I want my dad back :(

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    • #4859

      I don’t know why I’m doing this to be honest I don’t know what the answer is :’(

      My dad has been using cocaine for the last 3 years it’s ruining his life. And our family life together. He works extremely hard to the point we see him a few hours a day but he wastes all his wages on cocaine which leaves my mum with all the bills to pay which she is now getting in trouble with.

      She is currently sitting in her bedroom crying her eyes out. She don’t know what to do to help him or how to resolve this. He admits he has a problem but then he comes Home looking guilty and like he’s been doing it but Denys it. We dread the time of the month he gets paid thinking has he got better or has he just blown all his money.

      I have booked doctors appointments for him but he makes excuses to why he can’t go.

      What’s the answer someone please give me some advice to where to start first

      I want my dad back 🙁

    • #10107

      I’m so sorry to read this, and am no expert, so can only offer a suggestion that maybe if your dad admits he has a problem you convince him to have his wages paid into another account he doesn’t have access to, and you transfer what he needs to spend to his own account? It may not solve the problem if he chooses to spend that money on drugs, but maybe at least it limits his spend, and alleviates the financial pressure on your Mum.

      If he is in a high pressure job, and depending on the company, it could also be worth seeing if he could get a 3 or 6 month sabbatical so he can take some time away from work pressure.

      He wouldn’t have to say why, but just that he needs some time for family. This is becoming quite normal in many industries as companies understand how “burnout” can affect people.

      Wish you all the best x

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