Desperately need hekp.

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    • #6317

      I’m mum to a 22 year old son addicted to cocaine. He has mental health issues including ADHD, borderline personality disorder, depression and anxiety. He has a history of attempted suicide.

      He has been using for about 5 years, getting progressively worse.His Dad and I have spent thousands bailing him out to the point where we are broke. His sister bailed him out last month for £2300 and he has now run up another £2500.

      On Friday he lost his job and has no way of paying them. I just don’t know what to do. They are threatening him, saying they will come round the house. Will they? I am so worried. I am scared he is going to do something silly. What do we do, will us borrowing the money to pay it make any difference.

      Will be just run up another bill in a few weeks?

      Please can anyone help.

    • #19931


      I’m in the same situation as you with our 21 year old son we have put up with it for over 2 years now. He ran up huge amounts of debt from gambling to pay off the dealers through credit cards, loans and overdrafts. My husband and I have paid them off numerous times with promises he will never do it again but the same thing happens. 3 weeks ago after lots of threats we told him to leave after blowing his wages on cocaine, waking up Monday morning with no petrol etc to get to work. He left and went to a friends house who also does cocaine, we have not heard from him since. My son has threatened suicide usually on the come down from the coke realising he has blown a lot of money. My husband and I are worried sick that dealers will come after him as he owes them a lot of money, but this was the final straw we are hoping and praying that he sees sense and seeks help before it’s too late, only he can do this. They will just lying to feed their habit and you will be forever bailing them out.

      It’s so hard as we love them so much, I totally understand what you are going through, it’s heartbreaking.

      Take care

      S x

    • #19932

      Hi Dizzypink,

      Welcome to the Forum.

      Sorry to read your story, it must be a very stressful time for you and your family.

      My son is 29 and he is an addict, alcohol and cocaine, he’s doing ok at the moment, but it’s still a great worry.

      I don’t think the borrowing of money ever stops unless you stop helping him. I have leant my Son thousands over the years, one excuse after another, and it’s very wearing, but also you can end up putting yourself in debt and that’s not good.

      The Icarus Trust is a place where you can talk to someone in confidence and they can advise you.

      There are lots of Mums on here with the same problems with their Sons, read the Theresa thread.

      Keep in touch on here and know that you are not on your own.

      Take care.


    • #19934

      Thank you both.


    • #19941

      Can I ask did the dealers ever turn up at your house? My son is being threatened with getting his throat cut, fireworks through our door. I’m just terrified.

      • #20363

        How is your son? How are you doing?

    • #19942

      My son has been threatened a couple of times, once a dealer put on social media asking where he lived and if he didn’t pay up he was coming round the house so my husband drove him round to the dealers to give him the money, also we have had a dealer wait at the bottom of our road, so I had to give his ex girlfriend the money to go and pay them as my son was at work and messaged us. That was over a year ago but we threw out nearly 3 weeks ago and have not heard a thing from him he is up to his neck in it with dealers but is staying with a friend and his dad and brother, but like you I am sick with worry what is going to happen to him and to our home we just don’t know what to do.


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