- This topic has 10 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 1 year, 6 months ago by LiilleSunshine.
April 24, 2023 at 7:41 am #35056Caroline0808Participant
Over the last 3 years it has become apparent that both my son (26) and daughter (21) have a severe ketamin addiction and at a loss of how I can help anymore as everything we have tried has not worked all they have done is escalate the lieing about it all, they have both stolen from us to fund it I have spent over £20,000 in drugs/debt that has either been coerced out of me with lieing about what it was for or have scared me into giving them money saying that people are threatening to beat them up or come to the house, the health implications on both of them are now very obvious both of them are destroying their bladders to the point of no return I am frantic with worry and stress of how we can stop all this I had my daughter stay with me for a week recently shes normally at her dads it wasn’t easy shes not one for following rules is very rude and abusive to me but I tried to say lets put all that to one side let me help you we get so far with talking and her agreeing she needs help and then she ups and leaves back to her dads which is where I think she finds it easy to do it my son I have heartbreakingly had to block from contacting me as that is only for money and the awful things he says to me to give it to him I can no longer listen to, he was once my rock so trustworthy so loving and caring just a lovely person now I do not even recognise him, I am not sure how much longer I can carry on I cant deal with what they are both doing to themselves my inability to help make them better as I once could and also dealing with the loss of my own mother on top of this, any help would be greatly appreciated….
April 24, 2023 at 4:46 pm #35057chi05Participant
I feel for you I really do ..I am going through a similar situation both my son and daughter with drug issues (mainly cocaine ….daughter a ex heroine crack cocaine addict who drinks alot too on top of dealing with a alcholic partner …not only does addiction destroy them but also us too ???? here if you need to chat x
April 25, 2023 at 7:21 am #35060Caroline0808Participant
I do feel completely destroyed by this, what an awful situation for you also, where once we could make them better its hard not being able to now, I struggle with that greatly I live in a total state of anxiety worrying if my phone pings that its again a message from someone saying my son needs to talk to me asap, I know what asap means and I go into an absolute physical shaking wreck it means hes going to bully money out of me telling me all sorts of stories I’ve begged him cried hysterically on the phone with him asking him to stop but its like hes no longer there anymore, today my phone is switched off and I mourn the anniversary of losing my mum, something I wish they could have supported me in, also here if you need a chat I totally feel the pain you are going thru, thanks for reaching out x
May 2, 2023 at 6:59 pm #35081LiilleSunshineParticipant
I have been going through this with my son for nearly 10 years now. On and off (mostly on) Ketamin and constantly on crack cocaine. I have tried absolutely everything I’ve blackmailed and bribed and screamed and shouted and thrown him out. I’ve called the police and had him arrested and I’ve even more or less tried to pay him to stop but he’s just getting worse.
He started going to CA/AA meetings which were fantastic and he had a sponsor then he relapsed He had another sponsor who was really great as he had also been addicted to crack so really understood but a couple of weeks ago he gave it all up again and has refused to go back saying he can do it alone and that I have been brainwashed by the meetings.
I feel that he simply doesn’t want to stop! He begs for help and says he can’t go on and desperately wants to stop but now he can’t seem to go more than a few days. If he hasn’t got crack then he’s got ketamin. A couple of weeks ago I took the most horrific videos of him on ketamin and he hasn’t had it in the house since as he agreed that he was dangerous and I wasn’t safe… I doubt that will last though
I’ve got control of his money and his bank account but still he manages to get drugs. He was due home around 4.30 today from the gym but it’s now 8pm so I know exactly what he is doing snd doubt he even stepped foot in the gym
He ruins my life every single day but he simply doesn’t care all he cared about are drugs. Two of his best friends are dead one died quite horrifically both due to drugs but still he carries on
I’ve now simply accepted that there’s no hope at all whatsoever
May 4, 2023 at 2:22 pm #35105Caroline0808Participant
Its a never ending vicious circle I cannot remember the last day that went by where we haven’t been affected by this, my daughter is currently staying with me and my partner as my ex husband cannot deal with both of them in his house doing it so it was agreed she would stay with us and we would try and help her and he would deal with my son, its been a week and so far its been awful the first night she was here I found her in her bedroom with white powder round her face so the first night with us she had broken the first rule, no drugs in the house, 2 days later I could tell by her speech she had done it again fiercely denied it until she then finally admitted it, again 2 days later we had gone to bed at 10pm we then heard the must horrendous noises coming from her room we found her in what I believe was a k hole I have never been so scared it was horrific watching what it does to a person she was so agitated and confused couldn’t speak her breathing was not right I phoned her dad and he said he had found her in a similar state the week before, no matter what I say or her dad or my partner she wont admit she has an addiction so trying to help her is completely pointless we are now at our wits end and I have no idea what to do for the best shes very abusive towards me hates the fact shes with me and is making life very difficult as for my son at the moment I have to keep him blocked hes tried ringing thru other phones to get to me its the same story every time he needs money because hes being threatened for debt I am already in so much debt because of it I cannot do it anymore so he has to stay blocked he scares me and he knows what he does to get it out of me, I wake up every day thinking how the hell is life like this now what is it going to be today, I am just existing wondering what the next sh!t storm is going to be, I too do not see an end to this, ever
May 8, 2023 at 8:49 pm #35153LiilleSunshineParticipant
Yes I have the most horrendous videos of him in this so called K hole! It starts with screaming and shouting and crashing and banging and he has no idea who he is or where he is. I’m convinced that in one of the videos his heart actually stops for a second or so.
I now lock me and the dog in my bedroom and wait for it to stop. I don’t get any sleep and I’m a wreck but I think I’m more or less past caring now I just want him to go and leave me alone to get on with what little life I have left. I’m so sick of the relentless bullying and blackmail. He’s always threatening to kill himself. He says he hates me and today I’m apparently just a black shadow. He’s been on crack and ketamin for around 5 days solid now he’s like an evil monster with 2 black piercing eyes
May 11, 2023 at 2:23 pm #35167Caroline0808Participant
I’m almost at the point of giving up trying to find out how shes getting it no matter what I do at the moment each evening I see the effects of it in her I’m really struggling living with it and we have now said to her unless we see change and her trying then she will have to find somewhere else to live currently her dad wont have her at his and I’m getting to the point she cant stay with me its making me an anxious worrying wreck, her attitude is fine I will find somewhere else to live yet where is she now? Still in bed feeling ill because shes been on it the last few days, I am literally at my wits end!!!
I even threatened her last night that if I see her on it again I’m calling the police they can find out where shes getting it then and perhaps they can explain that shes using a class A drug and what that could potentially mean for her, she goes from job to job spending what little money she earns on it I’m literally devastated this is all she wants for her life but her and my son both are dragging us all down with them, just because we are their parents does that mean this has to be our lives as well now?? The abuse the lies the stealing the utter disrespect I know we will always love our children but I can honestly say I dont like either of mine at the moment for what they are putting themselves thru and us.
May 12, 2023 at 4:27 pm #35175LiilleSunshineParticipant
Today is his 29th birthday. Tonight we were having Indian takeaway
Last night we went to a meeting because he he says he truly does want to stop and wants to try again.
Today lunchtime he went to get his hair cut and 4 hours later he came back with the usual slurred speech trying to tell me that at least he didn’t take crack. He then stormed out telling me to shut up and leave him alone
I feel there’s no hope and again I’m shaking all over and my heart is racing
I hate him
May 22, 2023 at 11:07 am #35236Caroline0808Participant
I know how you are feeling I feel on constant edge having my daughter with us at the moment I’m constantly checking on her to see how she is speaking its taking over my life when I hear it my heart breaks and I am furious all at the same time I found empty packets hidden in her pillow cases in the cushions on her bed whenever shes not here I go thru her room with a fine tooth comb I’m like an obsessed woman!
She had a doctors appointment last Tuesday with urology because of how bad her bladder has become he gave her a very honest frank talking to about where all thats heading she came out in tears she said I have to stop now I cant do it anymore I dropped her to meet a friend for coffee then she got back to me about 5 by 5:30 I find her in her room struggling to word a sentence I mean seriously how on earth did she go from that appointment to straight away getting it?! As you can imagine we had a furious row I then find out the next day where she is getting it……..A friend can you believe a so called friend who messages to say shall we get it she gets it for her they go there separate ways and do it all because she doesn’t want to fall out with her because shes hardly any friends left, well seriously with friends like that your better off with none! Now literally at my wits end so my plan is this, the next time I see her on it then I contact this girl which will infuriate my daughter but she needs to know that I know now
July 16, 2023 at 6:04 pm #35894suki1066Participant
hello ???? i’ve just joined this group and i have read some threads about ketamine addiction and i feel just like you do and i don’t know what to do about it either.
July 21, 2023 at 3:38 pm #35952LiilleSunshineParticipant
My son has been on Ketamin 24/7 for around 6 weeks now. His nose is gradually flattening, his tongue is one massive sore, his gall bladder and pancreas are swollen, he is in absolute agony and he has a severe water infection which one of his mates has given him antibiotics for. He had been rolling around the bed begging for the pain to stop inbetween the most violent vomiting I have ever seen but still he’s shoving it up his nose
There’s no hope
I have given up
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