My 18 year old smokes weed and has no direction

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      My son is just 18, he is smoking weed every day, i know it isn’t hard drugs but I am worried that it may progress if it hasn’t already to harder substances.
      He left school at 16, did not know what he wanted to do and together we found him an engineering apprenticeship; after 1 year he had a car accident and was off work for 4 months. He totally refused to go back after the break and eventually together we found him a job in a supermarket which he stuck at for 4 months and then walked out.
      I have pleaded with him to find something that he really wants to do and focus on it. He is very good at saying what i want to hear but then spending the rest of the day with his mates smoking weed.
      I am not sure where he is getting the money from do live this lifestyle.
      I threatened to kick him out if he had not found a job by the end of this month and we are 2 days away and I have not seen any sign of him job hunting. I am scared that if I carry out my threat he will sink further and further into the drug scene and if I don’t I will loose credibility!
      Help, I don’t know what to do to be right…. do I carry out my threat or do I climb down? And how can I reach him?
      Thanks for reading this and if you can offer any help, I am all ears?

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