My daughter 24yrs old has been using heroin (As they say ‘chasing the dragon’) for about 10yrs she also uses a pipe so unsure whether thats crack or ice she is also an anorexic i am convinced she is on the ‘game’ my other daughter is convinced that her sisters dealer is pimping her out ….I saw my daughter bout 3wks ago n she looked a mess n she was telling me that the police want her to tell them the dealers names I am worried for my daughter safety as I i’m sure the dealers will find a way of shutting my daughters mouth if you know what i mean for good….can’t call the police to do a welfare check done that a few times n my daughter went crazy at me at the time normally she will call or text me so at least i know she is alive haven’t heard from her for over a week can’t discuss things with her dad the last time i did he drug raped me could’t get him arrested was worried what he would do to my daughter so I came here instead