Fed up

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    • #6799

      My partner is loving kind everything you could ask for especially after escaping domestic abuse he supported me through my escape but he has a cocaine addiction got worse afterwards had minor surgery then I had the miscarriage which upset us both he works full time spends all weekend in bed sleeping then blames me for keeping him awake due to moving to much in my sleep we live with his parents I told his mum we just monitoring it but I’m scared to try wake him incase he snaps he would never hurt me but every time I question him about how much he doing he gets defensive I stuck I love him every time I mention I want to postpone the wedding he cries and thinks I’m calling it off I don’t know what to do it killing me inside feel so alone how can I help him see he is killing himself I lost a friend to cocaine sorry to moan xxx

    • #23631

      set a time limit in your own head say 3 months and if nothing has changed get out whilst you still have your sanity and freedom

    • #23634

      My story is so similar to yours

      Previous violent marriage which he rescued me from and was the most amazing man in the universe

      BUT he hid his cocaine habit then once we got married, it spiralled out of control big time

      Life was awful

      I was broken mentally and emotionally

      do not put yourself through it

      Walk away and save yourself

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