that was horrific! I’ve never been so suicidal in my life, it was very scary.

      But, now I’m left with severe agitation and restlessness, which I’ve never had before, day 4 like this, headaches, sweating and sensitive to light. The only thing that eases the agitation is walking with my dog for cpl hour’s, but, it comes back, the nights are terrible and I dread what the next day will bring like others here have stated.

      I’m hoping my symptoms will ease very soon, but I know they may take a few week’s to subside.

      I’ve had to reintroduce 8/500 codeine at 2 tabs per day, just to give my body something as I can’t handle the agitation. 16mg is better than 240mg per day I suppose

      I’m really struggling mentally at the moment, and am extremely thankful that I have found this thread and website, it all made sense with how I felt, on and off codeine!

      Thank you to everyone for posting! Hopefully I’ll be a new man in 4 weeks time. Trying to pick my life back up and make my mother proud and smile down on me… I’ll try to reply with updates over the next few week’s to how it’s going



      • #37260

        Wishing you kindness, strength and best wishes. I am admitting to myself that things have gotten really out of hand with my codeine usage. What started as something to legitimately help with migraine pains years ago turned into daily usage for the last two years now, up to 4-600mg a day at the worst. Absolutely mad numbers. I have felt deep shame and embarrassment let alone the financial factor. But this is the time to admit it pen to paper and come out loud to say I am turning a page. I am going on my sobriety journey. I am terrified about what is to come in terms of symptoms and withdrawal effects but I am encouraged by the fact I am not alone. Peace and love to all.

        • #37261

          Hi Hant ❤

          Codeine is an amazing prescription drug for pain and work’s wonder’s when in pain, but it definitely comes with downsides in the long run, mentally, and without realising it. When I stopped years ago, I tapered off and stopped gradually, I do remember ‘returning to my old self’. Stopping them this time, was an impulsive thing for me due to ‘psychological warfare’ in my head, I think it will be the same scenario for others who want to stop, you’ve hit that point!

          My only advice is keep at it, regardless of how this is making YOU feel, that dread feeling will definitely go away, along with the sadness and serious aches and pains in your body and head.

          REMEMBER that you’re doing this for a reason, hence why you’ve found this thread!

          I came to the conclusion that I dont want to be reliant on a tablet, I’m willing to take my physical pain over the mental pain that codeine causes me.

          After writing my comment earlier, and taking hours to read the full thread, putting pen to paper and sharing actually helped my agitation, slightly. I also took 2 ibuprofen and they seemed to lift the pain and aches I’ve got in my body, especially legs and hips. For the headaches I’m using something called Soothe & Kool roller ball, which is like a Vicks, it soothes my head a little.

          Just remember, try not to hide away at home, if you feel up to it, go out for a walk and work your body and get fresh air, I’ve never paced in my house so much as I have over the last few day’s, unable to sit still, and I force myself out regardless. After my walk I have a sleep for half hour, and feel a bit better for doing so. Get as much rest as you can, and remember that one day very soon and that horrible pain and feeling you have right now, will be eased, each day it will get slightly better ❤

          Have patience, stay sane, and keeping eating & drinking to keep your strength up, and stay hydrated ????


    • #37263

      This is my day 10 now without 240-300mg codeine in my system! Felt a little better yesterday when I posted on here, but, was so restless and agitated last night come 10pm, didn’t want to sleep. Woke up this morning after 5 hours of broken sleep, my legs and bones are aching so much, day 5 like this! Heavy head fog, can’t concentrate, very upset, feeling sick, but forcing myself to eat now… when is this going to end? ???? Time goes so slow and boredom is immense, unable to sit comfortably and concentrate. Feeling awful.. Will drag myself out with the dog soon to see if that helps

      Safe to say I’m NEVER putting myself in this position again! My 16mg taper has gone down to 0mg as of today. Need to flush this *rap out of my system asap

      Be careful accepting sleepers as alternatives to help in nights, remember that they too have withdrawal symptoms of their own

      Came straight back to here to read all the posts again!

      Just thought I’d post again to see if can help my symptoms, sincere apologies for annoying everyone ❤ im all over the place at the moment…

      • #37264

        Sending you my best wishes, and encouraging you to keep on your journey! Thank you for sharing your kind words and encouragement to me in the earlier post. It’s difficult, It’s horribly hard at times and the temptation to go back is so so strong. But the freedom to life without these tablets and their hold on us is worthwhile; we’ve chosen to go onto the journey of sobriety and clean-living for a reason, just remember that reason! I’m trying to distract myself as much as I possibly can to get myself out of the temptations, head fog and physical symptoms.

    • #37271

      Hi all, Day 2 for me on cold turkey after two years or so of constant codeine usage. I have been feeling cold chills, my stomach is doing all sorts of grumbling and I can’t stop fidgeting my legs. The anxiety and tearfulness led me to cry at seemingly nothing last night in front of my other half. Isn’t it amazing how these little pills can have such a hold on our mind-body? But the testimony and energy of everyone on here encourages me to keep going. Peace and love to you all.

      • #37272

        Hey Hant ❤

        I feel your pain entirely and empathise so much ???? I cried most of yesterday and was so angry for some reason, I spent 5 days bawling my eyes out last week too ???? yes, those pills are so damaging to the mind and temptation tells us to take them to relieve the pain! Dont listen to those thought’s though, please!..

        I’m day 11 today and woke up feeling slightly less restless and agitated, I’ve actually smiled today and held a conversation, and done some house work too, my mind has been racing but that’s my natural dopamine and serotonin coming back, I’m guessing..

        you will experience nausea, headaches, very restless legs, sensitivity, muscle aches and increased anxiety over the next 2 weeks, but, stick with it and definitely know that it well get better my friend ❤ day 11 and I’m a bit more alert, I still have the muscle aches and dread what tomorrow will bring, but, I’m ‘riding it like a donkey’, it’s a bit of an ass but wait for the good day’s, they will come soon

        Remember your goal, to get back to your old self for you and your family ❤ 2-3 week’s of your life with intense withdrawal symptoms, and then you will get a good day, and will thrive and almost be were you want to be

        Rest as much as you can, don’t over do it, hot water bottle’s for the achy leg’s, eat little and often to keep your strength up, but then a cool environment when your feeling really restless with leg’s and body, and agitation

        Be kind to yourself and KEEP GOING ????

        • #37314

          Hi all

          I’m on day 17 and it definitely is the mental battle that’s the hardest, it definitely gets better as the days go on, I’ve always battled with anxiety and stuff anyway, plus being a woman I have hormones and time of the month to factor in. I am actually due on any day now and my anxiety has rocketed a little yesterday and today.  However, the last couple of days I’ve woken up without the heavy dread feeling in my stomach, after over 2 weeks of that feeling it is definitely a welcome change! I have an appetite again too which is amazing as I was literally having to force myself to eat.

          I got some help from someone at my GP surgery – a pharmacist who works with pain management and tablet control . He was so informative and reassuring and prescribed me a mild anxiety tablet that isn’t addictive and isn’t meant to cause withdrawal symptoms.

          Like I say, the anxiety is definitely still there at the minute but its nowhere near as bad as it was and I’ve finally managed to start reading and watching TV again. I have managed to go out around people a couple of times too and that’s definitely getting easier.

          It’s good reading this thread as it definitely makes you feel better about how you’re feeling, when you research or speak to people who don’t have good knowledge about all of this they tend to tell you you’ll feel okay after a couple of weeks but it’s all dependant on the person and the situation as well. I’m definitely feeling miles better than I did a couple of weeks ago but it’s definitely a process.

          Hoping everyone’s doing okay today! Will check back later on to see if anyone needs to chat ✨️

    • #37315

      I haven’t actually updated on here for a few days – I’m coming up for the illusive day 18 and I will admit I feel like a totally different person and it does get better everyday. I’d stopped waking up with the dread feeling although my anxiety has always been an issue so I would still have times of feeling anxious.

      I’ve been out to a few public places, a couple of meals and I’ve been picking my kids up everyday and it’s definitely getting easier to be around people too.

      I started to feel a little strange last night though, some anxiety and weirdness but I have started my period today and I’m wondering if this has possibly triggered it as my body associates the period with taking cocodomal – I would usually take them as I suffer with period pains. So I feel a little on edge and odd but am thinking their is a multitude of reasons my body could be feel anxious and panicky. And also from the posts I’ve read in the past I’ve seen that it can take a couple more weeks to feel 90% normal.

      I just think people should be aware that even when we start to feel normal it creeps back in sometimes but I feel like this is a normal process for our body to be going through. I don’t know if I’m writing this more for myself than for others, as it feels good to get my feelings out that are just bouncing around in my head.

      Been trying to distract myself all day but I’m finding it a little harder today.

      I’m hoping someone may even see this who has felt the same at their time of the month after recovering from codeine addiction and give me some advice or reassurance.

      Also, even though my situation was a little different to others in regards to the way I became addicted and went cold turkey unknowingly I’m still finding myself thinking today oh maybe if you just have a cocodomal youll feel okay, which is so strange for me. I’m completely fine with the feeling I can get past it but it’s so strange for me.


      Hope everyone’s OK x

      • #37320

        Hey Sam

        I’m day 14 today, the severe symptoms happened for first 10 day’s with myself, but, the last 3 day’s the pressure had lifted off my head (thankgod), along with the horrific agitation & restlessness, that was unbearable. Woke this morning and the agitation came back a bit, but took dog out for hour and it cleared and felt eased, came home and decided to carry with some tasks on as I was ‘normal’, this evening I’ve felt like utter *rap and I think I’ve over done it…. legs and body aching and my pupil’s are buggered, had a comment in a little tesco at 6pm to ‘look at my eye’s’, they thought I had been taking something ???? hurts looking at phone to write this…. feeling anxious and depressed again and thinking the dread about tomorrow, again, I thought that had all gone! I was wrong

        When I felt better today, I actually thought about taking 2 tabs, to have that adrenaline boost, again.. even thought tonight about restarting, I just want to feel ‘normal’ and for the pain to go away.. but, I know that the tablets will cause more anxiety & emotions, as that was the reason I stopped them….. I know I’ve come so far so will definitely stick to life without

        I definitely empathise with the anxiety, and things creeping back. Gets you so down! And to read the last posts from Access and Mark, 6 months and they still have day’s where they think and reminisce ???? Thank you for posting again ????

        I’ve tried to stay positive, but my god it’s hard to maintain. I cannot wait to reach that milestone of 18 day’s. WELL DONE TO YOU ❤ You all should be so proud of yourselves for doing it cold turkey at home! this is the most horrific endurance I’ve been through in adult life as it’s both mental, and physically painful, and I’ve been through some horrific times to compare, or so i thought, but, this is a breaker for some people.

        Hope you’re all well and sending love to you all ❤ Hope you’re feeling better tomorrow Sam ????

        Take the good day’s with the bad I suppose

    • #37316

      Morning guys,

      I’ve not been on here for a few days but woke up early and read the new stories about our battle with a tablet that was our best friend who now has turned out to be our worse enemy.

      I’m approaching six months and this week has been a real test without going into great detail, no I didn’t go back.

      I still go back in the diary and read days 16, 18, 46, 95 etc and it helps.

      My mind fog is still around as people say things to me and it is quote ‘in one ear out the other’.

      I have become more angry now about the seemingly dire and destructive problems co codamol causes us yet noone really cares, and unless you pay for recovery etc a forum site is our only help.

      All I can say is keep going, you will feel better daily, you will wake up and smile to yourself, you will get your life back, you will now hate the tablets and more importantly you will have made the RIGHT choice.



    • #37318

      Hi all

      Not been around for awhile,however nothing has changed.All of you are doing an amazing job with your recovery!

      It’s such a difficult time,but as you can testament too it will get better.I too found the headwork the hardest,still have very negative days but i must just accept them as that.

      Super well done all! Stay strong! ????????????????????????????????????????????????

      Access at 6mths man,that has gone quickly.Well done.


    • #37327

      My agitation, brain fog and anxiety are absolutely extreme today. Had about 4 hours of broken sleep, and feel awful for it, kept waking for the toilet.

      I think I’ve figured out why it’s come back, although it is my day 15 today from stopping 30/500 x 8-10 per day, I was still taking 2 x 8/500 per day in the mornings to lessen the severe withdrawals. That didn’t work tho, so I cut them completely off on 21st Jan, so, only 6 day’s ago. The math say’s that I’m probably starting again, but, without the lesser symptoms persisting, but they are still present now ???? I’m stupid! This may be my day 6, rather than day 15… im gutted, but logic tells me I’ve reversed the process and going back through it… my god it is unbearable, again. So glad I started writing on this thread, or, I wouldn’t have figured the exact dates out

      A thought has come back to me too, I was taking mitrazapine (90mg p/day) for 3 year’s up until 2018, I tapered off with them along with the codeine I was taking at the time. It took me about a year or so for my ‘spark’ to come back and feel my old self again, I think it will be the same for this time with codeine! Give it 12 month’s and your full smile will come back! It’s a long time frame, but was well worth it as I remember

      Doesn’t change the fact that I feel utter sh*te at the moment tho… lol

      Hopefully a walk with my dog will ease for me today… not going out in public as my eyes are so sensitive, and a comment about my pupils in tesco from a staff member last night embarrassed me, I feel like a hard drug addict ????

      Stupid tablet’s, stupid me!

      Hope you’re all doing good today x

      • #37328

        Sorry for the typo as i just read my last post back, my withdrawal symptoms are less this time around, but, have definitely come back after a couple of day’s.. very hard to deal with

        Here we go again.. time to lock myself in for a few day’s and recover

    • #37329

      Help please…i have no idea what im doing….ive been taking codeine for years…id take 60mg once a day….sometimes twice a day…then 4 months ago i developed gyno problems which caused a lot of pain and discomfort so for last few months ive been taking 60mg sometimes 3 times a day….a week ago my pain started getting better so ive been taking less codeine as i know i shouldn’t be taking it everyday…i went down to 60mg once a day…and then i havent had any since Wednesday….ive been getting chills…sweats…crying for no reason…palpitations…anxiety….so i took 30mg today…i need help snd advice please…am i doing it wrong? Im too scared to talk to my gp…i told my partner last night who ive been hiding it from for years…should i have gone cold turkey ????‍♀️ and now i feel like ive ruined it by taking some….i just want to know if what im feeling is down to withdrawals or something else…i feel really ashamed and silly and stupid…and worried ive messed my body up. Any help would be appreciated please. ????

      • #37330

        Hello Yarme82 ❤

        I am in the same boat with the feelings that you describe, and yes, it is the codeine withdrawal that you are feeling, it’s an AWFUL PROCESS and I send you so much love ❤ so many emotions come out when stopping these thing’s, it can be scary for the first week

        Tapering off gradually will help ease the symptoms, compared to cutting it out and going cold turkey, it’s a very tough thing to endure, but worth it in the end ❤

        Have patience with your feeling’s, be honest with your partner and they will support you with empathy, which will help a lot, ask your partner to read the posts too so they are prepared for what you are going through, they will understand a lot more ???? use this forum thread as much as you want too, it’s helped me so much, and still is!

        Love to you and your family, you’re STRONGER THAN YOU THINK and will get through it, but it will take time ❤

        Write your thoughts down, and reach out when you need help ????

        • #37334

          Saintyone…thank you for your words….I’m doubting myself…wondering if what I’m feeling actually has anything to do with withdrawal? Or if I have some kind of undiagnosed illness ???? my temperature will peak at 38 in the mornings…I’m sweating but cold through the night…freezing cold during the day with cold hands and feet…my back feels clammy…brain fog….and a bad bad temper..ectopic heart beats…panic…..if this is to do with withdrawal…how long does it last? Am I best starting up the codeine again or carrying on cold turkey? ????

          Also…is there a way of checking replies on here more easily? I have to search the thread on Google and scroll right down to the bottom of the page to read any updates…

          Thank you in advance ????


          • #37343

            I was exactly the same as you with mine as I didn’t realise my body was addicted… the feelings you’re having are completely normal. I went cold turkey with mine and this is exactly how I felt I went to see the GP as I have really bad health anxiety anyway and they confirmed it. After cold turkey those symptoms usually last around a week and then it’s more of a mental battle.


            I’m at 3 weeks today after cold turkey and I do feel like a completely different person but I will say that if you’ve suffered with anxiety/depression before then it will rear its ugly head, it definitely gets easier and better by the day and you can definitely function and feel like a normal person but especially as a woman I’ve found it really hard this week with my hormones being all over the place. If you find you’re struggling with the panic/anxiety side of it I’d definitely speak to the GP, you’d be surprised how much they deal with this!

            They gave me a mild anxiety tablet on top of the ones I already take to help with the panic/anxiety and I’m getting reviewed regularly now and getting the help I need.

            If you haven’t suffered with mental health before this side of it all may be easier for you, but don’t be surprised if you wake up with feelings of anxiety/dread it is completely normal!

            I’ll keep checking back as I know how hard it is at the early stages of your journey, I’m here to talk x

    • #37339

      Hi all

      Everything you are both going through is unfortunately completely normal. Everything.It is truly a horrendous time,it really is. You have to give yourselves some credit,it’s such a hard thing to do.

      Yes taking the co codamol will have messed with your system,100%. It has to go completely am afraid. Stay strong though,you will get there i know it!

      To get to the last post click on the last reply on the first page,i used to have to scroll all the way too untill awhile ago. ????‍♂️

      If anyone is finding the Ct too hard then taper if you have the will power,i did after failing the ct a few times.Just cut down one tab per week,then you will only have a heavy cold at the end if at all.I went from 300mg dhc down too 30mg and still wasnt well.However i had been on them for years.I found i didnt crave anywhere near as much when i tapered,i think its the discipline of the taper that helps with the cravings.

      Seriously though,really well done all for getting this far! Takes minerals!!

      Stay strong troops ????????????????????????????????????????????????

    • #37344

      Update for myself:

      I’m 3 weeks clean today and I definitely feel completely different in a good way, as I said on a reply higher up I am dealing with a flare in my anxiety but I’ve always suffered with my mental health and am currently waiting an ADHD/Autism assessment so this may be why as the cocodomal was probably numbing these feelings, I just have to learn to deal with them now!

      Lots of positives though, I’m gonna give a couple of examples because I think it’s important to know some plus sides too:

      – I used to suffer really bad with my sleeping pattern: I wouldn’t sleep till 4/5/6am and I’d sleep until 12/1/2/3pm. Now the latest I can stay up is 2am and the latest I can sleep in is like 10am, on a week night I’m asleep for 12am and up at 8am. It’s a very strange experience for me but it’s so nice to see the whole day!

      – I NEVER ate breakfast, I couldn’t stand the thought of it: now I’m starving after half hour-an hour of being awake. Also a very strange experience!

      That being said I had a little cry when I woke up this morning: I felt some dread and anxiety but I’ve fighting through it, looking forward to getting my girls from school today. It’s so weird I feel like I’m feeling things more too, not just negative emotions but positive too!

      Honestly things will get better by the day! Hang in there there is a light at the end of this tunnel I know it, I can feel myself getting there and I won’t let the little dark lulls set me back! ????????

    • #37348

      Hello everyone,

      I don’t know if what I tried to post came up or I made a mistake so I’m posting again. How long do the withdrawal symptoms last of cocodamol? I think it’s been now either 11 or 12 weeks this Monday since I’ve had my last tablet and curious to know if it’s normal for people to still have withdrawal symptoms after all this time? I’m taking pregabalin for other health issues and they help but when they wear off, I get the symptoms again.

      Really not sure what to do, I really thought that by this point I would have flushed them out of my system.


      Best wishes to everyone.


      • #37350

        Hi there

        Post accute withdrawal i think it is called,it’s when the original symptoms may last for months. Am not sure but i think it depends on lots of factors.

        I sometimes think i suffer from it, however in all honesty i think i was masking my anxiety with the dhc.I gave up alcohol 12yrs ago,that’s when my anxiety started imo.

        Doing well man ????

        Stay strong ????????????????????????????????????????????????

    • #37352

      Thank you for information and after researching PAWS I have to brace myself for the possibility of these symptoms lasting years, makes me question whether there’s any point in continuing the process of not taking codeine and putting myself through this horrible process. I have quite a few health issues, both physically and mentally so having this as an added “bonus” is another blow that I didn’t need.

      Good for you for 12 years sober, I wish my mother would stop but unfortunately I don’t see that happening anytime soon, after 33 years of alcoholism I think her body would just stop working if she tried to stop. I don’t even know how to help her but that’s another matter entirely. Oh dear, life is hard and no wonder we all need something to help get through it.

      All the best to everyone who is trying to stop or has, it’s a daily struggle but this forum is a relief in a way.


      • #37353

        Hi Anonymouse

        Believe it or not, i am in a very similar position,however it is not guaranteed it is PAWS an even if it is, it does not mean you are going to be suffering all of that time.Yes there are bad days,but they are better than the days of DHC. You will feel better without them i can seriously say that,as can most on this platform. Stick with it man…it is the codiene that plants these negative thoughts,honestly,they are extremely clever.Or should i say the pharmaceutical companys are!!

        Good luck with your Mum,33 years is a long time.Serious help is needed there, as it can litrally kill you,getting clean. Yet it is completely legal! Makes alot of sense does it not.

        Good luck with your journey my friend,just holla if you need to talk,that goes for all infact

        Stay strong troops ????????????????????????????????????????????????

    • #37355

      GUYS…i dont know if this is normal or not or if im getting really bad anxiety or what…palpitations really bad….heart thumping so hard….lasts about 10 minutes…comes and goes for no reason….

      • #37357

        This was completely normal for me I had like mad feelings throughout my body as well that kept washing over me.. what day are you on? X

      • #37361


        All completely normal im afraid. It is horrid isnt it.It comes out of nowhere!

        If you can talk to your gp they may be able to provide something short term if you explain.Worth a try.

        Good luck all an stay strong!


    • #37362

      Hi all, I’m on day 45 and struggling hard not to go the pharmacy. Had a tough day emotionally yesterday which has leaked into today. Just needed to put that out there and acknowledge the struggle.

      thanks for being there my fellow travelers ????????

      • #37363

        Hi Jay, I feel your pain I’m on day 24… I’m really battling with my anxiety, my brain is having to learn out rebalance itself after the chemical imbalance apparently and its VERY tough. Its the first thing I think of when I wake up am I going to be OK today?

        What are you struggling with if you don’t mind me asking? Sometimes it helps to get it out there. I’ll keep checking back today for your reply.. sometimes it helps to just talk to someone! X

    • #37365

      Hi Sam thanks for your reply. I’ve got some physical pain which was the original reason for taking dhc but mostly emotional stuff, feeling like a fuck-up and a loser. That stuff passes I know and I can manage the pain without going back. Was just a day when I needed to feel sad I guess. Once I was out I walked past 4 of the pharmacies I used to go to and remembered that I used to keep a journal of which one I went to on which day. What a lot of time I wasted planning and sneaking around to hide my addiction. So happy to be on day 46, not day 1



    • #37368

      Hi there,

      Just thought I would post again on here after reading all the recent posts about our battle with Co codamol.

      My journey has been slightly different a recovering alcoholic of 22 years and suddenly one month in 2023 deciding to finally stop my relationship with Solpedeine!!!

      So here I am sat at work 6 months later, no brass band, no medal, no pat on the back, just the realisation that I have got this far.

      To be brutally honest giving up alcohol was a walk in the park giving up Codeine has been utterly dreadful.

      This week I’m beginning to deal with the anexity which is still there in small bursts, I still got emotional about the slightest thing.

      I checked my diary and it’s interesting how easy we forget our past troubles as in October last year I was really struggling with leg pains anexity and stomach issues but today it’s just trying to get my head into gear especially when I repeat what I have planned today due to STILL having head fog.

      Yes my life is much better but its still like something is missing and I’m not sure what it is?

      Please please stick at it, please be kind to yourself and keep posting it DOES make a difference.

      access xx


    • #37369

      Hello again, just checking in. I’m on day 38 co- codamol free today and gradually the persistent voice in my head is fading, the one that shouted loudly ” feed me ” has reduced to a faint whisper but it’s still there when I journal in the morning, of course it has become easier to ignore and if things do become extreme I fall back on some  ‘ urge surfing ‘, which has proved most helpful. Tough day today as I was awoken with hard facial pain at 4am so very tired and tbh I think I often reached out for Solpadeine etc when feeling like this, any mood altering thing really, sugar, caffeine etc  but codeine was always the first go to, to get me away from how I felt be it nerves, upset, anxiety, sadness but mostly tiredness. So a toughy today due to facial neuralgia and lack of sleep, which has scuppered other  plans today, like you Access I kicked drinking a couple of decades ago and also cocaine however this has proved v tricky ’cause with the other stuff you actually start to feel better once you quit, not so with this but as I said it seems to be getting easier. I am all too aware how easy it’d be to fall back into habitual patterns that have not served me so I do my best today to stay diligent and take inspiration from the post I read here and it’s kinda like an accoutbility resource too, if that makes sense. Have a good weekend guys and let’s keep going.  Cyclops


    • #37372

      Hi guys hope everyone is doing well and feeling OK?

      Just need a bit of information please. I’m tapering off from 60mg 3 times a day….I’ve been doing 60mg 2 times a day…and now I’m alternating so i’ll do 60mg or 45mg in the morning then 30mg or 45mg in the evening…when should I lessen this? And would I be feeling any effects of this? I’m so paranoid and anxious…my head is fuzzy and vision blurry….is this an effect of codeine? I’m so scared and stressed….I have other health issues going on too which isn’t helping with the stress but would I be feeling any different by reducing 15-30mg a day? My sleep is awful…wake up every hour or 2…I hate to moan but really feeling low ???? x

      • #37375

        Bless you, Yarme82 ????

        I completely relate to the struggle and send you so much love to you right now, you’re in my thought’s ❤

        Do this in your own pace, just bare in mind, if you cut down and eventually completely cut out, you’re still going to experience the withdrawals on both side’s, unfortunately ????

        It did nearly finish me last month, but I am so thankful I stuck with it to get to today, day 22 ❤

        My only advice to you, is KEEP GOING and stick with it, please. You have a plan how to tackle it best for you by the sound’s and your head has told you it will work this way, you need to listen to it, and never give in to temptation, or the intrusive thought’s.

        You WILL hit the day when you feel better, I didn’t think I would get there too, but I did, finally ❤ you’re stronger than you think, lovely ????

        You’re so drained at the moment, but, KEEP FIGHTING ????

        • #37376

          Thank you saintyone your words reassure me ???? you are doing amazingly and i appreciate yours and everyone else’s comments and experiences on here.

          Im not sure if this relates to you or anyone else on this thread…but sometimes i feel like im in a dream…or that life isnt real….literally feel like ive lost my mind.

          Love to you all ❤️

          • #37377

            Yes, I went completely ‘mad’ and lost touch with reality too! I had psychosis on 3 separate day’s and it was extremely hard to deal with, never had it before, so I just counted the minutes/hours until I could sleep again in the night, but dreaded what the next day would bring! They were long dark day’s! I had 5 day’s of uncontrollable crying which was difficult too! I reintroduced 2 x 8/500 codeine to see if it helped, but that just worsened my symptoms, so cut them out all together. 10 days of what seemed like, Hell. 9 days of anxiety & fatigue.

            You’re not going mad, it’s only temporary! But it can be scary

            Use breathing exercises, cold water on the face, try to get out for a walk to ease the agitation you’re feeling, and get as much sleep as you can, with each sleep your mind and body will recover ❤

            The symptoms you’re feeling are intense, but they will pass. You’ll probably find that even if you don’t take any codeine, or take your old daily amount at the moment, you will still feel the same ???? Your brain is going in to protective & panic mode as it’s so reliant on the tablets.

            Just take this day by day and remember to stay strong ❤

            The fog & pains will clear soon ????


    • #37373

      I’m day 22 today, and just thought I’d come back for a quick note

      Day 19 was my turning point and started to get better sleep of 6-7 hours, which in turn, improved the withdrawal symptoms, which I am very thankful for!

      I do feel like a different person today ❤ thinking clearer than ever before, and starting to be proactive and positive over last 3 day’s.

      Last month was my hardest ever in my life with the withdrawals, never felt that way before, was so scared tbh, but I did stick with it, which nearly finished me…..

      I quit cocaine 20 years ago after 10 years of abusing it, quit benzos 10 years ago after 10 years with that, and then moved on to the codeine to replace (yes, my addictive personality is crazy), what a mistake, and I can confidently say that codeine beat them all with how it affected me with coming off the tablets! Crazy stuff

      I still think of those damn tablet’s, and the ‘boost’ they give you, especially now I’m feeling better, but, my memories of being lethargic and an emotional mess for so many year’s over rules my thoughts about taking codeine again. My adrenaline boosts are starting to come on naturally now, and not limited to 4-5 times per day due to those pills, although, I didn’t really get that much any more when taking them! It’s amazing how much psychological and physical damage they do, without us realising

      If you’re about to go through the withdrawals, or going through them, I do recommend clearing your diary for 3 week’s and setting a plan of action to rest and recover, if you have help and support around you, definitely use it, the withdrawals arent easy, BUT, SO WELL WORTH IT ❤

      I’ve personally beaten codeine and I’m so proud of myself for overcoming it via cold turkey! My emotions don’t seem to be so erratic, although I’ve always had anxiety to a point, but can deal with that one. I have a feeling life is going to get much better, but, then again, it is early days and I’ll take each day as it comes along ❤

      As I said before, sometimes you have to lose yourself, in order to find yourself ????

      Stay positive people, be honest and kind to yourself, and please be so proud of yourself if you’ve endured breaking free from the mental torture that these ‘legal’ drug’s create

      Love and health to you all ❤

    • #37378

      Hi, day 40 today free from co codamol, I won’t go into amounts I used or other opioids over a two decade period, I know if anyone is like me it may lead to comparison etc, which in turn can lead to minimising or other things. Main thing is we’re all on the same path, a desire to escape from the corner we slowly painted ourselves into. I understand at 40 days, I’m still just a fledging in terms of kicking this pernicious habit but it’s a start & has involved a lot of discipline & mental resolve. I know it’s a long battle but am willing to embrace the challenge & see what onfolds further down the path. Thanks for all the inspiring & honest shares, they have given me succour during difficult moments when it would have been so easy to take a different course. One day, one hour,  one minute at a time. I can feel a loss at times about codeine, the something missing thing but honestly using that had was to dependency & a loss of control, compulsion & tolerance, a true addiction when all one is doing throughout the day is maintaininglevel of that chemical in the system & panicking when not reaching that, it’s not a great way to live so going to do my best today to try this new cleaner path. Good luck & be kind & thanks

    • #37384

      It’s very easy to stop taking the codeine! Staying stopped is the hard part LOL. That’s what I was taught in AA anyway. I spent most of my life addicted to one drug or another – most recently codeine and tramadol. I don’t want to get into any sort of competition or comparison but I was consuming a LOT of codeine each day…a LOT. It still astounds me how my liver and kidneys recovered from this onslaught! Recovery from any addiction is hard…and codeine addiction is no different. It’s a flipping opiate for Pete’s sake…and withdrawal / recovery is very similar to heroin withdrawal! Anybody who kicks this addiction is doing bloody well. I have been clean from all drugs for several years now and I think it’s almost like waking from a coma or horrible dream. In my humble opinion (don’t shoot me down) Cold Turkey is a risky way to stop – I tried and failed many times. Eventually after I decided that I no longer wanted this life of dependency I tried the tapering approach. I counted out my remaining tablets and made a tapering plan – reducing by one tab each day until all tablets were gone. The withdrawal was still bad but this approach worked for me and it has been a few years now since I took anything stronger than a paracetamol. Physical symptoms go away fairly quickly…mental takes a bit longer…psychological longer still. Your body / brain / psyche will try every trick in the book to make you start using again – just try and reinforce the reasons you want to stop and you CAN do this. AA helped me quit destructive drinking and forums like this can help you quit this vile addiction. Good luck to you all . it can be done. If I could do it then you can too. Goos luck one and all!!

    • #37389

      Good evening all i hope everyone is feeling okay..

      I was wondering if anyone could maybe share some physical symptoms they might have experienced when tapering off codeine? And also any mental experiences?

      My relationship with codeine has definitely changed over the last couple of weeks…i feel like i dont need to take it but im scared to stop completely incase the physical symptoms get bad…im unsure whether to just now go cold turkey or still lower the dose every few days…i literally feel like im falling apart…i have so much going on with my body…some of which is definitely nothing to do with the blasted codeine but some im just not sure about…its making me soooo paranoid that im actually ill…or going mad…

      I know everyone’s experiences are different but its good to share and i appreciate any advice ????

    • #37399

      Hello to you all

      I’m not very tech savvy & have been trying for a few days to work out how to log in & post something! I wanted to post about my struggle with Nurofen Plus but I just wanted to check first that I have managed to leave this post ok before I continue.

      Many thanks xx


    • #37402

      Hello again

      I guess it worked. I hope everyone is doing ok today. I just really wanted to express my gratitude to u all, right from the beginning of these posts (Maggie37, Rachbn, Betterlife  spring to mind) right up until the more recent posts (Markymark, Wynter, CaseyJ) & to all of you who have shared your struggles & so freely have given your support & care. I came across this forum whilst looking for ‘codeine withdrawals’ & it has been an absolute lifesaver for me. I have read & re-read the whole thread many times whilst going through CT, & I know for sure I wouldn’t have made it through the first couple of days even without it.

      I am now Day 29 codeine free. I have been taking 6 NP 3x daily for around a year & half. I had an ongoing knee problem which had slowly been getting worse & have been on the waiting list for an operation for around a year now. NP was always a ‘go to’ for me once every now & again for pain, so I naturally turned to this when my knee pain started. The pain was awful, so before long I was regularly dosing. Once I was out for the day & took an extra 2 tablets, & I’ll never forget how wonderful I felt. I have been sober for 2 years now, & this was about 4 months into my recovery whilst I was still struggling not to drink. These devil pills made being sober so much easier (obviously I was beginning to cross addict though I didn’t realise this at the time) & before long I was up to 6 pills 3 times a day. As you all know, you are still fully functional & it’s easy to hide it but it just puts you into a lovely little bubble where things just don’t seem so bad. They gave me the energy & motivation I had lost when stopping drinking, made everything easier to cope with. But I always was going to stop ‘tomorrow’ I was becoming aware that after the energy boost came the slumps, & I looked forward to the next time I could dose up. I was always tired, headaches, achey when they began to wear off. I tried a couple of times to stop but always gave in after a day or two as I felt so agitated & rough. I certainly never EVER imagined the sheer hell CT would be, until a week into January I had just had enough. On day 1 I was feeling terrible, & thankfully came across this forum. I read all the way through, & quickly became aware I was in for a rough time. Those first 10 days were torture, day 3&4 I actually thought I was going to die, but I trusted what I read in this forum, & took the advice for making it more comfortable. Without this forum & you amazing, brave people on it, I wouldn’t have made it. After the initial physical hell began to get better, the panic attacks & anxiety started, again, I felt reassured by your posts. I did end up going to the doc cos I seriously thought I was having a heart attack my heart was racing so fast, & he prescribed propanolol, which really helped & was also suggested in this forum. Things are beginning to feel better for me now, took nearly 4 weeks & I’m still not right & realise this will take time, but it’s doable, things are looking brighter, & my continued recovery is all down to you guys, & I sincerely thank you all from the bottom of my heart.

      I would really like to stick around with u all on this forum & to help anyone who needs it as I have been helped. I have kept a journal of ‘the hell’ so have a timeline of symptoms & stuff & how things have been up until now, so I am here if anyone needs anything & bless all of you for your support.❤️❤️xxx

      • #37403

        We were nearly on the exact same timeline. I’m on day 30 and I was doing the exact same thing as you! This forum honestly got me through I don’t think I would have survived without it! ????

        I’m going to stick around too, I don’t want anyone to have to go through this journey alone!

        I’m still battling with my anxiety at the minute, but I’ve been suffering with it since I was 10, I’m nearly 32 now… I will say that despite this i am better than I’ve been in a long time, I’m getting out more and my relationships are so much better with everyone. I’m a much better mum and person! Codeine definitely makes you a shell of a person. My medication got upped 12 days ago so at the minute I’m going through a rough time with heightened anxiety and some bad side effects but even now I feel like a different person, which is strange considering how much I’ve suffered ????

        Hope everyone is doing as well as they can be ????

    • #37407

      Hi Samanthaxo, really good to hear from you, nice to know we are at the same stage & I so admire what you’ve done as I know how hard it is.

      I’m sorry to hear you’re going through a tough time with anxiety & your medication. But also glad you’re feeling better now you are free of that horrible drug. It certainly does make you a shadow of yourself. I’ve been out all day today & it’s so nice to get home & not to have to nap. Codeine makes you feel so tired & grumpy all the time once you’ve been using for a while.

      Lots of love to you & hope your anxiety lifts a bit very soon, it looks like most of us on here have suffered with it afterwards. Xx

    • #37469

      Hi all!

      I hope this finds you all feeling positive. If not,do not worry,hour at a time if need be.

      You will get to where you want to be,it will just take a little time.Stay strong. You can do this.

      Lots of people have been on since i have, and are working hard at overcoming this horrid time!

      Thankyou Tezza for the kind words it really does mean alot to me that i am able to help someone. I still have bad days,i think it has always been there,i like others used these pills to cope with life aswell as pain.

      They are not there anymore and the struggle is real.

      Stay strong all!! ????????????????????????????????????????????????


    • #37497

      Hi im on day 8 of cold turkey,i suffere with 24 hour migraines and my neurologist told me i have medicine over use and the co codamol is making it worse.
      The first 6 days were hell,then i felt a bit better but now i have bad tummy and chills and cramps, anxiety is awful and low mood not nice.
      Please please does this get better x

    • #37518

      Hi Mumabee

      You should be over most of the physical symptoms, however it is still a very dangerous time.Your mind will try and play tricks on you so stay strong!

      You WILL get better,you will! You have done so well to get too day 6! Dont get me wrong,it is not all plain sailing but you will start to notice some relief,either it be sleep or just generally feeling better yourself.

      Take care Mumabee,rest an drink plenty.

      Eat what you can too!

      YOU got this!! Take care and stay strong!!!


      • #37519

        Sorry Mumabee,i read wrong! 8 days is even better!! Well done you!


        • #37521

          Thank for reply I’m in a really bad place right now with the anxiety and depression, last night I went as far as getting in my car driving to my son’s to say goodbye and I was just gonna run away, panic attacks every night at the same time.

          Is this a normal stage,? Is something wrong ? ????

          • #37522

            Hi Mumabee

            All completely normal i am afraid. I know that feeling only too well.It is horrendous is it not.It will get better,it does get worse where you are at now, but then subsides a little.I hope you have some relief soon.

            If you have a reasonable doctor perhaps you could ask for a little help.There are things they can prescribe if needed.If only for a short time. Things that will help with the symptoms.

            You are at you most vunrable now,you may think just a cple of pills will take it away,however it most probalby won’t. The shame ect,failing all takes a toll.We have too stay strong,we really do.One hour at a time if need be.

            Stay on the boards Mumabee,it all helps! Stay strong,you have gor this! Day ‘9″! You really are smashing it,honestly you ARE!!

            Take care and drink plenty!

            Speak soon Mumabee ????





            • #37524


              Thank you for your words and also letting me know this is all normal and I’m not going crazy, this is so hard isn’t it,the worst thing I have ever done in my life, I am so glad I found this page it’s like a little god send.

              How long did this stage last for you?

              I am praying that I am going through the worst of it at the moment I really don’t think I can tolerate it if it gets worse than this.

              During the day I’m not to bad but it’s at night night times are pure evil.

              Thank you so much for your replies ????

    • #37530

      Day 12 today of going cold turkey, let’s just say I dislike my neurologist ????

      So the daytime’s are manageable but with constant agitation, the late afternoons and nightimes are pure evil though, panic attacks all night unable to sleep,unable to calm myself down, had to call out ambulance sat night which I hate doing but it was that bad ????

      Am still not eating every other day I maybe manage a tiny meal but that’s it.

      The physical part of actually not taking co codamol has been ok, but it’s the anxiety and the depression horrible thoughts and panic attacks and sleepless nights that are unbearable and very very hard to tolerate.

      I am just praying to everything I can that this will ease up soon ❤️ ???? cc

      • #37538

        Hi Mumabee

        You are definitely over the worst phyically,however as you have most probalby read it is the mental side of things that soo many of us struggle with. It is most probalby the hardest thing you will ever have too do most probalby! Did you think about having a word with your doc.They can help,really,  they have some medication at their disposal. Entirely up to you you know yourself.

        If you didnt struggle mentally before the co codamol,then i would say you should be back to your normal self around about six to eight weeks. However we are all different so it maybe sooner or later.I do hope you get some relief soon Mumabee,it will come when you least expect it.Keep battling and you will be rewarded! It WILL be over! You are doing so well you really are,12 days! Nearly 2 weeks!

        Stay strong Mumabee you really have got this,its a real roller coaster but you will do it!


        • #37541


          Yep been to drs, I had anxiety before all this but always kept it under control,

          This is getting so hard ????

          • #37544
              <li style=”text-align: right;”>Hi Mumabee,

            • I too have suffered with anxiety since the age of 6! Only found out what it was 8year ago,so i do know what you are going through. It is hell,you are soo right.However you keep plodding on and it will get better honestly! My anxiety is alot better now than it was.I have done alot of work on myself,but it was bieng free of opiates that allowed me to do it! Exersise is massive too me now,only hope my body holds up.Have been doing Cold Water Therapy too.I find anything that requires head strong can only help.
            • You are doing soo well,2 weeks tomorrow ???? awesome achievement with what you are going through.Awesome!
            • Stay strong Mumabee,another day nearly over!! You got this.
            • ????????????????????????????????????????????????
      • #37549

        Mummabee, I promise you everything you are feeling is normal. I’m on 6 weeks clean now and I’m only just getting back to my normal ish self. I’ve suffered with anxiety since I was 10 or 11 and it’s definitely about working on that. I recommend busperone if you’re able to take it, speak to your doctor and see if they can help you it lessened the anxiety symptoms for me and I also had to up the dosage on my regular anxiety medication. I’m waiting to get some therapy now, starting that in a couple of weeks, I self referred myself to that but your GP can give you the info.

        I read a book about anxiety and that helped me a lot it was on my kindle. If you enjoy reading I can recommend that. When the anxiety and the overthinking sets in its best to try and do something to distract yourself whether that’s cleaning, organizing, exercise, meditation, reading, yoga or I found when I was at my worst I played games on my phone while I had the tele on in the background. Just keep getting through these next few weeks, it’s gonna be tough but it’s worth it when you come out the other side.

        I’ve still got a way to go with my anxiety but I already feel a million times better. I’m more active, I get excited about things, I’ve got a better relationship with people around me and I’m a much better person!

        Also, in regards to eating the anxiety and worry makes you have such a suppressed appetite. I just ate really easy and bland food. Warm weetabix, bananas, scrambled eggs, soup with bread. It’s best not to eat more exciting foods as it is too hard to eat. Just get whatever you can in you.

        I also recommend kalms lavender tablets and vitamin b12 is good for energy and the nervous system. Kalms valerian root is good too but you can’t take it with certain anxiety meds.

        Keep going and I’ll keep checking back in case you need to chat xxx

    • #37550

      Hello again, it’s been a few weeks since I posted here, tbh I was a little chastened by a cross-share in response to last post & didn’t feel like returning. One can be quite sensitive @ times especially if you ain’t used to sharing. As things go I’m on day 58 Solpadeine free, which is great but I only got today & tbh I’m still getting those sneaky thoughts of reaching out for a dose, especially if I have a bad day. As someone pointed out “ staying stopped “ is the tricky part, how true & in my case it’s all been hard, stopping & “ staying stopped” etc. I suffer from trigimnal neuralgia & it can be v unpleasant @ times & an excuse to use cocodamol but I had kinda had enough after decades of being a slave to that drug. Something inside just knew it was wrong, the amounts, frequency & money etc & poor me stories to get a Dr’s prescription. I know this is going to be a long war but it’s getting easier & when I do get a compulsive urge, I can play the movie through to the bitter end, I know one use will be more than just one time but thankfully it’s getting easier to think things through & choose a different path than servitude to codeine. Honestly I don’t want to walk back into that jail cell & I know putting that back in my system would be reckless madness. So yeah, staying stopped is a conscious effort but I feel better for it today & hopefully will make it to bed clean tonight. Good luck to you all & thank you for your honesty.

      • #37551

        Well done Cyclops on getting all that way forward,proper warrior! Yes you are soo right,it is staying stopped that is the hardest.However it can be done just as you are doing my friend! Nearly 2 mths is a huge achievement, it really is!!

        Stick at it man an stay strong,you got this!


    • #37553

      Thank you Markymark, beginning another day today, number 59 if I keep true to the goal of avoiding codeine. V tired as is normal & sad dreams & feelings upon awakening, but reaching out for cocodamol will not help that much, only dampen the emotional charge, tiredness & feelings will pass as the day progresses, thanks again for the encouragement, honestly didn’t think I’d make it here, was always a one day wonder when quitting in the past but have put a bit of work in & don’t want to blow it all at this stage, good luck & fortitude to all.

      • #37556

        Hi Cyclops

        You are on the right track,you know there is no magic cure,just a case of continuing the battle! I suffer from arthritis in many joints and know that dihydrocodeine does help the pain 100%,however it is not the way i want to live anymore.So i am trying everything else to deal with the pain.It is surprising how much pain we can actually tolerate(not nice i know).I think the cold water therapy has helped me,however it is very early days with that.So i cannot guarantee it is as yet. Ibroprophen helps alot too,i do wonder if i use too many of them at times though.

        You are doing exactly what you need too my friend and one day you will wake up with some of your old mojo back! It is such a roller coaster of a ride.I think i am about 8-9mths and i still have THEM thoughts about taking. So stay on your toes and stay strong man ????

        Have a great weekend!



    • #37568

      Hi all

      Just saying hello and wishing you all well through your journey! You should be soo pround of yourselves,even if it is your 1st day! You have tried!

      Stay strong all!


      • #37570

        I’m at 50 days today ???? I’ve had a major struggle with my anxiety, they’ve been changing my tablets and stuff so I’ve had a bit of a tough time! But I’m definitely a different person than I was 7 weeks ago, I’m more with it and involved and my emotions are starting to come back to me rather than being numb all the time and I don’t spend all day in bed!

        Keep staying strong everyone, I know you can do it ❤️

    • #37592

      Hi I’m currently tapering off of morphine can anyone give me advice and help? I’m down to 10mg started at 40mg and am finding it hard now as I have to drop 5mg a time


    • #37602

      Hi I just wondered if you had found any support that has helped you through this?
      Many thanks Lee

      • #37603

        Hi Huskylee

        Try going to the end of the thread,there is loads of advice recently,last year anyhow.

        I hope you are ok and sticking to your taper.I found it the best way after trying CT several times.I think the will power sticking to the taper gives us more will power at the end if that makes any sense.Each to there own as many prefer the CT.

        Stay strong my friend! You got this!


        • #37604

          Strange, you are at the bottom of the thread….old posts near though ????

        • #37610

          <p style=”text-align: left;”>Thank you for your encouragement MarkyMark, I’ve been tapering down since the end of November last year and after a week of really struggling I decided to speed up my tapering and am now on just 1 5mg tablet a day. I intend to drop this again and go cold turkey next week as staying on morphine has completely ruined my life for the last 5 months and nearly cost me my life. There are no doctors or services that</p>
          <p style=”text-align: left;”>I have found to help me get off this prescription legal drug, I really think awareness needs to be made as the doctors are so willing to give this drug out but not willing to help you get free of it</p>

    • #37605

      Hi all, well done to each and every one of you. I’m back to square one after posting in November. Day 4 of tapering ???? I suffered with an ear infection and perforated ear drum in December and guess what I was prescribed…you can guess the rest. Now I’m Back to my high dosage daily. I know if I don’t stop soon I’m going to seriously do some damage. They carry me through life even when I don’t get the warm buzz anymore. I am a mum to 3 beautiful children, i am honoured to work with people everyday and yet I hide this awful secret. Nobody knows and I just want to feel free. ????

    • #37606

      Hi all, well done to each and every one of you. I’m back to square one after posting in November. Day 4 of tapering ???? I suffered with an ear infection and perforated ear drum in December and guess what I was prescribed…you can guess the rest. Now I’m Back to my high dosage daily. I know if I don’t stop soon I’m going to seriously do some damage. They carry me through life even when I don’t get the warm buzz anymore. I am a mum to 3 beautiful children, i am honoured to work with people everyday and yet I hide this awful secret. Nobody knows and I just want to feel free. ????

    • #37607

      Oops so sorry posted twice. ????

      • #37608

        <p style=”text-align: center;”>Hi Bels</p>
        Glad you are back with us! I know exactly where you are coming from,they are such a crutch when things are hard in life. That is the hardest thing about coming off them,knowing we have to cope alone as it were. No more crutch! It is the probalby one of the hardest things we have to do in all honesty.Literally rewiring our brains i think.

        You know you will be an even better mum without the pills and an even better work colleague. They trick us,by rewiring our thoughts they really do. Stick to your taper Bels an holler if you need to chat,am sure someone will be here to help ????

        Stay strong an try have a restfull weekend!




    • #37609

      Thanks Marky Mark. ???? You are spot on about them being a crutch. I no longer drink alcohol either so I feel I upped my dose when I stopped drinking. When I read back on notes I have started and failed to come off these wicked pills for 4years. I have to do it this time. I’m determined! ???????? What are the positives that people feel? I know there are so many negatives with withdrawal but I need to focus on positives?
      x x x Take care all! ????????

    • #37613

      Hi All,

      Huskylee,how about getting yourself some co codamol? They will help with the withdrawal. How long have you been at 5mg? Try staying at a dose 2 weeks i think,Or how about snapping a pill in half for a cple of weeks 2.5mg for 2weeks…it will make things easier for you.

      Stay strong man,whatever you decide.

      Bels,i was the same,been t total for nearly 15years,fell off a cple of times though.4 years this year since the last fall. Alcohol always lead me me too something else too soo it had to go! You sound really positive!! That’s the attitude to have,keep thinking them thoughts ???? you are all doing amazing, you really are! Huge achievement ????

      Stay strong all ????????????????????????????????????????????????

      • #37616

        Hi MarkyMark it’s a very strange thing coming off the morphine, I’ve been dropping 5 mg every 2 weeks and have felt really bad all the way through the last 3 months. I dropped my dose from 10 mg to 5 mg and have started to feel a bit better, the horrific nightmares and suicidal thoughts seem to have gone in the last few days since dropping and I am now considering dropping off completely. Unfortunately I can’t cut the tablets in half as they are slow release so I have 1 more drop to go and hopefully I can finally be off this horrible drug and start getting back to my normal self.

        Thanks for all the support I will keep updating to try and help others, I also wondered about maybe starting a group up where people can just chat about what they have been through and are going through as that may be very supportive. I only found this about 6 days ago but have found it very helpful.

        A big thank you to everyone

    • #37614

      Hello, first time poster and many time reader. Started rikodeine nearly a year ago. Was high dosing for 3 months then began cold turkey withdrawals which were very unpleasant. Lasted 9 days before doing another 3 months of the same. Lasted 9 days again cold turkey before 2 months of rikodeine high dosing. Lasted 18 days before very high dosing oxy for about a month. Currently day 6 of cold turkey and very confident I will get through this. Everyday has been a struggle and as of last night the devilish restless legs have begun. I know I have a bunch of sleepless nights ahead of me as per my last 3 withdrawal attempts. First few days were bad lower back pain and constant sweats which is a disgusting feeling. Sweats are slowly going away but my lower back is still really sore. The restless legs are by FAR the worst of it. I’m hoping my withdrawals won’t be as long as other long term users, however, judging by my last 18 days attempt it appears I’m in for a good month of shit. It’s not even that I was itching to start again, it was more I thought I could start again and stop before withdrawals began, however, I was trapped and knew I was going to have to go through this horrible period again. I am unable to tell my wife, as much as I love her, i believe she won’t take it well so I’m suffering through this alone with her believing I have a bad case of the man flu. I used to be massive (muscle) and strong constantly training and going to the gym. I haven’t been to the gym in about 7 months due to wanted to keep this “high” and chill. Even tho it was at the point it only made me feel normal. I can’t wait to eat properly again as I have no appetite and train to become what I used to be. I look at older pictures of myself and become infuriated at how I screwed it up as I never used anything, not even weed.  Thanks for reading. Rant over.

      • #37615

        Short update. Went for a walk with the dogs after being stuck inside for the last few days and listened to music whilst walking. Back pain and symptoms still there, however, my mood is sky high right now. I know it’s not going to last long especially when I lay down for bed tonight and the RLS kicks in keeping me awake all night before an early start for work. I’m expecting to get an hours sleep if that. Get out there and do some walking and listening to music. Music really helped me during the last 3 withdrawal attempts and I highly suggest it.

      • #37617

        Hi Beauman it sounds like we are very close together with the withdrawal symptoms, I have come off many drugs over the years that I’ve been put on for pain but nothing has challenged me as much as this. I have done everything I know to try and combat it but nothing seems to have helped until finding this thread and website. I hope you manage to keep going on the road to recovery and manage to stay free from it in future and like me get back to being your old self

        • #37618

          Couldn’t handle the last 2 nights of zero sleep. Felt like a zombie today at work. Went to drs and he gave me Valium to help sleep. I really hope this helps with RLS and gives me some sleep as I remember last time I had RLS I took a sleeping tablet which made it worse and I had zero sleep whilst affected by the sleeping tablet which was brutal.

          • #37629

            Beauman please be careful with the valium, I was put on it 28 years ago and tried getting off it many times but it’s much harder to get off than opiates in my opinion


    • #37630

      Hi everyone just an update on my latest drop, I’ve been tapering for 3 months now and started at 40mg of slow release morphine, I’ve been dropping 5mg every 2 weeks and last Friday dropped from 10mg to 5mg and today I’m really struggling with the mental side of withdrawal symptoms. I’m trying lots of distraction techniques but the dark thoughts just keep bombarding me, has anyone got any suggestions of what to do please?

      • #37633

        Husky Lee hope you’re ok? This isn’t easy is it BUT it’s got to be better than being a slave to opiates. You are doing so well! ???????????????????????? Have you tried exercise/walking/getting outside with your air pods? Listening to some feel good pod casts or loud music. I’m trying to fuel my body with things to give me energy.. Kombucha and kefir and also lots of fruit and homemade granola as my energy is so low. I’m hoping in time we will reap the benefits!! Take care and be kind to yourself. ????

    • #37637

      Hi all

      Huskylee,just a thought,have you tried asking your Dr to change you onto Oramorph? That way you will be more in control of your taper.Only a thought.

      The mental side of things is very hard,am not going to lie.Alot of us suffer like it. You just have to keep battling i am afraid.It WILL get better! Honestly it will.Stay strong my friend,you are doing so well!! You really are,morphine is another level unfortunately.

      Bels is right,exersise does help as does the music,but be prepared for the music “tears”.I think we just get emotional during the withdrawal. Music used to set me off. In a good way,it’s just normal feelings returning.

      I hope you are ok too Bels,you sound well on your way!

      Beauman,i hope this finds you ok too! Stay strong man! Just holla anyone if need to rant/get off your chest ect.

      Stay Strong all ????????????????????????????????????????????????



      • #37639

        Thank you for your replies MarkyMark and Bels, this morning I woke up feeling extremely anxious and worrying about things I have no control over. I read Bels post and decided that I need to do something so I got in my car and went and visited my Dad, put music on while I was driving and within minutes felt alot better, I think the fact that the sun was shining helped as well.

        I started to feel the anxiety and worry at my Dad’s so I came back home and done a few jobs around the house. I’m going to try and get out every day from now on as it did help, I find it hard to exercise as I have degenerative disc disease in my back and neck which makes things painful but going out and getting some fresh air is a must.

        Thank you everyone for support

        • #37642

          Well done Husky Lee!! You’ve got this… what’s the plan for tomorrow? I’m battling this awful thing too and it’s not easy but we are doing this for many reasons… what are yours? ✍???? ????????

          • #37644

            <p style=”text-align: left;”>Hi Bels I think I might try and get a bit done in the garden pain permitting, I actually ate ok yesterday as well which was nice but did struggle with sleep last night. I find I’m sleeping very lightly and waking up every few hours and getting around 6 hours sleep a night which isn’t normal for me.</p>
            The main reason I’m coming off morphine is that it wasn’t helping with the pain and finding my body just wanted more, it was also causing me problems staying at 40mg a day I think I was getting withdrawal symptoms just staying at that dose, I just want to feel like my old self before I started taking it last year. What are your reasons Bels?

            • #37645

              Gosh Husky Lee… you are doing amazing and I can see your determined!!????????

              I have so many…

              I became addicted to codeine without realising it yrs ago as I was taking them for genuine pain  relief prescribed by the G.P! I no longer needed a prescription as my medical problem resolved but I still wanted codeine so started to buy over the counter.   I was taking it for the buzz only and to get through life not for pain! If I’m honest spending up to £250 a month on over the counter tablets, as a family we cant afford that. I’ve had stomach ulcers probably caused by overuse and god only knows what other damage I’ve caused to my poor organs.  I visited so many chemists in a week but I know many recognised me and the shame that made me feel was awful. I want to live life normally… My family need me and I need to be a better version of me which is without those pills. X

              • #37665

                Hi Bels I certainly am determined to get off this but it is still a struggle from hour to hour and day to day. I’ve decided that this week coming up will be my last week on morphine and will be dropping the last tablet, I know it’s going to be hard but the whole journey has been and I just want it all to end and get back to a normal way of life and just have to deal with the pain.

                I hope you are getting on ok without medication and please stay strong as this helps me more than you can ever believe. I have found a group that does online zoom meetings which is helping me as well I shall ask them if it’s ok to share they’re information if you are interested.

                Stay strong and keep on battling

              • #37671

                Hi Huski Lee, I’ve been looking for you over the last couple of days. I’m so glad you are still determined and sounds like you’ve got a great plan for this week. Stay strong!  ???????? I’m going to start a journal later because I know that will help. I started the journey 10 days ago but only day 5 with none so I still feel like I’ve got a mountain to climb but so determined!! ????????

                You’ve got this Husky!! ????????????????????????

              • #37683

                Hi Bels I am certainly determined to get off this horrible medication, I am trying to stay as positive as I can and I’m getting as much exercise as my back and neck allow me to, I’m keeping up my physiotherapy exercises and that will hopefully bring a positive effect on my pain.

                I hope you’re doing well with your journey through recovery and keeping a journal seems a great idea .

                Stay strong and keep fighting

              • #37690

                Thanks Husky. I can tell you’ve got this!!????????????????????????

                Today isn’t a good day for me but trying to keep positive.

                Day 13 on this journey and day 6 with none and I just have no desire/motivation WHATSOEVER. I was so proud of myself yesterday as my dear mum offered me some 30/500’s for my migraines and I refused. That is a huge big deal for me but today I’m regretting not taking her up on the offer because I wouldn’t be feeling like this! I know it’s the right choice and I know this journey is important but it’s hard. ???? I’m questioning everything at the mo, my personality, integrity and capability/confidence in the difficult job I do. I feel a little worthless which is silly I know… hoping the negative nanny on my shoulder goes away  soon as this is bloody awful!! ???? x

      • #37643

        Marky Mark how are you? I wish I was well on my way….  Only day 1 with none so a long way to go but the mindset is strong! ???????????????? I  need to make sure I don’t go back this time? Any tips??

        I know exactly what you mean about music… I was driving to work in Nov (3 wks of no codeine) and Alicia keys came on the radio and I was overwhelmed with the emotions it triggered.. in a good way! ????

        • #37670

          How are you getting on Bels? I’ve been reading this thread from the start when dadict started in 2019 and no one knows what I’m going through, so I come here for reminders I’m not alone. I’m Day 3 now CT and struggling so so much….

          • #37672

            Hi Hope, We are at a similar stage… I’m only day 5 but my god so determined! No one in my network knows either Hope so you’re not alone with that one! I’m feeling positive but the mornings seem the hardest!! I’m going to try a cold shower tomorrow before work!!???? I know this is hard Hope but we are here for a reason and I believe we can do this!!! ???????????????? keep strong! ????????

            • #37691

              Today has been horrific, my worst symptom is excruciating anxiety. I’m day 4 now and I don’t know how much more I can take. I haven’t had any muscle arches as such, but have the bad tummy ( treating with Loperamide ) and chills but it’s the intense anxiety that I’m struggling so much with, I feel it will never ever go away. To make matters worse, my prescription is ready to collect from pharmacy today and I haven’t collected it but know if I do, I can take this pain away. If I knew for certain the anxiety would go, id feel better, but I just don’t believe it and that’s what I’m struggling with.

              • #37692

                <p style=”text-align: left;”>Hi Hope I to have struggled with anxiety when I’ve been dropping my dose to the point of not even being able to take stepping outside the front door. The only thing I can say is it is just a feeling and like all feelings it will pass, I started by just stepping out the front door and walking six feet and standing there for as long as I could take and then coming back indoors. Gradually I was able to get further and further away from the house and realising that nothing bad was happening and I am still practicing this.</p>
                I hope this helps you to start overcoming the anxiety, I also found that morphine actually makes me feel anxious. Do you need your prescription today and if so is there anyone that could pick it up for you?

                Stay strong and keep fighting ❤️

              • #37694

                I couldn’t go to work today and the shame that brings me is intense, I told them I had a bad tummy which is true, but feel I’ve brought this on myself. The codeine I think was masking anxiety already there, so no longer having it is making matters worse…. But I don’t know for sure, all I know is it’s the worst symptom I have since dropping codeine…. I’ve been taking 240mg a day for around 6 years at that dose. The prescription that is ready is for codeine and that’s the reason I don’t want to collect it…. It’s still prescribed to me but my pain doesn’t need it, I’ve been taking it for the calmness it’s brought me for years. I’m so so tired but cannot rest or sleep, feels like I have a ton weight in my chest

              • #37693

                Hi Hope,

                I promise you it will go. Day 4 & 5 were my worst, I just didn’t know what to do with myself. I even contemplated taking some pills and trying the taper method I was that bad! But I didn’t and after that each got a bit easier. Anxiety was by far my biggest symptom, and like you I was so scared it wouldn’t leave me. But it does ease, and it will for you too I promise ♥️

                Your brain is just freaking out as you’ve taken its feel good method away, so it’s scrambling trying to work out how to do it for its self again. You CAN do this. One hour at a time xx

              • #37695

                Thank You, everything you have said is what’s gone through my mind today. I could collect my codeine script which is ready at pharmacy and start a taper method….thats all I thought about all day, I keep thinking taking just 2x 30mg would be a great reduction and would ease these symptoms….. but I didn’t collect the script and I’ve had a box of solphadeine max in my cupboard this whole time which I haven’t resorted to so I know in my heart that I really want to do this…. It’s becoming so hard and have my Son who’s on 11 to look after….. he thinks I’m poorly with flu and I have my Mum, Dad and friends asking if I need anything…. No one knows what I’m battling and I cannot tell any of them, I just cannot

          • #37700

            Hi Hope and everybody else on the forum. I have read all your stories for a while now and wanted to say well done and to keep going. I am one month clean today after being on co codamol for the best part of twenty years. At my worst I was taking 20 sometimes more of the 30/500 tablets a day from morning until night I moved countries in January and realised I wasn’t taking as many with all that was going on so figured it was a good time to stop when my last ones were gone that was it and I’ve not had any for a month now. The first week was the worst for me anxiety depression etc I struggled quite a bit. I found walking and music helped me immensely after that it wasn’t too bad really. I just think of how much better for my health and my wallet it is. I was spending up to £600 a month at my worst. I still get restless legs at night sometimes but small price to pay and I won’t lie and say the urge to take them goes away completely as it doesn’t but I’m a much brighter better person now. I have so much energy now and do so much more. I’m sleeping better and I have more money.  Anyway I’ve bored you enough but you can do it. If I can anybody can so keep it up and it does get easier. You just need to tell yourself never again.  Good luck everybody ✌️

      • #37658

        Stick at it Mark! You will get there he he

    • #37669

      A cautionary tale for y’all. After 79 days clean my back went out really badly and the gp convinced me that it would be fine for me to take dhc for 2 days. My little lizard brain thought that sounded good. I was careful, only took the minimum dose and stopped after 2 days. But damn, I’m on day 2 clean again and going through mild withdrawal – how is that possible? The worst is the craving to go back to the pharmacy and start again on the N+. “Just to take the edge off” hahaha. I wish I’d rode out the pain, stayed in bed and whimpered and cried rather than starting this withdrawal again. Feeling a bit stupid tbh, but I think I learned a lesson. I can’t take it ever again, not even a little bit.

      Stay strong my fellow travellers ❤️

      • #37684

        Hi JayDog that certainly is a very good reminder of what can happen, I don’t think you should feel stupid as a very valuable lesson has been learnt and to share that gives others good warning of what can happen.

        I personally struggle with pain every day but will not be seeking any other drugs prescription or non prescription to relieve my pain it’s something I’m going to have to learn to live with and as you said if that means staying in bed crying and whimpering for a couple of days then so be it but when the pain isn’t to bad make the most of every day.

        Stay strong and keep fighting

    • #37677

      Greetings, I’m ukdd, I’m a recovering alcoholic/cocaine user and I’m 3 month sober. I’m here to help you after reading this I had to sign up and share this with you.

      I used a lot of drugs to wean myself off alcohol and cocaine. This has been 100% successful so far but one of a cocktail of drugs I was rotating through was opiates. This not only included codieine 8/500  and 30/500, morphine, oramorph and…even heroin. I have used a few times a week for 3 month and I’m on my 3rd day CT. But I don’t have any withdrawal symptoms at all. I think I stopped in time and now  no longer need to take opiates.

      Here is something that WILL help you. Red vein kratom. Binds to opiate receptors in the brain easy the withdrawal. This is a tried and test way. Kratom from a vendor in the Netherlands sells it fir £20 100g. Take about 5-6g and those WDs will subside.

      Thank me later

    • #37699

      Hello all, I mentioned in a post above I’m a recovering alcoholic and cocaine addict. I drank almost everyday but not to super excess, 6-8 beers for 30 years and I was able to function but when I started using cocaine 6 years ago it was a slippery slope. I couldn’t quit either. I just couldn’t. Until I lost my Job which was unrelated to my substance abuse as I had not used for a couple days.  I also quit cigs at the same time as I couldn’t afford to indulge without a job so I made that decision to quit before it was made for me.

      It wasn’t easy. I’m 3 month sober from alcohol and cocaine now and quitting cocaine was very very easy compared to alcohol. In order to quit alcohol I was prepared to use anything to replace it including opiates. I know how to extract codiene from paracetamol but a solid dose of about 120mg codiene was easily extracted from 16 cocodamol. But this was then added to with 30/500s I came across to take me to about 250mg a day in one go. It wasn’t everyday. Every 2 days along with a bit of heroin. I did this for 3 months. It got me off the drink.
      <p style=”text-align: center;”>But within 2 days of not using codiene I had really bad anxiety, panic and diarrhoea for 2 days.  It peaked last night. When I got home I had a kava/kratom drink and and 25mg promathezine and all WD symptoms promptly went away. I’ve no cravings for opiates whatsoever.</p>
      Does this sound like codeine WD and how long does the panic last ?

      • #37706


        That does sound like opiate withdrawal from my experience but I couldn’t tell you how long the withdrawal symptoms last, I’ve been tapering down and have been suffering all the way through the taper. I took the decision yesterday to not take the 1 5mg tablet that I was on and will keep updating on my progress.

        Hope you manage to stay clean and just keep fighting through

        • #37712

          Thanks for your input huskey it’s appreciated as I thought it might be diazepam or zopiclone withdrawal and that really scares me however upon counting up I’ve not taken that many valium and zopiclone but I’ve taken 60 8mg codiene pills and 40 30mg codiene in a week on top of 6 bags of heroin. I’m absolutely shocked I could go through that many.

          I’m feeling 99% better now though 6 days since my last dose. I’m now not suprised I got WDs as I’ve been steadily building up my use over last 3 month then had what appears to be a binge last week. These last few days I’ve had about 6 grams red borneo kratom which has immediatly got me up on my feet and motivated and cleaning up the mess in the house. Kratom is not an opiate, it’s a ground up leaf from a kratom tree, that’s all but it does bind to the same receptors as opiates meaning 2 things, it relieves opiate withdrawal and it also has addiction potential but far less so as it doesn’t mostly bind to the mù receptor which is responsible for the majority of WD symptoms. I’ve been using it for years to enhance mood and energy every now and then 1 a week or fortnight. You have to ingest huge amounts like 30g a day for a out 6 months to get WD from kratom. It’s safe if used in low doses. My first dose of kratom 2 days ago took away the WD from codiene and when I woke up yesterday I still felt off so another 6g kratom and I’ve been cleaning all night feeling fine. So this is well known to work for opiate WD, it’s cheap and arrives next day from Netherlands, I’d advise a red strain, I used red borneo as its also most anti anxiety and in high doses will sedate you although to much and you’ll vomit. Kava, specifically Vanuatu kava is calming and goes well with kratom.j however unlike kratom its expensive and can take a while to arrive from usa/nz.

          I abused codiene, and the other opiates I took so I deserve no sympathy but I did it because it helped me off the booze. Opiates are deceiving, they draw you in slowly and next day you feel fine but the next day is the start of the nightmare. Kratom also helps relieve chronic pain for those who genuinely need pain relief. I hope this knowledge helps take the edge off for those suffering.

    • #37701

      Hello all

      Well here I am again. Stopped in November but relapsed again after 31 days. So angry that I caved, that was my longest period of abstinence in years.

      Realised last week that I was only getting an hour or so respite after taking codeine and it was mainly to prevent withdrawals (I tried tapering but just didn’t have the will power to stick to it). Was incredibly depressed in between doses so decided enough was enough.

      It’s now 72 hours since my last dose and although it’s been grim I think the physical withdrawals are subsiding… I just feel completely exhausted right now and can’t think straight. That said I’m very aware that they could come back with a vengeance at any time – In previous attempts I’ve often relapsed on Day 5 so I need to vigilant.

      Trying to remain positive and take it a day at a time. Hoping to feel well enough to stand in the garden and get some fresh air tomorrow or even later today… My current anxiety levels make it incredibly difficult to leave the house.

      I got up reasonably early today and managed to get a few bits done but as much as I hate to admit it I’m going back to bed now! Shattered but unlikely to sleep – thankfully I’m able to lose myself by reading.

      Hope everyone is doing okay ????




    • #37705

      Hi everyone I just thought I’d put an update in. I’ve been tapering off morphine slow release tablets since the beginning of December and it has been extremely hard. Most of my problems seem to be mentally but I have had some physical withdrawal symptoms as well.

      Yesterday I made the big decision to stop taking my last tablet and am now at 36 hours since my last dose. I could feel my mood dropping yesterday and started feeling anxious so I thought it was time to just stop taking this horrible drug. I’m feeling ok at the moment but know to expect withdrawal symptoms to start but I am determined to fight through it and come out the other side and hopefully feel better.

      Hope everyone else is doing ok ❤️

    • #37707

      Hi Husky Lee

      Well done for taking the leap. I don’t know much about morphine but we’re on similar timelines.

      Stay positive and strong – we can do this! ????

      • #37713

        Morphine is one of 7 active alkaloids in the opium poppy along with thebain and our little friend codiene. Codiene is metabolised in the liver into morphine at the rate of 10% 100mg codiene is about 10mg morphine. As I’ve outlined above I know kratom binds to the sane receptors as opiates and thus is a cheap natural way to relieve WD AND lift your mood and energy. I suggest 6g red borneo as that’s what I used and it worked 100% 6 days since my last codiene dose and I’m back to normal now. I reckon a dose of kratom will be ideal for you when you feel tempted. It does work, don’t dismiss it, give it a try.

    • #37714

      Hi. I’m new and terrified. Today is day 1 for me. I have multiple chronic illnesses including pain. I don’t want to go into to much information. The last few days I’ve taken the 8/500 but I ran out yesterday. I’m prescribed 30/500mg and similar stories to others. I read a lot about pain and was wondering if it was making it worse so here I am.

      im not sure I can do it. I don’t have any to take so no choice.i want to do it as an experiment aswell just to see what my actual pain is like. I feel tearful today. Woke up early. I’m hormonal so that won’t help.
      I’m very limited in what I can do but I want to try and do some sewing today as a distraction.

      • #37724

        Hi tilly- I once had a friend called that, once. Opiates.

        Anyway, first don’t worry. Its unpleasant and feels like it will last forever but it doesn’t. I’m on day 6 and I feel amazing. I’ve recently got totally clean and sober from alcohol, cocaine, cigs last 3 month and I’m on day 6 since my last dose of codiene and 8 fir heroin. I didn’t use opiates for more than 3 months and I only abused them to get off booze.

        Today I woke up with that familiar bu sense of dread, anxiety and foreboding that somethings coming, something bad. After breakfast I felt normal again. After my afternoon nap I woke feeling similar to earlier but less intense anxiety so I had some kratom and kava. Both natural, ground up leaves and roots of the kratom and kava plant respectively and I feel like I’m at the peak of the best cocaine and alcohol buzz I’ve ever had. I feel like superman ! I suggest you research kratom and kava and see if it sounds like it can help you.

        Kratom is NOT an opiate but does bind to the opiate receptors in the brain thus relieving the WD of opiates, just don’t overdo it, 5-6 gram. Kava, specifically a heavy Vanuatu kava relieves the anxiety, I have 50g of that in a drink, mix in the kratom and gulp down that Vile tasting and looking concoction and 20 mins later all is well. Its even more effective than valium. Kratom by its binding to pain receptors is also useful for chronic pain, research which strain has the best pain killer effect.

        Depending on the length of your habit you’ll experience upset stomach and crippling anxiety for upto 7 days, it tends to come in waves so you do get a bit of relief going cold turkey as I did. It may not feel like it now but the WD does go away so hang in there, positive mental attitude, get some immodium and diorylite and comfort food/meds if you have valoum great if not go to the chemist and ask for sominex. Sominex is promathezine, if you take it with codiene it makes codiene stronger, good for a taper but on its own its a sedative anti histamine. Or buy phenargan 25mg online. That helps alot. After 4 days worst of it is over, for me 6-7 days but I was also using heroin. You’ll be ok

    • #37715

      Hi Tilly

      Well done for deciding to give it a go. It’s scary starting out but I try to accept that I’m going to feel physically for a week or so (easier said than done I know). My experience is that every day is very different and the physical withdrawal symptoms fluctuate quite dramatically. Distractions like sewing are a great idea.. I’ve read 2 easy read books since stopping on Monday.

      Try to stay positive and good luck ????

      • #37718

        Thanks Maria. It’s been tough today. I really wanted to take some today as I’ve been in so much pain with my spine. I have nerve pain and other issues. I feel awful everyday due to my other conditions.
        I wondered if it’s normal to have nightmares at night or vivid dreams. I was taking a very low dose The past few days but i haven’t slept well for a couple of nights. It was nightmares last night and my dreams are so involved and contain violence.

        Nobody knows I’ve ran out but I’m hoping I can blame feeling terrible Because it’s period time. It always makes me feel terrible. I brought some otc painkillers, just paracetamol and ibuprofen. I thought i could do without my I can’t . I love to read at night.

        i think the worst thing is going to be sleep. My conditions and pain get worse without it but I need to do this otherwise I’m nerve going to know if my pain is worse with the pills and my poor body needs a break x

        • #37721

          Hi Tilly well done for taking the step towards life without opiate pain killers. I also have physical problems with my back and neck which is why I was put on morphine as no other painkillers seemed to help but I wish I had never taken them. The only thing I can do going forward is not to take them, I’ve had 4 months of living hell coming off this and have had alot of mental problems caused by it including terrifying nightmares like I’ve never experienced. I’m on day 3 now and just trying to keep my mind busy, I’m determined to not relapse and just stick with the pain, I have found a few exercises I can do that does help with the pain but have to do it little and often.

          Keep on fighting and try and stay strong ❤️

          • #37722

            Hi Huskylee. Did you taper down before coming off it over 4 months. I done quite a few withdrawals before from other painkillers but was only on them a short time so the withdrawal wasn’t long. I think my longest off this one was 4 miserable days. It’s the mental side that gets me and the feeling so unwell. I can’t taper but it’s always just one more x

            • #37728

              Hi Tilly yes I started tapering at the end of November last year and reduced 5mg every 2 weeks as I was told to do, I did spend 3 weeks on 10mg but didn’t seem to level out as the doctor said I would do I dropped to 5mg and 12 days later stopped. It has been a living hell coming off morphine and I have really struggled with my mental health as well as having alot of nightmares and I feel exhausted

    • #37717

      Whoops! I meant feeling physically poorly for a week or so… Still not thinking straight ????????

    • #37719

      Hey all, well done to each and every one of you for showing up and trying to beat withdrawal and addiction to codeine.

      I’m on day 10 with none and before that I did a week of tapering! I know it doesn’t sound much but I’m so proud…
      On weds I felt so so bad and was so lethargic and down but Thurs I felt better… just when you think you can’t do it any longer give it another day or two and you’ll come back fighting!!!????????????????
      keep going everyone!! Don’t lose the sight of your reasons!! Big hugs!❤️????❤️ xxx

      • #37720

        Hi Bels you are doing so well and giving me inspiration to carry on without morphine. The first day I was very worried about what was coming but have tried to keep my mind busy and trying to get out and get some fresh air everyday which does seem to help.

        Stay strong and keep fighting ❤️

    • #37725

      Had a bad evening last night. My depression nearly got the better of me but I talked to myself and got through it. I think I’m just going to keep talking to myself. I didn’t think I could get through another day without it so I order more online. Woke up this morning in a better mood and just cancelled the deliveries. I had night of nightmares but I think it might be due to another drug I’m on as it’s listed in the side effects. I think I can do today even though I’ve woken up early. Hope everyone else is doing ok.

    • #37729

      Any tips on dealing with the crippling anxiety. I’ve been through this many times but blamed it on other drugs not thinking codeine could do this. Physically isn’t to bad but the anxiety and panic is a whole other level. I wish I’d tapered down but it’s to late x

      • #37730

        Hi Tilly try and get some sunshine and fresh air, I was feeling terrible this morning but had a sit out in the garden for half an hour and feel alot better for it. Exercise is also good and music can help to take your mind off of things, one thing I do tell myself is it’s only a feeling and won’t stay it will pass and I will feel better.

        Best of luck and keep fighting through it and you will come out the other side ❤️

        • #37731

          Thanks huskylee. I got abit more sleep this morning then decided I needed to set little tasks just to try and get out of bed. I did actually go in the garden. Haven’t done that for ages. The weather is quite nice. I also cleaned up the kitchen abit because I’d left it. I hope the anxiety gets better.

          • #37733

            Hi Tilly I’m sure it will pass, i was having really bad anxiety when I was tapering but it doesn’t seem to be as bad now but only time will tell, just got to keep fighting through it ❤️

    • #37732

      Oh i forgot to say. Ive found compression socks really helpful with restless legs. Been through a few withdrawals and used them. I think it tricks the brain with another feeling or something x

    • #37734

      It’s day 3 today. Up early again. When does sleep return. I did sleep abit on and off , racing heart woke me up. I don’t cope with little sleep. The anxiety has gone a lot better since yesterday morning.

      • #37735

        <p style=”text-align: left;”>Hi Tilly not 100% sure when sleeping becomes normal again, I’m having the same problem it seems any little sound and I wake up which leads to broken sleep and I’m waking up early as well. I do try laying in bed and trying to get back off to sleep but it’s like my brain won’t let me and then I find the pain kicks in and I have to get up. It’s day 5 for me today and the weather is miserable out so I’m going to try and do a few things around the house to keep me occupied.</p>
        Keep up the good work and we will get back to normal soon I hope ❤️

        • #37736

          Hi Huskylee yes raining here. Oh you’re just ahead of me then. Having a really tough morning. My pain is back and I feel terrible and tearful. I forgot how tough withdrawal can be and Ben through a few. I feel like I’m losing my mind. Is your pain doing ok.

    • #37738

      <p style=”text-align: left;”>Hi Tilly I went back to bed this morning to try and get some more sleep got about 30 minutes in but woke up feeling alot worse than I did first thing this morning. I’m feeling anxious and tearful as well and suffering with pain but been taking paracetamol and just have to put up with it. I had a good evening yesterday and had plans for today but they’ve had to take a back seat today, just going to rest and watch TV.</p>
      Stay strong and keep positive ❤️

    • #37742

      We are nearly through another day Huskylee. Sounds like it’s been rough for both of us .

    • #37744

      Yes Tilly another day ticked off hoping for a good night’s sleep I’ve felt so tired this evening then see what tomorrow brings, hopefully better weather

    • #37745
      • #37749

        Lack of sleep is really taking its toll. Thankyou ill have alook.

    • #37751

      Hi Tilly I’m really struggling with lack of sleep as well, keep disturbing and waking up every few hours and having nightmares, I hope this is going to end soon

    • #37762

      Hi, hope all ok? Husky Lee and Tilly hope the sleep has improved?

      My update;

      Day 21 on the journey of stopping opiates. (Codeine)
      This means I’ve resisted 20 shameful trips to a pharmacy. I’ve saved myself £200+ and I’ve not ingested 640 tablets. Mentally I’m not strong (At all) but hopefully this will come in time? ????️

      Keep going everyone…????????????????????????



      • #37763

        Well done Bells. I try to remind myself everyday of all the worst aspects of using. The embarrassing encounters in chemists (and the fear and dread before going) is definitely towards the top of the list!

        Tils and Husky Lee – hope things are improving for you. You’re in my thoughts ????

        It’s day 11 for me and it’s been a rollercoaster. I get so impatient and want to instantly feel normal and well… I know that in reality it’s going to take a while…

        However I feel physically stronger today so am determined to make the most of it ????

        Wishing everyone well ????

    • #37764

      15 years on cocodomol and don’t even know how to begin to stop taking them. They feel such an integral part of my life. 8 a day of the strongest dose. No help from GP. Broke a knee in an accident and given these shortly after. Not sure they do anything. Where do I start please? Peter

      • #37767

        Hi Peteran

        You are in the right place for any help you need. Try tapering if its that scary,one tablet a week is doable! I came down from 300mg dihydrocodeine too one 30mg..over 10 weeks…i still had withdrawals but they was cope- able. Try whatever you can,if you have a doc that can listen,they should be able to help some of the withdrawal symptoms. I was also on gabapentin(for something else) which i fully believe helped with restless leg syndrome.I tapered off of them too after the Dhc. You can do this, you really can if you want too. All you can do is try. Just holla if you need too,someone will be here to talk! Take care and good luck! ????



      • #37782

        Hi Peter, I was a carer for a gentleman who was on about the same as you for many years.  And I recently went cold turkey after abusing opiates for a  very brief period. I was feeling 95% after 7 days.

        Here is a link I found extremely helpful. I found it too late but I already knew most of it except It took me a few days to realise I was in withdrawal. This link will help you and anyone else suffering unnecessary. I did cold turkey and there was no need for  it.

        Take this advice and you’ll be fine

    • #37765

      Hi Bels,Tilly and Maria

      Day 10 for me now and starting to feel a bit better, I got some melatonin patches to help with sleep and have used them for 2 nights and last night actually got a good night’s sleep which makes alot of difference to the day.

      I’m still struggling with depression and getting irritated over things but I’m sure this will pass in time. Trying to keep myself busy doing my physiotherapy exercises everyday now. Finding jobs I can do around the house without causing to much pain which is a positive thing.

      Hope you are all ok and keeping fighting stay strong ❤️

    • #37766

      Hi all!

      You are all doing amazing,you really are! The first 6 weeks are the worst as you have probalby already read.For some including myself it has gone on for alot longer.They call it the paws effect i think.

      I have always had problems with substances so i know it is a very long road of abstinence.

      Got to keep at it! Coming back to the boards really does hit home how hard it is.

      My son is in Uni,he had a migraine, went to docs they gave him 30.. 30/500 cocodamol! I couldn’t believe it…19yr old student!! What are these doctors trying to do…didnt mention eye test or water intake or exercise! Just gave him the pills.I was fuming.

      I pray and hope he leaves them alone.

      Stay strong all and try an have a good weekend!! ????????????????????????????????????????????????

    • #37768

      Hi there,

      This is Access I haven’t been on here for a while I am glad to see this forum site is helping countless people and I can see the same names.

      I am currently 9 months codeine free and whilst I am so pleased personally it’s not been the easiest.

      It can be done it’s a brutal journey but I’m now in a good place and enjoying my life and I will NEVER EVER GO BACK 100%

      Take care everyone be safe be positive


      • #37769

        Hi Access,really nice to hear that you are well and in a good place! So many think it is not achievable,however it surely is as we can attain!

        I hope everyone is ok and continuing the battle!

        Thoughts are with you all!

        Stay strong all!


    • #37787

      Hello all

      I thought I’d post a quick update.

      I’m on day 16 and things are slowly getting better.  I’m now having to ‘do life’ more and more and in a way it’s doing me good – pretending to others that I’m okay (when I often feel anything but!).

      I keep a journal and I’ve found  a good coping strategy is to read back on how I was this time last week. The improvement is immense although it  doesn’t always feel like it. I’m also coming to terms with the fact that I will always have to abstain… something I’ve never really accepted before.

      Still struggling with low mood and poor motivation – can’t seem to see the good in anything and am oh so irritable. It also looks and feels like I’ve aged 20 years in 2 weeks!

      Husky Lee, Bels and Tilly – hope you’re all doing okay.

      Love to everyone ????




    • #37789

      Day 13 completely off morphine after tapering down for 4 months and the living hell continues I wish this would just end it’s destroying my life

    • #37790

      Hi Husky Lee

      So sorry that you’re having such an awful time – praying that you’re not in too much pain.

      The depression is crushing and can be completely overwhelming but remember that it will eventually pass.

      Try to hang on to all the reasons why you decided to stop and take the day 10 minutes at a time if need be. When I’m feeling really low I squander my time watching crap telly.. reading.. scrolling.. anything… It’s terrible being so non-productive but I try not to guilt trip about it.

      Please be kind to yourself and take care ????


    • #37791

      Hello, hope all ok?
      Husky how are you today? This ain’t easy is it but wow 2 weeks off for you?  I know this does feel like living hell but we are healthier today  and closer to being back to our normal selves than we were yesterday!! Every day counts!!???????? Keep going buddy you’ve got this! Maria66 how are you? I resonated so much with your last post…I’ve really struggled with low mood and poor motivation – I’m sure this will pass for us soon? I ???? % agree with feeling and looking like I’ve aged 20 yrs… how can this be? Surely our bodies are grateful to be rid!? ????

      Ahh it’s also really really nice to hear from Marky Mark and Access… it’s so important that you guys who are further down this recovery journey keep coming back and sharing your stories.  Your words of wisdom give us inspiration and keep us going so thank you!!???????????? x x x

      keep going all! Sending lots of love! ❤️  xxx

    • #37797

      Hi everyone

      I’ve been reluctant to post because I’m in such a bad space but I’m really struggling. When I relapse I always look back and wonder why I sabotage myself but right now I completely understand – this is so so tough. I’m trying to do the right things, light exercise, music etc but nothing’s helping.

      I’m 3 weeks in but am still so so low and have virtually no motivation or energy, I’m in my 50s and abused codeine for years so know this is going to be a long old road to recovery but I’d hoped to be feeling a bit brighter by now. Trying to remain philosophical and accept things as they are but God this is awful – I despise the person I have become right now. The reality is that I have so much to look forward to if I keep clean but I don’t seem to care.

      I’ve an early start tomorrow and a comparatively full on day tomorrow – the level of dread and panic I have around this (and potentially not sleeping tonight) is completely disproportionate.

      I guess  I’ll try and limp through and chalk up day 22 today… Sorry for the negativity and moaning… Here’s hoping that my next post will tell a different story.

      Love to all



    • #37799

      Maria, I feel everything you write. You’ve got this far…. why go back? I know if I go back this time It will  kill me.
      Let’s keep going… you can do this Maria! ???? xxx

      • #37804

        Thanks so much for replying Bels,

        It really helps knowing that I’m not the only one going through this. You’re right going back isn’t an option. ????

        • #37805

          Hi Maria and Bels I’m also suffering mentally at the moment but keep having small breakthroughs were I actually feel ok. I don’t know why or what I’ve done to get these but I have found an online zoom meeting that are very supportive and seem to be helping me things. I won’t lie I’ve spent the weekend in tears with horrible thoughts running through my head and have talked to a few people that have been through opiate withdrawal and they say it’s perfectly normal for this to happen and each day it will get better so I’m holding on to that at the moment.

          Stay strong and stay safe ❤️

    • #37806

      Hi there,

      Just popped in to say whatever your doing to break away from co codamol just keep going.

      It WILL get easier I promise and I’m better now than I have EVER been for 20 odd years … I’m no longer chasing after some sort of tablet pleasure.

      I did look at another site about recovery from dreaded tablets and was interested in the term “windows & waves”.

      I’m in a window at the moment BUT even now 9 months on I know I will hit a wave, BUT I’m prepared and I’m positive about my own feelings and failings.

      I don’t ever want to come on here and gloat about where I am because it’s still a battle and co codamol is a snake like alcohol but if I can do it after 40 years I believe you guys can do it.

      But its small steps, be positive, be kind and most importantly believe in yourself.

      Access xxxx



    • #37825

      Hi everyone, hope all ok? It was great to read your last response access so thank you. We went away at the weekend which was lovely and I spent the journey there looking at all previous posts and read all of yours access and it gave me what I needed that day…. To keep going!! ???? I don’t feel very good at the moment but determined. Week 5 nearly done and I feel proud of how far I’ve come but I also feel a lot of guilt/shame.  I’ve finally booked an appointment to see the G.P next week because I feel that maybe I need something for my low mood and lethargy but we shall see. Has anyone taken anything prescribed by the G.P  or tried any herbal remedies that have helped you through?  X

    • #37833

      Hi all,

      Thanks Access for providing us with some much needed hope. Like Bels, it gave me another push in the right direction.

      Bels, good luck with your GP appointment. I’m already taking an anti-depressant (have been on it for years). Clearly it’s not having the desired effect but I really think that was down to my codeine use???? . I considered talking to my GP but at the moment I don’t think my poor frazzled brain could cope with any more chemical changes if I switched to another so I’ve decided to keep things as they are for the time being. See what your GP suggests but it may be well worth giving anti depressants a go now that you are free of codeine.

      I’m just past the 4 week mark and like you am still struggling. I hadn’t factored in feeling this low, which in hindsight was pretty naïve. I started a course of acupuncture on Monday and have also taken up Yin Yoga which is a  stretching class that works on the same principal as acupuncture.  Absolutely no clue if this will help but at least I feel that I’m doing something positive. My acupuncturist is a lovely but very blunt doctor who won’t take any bullshit so it’s also good to have someone like that to be accountable to (and honest with).

      Husky Lee, how are you getting on? I’m so glad that you’ve found some additional support; this can be such a lonely and secretive journey.

      Love to everyone – as Access said “just keep going” – that’s my new mantra!








    • #37857

      Hi everyone just a quick update from me I’m now on day 33 and am starting to feel better, only a week ago I was in a total mess but every day since seems to be getting better. I’ve taken some positive steps to coming to terms with being an addict and knowing that I can not take anything addictive as this just makes life harder to get through. I’m going to have some therapy and see what comes out of that but I do know that I must keep a positive view and when things get tough just remind myself of what I’ve been through the last 4 months and not fall back down that hole.

      Take care and stay strong ❤️

    • #37861

      Hello. I am looking for some support. I have to ct from Nurofen plus – no choice.   Came across this site which appears to be full of caring recovering people.  So I am detoxing from codeine by cold Turkey as I need to be off now.  I am on day 1 and expect some rough days – having read here.  So any advice would be appreciated.

      • #37875

        Hi ftsejane

        I just wrote a mini essay for you but it didnt post for some reason.

        You are probs feeling pretty pants atm,day 5-7 is really the peak of unpleasantness. Try to keep reminding yourself why you are taking this journey,it may help along the way. If you can take it immodium may help your tum settle abit. Plenty of fluids,vitc ect and eat when you can.It all helps. If you have an understanding doctor maybe he/she may be able to help.

        The head side of things takes a little longer than the physical side..its a new start at the end of the day.

        I hope you start too geel better soon. You have done the hardest thi g by making the decision to stop! Super well done! ????

        Stay strong and try have a good weekend.


    • #37873

      Hi all!

      First of all let me apologise for not been back recently.

      Huskylee you are doing wonderful things my friend! Onwards an upwards as they say,it really does sound like you have turned the corner!  Well done you!! ????  Stay on your guard though life has it’s way into tricking us ????

      Bels,well into your journey now! Amazing work,it takes soo much courage an commitment to carry on the battle,but carrying it on you are.Amazing work.Yes you will still have bad days,however try an treat them as that,don’t be hard on yourself,you have come so far! We are our biggest enemy sometimes. We have to be kind to ourselves,we really do.

      All of you are inspirational! You really are!

      I came back this morning because i knew it would make me feel a little better about myself too,and it has.It is a HUGE achievement,it really is to attempt recovery. Every single one of would heap lots of praise on someone kicking Heroin,its the same thing only not as potent,but every other characteristic is the same! You are all WARRIORS!

      Stay strong all and try have a fab weekend!




      • #37877

        Hello all

        Having difficulty with this forum but having another go at posting!

        Jane – I tried to reply to your post but was unable; I don’t know if others are having the same problem – it’s very quiet here at the moment. I hope you’re hanging on in there – remember that the physical withdrawals, as awful as they are, subside quite quickly. For me, on around day 6 I start to feel better.

        Marky Mark – thanks for your commitment to us! You’ve  mentioned previously that it took you a little longer with the psychological side of things and I was wondering how long it was before your mood lifted? I’m very slowly getting there (I think/hope) but it still feels like an uphill battle… The lethargy and depression is  lingering and I still crave a ‘quick fix’… My current tactic is to try and accept this as my new ‘normal’ and push through… Exercise is the best antidote I’ve found but I have to literally FORCE myself to do anything!

        Love to everyone, wherever you’re at just try to keep going. ????


        • #37878

          Hi Maria

          I too have been having problems with posts.

          Back to your question,i know exactly what you mean.Am not quite sure you know,i too see it as the new NORMAL. Its still a struggle for me, however i think it maybe more down to my past,not dealing with situations and taking something to make me forget/feel better at the time.The new normal is scary sometimes.I have been relying on exersise an cold water therapy to help me. However i have suffered several injuries since the start of the year which set me back abit. Still thinking i can do stuff i did 20 year ago! Learnt the hard way again. We just have to keep pushing through,we really do.The thought of been a slave again to pills scares me.Not going back. My will power is alot stronger now,but as you said it’s the motivation. I force myself too. The cold showers help.I start off warm,then rinse in cold for 3mins. It kind of gives that “mind over matter” feeling. Its like a mini victory is what i mean.That has helped me.Mentally. i started off on 1 minute.Now up to between 3-5 depending on how i feel. My 15 year old has helped lots by keeping on too me haha.She can see the difference, i know ive come a long way but some days i feel like I’m back at square one! She helps too remind me. We are all different Maria so please do not think you will be the same,all our journeys are different depending on how long we used, other circumstances too. All i can say is it will be better soon,don’t know when but as long as we keep making positive steps it HAS to change! Positive mental attitude is what my 15yr old keeps telling me! Somedays it’s not what i want too hear haha.

          One last thing,that “quickfix” will not be what you expect.The shame,guilt ect will make you feel alot worse than a bad day now.

          You said it yourself Maria,we have to keep going! We have too!

          Sorry for going on ????‍♂️

          I hope this gets posted now ????

          Stay strong all ????????????????????????????????????????????????

          • #37879

            Hi Marky Mark

            I can really identify with this – I guess we should embrace this new ‘normal’!!! Not quite what I’d hoped for, but as you say if we continue making positive steps forward and giving it time things WILL improve… things ARE improving..

            I’ve also reached the realisation that going back to my old ways is scarier than this new normal, reminding myself that codeine stopped having the desired effect in the end. I hope this is enough to keep me on track.

            I’m going to summon up the courage to try the cold water therapy you describe – could be a good way of stopping the negativity and dread that hits me when I wake.. watch this space…

            Sounds like your 15 year old  talks a lot of sense – wish I had a teenage cheerleader!

            Thanks for your support MarkyMark and love to all ????






            • #37895

              Hi Maria

              Haha Teenages can be useful,however on the whole they can be a bit of a nightmare! In a good way,but they do test your patience pushing the boundaries

              I hope you are ok,and cracking on. ????

              That goes for anyone else reading this on there own journey!  You are all doing so well!

              Stay strong all ????????????????????????????????????????????????


    • #37897

      Hello you amazing lot, so lovely to see you have come back and posted more inspiring posts Marky Mark and Maria.

      My G.P appointment the other week scared me really and my bloods have come back showing abnormal results. I’m not having my review appointment until 9th May so I’m feeling all sorts of health anxiety and I’m not being very kind to myself. I started the journey 59 days ago so I feel a lot of shame again knowing I’ve caused this potential damage to my body. Anyway the positives are:- I’m starting to feel normal again, my motivation has increased and a big one that I’m keeping tabs on because this used to bring so much shame… I’ve not had to visit 59 different chemists shyly asking for those bloody pills, I’ve saved £590 and not ingested 1824 tablets. ????????

      I know I’ve got a long way to go but these little wins are enough to keep me going. My brain is a bit naughty at times though so further tips to flick that ???? off my shoulder  would be helpful?

      Husky Lee, hope you’re ok and continuing the battling journey. Let us know how you are buddy? X

      Access please keep visiting us and inspiring us and Jane hope you’re over the worst now? Also those who have had a slip up keep coming back and reading the posts. I read these in the background for a good couple of years banking knowledge and inspiration. I never thought  I would ever get to where I am today but I have and if I can do it so can you!

      No one is here to judge, it’s a bloody hard battle but knowing others are battling too really helps.

      Love to  all! ???????????? xxx

    • #37898

      Hi all ,i hope you are all good and continuing your journey.Thoughts are with you all at this time.You may not feel it, but you are all warriors.

      Bels you are doing amazing!! Not the news you wanted too hear at the docs,try not to worry too much.The 9th will soon be here,untill then try to concentrate on yourself. Keeping well! look at how far you have come! Nearly £600 quid saved too! I remember when i was first put on this medication.After a few weeks i was “chemist shopping”. I think it was nurophen plus. Am soo glad them days are over,so i know exactly how you feel! Shame gone now Bels ???? As for the devil on your shoulders,unfortunately i think the devil is always there on my shoulders,he is just not as loud as he used to be,so it is easier not to listen him.Stay strong Bels you got this! Dont listen to your devil ???? he tells fibs!! Haha.

      Have a great weekend all! As Bels said no one is here too judge,just too help on your  battle!

      Stay strong all ????????????????????????????????????????????????





    • #37899

      Hello everyone.

      I am loving following your progress (I KNOW how hard it is) I havent posted for a long time but its important to keep our struggles close and not become complacent so I continue to pop in for read fairly regularly.

      I am about to reach 7 months clean from many years of addiction and subsequent falling off the wagon regularly. Even a week will set me back with withdrawals. Re energy, it does come back but its a more normal energy and not one that is enhanced from the codeine buzz that we keep searching for. The depression also lifts. I am 60 so my energy is not the same as it was when I was 40 (and using) however, I can walk for miles and I am now decorating my house. Something I never thought I could do when I was having protracted withdrawals that I thought would never end.

      Maria (are you the same lady as in our WhatsApp group??) You are progressing even if sometimes you think you’re not. I would definitely say it takes a good few months. Like you, I am more scared of failing than I ever was and that is why I have made 7 months (almost) the thought of going through withdrawals again is horrific and the length of time it takes to feel ok is overwhelming. I never want that again.

      Sending much love and strength to all who attempt this difficult journey. There is hope so please please dont ever give up.





      • #37900

        Hi Casyj

        Reading your post has just made me realise.The “normal” energy used to be that really positive energy that was as you said the dhc! I either forgot,or simply didnt realise! ????‍♂️ think i forgot. Am sure what you said resonates with quite a few of us,thankyou.

        I hope everyone else is feeling ok and not suffering too much.If it is one of them days,it will end soon enough.Stay strong you got this.

        Take care all ????????????????????????????????????????????????


      • #37901

        Thanks for posting Casey

        So good to hear that there is light at the end of the tunnel. It’s felt relentless lately but going backwards is just as scary; as you say, the thought of having to go through this whole process again is too overwhelming. No I’m not in your WhatsApp group but would love to join if you’re  open to taking newbies?

        Bels – sorry to hear about your health scare.  When I get tempted (which has been a constant the past few days) I remind myself of how tough this journey is and  the reality that if I continue things will eventually improve but if I cave things will very quickly get a hell of a lot worse. I also bring to mind my lowest moments when I was using – all said and done it was a pretty sad existence.

        Love to everyone – stay strong and keep going ????



    • #37906

      I’m back trying again. My nerve pain got to much. Stopped Friday ,then Monday another health issue set me back and had an even stronger pain relief. Only once though. Yesterday I couldn’t do it anymore so took some 8/500mg. Mainly just to stop the relentless sweating and suicidal thoughts. Which brings me to today. I don’t crave them. I don’t want them. I just don’t know whether t go back on two a day of  the very low dose to get my sanity back or continue cold turkey. I’d rather do cold turkey but i don’t know if mentally I can do it as I’m at breaking point x

    • #37909

      Hi Tilly

      Good to see you back, I’ve wondered how you are getting on. Well done for continuing to battle this horrible addiction.

      I don’t feel that I’m the best person to be giving advice. It’s still early days for me and as you may have read, to say that I’m finding things tough is an understatement!

      It must have been soul destroying for you on Monday and cold turkey may be especially difficult for you right now if other health issues require you to take pain relief from time to time. Have you looked into non-opiate alternatives? I know that’s easily said, but it may be worth talking to your doctor about pain management.

      Secondly, the depression…  for me it’s relentless and by far the hardest thing to manage…

      It sounds like you’re in a dark place right now; if you think you can maintain taking 16mg a day this may be  the way forward until you’re feeling a little stronger. This would be a low dose to come off when you’re ready so the physical withdrawal shouldn’t be so bad.  To be honest, this method wouldn’t work for me, I tried to taper or maintain a lower dose many times but my use always escalated. That said, many others have been successful so it might be right for you.

      These are just my thoughts – others may be able to offer sound advice! Follow your instinct Tilly and whatever you decide to do have faith in yourself ????










    • #37923

      Hi all!

      Sorry i havnt been around of late,not been too good.However on we go!

      Maria i hope this finds you ok an continuing your battle.You are doing so well. Stick at it lass ????

      Tilly,anything that lowers the amount of opiates is a good thing,just keep at that dose,do not increase. Everyone of us are different so what works for one will not necessary work for us all. I hope that makes sense.If you did go back to the 8mg co codamol, stick at it for a week then half it.That goes for whatever dose you are on.For example,i was on 10(30mg) dhc daily .So i cut down 1 a week.That worked for me,as id tried CT quite a few times. It is a battle im not going to lie,however it is achievable.

      Anyone reading this,good luck! Stop wandering,an do it! You got this.You really have!

      Stay strong all and try have a good weekend!



      • #37924

        Hope you’re ok Marky Mark? ???????? x


        • #37928

          Hi All

          Marky Mark – thanks for your words of encouragement – they can have such an impact. I’ve been away on a mini-holiday (which with hindsight I should have cancelled!). I had a serious wobble but I saw your post just in the nick of time and it made me think twice – so a HUGE thank you ????I hope things are getting better your end?

          Bels – how are things going? I hope your review with your GP went well and you’re doing okay?

          Much love to everyone ????

    • #37930

      Hello all, hope everyone is doing ok? Maria you’re smashing it gal… well done! Keep going! Marky Mark hope all is ok with you?

      I’m ok, I’ve also had a few wobbles but continuing the journey. I’m having further appointments to investigate a few things but seems my liver and kidneys are ok which is what I was really worried about.

      I have good and bad days but proud to say I’m living life without  the pills and I’ll be heading into week 10 this week!????????

      Lots of love to you all. Xxx ????????????

    • #37935

      Hi there,

      Just checking in on e everyone?

      Well I’m still maintaining being free from those tablets and I have reached 290 days free as I have an app on my phone now.

      I have to be honest the last weeks have been tough as I went to the doctors and they prescribed some worse tablets than co codamol for withdraw I was only on them 6 weeks but my god they were brutal.

      But I am coming out the other end, I sometimes wonder if (doctors) care? I get they are busy but drug withdraw is horrific and there is no support apart from you doing it yourself with support from people on here and family members.

      I wonder if the whole world is completely bonkers now I can’t seem to see much “light”.

      But we must carry on and yes I do feel better and the time has flown by I know it woukd be easy to hive up but I just need to “do it” for myself.

      I ended up at A&E with a unrelated problem and the Dr on duty was so stunned with what I have achieved and said you need a medal and made me feel good, yet my own GP?

      Anyway you can do it we can do it let’s DO IT


      • #37941

        Hi All

        Sorry to hear that you’ve been through the mill again Access. Was it another opiate or some other prescription nasty? I’m currently reducing Pregabalin with a view to stopping, I’m on a low dose and thankfully I hate the way they make me feel so I didn’t get horribly addicted as I have with other substances. You’re absolutely right,  there is zero support for people going through withdrawal; so glad that the doctor you saw in A&E gave you the acknowledgement that you deserve. I read your posts many times and they continue to motivate me. Giving up a 40 year habit is an ENORMOUS achievement!

        Marky Mark – are you okay?

        Love to all – stay strong and keep going everyone ????

        Ps – now going to find out if this site will believe that I’m not a robot!!! Usually doesn’t and deletes what I’ve typed ????


    • #254268

      Hi all

      Not been around for awhile,i am sorry.I do mean to come on more often.

      I hope this finds everyone doing ok,if not my thoughts an prayers are with you all.

      It is a very hard time as we all know,so do not be too hard on yourself .You have made the right decision! Maria,bels access and all those who have been on the journey,carry on smashing it! You have all done amazing, you really have. Sometimes we tell ourselves not nice things during this time.Please don’t. You are doing the most positive thing you could do! Be kind.

      I hope you all can enjoy the weekend much as possible!

      Stay strong all 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻🤗🤗🤗🙏🙏🙏

    • #254296

      Hello everyone,

      Reading all the inspirational stories, thank you for sharing these – they make the biggest difference. I am currently giving myself another go at getting off codeine. Struggling with anxiety and waking up like a bird at 4.30 onwards and having horrendous nightmares. Keeping loosing perspective of things that are the most important in life, and struggling with that – feeling really fed up.

      • #254320

        Hi Rebecca

        I hope you are not feeling too bad.All you can do is try again really. It is hard as you know so do not be too hard on yourself if you are not getting where you want to be.Sorry if that doesn’t make alot of sense,having a hard day myself today.

        Just do what you can,you know you don’t want to be a slave to codiene,so any amount less than normal is a good thing.

        Take care Rebecca and be strong 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻🤗🤗🤗🙏🙏🙏

    • #254405

      Day 1,640 and still opiate-free….not that I’m counting LOL. The only reason I mention this number is to show others who are struggling or in pain that it really is possible to beat this thing. If I can do it then you can too. I have been addicted to many things in my life – but codeine was the worst thing…I live each day to the full because each one is a blessing and a bonus. Keep your resolve…

    • #254406

      Hi All

      Rebecca – hope this finds you as well as you can be in early recovery. It’s horrible but the physical withdrawals do pass quite quickly so stick with it.

      Mark – hope you’ve had an easier time  since you last posted?

      Good to hear that it’s achievable Bunkilla.  I’m not doing quite so well but am determined to stay back on track.

      Stay strong everyone

      Much love 💕

      Ps Does anyone know why posts just disappear here??!




    • #254470

      Hi all! I do not know if anyone else is having problems logging on? Been trying for over a week. I will keep this short as the last 2 have not posted.

      I hope everyone is ok and continuing the battle! My thoughts are with you all.

      Keep strong folks 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻🤗🤗🤗🙏🙏🙏

    • #254514

      Hi Mark

      Sorry to hear that life is tough for you at the moment. You’re doing so well not giving in to temptation – be proud of yourself.

      I messed up a few weeks ago. I impulsively gave in to intense cravings and took 60mg of codeine  – screwing up around 4 months of abstinence… at that moment it was great and I even thought I could “treat myself” from time to time… but oh the head f**k it’s caused since, I’m sure even this small amount (or perhaps just the guilt?) has negatively impacted my recovery…  Obviously I didn’t experience any acute withdrawals but the insomnia, anxiety and low mood came back with a vengeance. Talk about short term pleasure causing longer term pain… I think the bottom line is I’ve got to address why I feel the need to take stuff to change the way I feel but I am clueless as to where to start. It’s something I’ve done for my entire adult life ffs!

      Yes this thread/forum seems to be be all over the place at the moment – it’s so frustrating when posts disappear. Does anyone know of any other online support forums we can use?

      Apologies for the rant! I hope everyone is doing okay and Mark hang on in there – remember everything that you’ve achieved over the past year.

      Take care and stay strong 💕



      • #254523

        Hi Maria!

        Thankyou for the kind words.Means alot.

        Really sorry to hear you sttuggling atm,we are very similar when it comes to these things. I remember i took some dhc after a few months been clean,just like you i thought i would treat now an again wont hurt.How wrong was i! Like yourself,no withdrawals but shame guilt anxiety was just through the roof. Apparently opiates rewire the brain,  so when we slip up our brains remember the old ways which is soo destroying to us mentally. You are doing so well Maria,please dont beat yourself up! We ALL have these thoughts. Try an use it too your advantage. Try too remember them feelings when you get the urge again. I still get urges, sometimes really really strong,not quite sure how i cope in all honesty. However i do.

        Stay strong Maria,just holla if you feeling down.I will keep checking in.

        That goes for anyone else on this journey. Its one of the most addictive substances for a reason. The devil 👹

        Take care all and stay strong!

        Sending good wishes an vibes to all.



        • #254540

          Testing to see if this post upload!

          If it does – how’s everyone doing???


    • #254574

      Hi all!

      I hope everyone is ok.

      The site hasn’t been working for awhile,or it is just me not been able to read comments?

      Maria,i hope things have started to look up for you.

      I do not know what to say at the moment in all honesty. The site seems really quiet.

      Sending healing vibes to anyone that needs them.

      Stay strong all 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻🤗🤗🤗🙏🙏🙏

      • #254582

        Hi Mark

        Good to hear from you – hope life is treating you well.

        Yes it’s so so quiet on here… It would be such a shame if this thread dwindled altogether… I’m going to try an post more often (even if I’m waffling on to myself!) in a bid to try to keep the momentum going. It would be such a shame to lose this resource – it’s helped so many people and has been invaluable to me.

        From reading your posts Mark, my journey is very similar to yours – not easy but hanging in there. Very much  back to keeping it in the day/ a day at a time right now.

        Stay strong everyone

        Much love 💕

        • #254583

          Hi Maria!

          I hope you are well. Yes it would be such a shame if the page dwindled away. We must see it as a positive that nobody has a problem atm. Although i very much doubt it. I was in the chemist the other day, a lady infront was trying to blag that she never had her prescription ect..then the phamasist explained that she had it the week previously, I remember them days only too well at the beginning. To look at the lady you would never believe it. The phamasist was unprofessional, however,he had to explain and the shop is only small. I am not bieng judgemental,far from it,am just trying to explain it is normal people from everyday life who succumb to these horrid pills. Bit of a ramble there,i am sorry.

          Yes Maria we have to keep battling,it is extremely hard some days,infact more than ever not know why.Just lifes struggles i suppose.

          Anyhow enough rambling, sending good vibes Maria and anyone else reading this.

          Stay strong and be nice to yourselves. You have done amazing!


    • #254618

      Hi all

      I hope this finds you all ok and continuing your journey.

      Apologies for not been on of late,i have been checking to see of anyone has posted.

      All seems to be A ok out there.

      Just saying hello in all seriousness and sending healing vibes to anyone that needs it!

      Stay strong all! 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻🤗🤗🤗🙏🙏🙏

      • #254631

        Hi Mark

        No wise words to offer anyone but thought I’d say a quick hello.

        Hope everyone is doing okay. 💕




    • #254672

      Good evening to you all.

      It’s been a good while since I logged on here.

      Good to read how well everyone is doing.

      I first posted in this thread back in August 2023. When I done cold turkey. I done absolutely amazing right up until April 2024. Been diagnosed with chrons and during a flare I took some of those devil pills which I can’t not even believe 😭😭 last week I was reducing doses. But I never got as bad as last time with how many I was taking. I’m on day 4 and I have to say I’m not as bad as I thought id be.. Because last time was awful. I’m due to start treatment in the next 2 weeks so I’m hoping this is gonna work so I’m not in pain no more 🤞


      Keep going everyone

      Kitty x

    • #26005

      Perfect Betterlife! That’s a great idea.

    • #26009

      Yes ????

    • #26008

      Thanks! I’ll email you later when I’m back home xx

    • #26010

      Thanks Betterlife. Just sent it to you x

    • #254471

      Well that one managed to post so perhaps the glitch is nomore.

      Life is hard at the moment,not going to lie,however must keep going.

      Stay strong all 👍

    • #254673

      <p style=”text-align: left;”>Good evening to you all.</p>

      It’s been a good while since I logged on here.


      Good to read how well everyone is doing.


      I first posted in this thread back in August 2023. When I done cold turkey. I done absolutely amazing right up until April 2024. Been diagnosed with chrons and during a flare I took some of those devil pills which I can’t not even believe 😭😭 last week I was reducing doses. But I never got as bad as last time with how many I was taking. I’m on day 4 and I have to say I’m not as bad as I thought id be.. Because last time was awful. I’m due to start treatment in the next 2 weeks so I’m hoping this is gonna work so I’m not in pain no more 🤞




      Keep going everyone


      Kitty x

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