My boyfriend will take anything.

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    • #7411

      Hi, my boyfriend of 2.5 years has had addiction problems all his life. He has become clean many times but seems to fall off the wagon quire regularly. He’s had a lot of trauma in his life, from him Mum killing herself, his best friends getting murdered and his daughter being taken into care, which was due to his and her mothers drug use.

      Im starting to wonder whether it’s worth us being together anymore. I know he needs me but when he’s using drugs he’s not a nice person. This has even come down to him staying at his ex’s house a number of times to, in his words “get clean” because I won’t have him at my house with my children under the influence. I thought it was all seeming to get better as he was really trying to get his daughter back into his care until he had hair strand results come back that indicated he was still taking drugs, which he wasn’t as I was around him all the time, and by this point, I can tell. This caused him to have a relapse which I helped him through and got him back into his medication for opiate use. I thought all was well again and went round to his house to take some bits for his kids and found him sitting with another woman smoking crack. I was livid and threw her out. She then proceeded to tell me that she’s not interested in him but he’d been telling her that he was attracted to her. This absolutely broke me. After everything we’ve been through. He said he didn’t remember sending it and said it was just Xanax related. I’m starting to fear I should just walk away as it’s affecting me mentally.

    • #28240

      I’m sorry you’re going through this. What you need to think about is what’s best for you and your children. If he’s getting other women around and you know he’s been sending them messages then is it worth you fighting for him any longer?

      I dont want to influence you as its upto you to make the final decision.

      Staying off any kind of drug when you have an addictive personality is really hard and it does give hope that he has done it before he can do it again.

      Does he have any councilling, attend any meetings to help himself? Do you access any councilling?

      We can’t help our loved ones if we are downing in my own mental distress.

      I hope any of this helps?

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