Death of my Daughter

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    • #6478

      In Oct 2020 I lost my beautiful girl – she was addicted to heroin for years- I took custody of my grandson when he was a baby – after years of arguments, courts social services etc my daughter actually made the choice to quit – one of most proudest moments – with a bit of support and hard work she managed to secure a place in a rehabilitation centre, detoxing as much as she could – each date promised was constantly pushed back due to the pandemic , she managed to keep going with her end goal always with her – on Tuesday we briefly met and I was amazed on how well and beautiful she looked and her positive attitude- The following weds after I returned from a dear friends funeral I received the dreaded knock on the door from the police my daughter had passed away that morning- as a parent of an addict I think we constantly try to prepare ourselves for that moment and I honestly believe our grief starts when the addiction takes them from us- my heart will never mend and a piece of me is missing-

      Now I have that deep pitted dread again as my son is also on his own self destruct due to heroin addiction- I have tried everything , every approach you name it I’ve tried – So please if anyone out there can offer anything I would be most grateful-

      Thank you

    • #20906

      All I can offer is ???? and a hand hold, I’m so sorry for your loss ????

    • #20907

      Frenchie I am so sorry to hear of your loss. This is every parent’s nightmare, whether they are an addict or not.

      As a parent you can only do your best to support them, the ultimate choice is down to them unfortunately .

      I don’t have all the answers, but the adfam homepage and the Icarus trust offers advice and support. There’s also people in recovery who give good advice, read stories by Danman83, jaynhissay and Dot. They could maybe give advice for your son.

      My son has cocaine and alcohol addictions, so I have an idea of what families go through. I’m hoping that with the love of your grandchild you will get through this difficult time.

      I wanted you to know that people are things and praying for you.

      Stay strong and seek help and support to get through this.


    • #20908


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