My dad does cocaine and only I know

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    • #7091

      I am 20years old, I have known for over a year that my dad does cocaine but to be honest I think I’ve known for much longer but I didn’t want to admit it.

      I live with my mum and my brother moved out in February this was very hard on me when he left.

      My mum has been really struggling with money since she lost her job (because of COVID) and then my dad started being horrible not talking to her sleeping in my brothers old room and then the day before my birthday he told her he was leaving. They had been married for 30++ years.

      Lots of things happened before this he took £25,000 out of the mortgage without telling her (I still don’t know why he did it), he literally did nothing around the house and blamed her for everything even though my mum was working all the time, cleaning the house, doing food shopping for us and my grandparents and was doing everything for them everyday.

      But they have worked things out (as she really didn’t want to sell the house and we have 7 cats we love more than anything) and he’s back but he’s still doing cocaine… and I think he knows I know… but I can’t tell my mum as she really doesn’t want to sell the house and I’m scared what will happen. So I need advice if I told her what would happen to him, her, the house and me?

      I do have proof of him doing it as he left bags of empty cocaine bags that I took and I have pictures and a video fo him going into the car when he gets them, sadly you can’t see the number plate as I took the video from my bedroom.

      Knowing everything is literally driving me insane I don’t know what to do anymore.

    • #25565

      Thank you for sharing your story. I can see what a worry it is for carrying that information about your dad’s cocaine use without being able to talk to your family.

      If you would like to talk with someone who would understand please contact us at Icarus Trust as we are a charity that offers help to people dealing with addiction in their family. One of our Family Friends,would talk with you if you get in touch and may be that will help you to know what to do next.

      You can contact Icarus Trust on or visit our website

      Take care and all the best.

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