My son is due out of prison – again – in 2 weeks. He is 32. Diagnosed with ADHD when he was 9, refuses medication, but has used drink and drugs, mainly cannabis, to help him with his anxieties. He has had numerous GBH offences, ABH, burglary etc – all due to drink, which makes him violent. I cannot have him home but cannot stop the awful feeling of dread and mainly GUILT that I cannot offer him a home here. He has been evicted from every property he has ever had, and always, always blames everybody else. He has been violent to my husband, and can really frighten me. When he is in ;prison he is a different person, warm, funny, loving – the son I would love him to be. His brother and rest of family have nothing to do with him. I am DREADING him coming out again, for the phone calls when he is sobbing, crying, swearing, threatening etc etc. I have tried counselling, but still feel the guilt. How can I cope with this?