Feeling so confused, angry, sad, frustrated. My sister has been a drug user for many, years (she’s now 50). The life of her son has been severely affected though he still shows overwhelming loyalty (which knocks me out). However, she constantly pressurises our parents for money which they hand out all the time. After years of these demand it is now seriously impacting on their life, they have nothing left to give and are doing without all the time. It’s hard enough to deal with the fact that she doesn’t seem to care at all what she is doing to them, but I really struggle seeing my extremely stoic mum fighting back the tears. I can’t persuade them to stop handing out money because they are terrified of the consequences and really worry that she’s just cost them more in the long run. She uses pay day lenders and they persistently pick up the pieces. They have worked very hard all their lives and now in their mid seventies deserve a few comforts. I am at a loss, I just don’t know what to say. I want them to keep what ever money they have left for themselves and just tell her no.