Experience with alcoholic partner

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    • #4598

      So a year a go I got with this girl who I had known for a few year. She has had a tough life has been in abusive relationships and her dad died when she was young. After a few month it came apparent to me that she had an alcohol problem, she’s got two kids from a previous relationship. Anyways to keep a long story short social services were called and the children were taken from her and lifted temporarily with there dad. I loved the woman so decided to stay with her and try to help her get better. She admitted she had a problem went to doctors/helpline and AA, however she has failed to kick the habit and has found out recently that she will never regain full custody of her kids. This has hit her hard and She has now got back into contact with old friends who are not a good influence and are doing drugs with her. As you can imagine this has taken its toll on me aswell I’m depressed and have lost my job over it, I know I should have left a long time ago but I really did feel sorry for her and hoped she could get better and hoped we could of created a good life together. I’m at a loss of what to do next so any advice would be appreciated.

    • #9586

      I am sorry to hear that you are suffering from depression and the effect your partner’s addiction is having on your health and your life.

      If you want to talk to people who have gone through the same experiences are you, I work for the Icarus Trust, a charity set up to support friends, partners and families of addicts (i.e. people like you).

      We have experienced volunteers called Family Friends who you can contact for support. It is a free service. You can email us on help@icarustrust.org or visit our website http://www.icarustrust.org

      I hope you will consider contacting my charity to help you to get the support you need.


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