Hi all, my dear Nan passed away almost 2 years ago after a long battle with cancer, leaving behind my Grandad (77).
Since my Nan’s passing, my brother has moved in with my grandfather due to splitting with the mother of his children. He works part time, and has the children regularly at the house.
Grandad has always had a drink problem, especially when my mother was growing up, but Nan worked her magic and it was never an issue during my time as far as I can remember. He would have the odd glass of wine on special occasions etc.
However, the loss of his wife has understandably knocked him for six, and now he is going downhill, after a brief time of keeping control of himself after some prescribed anti-depressants.
It’s gotten to the point where my brother is discovering hidden spirit bottles, having to clean up after Grandad’s accidents (won’t go into too much detail!), he is collapsing, moaning in pain in his sleep, and almost setting fire to the house after forgetting he was cooking on the stove.
My mother, today, has been in contact with his GP for advice, to no avail. As he said, they can’t really do much until Grandad asks for help.
So I’m hoping to get some advice (any would be great) on what to do/where to begin/if we should intervene at all?!
My only idea was to take away his bank cards so he can’t get any more!
We love him, and want him around, but are at a loss as to how to help. My brother is trying so hard to help him, whilst juggling work, and spending time with his children.
Thanks for reading. S x