Help me please

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    • #5925

      Hi there i duno where 2 start. I was married for 15 years to a great guy at first then 10 years later and 3 kids he wud of rather been out woth gis friends then speading time with family used to get drunk and call me all the names under the sun but he worked hard for me and our kids. I was sick of being second best to his friends of raising the kids by myself so got a job and a lovely man gave me the attention i was missing im ashamed 2 say i cheated on my husband. He found on new years eve and walked out. I thought that was it we were done so i started seeing this other man but my husband went mad he beat me up he has been arrested 3 times for this. He finally accepted it was over in august and moved on and it killed me my kids missed there dad and i missed the person i had been with since 19 and grown up with. He wouldnt even try to sort this out and picked the other women so i moved on with the guy i cheated on him with. I feel like my life is a mess im with someone who’s great sometimes but hes not my husband and hes moody with my kids so i turned to cocaine to help me wen i had no one my friends all took my husbands side i have no one apart from my partner and using helps me feel better for a few hours but then after i feel shit again about my whole life….

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