Hayley’s Story

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      My daughter was born in 1980 a bright child who struggled at school with ADHD got into difficulty with drugs at about 16. Her son Luke is 21 this year and her daughter is 16 and is fostered with a family. Hayley’s drug addiction worsened and gave birth to her daughter under the influence of heroin. Hayley was abused by a gang who drugged her and held her captive. For many years her father myself her Mum and her elder sister have supported her throughout some terrible times sleeping rough drug dens and severe liver damage causing her to be referred to a hospice. She has been in several abusive relationships leading to many hospitals admissions she now has seizures due to liver toxicity and has the body of an 80 year old with leg ulcers and many other ill health problems. This is just part of her story. Recently we as a family have stepped back from constantly rushing to her aid which over the years meant giving her money new clothes and a roof over her head which she abuses,steals and breaks reasonable ground rules ie staying out all night. It breaks my heart to
      ‘ leave her to it’ and I fear it may be the last time I will see her alive and dread the knock on the door. I feel constant guilt and wish that her life could of been different.

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