my husband has been diagnosed with achalacia a disease in his asauaphgus. well he says every time we go to the hospital he has pain well the give him dialotid.. he is admitted for the past 6 months every week… well recently for about 3 weeks i have been noticing him leave then ask for a cigarette then go in the bath room.. the other day i found a sponge called a choe under the sink in the bathroom and im not totally stupid to drug use i do know what its used for…well one night he was admitted back into the hospital for vomiting and pain once more and i took the chance to clean up well i found a pipe a burnt spoon and 2 burnt knifes under the sink…. i went to the hospital immediately and confronted him and asked him about it while i showed the stuff to him. he admitted he was shooting it up but for some reason i think hes smoking it…. regardless i gave him an ultimatim and it was the hardest thing i ever did i told him he goes to rehab or i will get a restraining order on him give his clothes to his family member and never see him again so he did…he has been in rehab for 3 days now and is saying he promises hes gonna stop but is signing himself out in 2 days… i love him and pray ever night for him but i dont know what to do anymore… he use to be a bad alcoholic for yrs and stopped cold turkey 6 months ago but this is a drug which is different… please help i dont want to wake up and find him dead one day….