A few weeks ago I found out that my son of 20 has taken drugs. It started with smoking weed and it has not escalated to taking MDMA or “E”. He has admitted that he is taking E and he uses it as a party drug. He has also convinced him self that he does not have a problem and that he is in control of his habit. He can flick the switch on and off when he needs to. I have given him material to read about the risks and the dangers and showed him you tube videos on what that world of drugs and addiction does to him and everyone around him. I know there is no one that he can control this as he says and if he thinks that is possible he is making a big mistake. I have noticed changes in his behavior over the last 4 months and it has got to a stage where he has confused adulthood or maturity with arrogance. Since I found out about all this I have started to restrict him from the group of friends that has changed him into something that he is not. This weekend past the reality set in for me. My son is on the road to self destruction and its is a real problem. In desperation I have decided that I need to do a drug test on him and I need to get him into a support group as quick as possible. I am fighting for his survival because he is not prepared to. As all of you I love my child and i will do everything in my power to protect him from this evil. I am worried that I am going to be to hard on him and push him further away. When would I done enough to stop this?