Im 22 years old and have watched my 26 year old brother grow up addicted to weed for the past 12 years. Through the years he has been abusive phsycially and mentally with numerous police calls and arrests. My mum has tryed to help him for the past 10 years but everytime she kicks him out she feels sorry for him, not knowing where he is and lets him back him. I resent some of her decisions as it wasnt safe for me growing up in this house with him. He thinks society owes him and he doesnt work or even want to claim benefits, he last worked 10years ago! He has serious mental health problems but thinks he is ok and doesnt need help because its everybody else at fault….not him. The final straw came the other day when he catapulted a ball bearing threw my bedroom window and shattered the window leaving me frightened, he admitted to the police that he did this deliberatly. He will attend court soon and have a restraining order put in place. I fear my mum will break it and let him back in as she has done in the past. I want him to realise he needs help and understand what he has put me and my mum through mentally and physically. I just dont no if this will ever stop, its a vicous circle and i dont no what will happen! Do they ever change?